Giant people. Myths and reality

Many legends of the world tell about giants, giants, titans in all ancient written sources. We are often informed about the finds in different parts of the world of skeletons of people of abnormal growth. So maybe our ancestors were giants?

Stone Age burials have been discovered in the Sahara Desert. The remains are approximately 5,000 years old. In 2005-2006, about 200 graves were found. All of them were distinguished by their high growth, more than two meters.

Giant fossils have been found in Turkey. The human leg bone is 120 cm long. Based on this, a person's height should have been 5 meters.

In China, people were found whose height is 3-3.5 meters, weight 300 kg.

In Australia, anthropologists have found a fossilized tooth 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. According to estimates, the owner of the tooth should have been 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kg. Analyzes have determined the age of the find - 9 million years

A jaw was found in one of the caves. But despite the resemblance to a human, the size of the found bone seems to be abnormally large.

It is assumed that all the main monuments of antiquity (Egyptian pyramids, stonehenge, sphinx) were built by these giants. According to scientists, giants are the race that preceded us (not to be confused with the current concept that characterizes belonging to a particular nationality). They took possession of psychic energy and "vitality" unusual for us.

The Aryan race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantic civilization about 1 million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans had a height of 3-4 meters, then the growth decreased

Scientists anthropologists have even found drawings on Inca stones. They were discovered in Peru. And these drawings show that humans lived with dinosaurs. Comparing these drawings, scientists discovered an amazing fact: a man and a dinosaur have approximately the same proportions! Perhaps in the era of dinosaurs, giant people lived. And a man in the mouth of a dinosaur, and a dinosaur with a severed head ...

Evidence of the finds of the remains of giants is found in almost every part of the world: Mexico, Peru, Pennsylvania, Tunisia, Texas, the Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, and Georgia ... so much about the likelihood of their existence, how much about the reasons for the disappearance of a civilization so much more diverse and powerful than you and me ...

Official science is still suspicious of hypotheses about the existence of gigantic people in the past. However, numerous studies by enthusiasts may well change the usual picture of human history.

Mysterious remains

Traces of the existence of giant people have been found repeatedly over the centuries. Reports of the found turtles or bones of an abnormally large size came from different parts of the planet - the USA, Egypt, Armenia, China, India, Mongolia, Australia and even the Pacific Islands. True, you will not surprise anyone with a human height over two meters. As photographs testify, in the 19th century there were people whose height significantly exceeded two meters.

However, we are talking about finds, which can be used to judge the much more impressive dimensions of humanoid individuals. In 1911, near Lovelock in the US state of Nevada, the mining of guano was suspended, as scientists were interested in the found human skeletons with an increase of 3.5 meters.

Particularly archaeologists were struck by the jaw found away from full skeletons: its size was at least three times the jaw of an average person.
During the mining of jasper in Australia, the remains of giant people were also found, significantly exceeding three meters in height. But the real sensation was the human tooth, 67 millimeters high and 42 millimeters wide. Its owner had to be at least 6 meters tall.

Perhaps the most striking find was found by the Indian military. Found in a remote region of India, "Empty Quarter", well-preserved skeletons reached a height of 12 meters! However, the place was immediately closed from prying eyes, allowing only a team of archaeologists to visit the ancient burial grounds.

Written sources

Information about giant people is contained in almost all known ancient texts - the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, as well as Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, Assyrian cuneiform tablets and Mayan writings.

In the book of the prophet Isaiah there is a mention of how the Jews were sent by sea "to a strong and vigorous people, to a terrible people from the beginning to the present, to a tall people and trampling on everything, whose land is cut by rivers."

But there is similar information in later sources that claim to be historically accurate. The Arab diplomat Ahmed ibn Fodlan in 922 described the remains of the murdered giant during his embassy to the Volga Bulgaria: “And here I am next to this man, and I see the growth in him, measuring twelve cubits with my elbow. And now he has a head - the largest cauldron that can ever be. And the nose is more than a quarter, both eyes are huge, and each fingers are more than a quarter. "

If we assume that the elbow of the Arab traveler was of modest size, then the growth of the giant was in no way lower than 4 meters.
Interestingly, the story of Fodlan is indirectly confirmed by local legends about a whole tribe of giants, recorded at the end of the 18th century by Russian explorers of the Volga basin.

Stone artifacts

Silent witnesses of the existence of giant people can be traces of their material culture. During excavations in Australia near the gigantic remains, stone tools of impressive size were discovered - plows, chisels, knives, clubs and axes, whose weight ranged from 4 to 9 kilograms.

Similar finds were made during excavations of ancient settlements in the Okavango Delta. In the collection of the Historical Society of the United States, there is a bronze ax, which is more than 1 meter high and its blade is half a meter long. The weight of the find is 150 kilograms. A modern athlete would hardly have mastered such a tool.
Even more revealing artifacts, indicating the possible presence of giants on our planet, can serve as megalithic structures - we can find them on various continents. Of particular interest to scientists is the Lebanese Baalbek, which can only be called a city of giants. At least, researchers still cannot scientifically explain the appearance of stone slabs that are ideally fitted to each other, presumably weighing up to 800 tons each.


A serious controversy has recently developed between supporters and opponents of the existence of mega-anthropes, which does not accept compromises. This is how the anthropologist Maria Mednikova calls the information about the discovery of the bones of four-meter people an ordinary fake.

"From a formal point of view, - says the scientist, - it is not confirmed by documented archaeological excavations, there are no conclusions of specialists - anthropologists or forensic doctors - who could reasonably tell what these bones are."

Cases of outright falsification also cause a negative reaction from the scientific community. Thus, the "skeleton of the giant Teutobokh" - the king of the Cimbrians, which stood for several centuries in the French Museum of Natural History, turned out to be a fake skillfully composed of the bones of a mastodon. Frequent exposure and modern finds with a careful examination of the remains of large mammals. Also, the "defenders of the giants" are discredited by the noticeably more frequent cases of Photoshop.


The weak point of the theory of meganthropes is modern earthly conditions. Official science assures that with the current atmospheric pressure, oxygen level, gravity and other nuances, people with a height over 3 meters simply would not have survived for purely biological reasons.

As a confirmation of this, they cite the example of people suffering from gigantism - such people, as a rule, do not live for more than 40 years. However, their opponents have counterarguments. They believe that in the distant past, conditions on Earth were different, including the gravity was lower, and the oxygen level was about 50% higher.

The last figure is confirmed by the analysis of air bubbles "trapped" in amber. Moreover, modern physicists have modeled conditions in which the force of gravity has become an order of magnitude lower than it is now. The conclusions are as follows: weak gravity, low atmospheric pressure and high oxygen content in the air contribute to the gigantization of biological species.

Here, the official science does not particularly object - dinosaurs up to 30 meters high are a generally accepted fact. True, there is one more "but". The age of most of the machines of the giant people dates back to millions of years, and during this time even bones turn to dust, unless, of course, they are petrified.

"Borjomi giants"

However, perhaps the giants lived not so long ago. The representative of the same official science, the Georgian academician Abesalom Vekua, suggested that 3-meter people inhabited the Borjomi gorge about 25 thousand years ago. The results of recent finds, in his opinion, could be sensational. “Pay attention to the thigh bone, - says the scientist, - it differs from the bone of a modern person in its size and thickness. The skull is also much larger. These people lived and developed separately from the rest of civilization, and therefore differed in growth. In the scientific literature, they are referred to as giants, but there was no documentary evidence for this hypothesis. Thus, we are on the verge of a sensation. But this will be preceded by painstaking work. "

In the legends and legends of almost all the peoples of the Earth, there are references to people of enormous stature - giants. The fact that people used to live on Earth, whose growth was much higher than that of modern humans, is indicated by many archaeological finds found around the world.

The remains of giant people have been found in almost every part of the world:Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, the islands of Oceania.

In 2008, near the city Borjomi, in Kharagaulsky reserve, a skeleton was found by Georgian archaeologists three-meter giant... Found skull in 3 times more the skull of an ordinary person.

The remains of giant people were found in Australia where anthropologists found a petrified indigenous tooth 67 mm high and 42 mm wide... The owner of the tooth must have been about 7.5 meters and weight 370 kilograms... Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the find - 9 million years.

IN China found fragments of the jaws of people whose height was from 3 before 3,5 meters, and weight 300 kilograms.

IN South Africa, at diamond mines, a fragment of a huge skull with a height 45 centimeters... Anthropologists have determined the age of the skull - about 9 million years.

Many remains of giants were found in the last century on Caucasus... In 2000, in a mountain cave in Eastern Georgia, archaeologists discovered the skeletons of four-meter giants.

In 2001, on July 23, by Marvin Rainwater, the owner of a farm in Iowa (USA), when digging a well, a tomb with mummified giant people 3 meters high was discovered.

IN Sahara near Gobero burials of the Stone Age were discovered. The age of the remains is about 5000 years. In 2005-2006, about 200 burials of two cultures were found in the region - Kythian and tenerian... The Kythians lived in this territory 8 - 10 thousand years back. They were distinguished by high growth, exceeding 2 meters.

Many giant fossil bones have been discovered in one of the mountain valleys Turkey... The fossilized bone of a human leg has a length 120 centimeters, judging by this size, the height of the person was about 5 meters. The Race of Giants existed!

The end of the twentieth century was marked by a sensational find by an Anglo-French paleontological expedition, which conducted research in remote parts of southern Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, which has long been considered a collection of secrets. There is a place called Uulakh, about which the legend of a giant devil who lived in a stone gorge is passed down from generation to generation. It was so huge that the ground could hardly carry it.

A group of paleontologists, led by Professor Higley, decided to test the veracity of this legend. Persistent excavations in rock strata, whose age is about 45 million years, were crowned with success: a well-preserved skeleton of a humanoid creature was discovered. Moreover, scientists were struck by his growth - about 15-17 meters. So the legend was true? But how did the locals learn about the "gigantic shaitan" if he lived millions of years ago? There is only one plausible explanation: they have already seen his bones. The rock could be washed away by water, which allowed the Mongols to see the remains, the legend of which has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

It means that human civilization has already existed for 45 million years - the Race of Giants !?

Independent experts pointed out another important factor: a forgery of this magnitude cannot be secretly manufactured and delivered to the required location.

Noteworthy is the version put forward by the Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, who noted that it is necessary to take into account the data of recent studies. It follows from them that for billions of years the Earth revolved around the Sun and around its axis much faster than at the present time. Calculations show that at that time the day lasted about 10 hours, and in one year there were almost 400 days. According to Wingley, such conditions made it possible for the existence of giants - dinosaurs, lizards and even humanoid ones. It is likely that this is the answer to the mysterious gorge.

In a number of British newspapers, articles appeared that called for a new look at the history of human development. The famous British scientist Dr. Townes expressed his view on the problem.

He believes that his colleagues have made a unique find that does not belong to earthly civilization. The professor put forward a hypothesis that the creature found in the Gobi Desert developed and lived according to laws that are very far from earthly evolution. Therefore, this is not a representative of an extinct race from our planet, not a hoax, but a creature from outer space.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report the finds in different parts of the world of skeletons of people of abnormally tall stature.

In 1821 in USA in Tennessee found the ruins of an ancient stone wall, and under it two human skeletons 215 centimeters high. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1883 in Utah several burial mounds were discovered, in which there were burials of people very tall - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them.In 1885, in Gasterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large burial mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1890 in Egypt archaeologists have found a stone sarcophagus with an earthen coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and constitution of the mummy differed sharply from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovlock (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The height of a mummified woman during her lifetime was two meters, and a man's was about three meters.

In 1930, near Basarsta in Australia prospectors at jasper mines often found fossilized imprints of huge human feet. Anthropologists called the race of giant people, the remains of which were found in Australia, megantropuses.The height of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropuses are similar to giantopi-tecs, the remains of which were found in China Judging by the fragments of jaws and many teeth found, the growth of the Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms. Near Basarst, in the river sediments, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs plows, chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with instruments weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specifically investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropuses, carried out excavations at a depth of three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a fossilized molar, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1971 in Queensland farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large piece of jaw with teeth, five centimeters high. In 1979 in Megalong Valley In the Blue Mountains, local residents found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of the stream, on which the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five toes was visible. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had survived completely, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man six meters tall.

Close Malgoa three huge footprints were found 60 centimeters long, 17 - wide. The giant's stride length was measured at 130 centimeters. Traces have been preserved in the petrified lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (assuming the theory of evolution is correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Maclay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 centimeters long and the foot is 25 centimeters wide. Obviously, the aborigines of Australia were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories. .

In one of the old books, entitled "History and Antiquity", now kept in the library of the University of Oxford, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton, made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried four yards in the ground and is in full military dress. His sword and battle-ax rest beside him. The skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters) long and the big man's teeth measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters). "

In 1877, not far from Jews in Nevada the prospectors worked on the gold panning in a desolate hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out over the cliff ledge. People climbed the rock and were surprised to find the human bones of the foot and lower leg along with the patella. The bone was walled up in the rock, and the prospectors freed it from the rock with pickaxes. Assessing the uncommonness of the find, the workers brought it to Evrek. The stone, into which the rest of the leg was embedded, was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and represented the knee joint and the intact bones of the leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and concluded that the leg was clearly human. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was its foot size - 97 centimeters from knee to foot The owner of this limb during his lifetime was 3 meters 60 centimeters.

Even more mysterious was the age of quartzite, in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of the dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the find in the hope of finding the rest of the skeleton. But, unfortunately, nothing else was found.

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant humans on the shore Elysee Lake in Central Africa... 12 men buried in a mass grave had a height of 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War on the territory Poland During the burial of the executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant who owned the skull had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

One of the most unique pieces of Klaus Don's collection is the bones of a giant. This is a genuine artifact. IN Ecuador in 1964 he found part of the calcaneus and occipital bones of a human skeleton. Based on the calculations, he found out that this bone belonged to a man 7 meters 60 centimeters high. The age of these remains is more than 10 thousand years. But that's not all. IN Bolivia he was also able to make a discovery. Klaus discovered a burial of people with a height of 260-280 centimeters. But the strangest thing is that they have extraordinary elongated skulls.

About giant people from other sources:

Helena Blavatsky

Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky formed a classification of existing earthly civilizations - the Indigenous Human Races:

Race I - angelic people,

Race II - ghost-like people,

III race - Lemurians,

IV race - Atlanteans,

Race V - Aryans (WE).

In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky writes that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of humanity.

As Blavatsky writes, “the late Lemurians were 10 to 20 meters tall. All major achievements of earthly technologies come from them. They left their knowledge on the "golden plates" hidden to this day in hiding places. The Lemurian civilization existed for many millions of years and disappeared 2 - 3 million years ago.

The Atlantean race was also a highly developed race, but to a lesser extent than the Lemurians. Atlanteans were 5 - 6 meters tall, outwardly they were similar to modern people. Most of the Atlanteans died during the Flood 850 thousand years ago, but some groups of Atlanteans survived to a period of 12 thousand years ago.

The Aryan race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantic civilization about a million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans were 3 - 4 meters tall, then their height decreased ”.

Nicholas Roerich

Scientist, artist, mystic philosopher Nicholas Roerich wrote about the Bamian statues: “These five figures belong to the creation of the hands of Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their mainland, found refuge in strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures are an illustration of the Teaching about the gradual evolution of Races. The largest depicts the First Race, its etheric body imprinted in solid, indestructible stone. The second - at 36 meters in height - depicts "Sweat-born". The third - at 18 meters - perpetuates the Race, the fallen and conceived the first physical Race, born of a father and mother, the last offspring of which is depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall at the time when Lemuria was flooded. The Fourth Race was even smaller in size, albeit gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race, and the series ends with the last. "

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Scholar and esotericist, Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" writes about aliens from parallel worlds on the land of Ancient Egypt.

He describes the growth of people of different spatial dimensions:

1.5 - 2 meters - the height of people of the third (our) dimension,

3.6 - 4.5 meters - fourth dimension,

10.6 meters - fifth dimension,

18 meters - the sixth dimension,

26 - 28 meters - seventh dimension.

Drunvalo Melchizedek writes that the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten was not an earthling, he came from the Sirius star system, his height was 4.5 meters. Akhenaten's wife, Nefertiti, was about 3.5 meters tall. They were people of the fourth dimension.

Ernst Muldashev

Professor Ernst Muldashev, during an expedition to Syria, in the town of Ain-Dara, in an ancient ruined temple, discovered traces of a giant man. The length of the giant's footprint was 90 cm, the width at the base of the fingers was 45 cm, the length of the thumb was 20 cm, the length of the little finger was 15 cm. According to calculations, a person with such foot sizes should have been 6.5-10 meters tall.

In the East, there is a very detailed description of the Buddha. From this description, called "60 features and 32 characteristics of the Buddha," it is known that the Buddha had an enormous height, membranes between the fingers and toes, 40 teeth, which corresponds to the description of the people of the Atlantean civilization.


At the present time, there are also giants, but, unfortunately, there is little fabulous in them. These are sick people suffering from increased function of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone. The giants grow over 2 meters (the tallest person described in the literature was 320 centimeters tall). In childhood, they look like ordinary people, but by the beginning of puberty (9-10 years), their growth dramatically accelerates and lasts longer than in ordinary people.

Matryn Van Buren Bates
(1837-1919) - "giant from Kentucky", the hero of the American Civil War, who fought on the side of the Confederation (slave-owning south of the country). His height reached 243 centimeters, and his weight was 234 kilograms. In his youth, Martin worked as a school teacher, but after the outbreak of the civil war he joined the army, rose to the rank of captain, became a legend among the northerners, was captured, was exchanged (according to another version, he fled), and in the end decided to leave the service, hiring to work in the circus.Despite the gigantic growth, such people are distinguished by poor health. They rarely live to old age, sometimes have mental problems, are not sexually active, and suffer from visual impairment. Their gigantism is disproportionate - people often become freaks with an overly small head and long limbs. However, despite this, many giants find the strength to live a normal life. They even manage to become famous.

Many legends of the world tell about giants, giants, titans in all ancient written sources. We are often informed about the finds in different parts of the world of skeletons of people of abnormal growth. So maybe our ancestors were giants?

Stone Age burials have been discovered in the Sahara Desert. The remains are approximately 5,000 years old. In 2005-2006, about 200 graves were found. All of them were distinguished by their high growth, more than two meters.

Giant fossils have been found in Turkey. The human leg bone is 120 cm long. Based on this, a person's height should have been 5 meters.

In found people, whose height is 3-3.5 meters, weight 300 kg.

Anthropologists have found a fossilized tooth 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. According to estimates, the owner of the tooth should have been 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kg. Analyzes have determined the age of the find - 9 million years

A jaw was found in one of the caves. But despite the resemblance to a human, the size of the found bone seems to be abnormally large.

It is assumed that all the main monuments of antiquity (Egyptian pyramids, stonehenge, sphinx) were built by these giants. According to scientists, giants are the race that precedes us (not to be confused with the current concept that characterizes belonging to a particular nationality). They took possession of psychic energy and "vitality" unusual for us.

The Aryan race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantic civilization about 1 million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans had a height of 3-4 meters, then the growth decreased

Scientists anthropologists have even found drawings on Inca stones. They were discovered in Peru. And these drawings show that humans lived with dinosaurs. Comparing these drawings, scientists discovered an amazing fact: a man and a dinosaur have approximately the same proportions! Perhaps in the era of dinosaurs, giant people lived. And a man in the mouth of a dinosaur, and a dinosaur with a severed head ... a dinosaur

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