Liguria on the map of Italy with cities detailed. Liguria Map: Share experience

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Detailed map of Liguria in Russian


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How to get to the coast of Liguria

Genoa is the capital of Liguria, all tourists come here. You can get to Genoa from large Italian cities: Milan, Venice, Rome, etc. The easiest way to get from the nearest city is Milan. There is Bergamo Airport. In addition to the aircraft, you can reach Liguria by bus, train or independently by car, because the distance is very small - about 150 kilometers. Such a trip will take an average of 2 hours. You can also cut the trip time to 1.5 hours and reach speed express. This type of trains is sent every hour with railway Station Milan.

In addition to Milan, Venice is near Liguria coasts. Main Airport Venice is Treviso, where direct flights from Moscow go. You can also get by train, bus and independently by car, which is rented at the airport. The distance to Genoa is more - about 500 km, but the route passes through everything beautiful places and attractions of Liguria.

Ligurian coast of Italy, map

Exactly the same distance to Liguria from famous city Italy - Rome. The easiest way to get from Rome on the Ligurian coast is to fly on the aircraft Rome to Genoa. This type of transport is ten Genoa in one hour. In addition to the flight from Rome, you can also drive at the speed express Rome - Genoa. Travel time 4.5-5.5 hours depending on the train class. Plus, such a trip is also in the fact that you can see all the beautiful places of the resorts of Liguria.

Weather Liguria

Climate in Liguria is soft. Snow rarely falls, fogs bypass the resort side. average temperature In winter, it is + 7 ... + 10 ° C, in summer - + 25 ... + 28 ° C. It is often raining, but their level does not exceed the norms inherent in the Mediterranean regions.

The best time for visiting Liguria is the period from May to October. The water temperature in these days is heated to + 20 ... + 27 ° C.

Note! Liguria has 3 pronounced seasons of the year - spring, summer and autumn. Winter is considered to be an explosion, which in its weather conditions is not very different from early spring or later autumn. The bathing season lasts 3-4 months - from the end of May and until mid-September. The average temperature of the sea off the coast of Liguria provinces varies from +23 to +25 degrees.

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Maps and schemes

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Source: 83% D1% 80% D0% B8% D1% 8F / MAPS /

Liguria excursions

Sightseeing tour By Genoa

The sightseeing tour starts in the old port, which will be grieving the warm arms of the city, recalling that the center of the world and without this water stroit, and without this strip of the earth would not be Genoa.

Then tourist group Visit the historic center of the city.

Interesting fact! Center Genoa is the largest in Europe.

Next, the excursion will continue in Cathedral sv. Lawrence. It was in this cathedral that the famous treasury museum is located, the exhibits of which were brought by the genuses from campaigns. The dust of John the Baptist is also kept.

Further, the excursion group follows the house of Columbus. It is here that the famous street is located, where Nikolo Paganini was born, a composer and musician known worldwide. Also here is the famous street of the Palaces of the Genoese nobility. It is known for its palaces of the 16th century. These locks are the property of UNESCO.

House Columbus

The group will then visit the funicular and the sightseeing platform where the unforgettable view of the genome will open, about which poets, writers and composers mentioned in their works.

Excursion duration: 2-4 hours.

Russian language.

City Ghost Busana Vecchya + Chan-Remo

Not far from San Remo is an antique dilapidated ghost city of Busana-Vecchye. Back in the distant 1887, a strong earthquake completely destroyed several towns. Among them was the city, called Busana-Vecchye.

City Ghost Busana Vecchya

Busana-Vecchya is about 300 meters above sea level. From here the beautiful view of the Ligurian Alps and the Bay of San Remo. Up to the sixties, the city remained abandoned due to the refusal of the authorities to restore it. But everything has changed when the city began to afford people with creative talents - sculptors, artists, designers.

Note!When buying a tourist, the tourist gets a completely free photo session at the highest point of the city of Ghost, offering an unforgettable detailed view of the city!

Tour duration: 2-5 hours.

Russian language.

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Liguria resorts on the map


Tourist and detailed geographic Maps With streets, hotels and attractions. Liguria on the world map and Italy.

Best hotels

Abbadia San Giorgio.

Agnello d'Oro Genova Hotel


Al Saraceno Austio.

Al Saraceno Varigotti.

Detailed map of Italy in Russian

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Saint Gilles Le Ben


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Source: 83% D1% 80% D0% B8% D1% 8F / MAPS /

Liguria, Italy: The best beaches

  • (San Lorenzo Al Mare) - On the territory of San Lorenzo al-Mare there is everything you need for active rest: Tennis courts and volleyball, basketball courts. Everyone has the opportunity to rent a yacht.
  • Alassio (Alassio) - Alassio Beach is famous for its sand, which consists of quartz, silicates and chalk, which makes it very soft, and rest is unforgettable comfortable. Also on the beach there is everything for sport holiday: 5 riding tracks, sports center, mini-golf, swimming pool and tennis courts in free access for everyone.

Alassio Beach

  • Lerici (Lerici) is a city, in the vicinity of which there are many first-class beaches, such as the sand-pebble beach Eco del Mare.
  • Pietra Ligure (Pietra Ligure) - there is a popular urban beach, in which the sports center and surf school work, soccer sites and tennis courts are arranged. There are also several open poolswho accept all visitors. Also underwater relief near the beach is ideal for diving.
  • Chink Terre (Cinque Terre) is a very famous complex that consists of five villages, the story of each of these famous villages stretches from the Middle Ages. There are some of best beaches Liguria.
  • Levanto (Levanto) is a city that is surrounded by traditional Italian villages. Considering that the city is hidden from wind streams, then Levanto's municipal beach is a great place for windsurfing. This is a meeting place for serfengists from all over Europe.

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Sights of the Ligurian coast

City of Manarola.

The city of Manarola is the oldest and one of the smallest cities in Chinkua Terre. He is on the rock near the sea. His main attraction is home-towers in the Genoese style. Houses of the city are located down the slope of the rocky coastline of the Ligurian Sea. The inhabitants of Manarola are industrialized by fishing and winemaking. Local wine SCIACCECTRà variety is quite well known, the Roman Scriptures have noted a high quality of wine produced in the area.

City of Manarola.

Doria Family Castle

Doria Family Castle is an old defensive fortress of the twelfth century, located in the Italian resort town of Portovenere. The castle itself began to build in the 12th century and since then repeatedly completed, destroyed and again completed. According to the documents of the XIV century inside the castle there was a chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist, from which there were no traces today.

Note! Today, this seized by ivy ancient fortress proudly wears status historical monument, attracting many tourists in the porter.

Address: Via Del Castello Dei Doria, 18035 Dolceaca, Italy

Doria Family Castle

Luigi Ferraris Stadium

Luigi Ferraris Stadium is one of the main attractions in Genoa. Also, the stadium is known as Marassi. Since it is multifunctional, football competitions are constantly held on it, musical concerts are also held. The stadium was opened in 1911 and is considered to be one of the oldest stadiums of Italy. Over the time of its construction, the stadium has undergone a variety of reconstructions. Its initial capacity was 20 thousand people, now is more than 36 thousand.

Luigi Ferraris Stadium

Rest on Liguria coasts is a real dream of many tourists departing in Italy. After all, it is in Liguria that can be visited old City Genoa. Beach rest is far from the only entertainment of tourists: Liguria is trained in a lot of opportunities for exciting excursions, active pastime, shopping and family travel.

Here you can visit multicolored cities national Park Cinckwe-Terre, in the music of San Remo, learn an unforgettable taste local cuisine, sunbathe on beautiful beaches, look at the sights and get a lot of stunning impressions.

Block: 5/5 | Number of characters: 2407

Before you a detailed map of Liguria with the names of cities and settlements in Russian. Move the map by holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner. Scale allows the scale on the right side of the map or turn the wheel of the mouse.

In which country is Liguria

Liguria is located in Italy. This is a wonderful, beautiful place, with your story and traditions. Coordinates of Liguria: northern latitude and east longitude (show on the big map).

Virtual Walk

The "man" figurine above the scale scale will help to make a virtual walk through the cities of Liguria. Clicking and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while in the left upper corner An inscription will appear with the approximate address of the area. Motion direction Select by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen. Option "Satellite" at the top of the left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. In Map mode, you will be able to get acquainted in detail with Liguria's roads and the main attractions.

Consent to the processing of personal data

Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; Home I. mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deleting, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools complies with the nature of the actions (operations), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows In accordance with the specified algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in the card files or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as to transfer (including transboundary) these personal data to the tour operator and third parties - Partners of agent and tour operator.

Processing of personal data is carried out by the agent and its authorized representatives (by the tour operator and direct executors of the services) in order to fulfill this Agreement (including, depending on the terms of the contract - for the purposes of registration travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation and carriers, data transfer to the consulate of a foreign state, permission of claim issues in their occurrence, submission of information to authorized state authorities (including at the request of the courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me is reliable and can be treated with an agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the agent and the tour operator to send me emails / informational messages to the email address specified by me and / or the mobile number.

I hereby confirm the existence of my authority to provide personal data of the persons listed in the application, and make an obligation to compensate to the agent any costs associated with the lack of relevant authority, including losses related to the sanctions of the auditory authorities.

I agree (for) with the fact that the text given by me on his own will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the application, the consent to the processing of personal data is kept in electronic form in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent For processing and transferring personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This agreement is given for an indefinite period and may be with me at any time, and in the part of the swinging specific person, the subject of the personal data specified in the application specified by the person, by sending a written notice to the address of the agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, are clarified by agent and understand me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of the Review of this consent are clarified by the agent and I understand.

This consent is an application of this application.

Liguria is one of the smallest, but also the most beautiful regions of Italy, which is located along the coast of the Ligurian Sea. The area consists of four provinces: Savona, Genoa, Empire and Spice. The main highway connecting Ligurian cities and towns, stretches along the ancient Awreleye road, which was built by the Romans in the III century. BC

How to get to the coast of Liguria

Genoa is the capital of Liguria, all tourists come here. You can get to Genoa from large Italian cities: Milan, Venice, Rome, etc. The easiest way to get from the nearest city is Milan. There is Bergamo Airport. In addition to the aircraft, you can reach Liguria by bus, train or independently by car, because the distance is very small - about 150 kilometers. Such a trip will take an average of 2 hours. You can also cut the trip time to 1.5 hours and reach speed express. This type of trains departs every hour from Milan Train Station.

In addition to Milan, Venice is near Liguria coasts. The main airport of Venice is Treviso, where direct flights from Moscow are running. You can also get by train, bus and independently by car, which is rented at the airport. The distance to Genoa is more about 500 km, but the route passes through all the beautiful places and attractions of Liguria.

Ligurian coast of Italy, map

Exactly the same distance to Liguria from the most famous city of Italy - Rome. The easiest way to get from Rome on the Ligurian coast is to fly on the aircraft Rome to Genoa. This type of transport is ten Genoa in one hour. In addition to the flight from Rome, you can also drive at the speed express Rome - Genoa. Travel time 4.5-5.5 hours depending on the train class. Plus, such a trip is also in the fact that you can see all the beautiful places of the resorts of Liguria.

Weather Liguria

Climate in Liguria is soft. Snow rarely falls, fogs bypass the resort side. The average temperature in winter is + 7 ... + 10 ° C, in summer - + 25 ... + 28 ° C. It is often raining, but their level does not exceed the norms inherent in the Mediterranean regions.

The best time for visiting Liguria is the period from May to October. The water temperature in these days is heated to + 20 ... + 27 ° C.

Note! Liguria has 3 pronounced seasons of the year - spring, summer and autumn. Winter is considered to be an explosion, which in its weather conditions is not very different from early spring or later autumn. The bathing season lasts 3-4 months - from the end of May and until mid-September. The average temperature of the sea off the coast of Liguria provinces varies from +23 to +25 degrees.

Liguria excursions

Genoa sightseeing tour

The sightseeing tour starts in the old port, which will be grieving the warm arms of the city, recalling that the center of the world and without this water stroit, and without this strip of the earth would not be Genoa.

The tourist group then will visit the historic center of the city.

Interesting fact! Center Genoa is the largest in Europe.

Next, the excursion will continue in the Cathedral of St. Lawrence. It was in this cathedral that the famous treasury museum is located, the exhibits of which were brought by the genuses from campaigns. The dust of John the Baptist is also kept.

Further, the excursion group follows the house of Columbus. It is here that the famous street is located, where Nikolo Paganini was born, a composer and musician known worldwide. Also here is the famous street of the Palaces of the Genoese nobility. It is known for its palaces of the 16th century. These locks are the property of UNESCO.

House Columbus

The group will then visit the funicular and the sightseeing platform where the unforgettable view of the genome will open, about which poets, writers and composers mentioned in their works.

Excursion duration: 2-4 hours.

Russian language.

City Ghost Busana Vecchya + Chan-Remo

Not far from San Remo is an antique dilapidated ghost city of Busana-Vecchye. Back in the distant 1887, a strong earthquake completely destroyed several towns. Among them was the city, called Busana-Vecchye.

City Ghost Busana Vecchya

Busana-Vecchya is about 300 meters above sea level. From here the beautiful view of the Ligurian Alps and the Bay of San Remo. Up to the sixties, the city remained abandoned due to the refusal of the authorities to restore it. But everything has changed when the city began to afford people with creative talents - sculptors, artists, designers.

Tour duration: 2-5 hours.

Russian language.

Liguria, Italy: The best beaches

  • (San Lorenzo Al Mare) - On the territory of San Lorenzo al-Mare there is everything you need for outdoor activities: tennis courts and volleyball, basketball courts. Everyone has the opportunity to rent a yacht.
  • Alassio (Alassio) - Alassio Beach is famous for its sand, which consists of quartz, silicates and chalk, which makes it very soft, and rest is unforgettable comfortable. Also on the beach there is everything for a sports holiday: 5 riding tracks, sports center, mini-golf, swimming pool and tennis courts freely access for everyone.
  • Lerici (Lerici) is a city, in the vicinity of which there are many first-class beaches, such as the sand-pebble beach Eco del Mare.
  • Pietra Ligure (Pietra Ligure) - there is a popular urban beach, in which the sports center and surf school work, soccer sites and tennis courts are arranged. There are also several outdoor pools on site that take all visitors. Also underwater relief near the beach is ideal for diving.
  • Chink Terre (Cinque Terre) is a very famous complex that consists of five villages, the story of each of these famous villages stretches from the Middle Ages. There are some of the best beaches of Liguria.
  • Levanto (Levanto) is a city that is surrounded by traditional Italian villages. Considering that the city is hidden from wind streams, then Levanto's municipal beach is a great place for windsurfing. This is a meeting place for serfengists from all over Europe.

Sights of the Ligurian coast

City of Manarola.

The city of Manarola is the oldest and one of the smallest cities in Chinkua Terre. He is on the rock near the sea. His main attraction is home-towers in the Genoese style. Houses of the city are located down the slope of the rocky coastline of the Ligurian Sea. The inhabitants of Manarola are industrialized by fishing and winemaking. Local wine SCIACCECTRà variety is quite well known, the Roman Scriptures have noted a high quality of wine produced in the area.

City of Manarola.

Doria Family Castle

Doria Family Castle is an old defensive fortress of the twelfth century, located in the Italian resort town of Portovenere. The castle itself began to build in the 12th century and since then repeatedly completed, destroyed and again completed. According to the documents of the XIV century inside the castle there was a chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist, from which there were no traces today.

Note! Today, this seal by ivy ancient fortress with pride is the status of a historical monument, attracting many tourists in the porter.

Address: Via Del Castello Dei Doria, 18035 Dolceaca, Italy

Doria Family Castle

Luigi Ferraris Stadium

Luigi Ferraris Stadium is one of the main attractions in Genoa. Also, the stadium is known as Marassi. Since it is multifunctional, football competitions are constantly held on it, musical concerts are also held. The stadium was opened in 1911 and is considered to be one of the oldest stadiums of Italy. Over the time of its construction, the stadium has undergone a variety of reconstructions. Its initial capacity was 20 thousand people, now is more than 36 thousand.

Luigi Ferraris Stadium

Rest on Liguria coasts is a real dream of many tourists departing in Italy. After all, it is in Liguria that a vintage city can be visited. Beach rest is far from the only entertainment of tourists: Liguria is trained in a lot of opportunities for exciting excursions, active pastime, shopping and family travel.

Here you can visit the colorful cities of Cinque Terre National Park, in the Music San Remo, find out the unforgettable taste of local cuisine, sunbathe on the most beautiful beaches, look at the attractions and get a lot of amazing impressions.

Italian Riviera is the concentration of elite resorts of the country.

Italian Riviera - Coast of the Ligurian Sea From the border of the French Riviera (Azur Beach of France) to the Bay of La Spice, which is adjacent to the province of Tuscany.

Map of the Ligurian Coast of Italy

Ligurian coast map of Italy with cities and resorts

Liguria - the resort region of North-West Italy With the purest beaches, brown tropical vegetation, Ligurian Sea and seaside Alps, who carry a majestic meaning, deep and incomprehensible.

Liguria is beautiful at any time of the year:

  • it's nice to watch how the shine sea rain clouds or morning fog - mountains;
  • sleeping of a soft winter with an air temperature up to + 10c is ready to drop, like a light pattering canopy, and give way to a non-sucking fly;
  • summer beach rest (Air temperature to + 30s, water + 24 + 26c) is a detriment for tourists who are ready to combine it with excursion routes.

Liguria covers 4 provinces: Savona, Empire, Genoa and La Spice. Port Genoa - main city Liguria conventionally divides 250 km of the coast into two zones:

Riviera di Ponent and Riviera Di Levant.

Riviera Di Pontet - Western Ligurian Coast.

It extended north of Genoa to the borders of France.

The famous resorts of San Remo, Diano Marina, Empire, Alassio, Bordiger, Pietra Ligure, Ligur Final, Savona coexist with the principality of Monaco and respectable French Nice.

Riviera di Ponent in turn is also divided into two zones called:

  • Flower Riviera - from the border of France to the resort of Cervo (85% of colors for sale are produced here);
  • Palm Riviera Liguria - From the town of Cervo to Genoa. Its feature is the presence of alley from palm trees on embankments of resort cities.

Riviera di Levant - East Ligurian coast.

It covers the territory of La Spice Bay to Genoa.

Rest on this part of the coast can be combined with excursions to Florence, Milan, Pisa, Siena.

Resorts of Kamolei, Rapallo, Portofin, Santa Margherita Ligure, Levanto, Lerim, La Spice - the main city of the zone.

Main Landmark Liguria - This is a picturesque landscape from the sea, a small sushi strip (from 3 to 10 km) and mountains that go down to the coast of terraces with spa towns located on them.

San Remo called king of flower riviera And most elite resort The coast of Liguria. This fabulous Italian province of the Empire will fit absolutely everyone: to bohemian public, youth and family couples with children.

Empire - the capital of the province of Italy, by the number of inhabitants, inferior to the San Remo resort.

The main attraction of the city of Empire is the Museum of Olive Oil.

The Museum Exposition Center is an olive tree that symbolizes the world and win. The Empire region produces about 95% of the total volume of olive oil produced by the country.

How much is the tour in Italy?

San Remo.

San Remo., which is 20 km from the border with France, became particularly attractive for tourists from the 19th century, and in 1860 the first hotel was built in the city. San Remo's resort boom laid the beginning of the love story of the doctor and the patient, which happened in the amazing nature of nature places. They were so masterfully and romantically described in 1855 Giovanni Ruffhini in the novel "Dr. Antonio", that many richest people of the world wanted to discover this corner of the paradise nature.

San Remo's permanent guests were: Emperor Prussia Frederick III, Napoleon's wife Eugene, Alfred Nobel, Claude Monet, Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and other celebrities.

The Romanov Dynasty left about themselves the memory of the embankment of Corso Empress with a marble sidewalk, named so in honor of the Empress of Mary Alexandrovna (the wife of the Soviet of Russia Alexander II), which gave the city of Palm's alley. The rich elite of Tsarist Russia has invested its capital in the construction of the Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior, erected in 1913 on the project of architect A.V. Schuseva on the ground of San Remo.

Hotel " Royal Hotel. Sanremo "(1872), the founder and owner of which is the Brtolini family, is one of the most picturesque hotels near the Promenade Embankment. It is considered a sample of refinement and comfort. The embankment of the alley, seated with palm trees, which happily stretch to the sun their evergreen crowns.

The city is impressive abundance of gardens, parks, flower beds and no coincidence, the San Remo symbol has become a "Primaver" - a marble statue of a girl with garland flowers.

San Remo suburb - chain of endless greenhouses, continuing the fragrant smell of the city: Aerial notes of lush bushes of multi-colored hydrangeas start moving, replacing in the dance of hops and grapes in the dance, and a lightweight stretch of fragrant petunia and a mallow spinning in the air ...

Fair Folder in Mercato Dei Fiori begins daily from 5 am.

The historic center of the old city of San Remo is called La Piggy ("Pine cone"). "Czheki cones" is a quarter of the streets with rows of houses on the hillside to the north of the main street of the Korso Matteotti resort. They are especially clearly viewed from colorful pictures from the sea and the port.

San Siro's Cathedral of the 13th century, where the wooden crucifixion of the sculptor from Genoa is stored, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe same name is the oldest in the city. The wall of one of the houses is decorated with a relief map of La Pighi. In the old town, very cool streets and many arches - protection against raids of Corsaars. They rush to the top of the hill, which matures the domed Orthodox church - the Russian Church.

Nearby is a San Remo Casino, similar to the palace, buildings of 1905.

In this gambling institution is the Ariston Theater, where since 1951 in the first decade of March passes international Festival Italian song.

San Remo - a large yacht port of the Ligurian coast With two marins:

  • Porto Vecchio with yacht club and Porto Sole.
  • Beaches in San Remo sandy-pebble, and there is a motorway between hotels and the coast.

Sun-Remo Sights:

  • Street Corso Matteotti - the main artery of the city;
  • The Ducal Palace of Borea D * Olmo 16th century - archaeological Museum and Pinakotek;
  • "Casino Municipale" - a casino in the palace style;
  • Theater Ariston - Arena Italian Pop Music;
  • Botanical Garden Villa Ormond;
  • Villa Alfred Nobel - Swedish Chemist and Businessman who lived here last years Life (1891-1896). It is open for visits for free from 10 to 12 pm. Nobel Park;
  • Villa Hunbury - botanical Garden With more than 6 thousand species of subtropical plants located on 18 hectares. It is located at Cape Mortolo 20 km south of San Remo;
  • City Museum;
  • Sanremo light sign;
  • Balzi Rossi - Paleolithic era caves, cut down in the cliffs.

San Remo today - This is a conglomerate of first-class hotels, restaurants, boutiques, beautiful beaches and excellent sports conditions. The healing air of the resort is filled with flowers and honey.

San Remo is an international flower market. At the beginning of the year, there is a parade of colors (on cars), and in July - International Fireworks Festival.

San Remo is a venue of sailing regatta, car racing retro cars, tennis tournaments and cycling mills Milan - San Remo.

Grotte di Tirano - Cave complex (the longest 1170 meters in Europe).

Taja is a major historical center of Liguria (6 km from the city). He is famous for the monuments of the Middle Ages and the epoch architectural style Baroque, as well as the monastery of the Holy Dominica.

Final Ligure.

Final Ligure is not large resortthe town, which is famous not only by the sea, but also captured in stone history.

Attractions Final Ligure:

  • Finalborgo - part of the city with architectural monuments Middle Ages;
  • Castelphranco fortress of the 15th century;
  • Basilica of St. Giovanni Battists;
  • Arch Markerites Spanish;
  • Former monastery of Holy Katerina - Museum of the city;
  • Castle Castel San Giovanni and Castella Wyueller;
  • Grotte Di Borgio Verezzi Grotto - tourist route at underground kingdom Since 1970. Highlighting the plexus of lakes and rocks with descending icicles-stalactitis creates a feeling of unreality, and growing up stalagmites are an empty, guarding in the centuries of the mystery of the Karst Cave.

Final Ligure - This is the area of \u200b\u200boutdoor activities. Many stars of sports climbing came out from the Finale region. The sheer walls of the lime rocks of Rocca di Krapradzoppa, divided into zones on the length and complexity that are both within the region and the coast - is the dream of a climber.

Mountain paths - entertainment for cycling and hiking walks Fans of exotic.


Savona - Tourist Gate on the Ligurian Coast and winery provinces. Savona - Museum of Faience and Majolika production center in 17-18 centuries.

The ancient Hill Priamar and powerful bastions of the fortress of the 16th century keep the heritage of history is no worse than in the ancient century peace local residents. In the 12th century, the towers of Corsa and Guardnero were built. Via Ria has been preserved Brandal Tower - Savon Symbol.

Sights of Savona:

  • Cathedral of Holy Maria Assunds 1589-1603 Buildings (Cattedrale Dell "Assunta) Stores Valentine's relics - the patron saint of all lovers;
  • Franciscan monastery and two of his courtyard;
  • Sicstinskaya Capella (1481 year) - Mausoleum of Parents of Sicsta IV;
  • Palace Palazzo Gavotti (1787 g) is the former Palace of Bishop.


Genoa is a city with a 26 century history, according to the legend, founded by the Twilight God by Janus, guarding the entrances. Indeed, the city has always been an intersection of 4 roads: the West and East, Mediterranean and Europe.

Genoa is the city of the naval of Christopher Columbus and virtuoso-violinist, composer Nikolo Paganini. Genoa is the birthplace of Spaghetti.

Genoa is the sea gate of Liguria. In the resort town of Genoa, protected from winds from the North of the Apnepsian Mountains, the 600-thousand population lives.

Acquaintance with Genoa is best to start with Porto Antique - Old Port with fish market. Now he is entertainment center Resort: the remains of its port fortifications of 15-16 centuries and the old European 76 meter Lanterna Lighthouse are adjacent to the oceanarium, as well as with a copy of Karavella Columbus in a natural value and a pier, sending tourists in sea walks on boats. Palace Palazzo San Georgio (13th Century) - Sea of \u200b\u200bEmotions of Tourists!

Panoramic lift-crane "Bigo" Provide the opportunity to see the city from a bird's eye view (40 meters)!

County historic Center Genoa rose from the harbor and are located cascades on the slopes of the hill. Old Town Genoa - The most huge area in the occupied territory (4 kilometers sq.) In Europe.

Erbe Square - Heart of the Old Town With bars, restaurants and craft shops.

Attractions Genoa:

  • Medieval port of the port soprano - a surviving fragment of the 12th century walls with two turntables;
  • "House Columbus", where he was born and spent his childhood (1455-1470) great traveler. Now there is a museum;
  • Monument to Christopher Columbus - the Seaflorer, who discovered Continent America, established on Piazza Dante;
  • Ferrari Square is a symbolic city center. Statue of Harribaldi and Fountain;
  • Street and San Lorenzo Square of the same name. The entrance to the Cathedral of St. Lawrence decorates the facade of three portals in the Gothic style (13th century). The left nave is the chapel of John the Baptist, the right nave - the "Treasure Museum", where 50 exhibits represent the history of the temple, including the sacred bowl, which many considers the Cup of Grail;
  • Cathedral Chapel of San Jovani (1450-1460);
  • Palazzo Spinola-di Pelichscheria, where the National Art Gallery of Liguria is located;
  • Rolly Palaces (16th century). 80 palaces were built in the center of rich citizens, and today 42 of them are listed in 2006 UNESCO in the list World Heritage. They are mainly located on the most beautiful street Harribaldi;
  • Rosso Palaces (Red), Bianco (White) and Doria-Turzi, United Musei Di Strada Nuova, is cultural Center cities;
  • Turzi Palace is now a municipality. One of his halls keeps the letter of Columbus and the famous violin of Paganini. On the October Music Festival, the best violinist of the year is honored to play on the old instrument;
  • The Palace of Naoclassical Lake on Matteotti Square is a complex of 35 thousand square meters. meters. He is named because in 1339 he became the place of residence of the first Digest Genoa Simon Bokkankugra and the 6th centuries was the residence of Genoa rulers. Since 1992 - the main exhibition center of the city;
  • Palazzo Real - Royal Palaceerected in the 17th century by the Balby family, and the University of Genoese - the main treasures of Balby Street;
  • Palazzo San Georgho (Palace on the square of Cartamento) is the residence of the first bank in Europe. His main distinguishing feature is the fresco on the facade of the Palace: Saint George, piercing the Dragon's spear. Today, the port is located in the building;
  • The Genoese Oceanarium (1992) is the largest in Italy (the second in Europe after the Spanish Valencia). It has 70 pools with more than 6 thousand species of the inhabitants of sea depths;
  • Biosphere (transparent ball) - reproduction of the Ecosystem of Amazonia, where you can walk along the rainforest and plunge into the atmosphere of the Great Geographic discoveries. It is in the old port near the aquarium;
  • Maritime Museum "Galata" (2004);
  • ITALY Avenue (Corso Italia) - Genoa Embankment with equipped beaches;
  • Castello-D Castle "Albertis;
  • City Opera House Carlo Feliche (1828 year).

Genoa has several elevators and funicular. Square is located in the square of the city lift, which will deliver you to looking platform Castelletto. From here opens best view on the Old city, Harbor with the old port and endless blue sea smooth.

Metro Genoa It has only one branch and connects the city center with its historical districts, so do not get lost!

Do not forget to visit: street boutiques Via Roma And the vintage shops of Via Luccoli, the "confectionery" streets of Via Sodlius, and the street of Via XX Netmobre will satisfy lovers of diverse shopping.

Santa - Margherita Ligure.

Santa Margherita Ligure is the sea harbor and famous resort In the Gulf Di-Tigullio Bay on the coast of Riviera di Levant. It is located between Rapallo and Portofino resorts and an hour's travel to Genoa. Here it is 20 for yachting, diving, surfing.

Bay and small coves - A great place for sports competitions: The International Cup Carlo Negri is held here sailing sports. The old houses of the fishing villages overlooking the port and modern hotels and forks are surrounded by forever green pines.

The main attractions of the resort - Villa Durazzo XVI century. This snow-white palace crowned the hill top on which a wonderful garden with fountains and statues is broken. The palace contains luxurious furniture items and a unique artistic collection.

Santa Margherita Ligure - Center for Youth Disco.


Rapallo - the largest resort Eastern coast Liguria.

Sights Rapallo:

  • Castle Tigulo;
  • Ancient fort;
  • Basilica Madonna di Mont Mallegro (XVI century). It is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. There can be reached on the cable car.

Time made locks more vulnerable, but did not deprive them of greatness.

See also: