Water excursion to the island of ogoy. Excursions Excursion Buddhist Stupa

Stupa enlightenment is a unique structure on the island of ogo in the Strait of the Small Sea of \u200b\u200bBaikal attracts the attention of tourists and pilgrims from around the world. It is believed that Buddhist stups are intended to dissolve all negative obstacles in the world, favorably contribute to the prosperity of the area, where they are constructed and benefit people, especially those who visit these stupas consciously. The most zealous believers seek to bypass the shrines 108 times, which is believed to guarantee them liberation and purification. The definition of enlightenment on the island of ogy symbolizes the purpose of the Buddhist path - recognition of his own mind, full of enlightenment.

Stupa on Wow is constructed with compliance with all the necessary rules and with the implementation of all rituals and practices during construction. In the process of construction over the stage, bright rainbows were repeatedly recorded, and one of them arose in front of builders from the base of the stupas and the other end connected the island of ogy with Olhon. The place for the construction of the Stupa on Baikal was not chosen by chance. The blessing of the construction of the Stupa was bestowed by many Lama and the high-dimensional representatives of all denominations.

DESCRIPTION: Travel along the southern part of Olkhon Island and the Islands of the Small Sea. Impressive winter species Small Sea and Primorsky Range.
The first stop - "Kamchatka" of fishermen, where you can see how "bormer" - catch the Omul on the fishing rod and take part in its prey! Winter fishing - what can be fascinating?!
Next, your route runs through a few islands, grottoes and caves, picturesque from frozen water nipples. The island of ogoy - a sacred place for Buddhists. There is established a stupa enlightenment, giving peace and executing desires. And on holy sources you can drink water and clean the body.
Collect the whole bouquet of memories: from fish parking, cracch ice, frosty air to lunch in the fresh air ... Everything will remain in your heart every moment!

Buddhist stupa on about. Fire-holy sources

One of the most popular excursions in the Small Sea

The excursion begins on the pier of the Malomorsk fish region in the village of Khuzhir. The duration of the excursion is 7-8 hours. You are accompanied by an experienced guide.

Take sure to excursion warm things: jackets, sweaters, etc. Wind on the water is cold. And take a swimsuit with you - the tour route passes through warm lakes Baikal, where you can swim.

Beautiful route - Traveling to the Small Sea towards unique phenomenon For these places - the Buddhist Stope and then to the opposite shore to the healing mineral sources.. From the sea open magnificent views On Olkhon Island and Mainland.

After the hour of swimming, we adrayed to the island of ogo. On the island you are about an hour.Here you will be amazed by your greatness Buddhist stupa. It is believed that if you get around the stue three times clockwise, the most cherished desire will come true. Next to the stage you need to leave coins as a gift to local deities, and on the tree - to tie a colored ribbon.

After visiting the stupa on the ship you will feed the freshly breeded ear from the famous Baikal Omul.

The next water tours of Baikal - Mainland and holy sources. On the wheel of an hour and a half ..

At the mainland you have at your disposal 3 hours. You can order real Buryat poses. And then walk to the source. To the source of 2.5 km. The road passes through the coniferous forest, a little bit, deep into the mainland. At the source, you can recruit the healing water of the holy source, while for a man water is gaining from a male source, and for women - from female

Returning to the parking lot of the ship you have time to swim in the warm lake, which is near. The lake is separated from Baikal sandy oblique.

We return home by the Rocky Island of Helenka, where you can see and take a picture of the settlement of the Baklanov.

Olya Ogoy Located in the center of the Small Sea, length is 6 km. Stupa on the island was built in 2005, it is called: "Enlightenment Stupa". Construction continued 3 year old months and volunteers took part in it different cities and countries (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Irkutsk, London, New York). Stupa has a width of 5.8 meters and a height of 6.4 meters. During construction, about 360 tons of sand and cement were used. The architecture of the Stupa always keeps the symbolism of the five main components of its parts. In turn, these parts correspond to five first elements: screwed - space, spire - wind, dome - fire, staircase - water, base - Earth.

It is believed that Buddhist stups are intended to dissolve all negative obstacles in the world, favorably contribute to the prosperity of the area, where they are constructed and benefit people, especially those who visit these stupas.

For the first time in Russia, in one place were collected and embedded in the stue to preserve and continue the Buddhist teaching such an extensive library (with a total weight of about 750 kg) of original Buddhist texts sent specifically for bookmarking in the patch from different countries. Together with the originals of Buddhist texts in the pitch, their electronic versions on CDs are also embedded. In addition to vintage manuscripts, a total of 2.5 tons of diverse mantras are invested in the stue, as well as sacred buddhist Relics and substances, various minerals and shells with oceans, holy land of Jerusalem, Jordan. Egypt, Mexico, from various Christian seats of the North of Russia and Moscow region, water from all oceans, rusty corps of aviation bombs times of the I-oh and IIth world wars, millet, grain, buckwheat, stitching, forks, spit, kylo, nippers, The ax, saw, a saber, as well as the central investment - the bronze statuette of Dakini Troma is devoted to this stupa.

Evening walk (2 hours)

After sailing from Khuzhir, the ship envelopes Cape Burkhan - a rock, which has long become a symbol of Baikal. Then the ship sails along the Sarai Bay, a favorite place of vacationers. Having traveled by Harantsets with His gross, the ship is sent to the next bay, where two more islands are located, more known as the "whlen" and "crocodile". Here you can feed the chap.

Water-land hoble (7-8 hours)

This excursion also begins with a huzhir pier, one part of tourists rides on the car, and the second part floats on the box; back all change.

The most popular of all routes. Housing (translated from the Buryat "Klyk") - the northern cape on Olkhon Island. A spectacular pillars rock, resembling an externally acute fang, from the sea has a pronounced similarity with a female head profile with a bust. One of the sacred places is folded a lot of legends. Cape offers a grandiose view of a small and large sea. From the side of the water is the island looks completely different.

Car excursions.

Cape Hoea - Pad Uzura, 40 km, 5 hours

Cape Hobbo - This is the northernmost tip of Olkhon Island, a place where small and big Baikal unites his waters.

This route is the most popular excursions we offer for Baikal, as it passes through the most picturesque places Olkhona and allows you to see all the natural variety of the island. On the way, you can make beautiful photos of Baikal and Olkhon Island.

At first the road will lead you through a small forest to the village of Hranians, then along the edge of the forest along a small hill to the village of Halgai. On the way, you can see the small islands of Hanman and Edors, located near the coast. Further, the route passes through the village of Peschanka, where in the postwar years there was a fish acceptance point and camp for prisoners. The sandy bay fully justifies its name - your eyes will appear sand dunes and trees-stuff, the roots of which were exposed from constant winds and create bizarre forms. Many tourists note that the terrain here very reminds the Baltic coast.

Behind the sandy road goes in the mountains of Sasa, where the steppe landscape begins. From here along the way to Cape Hobchobia you will make a few stops, and your guide will guide you to unique rock complexes and tell the legends about Baikal. It is especially highlighted by Cape Sagan-Khusun (also often called "three brothers") with his majestic beauty, which written writer Valentin Rasputin, delighted with the power of these places.

And finally, you have a cape's cape, a sacred place, revered by shamanists. Translated from the Buryat language, the hocobo is translated as "fang", but many of you will be able to see in it clear outlines of the female figure. According to the legend, this is the wife of a majestic shaman, which the gods for her sins turned into a stone block.

Once at Cape Hoe, you can feel not just on the edge of the island, but on the edge of the earth, because there is an endless water expanse of Baikal, which allow you to feel like a little sand in this kingdom of beauty and nature.

This terrain of ancient times is enveloped by a variety of myths and legends that guides will tell you during a picnic in Padi Uzura. Uzura is one of the few places in the north of the island, where you can go down to the shore. Here you can slowly walk along the shore and make wonderful photos of Baikal. After a tasty lunch and rest, full impressions and emotions, go back to the huzir.

Pad Ebee - Lake Shara-Nur, 5-6 hours

This excursion around Olkhon island runs through the forest part of the island and will allow you to see you to see the Largest Baikal. First you drive around the Siberian Taiga, and then go down to the picturesque Paddy Idyba. Forest silence and the beauty of these places will help you feel true unity with nature.

After a slow forest and picnic in the meadow, you will go to the only one on Olkhon forest Lake, famous for its healing mud. "Shara Nuur" is translated from the Buryat language as a "yellow lake". For a long time, local hunters have noticed that local waters and dirt have a healing effect. Since then, hydrogen sulfide dirt from the ball-Nuhur is successfully used to treat, especially well it helps for the treatment of joints and skin diseases.

Due to the fact that the lake from all sides is surrounded by the forest, it is very warm here, you can swim and sunbathe.

Lake Khanhoy, 20 km, 3-4 hours

A small lake Khanhoy attracts tourists primarily because the water is warm here than in the Small Sea, and is suitable for bathing not only adults, but also children. From Baikal Lake is separated by a small dummy and sandy oblique, which forms the beach. All lovers to soak on the warm sun, we advise you to choose this particular tour to Baikal - the wonderful Baikal tan is provided to you!

On the lake, there is also a wonderful fishing on rigorous fish, and around the lake you can find a lot of ancient archaeological monuments, stone walls and fortifications.

Pad Tyshkin - Lake Shara-Nur, 40 km, 4-5 hours

Tyshkin is the only place on the eastern side of Olkhon Island, where you can drive by car. In the old days there was a Buryat ulus, at present one house remained. Very beautiful area, on the collapse runs the stream with clean key water surrounded by the bushes of zepers and currant. Disinces on both sides surrounded high mountains And on the shore ends with a small bay. Rocky shores on the bay - comfortable places For lovers to go fishing on the Baikal Harius. In Tyshkin, the parking and burial of the ancient people are opened with archaeologists, starting with the era of Neolith and ending with a period of ethnographic modernity.

On the way back, you will stop at Lake Shara Nur, where you can relax and swim.

Cape Hargoy - Lake Khanhoy, 70 km, 6-7 hours

This excursion Olkhon will allow you not only to enjoy the beautiful panoramas of the Small Sea and the steppe of the island, but also to get acquainted with the ancient archaeological monuments.

At Cape Hargoy there is an ancient Kurykan protective wall with a length of 185 m. It is composed of stones and, apparently, was built to protect against enemy attacks. Although there are many other different versions of its origin, which will tell you our guide. From Cape You can also see the island of ogy, on which the Buddhist stupa enlightenment is located.

You can get on this not big IslandBy choosing our excursion to Baikal "Holy Source - Buddhist Stupa on about. Ogo ".

Horse tours on about. Olkhon

Horse rental

1. Race horses

2. Car rental

Daily tours



3.D. Maly-Khuzhir-Yalginsky Lake.

Three day tour

d Small Huzhir - Cape Hoe

National Cultural Program "Buryat Village".

This trip is a chance to see the life of the indigenous population of Olkhona - Buryat, to get acquainted with their folklore, crafts, households, vital construction and beliefs.

1. Guests of the guests (meeting at the Gate of the Buryat Yurts in National Costumes)

2. The appeal of the Yurt (the story of the life and traditions of Buryat)

3. Excursion through the territory of the yurt (showing household Buryat attributes: boat, plow)

4. Buryat traditional treats (milk, homemade bread, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, Buryat tea with a chamber)

5. Concert (Buryat folklore songs, dancing, riddles, poems in Buryat language)

6. Buryat national struggle (can children take part in the struggle)

7. Including national dance "Ehor".

If you want to feel a fully power of Baikal, then you just need to swim on the lake on the ship / boat / kayak. Journey to Baikal on the ship is an unforgettable adventure!


  • Excursion is held on a ship or a speedboat
  • Lunch is turned on!
  • Escort: Group accompanies guide
  • Recommendations: Be sure to have comfortable shoes, wind-wired windbreaker.

Water excursion dates in the Small Sea in 2016: on request

For groups from 7 people, the dates are installed on your request.

NOTE! Rules for tours!

Water excursion program for the Small Sea:

Day 1

Meeting place: P.Shir / P. Kharana. Group collection at 11:00. Landing on the ship / boat.

We go to the largest island of the Small Sea - ogo. The ogy is reminded in the form of Olkhon Island, which, in turn, repeats in the form of Lake Baikal! Place sacred and very unusual, possesses powerful energy!

In 2005, a Buddhist stupa enlightenment was erected on the island of ogo - overcoming obstacles. In her, various items, carrying the great meaning in Buddhism, were laid. The main relic is a figurine that resembles a female silhouette. This figure personifies the mother of all Buddhas.

To the stage you need to pass by bare feet, having pre-dipped in the water sacred Lake. Walking around the stupa 33 of the circle, you will feel the enlightenment of the mind, understanding situations and problematic issues that did not give you peace before.

But be careful! Being on the island of ogy, in no case cannot disturb the purity and harmony of this sacred place. You can not take and move the stones / objects, tear flowers, squander, swear, etc.

After visiting the island of ogo, we go to healing sources, where you will have a unique opportunity to taste mineral watercontaining silver.

Lunch on the ship or in a cafe on the shore.

On the way back, you will have the opportunity to admire at surprisingly proud birds - cormorants. For a long time, Baklanov was not on Baikal, and only in last years These always long-awaited guests began to visit the Siberian Lake.

If you're lucky, then all your favorite nerves will be friendly welcome you, basking in the sun in your favorite places.

Return to the huzhir approximately at 17:00 local time.

Meals: Lunch.

Island of Ode - Located in the south of the Small Sea between Cape Shara-Shulun and the Kurmon Bay on the West Bank of Lake Baikal, just 1 km from western coast Olkhon Islands. Small uninhabited island It has an elongated shape, with a length of 2.9, 0.6 km and it is literally possible to look around with one edge to the Reduce.

There is almost no vegetation on it, but Susliki, seagulls and snakes live. The main attraction of the island of ogoy is the White Buddhist Suburge or Stupa Enlightenment, it is for the sake of her the island tourists with an excursion. (And indeed, not on Susilkov, they go here 8)

How to get to the island of ogoy on Baikal

As I wrote above, you can get to the island of ogo with a tour of the s.

  • In the summer, it goes here on the water on ships and boats, and in the winter, tourists will be brought along the ice - on the "tablet" or private transport.
  • The average cost of 1-1.5 thousand per person. By time, if you go with Olhon and back and spend about 2-3 hours there, the excursion takes almost all day.

Come here with tourists like small motorboats and large cruise ships.

I do not know why, but the ship's passengers removed the shoes before climbing the mortar, according to some beliefs and canons of "magic" of enlightenment will not act on those who reached her in shoes, and maybe everyone just wanted to walk for people With the local bosomes and stones on the boss, which I do not know, I do not know.

But the sand on the island of the ogus attracted my attention much more than other people's shoes, and all because it is here an unusual pomegranate. And this is not the coincidence, the sand on the island of the ogy is really from the most real pomegranates, I know exactly when I was in the Baikal Museum in Listvyanka about this scientists they told me and I even looked at such sand into a microscope. But now I look, so, with the naked eye and show you. 8)

The road from the shore, where the boats stick and ships are small, but quite cool, that's why I was surprised that people went barefoot, I would honestly risked.

Well, at this time, it was very wind at that time, it was difficult to resist the legs, in fact, it can be seen in this ritual construction to which believers and those who observe Buddhist rituals as a tourist expirers, taking their "Hadaki".

How can you make sure the xadakov in this case are not only colored ribbons, but someone even sacrificed with her cap.

Stupa enlightenment or suburgan

Enlightenment Stupa is the main and only sight of the island of the island of ogy (in addition to Suslikov, naturally), it is located on the most high point Islands at an altitude of 512 meters in the center of the island.

Builded a stue of enlightenment in 2005 on all Buddhist canons, the construction was led by Lama from Bhutan. This stupa has a three-step structure with a crowned dome and spire, the height of the entire stupa is 8 meters.

Stupa enlightenment and conquest of demons contains a lot of Buddhist relics, among which the statue of the female form, the mother of all Buddhas of the only mother of Troma is naked, water from all seas and oceans, earth from all continents, weapons, sacred manuscripts and many other shrines.

They say, in combination with the special clean power of the island of ogo, where people never lived, have a tripled magical force. Yes, and in Buddhism, enlightenment plays a special role, personifying the main purpose of the Buddhist life path - self-knowledge and achievement through this complete enlightenment.

The special mission of all Buddhist stories is the neutralization of negative energy and the removal of any obstacles in achieving the intended path. In Asia, Suburgans are common everywhere, even on Baikal, it is not uncommon, let us recall at least somburgan near the Khuymsky Dacan.

I'll show you some more photos of the island of ogy:

Rituals on the island of ogy

Naturally around so iconic place There are necessarily their own mysterious rituals, the observance of which leads to the execution of all desires. After all, there are not so much to just look at the very stuway tourists go, but to touch the shrine and at least a little bit to increase their luck.

Buddhists believe that bypassing around Surgar or Sacred mountain vertices It helps to cleanse the negative energy and "recharge" the energy of the sacred place. Tourists do not argue and everything as one observes rituals.

Who as he says, someone says that 9 times you can get around the stupa, so that you want to come true, but the most stupid believers say that it is necessary to bypass around the stupa at least 108 times and certainly the barefoot, then the most enlightenment will come.

It is believed that Stupa is capable of a literal sense to "dissolve" negative energy and enable the power to fulfill the desires of people. Three Circle Goroo should go around the stups clockwise. The first circle should be followed for forgiveness, the second round with gratitude for everything you have, and the third round should be going to conceive your most cherished desire.

For a lot of reliability, and to follow all the rules of this ritual, around the stupa should go barefoot and turning his palms to the sky, to repeat about herself a mantra of the Buddha "loving eyes": Manya Pad Hum with the wishes of happiness to all living beings on the planet.

In addition to the steps itself on the island there is a small lighthouse and an observation deck.

In the center of this stone platform carved straight on the stones of a Buddhist symbol, similar to the mark "Zero kilometer" next to the Red Square in Moscow.

No one really explained what it was, but tourists readily also make it imposing to the spirits of the island at this place.

And in front of the stupa, almost a real "sofa" with a carpet twinned on it.

Also on the island there is a kiosk with souvenirs, but at the time of our visit he did not work.

On the island of ogo we spent about 2 hours, I had enough time to get around the whole island almost around the perimeter (because of the strong wind I didn't want to raise much), and bypass the stupet itself and take a picture.

So now I can safely tell what happened on the island of ogo and saw one of the famous sights of Baikal with his own eyes. Well, and several times around the stupa, I also walked around that I will refuse from my good luck? No, no, in no case! 8)

And Olkhon island begins at 10:00, or even before, we were converted accordingly. The only excursion that began at 11:00 was called "a trip to holy sources", its price is 1300 rubles / person. This is a day water excursion on a ship with a stop on the island of ogy and visiting holy sources

We were offered a transfer to the pier for 200 rubles. (!?) Or walk on foot. 200 rubles. - Somehow it is very cool, until a walk of 20 minutes walk on the street. Baikal. We, of course, decided that we would do on foot. At the pier there was already a person forty, after some time two ships came up, we all loaded and despair. I will not describe myself a trip on the ship, it needs to be tested yourself, everything is very beautiful and difficult to describe around.

Single Council - Take Water Excursions Warm Things: Jackets, Sweaters, etc. The wind on the water is very cold, although we were at the end of July, and in general there were warmth + 25-27 on the island. And you still take a swimsuit with you - the route of excursions sometimes passes through the warm Lakes of Baikal, where you can get enough.

An hour later, we moored to the island of ogo. We had a young girl with a guide (as the schoolgirl turned out yet, the name of her Alyona or Lena, her parents hold the Internet cafe "Rights"), which explained that O-inade is the holy place and from here it is impossible to carry out: stones, flowers (especially red).

Only, as in all holy places on Baikal, leave the gifts to local gods in the form of coins, sweets, cigarettes, someone even left sneakers ...

There is a Buddhist stupa on the island, which was built by the wife of a local oil magnate on his own initiative. The stop of the Dalai Lama himself was consecrated. Inside her there are holy relics of Buddhism, weapons of famous personalities, in particular, the checker of Kolchak, and some more values \u200b\u200bfrom the drag. Metals. Stupa is a message to people (or someone else, can aliens) of future generations about our civilization. Although I feel weak that there is a drag. Metals - stupa would in this case have long been disassembled on bricks.

The guide also said that here on this island near the stupa can be cleaned spiritually from different experiences, excitement, problems, etc. To do this, you need to go around the mortar of the path 8 times around the footpiece in advance. Because All problems and experiences are probably a lot, and the weather was good, the majority agreed to "arrange a dance" around the stupa. I did not feel much cleansing, maybe later aware ...

Then the dinner time came. We were fed with freshly booths from the famous Baikal Omul and a salad of vegetables. Good lunch, everything was delicious.

The next point of our water excursion on Baikal - Mainland and holy sources. We promised real Buryat poses on the mainland, which are here that they are preparing better than anywhere else. After another hour trip on the ship, we landed on the mainland, where we were expected by a big bummer. There was no posture, and in general there was no food, and for drinks were launched such a price, which was missing every desire to drink. I wonder what the price of poses would be? On Olkhon, this is 30 rubles / pcs. Here, probably, all 50-60 would be.

For about 35 We rose to the mountains to sources. The road took place through the coniferous forest: fresh air, around the mountain, Baikal is covered behind. Hand so reaches the camera, although Baikal photos are already done more than a hundredBut it is still impossible to stay.

Well, finally, holy sources. There are two of them: one female, another male. Water in them, of course, healing. Helps from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One source helps women, another - men. Near them immediately lined up the queue from those who wish to cure their stomach. One guy got from a female source, he was told, now everything, the breast like a woman will grow up. They scored bottles, drunk. After a long road in the heat, cold water came to the way.

On the way back, the girl's guide promised us swimming in the warm lake, but because Nobody said to us with a friend that you need to take a swimsuit and smelting with you, we didn't threaten it. While everyone has bathed, I wrote those lines that you read now.

But our journey through Baikal is coming to an end, more precisely the journey itself, but only one of the excursions. Everyone is returned from the lake, and we despair home. Most of this excursion on Baikal, I liked the trip myself on the ship (the ship, of course, it is strongly said, something like Barcas).

Before that, we drove from the ferry to the huzhir by bus, now almost all the way on the ship. Opened from the sea beautiful views On Olkhon Island and Mainland. Photos can be found in the gallery. Sources and stupa, of course, interesting, but the journey on the ship on Baikal is something that is impossible to describe in words !!!

See also: