Manor and museums of fabulous heroes. "Where is the character registered?" Museums of literary characters in Russia

Remember how
(Literary quiz)

What is the name of the boy who needed to live the word "eternity" from ice glands?
(Kai. G. Kh .andersen. Snow Queen)
Who are the Boss and Betan, in what book we meet them?
(Brother and sister of the baby from the book A. Lindgren "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof")
What kind of name sounded in the song, which was caused by the punets of the magic pot in the fairy tale X. K. Andersen "Sveynbow"?
("Ah, my dear, Augustine, Augustine, Augustine ...")
What is the name of the girl who asked Lewis Carroll to write a fairy tale, where would "be more nonsense"?
Name two friends, the heroes of the stories V. Dragunsky.
(Misha and Denis)
What was the name of the wizard, who wore two umbrellas with him: one motley and elegant, and the second is ordinary, black?
(Ole-Luke from the fairy tale x.k.andersen)
In the title of what fabulous story A. Lindgren The name of the boy is repeated twice?
("Mao, My Mio")
Name the names of two restless brothers from A. Gaidar's story.
(Chuk and Gek)
The name of this boy is included in the name of N. N. Nosov's name, which ends with the words: "... Weeds to put up - a very difficult case. It is much easier than cooking porridge!".
("Mishkin Poros")
What is the name of the closest friends of Peppi Long stocking?
(Tommy and Annia)
Remember the full name of Peppi.
(Peppillotte-Victalina Rollogdin)
Who is Yalo and in what fairy tale we meet it?
(Olya - Heroine Tales V. Gubareva "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors")
What is the name of the evil sister of the good doctor Aibolita from the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky?
What is the name of the older Ivan's brothers from the fairy tale P. P. Ershov "Konk-Gorbok"?
(Danil and Gavrillo)
Mark Twain and A. Gaidar Heroes are called the same. How?
Name the three rivals Ruslan from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".
(Rogdai, Ratmir, Farlaff)
What is the name of the poet in the fairy tale of A. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"?
What is the name of the heroine of the fairy tale V. Kataeva "Flower-seven-family"?
What was the name of the heroes who were not brothers, but were surprisingly similar?
(Tom Carti and Eduard, Prince Wales - Heroes Tale M. Twin "Prince and Beggar")
What was the name of a boy who, thanks to the magic hemp, always answered the specified lesson, although he did not teach him?
(Alyosha in the fairy tale of Anthony Pogorelsky "Black Chicken, or Underground residents")
What was the name of the boy who was friends with the boards-bells, who was encountered with the shoes-hammers and a cigarette spring?
(Misha in a fairy tale V. Odoyevsky "Town in Tabakcoque")
In which two works of A. S. Pushkin Heroin is the name of the same - Lisa?
("Peak Lady", "Baryshnya-peasant")
What is the name of the heroine arguing:
"... I will not eat, I will not listen, I will die among your gardens!" I thought - and began to eat ...
(Lyudmila in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila")
In what works by A. S. Pushkin Heroine name is Maria, Masha?
("Dubrovsky", "Misel", "Shot", "Poltava", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Captain's daughter")
Name the name of Nanny Tatyana Larina's husband.
("My Vanya was younger than me, my light ...")
What is the name of the heroes of the fabulous story, who made a trip to the world of plants insects, seen like them like a magnifying glass?
(Karik and Valya. Ya. Larry. Unusual Adventures of Karika and Vali)
Name the full name of the Hero of the fairy tale A. S. Pushkin - Guy Done.
(Prince Gwidon Saltanovich)
What was the name of the friend of Pope Carlo, the stolar, who brought him to him, from which he cut out Pinocchio?
Louvre, thanks to the three most famous artistic monuments, are called the Museum of Three Women. Name their names.
(Mona Lisa Brush Leonardo da Vinci, Venus Milos, Nika Samofraki)
By the name of the Pushkin heroine named Logsa dresses?
(Tatiana- "Tatyanka")
During the soda fortune telling, "Eugene Onegin", Tatyana Larina, Yevgeny Onegin, wants to hear the desired name "Eugene", but ... What kind of name does she hear?
The name of the Goddess of the Earth, Mother Hermes, named one of the months of the year. What?
(Maya, from here- "May")
What Russian female name is a wooden toy invented by the artist Malyutin?
(Matrena - "Matryoshka")
What kind of appointment with the image of the Empress began to wear her name?
(The image of Catherine II was on the storubling assignment, it was called "Katek")
In the Hebrew language, this name means "charging", "grace". So called ... Austrian, ... John.
What was the name of the heroine of the famous play by A. N. Ostrovsky, whose name in ancient Greek means "seagull"?
(Larisa - the heroine of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Delpinal")
"Pure" - in Greek, and in Russia the Great. Who is she?
"Blooming" - in Greek, and in Russia - the cartoon heroine, a girlfriend of the girl faith (according to E. Uspensky's fairy tale). Who is it?

For several years there is a project to create an unusual - a fabulous map of Russia
Representatives of the Moscow Association of Farms became the authors of the project; The author of the map is Alexey Kozlovsky.

And it is correct if there is political map.That is why not be fabulous. It would be good to create a fabulous globe. To learn the geography of kids is much increasing.
It would be good to create a fabulous globe. It is much more interesting to teach the geography of kids much more interesting.
On the fabulous map Russia already has many fabulous heroes have gained their registration, but many more walked in search of the refuge. Almost no huge Siberia and the Far East, did not find a nest of the bird of Sirin, wandered without permanent resolon with Lesus ... Although, according to rumors, the house will soon marry the kimor and go to live with her in Kirov.

Here are those who have already settled on a fabulous map:

Alyosha Popovich - City of Rostov.

King Berendea - City of Pereslavl-Zalessky.
The king is located in the park "Berendevka", where on the shore of two ponds there are fabulous hut Berendeva Kingdom.

Water - Poshekhonye, \u200b\u200bYaroslavl region.

Bird - Gamayun - City of Yukhnov, Kaluga region.

Snake Gorynych - Village Village (Gadovo), Kimra district, Tver region.

Danila Master and Mistress of the Copper Mountain - City of Syver, Sverdlovsk region.

Nikitich - City Ryazan

Emelya and Pike - The city of Rostov Great, Yaroslavl region.
In the summer, holidays are held regularly here. Starts Celebrations S. bell ring. Then OT. Cathedral Square The march is sent to the city park, of course, with the Emesels themselves, riding, as it should be, on the furnace.

Firebird - City Palekh, Ivanovo region.

Fun Putyathic - City Ryazan

Gold fish - Bolt Boldino village, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Residents Nizhny Novgorod region They consider fish with their talisman.

Ivan the Fool - Kenozerier, Plesetsky district, Arkhangelsk region.
Every year there is an exhibition of children's drawings and letters Ivanushka "Favorite fabulous hero". On the day of Ivan, Kenozers invite everyone to the Holiday "Kenozerskaya Foolkovina".

Ilya Muromets - City of Murom, Vladimir region.
In the center of the city of Bogatyry has a bronze monument. And in the local local history museum, the famous countryman dedicated a whole section.

KimikoraVyatka - the city of Kirov.
At the Kikimor Mountain, the kimor's house recently appeared. This lady invites everyone to celebrate New YearAnd in the summer he will hold a tour of the swamps.

Kolobok - City of Ulyanovsk.

The Little Humpbacked Horse - The city of Ishim, Tyumen region.

Koschei the Deathless - Staritsa village, Tver region.
In 2006, archaeologists near the city found a cave of Koschery. In the fairy tale, the Staritsky shoemaker met this evil hero in the cave.

Digger Ryaba- Village Ermakovo, Yaroslavl region.
In August, the holidays of chicken rush are held here. The village works the same name. Here Ryaba appears in different things: both with a golden egg, and illustration in a book, and a nursing chicken. The museum you can learn about the subjects of life and crafts that existed in Russia.

Leftless- Tula city
The city has a monument to Master.
An international competition is held on the graphic design of logos and trademarks "Golden Bloch".

Mistress of the North - Louchi. - Look district, Karelia

Mikhailo Ivanovich Toptygin- Simply a closing bear - the city of Yaroslavl.

Santa Claus - Great Ustyug, Vologda region.
The Office of Santa Claus is opened in Veliky Ustyug, which includes a throne room, a museum, workshops, mail and souvenir shop.
Entertainment Center "Issue of Santa Claus" includes a range of services: food, life, rolling of masquerade and sports equipment, horseback riding,
snow motorcycles, skiing, skating, sleigh - winter; pleasure boats, water bikes - in summer.

Mouse - Nirushka - City of Myshkin, Yaroslavl region.

Young frost Package - City of Olonets, Karelia

Sadko - Village Selo, Novgorod region.
Not far from this village was still one - the satine, his name and gave the nicknamed the folk hero. In historical documents, he is listed as Senko Sient. According to Legend, Sadko argued with Novgorod merchants that a fish with "golden feathers" are found in Ilmen Lake. The dispute he won with the help of a water king, and it helped him to start trading with which he and rich. Entrepreneurs still travel to the guests for luck.

Sagan Ubugun - city Ulan -ude, Buryatia

Squa Burk - Oryol Region.

Snowman - City of Arkhangelsk.

Snow Maiden - City of Kostroma.
Snow Maiden was born in the village of Schelike, which belonged to the famous playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, writing a fairy tale about Cold Beauty. Terem Snow Maiden open round year.

Nightingale robber - Birch village, Kursk region.
The place is shrouded in many legends and legends. One of the most common things about the base of the village. They say, the peasant who settled here, for the first time put three birch trees, from here and the name of the village. And in the epics about the nightingale-robber there is a fragment where he argues about these birch.

Princess Frog - Rostov region.

Cheburashka - Moscow city.

Baba Yaga - Cook village, Yaroslavl region.
Today in the village there is a fairy tale museum, where Baba Yaga is the main puppet character. It works for tourists and tea jagi, where they treat famous sophoboic cakes. On the last Saturday of July (at the same time with the holiday of the village of the village) everyone is invited to Baba Yaga's birthday.

The capital of fabulous Russia recognized Yaroslavl.

// December 14, 2011 // Views: 17 083

To visit Cheburashka

Behind the fairy tale is not necessary to go - it is right here, in the capital of the country, in the Kozhukhovo microdistrict. At the entrance you will be celebrated by Cheburashka himself with his best friend - Crocodile Geno. There is also the real telephone booth, in which, according to legend, and the character of Edward Uspensky lived.

By the way, this part of the exposition was conceived by the writer: the most difficult turned out to be a taxonophone - because by the time of the creation of the museum did not produce them for a long time! I had to even seek help in the Moscow City Telephone Network, and the most real telephone booth was collected from two retro-ekes.

Inside the museum - an exhibition of children's work: more than a hundred Cheburashki and other cartoon heroes - and drawings, and crafts, and soft toys.

Excursions are held at the museum, where the kids talk about cartoon characters. And here you can see the legendary typewriter Edward Uspensky, on which this urban fairy tale was printed.

Nizhny Novgorod

To visit the goldfish

Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region worship the fish - it became a real mascot of these places. And this story began for a very long time ago: Earth in Boldin and the surrounding area for four centuries belonged to the family of Pushkin's poet, and now this village is a monument of culture of federal significance.

Here, the literary and memorial and natural museum-reserve A. S. Pushkin "Boldino" is known for the whole country, where visitors learn about three Boldin autumn in the life of the poet, which have greatly enriched their native literature. After all, it was in Boldin Pushkin wrote almost all his famous fairy tales. The first was the "Tale of Pop and about the employee of his Bald", the second autumn in the Bolden Earth turned out to be the most fruitful on the fairy tales - "a fairy tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes" and "Fishing and Fish and Fish" appeared. During the third visit, the poet wrote a "a fairy tale about Golden Cockerel."

In memory of this heritage of the poet in Boldin, another museum was opened - dedicated to Pushkin fairy tales. In the museum, many exciting expositions: "Tale of fisherman and fish", "thirty-three heroes", "Tale of Tsar Saltan".

The main part of the exhibits is the magnificent panels and silk stained glass windows, the dolls-characters of Pushkin's fairy tales, embroidery and products with partition enamel - created by children in the workshops of the author's artistic crafts of the city of Dzerzhinsk, the Nizhny Novgorod region. In addition, there are works of professional artists, masters of Gorodetsky painting.


To visit the master leshem

The master nugget once glorified Tula, and now continues to live here in the historic part of the city, on the banks of the Up River, but already in the form of a bronze monument. Weapons, including the founder of the dynasty of the first Russian industrialists of Nikita Demidov and his descendants, settled here.

Not far from the monument - the six-story building of the museum of weapons, stylized under the helmet of the Russian warrior. During the excursion, the master's name will sound more than once - children and parents will tell about the glorious history of Tula, about her craftsmen and, of course, about the left-hander and its unique work. And in Tula incredibly delicious gingerbreads - try yourself and carry as a gift to loved ones and friends!

On a visit to the Snow Maiden, Kimoore and Snowman


On a visit to the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden was born in the estate of the Schekovo Kostroma region, belonging to the famous playwright A. N. Ostrovsky, the author of the fairy tale about Snow Beauty. Santa Claus's granddaughter can be safely considered the Kostroma brand, she became here a real VIP person. Local entrepreneurs decided to appeal to the origins and did not lose - at the tourist complex, where the most interesting object - the timing of the Snow Maiden, there is no post away from visitors all year round.

In the courtyard of the Tereme is a huge stone: "Go right to go to the right - the horse will lose, directly go - in Terem to the Snow Maiden." And here there is a slide with which in winter you can ride on wooden sledding - modern, but exactly repeating vintage sleds. Opposite the Teremka - the belfry: Be sure to go there, call the bells and appreciate their crystal melody.

Visit to the Snow Maiden Themes will be interesting and large, and small guests: here and an ice room with a treat, and funny games on Snow Maidelian, and the most exciting - interactive program, during which you will be accompanied by the house, Domijah and the scientist Cat Baun. You will hear Slavic myths and legends, look at the puppet presentation and, of course, meet with the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Pearls Snow Maiden is considered an ice room. This room is open all year round, and in it is always winter: the temperature of -14 ° C is maintained. And decorations on the walls, and sculptures, and even the dishes are created from ice Kostroma masters. In the Ice Hall, children offer to taste fabulous sweet drinks, and adults - something stronger from ice chapters. And do not be afraid to freeze - in the summer, in a summer time, it will be given warm clothes and boots in a summer visit to the room.


To visit the snowman

In the past winter in this northern city, there was real Divo - in the first December day on the North Dvina embankment, the "House of Miracles" of the Arkhangelsk Snowman grew up - of course, made of snow! The owner of the house, the snowman, took the guests until spring came, and with the beginning of the cold, visitors are waiting again: a lot more fabulous winters!

In a snowy house, miracles can be made a desire, stroll through the unusual carrot forest, taste the snowballs of the White Sea ambulance and see many miracles.

And the snowman arranged a magnificent holiday of his favorite delicacy. Devices - ice cream! At the end of the year, the snowman is especially in demand: he gives new Year's ideasHe has several programs designed for children of different ages. For example, for the smallest owners of the house, wonders prepared a performance based on the famous cartoon "Snowman-Mailing".


To visit Kikimore Vyatka

Kirov is a city with history: it was founded on the mysterious Kikimo Mountain. Recently, the "Reserve of fairy tales" was created here, where the residence of the Kimora Vyatka is located. The program "Visiting Kimikors" is gaining momentum - a character, despite its not too good-natured image, is becoming increasingly popular in children.

Entertainment software With the participation of Kimikors, there are many - there are for children and adults, for the whole family and even for graduates.

On Guests to Baba Yaga, Mouse-Norushka and Emele

The village of Cook

To visit Baba Yaga

Today in the village there is a fairy tale museum, where Baba-Yaga reigns - the main puppet character. Guests are waiting for games and contests, and the kids "kind" grandmother will tell fairy tales. It works for tourists and tea jagi, where they treat famous sophoboic cakes. And on the last Saturday of July (at the same time with the holiday in honor of the village of the village), Baba Yaga are invited to the birthday - there will be real folk festivities!


To visit to the mouse-nirushka

On the slope of the Nikolskaya Mountain, in an old wooden house, there is the only mouse mouse all over the world - after all, a pretty rodent is considered the patron saint of this city. The famous museum is part of the complex of the Myshkin People's Museum, and the exhibits come here from all over the world - from France to India.

A visit to the museum will begin with the Office of the Mouse King: each tourist is a memorable ticket, on which there is a seal of the "mouse kingdom-state".

In the museum, children and parents will see mice-book readers (a rich library is collected here - books on dozens of world languages, and all - exclusively about mice), the hero mice of favorite cartoons, mice donated to the museum famous peopleAnd, of course, handmade mice, created from a variety of materials - from clay to felt. There is even a mini-zoo with mice of various breeds!

Adults, tired of numerous mice, can go to the Grand Assumption Cathedral of the 19th century buildings. On his bell tower can be climbed to inspect the surroundings (inlet charge).

And in the Myshkina there is a museum of unique technology "Myshki Self-propelled" - here it is accurately like and boys, and their dads. Indeed, here you can consider how the legendary cars are arranged - "half a gun", "funnels" and "Willis", to evaluate a variety of equipment - from steam machines to aviation turbines, and take pictures at the wheel of an antique car or behind the ship's helpr.

Great Rostov

To visit to Aleche Popovichu and Emele

In addition to the southern Rostov-on-Don, there is still a city of Rostov of the middle strip, who gave the country of the epic hero, the famous Alyosh Popovich. By the way, the hero is quite real: today scientists have found many evidence that the Bogatyr Alyosha was really born in this city in the XII century, in the priest's family.

Since 2010, in Rostov, there is a popular excursion program "Visiting Alesh Popovich". You can visit the day at once on three excursions: "Unique crafts" (visiting the factory of Rostov finifsty), "All roads lead to the Kremlin" (excursion to the local ancient Kremlin) and a visit to the Savior-Yakovlevsky monastery, where you will be accompanying the bogatyr and his Beloved Nastya. The program includes a dedication to the heroes and Russian beauties, fun, fun and national games, and in conclusion - hotels for participation in competitions!

Rostov is rich in fabulous characters - here lives and Emelya. In the summer, the holidays are regularly held in the city: the festivals are held: from the Cathedral Square to the city park, the procession headed by the emes, traveling, as he believes on the furnace. In the spring, there are carnival festivities here, where guests can enjoy traditional pancakes to taste delicious oars.

To visit the chicken row


To visit the chicken row

The fabulous mistress of the museum appears here before the guests in different appeals: both with a golden egg, and as a book illustration, and a conventional nursing chicken. The whole room is assigned for various risks, and in the other two halls - exposure dedicated to the everyday of the peasants and the work of local poultry farms. In the summer in Yermakov, a fun holiday "Visiting a rush chicken" is organized - with ricks in the costumes of chickens. And here you can taste eggs, but not gold, but simple and very tasty!


To visit Ilya Muromtsu

The fabulous epic bogatyr Ilya Muromets here, according to legend, lay on the furnace 33 years old, and then went to defend Russian land from enemies. In the Transfiguration Monastery there is a sculptural image of Ilya Muromsz with a particle of its relics, and the whole exposition is devoted to the Murom Historical and Art Museum, the whole exposition is dedicated - vintage chains, armor and weapons, engravings and icons. The museum has an interesting interactive program for tourists: guests are met by Ilya and Beauty with Kalach, there will be epics, stories about rolling exploits and "dedication to warriors and heroes".


To visit Toptygin and Water

Museum "Toptygin House" is very small: it's only one room, but what! There is even a real Bear Bear's bear, and children will be able to consider in detail how it is arranged. In addition to the Berlogs, Hunting Labaz is exposed to the museum, many exhibits on "bearish" themes and two huge scarecrow the owner of the forest. According to the prior application, you will be an interactive excursion with games, competitions, hunting bikes and tea drinking (honey from the real deck!). And the pasta is also called Yaroslavl Venice - because the village stands on five rivers. It is not surprising that it dwells water: its official residence is located in the children's library. In the dwelling of water - portraits of the owner, the statues of its girlfriends-frogs, aquarium with small saves, a water mill and other attributes of the aquatic kingdom. Water and his colleague of the kimoro are cheerful guests, sing songs and treat all the ear.

An amazing and fabulous place must be visited by every parent who will come to the capital with his child. And if you are a resident of Moscow and still have not visited the Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio, then it is not constable at all. Here you can plunge into amazing, the fantastic world of this all known history.

Visiting Buratino

Coming to the Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio, you can wander through amazing worldin which these heroes lived, or order excursions. They are thematic, for every taste - "Dad Carlo and his dolls", "Buratino and Malvina meet friends."

With the help of the Museum staff, you will actually visit the country of Pinocratic. From such a proposal, few people refuse. You can stroll through a narrow Italian street, which now lives the famous carpenter of Papa Carlo in his camork. Be sure to go to visit it. Or try to independently find the cherished golden key in the pond, in which the turtle tortilet lives.

The guys will tell you in detail about Pinocchio, the ancestor of Buratino, who came up with the Italian storyteller Carlo Collodi in 1883. And also about his Russian analogue of Pinocchio, which Alexey Tolstoy wrote in 1936.

Surprisingly and children, and adults, that not only in Russia, the fairy tales were imitated by a college. There are similar stories, for example, in German fabulous literature, this is Zefel Kern at Otto Birbaum. This and much more about your favorite heroes from childhood can be found if you come to the Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio.

Pinocchio and his friends

Together with her friends, the main character of the fairy tale is ready to spend a variety of excursions for visitors.

IN new program The museum of the guys will be able to meet with the beauty of Malvina, which will traine a restless Pinocchio and all the children who came to visit him the main rules of etiquette. For example, how to behave at the table, in the theater, away, how politely communicate with each other. So this excursion will not only be interesting, but also informative.

The main thing is that they advise everyone who decided to visit the House-Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio, - to carefully read the fairy tale in advance. Then it will be even more interesting and more fun.

How to get?

Pinocchio Museum is located in Moscow. To get to it, the easiest way to sit on the subway, to the Arbatsky-Pokrovskaya line. You will need to go to the station "Izmailovskaya". It is between "May Day" and "partisan".

Fail is completely simple Museum of Pinocchio. 2nd Park Street, House 18. If you are traveling from the center, then it is best to go out of the last car. So you will immediately find yourself on the street 2nd parking lot. You can walk to the museum from the subway. It will take no more than 5-7 minutes with a walking step.

The museum works every day, without days off. Opened at 10 am and works until half the sixth evening. You need to visit it by appointment, so you definitely inform your visit. Also more than one nuance - you need to have interchangeable shoes to visit the Pinocchio Museum. After all, you will go straight to visit the fabulous heroes, and on a visit to go. Well, or walk in pure boots.

Ticket price will be 600 rubles. If a collective visit, for example, a whole class came to visit Malvin, ranging from 15 people, then they will be given a 10 percent discount.

Also for 100 rubles, children from large families will pay less, even if they come to an individual excursion.

For organizers visiting children from boarding schools and there is a pleasant news. They do not have to pay for a ticket at all.

What unites Dr. Faust, Baron Münhgausen, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Uncle Tom, Sailor Fucking and a Little Prince? The fact is that all these characters have their own museums. For a fictional being and for his creator, it is a great honor. Because the Character Museum is the highest proof of his reliability and a sign of unconditional nationwide worship author.

The world museum practice has several dozen museums of literary, folk and film processions. In some museums, idolaters are rushing and curious from all over the world, others have been carrying the burden of "municipal" glory.

Every year, the number of these unusual museums replenish Russian apartments, houses, estates and even whole villages dedicated to the life and adventures of heroes, in the existence of which we unconditionally believe the whole country.

The first museum of the fictional hero in our country was opened in October 1972, 45 years ago in the village of expressing under Leningrad. For considerations of literary political correctness, the proud right of the first swallow was given to a character born under the Pushkin Guasin with Noodle ink - Samson Vyrina.

The place was chosen non-randomly - the otmahav 70 versts, the narratives stopped for the night or changed horses at the Third Station of the Belarusian Tract - Draw. According to archival documents and descriptions from the story "Stationander" in the house carefully recreated an atmosphere of the road station Nikolai I travel station. In each subject, the soul of the fictional hero is lighted in every thing - here is an adhesive sundress, here - a laid book, the table covers to tea - it seems The elderly father and daughter came out and are about to return to continue to unwind and unravel their eternal sad plot.

№2. Museum of literary heroes of "Loves of Belkin"

The village of Lvivka, located in the Treboldinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, from the XVII century there was a primary Pushkin and got a name by the name of the grandfather of the poet - Lev Alexandrovich. In 2005, the Luchinnik Museum of Heroes of the "Agent of Belkina" was opened in the Bark estate for the groves Luchinnik.

Room Ivan Petrovich Belkin

One of the rooms of the mansion is dedicated to Ivan Petrovich Belkin - the fictional author of the ART - His portrait hangs here, there is a bent chair, half a walk on which the storytellor snores in a dream - try not to believe in the reality of this character! The rest of the rooms are ideal scenery for five rates of the cycle. In the room of Lisa Muromskoy on a chair casually hanging the peasant dress; Next, we find the collected chest Marya Gavrilovna; Then we go into the room where Silvio left on the table on the armhole from the forehead of the label red cap ...

The house itself, with its charming old provinciality and all its landscape surroundings are perceived as genuine illustrations to the Belkin cycle. Here everything is true, honest, present.

Number 3. Museum of the poem "Anna Snegina"

Manor Kashina. Photo: NY.RZN.INFO.

In 1995, the Museum of Anna Snegina was opened to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yesenin in Konstantinov. The last Konstantinov landowner Lidia Kashin, for many years friends with the poet, became the prototype of the main character - the young nobility, the youth of the love of the chief hero of SERGUSH. It is in the manor "Kashina and a museum's exposition is located.

Thanks to a set of photos and genuine things that once belonged to Kashina-Snagina, and dozens of letters written by its legendary fellow villager, the yawl here is so intertwined with the fiction, which is not possible to separate the real story from a beautiful essay.

№4. Museum "Two Captains"

Museum V. A. Kaverin

Remember, "fight and search, find and not surrender"? IN hometown Veniamine Kaverin - Pskov since 2002, the Museum of the Roman "Two Captains" works. In the very center of the museum on the mast flutter flag with the famous motto, and the exhibits talk about the protothes of the main characters, about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel and of course about the development of the Far North.

"Two Captain" - a work of difficult fate. The book, embodied the dream of all post-war boys, who served as the basis for one of the best adventure Soviet films, in our memory is inextricably linked with the terrible tragedy of the end of the twentieth century - the Musicom Nord-Ost. Therefore, the Museum "Two Captains" is also a place of memory.

Brusylov, Sedov, Tatarinov routes were laid on the huge maps of the North. Young visitors who adore museums in which everyone is allowed to touch, in magnetic ships will be held legendary routesUsing a real ship compass. Here, in this unusual museum, hovers the spirit of heroic adventures. This is worth going for your children's dreams and then to dream about.

№5. "Non-good apartment"

The State Museum of Bulgakov on Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 10 in Moscow today is more famous as the apartment of Voland or "bad apartment." By the text of the legendary novel, Woland, sending the steppa Lyarkheev to Yalta, settled here, in Apartment No. 50, in the present communal hell. In fact, in this apartment from 1921 to 1924 he lived the writer himself. By the way, in the same legend, a certain Anna Goryachev lived - the same Annushka.

Non-good apartment number 50 is located on the fifth floor of a five-story building. The window overlooks the opposite wing of the house and another "bad apartment" associated with the "Master and Margarita" - Apartment number 34, also served as a prototype of a bad power.

Interesting fact - In St. Petersburg, too, there is a "bad apartment." Only not Bulgakovskaya, but Tolstovaya. Its number 60 and is located on the sixth floor of a six-story house on the Fontanka River embankment.

№6. Museum of Bedder Ostap

Museum of the Ostap Bender Kozmodemyansk. Photo:

Hotly beloved by housekeepers, widows and even a woman - dental technician Adventurer-romantic Mr. O. Bender was awarded two museums - in St. Petersburg and Kozmodemiansk.

Once a year, during the days of the Benderiad festival, Kozmodemyansk is renamed New Vasyuki and turns into a carnival of humor. Here on the "interplanetary" chess tournament and auction, where you can buy a chair with diamonds, Fans of Ilf and Petrov come out. When the city rests from the holiday, Benderman can visit the museum - an old merchant mansion, prescribed by the martial glory of the legendary literary hero.

In 1995, Bender's Museum opened in St. Petersburg. Following the inimitable style of the chief hero, the museum closed several times. However, he always received a new birth, the last of which occurred quite recently - in the summer of 2016.

The museum's exposition presents authentic things, copies of those that appear in the novel - the famous tea citerbble, Pensna Kisos Vorobyaninov, a table from the office of "Horn and hoofs" and of course a hiry, which can even try to cut. For a perplexed question "Why, suddenly, Petersburg?", Museum's creators are responsible for this: the Prototype of Bender on one of the versions was Osip Shore - a bright, adventurous warehouse Mr., who lived here in student lessons. Subsequently, Osip Shore was noticed as an imaginary promising groom, a great chess player and a great artist ... a recognizable character, in one word.

№7. Museum of Snow Maiden

Terem Snow Maiden in Kostroma, photo:

The museum of this literary character was opened in 2008 in Kostroma. It is here in 1873 the Ostrovsky under the impression of the fairy tales of Afanasyev composed a play about a pale blonde girl, daughter (!) Santa Claus and Spring-red. A play for almost ten years remained unnoticed by the public, until he wrote the same opera according to her.

In addition to the Snow Maiden, the Museum "live" and other representatives of Folklore, from the houses to Cota Bayun. In the museum you can see Sani, on which the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus gives children gifts, to visit the ice room and even try a snowy cocktail.

№8. Cheburashka Museum

The museum at school - wherever nothing went, and the museum in kindergarten is thinking?! It turns out yes. In Moscow, near the metro station Vykhino in kindergarten and school No. 2031, two exposition sites dedicated to Cheburashka are operating. Before the entrance is the telephone booth in which the favorite children's hero lived, inside - the history of the creation of a touching and strange creature and many of his incarnations - "Cheburashny" crafts.

By the way, the initiator of the creation of the museum himself spoke himself, he was looking for like-minded people in publishing houses for a long time, but found them only ... in kindergarten. In the present day, according to Assumption, Cheburashka surpassed the author's popularity.

№9. Village Prostokvashino

- Master of the incarnation of literary heroes. Heroes of Baek from the life of Prostokvashino, as well as Cheburashka, in the near future they should have acquired the address and museum. In the Tonkinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region there is a village of Prostokvashino. It has 17 houses and 10 inhabitants.

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