Road of kings of Spain. Royal trail, or King Road: "Caminito Del Rey

Royal Trail (Caminito Del Rey), slimming cliffs El Chorro in the Spanish province of Andalusia, is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Mountain transition was built at the beginning of the 20th century as an auxiliary path for workers engaged in the construction of the Conde del Guadalhorce dam. During the opening ceremony, held in 1905, the King of Spain Alfonso XIII was held along the trail - and in honor of this event, the road was named Royal. The passage consisting of concrete slabs and driven by rail rails and crutches is located at an altitude of a hundred meters. The length of Caminito Del Rey is 3 kilometers, and the width of the trail is only a meter.

Since 1920, the end of the construction - the trail was not used for its intended purpose and gradually collapsed. Now most of the concrete slabs and rails are loosened or disassembled. Mandrels who ventured for a walk through narrow transitions, as a reward for determination, get the opportunity to admire the picturesque types of canyon and the Guadalhorce River. Unless, of course, you will be able to take your eyes from the carbine and dilapidated steps.

Those who wish to walk along dangerous trail, It is necessary to hurry: restoration work on its restoration began in 2011. The project, designed for three years, includes the organization of a safe tourist route on the royal trail, as well as the construction of attractions with colorful light shows and tourist service points.

Since 2000, officially pass on Saminito Del Rey is prohibited. However, in fact, it is not difficult to get on the path, the passages are open and north, and from the southern sides. Maximum that protects the tourist from penetration on the road - warning signs and fences. Everything next steps - under the personal responsibility of each traveler. In some places, Saminito del Rey is narrowed - and it is possible to go through it only balancing over the precipice, by fine metal fittings. Despite the physical data and experience of climbing, it is recommended to use climbing strapping, the benefit of the cables and the brackets are found on most of the trails. But be careful, the cables will save only if there are a few people in the company: a large number of Man thin ropes will not stand.

The strapping with carbines and a rope can be bought in the shop near the start of the route. The standard set will cost 65 euros. Take care in advance is unless about non-slip tracking boots.

Going for a walk through the royal trail, be sure to take water and the headdress from the sun. The path back will take no less than a couple of hours.

Do not start in the rain or immediately after it. Walk along slippery rocks and concrete slabs is not the best option to test yourself for strength and good luck.

How to get

There are several ways to get to the royal trail. The first is by train to Alora (Alora), from where the trail is just 12 km away. This distance can be overcome by taxi (approximate cost - 20 euros), which will bring to the beginning of the route. Next to the trail about twenty minutes walk.

In case you are planning to get to the royal trail by car, starting with southern coast Spain, focus on the A-343 trace. By passing the town of Aloora, turn left and continue moving to the village of Caracuel. Next, driving a small village Bermejo, continue the way along the Guadalhorce River and the Mountain Railway to Saminito Del Rey.

If you only want to enjoy the types of trails, then keep moving left. After a few kilometers, you can find a small restaurant with a delicious meal, from the veranda of which the picturesque views of the rocks open.

If you plan to walk along the path, then turn right and keep moving along the road. Moving a couple of hundred meters after basic camp El Chorro, Leave the car on a small glade, under eucalyptus, overlooking the railway tracks. Rising to the level of the railway, you will find yourself at the beginning of the Caminito Del Rey. But be careful: From this side, the trail is quite dangerous, and a walk without climbing equipment can end tragically.

Those who do not have the experience of climbing, it is better not to risk and try to go from the end of the trail. Getting to it is best with the outside of the railway bridge. Passing two tunnels (pay attention to the trains!), Go down to the Guadalhorce River. Holding her Vyod (the most narrow place is not far from the gorge), climb upstairs, focusing on the abandoned structure. Upstairs is the entrance to the trail; The width of concrete slabs here is around the meter. In this area, the fallen sections allow you to do without strapping, but better - do not risk and use climbing equipment.


The Caminito Del Rey trail is sicked by El Chorro cliffs located in the central part of the Spanish province of Andalusia, 50 km from.

In one of the spring days, we decided to go to Lena mysterious place - In the gorge El Chorro on the royal path. Before that, on the Internet on YouTube, we saw the shocking videos as climbers and simply extremals walk along a narrow path attached to the rock at high altitude. Moreover, she is also partially destroyed.

Leave the car on one of the parking lots. We left . If you do not want to pay money, then around there are several places with free parking.

Go through the road and dive into the dark-dark tunnel. Use flashlights on the phone.

After the tunnel, a small walk to the passage. Just go beyond the people. Route strictly on schedule. We waited for about 15 minutes. Go to the toilet. Further opportunities will not.

We consider the ruined area of \u200b\u200bthe original road.

I apply the route map on Caminito Del Rey

It begins the most interesting thing - a walk along the royal track.

The new route is laid directly on the sheer cliff. At the entrance, they give a helmet so that nothing comes to mind.

Landscapes are delightful. River flows along the gorge.

We were at the end of March. The sun fry strongly, but the air in the gorge and the wind were strong. Spring dress warmer.

In parallel, the path is passed railway. She dives and emerges from the tunnels. I saw a group of young people came out of the tunnel. Probably, this is a dangerous illegal route.

The road sharply goes into the green valle Valle. Del Hoyo.

If you captured a snack with you, it's time to sit on the bench and enjoy the view.

Many prey birds flies in the valley. I have not seen another living area.

The last part of the road disappointed a little. Instead of exciting paths along the sheer rocks, we walked 10 minutes on a boring tunnel. Perhaps the part was not yet ready, and perhaps it was closed due to bad weather.

At the end of the way, a little was framed. Switched the gorge on the mounted bridge. The wind demolished. It was scary.

At the end of the way, do not forget to make several epic photos of the road.

On this bus we will return back to parking. Let me remind you that the movement on the route occurs only one way from the north to south.

If the strength remains, we climb on the observation of the cross. From above shows the Embalse Tajo de la Encantada reservoir.

In the southern part there are also parking. If you leave the car here, then sit on the bus and go to the northern entrance. And after the route the car will already wait for you.

Bus schedule from southern stop and from the railway station. Departure every 30 minutes. .

I invite you to dine in Restaurante La Garganta's restaurant.

I took a local goat.

I introduce the menu from the restaurant La Garganta:

We are going on the bus back to parking. I do not reach the final, we leave before the tunnel:

How to get to El Chorero and Royal Trail?

In the village near the gorge there is a railway station. It is called -
El Chorro. This can be reached by train from Malaga.

But the most convenient way is to ride by car. It is quite inexpensive. A few people will be cheaper than trains.

How to buy a ticket for Caminito Del Rey via the Internet?

I describe a step-by-step purchase of a ticket. To begin with, go to the website. Tickets quickly offer. We bought for a month and a half.

Ticket price

Tickets are € 10, be sure to buy in advance!

Bus ticket costs € 1.55.

Hotels in El Chorro

The village is very small. Station, a couple of houses, cafes and several hotels and hostels. Alpinists usually stop in these hotels. I found on the Internet only one place where you can book and spend the night - the hotel is called Complejo Turístico La Garganta:

Royal Trail (El Caminito Del Rey) - mystical place. Why was it built, how, why? Now I will try to tell. This is the most dangerous pedestrian road in the world (it was before repair). People periodically die there. And still she attracts lovers of acute sensations to itself.

In this photo you can estimate its condition. These are just iron sleepers that are driven into the rock, and they are reinforced concrete plates. There are no them. Along the road stretched the cable for climbers. Photo made 5 years ago before reconstruction.

In the vicinity of 3 reservoirs. The trail itself takes place between Gaitanejo and Chorro waterfalls in the Gorge of El Chorro at an altitude of 100-200 M. The length is 3 km, and the width is not more than a meter!

Why did they build the death path?

The track was made for workers who transferred building materials for the dam. In the vicinity now there are 3 reservoirs. I had the impiction that the Spaniards burned each river in every gorge. There are very many green reservoirs.

Why is it called the royal path?

Everything is very simple. When the dams built, the King of Spain Alfonso XIII came to see the results of many years of work. She walked along this path, and they were immediately called the Royal - El Caminito Del Rey.

Right along the road crawled turtle. Seeing the danger, she hid in the shell. I decided to save it from a random car accident. Stopped in the wrong place. Left the car. Faster grabbed the turtle to carry it from the road. And here, from behind the corner, the car leaves with flashers.

But why, when I forced to break the rules, the police arrive!?

The last time GPS brought us into some kind of town where repairs are going, and I rested into the brick. The road is narrow, it is difficult to turn around, and the lumen visits the brick after a couple of houses. The streets are empty, there are no cars. I will not think that I decided to stumble! AND…

And rested towards a police car! In Europe, because the fines are large, and maybe even deprivation of rights! He grozenly showed his finger: "Shoot!" He left the car, I knocked out, silently in a narrow street and said to leave. We left and stopped on the nearest parking lot. But to our happily, the policeman drove past and did not even write out the penalty!

Duck here, back to the turtle. This machine with flashers turned out to be a park of the park of the park, or as they are called there. They stopped. Released in a stylish brown form with bakers. Asked me: "Why did I take a turtle in my hands?" And at that moment I only grabbed it. I said I save her.

Rangers smiled, the tension immediately disappeared. Gestures showed me that it should be attributed to the bushes. Having learned that we are from Russia, they completely supposed, began to lead conversations. Exchanged courtesy and drove.

That's how another day passed in Magic Andalusia. Do not be afraid to go from the trotted tourist trail. Trust the case and intuition. Forward to the meeting adventure!

With you were Mikhail Schwartz and Elena. Waiting for your comments and stories below.

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Royal Trail or Death Road

Let you not mislead the noble name "Royal Trail" (Ip. Caminito Del Rey), born in the head of the Association with a well-kept path, elited by carpet, in the frame of fragrant gardens and flower beds, with protection in sparkling armor. Today, it will be discussed at all about the other trail, according to which until recently they made their way with the crown on the head, but in a climbers' helix, riding climbing carbines, ropes and other safety devices.

Royal trail. Photo: ©

Extreme lovers are in constant search for new places, both natural and created artificially, where you can get another adrenaline dose. One of these unusual creations of a person is the erected auxiliary passage for workers in the construction of the Hyroelectric Power Plant Del-del Gaadalors in the Spanish province of Malaga in Andalusia at the beginning of the last century.

Road on the rocks

The surrounding mountains are considered one of the most beautiful natural seats Malaga. Not far from the village of El Chorro River Guadalorsca carved a three-kilometer narrow gorge, called Desphilado de Los Haitanes, and reaching the width of 10 and depth 700 meters in some places. Such a very difficult terrain, where hydraulic construction was harvested for those times, set the task of facilitating the movement of workers to the place of construction, the suggestion of materials and control the dump of the dam. Therefore, it was decided to pave a hinged path on the walls of the gorge, stretching on the one hand to another.

Defilado de Los Gaitanes gorge. Photo: © Angellico11 /

In 1901, what is called, the first crutch was lit uphill, and after 4 years the construction of the trail was completed. In its design, it was attached to metal backups of rails with stacked concrete slabs. The length of the path was almost 3 kilometers, and the width of the canvas in separate places is only 1 meter, and the distance to the Earth in the high point The trails were about 100 meters. It goes without saying, the trail was equipped with fences and railings, so it was possible to move on it with relative security.

Defiladero de Los Gaitanesa gorge before the construction of the royal trail on the postcard of the late XIX century. Source:

The beginning of the construction of the royal trail. Photo from the Pedro Cantalekho collection Duarte. Source:

But as this is a purely utilitarian and technical structure, the proud name "Royal Trail" was entrusted? At the time of the beginning of its construction, the Spanish king Alfonso XIII was only 15 years old, and he hardly had at least some attitude to both the trail and hydrocarbonation as a whole. But in twenty years, in 1921, when the solemn laying of the last stone block of the dam was occurring, the monarch of the person honored his presence of this event and even expressed the desire to make a promenade along the route located on a dizzying altitude, admiring the raging at the foot of the cliffs by the river and opening picturesque landscapes. From this point on, the path and the Royal Title received, which they are important to this day.

Arrival of the King of Spain Alfonso XIII on the Konde del Guadalors Del in 1921. Photo from the archive of the Sevlyan-Enez Foundation. Source:

Konda del Guadalors Del on the postcard of the first half of the 20th century. Source:

"Bikes from a crypt"

The royal trail during the years of its existence could not miss all sorts of legends and speculation. The most important bike - the road was built sentenced to the death penalty in exchange for cancellation of a cruel sentence. I will inform those who do not know - the only way of execution in Spain in those days was garrot. This "legitimate" instrument of killing criminals was a metal hoop, put on the neck of the convicted person who was tightened from behind the screw, gradually suffocating the victim tied to the post. No hopes for fast and lightweight death. Therefore, "suicide bombers" allegedly were eagerly recorded in the builders of the mounted trail, hoping to avoid such a medieval execution. The same, who broke down from a height of 100 meters, received rapid deliverance from the worldly fuss, spending the last seconds of life in the free flight. And now their ghosts roam the gorge, howling and frightening tourists.

But I will be forced to disappoint lovers of supernatural and paranormal. During the construction of the hinged trail, not a single builder did not die. Yes, and there were no prisoners and sentenced. In the high-altitude construction site, retired military sailors from Malaga, who served on sailing courts. "We were kudrey the wind of the height, and kissed the clouds slightly" - this is about them. Permanent work on the top of the ship's mast taught them to condescendingly on top of the "fuel oil", in which the fear of height causes dizziness, trembling in the knees and weakness in the stomach.

View of the gorge from the height of the royal trail. Photo: © Manuel Puentes Rojas /

By the way, after the end of the construction of the dam, the royal trail served a long time for the faith and true residents of El Chorro and other nearby villages. From now on, children could get to school much faster, women to grocery stores, and men - well, of course, to their favorite bars. The movement along the path did not stop in any afternoon, not at night, not only on foot, but also on bicycles and even horses.

Apparently, therefore, another legend arose, which guides are trying to hurt the ears with gusty tourists. This is a bike about a kind of beautiful British, which, being married to one of the local seenors, did not stand it and deprivation of a married life in a Spanish outback and riding a horse on a horse, it was dropped off the path down. "In general, everyone died ..."

After the construction of the HPP, the locals actively used the royal path. 30s of the 20th century. Photo from the Pedro Cantalekho collection Duarte. Source:

"We sing the madness of brave ..."

As they say, nothing is forever under the moon. Here and the royal path, which, from the moment of the end of construction, no one else and has never repaired, gradually calm and occurred. For the owners of the hydroelectric station, it has lost its purpose, well, and the local administration, as it usually happens, a little cared for the needs and aspirations of their own electorate.

Destroyed span of royal trail. Photo: © Matthew Karsten /

Over time, piles and rails, which make up the basis of the trail, began to rust, break and lose their strength. Concrete slabs crumbled, slicing down slices. The flooring gaped with huge holes, and the metal railing and fences collapsed and simply absent. The passage of the royal trail was fatally dangerous and, it seemed that she had ceased to exist.

Old concrete plates of the royal trail. Photo: © David Domingo /

However, it was precisely in such a state that the trail was widely known among fans of acute sensations, "revived" from non-existence. Professional addresses of adrenaline bliss from around the world began to conquer the risky route with enthusiasm. Next, they inevitably reached out other rude amateurs, anticipating the opportunity to make cool Self over the abyss. The royal trail again "earned"! In the unofficial rating of the most dangerous places of Spain, she firmly took the top step of the pedestal, and some assigned her first place in the world!

Conquerors koleolete trails. Photo: © Eivind Andås /

Conquerors koleolete trails. Photo: © Gabi /

With this attachment of interest to the conquest of the royal trail, the probability of an accident was the question of time. So it happened. In 1999, there was a first tragedy with fatal. The following year, already four mountain extremals made their own contribution to the chronicle of the new "black" legend of the royal trail. And think that someone stopped it? SHIM! The aura of the real danger of the route only spled "Keroseinchik" into the bonfire of the unhealthy hobby of adrenaline fans, which from now he began to call the path not otherwise as "dear death."

"Whatever you do, do not look down!" - Council from the experienced extremal Matthew Carsten, who conquered the royal path in the shale on Bosu's leg. Photo: © Matthew Karsten /

Administration of Malaga Province, rightly deciding that five deaths On the royal trail - this is already a bust, banned her visit under the fear of a fine of 600 euros. However, this is not the biggest amount. Almost close to the trails are railway tunnels and aerobooks of high-speed trains. So, if you find somewhere on them or near them, there you will be waiting for very wild sanctions - from 6˙000 before, get ready, 30˙000 euro! In addition, several paths of paths on both sides of the route were artificially destroyed to stop dangerous walks. But, as you already, apparently guessed, these measures did not stop the pilgrimage of extremals on the "Dear Death", but the significant contingent of "lovers" was complised. Now it was possible to get on the royal trail only possessing climbing equipment and little climbing skills. And from now on, I must say, there were no accidents with fatal outcomes on the trail there was no longer fixed.

Rock climbers are preparing to overcome the ruined portion of the royal trail. Photo: © Rod Kirkpatrick /

Snapshot for 30 thousand euros. This amount of the fine could pay the photographer if he was caught in the security zone of the railway near the royal trail. Photo: © Eiker86 /

On the wave of universal interest in the royal trail, some travel companies appealed to the authorities with a request to allow officially carry out climbing tours along this dangerous route. They were ready at their own expense to organize a professionally trained highway with the points of insurance, with steel cables stretched along the entire length, but received a constant refusal. Therefore, the entire tourist business on the royal trail existed (and he existed!) In "Shadows". Proposals for the organization of extremal tours were even debugged. "An ideal place for a traveler who wants to discover one of the most beautiful mountain landscapes of the province of Malaga and experience a grand and secure adventure!" - These ads set tourists on the Internet. The keyword here is "safe." Another suggestion sounded like this: "Everything you need is water, comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen and a good sense of humor!" Not a word about dead climbers, no word about banboards and fines. Firms provided complete equipment, and groups drove experienced climbing instructors. And neither the Civil Guard nor the local police could completely block this stream of those who want to put their lives.

Royal trail. Photo: © LittleCow77 /

New life royal trail

2006 was a turning point for the royal trail. Apparently realizing that the flow of those wishing to "noted" on the road of death never runs out, the Andalusian authorities decided to begin work on the restoration of the cult facility. In 2009, the contest of the projects of the restoration of the trail was held. It was decided to leave the old dilapidated mounted road in the form in which it was preserved to the present day, and build a completely new path on top of her. Thus, the old trail remained forever the monument to the technical skills of previous generations in the edification, so to speak, descendants.

Updated royal trail. Photo: © albertoadpm /

The experienced extremists, of course, met this news without enthusiasm. "Shameful decision," one of them was expressed. - Reconstruction of the royal trail can be compared with castration. She is torn at the most valuable - the ability to cause unique thrill. And I am sure that we will also make you pay for us to go through it! " By the way, in the latter, he was right, but with the rest of the argument you can argue. In the way that earlier, there was a handful of bravery, now everyone can use, even grandparents, and without any risk for life.

Crowds of tourists without risk for life walking along the new royal trail. Photo: © Ricardo Fernandez /

On March 28, 2015, after a four-year reconstruction, a solemn opening of a new royal trail occurred. When the fitness organizers launched the online booking of those wishing to go to once deadly dangerous placeFor a few minutes from the beginning of the service, about 10 thousand people visited it at the same time. The server is not difficult to guess, immediately "fell". For the first six months, more than 300 thousand newly "climbers" began to stroll along a strong wooden flooring of the new roadway, as it should be - in helmets, without them they do not release the path! Local authorities rub their hands and calculate income (measured by several tens of millions of euros) from the new tourist destination. At the same time, the popularity of the route continues to gain momentum. And the famous worldwide tourist guide Lonely Planet. Called the royal path one of the most interesting sights that appeared in 2015.

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Royal trail. What happened from one of the most dangerous routes in the world? September 29th, 2016

This hiking route It was considered one of the most dangerous all over the world. Straighing imagination pictures from there I got on the Internet, being still a student. A narrow, meter width, a string of concrete slabs with railway rails is attached at a height of hundreds of meters straight to the sheer cliff inside the canyon. This trail was created as an auxiliary road for workers engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. The King of Spain was held before the discovery of the paths along the path, in honor of him, and the road "Camminito del Rey" was named, that is, the "king trail". Over the age of existence, only the foundation remains: enclosing structures, if they were, they were sunk in the summer, part of concrete slabs sat down, the reinforcement came into disrepair. There were failures related to among themselves only a piece of rails. From one type of these personnel captured the Spirit. Each day, extremals overcame this path with minimal insurance, risking lives while after several accidents the government did not block both exits on the path. But then people found ways to test themselves in overcoming Caminito Del Rey. Even the owner of housing in Saare, Sasha from Germany, repeatedly walked along the trail.

Having tickets to Spain, I accidentally saw that this trail is very close to Malaga, and I read that a couple of years ago the trail was reconstructed, turning into a safe tourist route. Right over the sparkling path, leaving everything old as it is, built a new wide path and provided it with a fence.

For a while after the opening, the trail was free, as before, but at the beginning of this year the management organization was changed, and they began to take money for the entrance. A few weeks while they were preparing the portal for the sale of tickets and solved the organizational issues, the trail did not work at all. Buy the ticket at the beginning of the attraction was not so simple: only a certain number of people can be at the same time, and temporary slots were filled in a few weeks. But I went to the site every day and tracked the start of sales, becoming one of the first who bought a ticket. It was possible to even choose a convenient time. It is better to take the time closer to the beginning or the end of the work - in the morning and evening is not so hot, and the photos will be more pleasant.

The tourist route has unprecedented popularity among local residents. Everyone, with whom we would say, or have already been on Caminito Del Ray before or after renovation, or want to visit, or at least interested in the topic. Parking before entering the route is made by machines and crowded. The trail is located near the town of El Chorro. It ends right in it, and begins a few kilometers north, a beautiful reservoir, where you can swim before or after the route passing. In El Chorero, in addition to the car, you can get from Malaga and by train, which makes visiting the path with a great trip for one day. From the city to the start point once in half an hour a special bus Shattle (timetables on site sights). We approach straight to the entrance by car and leave it in the parking lot.

The trail begins a small tunnel, and then goes long through the forest along the river. For minutes, forty walking step - and we directly at the entry point. There check tickets and give white helmets - now everything is strictly here. From here it begins the rocky plot with the most plates laid on the eaves. On the right and the left cliffs of the canyon will come out, downstairs - a stormy river. The new path organically fits into the landscape. Wooden coating under legs, neat lines of fence - all this looks stylish and in modern.

The first plot is short enough, and after it the trail, freeing from the shackles of the canyon, goes back to the shadow of the trees. On the way on this site, benches are supplied, you can translate the spirit, snack. A little more walk, and the trail again begins to cling to the walls of the canyon, this time is so impressive and massive that the first plot is fusing in comparison. On the other side of the gorge, the areas of the railway drilled tunnels in the folds of the rocks are visible. Here, the height of the abyss under his feet reaches hundreds of meters. The river's noise comes from somewhere from the bottom, reflecting from the walls of the canyon and spilling out the powerful roar around. The climax of the route is a metal suspended bridge with a mesh floor. Through it somewhere far downstairs, right under the legs, you can see the bottom of the gorge. The bridge is mercilessly swinging the wind, which, falling into the canyon, as in the likeness of the pipe, is gaining considerable power. After the bridge, the path comes out of the canyon and turns into an ordinary village street, for another fifteen minutes leading to El Chorro and bus stop.

Under the new flooring you can see the remnants old trail. A couple of years ago, extremes were walked from around the world.

On the whole path from the input tunnel to bus stop At a slow pace, with pauses to admire and relax, you need to spend four hours. But you can hang longer, no one kicks off anyone. The main thing is to go for the flow, and not against him. Previously, it was possible to walk in the opposite direction, but now only in one thing, for which several instructors are being followed throughout the route. It is good - the road goes down all the time, not letting it overly to get tired. Of particular physical training is not required, any healthy person this route is able to get tired in the same way as from a long walk, but no more.

Aloora. What does a suburb of Malaga look like?

In the evening the people accumulate at the stop. Buses are not enough. In one we do not get closer and wait for another hour of the following. There are several cafes around there, where it's good time. We are in a hurry to our car, which was left from the other end of the route to catch at the appointed time to come for the night. This is our last day in saturated journey on Andalusia, and we stop near Konon, in the town with beautiful title Aloora.

Aloora is twenty minutes away from Kamminito Del Ray trail, and this is the most closest to it less big City. In El Chorro Housing offers very little, and hope to stop there, so as not to turn the ram after a saturated walk, melted as soon as I began to book overnight stays. I turned to Airbnb again and found a good option in Alor. She bribed the fact that alora was located just in the direction of Malaga, from where we will fly home tomorrow morning. And one of my own autotourism rules abroad - you do not want to appease on the flight, extreme night night not far from the aircraft departure. Anyway happens on the road. Here, of course, everything is close, and if you wish, from the trail, you could get to Malaga in an hour and touches there, but I didn't want to go to a major city. I painfully liked me in the Andalus province.

We are for a moment you are home to Alara, but also the same time plotted by its one-sided, cobbled streets. We met a wonderful couple of years fifty five: he
scotland, she is an Englishwoman. These people conquered me from the first minute. We talked about everything in the world, I showed each other photos from travel, ate delicious porridge, whose recipe, according to Scottish, in his blood. Spouses lived for a long time in London, then moved to Scotland. But the local climate did not significantly affect health. The family decided to buy an apartment and move to the warm edges, to Spain. The apartment is difficult to call their housing, rather this is a three-story townhouse, an old house on the historic street Alfa, one of those that form a solid building, admonishing one to another. When the spouses bought a house, he was in a deplorable state, but for several months they brought him to mind with their own hands. The premises inside were issued in the traditional Andalus style, and the repair of the "Marrakesh By Design" book now reminiscent. Scotman told how he opened the laying of a centuries-old limitation during the work and felt like an archaeologist.

I liked Aloora. It was one of the many white towns of Andalusia, not deprived of his story, but quiet and ordinary, free from tourists, residential. In the evening we walked around his streets, and I was surprised how much around youth, children, teenagers. They walk and communicate, sit on the steps in front of the church, play on the guitar, go beyond the hand and laugh without getting a smartphone from the pocket. "Here everyone knows each other. The evenings are going and walking. Amazing how this habit is preserved here? It's so cool, just as before, "confirmed our observations of the British. Little bars are crowded. We also rejoice at Saturday and join the stream of life in Alor, so that at least the fleeting evening become part of it.

In the morning we flew away. We were accompanied to the airport, kindly, as if relatives, supplying sandwiches and buns on the road. On the first night in Moscow, I dreamed, as if I wake up in Alor. A few such places that I can say "I would live here." But Aloora is the place that is. Its snow-white houses and a few streets, without fail ending with an extensive view of the hills around the city, will now for a long time will personify urban comfort for me. Such places need to memorize to come back there.

A year ago Royal Trail (El Caminito Del Rey)Passed on the sheer rocks in the gorge El Chorro in the province of Malaga in Spain, was considered the most dangerous pedestrian path in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was built here for the serving of the dam of the Konda on the Guadalorsa River and received its name in honor of the King Alfonso XIII, which has passed here is one of the first at the opening ceremony. Subsequently, the trail has become tourist route, But his condition has deteriorated every year. Finally, in 2001, after five tourists died here, the Spanish authorities decided to close the royal trail for visitors. But, despite the ban, this place continued to attract lovers to rinse the nerves, and for many of them it ended in deplorable. And then, making sure that this forbidden fetus will be making the mag of climbers, it was accepted by a wise decision to reconstruct the path. Construction work began in February 2014, and already on March 28, 2015, Kamminito del Rey was open to visitors again.

The news about the opening of the Royal Trail appeared a few days before the start of our journey, and I decided to visit anything here, especially since this place was just on our way from Granada in Ronda. You can get here by car or by train to station El Chorro (El Chorro).

You can leave the car in the parking lot near the station, and then the signs will lead to the beginning of the route. On the way you can see a beautiful railway bridge.

Already from afar at the sight of the trail suspended to the sheer rocks, it begins to capture the spirit.

In the first six months after the opening, visit the royal trail is freeLater, most likely, the entrance will begin to take a fee and at the experts, this tourist object will be able to annually bring to the province to 20 million euros. Already those who want to get here at least debugs, and simultaneously on the route it is allowed to be 400 visitors, therefore a pre-recording system was created. On the official website is invited to sign up for a specific day and time, but in this moment All places are already booked until the end of September. When I started wondering, it was still possible to sign up for a month ahead, but since we did not know when I get there, I did not register there. But, as you understand, I still walked on the route, so my experience may help those who, too, could not be able to book a ticket for some reason. By the way, the children under 8 years of age are forbidden to be prohibited at all, so we can not get here with the whole family. I had to leave the children and break through alone.

Distance from the railway station and parking to the entrance of about two kilometers. Somewhere in the middle is the information point. Here are suitable with a printout of armor and get helpers and disposable linings for them, and on the opposite way the same helmets are handed over here, folding into a large basket. I decided to first try to get honestly and said that I don't have armor, but I die, as I want to get here, skip me, please, and? But the young man at the rack said that nothing could help.

Furnished, I walked along with Yulya and children before the route entrance and noticed that it seems to be not checked here, but they miss everyone, the branded helmet is hoping. I decided to take advantage of this. I asked young people who were already returned back, could any of them give me a helmet, because they no longer check them at the exit. But it turned out that they received helmets on the security of the passport and said that they also did not have armor, but for them and many other visitors were also allowed to pass, leaving the deposit. Then I returned to the information rack and said the guy: Hey, bro, miss me, please, here, take a passport, just give it to the beauty to look. But he was inexorable: they were missing the people only in the morning, but now too much with tickets, so I'm sorry.

Then I went out into the street and, without having thought, just got one of the caske from the basket, where they are left, and confidently swallowed to the entrance. There, a young employee asked in Spanish something about the "reserve", but seeing my confusion, asked in English: "Did You Leave Your Pass on the Information?" I just nodded on it, and passed through the turnstile.

The length of the route Kamminito del Ref is 7.7 km, of which the most interesting part is between the northern and southern entrances is 2.9 km (suspended flooring - valley - suspended floorings). I, like most other visitors, went through the southern entrance (Álora), passed through the valley to the North (Ardales), and the same way returned back. I left for me for 2 hours, but I was very in a hurry so that the wife and children did not bored, but in general, you can spend at least a whole day. Back, by the way, you can return by bus (here is a schedule).

At the very beginning of the road there is a bridge between the cliffs. More precisely now there are two of them.

Instead of the old arched bridge there is a new suspended.

As you can see, the new trail is paved half a meter above the old and has a reliable railing along the entire length, so it's not entirely clear the restriction of visitors by age.

In the following photos, you can see in what condition was the old trail.

In the period when the royal trail was closed, the first part of the path was specifically destroyed to get here it was even more difficult, and the penalty for penetration was 6,000 euros. But it did not stop anstic extremal extremal. Unfortunately, for some of them, the price for the entrance was unreasonably high.

Throughout the Caminito del Rey parallelly she passes the railway. The next photo shows another bridge between the tunnels.

After the first section, a picturesque valley begins with suspended floorings.

Along the entire path through the valley in parallel, engineering structures, previously used for the work of the dam.

The entire trail was even once electrified.

The valley ends with another gorge.

Roofs appear here again with railings.

Another old MostThe passage for which is currently banned.

And again the pedestrian trail again, and on the right railway.

In this part, the trail resembles the gorge to the partClamm in Bavaria. And there fences are not so reliable, as here, but we calmly walked there and with four-year-old Leo, and with newborn martin.

It came to the northern entrance, you can unfold and turn back to the family.

See also: