Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? 9/11 terrorist attack in america.

Ten years ago, 19 people trained by al-Qaeda launched a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States of America. It took several years to develop a plan for the attack. Terrorists simultaneously hijacked 4 large passenger planes with the intent to use them to destroy the most famous sights of the United States, taking as many lives as possible. Three planes reached their targets, and the fourth crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. In one day, these acts of mass murder killed about 3,000 people from 57 countries around the world. More than 400 of them died - firefighters, policemen and ambulance brigades. This event received the maximum coverage in the entire history of the media, and even ten years later it is difficult to look at these pictures. The attacks and reactions to them have largely shaped the world we live in today, and therefore it is very important to look at these photos and remember what happened that day. This post is the second of three dedicated to the 9/11 attacks.

1. View of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan covered in clouds of smoke and dust from Jersey City, New Jersey, September 15, 2001. (AP Photo / Dan Loh)

2. Smoke billows from a hole in the wall and from the upper floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York after American Airlines Flight 11 collided with it. (AP Photo / Richard Drew)

3. United Airlines Flight 175, a second before colliding with the south tower of the World Trade Center. The north tower is already on fire. (Reuters / Sean Adair) #

4. An explosion in the south tower during a collision with it by United Airlines Flight 175 in New York, September 11, 2001. The plane crashed into the building at a speed of 945 km / h. (Reuters / Sean Adair) #

5. Collision of the plane with the south tower of the World Trade Center. There were 56 passengers on board (including 5 hijackers). (Spencer Platt / Getty Images)

6. Explosion of 3800 liters of fuel remaining on board the plane during the collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo / Ernesto Mora)

7. Two women, holding each other, look at the burning WTC building after the terrorist attack. (AP Photo / Ernesto Mora)

8. Burning twin towers are visible beyond the Empire State Building. (AP Photo / Marty Lederhandler)

9. A cloud of smoke from the buildings of the WTC in lower Manhattan. Image from a USGS satellite over the area at about 9:30 am on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. (AP Photo / USGS)

10. People hanging from the windows of the north tower of the WTC after the attack. (Jose Jimenez / Primera Hora / Getty Images)

11. A man jumps out to death from the smoke-filled northern tower of the World Trade Center. (Jose Jimenez / Primera Hora / Getty Images)

12. A man jumps from the upper floors of the burning north tower of the WTC. (AP Photo / Richard Drew)

13. A man jumping from the north tower of the WTC. (AP Photo / Richard Drew)

14. Security camera at the Pentagon captured the explosion, which resulted in a collision with a hijacked American Airlines plane with 58 passengers and 6 crew on board on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo)

15. Flame and smoke burst from the Pentagon building after the explosion. (AP Photo / Will Morris)

17. Medics provide assistance to the injured near the Pentagon, after a hijacked airliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building. (Reuters / U.S. Navy Photo / Journalist 1st Class Mark D. Faram)

19. Smoke billows from the towers of the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into them during the terrorist attack on New York. (Mario Tama / Getty Images)

20. At 9:59 am on September 11, 2001, 56 minutes after the collision, the south tower of the WTC begins to collapse. (AP Photo / Gulnara Samoilova)

21. The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses, and debris buries nearby streets. (AP Photo / Richard Drew)

22. Police and pedestrians flee in search of cover during the terrorist attack in New York. (Doug Kanter / AFP / Getty Images)

23. People covered in dust walk through the rubble near the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo / Gulnara Samoilova)

24. Maru Stahl of Somerset, Pennsylvania, shows a snapshot of the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93. The plane crashed near Shanksville, and Stahl, hearing the explosion, headed to the crash site and took a picture before rescuers cordoned off the area. The plane crashed in Pennsylvania shortly after the attacks on New York. (Reuters / Jason Cohn) #

Aerial view of the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania taken by the FBI on September 12, 2001. A Boeing 757 was flying from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco when it suddenly made a sharp turn near Cleveland and crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 44 people were killed. This plane was one of four that were part of the 9/11 plan and the only one to miss its target. (AP Photo / FBI)

26. Firefighters and rescuers investigate the crash site of Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. (AP Photo / Tribune-Democrat / David Lloyd)

27. At 10:28 am on September 11, 2001, 102 minutes after an aircraft collided with her, the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York collapses. (AP Photo / Diane Bondareff)

28. The collapse of the WTC tower on September 11, 2001 in New York. (Jose Jimenez / Primera Hora / Getty Images)

29. A photo of the New York City Police Department shows ash and smoke spreading over Manhattan during the collapse of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. (AP Photo / NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger)

Dust, smoke and debris fill the air as the WTC tower falls on September 11, 2001 in New York. (Reuters / Shannon Stapleton) #

31. Dust, smoke and ash envelop neighboring buildings after both WTC towers collapsed on September 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo / NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger)

32. People leave the collapsed towers, fleeing smoke and dust. As a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York, both 110-story WTC towers collapsed. (AP Photo / Suzanne Plunkett)

33. The North Tower of the World Trade Center turns into a cloud of dust and debris half an hour after the fall of the South Tower on September 11, 2001. Image taken from Jersey City, New Jersey, across the Hudson River. (Reuters / Ray Stubblebine) #

34. People make their way through the rubble near the ruins of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo / Gulnara Samoilova)

35. A priest helps people after the fall of the WTC towers in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo / Gulnara Samoilova)

36. People cover their faces from dust as they cross the Brooklyn Bridge to escape the cloud of dust and smoke that covered Manhattan after the attacks. (AP Photo / Daniel Shanken)

37. People on the street near the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. (Mario Tama / Getty Images)

38. A sheriff's deputy assists a woman injured in the September 11 terrorist attack at the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo / Gulnara Samiolava)

39. A man cries as he watches the fall of the WTC tower in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo / Shawn Baldwin)

40. A firefighter rests on a bench in lower Manhattan as he works at the site of the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo / Matt Moyer)

41. Construction debris and ash from the fall of the WTC towers in a terrorist attack fill the streets of Manhattan, transforming the city's view into a picture of the Apocalypse. The buildings collapsed, burying thousands of people under the rubble. (AP Photo / Boudicon One)

42. A firefighter calls for help from rescuers to disassemble the wreckage of the WTC. Photo taken on September 15, 2001. (Reuters / U.S. Navy / Journalist 1st Class Preston Keres)

43. The landing gear of one of the hijacked aircraft lies on the street next to the destroyed buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. (Reuters / Shannon Stapleton) #

44. Firefighters search for survivors under the rubble of the twin towers after the September 11, 2001 attack. (AP Photo / Matt Moyer)

45. Light barely breaks through the clouds of smoke and ash at the site of the collapse of the WTC towers. (AP Photo / Baldwin)

46. ​​New York firefighters extinguish the 7th World Trade Center building, which was destroyed along with the twin towers in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. (Reuters / Mike Segar) #

47. A group of firefighters near the ruins of the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. (Reuters / Peter Morgan) #

Debris covers rails in the New York Underground tunnel on lines 1 and 9 of the Cortland Street station under the World Trade Center. The damage was so severe that more than one mile of the tunnel had to be rebuilt, according to New York City transports officials. (AP Photo / New York City Transit)

49. Rescuers conduct a search and rescue operation as they descend under the rubble of the World Trade Center on Friday, September 14, 2001. (Reuters / U.S. Navy / Photographer "s Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson)

50. A man stands in the ruins of the WTC towers and tries to call the survivors, asks if anyone needs help. (Doug Kanter / AFP / Getty Images)

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger planes - the towers of the World Trade Center, and two others - on the Pentagon and, presumably, on the White House or the Capitol. All planes, except for the last one, reached their targets. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Victims of the 9/11 attacks, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. Not only US citizens were killed, but also 92 other states. In New York, 2,753 people were killed, in the Pentagon - 184 people, 40 people crashed in Pennsylvania.

There are also 19 terrorists killed in the attacks, 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

At 8.46 (hereinafter local time), an American Airlines Boeing 767, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) on Manhattan Island in New York between the 93rd and 99th floors. There were 81 passengers on board (including five terrorists) and 11 crew members.

At 09.03 a United Airlines Boeing 767, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center between 77 and 85 floors. There were 56 passengers and nine crew members on board.

At 9.37 a Boeing 757 of American Airlines, en route from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon building. There were 58 passengers and six crew members on board.

At 10.03 a United Airlines Boeing 757, en route from Newark (New Jersey) to San Francisco, fell on a field in southwestern Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanksville, 200 kilometers from Washington. There were 37 passengers and seven crew members on board.

As a result of a severe fire at 9.59, the South Tower collapsed, and at 10.28, the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

At 6:16 pm, the 47-storey building of the World Trade Center complex collapsed, which was located in the immediate vicinity of the WTC towers. The fire started in it.

The exact figure of the damage caused by the 9/11 attacks is unknown. In September 2006, US President George W. Bush announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks was the lowest for the United States.

On November 27, 2002, an independent commission to investigate the 9/11 attacks (9/11 Commission) was established in the United States. In 2004, she released the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy. One of the main findings of the 600-page document was the recognition that the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks took advantage of the work of the US government and intelligence services.

The only person convicted in the case of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, Zacarias Moussaoui. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduating from flight school in Oklahoma and training on a Boeing 747 simulator in Minnesota. In April 2005, Moussaoui was found guilty of intent to commit a terrorist attack, which was to become the fifth in a series of tragic events of September 11, 2001. On the personal instructions of Osama bin Laden, he was supposed to hijack a plane and ram the White House in Washington - this is a terrorist.

In May 2006, by a decision of the federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, where the trial took place, Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced.

Six other suspects of involvement in the attacks were arrested in 2002 and 2003, they spent several years in CIA prisons, and in 2006 at the American base in Guantanamo, Cuba.

In February 2008, the US Department of Defense committed murder and war crimes as part of an investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

Charges were brought against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who, according to the 9/11 Commission report, is the central figure in the preparation of the terrorist attacks in the United States; a native of Yemen, Ramzi Binalshiba (another spelling of Ramzi bin al-Shiba), who provided organizational support to terrorists and transferred money to them; Mohammed al-Qahtani, who, according to the investigation, on September 11, 2001, was supposed to become another, the 20th hijacker of four American planes; as well as Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Hawsawi (another spelling of Mustafa Ahmad Hausawi) and Walid bin Attash.

Hearings in the case of those accused of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack.

In March 2016, New York Federal District Judge George Daniels issued a court order in absentia, according to which Iran must pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those killed at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran could not prove its innocence in providing assistance to the organizers of the terrorist attack, in connection with which the Iranian authorities for the damage caused during it.

In September 2016, the U.S. Congress passed legislation allowing the heirs of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, where most of the terrorists who carried out the attacks were citizens. Already in early October 2016, an American woman who lost her spouse during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, filed the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. In March 2017, relatives of the victims in the United States. In April, it became known that more than two dozen US insurance organizations had filed a lawsuit against two banks in Saudi Arabia and companies associated with the family of Osama bin Laden, as well as against several charities for a total amount of at least 4.2 billion dollars in connection with the attacks.

A series of horrific terrorist attacks rocked the United States and the world on September 11, 2001. It was on that fateful day that two planes run by al-Qaeda terrorists crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. In the same way, the Pentagon was attacked, and the fourth plane under the control of suicide bombers fell to the ground in Pennsylvania.

The terrible disaster claimed the lives of almost 3 thousand people (excluding 19 terrorists). It united people around the world, since among the victims of the terrorist attack were not only Americans, but also citizens of 91 countries.

Even after 17 years, new facts about the 9/11 terrorist attack appear. collected 10 of the most amazing of them.

Not the first terrorist attack

The World Trade Center Towers have been subject to terrorist attacks in the past. On February 26, 1993, a car with explosives crashed into the World Trade Center building. It exploded in the underground garage of the North Tower and set off a powerful blast wave. Six people became victims of the accident, and another 50 thousand employees and visitors experienced difficulties due to the lack of oxygen in the building. The crashed truck was driven by Ramzi Yusefs, who later fled to Pakistan. He was soon found in Islamabad and extradited to the United States for trial. In 1997, Józefs was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Coincidence or not?

Four years before the attack, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published the book Emergency Response to Terrorism. The cover of the collection contains a photo of the northern tower under a telescopic sight. It was in the place indicated in the photo that the first plane under the control of the terrorists crashed.

Ominous number 11

The name of New York City has 11 letters, just like the word Afghanistan. Also, one of the hijacked aircraft carried 92 passengers (9 + 2 = 11), and another 65 passengers (6 + 5 = 11). Terrorists staged an attack in New York on September 11, or 09/11 (1 + 1 + 9 = 11). Ramsin Yuseb (the perpetrator of the 1993 Twin Towers attack) has 11 letters, as does George W Bush.

Most frightening, however, is another fact. One of the most famous symbols of the United States of America is the eagle.

In the main holy book of Muslims - the Koran - the following verse is written at number 9.11:

"And it is written that the son of Arabia will awaken the formidable Eagle.

All the lands of Allah will feel the wrath of the Eagle,

And while some people tremble in despair

Many will rejoice: as the Eagle's wrath will purify the lands of Allah

And peace will come. "

Conspiracy theory and radio-controlled aircraft

Many Americans are of the opinion that al-Qaeda members did not hijack the planes. In their opinion, the attack on Manhattan was planned by the US authorities in order to later explain the military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as explain several laws passed, which, among other things, allow the secret services to have access to the privacy of Americans.

But this theory is questionable due to certain difficulties. Boeing's remote-control technology, which could be used to direct airplanes, does exist, but it is extremely difficult to do. It would require airline staff to coordinate and four remote control teams (one for each hijacked aircraft). And this is already a lot of people who would be privy to the government's plan.

World Trade Center Rentals

At the end of June 2001, the WTC twin towers were leased (one might say bought) for $ 3.2 billion by entrepreneur Larry Silverstein for 99 years. On the day of the tragedy, he was in one of the towers. However, Silverstein's wife called him to remind him of an appointment with a dermatologist. So, he left the World Trade Center and saved his life.

Photo of George W. Bush after the tragedy

US President George W. Bush said that the terrorists staged an attack on the Twin Towers because of their hatred of freedom and democracy. It wasn't until 2015 that images emerged from an emergency response center in Washington DC after a couple of hours of the attack. The photographs show the American leader, US Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and senior staff. Note that Cheney is watching the news of the tragedy in a very interesting pose.

99 days of fire

The fire at the site of the ruins of the World Trade Center lasted 99 days, and the cleanup took 261 days. All this time, tens of thousands of people were engaged in garbage disposal, which was collected 18 tons. The building's steel structures, taken to the landfill, were later sold to China and India. The Chinese firm Baosteel bought 50,000 tons of steel at $ 120 per ton.

The youngest victim of a terrorist attack

The terrorist attack killed Christine Hanson, who was flying with her parents to Disneyland. The girl was two years old. In total, three children under the age of five died as a result of the tragedy. More than three thousand children on September 11 were left without one or two parents. During this period, a record number of psychologists worked with children.

Depression of Americans

70% of Americans fell into depression after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. More than 33,000 New Yorkers have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is usually diagnosed for people who have come from hot spots. In addition, alcohol use in Manhattan increased by a quarter, while tobacco and marijuana consumption increased by 10%.

Barack Obama and the elimination of Osama bin Laden

The identities of all the terrorists who carried out the attack were identified. It turned out that they were legally in America, and many of them were trained in US flight schools. Later, in a video message, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden admitted that he was the one who oversaw the work of 19 terrorists on four planes. Ten years after the bloody terrorist attack, the American special services liquidated Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. This was watched live by the then US President Barack Obama, along with his team.

In 2011, a World Trade Center memorial was erected on the site of the destroyed Twin Towers in New York. In 2018 in New York, 9/11 survivors and relatives of the victims will come to the Ground Zero site. Two beams of light will be projected into the sky in memory of the victims. Also, the Pentagon will arrange special services for the families of the victims.

The official version of the September 11 attacks, which led to the death of almost 3 thousand people, the destruction of three skyscrapers in Manhattan, including two famous twin towers, as well as part of the Pentagon, and gave a new direction to world history, is striking in its absurdity.

It turns out that in a country obsessed with security, where there are about 20 special services - about one for each of the 19 Middle Eastern terrorists involved in the terrorist attacks - they were able to do what they allegedly did. Namely, having only the basics of flight training, jewelery ram almost simultaneously captured by the airliners in front of this target, unbearable even for experienced pilots, acting under the leadership of a bearded terrorist Osama bin Laden, who was hiding in a cave in Afghanistan. All this, like all the other points of the official version, which we will consider in more detail below, are completely contrary to common sense.

Official version

The official version is as follows. Since it is widely known, we will dwell on it only briefly. Terrorists from the Al-Qaeda group banned in Russia and other countries of the world, many of whom were known to the CIA, mainly Saudi citizens, entered the United States legally. They easily hijacked four passenger airliners, two of which were sent to the towers of the World Trade Center (WTC), one to the Pentagon, and another crashed under strange circumstances in Pennsylvania. In the latter case, the passengers allegedly resisted by "democratically voting" to repulse the hijackers. At the same time, the WTC-7 tower mysteriously collapsed in Manhattan, into which no one crashed, and which the BBC television company on air had brought down 20 minutes before this happened. When reporter Jane Standley broadcast about this and the victims of the new terrorist attack, WTC-7 was still looming behind her, and the caption at the bottom of the screen already read: "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building near the World Trade Center also collapsed." Anyone can check out this amazing YouTube report ...

A discrepancy came out: the BBC reported the collapse of WTC-7 20 minutes before it happened. Photo: FA Bobo / PIXSELL / PA Images / TASS

The plethora of inconsistencies and lies surrounding the 9/11 attacks leave Americans with very little choice. The dilemma is simple. On the one hand, turning off your mind, you need to believe in the official version or pretend to believe, if you are a "patriot" of your country and do not want reputational damage to it, exposure of its leadership, without whose sanction such large-scale terrorist attacks would simply be impossible. It is very difficult to live with this awareness, and it is beyond the forces of the conformist majority. The second position is available only to a minority that is not afraid to go crazy in the face of the truth and despises accusations of "conspiracy". This position, which many Americans and others adhere to, requires recognizing that bin Laden and his people are nothing more than decorations, since terrorist attacks of this magnitude could have been organized only by the American special services themselves, with the assistance of politicians and the media.

But we are not Americans. We are patriots of Russia, not the United States, and therefore our hands are free. Since the official American version is completely unsatisfactory and does not explain anything, let us turn to the "conspiracy theorists." If we put aside the fantastic versions, such as a mini-nuclear explosion under the twin towers, launched, probably at the suggestion of the American authorities in order to compromise everyone else, then the following picture emerges.


Al-Qaeda terrorists, many of whom were known to the CIA, entered the United States legally and went to the terrorist attacks, taking their passports with them. Only a few of them had the skills to fly light aircraft. Under no circumstances could they replace the pilots of civilian airliners, all the more so at high speed to "get" into the twin towers hidden in urban buildings - among other skyscrapers - fly at a height of several meters on the ground without damaging anything along the route, and ram the Pentagon.

The American authorities immediately began to blame the al-Qaeda leader for the incident, although it was obvious that this was a surprise for Osama bin Laden, he did not immediately allow himself to be persuaded to take on himself and his semi-virtual grouping for this. And it can be understood: it is impossible for a person of sound mind to believe in the official version. Therefore, bin Laden delayed for a long time and took responsibility for the September 11 attacks only on October 29, 2004.

What really happened? In fact, it is most likely that the American special services deliberately allowed terrorists into the country, who were probably really plotting terrorist attacks using airplanes. They were needed as a cover. The fact that the terrorists went to the airliners, leaving their passports in the cars, most likely indicates that they were conducting a training session, deciding to see how best to act when they learned how to fly planes. Or the planes that rammed the Pentagon and the twin towers ... were not there at all, and, therefore, there was no whole passport history.


Indeed, was there a boy? Eyewitnesses to the attacks in New York on the morning of 9/11 give conflicting accounts of what hit the Twin Towers. Some say they saw or heard noise from small planes passing by, some believe they saw rockets, others large airliners. The latter probably evaluate their experience retrospectively, having watched well-known footage on TV many times. Meanwhile, it has been proven that large planes simply could not hit the WTC skyscrapers without colliding with a couple of other skyscrapers along the way. From the air and at the speed at which they were supposed to fly, even very experienced pilots could not accurately "hit" the targets. A legitimate question also arises: where did the wreckage of the planes go - the engine of one of them, which was then "found" in the wreckage of one of the collapsed buildings, turned out to be from an aircraft of a different type than the one that allegedly rammed it. As for the Pentagon, independent researchers have found that the area of ​​damage in the wing of the building, where the Boeing allegedly landed, is significantly less than its wingspan. The penetration area is not as deep as it should be. There was no tail unit left of the plane, no corpses and suitcases of passengers ... Evaporated?

Also striking is the famous footage of an airliner made of aluminum, which can hardly withstand a collision with a bird, entering like a knife in butter into the steel structure of the WTC buildings, so that the tip of its nose is even shown on the other side of the skyscraper! Calls from airliners allegedly made by their passengers from their own mobile phones were also completely unthinkable. At the height with which they were made, it was technically impossible ...

What really happened? It is clear that no airliners have crashed into the two twin towers in New York and the Pentagon building near Washington. Most likely, it was a question of cruise missiles able to avoid obstacles, which were assisted by "beacons" installed on buildings. Everything else is a crude imitation.

The most interesting question here, to which there is still no definite answer, is - where did the people who were supposedly on the planes go? In fact, there were not so many of them, since, as the "conspiracy theorists" established, at least two of the aircraft allegedly taking part in the terrorist attacks were already decommissioned at that time, and could not be operated on September 11. But where did those who were not originally "dead souls" go? They were killed, they underwent plastic surgery and moved to the other end of the country or abroad? Who knows.


Everything is clear with the Pentagon - everything was organized there by the military and special services themselves, no civilian firefighters were allowed there. Was there one cruise missile or it was "helped" with the help of charges installed in the renovated wing of the building, it is not so important. The consequences of the incident were quickly eliminated, nobody took out dirty linen in public - the military people are serious, they know how to keep their mouths shut.

The main intrigue is with New York skyscrapers. They seemed to be crumbling before our eyes, live. But this was not supposed to be - they were built taking into account in order to withstand exactly what allegedly happened to them. Instead, the "twins" collapsed, sinking inward with the speed of free fall, as if someone had "chopped down" all the supporting structures at once.

The current President of the United States, Donald Trump, himself a construction magnate, "in hot pursuit" did not believe that the planes could bring down the twin towers. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

What really happened? The Association of American Engineers and even future US President Donald Trump, himself a construction tycoon, have long argued that buildings should not have died, they had to withstand an airplane hit. Trump thought so "in hot pursuit" - now, of course, he pretends that this is a terrorist attack. But engineers with professional knowledge capable of uncovering deception only strengthened their opinion. In addition, in 2009, an international group of researchers published in the journal Open Chemical Physics an article on the results of a chemical analysis of the debris of the WTC, where fragments of termite, a super-combustible substance that burns steel, were identified. Its melting point is about 1500 degrees, while the combustion temperature of aviation fuel is only about 1000 degrees ... Only in this case, as the official version says, the death of buildings as a result of "weakening of the steel frame during a fire in combination with damage caused by exposure to aircraft ".

The "controlled demolition" that actually took place caused a series of explosions in key, most vulnerable points of the skyscrapers, as a result of which they "piled up" in clouds of dust, which always happens in such cases. Firefighters and others in the vicinity heard the explosions. Records of the voices of those standing in the cordon outside the WTC-7 building have been preserved that this skyscraper will soon be blown up. With this case, however, hesitated a little, so the BBC and reported this earlier than necessary. YouTube has footage of this building collapsing - a typical directional explosion.

There is also a mass of other evidence that this is a deliberate provocation organized by the American authorities themselves. Even if the evidence was ten times less, this would be enough for an unambiguous verdict of an impartial court: guilty. Let us note in passing only one of them - not a single "bigwig" was killed during the terrorist attacks in New York. The victims of terrorist attacks are mainly technical services, service employees, firefighters, who, by the way, began to be brought to the financial capital of the United States a few days before the terrorist attacks from other parts of the country ... There is evidence that important meetings in the area of ​​future terrorist attacks were canceled in advance, to some valuable employees unexpectedly offered not to go to work on September 11 ...

Media involvement

It is clear that such a grandiose hoax would have been impossible without the involvement and involvement of leading American federal television channels. According to independent researchers, they received in advance blanks depicting future terrorist attacks in New York, which they each processed in their own style. And planes crashing into skyscrapers, according to physicist from Cambridge University John Wyndham, is the most common hologram. Therefore, they entered skyscrapers made of heavy-duty steel without collapsing like a knife into butter, and even in one case they pierced the building with their noses. It seems that the media were practicing technologies for creating an artificial reality - the very thing in which America beats today like a fly entangled in a web.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Why and who needed it?

The answer to the question of why this was necessary lies on the surface. The September 11 attacks have become for the US ruling circles the "new Pearl Harbor" they have long dreamed of. They buried international law and, instead of the self-dissolving USSR, created a new enemy for Washington in the person of "international terrorism", which was allowed to fight all over the world. Already on October 7, 2001, the Americans invaded Afghanistan to "punish the terrorists", having achieved, on the wave of international sympathy for the victims of the tragedy, in particular, Russia's consent to organize its military bases under this sauce on the territory of the former USSR - in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. And with a very distant sight. In March 2003, the US attacked Iraq, plunging the entire region into chaos, spawning ISIS, which is banned in Russia. Then there was Libya, an attempt to overwhelm Egypt, Syria ... The Pentagon received almost $ 6 trillion for the "fight against terror" in various countries over the 16 years after the tragedy, and the US military-industrial complex acquired a new meaning for existence. The Americans then wrote off Russia. After all, if they had waited a little, then, perhaps, the "terrorists" would not have had to blow up New York skyscrapers.

However, this prohibitively cynical action, for which none of the special services, by the way, was punished, although it seemed to be a terrible failure, and serious domestic political goals. In October 2001, the so-called Patriot act was adopted with a bang - a thoroughly and previously worked out federal law that significantly expanded the rights of special services to electronically track and monitor Americans. A prison appeared in Guantanamo, and America itself finally turned into a police state, in which "Big Brother" breathes in the back of every citizen.

The most cynical, however, is that some gentlemen made huge amounts of money from the September 11 tragedy, and they obviously acted on the assumption that there would be terrorist attacks, and very soon.

What an amazing coincidence: in July 2004, New York businessman Larry Silverstein became a tenant - for 99 years - of all seven WTC buildings. The contract was worth $ 3.2 billion, of which he managed to pay only $ 14 million, and ultimately earned over $ 8 billion. How did he manage it? The main insurance point in the policies was the case of a terrorist attack. He did not keep himself waiting long.

Provocations, provocations ...

If we have not convinced someone who is actually responsible for the 9/11 attacks, we note in conclusion that provocation has historically been the main instrument of US policy. This is the famous Boston Tea Party, the explosion of the battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana, and the same Pearl Harbor, and the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin ... billions of people. The most striking of these was the US space program before the appearance of the shuttles, above all the staged landing on the moon. Remembering the memory of the innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks, people have no right to forget how and why this was done. And that something like this could happen again, since no one is punished for it.

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