Everything about leasing premises to networkers. Commercial real estate as a business: what you need to know Federal rental network

Elena Zemtsova, Managing Partner, Delta Estate

The rental business, based on the leasing of premises to large grocery chains, as well as public catering chains, is today one of the most demanded ways of investing in real estate.

Perekrestok, Victoria, Magnit, Pyaterochka, KFC, McDonald's - any large chains are always in demand, as they are stable and committed to long-term cooperation.

What areas are in demand by networkers

As for the size of the premises, the area primarily depends on the tenant's profile. For grocery supermarkets, the optimal area is 350-500 sq. m, for specialized stores such as Vkusville, Myasnov - from 100 to 300 sq. m. Beauty salons, pharmacies, medical centers, clothing and footwear stores are looking for areas from 80 to 200 square meters. m. In the catering segment, everything depends on the format. So, restaurants need an average of 300-700 sq. m, fast food, cafes and coffee houses - 100-300 sq. m, and small establishments like "coffee to go" are enough 10-40 sq. m. m.

Technical characteristics are the main thing that the investor pays attention to

The premises are then attractive for investment when there is a large pool of alternative potential tenants. And this is primarily determined by its technical characteristics. The most demanded premises are located on the ground floors, with a free layout and showcase glazing, as well as several entrances, at least the main one from the main street and an additional one “from the yard” for unloading and evacuation. The presence of several main entrances will also allow, if necessary, to divide the premises into blocks and subsequently rent it out at a higher price. In addition, the volume of electrical power is important, the minimum value is 0.2 kW per 1 sq. m. But it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the potential tenant. For example, grocery stores and catering establishments have an increased rate of electricity consumption due to refrigeration and kitchen equipment. A plus for the room is the presence of a hood for catering or the ability to equip it.

As for complex premises, these are primarily basements and basements, with an office or multi-level layout, especially if all the walls are load-bearing and it is impossible to redevelop. And naturally, premises located in places with no traffic are not in demand.

Investors are not interested in office premises

Office premises in their pure form, located in residential buildings, especially of economy class, are not very in demand today. More demanded are retail and free-use premises with a separate entrance, which can be used for different business formats. They often attract tenants from the service sector: beauty salons, fitness clubs, medical and educational centers - what will be in demand among residents of a residential complex and the area. For example, we rent our own premises in the residential complex "La Defense" at the 3rd Frunzenskaya 19 school of intellectual development for children, and the premises on Nezhinskaya 1 - at the "Montesorri" school.

How the purpose of the premises affects the type of rental business

Naturally, the purpose of the premises affects the types of rental business that can be organized in it. So, the cultural, educational and medical purpose of the areas clearly requires a change in the purpose of using them for public catering. But it should be borne in mind that there are certain restrictions on opening some types of business. For example, you cannot open liquor stores near educational institutions. Also, obtaining an alcoholic license for a bar or restaurant in this case will be impossible, and for many catering establishments, the sale of alcoholic beverages is a significant share in the proceeds. In addition, it is not always possible to equip an extractor hood for public catering, if this is not foreseen by the developer in advance.

What determines the liquidity of the rental business

First of all, the location affects the liquidity of the rental business. Premises located on the first line of busy streets with high efficient traffic are in the greatest demand. The liquidity of the premises for investors is increased by a free layout with the possibility of dividing into blocks, several entrances, display windows, as well as the presence of a hood for public catering and a large amount of allocated electrical power.

As for the rental business in new buildings, in many respects the liquidity of such objects depends on the stage of development of the project, therefore the occupancy of the complex is an important factor that must be taken into account. The larger the project, from 2500 apartments, the more actively it is populated, and this directly affects customer traffic. It is imperative to take into account the location of the premises in relation to pedestrian traffic and access roads, to assess whether the situation will change in a few years. It is quite possible that the project plans to build a shopping center, so grocery stores that generate stable traffic today will no longer be so liquid in a few years.

What about the payback?

The average payback period for the rental business in Moscow is 7-10 years, with a yield of 8 to 15% depending on the location. So, in the center, the profitability is considered good and 10% per annum, in the area of ​​the TTK -12%, and in the area of ​​the Moscow Ring Road and New Moscow - 13-15%.

What to look for when studying the supply on the market

When deciding to buy a rental business in a new residential complex, one should take into account such factors as the stages of construction and the occupancy of the complex, the timing of property registration. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself in detail with the plans of the building area in order to assess the location of the premises in relation to houses and pedestrian flows. It is also necessary to look into the future: what other commercial objects are envisaged in the project, will the direction of traffic change, for example, if the opening of the metro or the laying of a new road is planned soon. It is important to familiarize yourself with the competitive environment today and tomorrow, to find out the interest of potential tenants in this location.

It is no secret that there are unscrupulous sellers who artificially raise the rental rate and erode vacations and indexation. It is also possible to simply paint on the numbers in the lease agreement. In addition, if we are talking about buying premises with a tenant, then the seller may deliberately keep silent about the tenant's desire to lower the rental rate or that he will soon be moving out of the premises. Therefore, in addition to the location and general characteristics of the premises, it is necessary to study in detail the tenant himself and the contract with him.

Is the supply on the market getting better?

In new buildings, of course, the quality of the offered space becomes much higher. Even developers of economy-class housing began to think about the effectiveness of retail. In many projects, the first floors are initially designed with an open plan, with a minimum of load-bearing walls, separate entrances and display windows, high ceilings are provided, a hood for catering, more electrical power is allocated to the premises.

It should be noted that not only in new buildings there is a noticeable improvement in the quality of premises in the street retail format. For example, in the center, old buildings are being adapted for modern use: separate entrances and showcases are organized.

Where can I rent a commercial non-residential premises or a warehouse? How to rent a retail space for a store? What is the right way to rent out commercial real estate?

Hello to everyone who has looked at the site of the popular Internet magazine "HeatherBober"! The expert is with you - Denis Kuderin.

The topic of today's conversation is the lease of commercial real estate. The article will be useful to businessmen, owners of non-residential premises and all those who are interested in current financial issues.

At the end of the article, you will find an overview of the most reliable Russian real estate companies that provide intermediary services for the lease of commercial objects.

So here we go!

1. Why rent a commercial property?

Successful entrepreneurial activity largely depends on a well-chosen premises for doing business. This is especially true for trade and services. A cozy, well-equipped store in a busy part of the city attracts shoppers in itself.

The same can be said for offices. Every self-respecting company should have a good-quality premises for working and receiving visitors. Even if you sell a product through an online store, you need a place for picking and issuing orders, as well as resolving disputes with customers.

Not every businessman, especially a beginner, can afford to buy non-residential premises. In such cases, the lease of commercial real estate comes to the rescue.

We list all the advantages of renting:

  • relatively low financial costs;
  • simpler in comparison with the purchase procedure for registration of documentation;
  • the ability to change the landlord at any time and move to another building;
  • a large selection of real estate, especially in metropolitan areas.

The reverse process - renting out premises - also has many advantages. First of all, it is a reliable source of passive income. Acquisition of commercial space (retail, office, industrial and others) is a good investment option.

As long as there is a private business, its representatives will constantly need premises for doing business, which means that property owners will have stable profits without much labor costs.

Finding a suitable premises for a business is a troublesome event. The fastest and most reliable way to find an object is to use the services of professional intermediaries.

There is a detailed article on how modern ones work on our website.

2. How to rent a commercial property - 5 useful tips

When renting commercial properties, you need to be as careful about their choice as possible. The parameters and functional characteristics of the premises determine how soon you can start a business, and whether the object will fully meet the goals of your business.

First, decide how you will look for a suitable premises - on your own or with the help of an agency. The first method assumes the presence of an unlimited supply of free time and is associated with a variety of risks. The second option is safer and more reliable.

For more information on working with intermediaries, see the article "".

Expert advice will help you avoid common tenant mistakes.

Advice 1. Carefully study the hood and ventilation systems

You yourself or your employees will work in the room, therefore the availability of serviceable ventilation systems is the most important point. The lack of powerful and autonomous ventilation in the building is a real obstacle to the normal operation of a cafe, restaurant, grocery store.

Food should be stored in appropriate conditions, and visitors and sellers should not be disturbed by extraneous odors. Moreover, the sanitary services simply will not allow you to use the facility as a catering establishment or a grocery store if it has only general ventilation.

Tip 2. Focus on the loading and unloading areas

A convenient area for loading and unloading goods is another key point for owners of cafes, restaurants, canteens and shops.

It is important that the site where loading and unloading operations will be carried out does not go out into the courtyard of a residential building or onto the roadway. If you interfere with tenants or motorists, you will be tortured with complaints.

The issue of full-fledged power supply is especially relevant for tenants whose business is associated with the use of energy-consuming equipment - refrigerators, electric ovens, machine tools, etc.

Make sure that the electrical cables in the room are large enough to meet the needs of the enterprise in full.

Tip 4. Carefully read the terms of the contract

Before you sign your autograph on the lease, carefully read the terms on which you conclude the deal.

The contract must contain the following points:

  • lease terms, cost and method of payment;
  • if the premises are rented out with equipment, then an inventory of the property must be drawn up;
  • responsibility of the parties for violation of the contract;
  • terms of termination of the agreement.

The costs of utility bills, garbage collection, the maintenance of the fire system and security alarms are usually borne by the tenant. However, the landlord pays for major repairs, if necessary, including the replacement of plumbing communications and electrical wiring if they fail.

Discuss in advance with the landlord the issue of property insurance - whether such a contract will be drawn up, and if not, decide who will take on the payment of damages in case of unforeseen situations.

It is imperative to check the title documents of the owner - the purchase and sale agreement, an extract from the State Register for the right of ownership.

Make sure that the premises really belong to the person who rents it to you. Otherwise, one fine moment the real owner of the object will appear with the appropriate powers. It is also important that the premises are not pledged, arrested for debts, and have no other encumbrances.

A person who is far from the intricacies of housing law should use professional help when renting or buying non-residential premises. For example, you can clarify for yourself all the unclear points on the website Pravoved - a resource that employs specialists in all areas of jurisprudence.

You can ask your question even without registration, right on the main page. You will receive a legally correct and competent answer in a few minutes, and completely free of charge. If your problem needs in-depth study, you will need to pay for the services of professionals, but you have the right to set the amount of the fee yourself.

Step 2. Determine the amount of rent

To find out the optimal rental price, use one of two options. First, personally review the databases of your city and determine the approximate range of prices for renting similar premises. Second, delegate this task to a realtor.

By the way, in addition to real estate agencies, intermediary services are provided by private brokers. They usually charge 25-50% less for their work than companies. However, there are only a few private specialists working with non-residential real estate, even in large cities.

5. If you rent commercial real estate - 3 main risks for a landlord

Each landlord is worried about the condition of his property and wants to receive profit from the lease, not losses.

We will list the main risks of commercial real estate owners and show you how to avoid them.

Risk 1. Use of the premises for other purposes

Each well-written lease agreement indicates for what purpose and how the rented premises will be used. This also applies to equipment that you rent with the rental.

If the tenant promised to use the premises as a warehouse, but set up a retail store in it, you have the right to fine him or terminate the agreement without refunding the rental cost.

Risk 2. Damage or loss of property

You handed over the facility and equipment to a respectable, as it seemed to you, citizen, but he, in diplomatic language, did not live up to your expectations. Namely, he brought the premises to a state of devastation, broke the equipment, unscrewed the light bulbs and, in general, behaved like a pig.

In such cases, the owner has the right to demand compensation for damage in full. Moreover, not only the cost of repairs must be reimbursed, but also the market value of the damaged equipment.

Liability is not provided if the object and property have suffered as a result of unforeseen circumstances - for example, from a fire or flood.

Risk 3. The tenant refuses to pay the monthly fee

Careless payers should be punished with a ruble. However, this is possible, again, if the lease is drawn up according to all the rules. That is, the document must clearly stipulate the terms and amount of monthly payments.

6. If you rent commercial real estate - 3 main risks for a renter

The tenant can also suffer as a result of illegal or unauthorized actions of the landlord.

Risk 1. Lease of premises to which the "landlord" has no legal rights

If you are rented out by a person who does not have the legal rights of the owner to the object, the contract will be considered invalid. To avoid this, require the presentation of documents of title.

You can independently obtain an extract from Rosreestr by contacting the Multifunctional Center. The service is paid, but you will know for certain who is the boss in the house.

Risk 2. Changing the locks in the room immediately after making an advance payment

Yes, such situations still occur in nature. You sign an agreement, make an advance payment, get the keys from hand to hand, and when you want to enter the premises with your property, it turns out that the locks have been changed, and the "owners" are gone.

There is only one way out in such a situation - to contact the police and initiate a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

Risk 3. Sublease

The best way to clarify the point here is with a simple example.


The tenant Andrey, a novice entrepreneur, rented premises for a store for a year, paying for six months in advance. At the same time, the businessman did not check the title documents, relying on the honesty of the lessor.

After a month of successful trading, the real owner appeared in the store with a full set of original documents. He politely asked the tenant to move out of the occupied area. Andrey tried to find a subtenant in order to at least return his money, paid in advance, but the enterprising intermediary did not answer either the calls or SMS.

Conclusion: deal directly with the owner. At the very least, he should be aware of all the manipulations that occur with his property.

7. Professional help for tenants and landlords - an overview of the TOP-3 real estate agencies

Finding a qualified intermediary is difficult. To help our readers, we have compiled an overview of the most reliable commercial real estate companies in Russia.

1) Agency.net

Real estate management agency. It will help landlords and tenants lease and rent: office, retail space, workshop, warehouse, mansion and any other commercial property. The company employs only experienced and qualified lawyers and realtors.

A significant plus of the company is a professional approach, the presence of a detailed website, the development of an individual strategy for each client of the office. There are no services related to real estate that the company's specialists could not provide to users.

Commercial real estate in Moscow and the region is the main specialization of the company. Respect has been operating on the market since 2004. The agency's goal was initially to provide clients with the widest range of services related to the lease, purchase and sale of real estate.

Do you dream of making money on real estate? Do you want to know how to rent out commercial real estate, what to look for when buying it and where to look for tenants? "M16-Nedvizhimost" equips all potential businessmen and tells what is needed to get stable and high income.

In the end, a profitable bonus: the most promising commercial objects for further delivery or resale.

Commercial real estate: where to start?

To begin with, we advise you to once again decide on the final choice of real estate: are you sure that you want to deal specifically with commercial premises? When asked what is more profitable to rent - an apartment or commercial real estate - the answer is unequivocal. Commercial objects pay off several times faster than residential premises, that is, the profit is much higher. In addition, the rental rate for commercial space is steadily growing (for example, the period "January-July" 2017 showed an increase of 10%).

However, it should be borne in mind that you will have to spend much more energy. First, make sure that your start-up capital is sufficient to purchase the property that you intend to rent out in the future. It is no secret that to buy commercial real estate you need to have a much more significant financial condition than to buy an apartment, including a multi-room one.

At the same time, keep in mind that non-residential premises are considered differently in legal terms: the tax rate in this case is several times higher, the registration mechanism is also somewhat different.

In addition, to successfully conduct a business on commercial premises, you need to be guided by the specifics of your potential tenant's activities, to understand his needs and capabilities. This means that more is required from you than with a simple renting of an apartment.

Weigh everything again before moving on to choosing a room. If even one of the points is in doubt, it is better not to risk it and consider a residential rental. Remember that losses can be enormous if not successful.

Let's summarize what you need to buy commercial real estate: start-up capital, a good understanding of the market and orientation in the area with which you plan to cooperate.

How to choose the right commercial real estate for subsequent lease?

As we said, the first step is to decide on which tenant you are counting on.

Indicate for yourself the possible parameters of your future counterparty: is it a small entrepreneur or a branch of a large network? Has it been on the market for a long time or is it just coming out? Is it a production or a point of sale? What is the competition in this area, what location will be the most successful for him, what capacities are needed for a full-fledged business, etc.

In a word, focus on a specific tenant, then you will not only easily select the most suitable premises, but you will also be able to easily find people who want to run their business with you in the future.

Based on your choice, you can understand which particular object is worth looking for: a warehouse, an office or a retail space in a modern street retail format.

Win-win options and prerequisites

Immediately, we note that the safest option in terms of demand will be a room that already has a permanent tenant. In this case, you will be able to make a profit from the first month of owning the premises and will not waste precious time searching.

Believe that the tenant (provided that he already has an established and profitable business) is himself interested in staying in your premises. Under favorable circumstances, you can even raise your rental rate.

Another advantage of such a solution will be the fact that the premises with a permanent tenant, most likely, have already been "combed" in accordance with all the requirements of the supervisory authorities, namely the Sanitary and Fire Services.

You should pay special attention to the last fact, because in case of violation of any rules, you will have to spend a lot of money to correct the situation.

Choice in terms of location

If you are planning to work with a grocery store owner, then the best place to choose is a densely populated residential area. In such a place, there is high traffic, in addition, walking distance shops are always in high demand among residents, which means that from the point of view of a business owner, such an object is especially attractive.

Are you planning to cooperate with a larger tenant? Consider a fashion boutique option. Obviously, for such a business, it is also a prerequisite to be located in a walk-through area, but the audience must be different. Focus on such a buyer if you are ready to offer him a large premise on the first line in the historical or business center of the city.

When you see only production as a potential tenant, then the best solution from the point of view of location will be an industrial zone of a sleeping area or a suburb.

Another common option is catering. If we are not talking about a gourmet restaurant (and in this case the premises should be located in the center and have good view characteristics), then you should focus on places near business centers or educational institutions.

Guideline for profit and demand

It seems that everything is obvious here and is also tied to the location of the premises: objects in the center will cost more, and in "sleeping bags" or in the countryside - cheaper.

This, of course, has its own truth. The success of your rental business will depend on more than just the rental rate, however.

So, for example, do not forget that a tenant will be found many times faster for a small premises located in a peripheral area of ​​the city than for a large-scale area in the very center. This is especially noticeable in a crisis.

In addition, the chances that a sleeping bag grocery outlet will be in high demand is higher than that of a fashion boutique. This means that the business owner will stay for a long time in your premises, while the tenants of more expensive objects may leave more often, and come, on the contrary, less often.

In other words, pay attention to how much your premises will be in demand. It is better to make a smaller, but stable income than to have a large, but irregular profit.

Where can I find a tenant?

For a quick and effective search, you need to use the maximum communication channels available to you. Start with the Internet: online aggregators, message boards, forums, social networks, contextual advertising - there is plenty to choose from. Although, as we already said, you should choose to the maximum, and if your budget is enough, do not limit yourself to one source.

It will not be superfluous to conclude cooperation with a real estate agency. Firstly, realtors have their own tenant search channels. Secondly, even if you prepared in advance, specialists still have more experience and understanding of what strengths and weaknesses your premises have, as well as among entrepreneurs of which field it is better to promote this object. Also, realtors will help you assign the correct price tag for rent: on the one hand, so that you do not sell too cheap and do not lose money, on the other hand, the exaggerated rental cost will scare away potential tenants, and you will sit in the "waiting room" for a long time.

Collaboration with real estate agencies brings with it other advantages, among which, for example, broader advertising opportunities. A pleasant bonus is that realtors take on all the hassle of concluding a deal: they draw up the necessary documentation, help negotiate with the employer, etc.

Features of tenants

So, the advertisement has worked and several potential entrepreneurs have already appeared on the doorstep of your premises, who are ready to "register" their brainchild on your commercial space. And then another difficult question arises: who to choose?

Oddly enough, network companies, with rare exceptions, are also not the most desirable employers. Companies put pressure on their authority and stability (the latter does not always correspond to reality), as a result of which they require special treatment. "Networkers" for the most part insist on lowering the rent, and to formalize your cooperation they only use their agreement, which, of course, to a greater extent protects their rights, while you are deprived of the opportunity to quickly change the tenant or increase the rate in accordance with the market the price.

In addition, in the case of large-scale business employers, you will have to contact the personnel occupying the premises directly for all controversial issues. And this staff is often an incompetent person.

However, for the sake of a really good rental object, some "networkers" are ready to make concessions and may even offer a higher payment.

It is best to focus on those entrepreneurs who already have one solid business and are currently opening a second outlet. These entrepreneurs are the most reliable, thorough and responsible employers.

Top commercial objects for investment purposes

The managers of the commercial real estate department have selected the best properties for you to purchase for investment purposes. The presented objects are the most attractive in terms of popularity among tenants and profitability.

Building of 284.5 m2 on Voskresenskaya embankment

A separate commercial one-storey building in the very center of the city! There are two exits - to Voskresenskaya embankment and Shpalernaya street. The main advantage of this property is a reliable tenant who has been renting premises for a long time and has no plans to move out. At the moment, the contract has been concluded for the amount of 483.6 thousand rubles per month!

All communications are connected, power supply is 30 kW with the possibility of increasing power. Utility bills are paid by the tenant.

Another bonus is that you can purchase a land plot along with the building. There are other premises in the neighborhood, which are also for sale. Our managers will tell you the details.

Premises 702 m2 in the center of Kingisepp

Unique offer: the recoupment of the premises is only 6.5 years (with an average recoupment of 10-12 years)! The object is located in the new residential complex "Karat" on one of the main streets of Kingisepp. Already now, large tenants are interested in the premises - "Okay", "Pyaterochka", "Lenta", etc.

The monthly profit of the object is estimated by our managers at 561.6 thousand rubles. Advantages of the premises: display windows overlooking the main street of the city, a large parking lot in front of the premises, ceilings - 4.5 m, 5 separate exits, large capacities.

Premises 535 m2 on Korpusnaya street

The object is located in the new elite complex Lumiere in the historical center of the city (Petrogradsky district). This already guarantees high traffic and a solvent audience. Less than 5 minutes walk from the Chkalovskaya metro station.

The room is equipped with panoramic windows. All communications have been carried out, power supply capacity is 62 kW. The monthly profit from the lease of the object will be about 650 thousand rubles.

Still have questions? Leave your contact details and our specialists will call you back.

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