In which city there are amazing celestial gates. "Heavenly Gate", China

The State Forest Park Tianmest Park (Tianmenshan National Forest Park, 天门山 森森区) is characterized by huge limestone mountain plateau with sheer cliffs and gear vertices covered with thick greens. Despite the fact that the famous vertical mountain peaks of Wooljuna is not visible from Mount Tianmean, this place is striking at least less than the Park of Zhangjia National Forest Park (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park).

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Mount Tianmen.

Visiting TianMenshhan Park by and large is a crowd of Mount Tianmen Mount (Tianmene | Tianmen Mountain). Translated from Chinese Tianmen means "Heavenly Gate".

Among local residents It is believed that the mountain is connected with the sky and has supernatural forces. She is even called the "Magic Mountain of Western Hunani."

View From Tianmen Mountain

TianmenShan National Forest Park

So, in the 20th century, four times from the top of the mountain unexpectedly and for inexplicably caused the waterfall with a height of 1500 m. Water flows fell within 15 minutes, and then suddenly disappeared. This phenomenon was observed in 1949 (the formation of the PRC), 1976 (Death of Mao Zedong), 1989 (suppression of student speeches in Beijing) and 1998 (the largest flood). Supervice Chinese consider these coincidences not random.

But Mountain received the greatest fame thanks to his unusual cave "Heavenly Gate".

Cave "Heavenly Gate"

Cave "Heavenly Gate" (Cave Tianmen | Tianmen | Heaven's Gate Cave | Tianmen Cave) - the highest cave in the world. It was formed naturally due to the soil erosion. It is argued that in 263, a large piece of the mountain was simply fell off, creating a huge cavity with a height of 131.5 m, a width of 57 m and a length of 60 m. The shrouded clouds, the "heavenly gate" is impressive. There is a feeling that passing through them, really will be in heaven.

Recently, the place has become popular with Skydaiver (skydiving), which fly on parachutes through the cave, despite the death risk. This, of course, is already super-extreme, but does the mountain even more popular.

To the foot of the cave from the top TianMen leads a staircase out of 999 steps. The number "9" in this case is not accidental. In the Taoist tradition, this number is the symbol of the emperor (Son of the sky) and the highest number, affordable person. The meaning of this number once again emphasizes the mysteriousness of this place located on the border of the human and divine worlds.

Road "Heavenly Highway"

You can go down from the mountain by bus on the road "Heavenly Highway" (Highway Tantan | Tongtian Avenue | 通天) with 99 turns. The name of the road is not an exaggeration, it is one of the most impressive serpentines in the world. The length of the track is about 11 km, and the distance between turns is from 200 to 1300 m. The road is so popular that some consider it the main attraction of the park.


Glass Sky Walk (The Glass Sky Walk) is a 60-meter road cut with glass floor and walls above the precipice.

In order to make it easier to maintain the cleanliness of the glass floor, all tourists are required to wear special tissue slippers, which can be rented immediately for 5 RMB.

Frankly, I'm not too afraid of the height, the more important is probably that the way is safe. By the way, slippers are not particularly helping to keep the glass is really transparent. Yes, and at the bottom of only the mountains, the scale is poorly felt. Therefore, I was not too impressed by a walk along the famous "Heavenly way". However, I saw people who in the literal sense held behind the rock away from the glass walls and almost fell into fainting from the intensity of emotions. So here much depends on the impressionability and past experience. But it's still worth walking, even to feel everything in your skin.

Cableway to Mount Tianmen

To the top of Mount Tianmen leads the longest and high rope road Tianmen Mountain Cableway or Tianmenshan Suodao, whose spans reach 500 m! In some places, the road rises sharply at an angle of 70º, suddenly crashed directly into the clouds. Unforgettable impressions!

With us in the booth sat chinese couple. The poor girl was so scary that she sat bolding into the knees and hiding her hands. As soon as she raised to look at the road, immediately Ahala and got into the knees again. In general, this is not just a cable car, and this adventure.

Buddhist temple "Heavenly Gate

Tianmen Mountain Temple (Tianmen Mountain Temple) was built during the Tang Dynasty as the Buddhism center in the Western Hunani area. The modern temple is the renovated buildings on the site of the original temple on a plot of more than 10,000 square meters. m. The temple is located in an intermountain depression with a wide review. If you look at the temple from the south-east, the surrounding hills seem so small that the temple looks at the lord - the son of the sky. This temple is one of the main places of pilgrimage in the province of Hunan.

How to plan a day in Tianmenshan Park?

I want to offer the most convenient inspection plan of the TianMen Shan reserve. Unfortunately, we failed to do everything described, because we traveled to the lift for a long time, then they walked around the mountain for a long time and were late for the escalators who lead to the cave of the Heavenly Gate. But I don't have to regret nothing, because the most beautiful is magnificent views Mountains drowning in the fog, and the feeling that you stand on a sheer cliff in the clouds surrounded natural beauty And rest.

We were very lucky because it was raining almost all day. I am not kidding. First, it scared many people from lifting up the mountain. And in the Chinese holidays (May 1-3) it literally saves the situation. And, secondly, it was a complete feeling that we seem to be at all at all, because the clouds are everywhere!

1. Raise on cableway Tianmen Mountain Cableway until the top of the Tianmene Mountain.

The lift has a stop somewhere in the middle of the way. So, there is no particular sense to go out here, it is better to go to the very top, then it is already gradually descended.

2. Walking on numerous paths at the top of the mountain.

Studies on the top of the Tianmen Mountain Enough for the whole day. To get around the mountain, the whole will have to go through at least 7 km. A lot of paths represent balconies on cliffs, under which clouds and driving down the drill mountains, part of the paths pass in the forest, which is part of the reserve, part on the mountainous space. Options How to get around the mountain set, we chose the way along the outer edge. All the most interesting is on this path. In principle, there is no particular need in a paper map, there will be pointers and cards on the ground.

Those who wish to move faster or simply tired of walking, can drive a part of the path on the lifts with the Forest Sightseeing Cable Car suspended chairs (25 RMB), which are brought straight to Temple Tianmen. I think this is done for rapid transportation to the temple.

By offering the mountain, do not forget to do the following:

  • Admire views from Glass Sky Walk Glass Paul. It makes no sense to go to him, having come down in one way or another to him.
  • View on the Buddhist temple, which we took on the monastery, because it takes a truly huge area.
  • View at the Heaven Gate Cave (Heaven's Gate Cave) from the top point. Despite its gigantic sizes in an even more huge mountain, it looks like a small hole.
  • Well, of course, make a million wonderful photos with the mountains in the clouds.

3. Go down on the escalators to the Heaven Gate Cave (Heaven's Gate Cave).

The main thing here is not to miss the time. Escalators work until 16.30, and long distances do not always give a faithful idea of \u200b\u200bhow long it takes the path, which, besides, is not always a smooth road, it is still a mountainous area. We joined it and did not have time to descend to the cave.

4. Go down from the foot of the "Heavenly Gate" cave down the stairs with 999 steps.

Those for whom 999 steps are an irresistible obstacle, can take advantage of the lifts on the left slope of the mountain.

5. Go down from the mountain by bus on the famous serpentine "Heavenly Highway".

If you usually gives it, it will not be superfluous to take pills in advance so that the journey is more pleasant.

If you are not particularly impressed with the views of the arch (cave) from the bottom or your lobbypiece prefers not to shake on the bus on Chinese mountain roads, then you can go down the down just as rising upstairs - on the main Tianmen Mountain Cableway lift.

Here is the scheme of the park of Mount Tianmen, which gives a fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he represents and helps think of a suitable route.

What time is it better to visit Tianmeenshhan Park?

  1. Avoid days with a strong fog. If even downstairs is foggy, that is, the risk at the top does not see anything at all. Tickets will be and buying and selling. However, you should not be afraid of rainy days without a strong fog. If you have no rainfacket with you, it will be possible to buy it in the building of the lift station.
  2. Avoid Chinese holidays (May 1-3, October 1-7) and the period of Chinese holidays (July and August). Tourists will not be just a lot, and horror as much. Perhaps you have to stand for hours in line for lifts.
  3. In winter it is very cold, and in February, the park can close for reconstruction.
  4. From April to June a good time, but high humidity and high probability of rain. If it does not frighten you (and I advise you not to scare small rains), then this time is great.
  5. From May to October high season. Accordingly, the price is higher, tourists are more.
  6. September and October - best time For visiting Park. It is still quite warm, but this is already a low season, and therefore there are no queues and prices do not bite.

How to get to Mount Tianmen?

Park Tianheenshhan is located 7 km from Zhangjiajie. Cable Road Lower Station Tianmen Mountain Cableway (Tianmen Mountain Cableway | Tianmenshan Suodao) it is within walking distance from the city of Zhangjiajie and a bus hub Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station. If it is impossible to find on the map, you can ask local, showing them hieroglyphs 天门山 索道 or a picture with a cable car and repeating Tianmeenshhan.

In the city of Zhangjiajie to the Tianmenshan Suodao lift station you can take the bus number 10. But I recommend a taxi with a meter. In the city it will be not quite expensive.

You can get to the city of Zhangjiajie (Zhangjiajie) by plane or train from anyone major city China.

What hotel to stay in?

For the most part, tourists go to Mount Tianmen immediately after visiting. And in the evening you are leaving or fly from the city of Zhangjiajie. In this case, it makes sense to stay in the town of Wulanuan (Wulingyuan) Radom with Park Zhangjiajie, and not in the city of Zhangjiajie.

Wulingyuan hotels

  • . One of the best hostels In Zhangjiajie. Prices from $ 5, rating 9.2. Clean, neat, excellent location.
  • - 3 *, the best combination of price-quality and the highest rating of 9.6! Prices below $ 30.
  • - The best quality hotel in Woolyuan, real Pullman. Of course, 5 * and the pool.

However, if you want to visit the TianMenshan National Forest Park (Tianmenshan National Forest Park) in the morning of early or if you leave the city of Zhangjiajie not in the evening of the same day, it makes sense to stay at night-other at the Chezhangjiezz hotel, which for the most time better than in Ugrauan and are surrounded by a good infrastruser in the city.

An excellent hostel within walking distance from the lift to Mount Tianmene with a high rating and a price of $ 5.

  • Queues. The Chinese are a lot. And during the holidays there are even more. You can be kept (as we are May 1) in line for an elevator 2-4 hours or an hour in line by bus. therefore more walks, less transport.
  • Come to the park early. Better then get over in the early evening. The bulk of tourists arrives after 10, and the park opens in 7.
  • If you are traveling yourself, then it is better to learn the most important phrases in Chinese. In China, almost no one speaks English.
  • Need to be able to pronounce the name of the hotel and addressTaxi drivers often do not know how to read and do not always know the terrain well.
  • Cash Money (of course yuan) will save you always and within. Currency and Visa Cards, Master Card may not accept. Do not be surprised, in China use their banking system.
  • Buy raincoat You can in the building of the lift station to Mount Tianmene.

basic information

  • A place: State Forest Park Tianmenshan (Tianmenshan National Forest Park, 天门山 森森区).
  • Nearest city: Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China (Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China).
  • Height: 1519 meters
  • Tourist area: 10,000 square meters. km.
  • Ticket price: 258 Rmb.
  • Opening hours: 8.00-18.00
  • Time at the inspection: 1 day
  • Number of visitors: not too much
  • Best time to visit: September, October.
  • We were in Park: 3 May 2014
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China is not in vain called the "subwayen" - from here lead the gate to heaven. On the map this place is called Mount Tianmene.

IN National Park Mount Tianmene can see the heavenly gates. Them geographical name - Tianmen Cave Cave - in Chinese folklore means "Magic Cave Western Hunani".

The arch in a rock of natural origin is the largest in the world - 131 meters in height and about 57 meters in width. Here are often delayed atmospheric precipitates, and it is a thick fog in the form of clouds - hence the name "heavenly" or "magic" arch.

How to do it?

1. The beginning of the route (Tianmen Mountain Cable Car Company Station) is located in 8 kilometers south of Zhangziajie on the road 104 Country Road (104 Country RD.), In the Yongding District area. From here, pick up on the top of Mount Tianmean along the cable car or by bus.

Photo: © mkang_iamadreamer | Flickr.

On the top of the mountain walks the longest rolly in the world (7455 meters) - 35 minutes of lifting, then a small descent on the trails.
And also the bus on the road with 99 turns, 9 kilometers long (one more adventure). Then - rise at 999 steps up.

Photo: 999 steps on the top of Mount Tianmene, © Kuruman | Flickr.

2. On the right, the Glass Sky Walk is surrounded at an altitude of 1430 meters and a length of 60 meters - Going along the path down, buy booties at the entrance for 5 yuan and go for a walk over the abyssa (look at your feet if you can).

3. A free escalator is leading to heavenly gates, then an escalator for 35 yuan inside the mountain or the same staircase out of 999 steps (this time on the descent).

4. Go down "From Heaven to Earth" - to the beginning of the route - you can by bus on serpentine with 99 turns.

Where to do it?


Tianmene Mountain Height - 1519 meters. On its top leads the longest cable car from 98 wagons in the world, and around the circumference, the glass path is moving.


Where is:in Mount Tianmene National Park

When to do it?

March - November
The cable operates on the rise from 7:30 to 16:00, on the descent - from 7:30 to 18:00.
December - February
The cable operates on the rise from 8:00 to 16:00, on the descent - from 8:00 to 17:30.

Escalators work until 16.30

How much is?

The entrance ticket for adults is 258 yuan, for children 6-18 years old - 148 yuan, for children under 6 years and an increase of up to 1.3 meters - free.

The ticket includes traveling on a rope one way, passing by bus on the territory of the park, travel to the upper escalator between the cave Tianmene and the peak of the mountain.

Take warm things - scarves and capes on top of the mountain sell Stridogoga.

It is believed that those who visited Mount Tianmene touched heaven. After all, it is here that the Chinese "Gate in the Heavens" are located, - a huge cave formed as a result of the destruction of the part of the rock. Another name is the "Magic Cave Western Hunani".

By the way, the height of Mount Tianmene is 1,518 meters, and therefore it is inferior to many other Chinese competitors, but tourists go here completely for other reasons:
FirstlyHere is an amazing cave, which has already been written slightly above, which is the highestmost in the world. From the chronicles it is known that it was formed in a distant in 263, its length is about 60 meters, the width is almost 57 m, and the height is 131.5 m.

It is because of its high location and because of the fact that it is constantly enveloped by the clouds, she received its name TianMenshan (TianmenShan), which means "Heavenly Gate."

To approach the cave, it is necessary to overcome 999 stairs on the stairs.

Secondly, On Mount Tianmean is popular with pilgrims and tourists buddhist templeAlso called "Heavenly Gratings". Its complex takes the territory of about 10,000 square meters. m.

Thirdly, The road to Mount Tianmean itself is already a landmark. You can get here with 2 ways:

1. On the cable car leading to the top of the mountain, the length of 7455 meters, which is considered the longest in the world. It was built by the French, that is, the security here can not worry.

With it, there is a stunning view of the bizarre peaks and the clutches of the Zhangjiajie Forest Reserve (Zhangjiajie) in the scenic area of \u200b\u200bWavyuan. It is believed that it was they who served as the prototype of the famous flying islands of Pandora in the avatar known to the whole film.

2. For the so-called "Heavenly Highway", also known as the "road of 99 turns". This highway is a length of 11 km, which really has 99 turns, the distance between which is from 200 to 1300 meters. It was built in eight years and rightfully is one of their most winding in the world.

FourthThese are mountain trails, a length of several kilometers surrounding the top of Mount Tianmene. The walk on them is very popular with tourists, because it opens a chic view of the beauty of the picturesque district of Wavlyuan.

The small 70-meter plot of these trail is made of glass (its thickness is only 6 cm), and considering that under his feet bottomless abyss, it is certainly not a spectacle for nervous tourists.

Photo reports and reviews about traveling and visiting the sights of the Cave of Heavenly Gate. Photo report about gateway to heaven, history where is

Cave of Heavenly Gate: detailed information

Report inaccuracies in the description

Heavenly Gate is a unique cave in China, near the city of Zhangjiajie in the mountains of Tianmene. This cave is located at an altitude of 1500 meters and looks like huge (131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide in the widest place and 60 meters long) gates leading directly into the sky.

According to Chinese chronicles in 263, a piece of rock in these mountains suddenly fell off, leaving a giant cavity. The slopes of the cavity were so beautiful that the locals called them "heavenly gates." Today, the cave itself leads 999 steps - the sacred number of Taoist philosophy is the symbol of the emperor. And Mount Tianmene itself, as the cave is considered mystical Moz. In the 20th century, waterfalls suddenly appeared here at an altitude of 1500, but disappeared after 15 minutes. Getting to the cave is very difficult, it is necessary to either use the longest and high cable car in the world or to ride mountain road With 99 turns!

To book a hotel

  • Feedback to Zhangjiajie Zhangjiajie - the urban district in the province of Hunan China. The city itself is very large, there are modern new buildings, but there are many private houses. The population is engaged in different crafts, but the younger generation masters the working professions, because The city is constantly growing at the expense of medium and small enterprises of private business. After all, everything is aimed here to attract tourists to the region, not only from China himself, but also from abroad. Not far from the city there is a small airport, which is ... June 27, 2012.
  • Feedback to photo 80 Reserved ChinaAnd this is a nurse-pevuny house. She meets swimming past ships and welcomes them with their singing. July 20, 2011.
  • Reviewed by photo 70 Reserved ChinaEntry-out of the reserve. Our hotel by the way was located next to this entrance, in a 10-minute walk, very comfortable! July 20, 2011.
  • Feedback to photo 61 Reserved ChinaYuipifan - limestone pillars of imperial brushes resembling traditional brushes of China's calligraphes. One of the symbols of the reserve. July 20, 2011.
  • Feedback to photo 51 Reserved ChinaForking the second day for a walked fog of the mountains, we will return to the hotel on this funicular. July 20, 2011.
  • Feedback to photo 49 Reserved ChinaTianziga - from the top of this mountain in the northern part of the reserve beautiful views On the forest forest, the valley with rocks similar to poles. It is a pity that now everything is shrouded in fog. July 20, 2011.
  • Feedback to photo 38 Reserved ChinaBut all the avatar species we saw twice, and on a clear day and in bad weather. These are the tourists. If you decide to see something, then it is necessarily aware of this. Our Tomas Guide said that we were the first tourists who were reappreciated to the mountains. July 20, 2011.

The cave with the poetic and metaphorical name "Heavenly Gate" is located in China, on the legendary Mount Tianame, located in Hunan Province. This unique cave is located at a huge height, so it was previously hard to reach. Currently, the Chinese made a huge staircase leading from the foot of Mount Tianmene to her top and the entrance to the cave "Heavenly Gate". The staircase consists of 999 steps and wears an at least poetic and allegoric name - the road of large gates.

In addition to the huge staircase to the top of the mountain and the cave entering the cave can be reached by car in a narrow mountain serpentine, which is called expensive 99 turns. In the title itself, the essence is laid - that the person will have to commit as many as 99 turns along the rise to the top.

99 turns and 999 steps correspond to Chinese mystical and religious ideas about the meaning of the cave and its relationship with people. The fact is that the figure 9 in Chinese submissions about the universe indicates the mysterious strength, which advocates the uniting principle between the Earth and Divine Benefits. But since the number 9 still denotes the emperor, this suggests that the nature of this mysterious binder can be accessible and understandable to people.

To organize a trip to China and other countries, it is better to contact a tourist firm, so you can be confident in a qualitative organization of the trip and transfers. Local population does not speak very well english language, Therefore, on the spot on its own it is difficult to navigate.

The cave received its name because the entrance to it really looks like a huge gate located at high altitude. The entrance height of the cave is about 130 meters, and the width of the input opening is about 60 m. If you look at them from below, they really look like an entrance to a certain and divine world, which seems to begins right away from this arch in the stones. And this huge entrance to the mysterious and attractive world is at the height of one and a half kilometers from the ground, almost on the top of the cliff.

According to the legends and beliefs of local residents, Mount Tianmene, along with the cave, have magical properties. In addition, it has the highest strength and condescens to communicating with people by various natural phenomena. The Chinese believe that the appearance of a waterfall on their slopes, the mountain flashes residents about the brewing split or serious conflict within the state. The most amazing thing is that this prophecy has already come true no longer.

The Chinese believe that hitting the upper point of the cave, you can touch with the hands of the sky and get a revelation or divine mercy. The impression of the presence of almost biblical solid celestial is created at the expense of a permanent mist covering the tight vertex of the mountain and having a form of solid, light education. It seems that this unique mountain and cave is designed specifically to confirm the traditional self-discharge of China - the subwayless empire. And the eternal peace and the world of this empire guard the heavenly gates and high, harsh pines growing on the slopes of the Divine Mountain.

And back mysterious mountain And the magnificent cave has become an object for a different kind of legend. One of the most interesting attributes the cave "Heavenly Gate" The role of the cave of Alladina, in which the rebels against the Ming dynasty hid the treasures. This legend attracts here a unpelled number of treasures, which are looking for treasures for centuries without tired, but while their work was not crowned with success.

A huge cave was born as a result of the titanic, long and hard labor of the Forces of Nature. In other words, the cave "Heavenly Gate » They are a natural cave, which began to form in the third century and our epoch has gained huge sizes. The formation of the cave was laid out of the broken and fallen bilber, on the site of which the cavity was formed leading the rocky rock.

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