Phi Phi, Thailand Islands: Description, attractions and interesting facts. Phi Phi Pii Island - or Paradise Island Island, map and photos of Pi Pi Don

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IslandCO PI PHI DON) Located almost in the central part of the Andaman Sea. Phe gave birth after at the next island (Pi Pi Leu), filmed the film "Beach" with DiCaprio. Both islands are located next door. Moreover, Pi Pi Don is now mastered at the maximum, well, and Pi Pe Leu still "keeps defense" from tourists, because Fortunately, there is no residential infrastructure on it.

Although Pi Pi Don beautiful. On the island are completely stunning coves - palm trees, sand, water is really pure.

The biggest island bay is called Sai tone. The bay that it forms has the name of the same name.

Along the beach stretched the village of Tonsai Village - the main tourist centre On the Islands Pi Pi Don: cafes, market, many shops, food shops, kiosks with clothing, souvenirs and any small smokers, hotel, restaurants, massage, and so on.

Here is the global branches gathering.

The island is settled by backpackers from all over the world, as well as tourists who came by package tickets to Phuket, in AO Nang or where, and from there they took a one-day tour of Pi-Pi Don. And for this here entertainment for every taste. day - power, "family" parties. N.ocho - noisy youth.

Among other things, there is a police station in the village, two small hospitals (Phi Phi Hospital and Siam International Clinic), a huge number of currency exchange points, many ATMs, payphones, mail. There is also a school and a mosque. A N. and the banks are working diving, all sorts of boats excursions are offered.

Pier is almost in the center of the village. Here arrive passenger boats From Krabi, Phuket, Lanta and smaller nearby islands.

Many little shops and restaurants. Some of which are cheap. So find inexpensive meals on Pi-Pi Don (Ko Phi Phi Don) is quite forces to everyone! This is important, since the prices most of them are very high here. The village, as I said, quite quickly commercially developing. Today you can see the inconspicuous number of travelers. So merchants work according to the principle: "All the same sooner or later, my goods will buy, even for such a price" ...


If we talk about housing, then the most relatively cheap accommodation on Pi Pi Done is the hotel in the central part of the village. It is the most hectic. Why look below. More relaxed, but also more expensive hotels are located in the eastern part of the island (Laem Tong and Loh Ba Kao).

So the optimal option is to move to the hotel on one of the streets flying deep by the car. The room there can be removed in the area of \u200b\u200b1000 baht. This is relatively inexpensive, but quite quiet.

Things to do

Photo session on Viability

View on island stakes from a height. To understand that the central part of the island is Pi Pi Don, you can climb the brilliant. The viewport is located north of the village of Tonsey Village (Ton Sai Village), at a height of about two hundred meters. To climb it. You will have to overcome 325 steps. But on top, remarkable views of the southern part of the island of Pi Pi Don and narrowstone, connecting the southern and northern part of the island.


Shopping is not cheap. But on the island there is its trading fuments. So for example, in Bangkok, you are unlikely to buy shark jaws ... And here is another feature of the island. Some fruits here can be bought not even during the season, when there are neither Phuket, nor in Bangkok. The question is from where they here I did not decide ...


There are several beaches on the island.

The most famous beach is the island of Pi Pi Don - Ton Sai Beach. The beach is located on the one hand a narrow braid, which divides the island into two parts - Western and East. But alas on all its length now settled the village with hotels, bars and restaurants. Although the left side of the beach (back to the sea, face to the shore) in principle for swimming is suitable.

On the opposite side of the Spit is another beach - Lo Dalam (LOH Dalum Beach). Unlike the Beach of Tonsai, there is no pier on the beach, nor the boat parking lot. But he islands, shallow. So while moving to swim on it is problematic. Because The water area is literally taken off.

One of the most decent beaches of Pi Pi Done - Long Beach Beach, Hat Yao). It is clean, relatively quiet and is located near the village. Plus small white sand, pure water. Long Beach - a good place For snorkeling. Nearby is a coral reef, where you can see the reef sharks. They are small and not dangerous.

Night parties

Pi dong without stretching can be called the island of night-party. Most of which are held on the shore. So, as I said, if you are a lover sleep and do not like nightwort, then you better not settle in the first line. People do not wait. Well, yes, as they say, they knew where they were driving.

And we must remember that Pi Pi Don is not Phangan. This is there once a month, people come off at the party of the full moon. Here everything is different. The main contingent of Pi Pi Done - tourists who came here for a day or two. And from the island they dream in a short time to get everything. Well, in the sense of tearing away to everything one hundred! So Narodiskko and breaks away. Every evening there is full of beach parties. And they all fueled by slaughter cocktails. Remember when you were small, then you played on the beach with small plastic buckets. So now on Pi Pi Dona, everything is the same, just do not kids, but adults "kids". Yes, and they have a somewhat different appointment. The buckets are sold everywhere in the evening with a local temkar or Gin, Koloy, power and straw. Then the whole "set of vacation" is mixed and sucks through the straw. The ball is buzzing, the world becomes unusually bright and wants adventures. It is not difficult to find them on Pi Pi Dony. Well, on the pi don and without adventure.

One of the most exotic countries Asia invariably enjoys high popularity among tourists from all over the planet. Paradise is pleased with secluded beaches, nightly entertainment, amazing landscapes and unique attractions. Coloring Thailand fascinates guests coming here in search of adventures.

Travelers who are acquainted with the fabulous kingdom will dip in the eternal summer and forget about all the problems. Tourists who feel like welcome guests at the resorts of the country are recognized that they found a real paradise place that I don't want to leave.

Description of the archipelago

The original Islands of Phi-Phi (Thailand) are located in the province of Krabi and are 40 kilometers from Phuket. The composition of the Phi Phi Islands archipelago includes six islands, the most famous of which are popular Phi Phi-Don and picturesque Phi Phi-le. As they are located far from the mainland, you can only get to them on the ferry, and the journey from the pier to the resorts will take no more than one and a half hours.

Phi Phi (Thailand) Islands are equally beautiful, but they are distinguished by the fact that one is absolutely uninhabited, and on the other, the turbulent day and natural charm of the resort makes an indelible impression on holidaymakers.

However, not everything is so wonderful, as it seems at first glance. Ecologists beat the alarm, since numerous tourists break the flora and fauna of the island, and the archipelago itself does not cope with such a blowing of the guests.

Best time to visit the resort

When it is best to come to the fabulous Islands of Phi Phi, the reviews about which are full of not only delights? The most favorable time for visiting the exotic archipelago with a tropical monsoon climate is considered the period from October to March. In the dry season, when the weather itself is a relaxed or active recreation, average temperature Water is 29 degrees of heat, and the air is about 30. The rainy season begins in June and lasts until September.

Phi Phi Don.

The archipelago whose area is approximately 28 km 2, divided into two parts and is connected only by the narrow speaker (Ton Sai Village). He causes delight among tourists who are thirsty to get into the warm waters of the ocean and sunbathe on snow-white beaches. This is a relatively new, but already rapidly developing resort, gaining popularity.

The island, the population of which ranges from two to three thousand inhabitants, is famous for their entertainment institutions for every taste. True, tourists note that Phi Phi-Don is enough expensive place Rest, because they do not grow anything here - all products are imported.

There are no cars on the island, and the main transport is bicycles. Those who have a heavy suitcase can take advantage of porters who are held before the hotel. As experienced tourists tell, often the road is replaced by bulk sand, which causes complexity. Therefore, it is better not to save, and give a hundred baht to a person who will help with luggage delivery.

Ton Sai near the pier is a village that is considered the heart of the island. Here are bars, restaurants, souvenir shops, diving centers, laundry, massage salons and hotels. This is a favorite place of all avid partners, and guests who prefer privacy and not want to save on the necessary, choose the east of the island, where the most respectable boutiques and hotels are located.

Phi Phi Le.

The second largest island of Phi Phi-le (Krabi, Thailand), which is rising over the water limestone monolith, surround the two bays - Lo Same and Maya Bay. The latter received fame after the release of the Drama "Beach". Getting to the fascinating unique beauty of the Bay of Maya Bay, where the main events of the Hollywood ribbon unfolded, it is possible in a few hours from Phuket on the ferry. The beach, surrounded by majestic cliffs, are bound by litigation, which lasted many years.

Judicial disputes

The fact is that the film company in 2000 significantly changed the appearance of Maya Bay to give him a "paradise" appearance. The fantastic beauty of the beach was created artificially: coconut trees cut down and poured giant sand dunes. However, the company did not fulfill their promises to restore the natural landscape, and the damage caused to the ecosystem was failed to fill. The government of the state was suused with the film crew, but in 2004 the Nature Mother had intervened, which made their own adjustments.


Related to the province of Phi-Phi (Thailand) were in the epicenter of the tsunami caused by an underwater earthquake. Killed more than a thousand local residents And foreigners flew to rest. A monument to the victims of the elements was erected on the picturesque Phi Phi Don, and every year there is a tribute to those who left this world so early. However, according to experts, it is the tsunami and restored the ecosystem of the island coves.

Paradise Corner with Virgin Nature

12 years ago, Phi Phi-Le did not exist a tourist infrastructure. Everything has changed after its inclusion in the marine national park. This is a stunningly beautiful tropical paradise with virgin nature, which must be viewed. Here often come for a day to meet the dawn and fully enjoy the impregnable cliffs from sea depths, amazing lagoons and explore the mysterious caves that melt a lot of interesting things.

What else to look at

The observation deck is another amazing place that cannot be missed by tourists who come to the picturesque Islands of Phi Phi (Thailand). With View Point, there is a stunning view of the luxurious corner, created for relaxation and ballasts, and two bays from the height resemble the wings of a huge butterfly preparing to take off. The rise in the platform takes about 40 minutes, and often due to the strong heat, tourists refuse adventures, so best time For her visit - morning or evening.

The mysterious cave of Vikings, which has become a house for swallows, - sacred place For residents of Thailand. On the walls of the grotto, in which you can only get on the bamboo bridge, images of ships and animals are perpetuated.

In the paradise corner you can do snorkeling or diving, immersed in the water in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sunken vessel, practice climbing, rent a kayak (kayak) and to study the archipelago yourself.

Phi Phi Islands: Description, Beaches

The biggest beach island is the tone of Sai with and snow-white sand. This is a great place for youth recreation, since here is the main part of discos and bars. Ton Sai Bay arrives ships with new tourists, and from here you sail Thailand guests to neighboring beaches, which cannot be reached on land. In the center, Sai tone is always crowded, therefore, to swim, you have to look for corners in other places. This is an affordable, but enough dirty beach with a pier, where new ferries and boats are constantly arriving, so the muddy water is not very suitable for swimming.

On the other hand, the variety is located Lo Dama Bay - a clean and cozy beach. True, tourists admit that LOH Dalam Bay is quite small, and during the ties water leaves almost 200 meters. He loves youth for night parties in the open air, ongoing until the morning.

Monkey Beach is often included in the excursion program of pleasure boats. The beach of the colorful Island of Phi Phi in Thailand with cute, causing lunizing animals very much like foreign guests, love to feed funny monkeys with bananas and pineapple pieces.

Before Long Beach can only be reached by boat with Ton Sai Bay. On the beautiful beach With transparent water, there are always a lot of tourists, so those who like loneliness can be advised by Laem Tong Beach (Laem Tong), which built several luxury hotels for preferring peace and silence of travelers.

Where to stay?

In total there are about 80 hotels and guesthouses of various levels. Accommodation is much more expensive here than on other Islands of Thailand. It should be borne in mind that in the midst tourist season Prices are increasing several times.

Guests of the paradise are recommended to stop in the north of Phi Phi-Don Islands in a few hotels located near the secluded Beaches Laem Tong Beach or Long Beach. A poor youth who came to have fun can advise the center of the resort where everything is needed for a fun holiday.

Tourists choosing luxury hotels in Phi Phi Island (Thailand), you will have to fork out 1800 baht per night. Those who want to save can choose the so-called Beachfront-Hotels, in which there is nothing but a bed and fan (600 baht per day). They are located in the village of Ton Sai, where life is boil even at night.

Perhaps the most famous hotels And Guesthouses are Viking Nature Resort, Phi Phi The Beach Resort., Phi Phi Dream Guest House, Zeavola Resort, Phi Phi Island Village Beach. Resort & Spa, Phi Phi Banyan Villa.

Islands Pi P.

Some of the most luxurious and expensive hotels on the island Phi Phi..
Choose a hotel on Phi Phi Island as easily as in any other places. However, going here, you need to know which hotels are allocated on a general background with their presentability, comfort and high-quality service. That is why the choice will be not among the inexpensive hostels of economy class, but really luxurious hotel complexes, where all guest wishes are made immediately and at a high level.

Of course, the cost of the room in such hotels can not be on the pocket of each tourist. But if you have the opportunity to pamper yourself with a chic, then why not? Conduct several unforgettable nights in one of the comfortable hotels?

Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort & Spa

The luxurious hotel is located in amazing and straight-looking area - the beach with a fabulous view of the Andaman Sea. The hotel with a category of 5 stars spreads its guests in comfortable tropical bungalows with a wonderful and cozy interior in Thai style.

It is pretty to eat in a hotel restaurant, which serves fresh seafood, dishes not only Thai, but also international cuisine. You can relax and health in the spa. Immediately there is a tour desk, which ordered various travel and services. You can try to dive with aqualung (scuba diving), and jump from the cliff (Cliff diving). One night will cost from 6 thousand baht, but for such pleasure and more not sorry.

Zeavola Resort.

5-star hotel miracle on Phi Phi titled "Zeavola Resort" will be able to hit holidaymakers with its luxury and natural beauty. The hotel is located on the beach, which is his private property. Rooms and villas were constantly drowned in the green tropical jungle, as if it makes them together.

The restaurant has an excellent opportunity to taste the siblings of Thai and European cuisine. The spa offers all those wishing traditional treatments and combined unusual services. For no accident, this hotel is called one of the best not only on Phi Phi, but in the whole kingdom of Thailand. The price per night varies from 8 thousand baht and more. Although this hotel is unlikely to suit for tourists who want to relax economically, it costs the money you need to lay out for all this magnificence.

Holiday Inn Resort. Phi Phi Island

Among all the hotels presented in this listed list is the most economical option. Price per night - 4200 baht. For true romantics who are charm in carrying out time on the shore, looking at the dawn or sunset, this hotel will become a real find.

The rooms are furnished in the national Thai style, and the view of the hotel is stunning. The hotel's territory has several restaurants where you can taste traditional Thai cuisine dishes, taste the freshest seafood and try international cuisine. For especially romantic and lovers, there is a dinner order service directly to the sea. The beach itself belongs to the hotel, so her guests can immerse water from the shore itself.

Phi Phi -So, three expensive hotel on the island were listed. Phi Phi.For rest in which, indeed, you will not regret any money.

We were little island, I wanted others to us, the size of smaller. Leaving Phuket, on the way to Indonesia, conceived the first stop on the Islands of Pi Pi, where he spent several days, plunging into local waters and nightlife.

Islands PI PI (Phi Phi Islands) located approximately 50 km from Phuket and 40 from the mainland of Thailand, in particular, the province of Krabi, in which they enter as a marine National Park. As part of the Island Archipelago PI PI allocated two large islands: Pi Dong (Phi Phi Don) and Pi Pi Leh (Phi Phi Leh)plus several islets smaller, for example, Mosquito (Mosquito) and Bamboo (Bamboo).

Islands Pi P.

There are several versions of the origin of the name "Pi Pi" and everyone rests on the Malay language. The main version believes that the name indicates mangroves. Other interpretations are much more beautiful and most likely invented for tourists who make sour mines, having heard about Mangra: "And that's all? Plant? And where is the legend about the beautiful princess and undivided love? ". In Thai "PI" means "brother", the islands are often called twin brothers, as they are similar in the outline on top. Even in the go, the version of the fact that the name somehow means "ghost", for the island has been loose similar to the ghosts, especially in a trembling haze.

We only live Pi Dong, where there is a small village and many hotels of varying degrees of star and price category. The island is called Thai Ibiza, because every evening the music and the Rave laughs in local beach bars. In general, I wanted to look at Thai Rave.

On the approaches to Pi Pi Don

On the pi dong can be reached, of course, only by sea. We bought tickets to the ferry, looking for a shuttle to the pier. Tickets cost us 300 baht per person. And now, on May 12, the minibus took us from our condo and took directly to the port. Distinctive stickers with the landing site were placed on the bus, they gave tickets and on the pier they pointed out where to go. The pair of schedule was leaving at 8.30 and arrived at 10.15 on Pi Pi Don in Ton Sai Bay (Ton Sai Bay), the bay name is desirable to know in advance, since some of them do not pass on land and in any case you have to swim by boat. But if you are heading to stupid, you need to put on the tone of SAE.

Our ferry, very comfortable

On the pier, they take a fee for visiting the National Park - 20 baht per person. For those who are too lazy to carry their suitcases, it is possible to take advantage of porters with carts or bicycles (the main type of transport on Pi Pi Don).

Scored parking

We went to Lo Dalam Bay, where our booked hotel was. There was about 15 minutes to go there, along the way, we saw many offers for the night, the most common prices - 600-700 baht per night. You can find beds and cheaper. Most of the village is a market, intermittentially, drinking, dive centers and travel agencies, where you can choose any tours or buy tickets from Pi Pi to your soul, for example, on Phuket, Krabi, Penang, Kao Varnish, Langkavi, Kuala Lumpur. Product prices here above are about twice, even in stores "7/11".

The most pleasant view of the living part of Pi Pi Don

The hotel turned out to be a bungalie type in beautiful and calm place, not long thought to extend our stay at night, right there at the reception bought tickets for steam to Krabi (250 baht per person) and went to inspect the surroundings. We did not read any special information about the island, knew that there was a village, a mosque, a school, view-point and tsunami Memorial (in 2004 the islands were very injured from the wave, the village literally washed away, about 2,000 people died).

Our bungalow left

On the threshold of a house we were waiting for a cat with a brood of kittens. They gathered every morning

Future panther

We chose view-point, it seems to be near near our hotel, however, somehow we did not go on a tourist road. I had to go kilometers of five to the mountain in the heat.

Our way to look-point

In one place, a bunch of soldiers came across a view of 1, 2 and 3. a little showering, bumping into some bar, we still went somewhere. From this something has opened a chic look at the whole island, from here you can go down on a long beach (Long Beach - Had Yao). While rested and admired by nature, trembled people began to be tightened here, apparently, by our way they went.

View of Pi Pi Don

Still shifting, they came across the human view-point, where it was possible to settle on the stones. It is just leading a walking road, several times in our bypass, but with a paid entrance, like 40 baht. The fee take somewhere below and this room was noticed when they descended in a short but cool staircase.

Human view-Point, with a big sign

Here you can accommodate somehow on the stones and watch the sunsets

View of the island from here better

From here it is better to see Lena and the island of Pi Pi Le

After looking-point, I spent a bit on the porch bungalow, very pleased the view

Then in the hotel bar ... Wi-Fi was fine there, especially on an antenna in my right hand

On the beach near the hotel watched the rain on the other side of the island, because of it, part of the mountains became similar to a giant turtle

On the shore, many stones, on their rings you can determine how many years)))

In general, I was waiting for the sunset

Broken boat on a part beach

The clouds look like some fashion trololo face ... or what is it called?!

While wandered, noticed that the number of youth prevails on Pi Pi Dona and for some reason most of all guys. Here are full of bars, pubs and pizzerias, and with the onset of darkness begin to sell alcoholic buckets. Dangerous thing ... with beer!

Alcoholic buckets are already on sale

Bucket ready

After the picturesque sunset on the beach, the climbing of a walk in the bars begins, music is racing everywhere, Faeroshow sparkles. If you wander, you can choose to choose music yourself. For us found "Stones Bar", where the game was played Breakz, Dubstep and Drum'n'Bass, and there were some kind of launching compositions. Here and settled on special sun beds.

Lingamov here a lot

Fireers for work

The greatest cluster of the people noticed at the bar, where they played techno.

Since hanging out until the morning did not enter our plans, in mind scheduled the next day, I went to sleep early. The hotel turned out to be heard a musical porridge, which is coming from the beach. At the reception still in the morning we were warned about hands-free music, but in fact it was not so scary, she did not interfere with sleep. More noise produce drunk neighbors returning to their rooms. At about 5 am, it was already quiet.

The next evening, everything was repeated on the beach, only Faires had not so fascinated (tired, you know \u003d)). It was fun to look at the fiery rope, but while the courage to jump, it was already turned off, but then invented other fiery entertainment. The musical repertoire was surprisingly different, like DJs.

Fire rope ... Mandrels drink at the expense of the institution

Fire pyramid

Pophermented out something in the water

In respect of nightlife Pi dong - the most suitable place For lovers of diverse music and dancing on the beach, given that in Thailand with dance music Full trouble. Now for the future, we know where you can have fun.

Phi-Phi or Pi-Pi Island is the place where many dreams are dreaming, and someone will dream, getting and not in vain, because it is one of the best and best and beautiful islands Kingdom.

Pi-Pi Island in Thailand - view from the observation deck

Personally, I, about this place, for the first time, learned by looking at the film Beach, with Leonardo di Caprio in the lead role. It was quite a long time ago, but the frames from the film still live in my memory. At that moment, I remember that I dreamed very much at least once to visit those amazing beautiful places and voila, I managed it. As it turned out, for this you do not need to be a millionaire, it is enough to have a big desire and go to my goal.

Phi Phi Islands

Islands two, Phi Phi Don and Phi-pi leu. Let's briefly consider both of them so that you imagined what and where you are waiting.

Brief about Phi Phi Don

This is an island inhabited by people, at which the life of Thais and. Its size is not more than 6-8 km. (from about 13 km.) in the population. Despite its size, there are pretty hotels, as well as restaurants, SPA salons, bars and beach discos.

On the island it is impossible to move on the motorbike, so you will not succeed in renting it. I think this is one of the reasons why he remains so beautiful, Thai at least somehow take care of him.

Brief about Phi Phi Lei

This is a small island located approximately in 30 minutes by ferry from Pi-Pi Don. By the way, on it in the bay of May Bay and filmed the film Beach. There are no hotels, bars and discos on this island, here it is impossible to stay on long term, only with a tour of 2 days and one night with overnight in tents.

The island consists of three main bays, such as: Maya Bay (Maya Bay), Loch SAMAH (LOH SAMAH) and Pi Ley (PI Ley). The first bay is the most popular since there is a beach here, both other bays are designed for swimming with a mask or diving.

Usually, you can get here by purchasing a tour or renting a boat with a boatman (payment by hours). Read more about this excursion and boating prices, I will write in another article.

Read more about Pi-Pi Don

Upon arrival on the island, you will need to pay 20 baht, as a collection of cleaning and maintaining frequency on the island.

On the island you will be expected to help, who will find the hotel for you, will take your bags in the right place, on your carts or sell some excursion. You need to know in advance on what beach you will stop, because from the pier to the right beach you can get only on the boat, if you just did not stop on: Tone Sai Bay or Loche Dama Bay., in these areas, to the hotel, just on foot.

Some hotels provide free transport from the pier to the right beach, so when booking, check in advance, there is such or not. If there is, you will be waiting for Thais Pier with the name sign of the hotel.

Pi-Pi Port Island - Boatmen are waiting for their customers

Tip: When traveling to Phi Phi, book a hotel in advance, in high season places it is not enough here, in a separate article I will write about some of them, as well as their features. For phi-phi, not all the places are quiet, in some hotels, it is simply impossible to sleep because of the night discos.

A good pedestrian road is laid on the island, so it's quite easy to move here, along the tracks you can meet restaurants and a cafe with a pleasant interior and not very, dear cuisine and more affordable, there are no problems with meals.

Also on your path there will be many hotels and guesthouses, sightseeing bureaus and diving centers, here they are most common.

Phi Phi Island map

I post for you a map of Pi-Pi, namely, its central part where life boils.

But the common one tourist mapShe is clichable.

Beaches on the island Pi-Pi Don

Unfortunately, I could not go to all beaches of the island, but I will tell about the ones where I visited - this is Tysai Bay and Loche Dama Baya, and later supplement the descriptions of missing beaches.

Beach Ton Sai Bay (Ton Sai Bay) on Pi Pi Island

This is the first bay that you will see on arrival on the island, it is on it that the port from where they depart and where the boats and ferries come.

The central and right part of it (if you look at the island from the sea) is not suitable for swimming, there are too many boats and boats on the central part, and in the right, many stones and dead corals. Photo below.

The left side is more suitable for swimming, there is even a beach area, with sun loungers and umbrellas.

Unfortunately, on the day, when I made pictures, on this side of the beach, it was overcast, so it would not be possible to appreciate all the beauty of the photo above, but it is still possible to make a surface assessment.

I want to mention an important nuance, in this bay you can safely fall asleep at night, because there are almost no disco and noisy establishments.

Beach Loche Dama Bay (LOH Dalam Bay) on Pi Pi Island

This bay has a big, extended beach, it is most suitable for beach holidays and sunbathing in contrast to your neighbor. Here you can take a chaise lounge for rent, the price of 50 baht, or to lay your towel on a free space on the beach, this is done almost all the youth, which I met there.

Photo of Loche Dama Bay Beach You can see below.

Having been in these places I made a conclusion, the season in Thailand, it matters, so if you want to see the Phi Island in a more beautiful look, then it is better to go here from the end of December to February.

My opinion and feedback about this beach is the island of Phi Phi. There are quite a lot of people, but there is enough space, the sand is white, soft, when the sun leaves very beautiful, the water is transparent, azure, the entrance to the sea is pleasant, there are no algae, stones and corals on the bottom, negative emotions, this beach did not cause me.

Video Islands Phi Phi from the observation deck

IMPORTANT! Hit looking platform You can from two sides. 1) on the steps through the hotel, for the entrance you will need to pay 20 baht go high, hard, be prepared. 2) on the road, there will be a motorbike to get there to get to the top or pay the taxi driver, which will take you (the price of 250-300 baht (sort)), but you can walk, but it is very far. Therefore, it is better to use the option N1.

Prices on Pi-Pi Island (Phi Phi)

I will not dig in prices deeply, but I will describe an exemplary picture of the cost of the island.

  • Prices for food: On the streets in the Makashniki and eaters from 60 baht for a piece of pizza or a plate of Thai food. In restaurants and cafes about 300 baht per person.
  • Housing prices: Common rooms from 190 baht per bed, a separate room from 300-500 baht, a room in a more or less decent hotel from 1200 baht, a room in a good hotel from 2500 baht.
  • Prices for entertainment: Alcohol on the streets from 150 baht per bucket, there are prices are the same as everywhere, hookah 300-400 baht, drinks in bars from 100 baht and higher.
  • Prices for excursions: from 600 baht and higher, depending. (I will write a separate article about this)
  • Massage prices: It can be found for 200, but the standard price tag of 300 baht for Thai massage.
  • Prices for diving: From 3500 thousand baht for two dives.

Prices are 2012, low season, in high season they are above about 30-40%.

Island Pi-Pi at night

With the arrival of the night on Pi-Pi, on the beach LOH Dalam Bay, a completely different life wakes up. Bars and beach discos and young people are opening out of their rooms for another serving of adrenaline ... Someone from discos, someone from jumping in the crowd, someone from alcohol and other pranks, someone from new acquaintances, and who Well, from a fight between your friend or inadequate ...;)

And now all the above described only in the photo and video.

Preparations for the huge flow of young people who want to break off this night as the last time ... Traders are preparing buckets with alcohol, a set for starting ...

Street bakeries prepare an appetizing pizza ... After all, walk all night, and it needs energy ...

Already almost everything is ready, waiting for your o'clock ...

And everyone is waiting ... are waiting for their customers, expensive, loved ones and only with money, as they say in Pattaya - " No Money, No Honey«.

Closer to 00:00 o'clock, most popular beach bars Slinky., Moken., Woddy., open your doors for long-awaited customers.

Note: Most of the people in these institutions, these are European youth (USA, England, Spain, etc.), a bit of Thai, there are almost no Russians.

The night just started, but for a guy in the photo below, she was almost over, from the last strength he grabbed the flag and tries at least a couple of minutes they delay in this world of fun ...

The guy is very good ...

Someone just dances are not enough ...

Video on Pi Pi Island

Well, perhaps the most exciting and interesting spectacle is boxing. Unfortunately, I forgot the name of the bar where the ring is located, I do not think that it will be a problem. The essence is such, you can call any visitor to a duel, while the winner will receive free drinking. Do not take pay for the payment of payment. Total 3 Round, 2 minutes, battle style you stipulate in advance - it can be Thai boxing, kickboxing, boxing.

Unfortunately, I didn't write down the video, my memory ended, and so I wanted ... But I had several photos of one of the battles. Two healthy guys, adequately remembered each other.

Boxing on Phi - Phi

At the end of the fight, apparently, the guys raised adrenaline and they did not want to stop, as a result, there was almost a fight between two teams ... It was interesting that the spectacle was interesting ... At that moment it was about 3 hours at night (as soon as the memory serves me) Both opponents were drunk. I advise you to visit, and maybe even participate in such a show, interesting.

Well, perhaps, everything, I tried to tell and show the most interesting thing that you can see on the island. In the next article, I will show you a lot beautiful photos, I will talk about hotels and excursions.

See also about Phi Phi:

See also: