Resort season in the Crimea. Resort season in Crimea: New Light and Sudak

What will be holiday season in Crimea

On the holiday season will be able to earn only a few regions on the southern coast of Crimea. At the same time, the Russian authorities do everything possible so that Crimeans remain without a traditional summer guard.

"On May 9, there were many guests in the city, however it was impossible to say that the sanatoriums have survived an agenious demand, there is no aunts with signs" housing by the sea ", - Feodosika Natalia, in the summer working guide, the May weekend spent at home. The townspeople explain the modest results that most tourists visit the eastern Crimea passage, heading to relax on South coast. However, and things are not brilliantly. "Major tourist ponal, yes. But less, much less than last year," said Yaltinets Vitaly Malyshev. "According to the forecasts of my acquaintances working in travel agencies, it is not worth waiting for tourists before mid-June."

The popularity of Crimea is may holidays It is customary to be indicator of the quality of the upcoming holiday season. Having accepted the first wave, the Crimean authorities broke out with vigorous statements that millions of guests are waiting, promising to establish the record of the attendance of the resorts. Ukrainian experts believe that there are no reasons for optimism: everything is also difficult to get into the Crimea, and the Ukrainians who have always accounted for the lion's share of tourists will not go there for reasons of security and patriotism. It may affect the resort season and the initiative of Russian legislators, which suggest significantly complicate the delivery of housing.

A big difference

Estimates of the number of tourists who visited the peninsula during the long May weekend differ significantly from each other. The Ministry of Court of Crimea has been repeated that they were 161.6 thousand, this is 23.3% higher than 2015 figures, plus 250 thousand tourists Rotturism counted in Sevastopol, declaring that the growth was 20%. The department was reported that Yalta and Alushta became the most demanded resorts of the Crimea, they account for about half of the tourist flow.

Ex-Minister of Resorts and Tourism ARC Alexander Liev, based on the data of the Association of Hospitality Industry of Ukraine, leads other numbers. Crimea visited about 35 thousand tourists, almost all of them Russians, in best years Peninsula took about 200 thousand people in May. He explains this difference because Russian statistics are not based on the economy, but on politics and propaganda. At the same time, there is no reason not to trust the information received from the Association. "She tracks the data of open Russian Internet sources about transport traffic With the Crimea, mostly this is an air and ferry message, "explains the lies. - Applying the Methodology of the National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction, you can determine the share of tourists in the total passenger traffic. In addition, we track the online booking system. Total analyzes about 73 systems. So we see the volume: how many rooms are rented how much booked, where armor has already been stopped. And also use the data of large tour operators of Crimea. The most objective source for us is a direct communication with the owners of the accommodation tools on the peninsula, we monitor more than a hundred objects. "

Seven million tourists

The other day, Russian media extended information that the Russians are increasingly preferred by the Crimea rest in other regions. Sellers of airline tickets declare that due to the rise in price, the demand for Simferopol flights independent travelers fell on a quarter. Tour operators predict a decline in demand and in organized tourism: Russians will choose Sochi.

Crimean "authorities" immediately made a refutation. The supervising tourist sector "Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean Government" Ruslan Balbek stated that these data are unrequentative and testify to the information stamp either about incompetence. The "Speaker of the Crimean Parliament" Vladimir Konstantinov said that Crimea plans to receive up to 7 million tourists this year, having broke the record of the last decades.

Such forecasts cause distrust even with many Crimeans, resembling that several years ago, when Crimea put records, taking 6 million people, everything was clogged, housing was booked for several months. "Now nothing foreshadows attachment demand," says Evgeny Volchenko's entrepreneur. - Owners of apartments and mini-hotels expect that the season will be at the level of last year's level. Then officially announced 4.5 million people in the Crimea, those who work in this resistant. The sphere was offered to boldly divide for two. That is, the Crimea received 2-2.5 million, it feels on the background of 2013, when we felt real 6 million. The expiredness of the sanatoriums that fell under the state programs was not bad, about 90%. But about a quarter Sanatoriums are closed, because their someone "squeezed", and now he doesn't know what to do with them. In the private sector, customer search reoriented on the Internet. Those who quickly oriented to the Russian market and on the network receive some tenants ".

Crimeans hope that this year will be a little better. Russians are now cut off from Egypt and Turkey, after the devaluation it is more profitable to spend rubles for rest of rubles than dollars, therefore will grow demand for internal tourism. In addition, seasonal housing costs in Crimea once a half cheaper than in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

Alexander Leiyev notes that the least suffered from annexation tourist season In Sevastopol and Yalta. These two cities divided the main tourist frequency among themselves during the May holidays and share it throughout the year. "Separately, it is worth noting the city of Saki, the mud resorts of which were filled. But the specifics of this resort and his medical profile, as well as a small number of beds, make this result not very representative, - says the ex-minister. - Far beyond the limits of loss is a tourist flow. In Evpatoria and Alushta. Catastrophic situation in the resorts of Kerch, Sudak, Feodosia, Black Sea and Razzolnensky districts. It can be predicted that the season in Crimea 2016 will remain at the level of last year, that is, 1.2-1.5 million tourists. All this will be Monopots from Russia. "

His words indirectly confirm the observations of the boarding house owner in Primorsky Vladimir Yarmolenko, who says that the demand is small on the eastern Crimea, although his rooms have from 300 rubles. (about 115 UAH) per person.

"Hi Crimeans"

On the eve of the tourist season, Crimean problems pounded Russian legislators, solved to ban the services of accommodation in apartments. The bill, for which the State Duma voted in the first reading, assumes that if the owner of the apartment wants to provide hotel services, he needs to withdraw it from a housing stock, register with the entrepreneur and pay taxes. For the Crimean it is unacceptable, since many inhabitants of coastal cities rent housing only for two or three year old months.

"It is curious that about this bill, which was called" Hi Crimeans ", no one loudly says, many do not know," says Volchenko. "When you tell me about him, the first reaction:" Come on! ", And then begin to resent. The ban will affect all Russia, so it is actively discussing it on the Internet. It is said that the law will kill the whole sector - where to go to the workshop, pulling accommodation, students? "

According to the entrepreneur, in Crimea there were already attempts to remove the private sector income from the shadow. In 2014, they offered to pay for bed-space without registration of entrepreneurship, but people did not go for it, since there were no guarantees that at least someone would come to rest, meanwhile the board is going monthly. The owners of the apartments agreed with the neighbors: if the check will come, the rest needed to represent friends or relatives of the owners. Last year, they took up mini-hotels whose owners, according to officials, were earned daily from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. (from 7.8 thousand UAH to 19.4 thousand UAH). "That is, even the Crimean officials are far from reality, most of the earnings were several times," says Volchenko.

He believes that the emergence of the draft law is "continuing the story about tightening the belts." For the year in Russia, there were at least ten new taxes in Russia, and the next initiative of the legislators was the image of a rapid filling activity.

The number of vacationers decreased several times

In the Crimea, as the local "authorities" declare, only half the beaches are ready to rest tourists. Entrepreneurs complain: tourists from Russia are sent to state sanatoriums, while "private traders" remain without earnings. According to social skins, only 4% of Russians plan to spend their vacation this summer on an annexed peninsula. Prices for housing and products grow, and the number of tourists is reduced. About how the tourist season passes in the Crimea, found out the site "".

Earn this summer will not be able to earn

According to the "Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Crimea", 4.5 million people rested on the peninsula, in 2014 - 3.6 million. At the same time, as an ex-minister of resorts of Crimea Alexander Liev, the annexation of the resort workers was 4 times more. This year, local "authorities" hope that the number of tourists will grow. Most of the holidaymakers - Russians, however, judging by the forecasts of sociologists, citizens of the Russian Federation are not going to go on vacation in.

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What tourist wait for this summer - a wealthy or economical, "mattress", a satisfied beach - or greedy to impressions? But each of them needs to provide comfort and reasonable prices for rest.

Economically and not very

The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed advice for health consumption to reduce energy consumption. "It is necessary to make that the need for the energy of the sanatorium-resort sector decreases, it affects the whole Crimea," says the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Sergey Strelbitsky. - If the cost of electricity will decrease, the cost of services will decrease. Now you need to save prices former. According to our forecasts, East and West Crimea, they can enter leaders in receiving tourists. "

His words confirm the Crimean tour operators. "Economy-leisure is in great demand, but also a sanatorium complex - too, because the Crimea is traveling for treatment," Marina Danilova said, the head of the reservation department of one of the Crimean tour operators told "AIF-Crimea". - Sales of the tickets in February, compared with last year, rose by about a third. It is unlikely that those who choose Turkey or Egypt will go to the Crimea - after all, the level of service is not comparable. Their "All Inclusive" implies the free use of all that is located on the hotel. And the Crimean "All Inclusive" means that only breakfast, lunch and dinner is included in the cost of the ticket.

The middle Crimean tour is ten days worth up to 30 thousand rubles. For this money you can get basic healing procedures. There are vouchers and for 1500 rubles per day per person - despite the fact that the price is designed for the peak of the season. On average, the cost of accommodation increased by 15-20%. Some health resorts and boarding houses went to lower prices, but they are not so much.

For the Crimea, the dough for the success of the season has always been the May holidays. "Sales of tours to the May holidays started, and they approach the end, - said Victoria Stupina, marketer travel company. - Traditionally, tour operators were preparing batch suggestions in early March, but this year sales began on February 10. "

The "May" tourists are interested in travel and attractions, so high demand for excursion tours.

The middle Crimean tour is ten days worth up to 30 thousand rubles. Photo: AiF / Olga Korobov

Where is the service?

Upon last year, Crimean tourist specialists noted that among visitors a very high percentage of people, never before in the Crimea. But they managed to take the world around the world. Here they are customers of the demanding, critical. Hold them will be incredibly difficult. They have not burned out of the airport to comments, because at the airport is impossible to find navigation information. Complained, mainly on infrastructure, objects of accommodation and lack of information about services in the hotels themselves. In addition, they were traditionally dissatisfied with the fact that in the peak of the season some attractions impossible to visit.

Minturism of the Republic of Kazakhstan already works on these shortcomings. Soon the same museums will be able to go to an expanded schedule of work so that tourists can visit them in the evenings, and the excursion groups were formed small. In addition, passports of accommodation objects will be prepared.

Season 2016 is expected to travel to 4.9 million people. For this, ferry crushing plans in the summer to take more motorists - at least 7 million people in both directions. And the airport of Simferopol, as the main gates of Crimea, also prepared: now Aeroflot will fly from Simferopol to the main big cities Russia.

My story. It's funny how Ukrainian media covered the topic. All wrote shocking news about empty beaches.

In this regard, I have the main question. Why did the Ukrainian media wait for my posts for so long to make their shock-news on the basis of them? Why don't they send correspondents to the Crimea and do not lead it online with empty beaches, high prices and terrible service? Why do all the news are made from them on the basis of webcams and messages in social networks? In Crimea, I saw many Ukrainians, there were even cars with Ukrainian numbers (not Crimean), that is, there are no problems with access here. Attitude towards Ukrainians is also normal. Many I asked how in the Crimea refer to former compatriots, and no one expressed special dislike. The overall position - the people love, there are no politicians. So the Ukrainian media can safely send their journalists to editorial tasks and work normally. Moreover, the weather is good, the water is warm, peaches sweet, and corn is hot.

There is another entertainment among the Ukrainian patriot - to enjoy the fact that Twitter considers the Crimea by Ukraine. Well, seriously, for 2 years, as Twitter shows the Crimea part of Ukraine. And two years, the entire Ukrainian online bomond makes screenshots, emphasizes the Red "Ukraine" and makes these pictures. I was sure that all this topic had already discussed, laughed and forgotten. But no. Every tweet from the Crimea causes an incredible surge of emotions from Ukrainian patriots.

And otherwise? All right! But not in the Crimea. While you argue, whose Crimea, the peninsula is bent. Here as an ass in the Ukrainian authorities, and remained under the Russian. Nothing changed at all, except for flags. As high prices And the complete lack of service, so they stayed. Yes, now it's not so convenient to get to the Crimea, but nothing has changed anything else. All the same people who live one day and for several months of the season want to snatch from life everything so that the ceiling is then spoiled all year. The same collapsed wretched infrastructure. In all this story, I feel sorry for the Crimea, which is definitely worthy of the best. I rested in the Crimea under Soviet power, rested at Ukrainian, rest during the Russian. Every year, Crimea is getting worse and worse. Many cities, such as Koktebel, climbed so much that it is not clear how to save them. I want to evict all people from the Crimea, remove all the flags and give nature 20 years to clean everything that the man did here. The sea and the wind will quickly bring order.

01. It turned out that the occasion of the beaches are very important to the people. Spores go straight not to life, but to death. Some cut a photo from the context with an absolutely empty beach. Others find some personnel, where the beaches are complete. Immediately there are comparisons with the beaches of Odessa and other Ukrainian cities. I do not really understand the meaning of this ritual. To evaluate the occupancy of the beaches, you need to do some kind of comprehensive analysis, watch them at different times and in different places. Here you, for example, pike perch. A completely empty beach.

02. And here is the pike perch at the same time, just elsewhere. There are many people. Below I will explain why this happens. In general, of course, the people are really little, but it is.

03. So, in the morning I discharge from the hotel "Scarlet Sails" in Feodosia. During the day it turned out 18 970. Here the wife went to test the local spa and made some procedures. Prices, says, as in Moscow, but the level of funds that you are applied to the face above. I do not understand the meaning of all these rituals. It seems to me that the beauty industry is some kind of big deception to pull money from gullible women.

04. The menu of the hotel's restaurant. Initially, these prices seemed to me with high, but then I went to the West of the Crimea and realized that it was still inexpensive!

05. I went to see the Golden Beach. I was told that all the people are resting there.

06. There is no infrastructure here, along the road with endless traffic build some incomprehensible barracks for tourists.

07. There are no people on the beaches. I approximately 3 kilometers passed. Let you not be confused by the clouds of the sky. It was a temporary phenomenon, and after 20 minutes the sun looked out. On the clock 11:00, air 28, water 24 ... What could be better for felting on the beach?

08. Left is visible empty parking near the beaches. On the right plug on the Feodosia: ferry arrived. Many cars with Moscow numbers.

09. On the clock 12, a few people ran to watch dolphins.

10. There are good beaches with umbrellas and sun beds. But most of the sun beds do not even lie. An employee of one of the bars complains that this year she came less people than in the past. It is afraid that in the next one will be empty. "People come once. They look here and no longer come back, unfortunately, we are not competitive."

11. The sea is clean, but the bottom with the stones.

12. For especially important guests on the beach, the zone flags are separated! Nicely.

13. Beach 117 and some samostroy right on the shore. In general, there is an unpaked field for bulldozers. Very much need to be demolished.

14. Tourists catch.

16. With the roads in the Crimea will have big jobIf, of course, someone wants to make a normal tourist region from the Crimea. Now almost all roads pass through cities, all narrow, they do not cope with traffic. And when the bridge is completed, everything will rise in general. At the same time I have not seen anywhere to build new road Or expanded old.


18. With garbage, too, problems. Roadside roads sometimes look like. The garbage, apparently, is not cleaned years.

19. First of all I go to New World. The road from Sudak is terrible. It was not repaired for a long time, she was broken and in some places began to collapse. Often cars can not disperse.

20. Local creative.

21. New light is a small village. Known champagne, bunch of attractions and amazing nature. Many Soviet films were filmed here, and now tourists will lead to these places.

22. The occalerability of the beaches is 30 percent, no more.

23. Everything is very free.

24. Vacationers

25. One is better hotels Resort - "Vintage". The room is from 8200, there are still single rooms for 4200. For the money in Turkey, Egypt or Thailand, you can remove the hotel much better.

26. The hotel has a restaurant "Wine and Fish", is considered the best in the village.

27. Prices. More expensive than in " Scarlet sails". Kitchen average. Nothing unusual, but you can. I came at 14:00 for lunch. The restaurant was empty. At all. Of the few dozen tables were employed 3.

28. Bill for two per lunch.

29. Like other resorts of Crimea, the new light captured the trading. Sometimes on the embankment it is simply impossible to pass.

30. Find people


32. There is no infrastructure on the beach: no free toilet, nor the soul. Only old rusty cabins for dressing up. Beaches are dirty - garbage, algae, cigarettes.

33. Some strange citizen. He was not told that the project from the DPR is canceled?

34. In Sudak, settled at the Hotel "Soldia".

35. Externally, the hotel looks good, is right under the fortress.

36. It can be seen that there is a lot of money in it: the quality of construction is good, everywhere natural stone, tile, tree. But all this breaks about the collective farm service. By settling, no one meets. Despite the fact that I settled alone, the staff of the hotel was tupied to smartphones. Woman at the reception desk wanted to fill out some registration cards, although all my data had it. The restaurant does not accept cards to pay, you can't record food to the room, the minibar is empty, etc.

37. Free rooms in the hotel, according to the administrator, almost no.

38. Beautiful

39. Hotel interiors

40. For 7600 rubles, I was given a tiny number, where there was nothing at all. There was no table or a chair. Usually B. resort hotels The rooms are made large, but here the owners decided to squeeze the maximum from their plot and cut the Celi Monastic.

41. But the most joke is where the windows come out. They come out not at sea and not even a garden. They go to the parking lot! According to the owners of the hotel, each guest must put their car under the door of the room and look at it! To make it more convenient to admire your car, I even put two crushers near the entrance! For the first time I see this. And this is the easiest number for 7,200 rubles. Do I want to admire my car outside the window? No, perhaps.

42. Restaurant at the hotel is expensive. Hot dishes about 1000 rubles, soups 300-500. The most amazing is no local fish and seafood. Salmon, Dorado and the other frostbed oven - please, but the local there is nothing at all. The bottle of champagne "New Light" is asked 1500 rubles, tomatoes salad with bow - 210, Crimean oysters - 450 rubles per piece. Yes, there is oysters, and the price of them is the same everywhere: in Feodosia, in the new world, and now in Sudak, they are asked to 450 rubles. Breaks oysters to the sea at the Catswell village, it's near Simeiz and Alupka. This is the only oyster farm in Russia on the Black Sea. There are 500 thousand Black Sea oysters per year and even 100 tons of mussels. Why are they standing several times more expensive than in France, I do not understand. Oysters, by the way, have not yet learned to serve correctly in the Crimea. Dinner for two cost 5000 rubles.

43. If you go beyond the location of the hotel, you can save considerably. For example, beer, or rather drink, which they call beer, can be bought in bottling for 70 rubles liter.

44. Near the establishment of more expensive! All the same inquisite donkey urine already for 100 rubles liter.

45. In the cafe for some reason, people are sitting in shorts. Was amazed. At my time, at a hiking for lunch, at least a T-shirt was worn. Apparently quite cattle in the Crimea stretched. No culture.

46. \u200b\u200bAssortment of coastal traders.

47. As in Feodosia, militaristic motifs from T-shirts disappeared in Sudak. Not enjoys success and Putin. "With Putin stopped buying, last year's stocks can not be soldered," the seller complains. T-shirts with Nationalider hang somewhere in the depths of the store. In the foreground, just Crimea.

48. The Sudak Embankment turned out to be much better than in Koktebel. She is wide and clean, she was not even built enough. About Sudak will be a separate post.

49. Although such places come across.

50. Athens

51. What is a 7D cinema?

52. Beaches in Sudak are also half empty. Despite the fact that the beaches seem to be open, they are separated by rusty fences. What is the sacred meaning of these fences?

53. Something follows.

54. On the beaches there is such a situation. Total length Beach in Sudak - a few kilometers. There are beaches that formally relate to sanatoriums, here there are few people there. In the center where most tourists live, the beaches are clogged.

55. Water - +25!

56. Everything is gradually falling apart. I have not seen anywhere in order to repair the embankment or pier. When the next design is rusty, it is simply overlapped with a ribbon, and that's it. The sea gradually destroys traces of a person's stay.

57. Left sanatorium. Note: Pure Embankment. It's really unique phenomenon For the Crimea! Usually everything is built up.

58. Tourists.

59. But the beach, which is located near the main street, where tens of private hotels are located. Here people are there. People here are ready to sit on each other on their heads, but to move 50 meters to the side, where there is no one at all, do not want. An interesting phenomenon.

60. Therefore, it turns out that it is empty, then thick.

61. But in general, without special anch.




65. But there is no one nearby.

66. Sun beds are empty.


68. To the right of the fortress there are also beaches. Here are the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mountain trail goes to the beaches.

Go down to the water and go to the right. There is a beach, on which I walked all my childhood when I lived in Sudak. I go, I take off how some deer suddenly runs out with gold teeth and herso asks:

Young man, do you have a spa book?
- What? No.
- So, come out, quickly, this is a closed beach!
- How is it closed? Can you close the beach?
- You can, this is the Beach of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! We have here, maybe the threat of the terrorist attack!
- But by law ...
- I'm talking to you! This is Em-We-Dha Beach! You do not understand? Putin closed the police departure from the country, and the beach closed for you. What is incomprehensible here?

I do not understand how they can close the beach? Is it generally legal?

Beach, by the way, is completely empty. Apparently, EM-WE-DE staff decided not to go to the Crimea.

71. At 16:00 there were only 5 people.

72. Some sanatorium enclosures are abandoned and closed.

73. On the common beach there are no people nearby. I often had a child here in childhood and I remember that at this time there was no apple to fall apple. People sat on their heads from each other. And now completely empty.

74. Road to the private sector

75. Agitation

76. Another riddle for me. Heshteg "Tyroimmamos" is written throughout the Crimea. What bridges do they build? I heard that the bridge is only one ...

Yesterday I already wrote, how the interest of Russians to Turkey grew after friendship was officially allowed, and tourist area Opened again. There is also a "Yandex.There" published interesting data.

I personally perceive the news about Turkey. The less tourists will arrive in the Crimea - the better. To make a normal resort from the Crimea, competition needs. Competition with Turkey, competition from Sochi, with Egypt. Only in the conditions of tough competition you can make normal hotels, restaurants and tighten the service.

So if I don't change anything in the Crimea, everything will be right soon. And polite people will go to Antalya and Kemer.

We are talking about life in the Crimea, displaying the main and important events, of course interesting to each resident and the guest of the peninsula. Crimea news regularly publish information about populations, prices and tariffs, education and social issues, health problems and ecology. For you reviews of holidays and festivals, competitions and public events, materials about the work of non-governmental organizations of the Crimea.

Crimea News is the reviews of cultural life

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Sadly, but the news of the Crimea is the incident reports

A significant place in the total volume of our information occupies the incident in the Crimea. We provide operational reports of accidents and emergency situations, road traffic incidents (accidents) and fires. Discussing a criminogenic situation, publish the details of crimes and shed light on the corruption component of our reality.

I am glad that the news of the Crimea is information about cases

Business in the Crimea today is certainly interesting to the reader. Resting with Russia of the peninsula attracted a powerful wave of investment, which in turn caused rapid growth in the construction industry and trade, the restoration of industry and agriculture, revitalizing the real estate market. Long lost positions in winemaking and industrial fisheries, again occupy coordinating places in the economy.

Resting well, read the news of Crimea

While in the epicenter of the resort life, we note the undoubted revival of the industry of entertainment and tourism. In a series of publications about sanatoriums and boarding houses, hotels and hotels, campsites and beaches, we will tell about the obvious advantages and hidden shortcomings, highlighting pitfalls and unequivocal advantages, objectively arguing about rest in the Crimea. Interested in holiday prices for vacation season? For advice in the summer, only to us!

The urgent news of the Crimea is also to us ..

We place the Press Releases of the State Structures of the Republic on their pages. We work directly with the press centers of the government and the State Council, the services of several departments and institutions. Operatively about the important - summary of the supervisory authorities, customs and a number of power departments, including the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The news of the Crimea hold the reader in the know

Of course we do not remain aside from the events of what is happening in the world. In our materials, how in the mirror reflects the details of the relationship and socio-political life of Russia and the countries of the neighbors. Crimea, as an echo of world politics, resonant news and events, one way or another, affecting the life of Crimeans occupy decent place On the pages of our publication.

The news of the Crimea is trying ...

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The news of Crimea tried, but ..

Could not stay away from such a pressing issue as the weather. Therefore, despite the obvious risk of predictions, sometimes we speak dry figures of meteosonds. Actual forecasts, reports of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, reference information, and all that will help you do without an umbrella and save a good mood.

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