Suzhou: Russian scientists and an unsuccessful attempt to see the Chinese Venice. Zhojuang - Chinese Venice Chinese Venice city where more than 100 bridges

Chinese cities on water, often referred "Eastern"and representing important, famous for their old buildings, bridges, picturesque channels and locals, the life of which practically did not change over the past centuries, despite the economic boom, which covered the entire China today.

Suzhou (Kit. Trad. 蘇州, Ex. 苏州, Pinyin: Sūzhōu.)

The historic center around which broke modern city, It is standing on the Great Chinese Channel between Shanghai and Wuxi, not far from Lake Thai, and many centuries was the most important transport and commercial center of Jiannan regions - the richest part of the country.

With dynasties Min and Qing, the city was built up by the estates of the capital officials and turned into the garden capital of China. Being a monument included in the historical center And today it is famous for its beautiful stone bridges like Baoditsiao, pagodas and skillfully broken gardens.

With the elevation of Shanghai at the end of the XIX century, Suzhou lost the importance of the central city in the region, but due to its architecture and large quantity Enterprises around the city he remains Mecca for both tourists and entrepreneurs.

Ancient city Zhujiajiao Ancient Town 朱家角)

One of the oldest villages on the water in China -, is located just 30 km from the center Shanghai in the western suburb on the lake Dianshhanhu. This is one of the most beautiful historic places in China, which has more than 1700-year-old history. - it's kind of shanghai Venice,the beautifully preserved ancient settlement on the river bank. This wonderful old City It is well equipped with waterways, which makes boating here a very pleasant occupation. Here you can find both small Chinese houses and majestic Chinese residences.

The complex has 36 beautiful bridges that connect everything with each other. Not far from this place is a large natural lake Dianshhan. Lovers come there calm holiday. Here you can ride on the boat, admiring the amazing nature. This is a great place to tourism, because there are almost everything you need for an unforgettable trip.

On the big northern street there is a Cachelery garden. This is one of the largest gardens in the south of China. - City of Bohemian Shanghai youth. Thanks to this, many old houses here have turned into amazing cafes, pubs, theaters and clubs, decorated and painted on all frets. Art and creativity just twists in the air!

Ancient city Nanxun (Nanxun Ancient Town 南浔区)

An ancient city does not use the same popularity as other famous places of this kind, but it makes it so unusual. This ancient city is filled with a calm atmosphere, since there is no huge hordes of tourists. In combination with excellent nature and delightful architecture, this place is quite deserved to be in the list of China's most beautiful water cities.

Getting here, you can easily make it easier for this ancient city and feel His Spirit. Historic buildings and beautiful nature is what the traveler is waiting for here.

In addition to the beautiful architecture, you can see the traditional procedure for creating brushes for writing and a delightful wedding representation on the water. If you do not know where to go to Shanghai or in his area, then visit this place, and you will be delighted.

Water city Tongley (Tongli Water Town 同 里)

- It is classic ancient water citywhich is located on the Delta of the Yangtze River. This is real chinese Venice. Almost all buildings are on the water. This is a very popular place, because a mixture of architecture and beautiful water channels makes this place very picturesque.

Fifteen pedestrian channels divide the city on 7 small islets, and there are in turn 40 bridges in turn. The area of \u200b\u200bthis miracle is 33 hectares, it is divided into 5 lakes. This is really a water city in the literal sense of the word.

If you still think how to spend time in Shanghai or in his district, then rightly gather and go to look around this is a beautiful place.

Ancient G. oRDER (Xitang Ancient Town 西塘)

Sitan (Xitang) - The famous city on the water with a thousand-year history, located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The city is divided into two parts: old and new. In the old part, well-preserved ensembles of the buildings of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) remained. Narrow, winding streets, which are called "Lun" on the local dialect, is an integral part of the Sitan. Silent waters, beautiful vintage bridges, which are here more than 100, fishing boats, gently pink sunsets and sunrises, reflected in water, which in the evening shifts with sparkling lights, create an absolutely idyllic fairytale picture filled with ancient poetry.

The ancient city of Sitan Located in Jiashan Jiasin district (Zhejiang Province) at the junction joint of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Shanghai cities. It is 90 km east of Shanghai and 110 km west of Hangzhou. Nine fairways intersect in Sitan, which actually divided the city on 8 parts. Numerous bridges connect them to one. Looking at the Sitan, you can see attractions such as "Family House Xue" - Museum of Screws, Art Gallery, Museum of Threads on Roots.

Among the ancient cities, the Sitan is distinguished by bright identity and is famous for a large number of bridges, canals and canopy galleries. The total length of the latter, stretching along the channels, is more than a thousand meters. This is the greatest difference between Sitan from similar places in China.

Water city(Wuzhen Water Town 乌镇)

- One of the most famous water cities in China. His story began more than one thousand years ago. Ancient residential buildings, shops, shops and workshops are located on the banks of the channels. The main attractions of this place are various folk ideas and shows.

Almost all Western district was renovated by the "old style", but it is also easy to find really ancient houses. Many people complain about the excessive commercial component of this area. But even despite numerous shops, restaurants and spectacles, the atmosphere of this place is awesome.

In any case, it is necessary to see with your own eyes. By the way, if you do not know where to eat in Shanghai, then you can go here. Here you can taste delicious snacks and at the same time enjoy the beautiful views of the ancient streets.

The ancient city of Cibao (Qibao.Ancient.Town 七宝镇)

Ancient year of Cibao Located in the Shanghai County of Minhang (18 km from the city center), with a population of about 14 million people, with a total area of \u200b\u200b21.3 km2. The ancient city of Cibao was built in the era of the Song Dynasty (960-1126). The word "Cibao" is translated as "seven treasures". Cybao Cybao city attracted tourists. This is one of the oldest and most famous areas in Shanghai. It is raised by the Tong River Po River Canals flowing directly through the city. Numerous and picturesque bridges and canals - all this creates a unique atmosphere ancient City Cybao. Here you can see old wells, and the embankment and picturesque bridges, as well as the ancient buildings and buildings, narrow streets, huge shady trees.

On the territory of the ancient city is located temple "Seven Treasures" ("Qibao Temple,"), built in 907-960 and is a Buddhist Pagoda, located in the center of the district. Among the residents of Shanghai lives an old legend of existing and reliably hidden in the territory of the temple and the monastery of real seven treasures: Iron Buddha Ming dynasty, a bronze bell, also the epochs of the Ming dynasty, a golden manuscript in the form of a lotus, written by the emperor's concubinent in the second century, thousand-year Chinese tree of Catalpa , jade ax, golden cockerel and pair of chopsticks for eating fruit. Interestingly, only the first four treasures are documented, and only one treasure was found. This is an ancient bell, which is now located on the territory of the temple of "Seven Treasures".

In the city you can also try and see how popular distilled liqueur is done at Qibao winery. You can also visit a rather unusual museum of miniature engravings of the Zhou family.

Ancient City of Luzhi Ancient Town 甪直镇)

- This elegant water city is surrounded by five lakes. There is also a huge number of diverse bridges that were built by many dynasties. The number of bridges - 41, everything is in part more dynasties. From this place is also called "Museum of Chinese bridges."

Many vintage residences have been preserved, which were built by Ming and Qing dynasties. Almost all of them were not reconstructed, as in most other complexes. So that here you can enjoy the authentic old architecture in full. The size of the whole ancient city is comparable to the hundreds of urban quarters.

Water city Zhojuzhan. Zhouzhuang Water Town 周庄)

- One of the most picturesque and famous Chinese cities on the water, located in the Cunchean district, just 30 km south-east of. An ancient town is standing on the Jinghan Channel, connecting Suzhou with Shanghai. The city is widely famous for its romantic atmosphere, charming species and well-preserved old residential buildings, elegant bridges and rich cultural heritage.

The city of Zhojuang (Zhouzhuang) can be found to the first in the country - the village on the water, whose history has a little over 900 years. He's called "Venice of the East". He attracts tourists with labyrinths of its channels, buildings of the epochs of Qing and Min and local customs. The city is located on the territory of about 0.4 km2. However, it would seem to be a minor territory, here you can see about 100 vintage classic yards, more than 60 arches of brick threads and 14 ancient bridges.

It is important to note that bridges here are the most diverse, but the most typical are paired bridges Shuangsiao. These strong, stone, simple bridges were built at the Ming dynasty. They consist of one arched stone span and from one beam stone. Also interesting and in its own unique place in Zhowojuan is the "two-propelled bridge", converted through two channels. The streets are rivers, the passages are connected by bridges, and the houses are built along the river.

Fenghuang City (Fenghuang)

- This is the ancient city of China in the province of Hunan, getting into which, the traveler seems to be transferred at another time. This city enchants his untouched ancient beauty and mystery. Here beautiful nature combined with ancient architecture and flavor.

Unique houses built on piles, winding streets converged to the center, bridges over the river - all this personifies harmony and mysterious beauty, which is so often depicted in traditional Chinese painting. No wonder this city is rightly called one of the most beautiful in China.

The history of this city has 1300 years, but travelers seem to be that despite past centuries, this city managed to preserve his primacy. In many ways, life here has not changed after many years. Stlikely, as the centuries ago, women wash in the river vegetables and erase there underwear. This edge is amazing warm and hospitable. Local life is distinguished by special originality and flavor. Especially wonderful city is animated at noon. Here you can see women carrying bamboo baskets, men who pull buffaloes. And in the evening, the noise of the beater is heard from the river, with the help of which women are erased underwear.

On the streets of the city are full of shops with souvenirs for every taste. The whole city is permeated by the channels flowing through it by Richushchi Tuzzyan. Sometimes Call chinese Venice.Traveler will forever remember this picturesque place that attracts its originality, unique beauty and history.

Zhojuang - Chinese Venice

Zhowojuan - the best place on earth

Zhowojuan - You are a pearl of the Middle Kingdom

Nine hundred years are reflected bridges.

In the mirror of your channels ...

The song flies on the stroke of the canal, and fulfills her young boat, at the same time deftly maneuvering between the walking boats in all directions.

It is known for this town located in the very center of China, the fact that he has almost changed in all past centuries.

In China, as well as all over the world, are very valued with genuine old, especially in cities. Zhowojuan is a kind of unique reserve of this antique, miraculously preserved, almost not touched by time.

Unlike just 60 kilometers of Shanghai - a 12 million ultra-modern megalpolis, which is called "the most non-Chinese of all Chinese cities", Zhojuang - typical chinese cityoK. Streets and canals and houses that lined along the embankments. In Zhowochuan, you will not see a bike - the constant attribute of the subwayed empire. The boat is the main type of transport for all occasions in this Chinese Venice.

Many centuries in the subwayed empire were committed by war and revolution, replaced each other generation, but Zhowojuan did not pay any attention to it. He retained his way of life, the architecture of dwellings and bridges, his kitchen and even its special Chinese dialect.

It is said that before this fragile world, lost among rivers and lakes, in which in former times it was possible to get only on water, neither enemies of the destroyers, nor friends-creators, thirsty of great change, could not go. The Japanese army did not enter the city, occupied at one time the neighboring Shanghai, did not get the Hungybina during the time of the "cultural revolution". But not only this, but also the beauty and peculiarity of this town on the water, rescued Zhojujan from all the vicissitudes of fate. Or maybe it's about the ancient temples that were called upon to protect the city from enemies.

The history of the city began with the Buddhist temple of Tsuuanfu "Universal prosperity", the construction of which was completed in 1806. Buddhist monks became the first inhabitants of the city.

Buddhism came to China from India at the beginning of the 3rd century. Buddhism adherents were both some Chinese emperors, Buddhist temples are almost in every Chinese city. But the Buddhist temple in Zhowojuan is special. This construction covers an area of \u200b\u200b13 hectares, completely resting on the water. The followers of the original Chinese religion of Taoism built their own, the Taoist temple nearby, where the figure of the Daoic Divine - Jade Emperor and other gods of the Taoist Pantheon stands in the altar.

There is in this small town and the temple of Confucius. So, the three main religions of China let durable roots on the water and the land of these places.

Somehow a rich merchant from the southern province of Zhejiang in the south of the province of Zhejiang sailed through the town in their trading deals. He was so amazed by the beauty of the temple on the water, which decided to decide forever in the city and built his carved termes on the shore of one of the channels. These structures have survived to this day and are called their owner - "Schieng House". Local Museum is located here. They began to build their homes and other rich merchants and officials, coming here for beauty.

Over the past century, neither water nor bright sun, nor wet winds destroyed the masterpieces of ancient Chinese architecture. Architects are still coming here from the distant corners of the country not only to admire the creation of their predecessors, but also break their heads over the secrets of these structures, which are not overhaul, not one hundred years.

In Schieng's house, more than a hundred rooms: for the owner, his wives, concubines, guests, servants. In addition to galleries connecting all these premises on both sides of the house, another, a secret gallery, which can imperceptibly leave any of the rooms. What for? As you can see the Schong house, not only architectural and construction secrets.

This is the kingdom of harmony and a thin taste. Each detail of the interior: red wood furniture, fine wood carving, each hieroglyph, carved on a stone or stacked on a silk scroll, contains a deep philosophical meaning. In one of the rooms on the wall, a scroll with pair inscriptions of the sage Confucius:

"Learn without any thoughts, it means, to waste time. Reflege, but not to learn - just as useless. "

Here everything says that the heir to the famous genus was preparing for exams in this room. Scrolls with sayings of Chinese wise men, porcelain vases of fine work, musical instruments, landscapes on rice paper, brushes, mascara, stews ...

Multiple and multistage exam for obtaining rank at the local governor, and maybe at the courtyard of the emperor itself, it demanded very serious training. The applicant had to know Chinese classical literature, to be able to write poems and draw, deal with music and rituals and, of course, deeply master the Confucian texts. Sometimes most of the life left for all these wisdoms.

And one more architectural masterpiece - House Zhana. It was built even earlier - in the 15th century. You can get into the house without leaving the boat: the canal leads to internal chambers ... so to speak "from the ship to the ball." This feature of his home the owner sick in verses:

"Let good wind hope

Fill your sails

And bring your ship

In the title of my house ... "

When you go through the rooms of this rich and comfortable dwelling, it seems that some more miracle should happen: the silk port will open, and one of the heroines of the medieval classical novel "Sleep in Red Terme" will enter the room. According to the ancient custom, she will be in red wedding clothes, her face will be closed from strangers with a red veil, which she will only beat off after the wedding ceremony, and her groom Bao Yu will see this beautiful face for the first time ...

In the meantime, he is waiting for the bride in the boat at the entrance to the house, and the muscular boatmen in elegant clothes are ready for the sounds of gongs and the drums to pray for young in the house of the groom ... Outside the window, really, the gondas and drums began to shoot.

Zhowojuan - favorite place Chinese filmmakers shooting historic tapes here. Per last years There are more than 60 art films in the city. Created here his masterpieces and the classic of Chinese cinema Zhang Yinimu. His famous "Triads", "Raise the Red Lights" was born in Zhowojuan. Here you do not need to build scenery, invent the interiors. The city is his homes, alleys, channels and embankments - the best scenery.

Over the past 500 years, little has changed not only in the appearance of the city, but also in the rhythm of the life of citizens. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, life in the city freezes. It is holy in China dinner time. And the townspeople themselves, and numerous tourists who annually happen here more than a million are spread to restaurants and snacks. Local tourist is unpretentious. This is basically Chinese citizens coming here from all over the country to touch the true history of their homeland. For some time, not only the catering place, but also embankments, boats, bridges turn into improvised snacks.

Local cuisine is traditionally traditional for this edge of fish and rice. But there is a dish that you can try only here. This is the famous "Chusjuanski pork" - "Vansanzi", baked with a whole piece by an ancient recipe. Few people leave from the town, not tying this dish, and then grabbing him with themselves in a box with a dish to treat friends.

His dishes interesting story. Once very long ago, I drove through these places the emperor. The times were vague, the emperor was afraid of attempts, and knives were banned on the table. Clear owner found a way out. Gentle meat had to be cut by a sharp bone extracting from it. The emperor was delighted with the taste of dishes, and from the resourcefulness of the owner ...

Nevertheless, the main attraction of Zhojurana is artists who came from different parts of China.

They are so much that they have from early morning to occupy the most favorable places for creativity. Local artists in the best position. They can create without leaving home. In one of these houses, the steps of which go straight to the water, the artist Lay Chaoshi lives. He is already for 80. Dai - artist by calling. But all his life worked as an accountant. And only when I retired, I discovered the painter talent. For 20 years of creativity, Glory has crossed the border of the town. He knows in Shanghai, Beijing, his work - in the art galleries of many cities in China. It works in the style of Chinese classical painting "Gokhua". It has strict canons. Here each brush smear is regulated here, each detail has a deep meaning. But these conventions do not make a fantasy artist, rather give him a space for creativity. So arise in his paintings magnificent landscapes, flowers, birds, fish. They are filled with light and warm.

"See which grace around," the old artist tells me, showing the view of the town that opens the town. - It's hard not to become an artist or poet ... "

We sit on the terrace of his house, the water of the channel is splashing right at the feet. Fishermen with cormorants sitting on the nose of the boat, go to the lake to catch fish. Birds are sitting motionless in anticipation of hunting.

Exactly the same cormorants and in its pictures, raised along the walls of a small workshop. The artist talks about his life:

"My teacher was a local artist XUN Aihu. He helped me find my way in art. This is the patriarch of our local artists working in the style of "Gokhua". He left life in 94 years. Now I am the oldest ... Artists working in the style of "Gokhua" live happily ever after. After all, our predecessor, the greatest artist of China Qi Bayshi lived for almost a hundred years. Creativity itself prolongs life ... so they say here. "

But, even leaving the life, artists of Zhowojuan continue to "live" in this town. There is a custom - watch the pictures of the deceased artist on the wall of the house. Not for sale, for memory.

Young artists of Zhowojuana are looking for their ways in art, but, entering the influence of a picturesque school, for example, impressionism or abstract art, they remain Chinese artists: the city and traditions hold them tightly in their arms.

Artist from Juntsun is a representative of a new generation. He studied in Shanghai, familiar with Chinese national and classical European art. Favorite motive of His Creativity - Bridges Zhojurana. This is the symbol of the city, his business card. Juntsun believes that the main secret of the attractiveness of the city is its bridges - 14 famous and many unnamed. If architecture is frozen music, local bridges are a symphony dedicated to the unity of three elements: water, land, sky. He can draw them in memory, without missing the slightest detail.

The artist published several albums with his own engravings, with a description of the history of bridges. The city has opened a permanent exhibition of his work, on which, of course, the famous Bridges of Zhowojuana are depicted ...

"I want," he continues, "so that our bridges learned around the world, including in Russia."

Writing hieroglyphs in China - high art. The hieroglyph itself is just a word, a sign, a concept. But under the brush of the artist, the hieroglyph comes to life. As if returning to his past, when he portrayed a person, then a horse, then snake. In China, exhibitions of workshops of the hieroglyphics are regularly held, and they invariably enjoy success.

In Beijing, there is a park "Lake Dragon". Here on stone steles a few hundred hieroglyphs "Longs" (Dragon) were carved as it was written from ancient times to the present day. And no hieroglyph is repeated. He is originant as this is a mythical being - then he swallowing in the sky, then calmly floating in the marine element, then the wary keeper of the heavenly palace ...

Yuan Iszhin - the most famous Calligrapher in the city. It is famous not only by its works, but also by technology, with which the calligraphic canvas creates. He draws hieroglyphic lines to the music, without tearing off the brush from paper, a single touch creates entire hieroglyphic paintings on the verses of famous poets, the statements of the wise men, moral texts.

Writing the hieroglyphs, "says Yuan," you can compare with the struggle of the male and female start in Chinese philosophy: "Yan" and "Yin". When solid - artist's hand and soft - rice paper, interacting the work of art.

The ancient Chinese music sounds, and under the brush of the yuan, as if brought by the wind, hieroglyphs are built:

Cheating in words

On the joys of spring:

Everything in madness tears,

Blowing petals

To keep them for the liga

He overturned the fisherman's boat.

This is a do fu, the famous poet of the VIII century, the favorite poet of the artist.

But not only poets and artists inhabit this amazing city. Local shdars make up a good half of the citizens. They have no such complex philosophical approaches to work, as, let's say, Justa, they simply fulfill their everyday work. That's the whole philosophy!

In a local tea with the domestic name "APO" (aunt), I drew attention to the group gently, with taste of dressed older women. They Corotal time for a cup of tea, a leisurely conversation and needlework. Nearby, right on the street - a young woman behind an old barn, a little long ago, the workshop of shoemakers, who weave from bamboo comfortable shoes. They work not only for earnings, but also for history, while maintaining the traditions of ancient masters.

Store the ancient traditions and girls - Silk Embroidery. The art of embroidery arose in China in distant times. And when the Chinese have learned to get a silk thread from a silkworm cocoon and clean it with all the colors of the rainbow, the golden age of this skill came to this day.

It is famous for Zhojujan and painted glass. A drawing is applied to the inner side of the vial or hollow glass bowl with the finest tassel. Miraculous landscapes arise, the characters of ancient Chinese novels come to life: bold heroes and dazzling beauties.

And one more ancient tradition associated with boats. From generation to generation, the skill was passed here to control the boat. The boat is controlled by one oral attached to the stern. Boatmen, as a rule, women. And if you install somewhere a "girl with a paddle" monument, then better placethan Zhowojuan, not found in the world.

The population of the city is 23 thousand people. Behind the feature of the Old Town there is a new Zhojujan with modern quarters. Construction goes spore. Money from tourism helps to do it. But no new building, no modern advertising penetrates old city. This is even prohibited by the entry of vehicles. Rickshaw - as at the time when Zhowojuan was still an island - the main type of movement.

Save the beauty of the ancient city untouched - this is the main concern of local authorities. And better than others, it understands the mayor of the city of Mr. Zhou. He is a famous specialist in ancient Chinese architecture, a romantic in nature, a man in love with Zhojuang.

"There is no such place in all of China," he says. - In December 1997, Zhohiojuan is included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Monuments with the easy-to-use UNESCO Secretary General, who visited our city. He was painted by the "Chinese Venice". So be it. At the invitation I visited Venice recently. Honestly, Zhojuang I like more. "

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From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 3 (1155 2016) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

Chinese cuisine Chinese cuisine Nikolai Skov Politics Economics and the beginning of the Asian Bank of Infrastructure Investment Chinese Cuisine - a recognized symbol and diversity symbol. Throughout the millennium, from one side it was unthinkable

Not far from Shanghai, in Jiangsu Province, there is a beautiful city of Suzhou, for which the second name is firmly secured - Chinese Venice, the city of gardens and canals. The historic center of Suzhou, around which the modern urban district is located, stands on the Great Chinese Channel between Shanghai and Wuxi, which was built two thousand years old, and many centuries were the most important transport and commercial center of Jiannan regions - the richest part of the country. For us, Suzhou became the city of dogs and many small craft shops. In the Suzhou in the XII century, Venetian Marco Polo visited, it was he who came up with a name for this settlement - Chinese Venice. Rich Primburse Officials broke their gardens here, now these gardens are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Today, Süzhou is a modern city with a subway and skyscrapers, in which a cozy old center has been preserved with low houses on canals and magnificent gardens hidden behind the high walls.

How to get to Suzhou

No airport in the city, and the nearest is in Shanghai. Distance from Shanghai to Suzhou - 80 km, this is a little less than an hour by train. Cheap flights Moscow - Shanghai.

We arrived in Suzhou on a high-speed train from Shanghai and first thought that we would see a small provincial town of Jiangsu Province. It turned out that this is a modern megapolis. Fare of the train Shanghai Suzhou 39.5 yuan. ABOUT chinese trains And how to buy tickets on them can be read in the article.

From the station you can walk to Northern Pagoda and a modest official or to get to it or other attractions on the subway. At the station there is a tourist information center where you can take free map Suzhou with a metro map and attractions.

Subway Suzhou map

Subway Suzhou is valid since 2012 and it is immediately noticeable, especially compared to Shanghai. The metro is very clean and light. At one of the stations of Seryozha, it approached the machine, where something was sold for one yuan, and decided to buy it certainly. It turned out that these are paper handkerchiefs!

You can buy tickets in the machine, as in other metro of Chinese cities. How to do it, you can see in the article. Metro map Suzhou:

From Shanghai you will arrive at the station, which is located at the subway station Suzhou Railway Station.

Where to stay in Suzhou, hotels in Suzhou

In fact, if you go to see most of the gardens of Suzhou, one day you do not have enough! Therefore, it is worth thinking about to stay in Suzhou for a few days. You can choose a cozy hotel. Suzhou hotels in Suzhou.

What to see in Suzhou, attractions of the city, center map

Map of landmarks Suzhou:

Channels Suzhou

Suzhou was built in 541 BC. e. King he Lui. According to its historical and cultural significance, Suzhou ranks third after Beijing and Siane. It is also one of the four tourist cities under special environmental protection of the Chinese government. Three other cities enjoying such a privilege, this Beijing, Hangzhou and Guilin. In 1997, Suzhou attracted the attention of the world community - this year, UNESCO decided to make his classic gardens in the list of world cultural heritage. Suzhou is located on the shipping great Chinese Channel - on one of the oldest hydraulic structures from the world preserved in the world today. Channel was built for two thousand years - from the VI century. BC e. until the XIII century. n. e. Currently, this is one of the most important inland water arteries of the PRC, which connects the large ports of the Shanghai country and Tianjin.

Channel length - 1782 km, and with branches in Beijing, Hangzhou and Nantong - 2470 km. The width is width in the most narrow part in the provinces of Shandong and Hebei - 40 m, in the widest part in Shanghai - 350 m. The channel connects the River Juanhe and Yangtze, including the channels of such rivers, like Bayhe, Wehhe, sneeze and others, as well as several lakes Mostly, the channel passes through the plain territory, however, there are places in places. Therefore, the channel is equipped with a gateway system invented in the century. In 2014, the Great Channel is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Suzhou is often called Chinese Venice. True, the gondolas on the channels do not swim, but swim the pleasure boats and various barges. On some, it seems even live:

The historic part of Suzhou is surrounded by a rather wide bypass channel, concluding it into a rectangle. You can swim on it on a pleasure boat.

Suzhou and Venice - the cities of witnesses, as evidenced by the gift of Italians, Gondola, who is strangely decorated with a lawn in the park at the gate of Panmene.

Along the canals in Suzhou, there are low white houses where people live.

Park and Panmene Gate

Suzhou is the city of gardens and parks. We decided to start our inspection from the park at Panmene gate, which are located in the southwest of the city and reached us from the time of the ancient Suzhou. In antiquity, Suzhou was decorated with 16 gates: 8 terrestrial and 8 water, which were destroyed over time. Built in the 6th century, Panmen gates were and remain the only goal and on land, and on the water. Their name means "Gate Curved to the Dragon Tangle." The current gate was built in 1351 during the dynasty of the Yuan (1206-1368) and were repaired several times in later dynasties.

The nearest metro station to the gate and park - Nanmen. From her, it should still be held for about 15 minutes. On the way from the subway, we met shopping streets with various shops. The Terrible Guards of the Heavenly Lviv Buddha are not respected here at all, fold the goods right on them.

Tuski birds on the street were not surprised.

And this is a special dishes for Chinese dumplings that make a couple.

At the entrance to the park we are met here such a gate and cow. Entrance to the park is paid, the cost of 40 yuan.

The famous gates are now part of Panmene landscape park, which tourists know worse and attend less frequently than widely advertised gardens of a modest official and masters of networks. But in fact Panmene Panmene and interesting and not so crowded as others.

On the territory of the park you can see the oldest Pagoda Suzhou - Ruiguang or the Pagoda of the Good Glow. Pagoda has 7 tiers. It is said that the pagoda was built in 247.

Kimono, bought for Japan, unfortunately, did not go there yet, but found himself in Suzhou.

In addition to the pagoda in the park you can see temples, canals and bridges and feed fish.

Despite January, flowers bloom in the park.

Dragons decorate the temple.

The park is quite big and we spent a lot of time on it. Then we had a plan to visit a couple of gardens, and we went to the subway.

Near the gate Panmen is the Wumen Bridg Bridge. It was built in 1084 and is the highest ancient bridge in Suzhou.

Next to the park is Pan Pacific Suzhou, stylized under an ancient city wall. Hotel Pan Pacific Suzhou in Suzhou.

If you stop at this hotel, the entrance to the park will be free.

Pagoda of the Northern Temple

After visiting Panmen Park, we went to the subway to two other gardens parks, and went out at the Beisita Metro Station. It turned out that it was named so the station in honor of the Pagoda, which is near. Pagoda of the Northern Temple - its Chinese name sounds like Beisita. This is the highest Pagoda of Suzhou, it was built from 1131 to 1162 years.

Garden of a modest official (Zhozhhenyuan)

From the Pagoda of the Northern Temple, we went to the garden of a modest official (ruler) - The Hamble Administrator's Garden. This is the most famous and visited garden Suzhou. But when we came to him, we saw only the walls and closed gates. The garden no longer worked. Arriving in Suzhou for lunch, we managed to visit only one garden - Panmen. In winter, the gardens are closed early.

The garden of the modest ruler was built in 1509 in the era of the board of the dynasty of the mines of the former state centurner Wang Xianchene, who, according to legend, was removed from office for bribery. The garden is considered one of the outstanding samples of traditional Chinese gardening art. The main part of the garden is a huge pond with bulk islands connected to each other with zigzag covered bridges. The main architectural building of the central part of the park is the Pavilion of "Elusive Aromas", being inside of which, you can feel the aroma of lotuses growing in the pond. The garden received its name from the classic character, a "modest official" who dedicated himself to gardening, from the work of the poet Yue Pan "Bachelor". "... I enjoy a quiet life, building your home and growing trees in the garden ... I scream the garden and grow vegetables for myself ... After my resignation, such a secluded life makes me happy ..."

The garden consists of eastern, western and central parks, as well as the residences of the former garden owners. The entrance to the park in the low season costs 70 yuan, and in high (from April to October) - 90 yuan. The garden is open from 7 am to 5:30 pm. Lotuss bloom in the park from June to September. Beisita Metro Station. Site of the park of a modest official (Zhozhhenjuan).

Garden Lion Grove (Schitzylin)

It is located near the garden of a modest official. But when we approached him, he was already closed too. This garden was founded in 1342 by the Buddhist monk named Tianz in honor of his teacher Zhi Zhen. They say that Zhi Zheng reached Nirvana in the lion's peak of Mount Tianhu, located in the province of Zhengjiang, so the garden and was called the lion's grove. A characteristic feature of this picturesque park is artificial stone slides, resembling their forms of various lions, and green areas, curved by a spiral and forming a labyrinth. The garden is open from 7:30 to 17:30, input - 40 yuan. Beisita Metro Station. Park site Lion Grove (Schitzylin).

Garden Master Networks

Network Masters Garden is small, and at the same time the most refined, landscaped garden in Suzhou. This garden is also sometimes called Fisher's Garden (Fishing Master's Garden). The garden is located on the square of 0.6 hectares. This elegant structure is a typical example of the official residence of the Epoch of the Board of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). The garden that we see today was defeated on the site of the former mansion of one of the officials who served here during the Board of the Song dynasty (960-1279). The new owner of the Garden of the Master of Networks, Sun Zong Yuan, chose such a name for his garden in memory of the previous name of this place - the refuge of the fisherman. This garden is small, but in every sense noteworthy. He has a very picturesque pond located in his center. A lot of beautiful plants grow around the pond, a specially installed stones are standing. There are also pavilions and stone bridges in the garden. The garden is open from 7:30 to 17:00, the entrance is 40 yuan.

The garden of the masters of the networks looks completely different with the onset of darkness when lights light. The atmosphere in the garden becomes truly magic. In the evenings, various shows are held in the garden, such as the opera Kuntzu (Suzhou Opera). Artists come in national costumes, perform vintage folk songs and dancing, play an ancient musical instruments. Presentations are held in many halls, pavilions and rooms at the same time, so visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with different types of art in one evening. Evening views in the garden go from 19:30 to 22:00 every night from mid-March to mid-November. Visitors can buy tickets for just to visit the garden and special tickets for evening views (100 yuan). Nearest metro stations Yangyu Xiang and Chayuanchang. Site Park Master Networks.

Tigry Hill

On Tigrin Hill (Tiger Hill) there is a local incident tower - Pagoda Yunyan Ta. Seven-story Pagoda Yunyan was built in 961. "Fall" to the north-west of the central axis, it began from the middle of the XVII century. The hill of a tiger, also known as the hill of the raw sea, is located in the north-western part of Suzhou. Its height is 36 m. According to one of the legends, somewhere in the depths of the hill near the lake of the sword is hidden by the tomb of Emperor He Lou, which was ruined in 722 - 464. BC. It is said that when the emperor buried, a white tiger came to the entrance to the tomb and remained to guard the deceased. This is one of the most popular sights of Suzhou - 1.5 million tourists attend it every year. The entrance to the park is 80 yuan in high season and 60 yuan in low. You can get to the park on buses number 1 and No. 2, departing from the railway station. Site Park Tigry Hill.

Museum of the city of Suzhou

Suzhou City Museum is designed by the legendary architect Bay Yumin, the creator of the famous glass pyramid of the Louvre in Paris. It attracts attention not only by exhibits, but also by their appearance, combining traditional Chinese style and futurism. Located near the garden of a modest official. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday. The entrance is free. Website of the museum of Suzhou.

Silk Museum in Suzhou

Suzhou is called the city of silk - they made silk and embroidery for the imperial yard. Silk Museum in Suzhou (Suzhou Sichou Bowuguan) was the first in China. The museum has a small silk factory that works like a show for tourists. There is also a silk shop where you can buy a Chinese embroidery of Suzhou and sets for embroidery for silk. Silk Museum site in Suzhou.

Dogs in Suzhou

Traveling in China, the first time we practically did not see dogs, whereas in European countries will often meet dogs and their owners. The first dogs we met on the bus station in Guilin. About our adventures in Guilin read in the article. The topic of dogs in China is complex, when in the days of the "cultural revolution" in the 1960s. Dogs were in opal and began to be considered a sign of the highest class and luxury attributes. Often, fear possible consequencesThe owners of dogs themselves got rid of their four-legged "class characters". And taking into account the fact of the acute shortage of food in the country, the dogs were literally doomed. Some Chinese dog breeds almost disappeared, for example, Sharpei and Tibetan mastiffs. Now the Chinese are again acquiring homemade pets, but in some places still have dogs to eat. In some cities, there are laws that limit the number of dogs from the family to one, dog registration rules are introduced in the city. Apparently, due to these reasons, we have not seen so many dogs as, for example, in Italian cities. "The city of Dogs" for us was the Suzhou, where the four-legged pets could be very often seen. Here the pek is heated in the sun's sunshine in Suzhou.

And here the dog along with the owner is waiting for a traffic light at a pedestrian crossing.

Peskov in suites:

Guard in the store:

The dog is a guard in the store. Suzhou. China.

On a walk:

And this kid walked one through the night city:

In one shop, we met here such a wonderful cat:

Shopping Suzhou

In Suzhou, a lot of interesting shops and shopkeepers. On the way to the gardens, we saw their many.

For example, a store where you can buy a fan, immediately sits the master who does them.

What only fares are not seeing, from cheap to very expensive handmade.

In this bench, there was also a featful worker who welcomed all visitors and said: "Nor Hao!". Look at the video O. Suzhou Where there is this bird and a brief overview of Suzhou.

Food in Suzhou

Suzhou is famous for the exquisite cuisine, which originates with the "boat dishes" of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, many noble people arranged pions on boats, so they could have fun not only from delicious food, but also beautiful landscapes. Since the kitchens on the boats were small, the cook sought to compensate for small portions to the taste. And in our time, Suzhou kitchen retained its features: sweetness, lightness, high-quality ingredients. Especially popular dishes from vegetables and fish. When we wanted to eat went to the eatery for local. At first, we were trying to give a small menu in English with the most expensive dishes, but we looked at what visitors eat and asked the same. Again the favorite dumplings again and took the soup on the sample, which was also with dumplings!

On Sergei Street, he could not resist and decided to try street food - local eastern sweetness. But she turned out to be some kind of tasteless.

Where to go from Suzhou

The neighborhood of the city is also very interesting.

City on the water Zhojuang

Zhowojuan is one of the most picturesque and famous Chinese cities on the water, located in the Cunchean district, just 30 km south-east of Suzhou. An ancient town is standing on the Jinghan Channel, connecting Suzhou with Shanghai. The city is widely famous for its romantic atmosphere, charming species and well-preserved old residential buildings, elegant bridges and rich cultural heritage. Channels are served by the streets, on the shores of which houses with white walls and curved tiled roofs were built. Centuries Back to these streets, residents moved exclusively by boats. One of the most famous bridges of the city - Shuangziao (double bridge) is considered a symbol of Zhojuana. The bridge was built in the era of mines during the reign of Emperor Vanley (1573 - 1619) and consists of two bridges - Schideziao and Unanziao, forming the letter "g" and connecting two rivers - Inji and Nanbei.

City on the water tunnel

Tinley's tiny town is just 18 km from Suzhou on the way to Lake Thai. You can come from Suzhou by bus from the Northern or South Bus Stoves. Tunli is an excellent model of Chinese cities on water: only through the historic center is 15 rivers connected by semalous bridges. Boats continue to be the main vehicle For 10 thousand local residents inhabiting the Central District. Thanks to this, an extraordinary silence reigns in the city, so unusual after Shanghai visits. The main attraction of the city is bridges built into different epochs and reflecting different architectural styles. 49 bridges connect seven islands formed by 15 rivers and 5 lakes on which the city is worth. Each bridge wears its unique poetic name. The most famous are the bridges Taipin (Bridge of Great Tranquer), Jili (Welfare Bridge) and Changzin (the permafrost bridge). They are called the "Triple Bridge" in the city.

Tunli is often referred to as the "architectural museum of the Ming and Qing dynasty". In fact, the city retained his ancient appearance, and among the ancient traditional Chinese houses, where the Chinese continue to live, there are interesting architectural monuments - Manor with gardens and temples, built along the banks of the rivers.

It's funny that at such a romantic and an ancient place, like a tunley, a choice for the opening of the first in China of the Museum of Sexual Culture is apparently to lure tourists from the neighboring Zhojurana. The museum is divided into four parts: "Sex in primitive society", "marriage and women", "sex every day" and "non-traditional sex." Inside, about 2,000 exhibits giving gunpoints about the development of sexual culture in China from ancient times to the present day. Entrance to the museum from 18 years and costs 20 yuan.

We liked the city, in good weather, given the visit to the suburbs, you can come here 3, no less. The next day we went to the city, the continuation should be ...

In more detail about what eventually it turned out the route in China, read the article. There you can see the map of this route. Also in this article we are talking about every city, in which hotels we stayed how much the journey cost, and where it was possible to save.

Continued about China and every city of our trip read. , and the acquisition of universal. And thick waists can just

08 Lispad 2016.

Another place, which, of course, deserves close attention and compulsory visits. This is the city of Suzhou, located in the Delta of the Yangtze River. On the sleeves, as well as the present city spent between them, the real city grew, and what city is the whole area! After all, in addition to the Suzhou himself, you can go to the neighboring towns, for example, in Tunli.

Suzhou City is located just an hour from Shanghai. In principle, it would be even possible to get out of one day. If Suzhou himself was not so interesting, that he was not so much with the surroundings with surroundings 2-3 days.

Immediately at the exit from the station, we rest in the canal and the fortress wall. Already cool!

The city of Suzhou is huge. You probably, and did not really know about such, and there is even a subway! This is where I came up with a joke about "What is overpopulation in Chinese? This is when you are going to a small-minded point on the map, and there are not only 40-storey residential skyscrapers, but also the metro line!

And we actually go to the center!

Here he is the old town. It is a rectangle about 2 by 3 km with channels and with an old building along them, leading to enthusiasm both foreigners and the Chinese themselves.

Really here Venice!

Yes, no, steeper Venice!

It seems like the place and tourist, but the ordinary Chinese live in homes. They immediately prepare, erased, etc.

Would you like to live here? Every morning peeking in the window, drinking green tea, looking at the flowing driver.

Popular riding on gondolas in water arteries.

On the outskirts of the historic center you can find a boutoforest wall. It is clear that she is Novodel, but the Chinese are hacking.

In general, romantic here ...

So, Suzhou is a major industrial city. Fans of stinky Promon will be interesting here. Although I am a lover, but I did not go to watch - there is little time, alas ..

Well, the industrial architecture of the beginning of the 20th century also deserves attention.

I went to the suburb of Suzhou - Tong Li town.

There is still more lamps than in Suzhou.

More authentic, untouched. It's an increasing and rare for China ..

These are narrow powerful streets, where as well as hundreds of years ago there is a simple peasant people.

Old city. All pedestrian

You can wander all day for these labyrinths.

This is generally class!

Here everything is simple, without delight. The question is how much this town will stretch without global reconstruction?

So it's a pity that I needed ahead of my time, I came here for just a couple of hours (it was very early, and I was here about a year ago).

In those carriages, simple tunnelins erase under linen.

The next morning I decided to leave Suzhou further to Qingdao, but was toughly broken. Suzhou did not let me go.

Well, think about whether such a mental place is so easy to let go? Despite the fact that we have not even seen Promon?

In Suzhou itself, the channels are also actively used by local as natural reservoirs.

Here we wash, wash the dishes. And so already hundreds of years.

The purity of the water of suzhoutsev does not confuse, it seems.

They are still here and catch something .. really fish?

Wash all sorts of objects. For example, cells for parrots

Perhaps it's more interesting than all palaces and monasteries that could be here :)

I would know, of course, I would not be able to leave, I would have walked here yesterday, and today I would go to the tunnel in the morning. But - what is done, then done.

Here are the areas of grace.

And here there are narrow narrow streets.

As I said, Suzhou in the Middle Ages was the capital of China. The emperors of the Ming dynasty have lived here, and many of them have been sazing the stunning beauty of the gardens!

Imperial gardens are one of the key Suzhou key chips. They are about 7 pieces, it is advisable to see as much as possible. I was able to get into the most important and large garden.

In general, as we know, the Chinese are in principle prone to the feeling of beautiful. Therefore, such places like their gardens have always been well obtained.

Copies of small trees.

Ticket to the garden costs 70 yuan. 700 rubles for our money. It would be unlikely that I would voluntarily go for such a sum in this garden. But it was possible to penetrate the wrappers :)

But the garden is cool!

Landscape decorations.

Still not a group of tourists .. However, since I penetrated here for free, then what would I complain about.

Arbor. Here they won the Chinese kings once.

Where, without flowers.

And we will return to the city, in ordinary chinese areas.

Do you often see the forests sticking out of the channels?

Writing shop. We can immediately see that Sizintpin never started. Would such a combination be thinking of us ??

Here are areas of leisure clubs with Mahjong.

And the channels with old buildings are far from only in the center. An ordinary street is somewhere 2-3 km south of him, and here, please,

The picture here in places spoil "I do not care on everyone." Alas, raising the overall standard of living in China brought up the upstairs here is such an uneducated village, which has its rural habits in the city, imaging expensive cars. Familiar to us the problem, we have already started to move away from it, and the Chinese are still behind.

Well, these are standard crushing quarters on the outskirts of Suzhou. Through them, I tried to go to the autobahn to go hitchhiking to Qingdao. But he missed, lost, in the end, the autobahn was at the level of the 5th floor in this place. So I did not leave Qingdao on this day, just went with a backpack. But looked into such a cute place.

Life at all boils!

In general, Suzzhou cereals.

Well, this blacksmith, as they say, made my day!

It does not matter, the first time you stepped into Chinese land or lived in this country for several years, traveling in China is a great way to learn more about the culture, history and life of our Chinese contemporaries. With the help of our project, you can not only expand geography tourist places In the country, but also learn local lifehaki. Go?

Suzhou (苏州)

city District in Jiangsu Province (江苏)
The historic part of the city is located on the water
Population: 2.05 million people
Keywords: Eastern Venice, Silk, Gardens, Great Chinese Channel, Bridges, Center for Wedding Fashion, Opera Kuntsyuy, Tea House

Why Suzhou?

History Suzhou has 2500 years. This city has always embodied the ideas about the sophistication and the grace of the traditional culture of China. Today is a modern city, which was able to organically unite the history and modernity, skyscrapers and cozy, high technologies and a provincial pace of life.

The main attractions of the city are gardens, old streets, parks and canals. If you have long dreamed of watching the traditional Chinese city, then you should surely come to Suzhou. Here you will feel unity with nature and history against the background of a dynamically developing modernity.

How to get?

Better and faster to get to Suzhou from Shanghai on a high-speed train, but you can also on the usual one. The price of a ticket will be from 12.5 yuan for the slowest train, a trip to which will take up to 1 hour and 20 minutes. Railway station is located to north of the city center.

The second most popular is the bus. There are four bus station in the city that bind Suzhou C, Wuxi, Zhowojuan and Tunli.

Where to live?

To visit Suzhou quite just one light day. That is, you can go from Shanghai in the morning, spend the day in Suzhou and go back to the evening. But if you are a big lover of bridges and canals, then here are a few recombosis at the choice of hotel in Suzhou.

The hotel is better to choose in the old town, as almost all the sights are located there. Famous gardens are in historical center Cities and relatively close to each other. Therefore, we advise you to settle on the streets Guanqian Street (观前) or Pingjiang Road (平江路). There will also be a convenient pavement of the hotel on Shiquan Street (街) or near Suzhou University (大学). Booking sites offer a lot of options, the choice depends only on your preferences. When booking a hotel on Chinese resources, it is necessary to clarify whether the hotel has the right to place foreigners.

How to move?

The city has developed a public transport system. You can use the subway (the price of a trip from 2 to 6 yuan), buses (ticket price 2 2 yuan) and taxi (landing 10 yuan, and the trip will cost 15 to 60 yuan). The subway in Suzhou continues to be built, so it is better to download an online card, since the paper is very quickly lost with relevance. If you want to try something unusual, we advise you to use the services of Motoriksh (the starting price of 2 yuan, the price for the trip to long distances by agreement). The original design of the strollers will not leave you indifferent.

If you like an active way of movement, you can rent a bike. But for this you have to download one of the many mobile applications. The most popular services Mobike and Ofo.

What to do?

In Suzhou it is worth going to look at the gardens and channels. The first private gardens in Suzhou were built during the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220), but the flourishing of private gardening, like the city itself, fell on the 16-18th century. At this time it was one of the richest cities in the country. Located on the shores of the Great Channel connecting the Hitter of the Empire with the capital, and not far from the Yangtze, the main shipping path from the west to the east of the country, Suzhou was the center of trade in the All-China value. The decline of the city in the second half of the 19th century was triggered by the Taipin uprising, and by the end of the 1940s, there were little from the past gardening magnificence. Restoration of gardens in the last decade and the transformation of them from private possessions into public museums reflects their significant role in Chinese culture.

All traditional parks and gardens in China can be divided into three categories: monastic (under Buddhist temples and monasteries), imperial (including summer residences and hunting grounds) and private gardens. The latter were distributed in the richest cities of the empire located near the mouth of Yangtze: in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai, Yangzhou. They in turn are divided into two types: "static" and "dynamic". The first were planned with such a calculation that it was necessary to admire them sitting or standing. Therefore, attending such "static" gardens is important to know from what an angle and where to watch. The second, "dynamic," assumed that they would strive to admire them - their beauty is precisely in the dynamics of the replacing landscape. So to the first type belongs to the "lion grove", and the second is a spacious garden of a modest official.

Garden of a modest official (拙政园)

Ticket price 50 - 70 yuan, depending on the season.

The garden was built in 1509. On Square in 5 hectares, ponds, a museum, tea and many pavilions are located. Here you can visit the Pavilion "Rain Sound" or go through the "Prospects Gallery". This is the largest garden in Suzhou. You will definitely love its bridges, bamboo groves and ponds with fragrant lotus. The only drawback of this excessively popular place is the crowd of tourists who can deliver inconvenience.

Garden "Lion Grove" (狮子 园园)

Ticket price 20 - 30 yuan, depending on the season

The garden was built in 1342 by Chan-Buddhist monk Tyange in memory of his mentor. Throughout the history of its existence, the garden was rebuilt several times and restored. The last reconstruction was beastly in 1926.

The peculiarity of the park is artificial stone slides. If you carefully look at and show fantasy, you can see proud lions in stone weave.

Garden of married privacy (耦园)

Ticket price 15 - 20 yuan, depending on the season.

This secluded place is located in the distance from popular routes, and therefore tourists are not so much here as in the rest of the gardens. The garden is a sample of Chinese park art with mandatory reservoirs, bridges and channels surrounded by traditional buildings. Here you can safely reflect and discuss plans for the future.

Tigry Hill (虎丘)

The hill, a height of 36 m, is located in the northern part of the city. The area of \u200b\u200bthe hill is 14,100 square meters. m. According to the legend, the Emperor He Lou (6th century BC) is buried in the bowels of the hill. After the burial on his grave, a white tiger came to his grave, which guarded the Emperor's peace to today. In fairness I must say that the grave of the emperor did not find it. But beautiful legend and fabulous nature Attracts more and more tourists.

The outer shape of the hill resembles a tiger who is preparing for a jump. Not far from the hill is the lake of the sword, and on top of the hill - there is a Chinese "Pisa Tower" - Yunyan Pagoda (云岩寺 塔). The height of the pagoda is 47 m, and the angle of inclination is 3 degrees.

Great Canal (大 運河)

This is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of Suzhou. It is impossible to leave the city on the water, without hiding on the cruise boat in the Great Channel. The channel was built almost 2,000 years and is still the most important water artery of China. Channel length is 1782 km, and with branches - 2470 km.

During the cruise you can watch a small idea. pintan (评弹). This execution of ballads accompanied by traditional tools is one of the visiting cards of Suzhou. All ballads are performed on the local dialect w..

Silk Museum (苏州 丝绸 博物馆)

Ticket price 15 yuan.

Suzhou is famous for the production of silk and silk products. Throughout here, 4,000 years old, great masters create unique works. It was here that the technology of production of silk cookers was developed. In the museum you will not only learn the history of silk production, but also see the process of production: from caterpillars to finished products. And on the first floor in the shopping pavilion you can buy a silk dress, a bathrobe, bed linen and much more.

For title illustration used photo of Alina Kochetova.

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Wǒ ️️ Magazeta.

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