Beautiful pictures of aircraft. Adventure traveler

On August 12, 1912, Russia is considered the Birthday of the Russian Air Force. Anton Trofimov and other authors of the Forbes site selected the 15 most notable domestic aircraft and helicopters, from "Ilya Muromets" to the amazing apparatus with a giant tank on the roof

100 years of Russian aviation in the photo of famous aircraft and helicopters

"Ilya Muromets" (1913)

The world's first passenger aircraft and the first Russian bomber.

Produced: more than 80 copies.

Airplanes "Ilya Muromets" were the basis of the bombardment aviation of the Russian Empire during the First World War and became one of its characters.

PO-2 (U-2, 1928)

One of the most bulk aircraft in the world.

Produced: Over 33,000 copies.

Created as an educational aircraft for mass training of Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War PO-2 performed, in particular, the functions of a light night bomber and became famous thanks to the pilot women flying on it.

I-16 (1933)

Symbol of pre-air aviation of the USSR, the world's first high-speed lowland with a retractable chassis

Produced: 19,292 copies

I-16 was the main fighter of the Soviet Air Force on the eve and in the first period of the Great Patriotic War. The latest aircraft were removed from weapons in 1952 of the Air Force of Spain, where the cars were supplied by the USSR during civil War 1938-1939.

ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky" (1934)

The biggest aircraft of its time with a land chassis.

Produced: 1 copy.

Used as a campaign aircraft, broke on May 18, 1935 as a result of a collision with an accompaniment aircraft.

IL-2 (1939)

The most massive combat aircraft in aviation history.

Produced: 36 183 copies.

The attack aircraft used on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Unique in that the engine booking and the pilot cabin was part of the aircraft glider power scheme. In addition to the USSR, it was armed with five more countries of the Warsaw Blok, where it was operated until 1954.

Yak-18 (1946)

Symbol of mass aviation of the USSR.

Produced: more than 4800.

Yak-18 was changed as an educational and training aircraft IT-2 and was the first aircraft for almost all Soviet post-war pilots and fans pilots engaged in aeroklubs.

An-2 (1947)

Before the appearance, An-3 was the largest single-engine biplane in the world in the entire history of aviation.

Produced: 17,000 copies.

Produced in the USSR and Poland (under the license, came in the USSR), still produced in China (cost - about $ 75,000).

IL-18 (1957)

The first Soviet aircraft, massively sold on the foreign market.

Produced: 675 copies.

In addition to the USSR in 17 foreign airlines, it remains in operation in four countries of the world today, not counting Russia.

MiG-21 (1959)

The most common supersonic aircraft in the world.

Produced: 11 496 copies, not counting the licenses built under license.

It was in service with more than 40 states, currently remains as part of the Air Force of the World Countries.

Mi-8 (1961)

The most massive two-link helicopter in the world.

Produced: more than 12,000 copies.

Price: from $ 14.75 million to $ 17.5 million.

It is operated in more than 70 countries of the world, so far (in various modifications) consists in service with the Russian Air Force and is the most massive domestic military-transport helicopter.

Tu-144 (1968)

The world's first airliner overcoming the sound barrier.

Produced: 16 copies.

The first flight Tu-144 took place two months earlier than the flight "Concord". Commercial operation on the only line Moscow - Alma-Ata was minimized in 1978 due to unprofitability: the cost of flight on Tu-144 one and a half times higher than the cost of the flight at subsonic airliners.

Tu-154 (1968)

The most massive Soviet jet passenger aircraft

Produced: 932 copies

Tu-154 was operated by passenger airlines of the entire socialist camp and many other countries who supported friendly relations from the USSR. Up until now, 30 liners make regular flights in Russia, single specimens remain in operation in other states, including as governmental (Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic).

VM-T "Atlant" (1981)

A unique aircraft designed to transport elements of the Energy-Buran Rocket and Space Complex. Operated as part of the Air Force.

Produced: 3 copies.

Cylindrical cargo over the fuselage VM-T - the oxygen tank of the "Energy" rocket tank is mounted in the Special Clamp.

Ka-50 "Black Shark" (1982)

The world's first single combat coaxing helicopter.

Produced: 15 copies.

Despite the small number of cars worthwhile, became one of the symbols of modern Russian aviation - due to its futuristic outlines and to an even greater degree after entering the screens of the militant "Black Shark", who gave helicopter his informal name.

An-225 "Mriya" (1988)

The world's largest transport aircraft performing regular flights.

Produced: 1 copy.

Like VM-T, was designed to transport the Energy-Buran Rocket and Space Complex. Currently is in commercial exploitation.

P.S. Nice that in " russian aviation»Included Ukrainian aircraft.

But the planes that I studied and on which I worked: IL-76 and MiG-29

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Learn how to soar as a bird, man wanted since the times ancient civilization. His perseverance and the desire for a dream gave the world the opportunity to fly in the sky with huge steel machines. Airplanes are one of the best human creations. They are beautiful, majestic, causing a look at their mysterious look.

Even today, thousands of years after their creation, there are still many unexplored and attracting in airplanes. And their flight is a spectacle just fascinating. Many may watch it for hours. That's just standing on Earth we never see all of his charms. But thanks to high-quality photos, you can learn for yourself a lot of interesting little things, how delightful and luxuriously striking in the distance of the airliner.

Where, like neither in the pictures with soaring, we can take a closer in the sky with their beauty and greatness? After all, from the Earth we never understand until the end of this wonderful human creation.

Hearing the noise of the airliner, and raising his head to swell, we notice only a small point, leaving behind a white air track. And the photos give us an excellent opportunity in all the smallest details to watch ease and ease of flight of any liner. They are captured by such moments that are unlikely to see a simple observer. Each moment, filmed in the photo unique and unique.

For those who are fond of aircraft, considers them their hobby or even perhaps passion, this page will have to do with the soul. Many interesting here will find for themselves and connoisseurs beautiful photosAfter all, the image of soaring in heaven liners real art. Yes, and those who just love the beautiful, experiencing positive emotions from impressive pictures and experiences thirst for the knowledge of the whole new, be sure to be delayed in this topic.

We have unusual, and only high-quality shots of aircraft. They are very clear and realistically transmitted all the subtleties of the flight of this huge machine. Download and install them as a theme or wallpaper - the task is light and sat even to children. But to stop your choice on any one photo of all the variety is much more difficult.

You do not know what looks more spectacular:

  • photo liner does not border sky and ocean;
  • pictures of the aircraft in the cotton of snow-white clouds cutting into them or climbing above;
  • iron bird dissecting night starry space;
  • an image of a steel machine, seeking distance during sunset or dawn, with millions of different color shades.

Each picture in its own way is beautiful, revealing from different sides the splendor of an airplane flying against the background of day or night, sunny or cloudy, azure or tightened sky clouds. In the photos were reflected all the colors of the rainbow - azure, crimson, misty gray, innocently white, dark night and bright sunny. The aircraft in the sky is associated with freedom, ease, infinity and victory. After all, he conquered heaven.

Despite the large dimensions of the aircraft, unwittingly compare it with a bird in the clouds, it looks in the sky is also harmonious and superb. The soul overflows pride and joy from the fact that it is created by the hands of a person.

Photo of aircraft in the endless heavens make sure that people are much die, because he was able to realize his desire to fly in reality! Such pictures motivate perfectly and help believe themselves. Look at these wonderful photos and know: We are all subject to us, the main thing is just wanting!

And the event that took place a week before it began.

Irkut invited me to participate in the air photo session of two aircraft preparing to perform at the air show - Yak-130 in the new Red Retro-Livreye and Su-30cm - upgraded drying for the Russian Air Force. The story about how I with the operator Pavel Novikov filmed them from the Ramp of the An-12 aircraft.

Rampa in aviation is a device designed to load and unload the aircraft. It is a mechanized hatch in the nose or tail of the fuselage, capable of falling on the surface of the perron:

Who has never seen military transport An-12, showing. The red ramp is highlighted, which opens for landing or as in our case, for photographing the following flying aircraft:

To access the shooting from the board transport aircraft, you need to go through the medical team of the expert commission (VLEK) and have a life insurance policy. For a video operator, the requirements are not so hard as, for example, for stewardess or a berryman. Not to mention pilots.

I have a vision limitations (that is, I can only shoot with transport workers and helicopters), and Pasha generally handsome - he can be removed from fighters! That he actually has been successfully done for several years. He began in the MiG company, flew with Russian knights on SU-27, participated in the filming of various films - artistic and documentary, even flew to MiG-25. He studied in Vgik on the course Vadim Yusov, now working with the "Star" TV channel.

Just so standing the open ramp no one will allow. Upon its perimeter, the grid and belts were tightly stretched, and the bar was tightly screwed to the feet. The operator has a special climbing gear, to which the insurance screwed into the floor is cling. Moreover, the size of insurance is calculated strictly on such a distance so as not to fall out of the mesh:

Its two cameras (second and third brand) with lenses 24-70 / 2.8 and 70-200 / 2.8 with long straps I flock through the neck. Practice has shown that 70-200 was most often used. Ideal here would be one lens 28-300, but I do not have it.

Pasha in anticipation. By the way, you need to dress warmly. At an altitude of 100-1500 meters, the temperature is ten degrees below than on Earth. For example, the leather jacket of the flyer from thick skin is perfect for! The head of the paratrooper somewhere also personally got:

After the set, you need a height give us a sign that it's time and we run fasten to closed while Ramp. On the operator headset for negotiations with the pilots of An-12, but with the noise of the engines it is almost useless.

And so, when we stand fastened with the cameras in advance, the ramp open! Flies a little dust, I expected more garbage and wind. A minute later, the first participant of the Yak-130 photo session appears:

Managed aircraft Honored Tester Tester, Hero Roman Taskayev and Test Navigator 1st Class Sergey Kudryashov:

On Earth on a pre-flight briefing before shooting, we discussed its conditions. Height, speed, "model" distance to operators, maneuvering and shapes of pilotage that should be captured. The height is 1000-1500 meters, the nearby distance of the object of shooting to the ramp - 25 m, at the reject 10-15 m.

And above and not needed, because the object will fall into a sensitive jet from the An-12 engines, and in this mode it is impossible to pilot, and the picture will die.

We did not have the choice of shooting time, and ideally "air-air" should be carried out at sunrise and sunset and preferably somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains.

The route ran from Zhukovsky to Egoryevsk and back.

And this is still some kind of lakes there (I am looking for, looking for on the map, I can not find) I have a loved one to look at and recognize the places taken from the plane. But here the track was not registered.

The first few minutes of Yak-130 went smoothly, and then went moving. For the dynamic picture, Pasha asked pilots to shift and make several barrels and leaving in different directions.

The plane after maneuver directly under us quickly leaves the frame:

"Barrel". And Rrzraz!

And three! 22-minute Shooting Yak-130 is finished.

Yak-130 will be filmed, the ramp closes and you can take it out waiting for the next "model", which at these moments starts with the Ramenskoye airfield. The connection was transferred that Su-30cm will appear in a few minutes.

At first, the Su-30cm merging with the terrain could not discern, but when we noticed it. Averyanov Vyacheslav Yuryevich is a pilot-test and tested base "OKB dry". The second pilot his son Eugene:

General view from the Ramma An-12:

The plane is so close that you can meet with the pilots. We are not highlighted at the ramp behind the grid and they do not see us. For consumer effect, brake shield is available:

Multipurpose ultra-supersayer Su-30cm fighter is the further development of the SU-30MKI combat aircraft family:

Delivery contracts 60 Su-30cm in the period up to 2016 were concluded between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and OJSC Corporation Irkut in 2012.

In the fact that the airplane is superhane, we were convinced personally 😉

Photo without cropping. Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Lens 70-200 / 2,8lii, Focal Distance 110 mm, ISO 320, Exposure 1 250, Diaphragm 7.1:

Everything left handsome. The shooting lasted 8 minutes and, in my opinion, succeeded. And what do you think?

And no one did a backets with me. You have to shoot a self-portrait:

See also: