Ferry from Kos to Patmos. Average Kos Patmos Prices

Average Kos Patmos Prices

Prices shown reflect the average one-way shipping price paid by our customers. The most common booking on the Kos Patmos route is a car and 2 passengers.

Guide to Kos

Kos is a Greek island located in the Dodecanese group of islands. Kos is located 4 km off the coast of Bodrum in Turkey and is about 40 km long and 8 km wide. In addition to the main town and port, also called Kos, the main villages of Kos are Kardamena, Kefalos, Tingaki, Antimachia, Mastichari, Marmari and Puli. The smaller ones are Zia, Zipari, Platani, Lagoudi and Asfendiu. Kos is a very popular holiday destination and has a bustling centre, many restaurants, shops, bars and clubs. Visitors will be able to find almost everything from fur to ceramics, from leather goods to jewelry, and from shoes and clothes to books, souvenirs and beach items. The most touristic seaside villages also offer a variety of small shops, selling mostly handicrafts such as weaving, pottery and embroidery, as well as traditional local products such as thyme honey, sweets, herbs, spices and wines.

There are daily flights between Kos and Piraeus, as well as flights between Kos and the rest of the Dodecanese, the islands of the northeastern Aegean and Turkey. A regular ferry ride can take up to 13 hours depending on intermediate stops and a high speed boat ride can take anywhere from 5 to 8 hours.

Guide to Patmos

The Greek island of Patmos is part of the Dodecanese group of islands and is located in the Aegean Sea, off the western coast of Turkey. As soon as you arrive at Patmos and take the first step from the ferry, it becomes immediately apparent that this island does indeed have something very special for visitors. The lively port city of Patmos is Skala, and a number of the island's most popular attractions are located in or around the city. North of Skala, Meloi beach is completely shaded by trees and is very beautiful. The monastery of St. John, in the village of Chora, is also of interest to many visitors, along with countless white houses. Another popular site on the island is the Cave of the Apocalypse, which is believed to have been a sacred cave where Saint John heard the voice of God and wrote the Apocalypse. In the cave, visitors can admire the cross engraved by Saint John, as well as three small cracks in the rock through which the voice of God came, symbolizing the Holy Trinity.

Patmos Island is small and cozy. It takes half an hour to drive from one end to the other by car. Patmos is perhaps the most religious center of Hellas. He even came up with a very poetic metaphor - "Jerusalem of the Aegean." The main attraction, because of which most tourists come here, is the cave where the great work “Apocalypse” (the same one from the Bible) was recorded. We will tell you more about the cave below.

If you have long dreamed not just of lying on the sand by the sea, enjoying a cocktail, but of finding a hidden corner, then Patmos is perfect for you. Here you will find a secluded vacation away from the noise of megacities and the futile daily bustle.

Patmos is washed by the Aegean Sea. All coastal towns and villages are very cozy and make you want to stay longer. On their narrow alleys, a calm provincial life flows. Just over three thousand people live here.

The island consists of three parts, which are connected to each other by thin isthmuses a couple of kilometers wide. Patmos belongs to the Dodecanese group of islands. Here you will not find chic vegetation - the island consists of rocks and there is practically no forest on it - but here you can find something more: peace and tranquility.

How to get there?

Patmos, Greece, is a rather secluded island. It takes effort to get there. This is probably why beach holidays there are not developed in the same way as on the popular Greek islands. There is no airport on Patmos, so there is only one way left - by water. You can fly to Athens, and from there take a ferry to Patmos. Here you need to take into account that there may not be enough seats on the ferry, so it is better to book your ticket in advance.

Patmos can also be reached from neighboring islands. For example, from the island of Kos. From there, catamarans leave daily, and the journey will take a couple of hours. Transport also runs from the island of Samos. There is a Flying Dolphin boat that will take you to your destination. The journey will take about an hour.

In addition, Patmos can be reached from the island of Rhodes. True, Rhodes is further away. Nakatamaran will have to swim for four hours. It runs every day except Monday. True, if you get seasick, such a long journey can unsettle you. But if you set out to visit this pearl of Christianity, trials along the way will not lead you astray!

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What to see on the island?

Deserted, sparsely inhabited, covered with thorn bushes, impregnable, waterless and dry in places. This is how the island is seen by most newcomers. However, since 2006, Patmos (Greece) has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It is known for the fact that John the Theologian was exiled here. This is the only apostle who died a natural death, and it was he who wrote his best creation on Patmos - the Apocalypse, or Revelation.

Cave of Revelation

Entrance to the Cave of Revelation

This is a real treasure of the island. Here, according to legend, the Apostle John the Theologian wrote the book "Apocalypse" (the title of the last book of the New Testament). If anyone does not know, it is about what awaits people at the end of the world. The cave is located between the harbor of Skala and the city of Patmos. It is also called the Sacred Grotto. In general, it is not very similar to a cave, more like a church in the rock. Entrance - 2 euros.

According to legend, Saint John found his shelter here when he was expelled at the direction of the Roman emperor Domitian. A monk meets tourists in the cave and tells everyone who wants stories from the Apocalypse and fragments from the life of the Theologian. You can see the stones on which, according to legend, the saint slept (he laid his head on them, like on a pillow). The places here are beautiful, and some people have an amazing idea: how in such a wonderful place it was possible to write such a gloomy story.

An opportunity to plunge into the early Middle Ages. The monastery of the XI century, stands higher in the mountains than the cave, and resembles a fortress. Many who went to Patmos have a photo of this structure. The views here are simply breathtaking! Outwardly - a typical Greek monastery, which can be seen from any part of the island. The monastery is located high above Chora, the capital of the island. People are attracted by its magical frescoes, fortified high thick walls, towers and ramparts.

There is a nice well in which you can draw holy water. Interesting museum. Gloomy monks who, however, sell delicious wine of their own production. Tourists note that nature and the air itself seem to give peace here. In general, a real shrine. Getting to the monastery is easy: you can even walk from the capital. The journey will take about forty minutes, but be prepared that the road is uphill. There is also a bus to the destination.

Capital of the island of Patmos. Blooms usually form around large enterprises. Here it all began with the construction of the above-mentioned majestic monastery of John the Theologian. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the city prospered, and most of the picturesque mansions in the city center date back to this time.

The snow-white buildings have a completely flat roof. This is not a coincidence or an invention of a mad architect: this is done to conserve rainwater. There are narrow lanes and white chapels all around. Antique doors, chic ceramic vases with plants, a real pleasure to just walk the streets.

At the top there is a stunning view. It gives the impression of a fabulous toy town. There are many shops and taverns in Chora, and the price tags, unlike the popular islands of Greece or the mainland, are quite low.


Don Quixote immediately comes to mind, it is precisely such mills that you imagine when you read a book: round, cozy, in general - real. Surprisingly, the windmills on Patmos are gray, although on the other islands of Greece they are all white stone. Among the guests of Patmos, they are considered a real feature, thanks to them the island received a prestigious tourism award.

The two mills are very ancient, over five hundred years old. The third was built much later. Today it is a whole wind complex-museum, where many people come.

There are mills not far from the monastery of St. John the Theologian, so if you are going to get to the monastery from Chora on foot, be sure to go here as well. One of the mills is open, tourists are allowed upstairs, and a truly amazing view opens up from the inside.

Island beaches

The island of Patmos, Greece, is much more famous for its Christian sites than for its beaches. But the pleasant climate and the gentle sea allow you to splash on the shore almost until October. Patmos has three main beaches.

Psili Amos

Located 10 km from Hora. This is one of the best beaches in Patmos. He hides in the bay from the wind. It impresses with the beauty of its natural landscape. Beautiful warm and clear water, excellent entrance to the water, fine sand. You can also sit on your own towels, so as not to rent sunbeds. It is a pleasure to lie on the sand, under the shade of trees.

There is also a small cafe, not pretentious, an ordinary coastal eatery. Tables, wooden chairs, people sitting right in swimsuits.

Agios Theologos

It is also sheltered from the winds by a bay. The beach is sandy, the sea is clear, the entry into the water is wonderful. Just the perfect place for children, even very tiny ones. There are taverns where you can have a bite to eat for little money with local cuisine and fresh seafood.

Boats go to Agios Theologos from the port, but you can also get there by car or motorcycle. Peace and quiet. A sunbed costs 4 euros.

Of the nuances - the sun hides behind the mountains early, so if you want to sunbathe, it is better to come in the morning.

Agrio Livadi

The beach, hidden from the main tourist routes of Patmos, is a very nice and secluded place. The sea is beautiful and clean. There is a nice Greek tavern at the end of the beach. There is no gourmet cuisine there, but you can have lunch or order a cocktail there. Agrio Livadi has not yet been chosen by tourists, it is rather a quiet meeting place for locals, where they come to relax at the end of the day.

The cost of renting a sun lounger for the day is 5 euros.

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A small summary

You will certainly be captivated by endless capes with amazing views and majestic grottoes. Unlike the green neighbor Rhodes, Patmos looks deserted. If there are trees here, they are mostly coniferous. But! It's easy to breathe here. There is no surplus of cars. Around untouched expanses of wilderness, the air is permeated with the aroma of coniferous trees.

Beach infrastructure is tight, but the beaches are all sandy. The island of Patmos in Greece (photos confirm this) is saturated with a religious spirit, white-stone churches and bell towers are at every step. Instead of drunken depraved tourists, there are mostly pilgrims who came here purposefully.

To save money, you can rent an ATV or motorcycle. Taxi is prohibitively expensive. For the most athletic, we recommend walking on your own two feet, because all the most interesting things can be seen in the mountains. The local population on Patmos is special: people are polite, listen carefully and do not try to sell anything.

Windy weather is typical for the dark time of the day. The best time to visit is from July to September, the air temperature during the day is comfortable, about 25 degrees. The views are amazing, the nature beckons. It is hard to believe that they were exiled here, that a living apostle walked here, and that it was on Patmos in Greece that the terrifying book of Revelation was written. After all, the Island of Patmos breathes grace and charges with optimism for the whole year ahead.

The sights and beaches of the Greek island of Patmos are marked on the map in Russian.

Video from the island. Enjoy watching!

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Acquaintance with the island begins with the square in the city of Kos, where the ancient plane tree of Hippocrates is located. Under its branches, almost 2,500 years ago, the great father of medicine taught and healed. Here you will see the architecture of different eras and conquerors: the Turkish mosque, the fortress of the Knights of St. John and the Italian Palace of Justice. Next, you will visit the archaeological excavations in the central part of the city: the ancient agora, the gymnasium and the odeon, testifying to the former greatness of Kos.

The next stop is the mysterious Asclepius Temple, dedicated to Asclepius, the god of medicine. This is a unique open-air museum with an interesting story about the traditions of Kossian medicine dating back to ancient Greece. Next, you will rest in the beautiful village of Zia, where you will go shopping and have lunch. In the area of ​​Kefalos you will enjoy picturesque views of the sea and the rocky island of Kastri with the chapel of St. Nicholas. And then go for a tasting of thyme honey, olive oil, olives and Greek wine.

Concluding your acquaintance with the island of Kos, you will visit the village of Antimachia and a traditional Greek house, where you will get acquainted with the traditions and life of the islanders of the early 20th century.

Kos - Greek evening

Dinner awaits you at a family tavern in the village of Zia on the slopes of Mount Dikeos. It is believed that the most beautiful sunset on the island of Kos can be seen from here! So don't forget to bring your camera to take vivid photos as a keepsake.

For the Greek evening, we have selected a special menu with an abundance of traditional dishes and snacks, as well as unlimited Greek wine. In addition, you will hear Greek music, and dancers in national costumes will be happy to teach you fun dances.

Kos - park with peacocks and water park

This trip is designed for our youngest guests. To begin with, you will go to the Plaka pine park, which can be called a real "kingdom of peacocks" - so many of them live here! There are no cages here, like in a zoo, only a natural habitat, and the birds are not at all afraid of people. Peacocks can be hand-fed and photographed with them.

Then you will find many exciting water attractions for children and adults in the Lido water park. There are various water slides, a pool with artificial waves and much more. No less entertainment on land: a playground for children, bars where you can taste exotic cocktails, as well as restaurants serving Greek and European cuisine.

Kos - Turkish Hammam

Hammam gently affects the human body through moist heat and makes it possible to relax as much as possible, as well as receive a charge of positive energy. You will go to the village of Tigaki, where you will visit a real Turkish bath. The complex of procedures will begin with a sauna. Then you will take a contrast shower, warm yourself on hot stones, and then professional bath attendants will give you a peeling and foam massage. If you wish, you can supplement your visit to the hammam with cosmetic masks and massage, for which a 20% discount will be provided. On the territory of the SPA-complex there is also a bar with a hookah and shops.

Kos - excursion to the island of Rhodes

Rhodes is the sunniest island in Greece and the largest in the Dodecanese archipelago. According to legend, Rhodes was once the residence of the sun god Helios. You will begin your acquaintance with the island from the beautiful promenade and the port of Mandraki, where, according to legend, the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, stood.

Next, you will go to Filerimos, where you will visit a medieval monastery and see the ruins of the acropolis of the ancient Greek city of Ialyssos. Here you will walk along the alley called "The Way to Calvary", and at its end you will climb the cross, 10 meters high, from where a beautiful view of the island opens.

Next, you will visit the Acropolis of Rhodes, where the ruins of the temple of Pythian Apollo, the ancient stadium, gymnasium and theater, as well as the Monte Smith park, named after the English admiral from the Napoleonic wars, have been preserved. And finally, the beautiful old town, surrounded by a medieval fortress wall and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. You will walk along the cobbled streets, see the palace of the Grand Master of the Order of St. John and plunge into the amazing atmosphere of the glorious era of the Rhodes knights.

Kos - excursion to the island of Patmos

Patmos is one of the smallest islands in the Dodecanese, with only 3,000 inhabitants, however, it is known throughout the Orthodox world. According to Holy Scripture, it was here that the Apostle John the Theologian was exiled. In one of the caves, a revelation was sent down to the saint, which formed the content of the Apocalypse - one of the most mysterious Christian writings.

On Patmos is the monastery of John the Theologian of the XI century - one of the largest in Greece. In 1999, the monastery was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Christian relics kept in the treasury of the monastery cannot be enumerated. These are thousands of the world's oldest handwritten and printed books, as well as Byzantine icons, frescoes of the 13th century and other rare art objects.

Visiting "Aegean Jerusalem", as the island of Patmos is also called, you will not only touch the Orthodox shrines, but also feel the unique atmosphere of peace and tranquility that reigns in these holy places.

Recommended to bring: comfortable shoes, hat, sunscreen, jacket/jacket, camera/camera, money for lunch, entrance tickets and souvenirs, drinking water. Since the excursion program involves visiting an Orthodox monastery, appropriate clothing is required.

Kos - Excursion to the island of Nisyros

Nisyros is a round volcanic island. Interestingly, this is one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. Even 12 years ago, Nisyros was actively "breathing", although the last eruption was about 700 years ago.

You will descend into the most active and largest crater of St. Stephen (diameter 330 meters, depth 27 meters), walk along a huge volcanic "saucer" and see hot mud and sulfur springs.

Next, you will have a walk along the picturesque port and the capital of the island - Mandraki, the embankment of which is strewn with souvenir shops and taverns. In one of the shops you can try and buy a traditional Nisyros refreshing drink made from almonds - sumadu.

At the end, you will visit the Monastery of the Virgin of the Cave, surrounded by the walls of the fortress of the Knights of St. John, where the miraculous icon is kept.

Recommended to take with you: comfortable shoes, hat, sunscreen, camera/camera, money for lunch, entrance tickets and souvenirs, drinking water.
Since the excursion program involves visiting an Orthodox monastery, appropriate clothing is required.

Kos - boat trip to three islands

This is a fascinating sea voyage through the Aegean Sea to three islands - Kalymnos, Plati and Pserimos.

Kalymnos is located 14 km north of Kos - it is the third largest island in the Dodecanese archipelago, in ancient times mentioned by Homer. Kalymnos is famous for its sponge fishermen. Here is their last active flotilla and school. By visiting the island, you will learn how sea sponges are mined, processed and used, and you can also buy them as a souvenir or gift.

Plati is an uninhabited island with a small lagoon in the middle of the rocks, where you will stop to swim in the open sea and dive directly from the ship. While you are enjoying the crystal waters of the Aegean Sea, a barbecue will be prepared for you right on board.

The island of Pserimos has only 50 permanent residents, a surprisingly calm atmosphere and good sandy beaches. At the entrance to the harbor there is a reef on which ships have been wrecked for centuries. Therefore, Pserimos is considered one of the best places in Greece for snorkellers and divers. You can sunbathe, swim on the beach, have a cup of coffee in one of the coastal taverns.

Kos - an evening for romantics

We offer to combine swimming in the sea, fishing and watching the sunset. The tiny rocky islet of Kastri is located 200 meters from Kos. It is here that a small chapel of St. Nicholas was built - the patron saint of sailors, travelers and residents of the island of Kos.

Sea fishing is an exciting attraction, because you never know for sure what is on the other end of the fishing line and how big the fish is! You will get a lot of unforgettable impressions, admire the sea and, no doubt, take great photos with the sea trophies obtained. In addition, you can swim on one of the beaches of Kefalos, and the captain of the ship will prepare a delicious barbecue for you.

Kos - travel to Turkey - Bodrum

This is a unique opportunity for one day to plunge into the culture of another country. Arriving at the port of Bodrum, you will climb a high hill to the old windmills, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city and its sights. Then you will visit the famous Myndos Gate. Then you will have enough free time to visit the castle of St. Peter, on the site of which one of the Wonders of the World was located thousands of years ago - the mausoleum of the Carian ruler Mausolus. Now a museum of underwater archeology has been opened here, where the famous Uluburun treasure is exhibited.

Before heading back, you will stroll through the streets of Bodrum, visit the oriental bazaar and have lunch in one of the many waterfront taverns.

Kos - excursion to Santorini

This is an exciting journey to the volcanic island, the most famous in the entire Mediterranean. You will travel to Santorini in a private 8-seat jet. A rich excursion program will allow you to see all the most beautiful places of the island and discover its secrets:

  • Imerovigli is a traditional village with stunning views of the volcano's caldera.
  • Oia is a real gem of Santorini where you will enjoy panoramic views of Fira, the volcano and the island of Thirassia.
  • Ammoudi is a tiny port with a pretty beach and several fish restaurants offering excellent quality seafood.
  • The mountain of the prophet Elijah is the highest point of Santorini (586 meters), from which you can see the entire island.
  • Red Beach - sheer red cliffs of volcanic origin descend directly to the sandy seashore, creating a stunning view and color of the water.
  • Lighthouse in Akrotiri - the views of the caldera and the Aegean Sea from the top platform are breathtaking.
  • Church of the Assumption of the Virgin - built in 1100 and survived the encroachments of the Venetians, Franks, Turks and numerous earthquakes.
  • Pygros village - here traditional houses are built around the Venetian fortress, and small streets follow the shape of the hill.
  • Fira - before your flight from Santorini you will stroll through the narrow streets of the island's capital and relax in one of the nice Greek bars.

At extra charge:

  • Tour to a winery where you can taste rare Santorini wines, walk through the vineyards and enjoy gourmet food specially matched to the local wine.
  • Visiting museums.

Islands of Orthodoxy: Kos, Patmos, Lipsi, Nisyros

1 day
Wednesday Arrival to Kos at 08:45. Meeting with an Orthodox guide. The first acquaintance with the island - it has 18 large and 300 small temples and chapels. Visit to the church of St. Martyrs Paraskeva. Hotel accommodation. Rest.
2 day
Thursday Breakfast. This day will be dedicated to getting to know Christian Kos. Visit to the church of St. Stephen (5th century A.D.). Then a visit to the temple of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa, worship of her image. Visit to the monastery of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Then transfer to the convent of St. Nectarios, in which there are three temples. Free time. Dinner. Transfer to the port. Boarding the ferry to Patmos at 20:35. Tourist class tickets. Arrival at the island of Patmos, which is called the "Island of Orthodoxy" at 23:35.
Transfer and hotel accommodation.
3 day
Friday At 08:30 breakfast. At 09:30 a visit to the cave of the Apocalypse, in which the beloved disciple of Christ, John the Theologian, heard the eye of God and wrote the book of revelation. Return to the hotel rest. Departure at 17:00, visiting the Hesychastirio of St. Nektarios in Lukakia, founded by the pro-abbot Archimandrite Pavlos Nikitaras.
Return to the Rock. Dinner.
Day 4
Saturday Breakfast. Visit to the convent "Life-Giving Spring", founded in the 17th century. Visit to the Monastery of St. John the Theologian, built in the 11th century. The monastery houses the "Great Sacristy" - the largest museum on the Aegean coast, with a collection of Byzantine icons, manuscripts, church utensils and other items of church art. The monastery keeps: a shrine with the relics of St. Christodoulos the founder of the monastery, the head of St. Apostle Thomas, the head of St. Deacon Philip, relics of St. app. Antipas, St. Titus, St. Timothy, St. Theodore Stratilates, particles of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, as well as particles of more than sixty other saints. 13:30 return to the hotel. Rest. At 17:00 departure to Isihastirio - Kumanos (18th century), founded by St. Macarius Notaras of Corinth. Adoration of his holy relics. During the return, a stop at the ancient font, in which St. Apostle John himself baptized believers, next to it is the chapel of St. Apostle John. Dinner.
Day 5
Sunday Breakfast package. At 07:30 departure for the liturgy in the cave of the Apocalypse. At 11:00 am departure to the Monastery of the Annunciation, where 30 nuns work in needlework and icon painting. 13:30 transfer to the hotel. At 17:00 visit the small church of St. Paraskeva, who is known for her healing of eye diseases.
Free time. Dinner.
Day 6
Monday Breakfast. A trip to Lipsi Island.
The only icon in the world is kept on Lipsi Island, which depicts the Most Holy Mother of God, holding in her hands not the Infant Jesus, but a cross, with the Savior crucified on it. This is the miraculous icon "Panagia Haru". Departure to Patmos.
Arrival to the island. Dinner.
Day 7
Tuesday At 3:35 am boarding the ferry, sailing to the island of Kos. Arrival at 06:35 am. Transfer to the hotel. Breakfast. Day trip to Nisyros island. Visit to the cave monastery "Panagia Spiliani". Adoration of the miraculous icon "Our Lady of the Cave" (helps the childless). Worship of the relics of St. Charalampia. Then visit the monastery of the Virgin Kira (Mistress). Return to the island of Kos. Dinner.
Day 8
Wednesday Breakfast. Transfer to the airport for the flight departing at 09:45.


Included in cost:
air travel
Accommodation in hotels
Meals "half board" (breakfast, dinner)
Meeting at the airport
Orthodox guide services
Ferry tickets Kos-Patmos-Kos. Patmos-Lipsi-Patmos, Kos Nisyros-Kos
Transport service according to the program
Medical insurance
The price does not include:
The drinks
Tickets to the Cave of the Apocalypse 2€
Tickets to the monastery of St. John the Theologian 4€
Cancellation insurance

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