Resort island in India. India

India is a country with a non-permanent climate: from the end of May and before the beginning of October, it inevitably turns out to be in power of tropical rain.

While the rainy season continues, the flow of tourists to local resorts is reduced, and life seems to slow down its current.

But in the middle of autumn, as soon as dry, solar and hot weather, everything around is animated. The sea becomes friendly and calm, many cafes and shops that closed during the rainy season are opening. Months from October to April - the most right time to visit the best resorts of India and see the country in all its magnificence.

India is a surprisingly multifaceted and distinctive country, each resort of which stores its imprint ancient history and culture. Here are famous Ayurvedic centers and clinics, amazing beaches of beauty, impressive architectural monuments and causing reverence sacred places. That is why, even by choosing one specific region for travel, you will not succeed - and it does not want to - limit yourself to some kind of recreation.

So, where are the best places to stay in India and what are they so interesting?


Oh written a lot, as well as their main similarity - beautiful beaches, as if those who have come down from an advertising picture. Perhaps it is here that the most famous and popular resorts of India by the sea are located: Majord, Palis, CavelosSim, Kansalium, Kola, Calangut, Vagator, Mandrem, Arabol.

Features: The South Goa is traditionally positioned as a place of a calmer, respectable and luxurious rest, and the North - as a more "part", a youth and democratic direction. Entertainment and conditions for a comfortable travel more at the resorts of South Goa, which, however, does not mean at all that they are missing in Goa North. And the beaches are equally good in both regions of this state.

Interesting: On the territory of Goa is the largest Indian waterfall - Dudkhsagar, and the smallest reserve - Bandla. Other attractions include vintage temples and fortresses, spice plantations and colorful local markets. There is in Goa and one amazing place, where, regardless of the time of year, you can often hear Russian speech. It is called Morns. There are many immigrants from the CIS at this resort, and therefore there are Russian guest houses, restaurants and other institutions.

Suitable for: beach excursion holidays And tours with children.


Goa is always on hearing, but there is an even more beautiful resort of India by the sea with palm trees and snow-white beaches. This is Kerala - "one of the ten paradise corners of the world" (according to National Geographic) and the "personal country of God" (according to the Indians themselves). The list of the main resorts of the state looks like this: trivadrads, varkala, to know.

Features: All data from Kerala names reflect the painful beauty of these wonderful places: reserves and parks, beaches, mountains and rocks, lagoon and lakes. The staff is considered the most calm and comfortable in India and has an extremely developed tourist infrastructure. There is literally everything here: from luxury hotels and restaurants, shops and other institutions. The only not very pleasant nuance concerns the sea - on some sites it is restless and swim there is unsafe.

Interesting: Almost every local resort is a kind of ayurvedic center, where you can try out traditional Indian practices in the treatment of various ailments. To do this, you can go, for example, in Pallakad or to Kovalam.

In Kerala, the Communist Party rules, and therefore the campaign posters and the other similar attributes are found here often. Be sure to visit the legendary temple of Padmanabhasvami in Trivadrame, ancient city Madurai, Fort Kochi, and also to visit numerous nature reserves and national parks with untouched, wildlife.

Suitable for: Beach and sightseeing recreation, eco-and phototourism, medical and wellness (Ayurvedic) tours, traveling with children.


Where is the beach holiday in India, except Goa and Kerala? Of course, in Gujarat, the coastline is the longest on the territory of India (1600 km). True, it is worth notify that the swimming places here need to choose carefully because of the not always calm sea and muddy water. The most popular beaches include Gopnat, Dwarc, Ahmedpur Mandwi, Diou, Somnat, Chorvad, Mandwi.

Features: Gujarat - the most "vegetarian" state in India. For example, it is on its territory that there is a palette - a city in which meat dishes are completely prohibited, and the fish and eggs are not available on sale. However, in general, in India, we can see a little in India on the table of beef - the kitchen of Gujarat will not be an exception. Vegetarian places here at every corner, but the menu with meat dishes will have to search.

Interesting: Gujarat retained the natural habitats of the Asian Leo, four-year antelope and some other rare animals. Therefore, tourists first seek to visit reserves and national parks in the state: on the lake Nalstovar and the island of Flamingo, in the parks of the Rann-from-Kutch and Sasan-Gir, the Sea national Park.

Some of the largest dinosaur excavations in Balaxinor and Cutch) are recognized as an exceptional local attraction. And of course, it is impossible to go around the impressive ancient temples and fortresses.

Suitable for: excursion I. beach holidays, photo and ecotourism, gastronomic tour.

Burning Tours to India

All resorts of India - location on the map

Goa, Kerala and Gujarat - only a small tolik of where you can organize a chic vacation in India, where it is better to go and what to see in this amazing country. To others, a little less popular, but no less beautiful directions include Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamilad, as well as islands Bangars, Kadmat and Agatti. And if you are not interested in not a beach, but a ski tour, boldly go to the states of Uttar Pradesh, Himalo-Pradesh and Kashmir. There are many snow here, and the slopes for riding excellent.

India is most often represented by the Russian tourist fabulous country. And the point here is not at all in Bollywood. It is really unique, ancient, colorful, not a similar country that attracts tourists from all over the world.

Here come to touch the magnificent world with its cultural, historical and architectural monuments, visit the excellent resorts of India, the service is not inferior to resorts Western Europe, and in quality superior to them.


India is located in South Asia. This is one of the world's largest states, bordering Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and.

Perhaps, except Pakistan and modern Myanmar, the rest of the countries also have a developed tourist infrastructure. This region is a positive attractions, rich in unique monuments of history and culture.


India is located in the tropics and subtropics. For most of this country from June to October, it is rained due to the wet yu-z winds. From November to February, this is relatively cool, it is the best time for tourism and recreation. And in the spring - from March to May - very dry and hot. Not every tourist will be able to transfer this time. Those. It is best to rest here in winter.


India was inhabited another 500,000 years ago, the man lived here. About III Millennium BC. The civilization of the Indus valley appeared, and the first cities were built. And in the II-I millennium BC. There was a Vedysk civilization.

It was she who gave the world of Vedas - the Sacred Books of Judaism, written in Sanskrit. Later in India around the X century BC. Buddhism began to spread, the first small republics and the "kingdoms" appeared and "Upanishads" appeared.

In V c. BC. North and West of India was conquered by Persians, and a hundred years later Alexander Macedonian came there. After his departure, almost the entire Indian subcontinent was ruled by the Maurev dynasty.

The "golden age" of India is considered to be several centuries of the beginning of our era. In those days, it was not a single state, but there were several powerful empires on its territory, which left a significant mark in history.

Over the past centuries, Islam came here, there was a Deliy Sultanat and the Empire of the Great Mughal. And after the decay of the latter until 1947, India was the colony of Great Britain. Today is an independent state.


India is the second after China's population, more than 1.3 billion people live here. Moreover, more than 2/3 are rural residents. Among men are more competent than among women. In general, about 70% of the population is competent

Language and religion

The main language in the country is Hindi. In business, English is widely used, it is considered an auxiliary official language. Also, peoples who spell on Sanskrit, Urdu, Bengali, Bodo, etc. live here.

More than 80% of the inhabitants of this country are confessing Hinduism, about 15% - Islam. In addition, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhi live here, have their audience of Jainism, animism and other religious beliefs.


The culture of this great country Different variety. Thanks to a long history, she has absorbed the customs of many nations, retained its most ancient traditions and adopted the culture of conquerors, colonizers and immigrants.

Here are very valued and supported by the people and the state traditional family values, when several generations live in one family at once. Although today in cities preferred an ordinary marital family with children.

In Indian architecture, all the stages of her historical past were awkward. Here you can meet the ancient Buddhist stups (temples), ancient Muslim mosques and christian temples different directions of this faith.

Indian folk songs are very popular in music, for example, the local Music Style Philmi. It is possible to see the dance in the style of Bhanda, Bifu, Chhau, etc. Some local dances are awarded the title of classic.

In Indian cinema, we know such a thing as Bollywood, although there are still Tollywood and Colleigh. The film industry of this country is the largest in the world. All films are created on the basis of Hindu myths and are accompanied by national dancing and songs.

In different states there are different types of the National Theater: Bhawai, Jatra, Radlila, Tamasha, and others, which is also based on Vedas, ancient Hindu myths, decorated with folk dances and music.

The ancient works of literature for centuries were transmitted from mouth to mouth, and were recorded relatively recently. This is Sanskrit literature: "Vedas", "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", the poetry of Mahakavia, etc.

India is strong in its unique regions, and each has its own kitchen. In any case, these cuisine are famous for the preparation of dishes of various roots, seasonings, herbs, spices, especially black and red peppers.

The main foods in India are rice and wheat. Here you can always buy dinner Thali at a fixed value from local dishes: rice, beans with sauces, fresh and pickled vegetables, indian fruits, sweets and drinks.

Main holidays

Most holidays in India have religious or caste. All of them are noted wide and with a large crossing of the people. Tourists from all countries of the world love to participate in all-industrial and local celebrations.

The most common of them:



Weissacha, etc.

Traditional medicine

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine based on the Vedi and Buddhist religious literature. Indians believe that Ayurveda is part of the revelation of holy wise men who have gained knowledge about the Universe of 7 thousand years ago.

Today, Ayurveda practices more than three hundred thousand Indian doctors. There are many research centers and institutions in this country, whose activities are devoted to this particular medicine system used by more than 80% of Indians.

Ayurveda covers surgery, therapy, pediatrics, objects, toxicology, psychiatry and other industries of medicine. It is also a philosophical system designed to bring the body and the human soul to harmony.

Resorts of India

In this country, various types of rest are presented. There are marine and ski resorts. The best resorts For a beach holiday located in Kerala, Goa, Mumbai, Chennai. Ski resorts are in the Himalayas.

Beach resorts


The best resort staff, of course, is Goa, whose coast is washed by the Arabian Sea. Nearly a warm and clean sea, there are many excellent resorts of the highest quality, hospitably meeting guests.

On Goa come to swim in always warm Indian Ocean with safe waves and sunbathe on excellent sandy beaches. Many tourists are convinced that there is no better place to stay all over the world.

Northern Goa was discovered for the world in the 1960s Hippie, and to this day, young people are resting in low-cost hotels and campsites. And in the southern part of Goa built a lot of expensive hotels, which rest secured tourists from Europe, USA, Russia and rich Hindus.

This state is located south Goa On the west coast and is located in the tropical zone. Tourist infrastructure in Kerala today only develops, there are many beautiful lakes, and the highest quality beaches are located on Alleppey, Varkala, Alappuja.

North Goa is the state of Bombay or Mumbai. There is not only a great beach vacation, but there are many ancient and modern attractions. It was in Bombay that Bollywood is located one of the largest film companies in the world, there are many five-star hotels, restaurants, expensive shops, etc.

On the east coast of India, near the Bengal Bay in Tamilad, you can also find excellent resorts with a developed tourist infrastructure. There are many monuments of history and culture telling about the colonial period of the history of India, as well as wonderful beaches and hotels for every taste.

Ski resorts

The most famous resort where you can go skiing with Himalayas is Gulmag in Kashmir. There is always a lot of snow at the resort, a good relief, convenient for riding a slope, a lot of lifts are built. Once here Mongolian emperors lived here.

The skiers from all over the world are known to the resort of Auli with their school and a slope of 5 km long. The mountain resort of the Narkand is located at an altitude of about 3,000 m and is surrounded by coniferous forests, and Sallan has loved newlyweds and families with children.


To get to India, the Russians, going there with tourist purposes, need a visa. It can be obtained at the embassy of this country in Moscow or arrange independently in electronic form.

Get a visa at the embassy is quite simple: you need to submit the necessary documents, and after four days you will pick up the finished entrance document. It is bad just that before the start of the high season there are very big queues.

Prices for the visa are listed on the Embassy website:

First, you should collect a package of documents:

Questionnaire english language (compiled on the site);

International passport;

Russian passport;

Reservation on the hotel;

Ticket back from India;

Documents on financial consistency, etc.

Get an electronic tourist visa to India for 30 days is the easiest. This can be done independently with the help of the Internet. We need only scan of a passport and a questionnaire. The visa is made 3 days, and costs $ 60.

The questionnaire is drawn up on the website of the Visa Center of India and is sent to obtain a visa. If everything is done correctly, after three days it will come to your email. It only needs to print and have with you, going to India.

Before sending on vacation, it is necessary to have a medical policy in addition to passports and visas. As a rule, it is purchased with a tour in the travel agency. Remember that the policies may be a few species.

Doing vaccinations from exotic diseases when flying to India is not required, because The risk of infection in this country is not. It is possible to make an injection from tetanus and vaccination from hepatitis.

All this becomes a reality for tourists who come to the resorts of the Indian Ocean.

Islands of the Indian Ocean - the All-season direction for a luxurious holiday. It remains to decide what you like more: relaxation and contemplation, active sports, the opportunity to touch the antiquities or to watch the most unusual creatures on Earth.


Tropical Mauritius was once a favorite pirates, and now the island every year attracts thousands of tourists with their luxury hotels and snow-white beaches, surrounded by mountains of volcanic origin. This place is suitable not only for the thermo-loving leieboke, but also for inquisitive travelers who want to get acquainted with the amazing colonial architecture of the region, Indian temples and botanical gardens. Here you can also find rare birds, stroll through the park with lions or swim with dolphins, and you can also experience yourself for strength, engaged in extreme sports - Wind and Kitefring on the island.

Mauritius is just 20 degrees south of the equator, so the temperature here does not fall below + 25 ° C. Most of the tourists are sent here on holidays when the cold comes in the northern hemisphere, so the peak tourist season The island is considered the gap from October to April. However, at this time of the year there is quite hot and wet, and sometimes rainy. The best time to relax on Mauritius is a local winter, which begins in the southern hemisphere in May.

Mauritius is very small, only 45 × 65 square meters. km, however, because of the unique landscape, the weather here is very volatile. You are unlikely to quickly drive around this little island, and all because it is permeated with narrow and winding roads, on which it is simply impossible to accelerate. In addition, planning excursions, it is worth remembering that a left-sided movement remains on the island since the British Colonial Epoch. Therefore, tourists are better to use taxi services or organized transfers.

The tourist center of Mauritius is the resort town of Grand Bay in the northeast of the island, it is here that most hotels and entertainment facilities are concentrated. The west coast is the most expensive and prestigious: here are those who are accustomed to rest in the most luxurious hotels and want to sunbathe on the most beautiful white sand beaches. The Green, Wild and very interesting part of the island is considered to be His south.

Where to stay

Mauritius Pearl - Paradis & Golf Club on the Le Moon Peninsula. This hotel is considered one of the best on the southwest coast. It is especially remembered by guests thanks to the breathtaking species from the rooms on the picturesque beach and the lagoon.

Paradis resort is suitable as lovers calm holiday (There are several restaurants, a spa center of a well-known cosmetic brand, the largest fitness center on Mauritius, its own international golf course and the Golf Academy), and for those who prefer active recreation and is engaged in water sports. On the beach, the hotel's guests can use any inventory for free, including masks with tube and windsurfing equipment. A special fee will be asked only for the services of a personal instructor. By the way, this particular hotel takes Kite Jam Festival, which every year collects professionals and lovers of Windows and kiteurfing from around the world. As part of the festival, amateur competitions are held, master classes from world champions and the best athletes of the planet, and also work surfing schools and kiteboarding.

Time zone: time difference between Mauritius and Moscow is not. So it doesn't matter how long your holidays will be - you do not remember what Jet Lag is, after returning home.

Visa: a visa for up to 60 days is drawn up upon arrival. For this, the customs must provide a passport, valid at least 6 months after the end of staying in the country, return ticket, hotel reservation, completed entry form and pay for $ 17.

Getting there: the optimal flight option is Air France to Paris with Air Mauritius Air Mauritius. Time on the way taking into account the docking - about 16 hours. The price of a ticket back-back - from 49 thousand rubles.


Madagascar - the largest island Indian Ocean, one of the poorest countries in the world, but at the same time he is among the safest countries of Africa. Such a nature, as in Madagascar, it is impossible to find more anywhere. Flora and fauna island are rich in absolutely endemic plants and animals, which cannot be found in other corners of the planet.

Baobabs are growing everywhere in Madagascar. In some areas, impressive rows of giant trees are built, in the crowns of which during sunset beautifully "stuck" African solar damn, giving the opportunity to tourists to make photos of amazing beauty.

Here you can see 70 types of lemurs and chameleons and even watch the worldwide whales. The best time to see the migration of whales is the period from June to September, but in the waters of the Eastern coast they appear all year round.

Even on the island there is a unique stone forest, which occupies area of \u200b\u200bmore than 150 thousand hectares and is a sharp karst spires, the approximate age of which is a million years. Stone Forest consists of confusing labyrinths for which excursions are arranged for tourists.

As a rule, travelers go to Madagascar to see the jungle, wild animals, take part in safaris or go through adapted and safe tourist routes that are complemented by several days of rest on the coast. The most popular areas of foreign tourist tourists are the resorts of Anakao Peninsula and the beaches of a tiny island near Madagascar - Nusi-Be.

The north of the country fell in love of divers of all over the world, including from Russia. The extended coastline with unique underwater plants and animals gives them completely new impressions of dives.

The climate of Madagascar is very diverse: on the coast, these are the tropics, in the depths of it closer to the subtropical, and in the south is dry (arid), with high air temperatures experiencing large daily oscillations and with a negligible small amount of precipitation. Two seasons are expressed on the island. Hot and wet season - Madagascar summer - lasts from November to April, air temperature in these months + 25 + 27 ° C, a cooler dry season is installed from May to October (+ 20 + 24 ° C).

Where to stay

One of the best hotels in Popular Resort Nusi-Be - Ravintsara Wellness Hotel. "Fantastic holidays", "Royal Holidays", "Paradise on Earth" - It was such such reviews of tourists awarded Ravintsara for beautiful and spacious bungalows on the shore, green gardens around, excellent service and refined kitchen. The hotel also offers entertainment for every taste: water rides, trips on quad bikes. The cost of accommodation is from $ 300 per day.

All times are: Madagascar's time lags behind Moscow for an hour.

Visa: A tourist visa for up to 90 days can be issued on arrival. To do this, you must provide a passport of at least 6 months and return flight tickets.

How to get to: You can get to the largest airport of Madagascar Antananarivo from Moscow through Paris (Air France). Time in flight - 14 hours excluding docking. Ticket price - from 50 thousand rubles.


Seychelles - Magician Beauty Archipelago, 115 islands, many of them are desert, scattered in the waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Africa. The breathtaking secluded beaches, unique nature and climate made the islands, perhaps, the most idyllic tourist destination in the world.

Seychelles are one of the few resort zones where you can simply take and fly at any time of the year, without worrying about seasonal weather changes. The climate is fairly stable here throughout the year, the average air temperature on the islands + 26 + 30º C. In the peak season (December-January), precipitation is raised on the islands, which are not only for the middle of March, but they cannot be called abundant and essentially They do not interfere with holiday tourists.

The warmest and windless weather is installed in April-May and in October-November. During this period, on the islands, ideal conditions for swimming, swimming with mask and diving: water temperature reaches + 29º C, and visibility often exceeds 30 meters.

The period from October to April is the best time for fishing lovers, and from April to October - the season of observation of exotic birds. It is in these months that they multiply, the offspring is keen and migrate to other edges. From May to September, fans of surfing and windsurf rush to Seychelles.

The main island of the archipelago, which is located an international airport - about. Mahe. Those who fly to Seychelles in search of silence and secluded rest are unlikely to appreciate the Mahe van, but to stay here at least in order to study the colonial architecture of the Seychelles of the Seychelles - Cities of Victoria, or visit the Botanical Garden, which contains dozens of tropical species Plants. The surroundings of the island of MAE have tremendous opportunities for deep-water diving: here you can not only swim with magnificent tropical fish, but also stroll along the habitats of reef and nosed sharks, skates, sea hero, sea turtles.

Each Island of the Archipelago has its own atmosphere, and if the noise of Mahe does not want at all, then you can go to small islands, where complete calm and silence reigns.

Where to stay

One of better hotels Mae - Banyan Tree Seychelles, located on the picturesque southwest shore of the island. On the territory of Banyan Tree there are 60 villas, each of which has a private pool.

This resort is in quiet place, away from everything that can disturb you during the holidays. It sometimes makesone thinking that they are on uninhabited islandon which someone invisible provides round-the-clock comfort. There are no entertainment institutions and meaningful tourist places nearby, so they choose those who are going to enjoy the rest away from civilization. Villa rental cost - from $ 1,200 per day.

All times are: in the Seychelles, the time coincides with Moscow.

Visa: Citizens of Russia, arriving at the Seychelles for a period not exceeding 30 days, is not required. It puts on the border at the entrance to the country.

How to get: From Moscow to Seychelles, you can fly by airline airlines with a transfer to the home airport (Dubai). Time on the way, taking into account the docking - 12.5 hours. Ticket price - from 30 thousand rubles.


Maldives are about 20 groups of the atolls, but only half of the islands within their composition are open to visiting tourists. If you are planning to visit Maldives Republic For the first time and are looking for some general recommendations for the selection of the resort, then you need to remember the main thing: each of the Maldives is located on its own island, the size of the islands range from 2.5 km to 150 m (from the shore to the shore). This means that all objects in the resort (restaurants, bars, sports facilities, etc.) will become the only entertainment for the entire time of your stay in the Maldives. Therefore, their infrastructure needs to be carefully examined in advance so that in the long-awaited vacation do not fall into deep despondency. In general, there are suggestions for tourists for every taste: starting with available bungalows, adjacent to the equipment rental points for diving, to the secluded luxury villas on the piles in the sea, from the terrace of which the legs can be reduced and admire with colored fish floating in the water.

The Maldives Archipelago is located almost at the equator, the climate is Tropical here, the temperature is stable all year round (about + 28 + 30º C). The hottest season on the islands falls on our winter: from December to April on the islands dry, and the air temperature reaches its upper marks.

Most of the activities in the Maldives are concentrated around water entertainment. Snorkling and diving - vacationers have the opportunity to see the most beautiful coral reefs and get acquainted with 700 species of exotic fish living in the Indian Ocean. Surfers (both advanced athletes and newcomers) are also happy to come here to carry out invigorating holidays, wave waves on the board. Fans of a more relaxing rest may be interesting fishing in open water.

Where to stay

One of the most famous Maldives Shangri-La's Villingili Resort & Spa is located on a large and very picturesque atoll Adddu, on the island of Villingli. Shangri-La is available at fully equipped with all necessary villas in the traditional style. Guests can choose a house in the garden, on the shore or on the piles right above the water. To the services of guests several restaurants, open pool, Gym, Children's Club, Beauty Salon and SPA Center, offer various facial and body care programs, scrubs, wraps, and massage and stounterepia. There are corts for tennis and badminton, a small golf course, as well as everything you need for snorkeling, diving, windsurfing and fishing.

To the resort is international Airport Male tourists delivers a plane or a speedboat.

All times are: time on Maldives Fingering Moscow for an hour.

Visa: For citizens of Russia, it is not necessary to design a visa in advance if the tourist flies into the country for a period of no more than 30 days. It puts on the border at the entrance to the country, which will require a valid passport and a return ticket with an affiliated date.

How to get: international flights Arriving at Hulule Airport, which is located next to the Male Male Island. Flights to Maldives regularly carry out Emirates airlines (through Dubai), Singapore Airlines. (via Singapore), QATAR (through Doha). Time on the way depends on the docking length at the carrier's home airport.

In the winter season, Aeroflot Company opens direct flight to Male. Time on the way is about 9 hours. The cost of the flight from 49 thousand rubles.

about. Ceylon

Ceylon Island (Sri Lanka) is a real corner of the Eternal Holiday. The number of significant events that celebrate here has more than 160 per year! Add colorful beaches, foggy mountains, tea plantations and luxury hotels - and you will get truly unforgettable rest In the kingdom of nature on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The developed tourist infrastructure on Sri Lanka provides guests with excellent opportunities for recreation for every taste: from the "Notherelania" on the beaches and care of the local spa to observation of living nature, exhibitors of sports and pilgrimage in the ancient cities.

Climate on Sri Lanka Equatorial. Here warm and wet all year round, the rainy season falls for the summer. The average annual air temperature on the island is + 28º C, the water temperature in the Indian Ocean reaches + 26º C.

The largest city of the island state is noisy, crazy colombo. Tourists come here to familiarize themselves with the main attractions: admire colonial buildings, mosques, churches, Buddhist and Hindu temples, see the residence of the President (or the Queen House), visit National Museum and art gallery. Even in Colombo, a beautiful zoo is working, where tourists seek to get to the show of the elephants.

Big love of tourists enjoy the beaches of the island. Moreover, Sri Lanka is becoming increasingly popular among those who love active water sports. Surfers managed to be chosen by Arugam Bay - a place in 314 km from Colombo, on the southeast coast of Ceylon, which entered the honorary list of the ten best surf beaches of the world. Arugam Bay is popular among beginners, and for experienced athletes, the point of attraction was the west coast, where you can catch the wave of an impressive size. The town of Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka became the place of Tusovka Kiteserferov, who come here behind the winds from May to the end of September.

Thanks to the diverse terrain of the island, on Ceylon, the excellent conditions for rafting, fashionable now Hayking and for mountain bike trips.

Amateurs wildlife They come to Sri Lanka to watch whales and dolphins that appear in the waters next to Mirissa town. At a certain time of the year, it is also possible to see sea turtles, which go to the shore for the masonry of eggs.

Where to stay

The most famous beach holiday resort in Sri Lanka is the place of Bentota and its surroundings. Here is the most hotels offering accommodation for every taste. Nevertheless, the hotels are located in a significant distance from each other, so tourists can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

The beautiful secluded hotel in Bott is Saman Villas, which is located on a small rocky elevation, right on the ocean. Here quiet and cozy, the number of rooms (and especially the open-air bathroom) pleases travelers who will not be stored for positive feedback. Tourists also celebrate the beautiful kitchen in the hotel's restaurant and praise the procedures in the local spa. The cost of living is about 300 dollars per day.

The small village of Hikkaduva is popular among divers and surfers, which, as you know, are not too whims, so they are mostly located cheap hotels and apartments.

Swim from the mask, swim in calm waters that protect the coral ridge from waves, you can at the resort of the Trinomale, spread on the east coast of the country.

All times are: time on Sri Lanka is ahead of Moscow by 1.5 hours.

Visa: Regarding a visa in advance to citizens of Russia is not necessarily. She is put at the airport by arrival.

How to get: The flight to Colombo is carried out by Etihad airlines (with transfer to Abu Dhabi), Emirates (with change to Dubai), as well as Aeroflot. Time on the way is about 10 hours. The cost of the ticket back - back - from 25 thousand rubles.

Irina Lavery

Travel and rest in India is always a huge explosion of emotions. India is a country of tea and cinema, elephants and tigers, ancient temples and picturesque resorts. Perhaps, with each new trip, it opens in a new way, endless amazing finds are found. We bring to your attention the most important about India for tourists planning to visit this fascinating country.

Ancient culture and exotic nature

Unique culture, architectural monuments, unmatched kitchen, wonderful nature, traditions and rites, a stunning combination of unhurried monks and energetic business centers - all this every year attracts tourists from all over the world.

Where is

Exotic in this ancient country begins with its geographic location. It is located in South Asia and is the largest state in the territory and the population in this region. India is often referred to as the "country-continent". This is due to the fact that it almost completely occupies the spacious Peninsula of the Industan, as well as the nearest territories, right up to the Himalayas and Kashmir. It is washed by the immense water expanses of the Indian Ocean. The capital of this country is the city of New Delhi.

How to get from Moscow

It is more comfortable and easier to get a direct flight to New Delhi, and then exercise internal flights around the country. Direct flights perform Aeroflot, Airindia and other airlines.

There are also options for flights with transfers: flights to Jaipur, Mumbai, Goa and others big cities. Flights with transfers an order of magnitude more.

We also note that there is no railway message. The ground trip (on a car or bus) is theoretically possible, but is a very complex task.

Where better to go: Popular destinations

In India, there are many interesting and popular seatswhere it would be worth going. However, if you do not organize your trip in advance, the journey may be tedious. In addition, you risk being subjected to real cultural shock from this "country of contrasts". Therefore, if you just start to get acquainted with this country, the right decision will choose one or a maximum of two popular destinations for the trip. We list the most famous tourist routes:

  • New Delhi;
  • Mumbai;
  • Kerala;
  • Himalayas (Rishikesh, Darmsala, Manali, Realsar, Manicaran);
  • Northern India (Delhi, Agra);
  • Bodhghai;
  • Calcutta.

Making your choice, focus on the features of a particular region. Fortunately, in every state of India there is a huge list of attractions.

Weather and climatic conditions

There are no familiar four seasons in India. Indians live in three seasons: hot, wet and cool.

Water temperature

At the most popular resorts of India (Goa and Kerala), the season for recreation last year last year. The prevailing temperature of the water here is + 28 ... + 29 ° C. The maximum temperature of the water falls on May month and is 30 degrees with a plus sign.

Air temperature

The change of seasons in India is determined by monscons (sustainable winds). The climate in India as a whole can be called tropical, that is, soft weather prevails. The average air temperature range is equal to + 25 ... + 27 ° C. The temperature in the summer season is + 24 ... + 33 ° C, and in winter - + 21 ... + 32 ° С with a plus sign.

The wet season here comes to June - October; Comparatively cold and dry weather occurs in November - February; And from March to May, the climate is leaning towards very hot and dry. Therefore, if you wonder when it is better to go to vacation in India, give preference to the period from November to March. The air temperature at this time does not fall below +20 ° C (even at night). In April comes hell, and the season of rains and rain comes in summer. However, in this conditional "no season" you can significantly save money on the flight.

Did you know? A small town in India Cherapundy is the most rainy terrain on Earth, and the desert of the Tar in the north-west of the country - on the contrary, one of the hottest and arid places on the planet. This fact confirms this that India is a contrast country.

Where to go beach lovers

For those who go to India for a calm beach holiday, we present an overview of the most popular resorts.

Main international indian resort And the real pearl of the country is considered to be Goa. The resort is rich in golden beaches, magnificent nature, palm forests, charming old alleys. Tour on Goa - This, among other things, the ideal option for those who want to combine inert rest with the study of local flavor. This staff combines local exotic and Western European traditions.

Another beautiful destination of our planet, which is necessary to visit, is Kerala. This is a green region extending
Along the southeastern coast of the country. Locals nicknamed this state of God's country. Here you will discover the abundance of vegetation, azure beaches, gorgeous rivers and lakes, as well as bright green mountains.

To relax by the sea in the summer season, as an alternative to the popular resorts of India, you can come to the state of Tamil Nad. Here you will meet picturesque beaches, washed by the warm waters of the Bengal Bay.

Pay attention to the practically deserted Andaman and Nicobar Islands. After traveling in the archipelago in the Bengal Gulf of Bay, there were vivid impressions for life.

Another wonderful place for beach lovers is the quiet shores of Lakshavip Islands, whose beaches are covered with white sand, fairy-tale corals and transparent water.


Those who wish to add a little outdoor activities to their schedule, can visit the mountainous areas of India. The mysterious Indian Mountains are often referred to as the "the abode of the gods".

Travelers to Himachal Pradesh, where the tops of Himalayas are eliminated by snow. Traveling through this state, it will be difficult for you to get along with the thought that you still are in India.

The staff of Sikkim is wonderful Himalayas and keeps the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. From here you will open the most beautiful Overview On the mountain Himalayan ridge and the Great Mount Kanchenjang.

Also, do not forget about the Kashmir Valley, famous for its fabulous beauty. Here the magic lake gave reflects in his waters the slopes of the mountains.

Sacred Places of India

To feel the spirit and history of India, go to the religious capital of the country - "Immortal City" of Varanasi. It is also the oldest inhabited city in the world. In Varanasi, the water of the legendary Gang River, which for more than two thousand years serve as a place of ritual ablutions. Not far from the city are the most important historical and architectural monuments.

Ladakh - the high-altitude area of \u200b\u200bthe Himalayas, called small Tibet. In India there is no place better than Ladakh, where you can relax with soul and body. Ladakhch keeps the unchanging traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The area is rich in secluded monasteries and sanctuations, prayer drums and divine chortenas.

The cities of Rishikesh and Haridwar stand on the shores of Sacred Gang, awarded the title of world capitals of yoga practice. Indian Yoga Tour - wonderful method of revealing the reserve of vitality.

Lovers of nightlife

Consider also where in India it is better to rest for night entertainment lovers. In all major cities Various clubs and bars open areas and spa areas of India. A lot of night bars where live music sounds, where excellent cocktails are served, sophisticated fish and seafood dishes will not leave you indifferent. Much attention in establishments is given to the interior design. Toilets in establishments are not just clean, and artistically decorated.

Most of the clubs and bars in Delhi is located in the luxury hotels. These institutions are forbidden to enter lonely men, which makes them enough protected for lonely women. Club life comes to life on weekends.

The famous Buddha bars (B-BAR) are named this in view of the prevalence of religious topics there.

Club "Capitol" is designed for connoisseurs of Bollywood music.

Did you know? You will not find in India in free sale alcoholic beverages. Alcohol in the country is not prohibited, but it is not particularly welcome. To find It can only be in specially rejected places. In most cafes, it is also officially not officially (sometimes sold illegally), there is only in restaurants.

For today, one of the most popular nightly institutions is "Hauz Khas Village" (in Delhi). In the evenings, local golden young people are going to here. Restaurants and Mediterranean style come across.

Features of accommodation

India is considered inexpensive country For tourism: housing, food, movement can do to you in the minimum amount. Although, of course, it all depends on your appetites.


In major cities, there are taxis and authoriks (motottsi). In these vehicles, counters do not always have available. If the meter is available, follow it to be reinstalled for you. In addition, taxis are air-conditioned or without it.

The cost of travel on a taxi periodically varies, because the price does not always respond to the meter readings. Nevertheless, the driver should certainly have a copy of the current tariff.

The price of travel on three-wheeled rickshams is approximately twice as cheaper by taxi.

AT tourist centers At your service presented a large number of cars with the chauffs. The approved price list of their services is slightly higher than that of ordinary taxis. Rent a car without a chart is unpopular, but you can take use of a motorcycle or scooter.


Mestioning in any country, it is important to have ideas about its culinary traditions.

Most of the inhabitants of India for religious reasons do not use cow meat and other cattle. People prefer fish and seafood. Indian power base is vegetable food: various legumes, vegetables, Capati pellets (low-grade flour). Very popular with Indians hot tea with milk.

There are many acute peppers and garlic in national dishes. Everyone knows the famous Indian seasoning Curry!

It is categorically undesirable to drink raw water from under the tap. Also remember regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap. Vegetables and fruits wash using mineral water And soap. For a period of recreation, it is better to exclude a dish of fresh vegetables from its diet. On the road, always hold hygienic napkins with you.


India is one of the most affordable countries on earth in terms of accommodation. Several types of housing are available:

  • Ashrama (spiritual communities, where pilgrims come from around the world) and monasteries.
  • Guesthouses (small private hotels) and standard hotels.
  • Private houses.
  • Bamba Hats (modest temporary huts in the coastal zone).

We can be made in advance or in place (upon arrival at the place of rest). Subject to rental housing for a long period (3 or more months), the cost is significantly reduced.

Important! Do not leave valuable things and money in prominent places. In hotels it is advisable to use the safe, as there are cases of theft.

Payment for utilities is often carried out separately. The price of prestigious housing involves the provision of additional services (for example, breakfast order, bartender services).

Forward shopping!

Planning a trip to India, be prepared for your acquaintances to make you many orders for souvenirs. In order not to be confused in the market in the diversity of choice, it is imperative with the list of all necessary to get acquainted in advance.

In addition, we care about any recommendations of sellers. It is always necessary to be prepared for the "attack" of very obsessive implementers of all small things. What would you eventually acquire - you will for a long time to remember the fragrance of incense in the trading orders.

In the shops and markets it is accepted to bargain, but in shopping centers Fixed prices.

Here is a small list of what it is worth buying in India:

  • tea (black or expensive green);
  • various fabrics, carpets;
  • tree crafts;
  • decorations (bracelets, necklaces);
  • traditional musical instruments;
  • leather products;
  • cosmetics and incense.

Important!When purchasing jewelry (for example, silver), require a quality certificate. Only in the presence of this document you can return or exchange the goods if necessary.

Features of Indian Culture: Rules for Holiday

In India, it will not be superfluous to adhere to certain rules of behavior to avoid possible problems.

Women before going beyond the border of the hotel, it is advisable to wear closed clothes. Most shrines are not allowed with open shoulders, in short dresses, skirts or shorts. Therefore, going on a journey, women should take a handkerchief with them, hiding shoulders. Male tourists are desirable to wear pants. At the entrance to the sanctuary or the monastery you need to remove shoes, although sometimes it is permissible to enter socks.

In the outback of the country, indigenous people can show live and disinterested curiosity to travelers. Do not amazeless and do not react sharply if you are closely considered or will persuade shallow hand.

Today, rest in India is considered the main competitor to travel to any other country of the world. We hope that our small guide to you will use you on the way of studying this ancient country, on the path of spiritual enlightenment, in search of an active or calm beach holiday.

Of all the countries of the world, most likely, the India is able to turn the human worldview, forever change his idea of \u200b\u200blife, about death, about happiness. Traveling through this big and multicolor country, you can see so much that the trip can replace the tourist around the road.

A traveler who was going to make an independent trip to the country of thousands of secrets and a million mysteries worth a little prepared for the trip. Many Europeans, falling into India unprepared, experience strong cultural shock, which spoils all the impressions of this country. It's all about the Indians to the material world: they do not consider him worthy of attention. Therefore, many Europeans, on arrival to the country, are amazed by dirty streets, littered reservoirs, abundance of beggars and homeless on the streets. Here the main thing is to be able to see all the treasures rich and so unlike our culture. Be able to see the stars in the pool. However, soon shock passes, and the person begins to see differently, think, feel. And all the treasures of Indian history and modernity will leave exceptionally positive impressions: the taste of tea Masala, the fragrance of the incense temple, flickering in the pink smisker Taj Mahal and a smiling street preacher ...

Despite the fact that housing and food in India are very cheap, it is necessary to accept high traffic expenses, as well as with a visa collection of 60 US dollars.


The Indian Republic has made an attempt to save tourists from many countries, including Russia, from communicating with bureaucrats or smiling and sober-minded workers of travel agencies and visa centers upon receipt of ordinary tourist visa. Permission to enter, no longer than 30 days, you can get online by filling out the questionnaire on the site

To obtain a permit, you will need to upload your photo to the site, as well as a passport scan in PDF format. It is necessary to do this at least 5 days before the trip, but it is better to do it before, as the system does not always work flawlessly. Here you can pay the consular fee - $ 60. You can pay for the service with Visa or Master Card cards.

Visa can be obtained in the usual way: in consulates, visa centers or through mediation travel companies. All these ways will result in higher costs.


You can fly from Moscow to the Indian capital of Delhi, you can ships by Aeroflot, as well as on the aircraft of Etihad and Turkish Airlines. The last two are offered to travel with a transplant, but cheaper. The leading domestic carrier guarantees a straight and non-stop flight, but for speed takes somewhat more expensive.

Direct flight (in the sky 6 hours) - from 322 euros to both ends, with a transfer to Abu Dhabi (Etihad) - from 290 euros, but the road takes 12 hours or more (waiting at the airport - 3 hours or more).

Turkish airlines also offer inexpensive tickets, but political motives, as well as an unstable situation in Istanbul, can scare away a domestic tourist from the services of this, by the way, a very good airline.


Even in the capital of a fabulous country, you can find a double room in the hotel with all amenities - from 4 euros per day. Of course, you should not expect from the establishment of a European level, but to stay a tourist who can do without breakfast in the room and safe, it is quite suitable.

The hotel offering double rooms from 15 to 20 euros, provide customers with quite European comfort and convenience.

In principle, in India there are thousands of excellent hotels that do not have their own online pages missing in the database of systems for reservation of hotels, but offering good conditions Accommodation. Many experienced tourists do not reserve the numbers in advance and go to the muddy, which allows them to save even more. But for those who go to India for the first time, housing is better to reserve in advance.

Apartments in Delhi or Mumbai can be found for 15-17 euros / day. An unforgettable cultural experience can gain accommodation in the family of the Hindus. Such a service costs from 16 euros per day, including breakfast. In addition to all ordinary amenities, accommodation of this type will provide you with good advisors and even conductors in the most interesting places of India cities.


The kitchen of India is rice, vegetables, dairy products, nuts and honey. Meat in the country eat not everything in the country, but in many restaurants you can see in the menu dishes from lamb, kozdyatny, birds (chicken, goose, duck, turkey). The abundance of fruits is simply great, everywhere you can get fresh juices.

And now about the main thing: the number of spices in Indian dishes for the European person is simply unimaginable. By ordering any dish, except for dessert and water, it is necessary to add magic words: "But spice, pliz!" (without spices, please). It does not mean at all that the submitted dish will be fresh, not at all. Just in this case, you will bring food that you can eat and admire a completely unique taste bouquet.

In India, everything is tasty everything. Many Europeans discover vegetarianism affected by the abundance of delicious fruits, nuts, vegetables and dairy products. Eastern sweets And unique in the "ensemble" of spices aromas so different from the usual and acquaintances that the culinary adventure will be almost as bright as familiar with the ancient culture.

If you eat in a cafe, snack bars and small restaurants for local residents, on the day per person do not have to spend more than 5-6 euros.

By choosing places for tourists, add to the specified amount of 3-4 euros, and if you want to dinner with a local whiskey or Rom, then add a couple more euros to the sum. In the end, we get that, even without denying yourself, no longer have to spend more than 10-12 euros per day.

What to try?

To list all known Indian dishes, you will need several dozen text pages, but you can highlight the "magnificent dozen" eats that simply need to try:

  • Gave - a lental chowder, richly arched by spices. The basis of the diet of more than half of the huge country. The most affordable and affordable dish. From the main advantages: satisfying, useful and inexpensive;
  • Palac Panir - a gentle cheese in sauce from spinach, the varieties of this dish are many, the only one is always a great taste;
  • Sabji is an unusually widespread vegetable stew with rice and cakes. Vegetarian masterpiece;
  • Tanundori chicken is a pickled chicken baked in a special oven. The dish is sharp, but fresh rice and pellets "align" the situation. Delicious!
  • Chapati is the most common type of bread. According to the appearance of a pellet, which reveals all its taste features along with any sauce;
  • Thali - it is difficult to call it a dish. Having ordered Thali, you get a plate with cakes, rice, vegetables, sauces - a great lunch;
  • Gadzhar Ka - Halva from ordinary carrots and almonds, favorite delicacy in the north of the country;
  • Samos - fried patties with vegetable or cottage cheese filling;
  • Wright is cold soup from vegetables, prepared on the basis of yogurt - an exotic okroshka is especially good in the heat, especially in summer.

Traveling in India, you can eat in European restaurants, where dishes will be familiar. But fish delicacies are better to order if the restaurant is located by the sea. In this case, freshness of fish products are guaranteed. Experienced travelers do not advise food in India from May to August, when it is very hot weather.

Gave - Lentish chowder

Main attractions

Agree that in the country where about hundreds of thousands of ancient temples, palaces, monuments, sanctuary, it is difficult to determine what needs to be visited first of all. Tourist guidebooks offer many objects and routes for every taste, but they all include several objects in the list, which is simply impossible to skip:

  • Delhi - in the capital you can spend two days, and you can study it for several weeks. It is necessary to visit Lal-Kila or Red Fort - the Citadel Palace, the imperial residence of the rulers, the main historical structure of the city (entrance - 2 euros, evening light and sound shows - an additional 0.67 euros); CUT MINAR - an old mosque, from which only minaret remained. The main object is a mysterious iron column, which in 1500 years did not undergo at all corrosion (input - 3.30 euros); Lakshmi-Narayan - a modern Hindu temple, opened in the middle of the twentieth century;
  • Agra (from the capital by train 2 hours, a ticket - 9.40 euros one way) - the main thing here is the tomb of Wife Shah Jihana (Taj Mahal). Entrance fee - 10 euros;
  • Ajanta - Cave temple complex, place of searching for the path of liberation from suffering: ancient painting, statues of Buddha, huge halls and narrow celi (entrance - 3.30 euros, from Mumbai to Aurangabad by train, 4.5 hours, 3.50 euro one way; then on bus - 0.20 euros, 20 minutes);
  • Mumbai is a city of museums and markets, a stormy and rich nightlife, one of the most modern cities of the country, Indian Hollywood, an interesting little, but true India here is difficult to see it;
  • Varanasi - city of dead, the place of funeral bonfires, cleansing from all sins and mourning ceremonies. The spectacle is quite specific, as well as the aromas reigning in the city. But it is impossible to learn India without having been in Varanasi. From Delhi by train 11 hours, a ticket - from 4 euros one way;
  • Calcutta - it's just a pleasant to walk along the central streets of the Old Town, look into the temple of the Goddess Cali, visit the Kumar Tuli artisans quarters, buy a small statue of one of the many gods, relax in the Maidan Park. The city has a reputation as the cultural capital of India, although in many Europeans produces a depressing impression, but after several days of living, huge areas of slums do not seem so terrible, but numerous museums and exhibition halls They will help to fill the time of stay with bright emotions and pleasant memories.

The list was far from complete. In all major cities of India, you can find an experienced and knowledgeable guide from the locals, who for a symbolic fee of 3-5 euros will be shown their hometown from the most unexpected party, will help to get around turns in museums and palaces, will provide a convenient place in the temple during service.


Traveling into the country of magnificent temples and palaces, we must not forget that there are some features of hygiene and behavior in India. Take with you simple, but useful things:

  • Wet disinfecting napkins;
  • Activated carbon and antiacide (type hastal);
  • Hydrogen peroxide in tablets;
  • Patch.

Do not drink water from the crane or in water lines. Only in bottles purchased in the store.

An unforgettable impressions!

See also: