Loadost company. Loocosostar: what it is and how they work

Today we'll talk about Loop Cost (Low Cost). The plane has long ceased to be luxury, but is the usual means of movement for millions of people. When traveling over long distances - more than 2,000 km - he simply has no competition. After all, traveling by train in this case will be not only a few days longer, but also comparable for the price or even more expensive. At the same time, we have all the advantages of the aircraft: speed, comfort, meals on the way. However, the tickets themselves are quite expensive and their cost is a significant disadvantage when choosing an aircraft as a means of movement. In order to find the best price for ordinary airlines, you need to use.

An alternative to ordinary airfare has become format Loadost (Low Cost)which appeared in America shortly after the war. Then he successfully moved to Europe and in the whole world. And now this idea is of great popularity among tourists. At the same time, in our country, many people still do not know how to buy cheap flights.

Low Cost or "Flying Minibus".

Budget air transportation or losost. (low Cost) We offer us to keep the main advantage of the aircraft - a quick movement from one point to another - at the lowest possible prices for tickets. Thus, we can find plane tickets for 20-30 €, which can hardly be represented for classic airlines. And there are completely crazy stocks, it seems like these tickets for 1 €:

Naturally, not all the tickets are such cheap, and not in all directions. Nevertheless, the Low Cost format provides us with many planning opportunities.

Why are the tickets such cheap?

Loocosostans are saved on everything you can. It turns out that there are many options in the plane on which you can save, keeping only speed and safety. Namely:

  • LOW COST format is used usually small airports where the rental price is lower. Wherein airport can be quite far from the citywhere it seems like a plane flies. This is necessary to consider when planning a trip, but later. Check the location of the airport on Sleepinginairports.net or anywhere else
  • Almost all airlines tickets are not refundable! If you have bought a ticket at low cost airlines, then be prepared for the fact that when you change your plans, you will lose money. Considering what to catch good price You can at a ticket no later than one or two months before the trip, then, of course, Low Cost is not suitable for everyone.
  • Baggage is not included in the ticket price.You can only take it for an additional fee, which significantly increases the cost of the flight. However, on board you can take a manual sting. Its size and weight are strictly limited. Usually this 55x40x20 cm and 10 kg. And the correspondence of yours hand luggage Permissible dimensions may well be checked at the airport. But this allows us to take a middle backpack with you to the salon or a small suitcase (a great reason to take smaller things about the trip!) Watch it so that there is nothing prohibited (liquid, sharp items) in hand-made. For russian airline "Victory" on the contrary - no hand-made bag, but the price includes luggage to 10 kg. Read more about this.
  • In airplanes, Loauser (Low Cost) airlines there is no business class. All fly at the same conditions.
  • Direct sales of air tickets via the Internet and online Chekin (Online Check-in). Online Chekin goes well on the Internet about the week before the departure. If you arrived at the airport, forgetting it to do in advance, you will have to pay for it (usually about 10 €). In Low Cost airlines you are not fixed in the plane! In the plane, you sit on free places, so it's better to take care that you are not the last in line for landing. Although, of course, there will be enough spaces! At the same time, it is possible for a fee (approximately 5 €) to get the right to choose places ( Priority Pass). Honestly, a completely useless possibility, however, some people enjoy it. As a result, when landing, two queues are formed: for ordinary passengers and with the right priority passage. The latter is put on the plane before. An exception, again, is the Russian "victory". Online Chekin is not required for it, register at the airport before departure. At the same time issuing a ticket with a specific place in the cabin - no free places.
  • Maximum aircraft loading. Low Cost aircraft Airlines are not idle for several days at the airport. Usually the plane arrives an hour to the flight, quickly puts off passengers, takes new and fly away. And per day, several such flights. Such a flying bus.
  • In the plane, you will find that the seats are quite narrow, and the backs are not crowded. Low Cost Airlines maximize the space of the aircraft. However, I will not say that there is too closely. A couple of times I flew even in closer aircraft, and it was in the classic airline. In any case, saving 5-10 thousand rubles on tickets, you can suffer a couple of hours.
  • Power on board is paid separately. While the flight of the aircraft, the stewardess will carry carts with products and drinks, but you can only purchase them for an additional fee. Of course, no one forbids me to bring with you, which cannot be said about drinks.
  • Well, moreover, non-standard options are possible. For example, in usually there are no buses that bring people from the terminal directly to the plane. This path will have to go on foot, although usually the plane is quite near the airport, and this does not represent any inconvenience. As far as I heard, in Ryanair do not take a stewardess with weight more permissible. I do not know whether this practice is ubiquitous.

Major Loupes.

List of budgetable airlines take from Wikipedia. Main companies in Europe:

  • ryanair .com - the largest budget airline in Europe, which flies almost everywhere, except Russia. Flights to Morocco and Canary. For us, flights from Finland, Estonia (Tallinn), Latvia (Riga) and Lithuania (Vilnius, Kaunas) can be interesting. By the way, to the security conversation - from the moment of founding in 1985, Ryanair not a single accident with human victims. Despite the fact that the number of flights they occupy a leading position among All airlines in Europe.
  • wizzair.com is the second major loupe of Europe. You can fly even to Hurghada, Dubai and Tel Aviv. Flights from Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Ukraine (Kiev, Lviv), Moldova (Chisinau), Georgia (Kutaisi), Azerbaijan (Baku), and most importantly - from Moscow!From Moscow, you can fly so far only in Budapest for 40 € or more expensive. But from Budapest is already anywhere, because it is a Hungarian airline.
  • easyJet.com is another major lourogenant, which also flies to Canary, to Egypt, Tel Aviv, as well as in Iceland. When buying an EasyJet ticket, there are some that will help save money.

About the airports.

Always check the location of the airport! If the "Airport Paris Beauvais" is written, then this does not mean that the airport next to Paris. In this case, the airport is two hours drive from Paris in Beauvais. The ticket is worth 14 € and get pretty uncomfortable. But in Tallinn, for example, the airport is right in the city, even within walking distance from the center. With great airport remoteness from the city, the total cost of the path can approach the cost of the ticket in a regular airline.

Good site to check the airport - Sleepinginairports.net. Here you can find out the location of the airport, about the presence of WiFi in it, about the possibility to spend the night. Overnight at the airport is practiced by many tourists who choose a lostep. However, at some airports it is impossible or extremely difficult. Take a post feedback.

Lookers in Russia.

Basic rules for buying Low Cost tickets.

  • Tickets are better to buy in advance, no later than one or two months before the trip. Maybe even earlier. However, the pricing in low cost airlines can be a logical understanding, and a flight ticket in three months can be more expensive than on the flight in two months. At the same time, the cost of tickets is constantly changing, and, of course, they have property to end. So, if you have already chosen everything, do not pull with the purchase!
  • Check the airport through which the trip is supposed. Paradoxically, but not the fact that it is where you want to fly.
  • Be sure to make online Chekin a few days before the flight!
  • Always carefully read the conditions or a ticket!
  • Lourogenger does not guarantee the docks of flights. That is, if you fly Ryanair from Tallinn to Frankfurt, and there you are planning to take the flight Frankfurt Milan, then these two flights are not related to each other, and if you are late for the second aircraft due to the fact that the first stayed, no one for you money Will not return. Of course, this is not a frequent opportunity. But I advise you not to select flights with the time of expectations of less than two hours between them.
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For some reason, it is believed that there is no air pharmacent in Russia - well, except that only appeared. Whether the business in the West - you can fly away from anywhere with discounters and anywhere, paying 10 euros for it! In fact, of course, this is not the case, and "Halewa", although it is from time to time, not so well, so that you could seriously count on the travel planning. However, today it is not about this, but that many European discounters fly to Russia, which means that we can also fly somewhere relatively inexcomfortable compared to traditional airlines.

Of course, miracles does not happen: a cheaper ticket is not because of the altruism of the air carrier, but because of the lower level of service - starting with the fact that tickets cannot be passed () and ending with the paid transportation of baggage, lack of food (or rather, it is, but For an additional fee) and, often, docking tickets. However, if you take tickets with a good stock time, then in case of refinement from the destination, you are likely to fly further.

The fact is that discounters fly to Russia, as a rule, from their main hubs, which means traveling you can not only in the city where direct flights are performed, but also for the large list of further areas. However, the lyrics are enough: let's go to the specific! Airlines are presented in alphabetical order.

In the modern world, the aircraft are one of the most popular types of transport. However, for many, the flights are unbearable. The decision was the emergence of louxers who offer to travel for a relatively low price, paying only tickets. Such air travel quickly gained popularity around the world.

What is lourogenant

Many travelers are interested in what a lourogenant is in aviation. The main difference of such companies is low price ticket. In the literal translation, the term means "low costs". Budget air transporters can offer cheap tickets for a number of reasons. European and American companies provide such services since the 90s. In Russia, Loocosostans appeared relatively recently. Thanks to the development of such a business, passengers can move from the point of departure to the point of arrival, spending almost 2 times less means.

How to work budget airlines

Better to figure out, Loker - what it is, you can, having studied the basic principles of budget airlines:

  • Loaders aircraft fly from the point of departure to the destination directly, without transfers. In addition, the aircraft move for short distances. Such a schedule helps the speakers to serve a greater number of passengers at low rates.
  • Lookers use the planes of one model, while the airliners should not be over 5 years old. Such conditions provide reducing parts for spare parts, service and training personnel. Among the models of louxers are used A310, A320 or low-size beagins.
  • Companies hire less workers.
  • Tickets are sold via the Internet on the discounter website, so you do not need to print and process papers, contain cash desks.
  • Saving on fuel is carried out by concluding contracts with companies that deliver it for a long time. During the increase in prices, the lociosters are discharged at the previous cost.
  • For the departures and landings, Looc Sources use small air harbors that are often located on distance from the city. Such airports request lower rates.
  • Passenger aircraft such companies are in the air more time, which reduces the cost of using airfields.
  • Inside the airliners of budget companies focused landing places that do not have a folding back. Reducing the distance between seats allows you to place a larger number of passengers. There is no division into classes.
  • Transportation of Loorostor companies is actively used for advertising. On the backs of the seats are not provided by pockets, and on the windows - curtains, therefore it is spent less time for cleaning, and the aircraft uses the airport into the short period.

What is included in the cost of budget flights

Buying air tickets lostet, passengers pay only the cost of their landingwhich is not installed in advance. Entering the inside of the cabin, you can occupy any free. However, the most comfortable must be paid. The company's profit is obtained at the expense of additional services for which the board is charged. These include baggage (excluding manual sting), food and drinks, booking. To save, you need to fly by louctoros only with a small number of things, collecting products to have a snack until the journey lasts.

Popular low cost airlines

To date, there are several most common companies that offer loose tours:

  • Airasia - at the disposal of a major Asian loophoster there is more than a hundred aircraft. Giant airliners fly in Indonesia, Thailand and many other continent states.
  • Air Berlin - is widely represented in Russia. Loocoster carries out flights from 16 settlements of this country. Lokester airlines offers flights at 170 different destinations.
  • Vueling Airlines is a company based on Spanish territory. Carries out the delivery of passengers in 45 directions. From Russia, the departures are made from the airfields of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • EasyJet - a company located on the territory of Britain has a major transport network covering more than 3 hundred directions. From Moscow, London and Manchester can be found in London.
  • Ryanair - is the largest company-lourogenant of the European Union. Aircraft 1500 items are sent. In Russia, this Lourogenant is not represented. You can fly from Latvia or Finland.

Are there any leukest tours in Russia

In the summer of 2014, Russia's inhabitants found out, Lokester - what it is. The project "Dobole" was organized, which ceased to exist in a short time. The reason for the reorganization of the conductor was sanctions from the countries of Europe. The replacement was the new "Aeroflot" brainchild, which is called "Victory". At the first stage, aircraft performed exclusively domestic flightsHowever, later the network has grown. Now the Boeing of the Russian Loadoster can fly to the city of Europe. The principles of the organization are based on the same postulates as European carriers.

Earlier in the country several were taken unsuccessful trying Organize flights-lucostors. They were represented by the following companies:

  • Avianova.

You scare prices for flights? And you postpone the journey into a long box, because they are not for the king?
Today, there is an excellent way out of this situation: Loocosostans, Loads, discounters are all the names of low-cost airlines where you can buy a ticket at a low price.

Loocosostans are the perfect option for those who are willing to sacrifice a certain share of comfort and additional services.

Why cheap?

Let's figure out, at the expenter of the low cost airlines can be reduced prices
1. Ticket sale tickets online
The sale of air tickets is done via the Internet. This makes it possible to eliminate the cost of keeping the personnel, cash and lease.
2. Limited services
The main principle of work of Loorksostors: You pay for the flight, but all additional services - At your request and for a fee. Some of the usual services, such as food or entertainment, or are generally absent or provided for a fee.
3. Comfort
In the speaker, often the number of passenger seats increase. It can make your stay aboard the aircraft less comfortable.

What should be remembered by buying a ticket

- Loocosters rarely depart from this rule: the higher the aircraft's reality, the more expensive the tickets will cost for passengers. So try buy Tickets in advance - The sooner, the cheaper.
- Buy a ticket only if completely sureWhat is flying. Some low cost airlines include a ticket back. If you for any reason want to change the date of departure, do not forget that this most often attracts additional costs.
- Lookers have their own luggage politics: you will have to collect all the necessary things in manual sting. The salon is usually allowed to take luggage to 55 × 40 × 20 cm and weighing up to 8 kg (this information must be specified, since each company may have their own limitations). If you feel that the dimensions of your baggage are more, it is better to pay for transportation in advance additional baggage.
- If you offer additional services on the site of the LouroSter, remember that by paying them on the site, and not on board, you will save a decent amount of money.
- Often registration for flight at the airport is also a paid service. So try to register online. And there to pay additional services

Lookers who fly from Russia:

  • Germanwings - flies from: Moscow; St. Petersburg.
  • Airberlin.
  • AirBaltic - flies from: Moscow; St. Petersburg; Kaliningrad.
  • Norwegian Air Shuttle - Flying from: St. Petersburg.
  • Vueling - flies from: Moscow; St. Petersburg; Kazan; Kaliningrad.
  • Wizz Air - flies from: Moscow.
  • EasyJet - flies from: Moscow.
  • - Fly from: Samara; Ufa; Kazan; Yekaterinburg; Rostov-on-Don; Volgograd.
  • Air Arabia - Flying from: Kazan; Yekaterinburg; Moscow.
  • Pegasus Airlines - flies from: Moscow; Mineral water; Omsk; Sochi.

Foreign Loaders:

  • Ryanair - Irish Lourogenger, the largest low cost airline in Europe.
  • Blu-Express - Italian low cost airlines. Points of destination: France, Greece, Italy, Turkey.
  • Iceland Express - budget airlines from Iceland. International flights: Alicante, Basel, Berlin, Billund, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, London, Oslo, Paris, Stockholm, Frankfurt am Main, Friedrichshafen, Eindhoven.
  • Thomson Airways - Airlines between the United Kingdom and Europe.
  • Cebu Pacific - Filipino Budget Aircuit. Cebu Pacific serves 34 internal and 22 international Destinations In 14 countries.
  • Condor - German Low Cost Airlines Flights Mediterranean, Asia, Africa, North America And on the islands of the Caribbean.
  • Interjet - Mexican airline. Flights to 43 Mexico Airport, Cuba, Guatemala, Costa Rica and USA 56 routes.
  • GOL - Budget airline Brazil and headquarters in Sao Paulo, performing regular and charter passenger air transport at the airports of the country and beyond its limits.
  • Mango - South African Budget Airlines. Route network: Johannesburg - Cape Town; Cape Town - Durban; Johannesburg - Durban; Cape Town - Bloemfontein; Johannesburg - Bloemfontein.
  • Atlasjet is a Turkish airline based in Istanbul. It produces regular and charter passenger air transportation both in European countries, Kazakhstan, Iraq and Iran and inside Turkey.
  • Smart Wings - Brand czech airline Travel Service. Carries out regular flights along Europe and the Middle East, is the most famous among Czech budget airlines.
  • Sun Country Airlines - Bidden Airlines in Regular and Charter passenger traffic In the USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean Islands.
  • Flybe - British low cost airlines. This is the largest independent regional airline in Europe, which carries out 150 routes in 55 airports.

More and more people resort to flights to overcome large and short distances. The convenience of flights is a short time in the way and the possibility of access to any corners of the world. However, often the problem of the high cost of tickets occurs. Currently gains momentum concept Losuce. What is a lourogenant in aviation and how it will help you save, consider below.

"Lokester, what is it?" - Tourists are often wondering, who have not yet come across such a concept. The answer is simple: Loker is a carrier, the purpose of which is to reduce the price of the ticket by refusing some services when flight.

The US Motherland is considered the USA, where in the 1970s it first applied to the company Southwest Airlines. Subsequently, many airlines picked up this idea by creating serious competition to traditional carriers. Currently, many companies establish subsidiaries specializing in budget flights. The spread of loauser aviation made flights affordable and forced large carriers to introduce combination tariffs where you can choose a set of services and reduce the cost of the trip.

When answering the question, what is a loauser, many confuse it with a charter. The concept of the budget flight in both cases is similar, however charters are sold with the included cost of tourist tickets.

Essence of Loadost-Flights

Minimizing the cost of the ticket occurs during the abolistence of some services and reduce costs. The main tricks on the way to this are the following:

  1. Lookers prefer direct flights at which one aircraft can make several flights a day without idle in the hubs.
  2. Part of the services such as changes in the date of the ticket, the choice of place, food and drinks on board, the procurement of a certain amount of baggage is made paid.
  3. The aircraft staff often assumes the vessel's cleaning feature to reduce costs and the number of employees.
  4. Companies introduce an electronic registration and purchase system.
  5. For flights, one type of aircraft is operated, which reduces the cost of training personnel and ship maintenance.
  6. Part of the equipment of the vessel, as well as monitors for passengers are absent to reduce the mass of the aircraft and, consequently, a smaller fuel consumption.

Do not think that the budget flight will leave unpleasant impression in mind. Passengers can not notice the lack of many services, and direct flight will reduce the time on the way. In addition, the staff of low cost airlines is as friendly as in any other airlines.

Thus, answer the question of what a lourogenant means can be briefly: this is an airline that produces low-cost flights from the elimination of some services and the paid provision of others. Loocosostans are often confused with small regional companies, but the second provide the service due to the lack of capacity and conditions for the full implementation of all services.

Advantages of Loorkostor

As mentioned above, one of the advantages of Losuksost is worthy and unobtrusive service. In addition, the main advantage of this type of flights is its cost in comparison with ordinary tickets. Loocosters also allow you to save time without tormented from long-term transfers and downtime at the airport.

With a competent advance order order, its cost is much lower than the price of a ticket, bought before the departure itself. As the salon is filled, the amount usually increases. Thus, airlines stimulate customers to take care of the acquisition in advance travel document. Another advantage of Lookers is their prevalence. To date, flights of numerous low cost airlines can be found in many popular directions.

Disadvantages of Loorksostor

Most of the shortcomings of budget airlines lies in their strategies and ways to reduce flight costs. Many companies exploit remote minor airports to get to which you can, spending extra money on a taxi or car. Departure and arrival time is usually planned late in the evening or early in the morning, which causes inconvenience: get to the airport and back at this time public transport It will not be possible, and have to pay taxi services.

Fiscal flight tickets are non-refundable, that is, you can practically be able to implement the procedure for returning funds for an unused ticket. However, there are also return schemes borrowed from traditional carriers. They can be obtained up to 75% of the amount with a ticket, when you give it per day and more than registration and the entire amount with a smaller return period.

The absence of many services can affect the comfort of the flight. Many loucks offer passengers on board only water, and the remaining drinks and food are paid separately. The standard of baggage is also a small number of kilograms, and for the advantage will have to be seriously charged. If you decide to change the departure date, the name is in the ticket or change the place in the cabin, it will also entail additional costs.

Thus, by ignorance or in order to improve the flight conditions, you risk as a result of paying the amount equivalent to the traditional flight. To this not happen, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules for the transportation of baggage and the flight of a particular airline and thoroughly weighed all the pros and cons of the future flight.

It is worth noting that the list of restrictions and paid services is different from each carrier. Some companies are willing to provide drinks and snacks on board. Others above the standard of luggage and hand baggage. Also, many companies today combine the features of traditional and losable flights, creating a line of tariffs for flights. In each of them, the different cost of the ticket is combined with a different price for administration or the lack of payment for some of them.

How to use services of lucostors

Lists of losure airlines are available on the Internet on the relevant request. You can purchase tickets for the flight you are interested in on intermediary sites, at the address of the companies themselves either in online cash desks. As a rule, the directions of flights directly depend on the founding country. In Russia, the Lourogenant victory is officially operating, as well as on its territory, many foreign budget carriers produce flights.

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