Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world. Highest mountain on earth

Despite the fact that Mauna Kea rises above sea level "only" a little more than 4 200 meters, this mountain is the highest on our planet. Most of it is hidden under water, and its foot begins at a depth exceeding 10,000 m. Thus, it is Maune Kei that holds the record for the highest mountain, and not Everest, as is commonly believed.

Mauna Kea is located in the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and is the highest point in that region.

The inhabitants of the islands have great respect for the mountain, considering its peak a sacred place. Even now, not all Hawaiians can climb the summit, and only high-ranking chiefs are allowed to visit Mauna Kei Peak.

The age of the mountain is about 1 million years, but it “lived” its most active period of life about 500 thousand years ago, and at present the volcano is extinct, and scientists believe that the next eruption is not expected in the foreseeable future. Although it is impossible to completely exclude the activity of Mauna Kea, most of the inhabitants of the region feel rather calm. The fact is that there are 13 observatories on the top of the mountain - the mountain is just perfect for astronomical observations. Scientists who are constantly above the very mouth of the volcano, as well as the scientific geological equipment located there, minimizes the suddenness of an incipient eruption. Therefore, the US Geological Survey assigned the lowest possible rating to the volcano.

Although Mauna Kea is located in tropical latitudes, snow lies at its summit all year round, having formed large ice caps over the centuries. The slopes of the volcano are completely overgrown with dense forest, in some places almost impassable.

The ancient Hawaiians revered the thickets of Mauna Kea, which provided them with food. Before the arrival of Europeans to the island, the indigenous population existed thanks to the fruits of the forest. However, the appearance of domestic animals from the "mainland" only shook the ecological balance of nature, and some representatives of the unique fauna disappeared, and the rest are under pressure from the imported animals and plants. It got to the point that the Hawaiian authorities took an unprecedented step, announcing the beginning of the eradication of imported species of flora and fauna.

At the top of the volcano is the so-called alpine belt. This place is characterized by high illumination (correspondingly and high solar radiation). The average air temperature is below zero degrees. Strong winds are typical. In such alpine meadows, neither trees nor shrubs grow. Most of the flora in this zone is represented by low herbaceous perennials, including evergreens.

At the top of Mauna Kea is the Alpine Belt Reserve. All representatives of the flora and fauna that live at such a high altitude are under his protection. A wolf spider lives here, which can live at an altitude of 4,200 m. The total number of spiders at the summit is not known, since the study of the endemic began only in the 80s of the XX century.

A local attraction is the Forest Shawl butterfly, which hides in crevices of stones that are heated and retain the heat received during the day.

Beneath the alpine meadows lies a forest of Sophora, a leguminous tree native only to Hawaii. The forest area is constantly decreasing, under the oppression of the introduced species. It is estimated that the modern forest area of ​​Sophora is only 10% of the former, so they are declared to be on the verge of extinction. Now the entire forest area (212 sq. Km) is a nature reserve.

Below 2 km. there is the lower zone of Mauna Kea, which is also a nature reserve. There are 8 species of birds on the verge of extinction, and 12 species of plants, the number of which is also inexorably decreasing. The Europeans who arrived in Hawaii and cut down a significant part of the trees for their settlements, as well as cleared places for future sugar plantations, caused great damage to the ecosystem.

More than 100 thousand tourists from all over the world visit the mountain annually. A road has been laid to the peak, along which powerful SUVs can reach. The main attraction at the top of the volcano (in addition to the beautiful view) is the observatory. 13 scientific astronomical centers from 11 countries have been built on Mauna Kea.

During the winter months, when the snow cover is thicker, many visitors to Mauna Kea go skiing. True, the routes are chosen not at the very top, where the wind speed can reach 110 km / h, but slightly lower.

The origin of Mauna Kea began about 800,000 years ago, the mountain is located on Hawaiian Islands .

Mauna Kea translates as "White Mountain", the name comes from the snow that covers the top of the mountain from November to March.

For the first time Joseph Goodrich climbed the mountain, back in 1823, but it still attracts climbers

Many different legends and stories are associated with Mauna Kea. Some Hawaiians still believe that the mountain is guarded by the great goddess Pele, and if anyone encroaches on even a small piece of the mountain, she will inevitably kill that person.

Mountain Mauna Kea is very unusual and beautiful.

Thousands of tourists come here every year to see how this largest mountain in the world looks like, although it does not occupy the first place in height.

Mauna Kea is an amazing and mysterious mountain in America .

Though Mauna Kea rises above sea level "only" a little more than 4 200 meters, this mountain is the highest on our planet. Most of it is hidden under water, and its foot begins at a depth exceeding 10,000 m. Thus, it is Maune Kei that holds the record for the highest mountain, and not Everest, as is commonly believed.

Mauna Kea is located in the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and is the highest point in that region. The inhabitants of the islands have great respect for the mountain, considering its peak a sacred place. Even now, not all Hawaiians can climb the summit, and only high-ranking chiefs are allowed to visit Mauna Kei Peak.

The age of the mountain is about 1 million years, but it “lived” its most active period of life about 500 thousand years ago, and at present the volcano is extinct, and scientists believe that the next eruption is not expected in the foreseeable future. Although it is impossible to completely exclude the activity of Mauna Kea, most of the inhabitants of the region feel rather calm. The fact is that there are 13 observatories on the top of the mountain - the mountain is just perfect for astronomical observations. Scientists who are constantly above the very mouth of the volcano, as well as the scientific geological equipment located there, minimizes the suddenness of an incipient eruption. So United States Geological Survey assigned the lowest possible rating to the volcano.

Although Mauna Kea is located in tropical latitudes, snow lies at its summit all year round, having formed large ice caps over the centuries. The slopes of the volcano are completely overgrown with dense forest, in some places almost impassable. The ancient Hawaiians revered the thickets of Mauna Kea, which provided them with food. Before the arrival of Europeans to the island, the indigenous population existed thanks to the fruits of the forest. However, the appearance of domestic animals from the "mainland" only shook the ecological balance of nature, and some representatives of the unique fauna disappeared, and the rest are under pressure from the imported animals and plants. It got to the point that the Hawaiian authorities took an unprecedented step, announcing the beginning of the eradication of imported species of flora and fauna.

Flora and fauna

At the top of the volcano is the so-called alpine belt... This place is characterized by high illumination (correspondingly and high solar radiation). The average air temperature is below zero degrees. Strong winds are typical. In such alpine meadows, neither trees nor shrubs grow. Most of the flora in this zone is represented by low herbaceous perennials, including evergreens.

At the top of Mauna Kea is located Alpine belt reserve... All representatives of the flora and fauna that live at such a high altitude are under his protection. Dwells here wolf spider, which can live at an altitude of 4,200 m. The total number of spiders at the summit is not known, since the study of the endemic began only in the 80s of the XX century. Local attraction - butterfly " Forest shawl", Which hides in crevices of stones, heated and retaining the heat received during the day.

Below the alpine meadows is a forest consisting of Golden Sophora- leguminous trees that grow only in Hawaii. The forest area is constantly decreasing, under the oppression of the introduced species. It is estimated that the modern forest area of ​​Sophora is only 10% of the former, so they are declared to be on the verge of extinction. Now the entire forest area (212 sq. Km) is a nature reserve.

Below 2 km. located lower zone of Mauna Kea, which is also a nature reserve. There are 8 species of birds on the verge of extinction, and 12 species of plants, the number of which is also inexorably decreasing. The Europeans who arrived in Hawaii and cut down a significant part of the trees for their settlements, as well as cleared places for future sugar plantations, caused great damage to the ecosystem.


More than 100 thousand tourists from all over the world visit the mountain annually. A road has been laid to the peak, along which powerful SUVs can reach. The main attraction at the top of the volcano (in addition to the beautiful view) is the observatory. 13 scientific astronomical centers from 11 countries have been built on Mauna Kea.

During the winter months, when the snow cover is thicker, many visitors to Mauna Kea go skiing. True, the routes are chosen not at the very top, where the wind speed can reach 110 km / h, but slightly lower.

Seamounts, unlike terrestrial ones, represent a separate uplift of the seabed and are characterized by pronounced peaks or peaks and steep slopes. According to scientists, the relative height of the mountains should be at least 500 - 1000 meters, and their tops are usually domed or cone-shaped. In cross-section, the seamount resembles an ellipse, and most of these geological formations are volcanoes that continue their activity. From those rock samples that the researchers managed to raise to the surface, it can be concluded that the vast majority of mountains are composed of basalt. Seamounts pose a significant danger, as during eruptions they can complicate navigation, and during the collapse of the mountain, large-scale tsunamis often occur. Some seamounts are archipelagos submerged under water, there are also seamounts that stand apart, which are not so many, and in addition, it is worth noting the seamounts towering above the surface of the ocean. Among them, the tallest mountain, as well as the tallest mountain in the world, counting from bottom to top, is Mauna Kea, located in Hawaii. Its relative height is 10203 m, which is more than 2 km higher than the height of Everest.
Few seamounts are mapped due to the fact that the depth and height of the hill can only be measured with a special echo sounder. It is customary for experts to determine the length of the ridge, of which the seamount is part, and its height is calculated as the smallest depth above the ridge. Based on such data, a list of the highest and longest seamounts, completely hidden by the waters of the world's oceans, can be distinguished.

Top 10 longest seamounts

  1. North Atlantic Ridge (8.2 thousand km)
  2. East Pacific Rise (7.6 thousand km)
  3. South Atlantic Ridge (6.5 thousand km)
  4. Australian-Antarctic uplift (5.9 thousand km)
  5. Markus-Necker (5.8 thousand km)
  6. East Indian ridge (5 thousand km)
  7. Hawaiian Ridge (5 thousand km)
  8. South Pacific Rise (4.1 thousand km)
  9. Arabian-Indian ridge (3.7 thousand km)
  10. West Indian ridge (3.6 thousand km)

The highest mountains in the world under water

1. Northwest ridge (6000 m)

It stretches for more than 2.3 thousand km, has a width of about 350 km, and the shallowest depth above the ridge is a little more than 10 meters. The first exploration of the ridge was carried out in the period from 1872 to 1897 on the ships "Challenger" and "Albatross".

2. Hawaiian ridge (5500 m)

The Hawaiian Ridge is an underwater volcanic formation located in the Pacific Ocean, the ridge borders the North Pacific Basin from the southwest. The highest peaks, characteristic of the southern part, form the Hawaiian Islands, which include some of the largest active volcanoes. The soils of the ridge are silt or sand, and the deepest above the ridge is 15 m.

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3. The Shatsky Upland (5500 m)

The Seamount is an elevation located in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Land of the Rising Sun. The name comes from the surname of a Russian geologist. The base of the Shatskiy Upland lies at a depth of 5500 - 6000 meters, and the summit at a depth of 2500 to 3100 m. The geological system includes three massifs - Tamu, Ori and Shirshov. The width of the hill is 500 km, the length is about 1700 km. The exploration of the local depths was carried out in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century by scientists from the USSR on special ships. According to 2013 data, the Tamu massif is considered the largest volcanic formation on planet Earth.

4. North Atlantic Ridge (5500 m)

It is located between two faults - Cheyne (near equatorial) and Reykjanes. The ridge has the highest extent and maximum width of 1,500 km. The peculiarity of the geological formation is that it is crossed by many faults, individual peaks are above the water and form a number of atolls, such as the Azores.

5. South Antilles ridge (5500 m)

The underwater ridge is a ridge located in the south of the Atlantic and, according to the study, is a 3500 km continuation under water of the main mountain range of South America - the Andes. The ridge is located from Tierra del Fuego through the Sandwich Islands (South) and to the mainland of Antarctica. Rising to the surface, the South Antilles ridge forms such southern islands as Orkney, Sandwich, Shetland and Georgia.

6. Mozambique Range (5000 m)

The Mozambique Range is located in the Indian Ocean, south of the African country of the same name, southeast of the Black Continent. Near the geological formation there are two basins: in the east, Mozambique, in the south-west, Agulhas. The length of the ridge is more than 1000 km, the width is about 300 m, according to one version, the ridge may be a continuation of Africa. The underwater world of the ridge is exceptionally rich - more than 130 species of fish are found here; the studies of the sole were carried out by the Danes in 1951 on the Galatea.

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7. Markus-Necker (5000 m)

The second name is the Central Pacific Mountains. The geological uplift is located in the west of the Pacific Ocean, represented by numerous mountains, peaks and mountain ranges, some of which rise above the water. The ridge formed islands such as Horaise, Wake, Marcus and Cape Johnson.

8. Line Mountains (5000 m)

They are an underwater mountain range located in the Pacific Ocean. The ridge stretches from Johnston Island to the Tuamotu Atolls. The mountains stretch for 3.4 thousand km and are up to 200 km wide.

9. West Indian ridge (5000 m)

Located in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, the geological formation is considered to be mid-oceanic. The ridge is about 4 thousand km long, up to 300 km wide, the depth above the ridge ranges from 2 to 3 thousand meters. The ridge connects in the southwest with the African-Antarctic, and with the Arabian-Indian in the northeast. The surface of the ridge is heavily indented and rather discontinuous; this hill is characterized by the presence of outcrops of volcanic rocks, therefore seismic activity is especially increased here, which is regularly recorded by scientists studying underwater earthquakes.

10. East Indian ridge (500 m)

It is a seamount located in the Indian Ocean. The length of the ridge is 5000 km, the rise above the ocean bed varies within 1000-2000 meters, the shallowest depth above the ridge is 2000 meters, silt prevails on the slopes.

What is the tallest mountain on Earth? Any of us will answer that this is Everest (aka Chomolungma and Sagarmatha (translated from Nepali)). But this is not the case. There is a mountain that is 1000 m higher than Everest.

10,040 (ten thousand forty) meters - this is the height of the mountain Mauna Kea(translated from Hawaiian - “ white mountain") Is a dormant shield volcano on the island of Hawaii. Coordinates: 19.816667, -155.46666719 ° 49'00 ″ s. sh. 155 ° 28'00 ″ W d. / 19.816667 ° N sh. 155.466667 ° W (G) on the island of Hawaii. Volcano Mauna Kea- the largest mountain on Earth, if you measure its height from the underwater base, located in the Hawaiian depression at a depth of 6,000 m, to the top of the peak on about. Hawaii. The total height of the mountain is 10 205 m, of which only 4205 m are above sea level, which ultimately gives an altitude of one kilometer higher than Mount Everest (from the Guinness Book).

The crater of the volcano has not survived. The summit was previously almost constantly covered with snow (hence the name), now the snow cap persists from November to March. Geologists have been studying the Mauna Kea glaciers for a long time. Recent works indicate that the remnants of ice from three ice ages (from 150 thousand to 200 thousand years ago) were preserved on the volcano. The ice cap was formed about 70 thousand years ago. Of course, ice lay on the volcano before, but all of them were destroyed by young lava flows. Mauna Kea is currently an inactive volcano, the last eruption took place about 4.5 thousand years ago.

View from the top of Mauna Kea

Due to its position, Mauna Kea is a convenient place for atmospheric and astronomical observations; the observatory of the same name is located there.

Even from school, it is known that the highest mountain on Earth is Everest (Chomolungma). This is true if the height of the mountain is measured only above sea level. In this regard, the question arises, which is the highest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea or Everest?

Not everyone knows that there are mountains on Earth that grow from the “bottom of the sea”. Mount Mauna Kea, located in the Hawaiian Islands, is one of them. It rises from the ocean, leaving almost 6,000 meters under water. Only a small part of it rises above the surface of the water - only 4205 meters. This fact contributed to the attribution of Mauna Kea to the low mountains. The real height of the dormant volcano is over 10,200 meters. If you measure the distance from the base of the mountain to its top, it turns out that Chomolungma is not the highest mountain. The victory will go to Mauna Kea - a sleeping volcano.

Local tribes call it "White Mountain" because of the abundance of snow on the slopes, which skiers love very much. Among the local tribes, Mauna Kea is considered a sacred mountain. It is almost a million years old. Only the leaders of the tribe can climb to the top of a sleeping volcano to communicate with spirits.

For many centuries, the mountain fed and clothed the native tribes, gave them material for construction. But lately everything has changed. The once dense and impenetrable forests have significantly thinned out, rare representatives of flora and fauna have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. This happened due to the violation of the eco - system as a result of active reproduction of animals brought from the "mainland" and deforestation by Europeans.

Every year, "White Mountain" is visited by tourists from all over the world to admire the beautiful views and go skiing. The attraction of Mauna Kea is a large observatory with 13 powerful telescopes, which is not at the top. The favorable climate on its slopes, as well as convenient humidity indicators, make observations here as comfortable as possible for scientists, allowing them to make unexpected discoveries.

Answering the question which mountain is higher - White Mountain or Everest, it is safe to say that White Mountain is higher. Chomolungma rises above sea level at 8848 meters, which is less than the height of Mauna Kea by more than a kilometer.
Despite this, the most popular among the conquerors of the mountains is Everest. This is explained by its impressive height. Every year, thousands of people strive to visit the summit of Everest, despite all the dangers that may lie in wait for them while climbing. At the same time, many also dream of conquering the top of Mauna Kea. Despite the seemingly "easy" to overcome 4200 meters, it is not so easy to do it, and even experienced climbers are convinced of this.

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