All about Mount Everest. Where is Everest: interesting facts about the famous mountain What is Everest

) let's remember why Everest is called Everest.

Everyone who studied geography at school will easily remember the name of the highest peak on the planet. Everest has long attracted climbers, extreme sportsmen and admirers of everything mysterious. Its height has been repeatedly measured recently. Therefore, even in official materials there are three sets of numbers: 8848 m, 8850 m, 8844 m. The first of them is firmly embedded in our memory. The latter was given by measurements from the Chinese side. This question is not easy, because we are talking about the height of the highest mountain on Earth. And it is very correct that the parties concerned agreed to conditionally consider the height equal to 8848 meters in the near future.

Meanwhile, the highest mountain on the planet received its current name relatively recently, only a century and a half ago. Tibetan monks from time immemorial called her Chomolungma - "Goddess Mother of the Earth." French missionaries, who reached the Himalayas in the 18th century, put it on the map under the name Ronkbuk - that was the name of the Tibetan monastery built by order of the Dalai Lama on the northern slope of the mountain.

In Nepal, the highest of the mountains was called Sagarmatha - "Heavenly peak". However, today the whole world knows the mountain under the name given to it by the British.

Dali in honor of a man who never climbed to its top and did not even come close to it.

George Everest Born July 4, 1790 in Wales, in the town of Gvernvale, in an aristocratic family. For boys from wealthy English families of that time, a military career was typical, and George was no exception. After leaving school, he entered the military school in Woolwich. George studied excellently, especially pleasing his mathematics teachers with his successes. Everest finished school ahead of schedule, at the age of 16, and was sent to serve in India as an artillery cadet.

The command, appreciating his brilliant mathematical abilities, transferred the young military man to the geodetic service. In 1814, Everest went on an expedition to the island of Java, where he spent two years.

In 1816, the 26-year-old officer was returned to India, and two years later he became the deputy of the William Lambton- Head of the British Geodetic Survey in India.

At this time, Lambton and his subordinates are solving a truly titanic task - conducting a geodetic survey of India. It was not only about the country within its modern borders, but also about the territories on which other states have now formed, first of all, about Pakistan.

Theodolite - a measuring instrument used by George Everest


During the year, the climatic conditions on Everest are considered to be quite extreme. January is recognized as the coldest month, as the average temperature ranges from -36 to -60 ° C! But the warmest month, if you can call it that, is July, when the temperature does not fall below -19 ° C. An amazing fact is that the boiling point of water at the top of the mountain is only 70 ° C. This phenomenon is due to the pressure indicator, which is only 326 mbar. Usually in the spring and winter, the Chomolungme has a characteristic westerly wind.

Extreme conditions can withstand only a small part of plants and animals. In 1924, scientists made an amazing discovery, as it turned out, at an altitude of about 6700 meters, a jumping spider belonging to the araneomorphic genus was found. In order to survive, the little spider has to prey on small springtails and flies that live within 6,000 meters. But insects, in turn, feed on lichens and some types of fungi.

As part of the expedition, which took place in 1925, experts discovered about 30 species of those same lichens. Also, in the region of 5600 meters, scientists discovered a mountain goose. Only a few species of birds can withstand the pressure at the summit, and they use climbers' food scraps as food.

"Peak XV"

This work began in 1806, and was completed only half a century later, in 1856. George Everest spent most of his life on it.

In 1823 William Lambton died and Everest succeeded him. True, two years later he was mowed down by a serious illness, which forced him to return to England.

In Britain, however, Everest continued to deal with the issues of the geodetic service of India - he ensured the supply of new instruments, solved theoretical problems and organizational issues.

In 1830, with health problems behind him, George Everest returned to India, where he worked for another 13 years.

During these years, the mountain peaks of the Himalayas were also recorded, but their height was not measured. All peaks were given a code name, and Chomolungma was included in this list as "Peak XV".

Merit Award

In 1843, 53-year-old George Everest, with the rank of colonel, retired and returned to England. Despite his considerable age, the honored surveyor decided to do what he had no time for before - creating a family. I must say that the scientist more than succeeded in this, having acquired six children.

The services of George Everest to the British Empire were highly appreciated. In 1861 he was awarded the title "sir", and in 1862 he was elected vice-president of the Royal Geographical Society.

Having worked for many years in the geodetic service in India, Everest brought up a whole galaxy of students, one of whom, Andrew Waugh, in 1852 he worked on determining the height of the Himalayan peaks. Waugh's measurements showed that "Peak XV" is not only the highest mountain in the Himalayas, but also the highest point on the globe.

The highest mountain in the world needed a suitable name. In 1865, the English Royal Geographical Society decided that, in recognition of services to science and in honor of Sir George Everest's 75th birthday, "Peak XV" should be named after him. Andrew Waugh was the first to put forward this idea in 1856, and over the next nine years, the community of English scientists came to the conclusion that Sir Everest deserved it.

At first, the hero of the day categorically did not like this idea, but his colleagues insisted on their own. As a result, "Peak XV", first in English documents, and then throughout the world, became known as "Everest".

The sir is dead but the name lives on

The memory of the merits of the scientist-surveyor remained only in special literature and in encyclopedias, but the name given to the peak was so firmly fixed that it supplanted all its other names.

In countries whose territory is directly adjacent to the Himalayas, in particular, in China and Nepal, there have long been proposals to return the "historical" name to the peak. Cartographers, trying to reconcile the opposing sides, offer this option: the entire mountain range is called Chomolungma, and the peak takes on the double name of Everest (Sagarmatha).

However, whatever one may say, for most people who do not delve deeply into such disputes, Everest remains Everest. Painfully suitable for the highest peak of the planet was the name of the sir-surveyor.

It's funny that John Everest himself was of Welsh origin and called himself Ivrist. But the mountain in English transcription immediately began to be called Everist. For the whole world, who does not speak English well, she began to be called Everest .., which, with a certain stretch, can be called "always resting." Again, it is interesting that George himself had the nickname "Neverest" - "never resting."

Note that Everest himself in 1857 took part in a meeting about the names and spoke out against the use of his name. In his opinion, the name does not correspond well to local languages ​​and cannot be assimilated by the natives.


On May 26, 1953, for the first time, an attempt was made to climb impregnable Everest, but Charles Evans and Tom Bourdillon, members of the British expedition, did not reach the top of only 100 meters! The reason for this was an acute lack of oxygen. But a few days later - on May 29, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay conquered the impregnable mountain. At the top, the climbers did not stay long, they managed to take a few pictures and buried a cross with a couple of chocolates in the snow.

Since Everest bears the title of the highest mountain in the world, tourists and climbers from all over the world gather at the foot of the mountain to make a difficult climb and conquer the impregnable slopes of Chomolungma. Thanks to many years of experience of professionals, there is a large set of safe routes. There are two most popular routes: following the North Ridge from Tibet and following the South East Ridge from Nepal. The latter is considered technically easier, so it is also recognized as the most popular among beginners.

Everyone knows that Mount Chomolungma is the highest in the world. However, this statement can be considered true if you do not take into account the absolute height. Chomolungma soars up above sea level to the maximum height among the mountains of our planet. However, there is a Mauna Kea volcano that "grows" from the bottom of the ocean, so its actual height is greater.

Name history

The Tibetan name Chomolungma is translated from Tibetan as "Divine Mother of vital energy." Such an unusual name for the mountain was given in honor of the Bonn goddess Sherab Chzhamma, who is a symbol of maternal energy. The Tibetans also gave the second name to Mount Chomolungma - Jomo Gang Kar, which translates as "Holy Mother, white as snow."

Another very popular and common name comes from the English language, since it was given to the peak in recognition of the merits of George Everest. He was a well-known specialist in the field of geodetic research at the beginning of the 19th century. The successor and student of the scientist proposed his last name as the name of the mountain after one of the employees of the service where Everest worked made the very first measurement of "Peak XV", which was considered the highest in Eurasia and on the planet.

There is another name given to the mountain by the inhabitants of Nepal. In their language Chomolungma is pronounced as Sagarmatha. It means "mother of the universe". The highest peak (Mount Chomolungme) in Nepal is especially reverent, so the locals prefer to call it in their native language.

local attraction

In the XIV-XV centuries, Tibetan monks built a monastery that still exists today on the northern slope of Everest. It's called Ronkbuk. From its courtyard, the mountain looks especially attractive and impressive. You can also see the peak from the mountain passes, which are located hundreds of kilometers from it.

Mountain location

It is no secret that many of us know from school geography lessons about Mount Chomolungma. The continent of Eurasia is the territory where the highest peak is located. Even people who do not have deep knowledge in the field of geography know in which hemisphere the mountain is located. However, not everyone knows in which country Mount Chomolungma is located. We hasten to fill this gap - this is China. In fact, the mountain belongs to two countries - China and Nepal, but its highest point (North Peak) is territorially part of China.

The height of Mount Chomolungma in China is 8848 meters. The southern summit is slightly inferior to it in this indicator. On the territory of Nepal, the height of Mount Chomolungma is 8760 meters. As you can see, the difference is not very big (88 meters), but the Chinese are very proud that it is on their land that the highest peak in the world is located. And if you are interested in the exact geographical coordinates of Mount Chomolungma, then they are: 27 ° 5917 s. sh. and 86°5531 E d.

Thousands of climbers from all over the world come to these places every year to conquer Everest, but not everyone succeeds. The mountain system with Mount Chomolungma is part of the Mahalangur-Himal ridge and is part of the Himalayas. Its shape resembles a pyramid with three sides. The southern slope is bare and steep, since it is from this side that snow and ice slide.

Due to the huge height of Everest, winds rage here almost all year round. Their speed can reach 200 m/s. In summer, the air does not warm up above 0 °C, in January the temperature drops to -35 °C during the day, to -50 °C at night. What Mount Chomolungma looks like, you can see in the photos that we posted in this review. Agree, the top looks amazing.


Mount Chomolungma is characterized by extreme climatic conditions. In the coldest month of the year (January), the average air temperature is -36°C, in some years it drops to -60°C. Even in the warmest month (July), the air does not warm up above -19 °C. The pressure at the top is only 326 mbar. This is a third of the pressure at sea level. At this pressure, the boiling point of water is 70 °C.

In spring and winter, westerly winds prevail here. On contact with a cold peak, moist air condenses and forms a cloud in the form of a flag, which is directed to the east. Climbers use this flag to determine the wind speed: the flag is in a horizontal position at a wind speed of 80 km / h, with an increase in speed - it is directed upwards, with a decrease - downwards.

In winter, the speed of the southwest wind is often 285 km/h. Monsoons come from June to September from the Indian Ocean. This time is characterized by a large amount of precipitation, and snow storms are not uncommon at the top. As in most high-mountainous regions, a sharp change in weather is possible here. Quite often this happens during the main climbing seasons (May-October). Sudden temperature drops, snowfalls and storms are not uncommon in these places. In each season, there are several days with fairly stable weather. These are the so-called windows, when the ascent is most favorable.

Flora and fauna

Due to the extreme conditions on Mount Chomolungme, the flora and fauna here is not very diverse. At an altitude of 6.7 thousand meters in 1924, a small jumping spider, Euophrys omnisuperstes, was discovered. Scientists have found that these insects feed on springtails and flies that live up to a height of 6 thousand meters. And they, in turn, feed on fungi and lichens. During the expedition of 1925, 30 species of lichens were recorded.

Only some species of vertebrates are able to endure such a height - these are several species of birds.

For example, mountain goose lives up to a height of 5.6 thousand meters, and once at an altitude of 7.9 thousand meters, a chough was seen - a kind of mountain jackdaws.

mountaineering center

So, we figured out where Mount Chomolungma is located - on the border of two countries - China and Nepal. Now I would like to talk about the daredevils trying to conquer the greatest peak in the world.

The British expedition went to Nepal in 1953. On May 26, the first attempt was made to climb, but Charles Evans and Tom Bourdillon could not reach the top of only one hundred meters and were forced to return due to lack of oxygen.

At the end of May, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary conquered the highest peak in the world for the first time. They made a short stop, took pictures, and before starting their descent, they buried a small cross and a few candies in the snow. The names of these pioneers are inscribed in the history of climbing Everest. Their luck inspired many mountain climbers, and it should be noted that many expeditions succeeded in this difficult journey.

According to statistics, for 235 people, attempts to conquer Everest ended tragically. However, these data do not stop those who want to get to the top and fulfill their old dream. The main difficulty of climbing to the top is an increase in atmospheric pressure with altitude, a decrease in air temperature - it becomes difficult not only to move, but also to breathe.

The routes are also dangerous here - Mount Chomolungma has a specific shape, there are many ledges and gorges. Despite all the obstacles, brave climbers still dream of conquering the magnificent peak. Nowadays, rock climbers climb to the top along pre-established routes.

base camps

Those who decide to conquer the top of Mount Chomolungma can choose one of two options - start climbing from China or master the Nepalese route. For acclimatization to altitude and atmospheric pressure, two base camps are equipped. In each of them, novice climbers and professionals need to spend some time so that the body fully adapts to new conditions: acclimatization in this case is not a whim of the ascent organizers, it helps prevent the development of mountain sickness.

Both camps have experienced doctors who not only assess the health of climbers, but also give them useful advice before climbing.

Which camp to choose?

From the Nepal side, there is a southern camp, and from the Chinese side, a northern camp, which can be reached by car in the summer. In recent years, the camp on the south side has become more and more popular. Residents of the surrounding villages, formerly engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture, are now fully focused on serving tourists. They help transport items and supplies to intermediate upper checkpoints.

Food, medicine, equipment and everything needed is delivered to the southern base camp with the help of local pack animals - yaks. In addition to the main camps on the way to Mount Chomolungme, there are several more small points that are located both before and after the main ones.

How long will it take to prepare and climb?

If we are talking about tourist expeditions, then the duration of the ascent (from the moment of arrival in Kathmandu and ending with the conquest of the peak) is about two months. After a carefully conducted preparatory part, it will take about 7 days to walk from the base camp to the summit. Approximately 5 days will be spent on the descent to the camp.

Climbing to the top is allowed only in spring and autumn, since during this period there are the least winds. In autumn, the rise is carried out only from the south side. The last three hundred meters are considered the most difficult, but all difficulties are instantly forgotten at the sight of unearthly beauty that opens from the top. Not a single photo can compare with the picture that opens before the conqueror of Chomolungma, emotions greatly enhance the effect of what he saw.

mountain dimensions

The height of the Chomolungma was measured relatively recently. The first such estimate appeared in 1852 as a result of trigonometric calculations. In the 1950s, theodolites were already used for this purpose. As a result, it was possible to establish the exact value, which is equal to 8848.13 m. Somewhat later, information began to appear in which these values ​​fluctuated either up or down. This was explained by the fact that the peak is made up of glaciers, which can grow and shrink. The height of Everest is officially recognized as 8848 meters, and at around 8844 meters its solid rock ends.

  • The best helpers of all climbers, without exception, are the Sherpas - the people living at the foot of the Chomolungma. Not a single ascent passes without them. Usually they carry things, make routes, sometimes they cook.
  • Representatives of the Sherpas - Pkhurba Tashi and Apa Sherpa - became the champions in the number of ascents to the summit. They conquered her 21 times. Phurba reached the very top three times in 2007, and in the period from 1990 to 2011 he conquered the peak of Apa. He talked a lot about the changes on Chomolungma caused by global warming. He was worried about the melting ice and snow, which makes climbing more difficult every year.
  • Studies in 1994 proved that every year the mountain increases by 4 millimeters. This is due to the ongoing movement of continental plates, which leads to the growth of mountains.
  • Today Chomolungma is part of the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. Interestingly, numerous climbers leave about fifty tons of waste and garbage on the slopes of the mountain every year. In connection with this, the Nepalese authorities passed a law according to which every climber descending from the summit is obliged to collect at least eight kilograms of garbage. Those who do not want to do this must contribute four thousand dollars to the treasury. It is noteworthy that the Nepalese take money as a deposit before the start of the ascent and return it only after collecting garbage.
  • During the ascent, climbers lose about 15 kilograms in weight. This is due to the burning of fat and the loss of a large amount of moisture.
  • According to statistics, for every 10 successful climbs to the top, there is one with a fatal outcome. In total, there are now about 200 remains on the slopes of the mountain, which are simply physically impossible to lower to the foot and bury.
  • In 1980, the Italian Reinhold Messner managed to conquer Chomolungma alone, without oxygen tanks.
  • In 2001, Marco Siffredi snowboarded down the summit along the Norton couloir running down the center of the North Face of the mountain. He decided to conquer Everest again in 2002, but disappeared without a trace.
  • A team of 410 Chinese climbers made the ascent in 1975. This expedition was the largest in history.
  • 1993 was the safest year in Everest climbing history. Then 129 climbers achieved their goal, and 8 died.
  • The government of Nepal has published data according to which the youngest conqueror of the peaks was a Sherpa girl, who was 15 years old.
  • Many people know where Mount Chomolungma is located, but not everyone knows that its conquest is not a cheap pleasure. The average price of a group ascent will cost you 60 thousand dollars. An independent climb to the top will cost from 70 thousand dollars or more.
  • There is a dead zone on the mountain, starting at the very finish line - at an altitude of 7.9 thousand meters. This area has received such a gloomy name due to the fact that in this area the air contains only a third of oxygen compared to the atmosphere at sea level. It is for this reason that climbing, as a rule, takes place with oxygen tanks.


Routes: 10 - classic

Everest(named after Sir George Everest) or Chomolungma(from Tibetan "Divine") or Sagarmatha(from Nepali "Mother of the Gods"). The same name was Chomo-Kankar, which in Tibetan means "mother is the queen of snowy whiteness".

For a long time (until 1903) the peak was called gaurizankar, due to the fact that the traveler G. Schlagintveit put forward a version that the peaks of Everest and Gaurizankar are identical.

Everest is shaped like a pyramid; the southern slope is steeper. Glaciers flow down from the massif in all directions, ending at a height of about 5 thousand meters. Snow and firn are not retained on the southern slope and ribs of the pyramid, as a result of which they are exposed.

Everest and Lhotse will be connected by a four-kilometer jumper, in which there is a decrease - the South Col (7986 m). The northern spur of the peak is called Lap-Ch'i. In its short branch is the summit of Changtse (7538 m). Also in the area is one of the pearls of the Himalayas - the peak of Pumori (7145 m).

The glaciation of the area is quite large. From the northern slopes towards the Tibetan Plateau descends the grandiose Rongbuk glacier, highly branched in its upper reaches. To the east, Kanchung glacier descends from Chomolungma. To the southwest of the massif is an extensive glacial cirque, known as the Western Circus. It is the main feeding basin of the Khumbu Glacier.

The slopes of Chomolungma break off to the north and northwest with steep walls to the upper reaches of the Rongbuk glacier, and to the east, to the upper reaches of the Kanchung glacier, with a steep stepped rock wall. On the steps there are powerful ice-firn accumulations, therefore ice collapses are frequent here. To the southwest, towards the Western Circus, the slopes of the massif are cut off by rocks of an average steepness of 55°. There are many ice-filled couloirs on these rocks.

Located in the Sagarmatha National Park. Map


Geologically, the massif is complex:

  • at its base granites,
  • in the higher part gneisses,
  • limestone in the cover part.


Initially, the peak was not considered the highest in the world, according to the results of the first topographic survey (1823-1843), it was included in the classifier as the "XV" peak (Dhualagiri was the leader in this list). And only after the second topographic survey (1845-1850) everything fell into place.

AT 1921 year, the first expedition to Chomolungma with the aim of reconnaissance of the ascent route from the north, from Tibet. Based on intelligence data, the British, under the leadership of Mallory, stormed the summit in 1922, but the monsoon, snowfall and lack of experience in high-altitude ascents did not give them the opportunity to make the ascent.

AT 1924 year - the third expedition to Chomolungma. The group spent the night at an altitude of 8125 m, the next day one of the participants (Norton) reached a height of 8527 m, but was forced to return. A few days later, a second attempt was made to storm along the northeastern ridge (Mallory, Irvine using oxygen cylinders), the climbers did not return, there is still an opinion that they could be at the top of Chomolungma.

Subsequent pre-war expeditions to the area did not bring new results.

AT 1952 year - the Swiss expedition went to storm Everest from the south. Twice in 1952 Lambert and Norgay Tenzing climbed above 8000 meters, but on both occasions the weather forced them to turn.

AT 1953 year - an English expedition led by Colonel Hunt went under Everest (Chomolungma), they were also joined by New Zealand climbers, one of whom was E. Hillary, they were supposed to help the British get over the Khumbu icefall, Sherpa Norgay Tenzing was included in the assault group . There is a legend that the conquest of Everest was prepared as a gift to Queen Elizabeth II on her coronation day.

On May 27, the first two - the British Evans and Bourdillon reached the southern peak, where they left oxygen and a tent for the next assault group.

The first ascent of Soviet climbers to the highest peak of the Earth took place in May 1982. The Soviet team of 9 people climbed to the top of Everest, along a very difficult, previously untraveled route along the southwestern wall.

Every inhabitant of the planet who has studied geography at least a little knows that the highest peak of the Earth is Mount Everest. Few people know that many legends and mystical stories are associated with it. Due to difficult weather conditions, conquering the summit becomes a difficult mission for many climbers. Read on to find out where the legendary hill is located, its history and climate.

Chomolungma is the highest peak on the planet, located in the Himalayas. Translated from Tibetan, “Chomolungma” means “Divine Mother of Life”. The mountain has two more names - Sagarmatha and Everest. The latter was awarded in honor of the head of the Indian Geodetic Survey, George Everest, in 1856. He devoted 37 years to the study of this territory. That is how the name of the mountain was proposed by the successor of George Everest, Andrew Waugh. In 1852, Radhanath Sikdar measured its height and proved that Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

In 1950, a Chinese expedition measured the height of the mountain, which is how the figure of 8,848 meters appeared. These indicators are considered officially recognized. Further there were still attempts to measure the height of Everest. The Italian scientist Ardito Desio measured the height of Chomolungma using radio equipment. He proved that its height is 8,872 meters, which is 11 meters more than the official data.

Already in 1999, American scientists measured the exact height using GPS navigators, it was 8,850 meters above sea level. Due to the movement of the earth's plates, the height of Everest increases by several millimeters every year. As of 2014, the official height of the peak was 8,848 meters.

Where is Everest

Chomolungma is part of the Himalayan mountain range, is part of the Khumbu Himal and is part of the Nepalese Sagarmatha National Park. The mountain has the shape of a trihedral pyramid. It has two peaks. The highest - northern, belongs to the territory of China. The southern peak is 8760 meters, located on the Chinese-Nepalese border. For a long time there were disputes about which country this miracle of nature belongs to. Since 1959, it has been considered that Chomolungma is a national treasure of Nepal and China.

The southern slope of the mountain is steeper, as a result of which it remains without snow cover. Glaciers are located on the last four meters of the peak. Glacier waters flow down all the slopes, ending at an altitude of five km. The Himalayan mountain system extends for 3,000 km and is 350 km wide.

Everest is adjacent to the mountains of Lhotse, South and North Col and Changse. In the east there is an indescribable mountain wall Kangashug. The mountain range is located in China, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar and Nepal.

How did Everest originate?

Chomolungma is over 60 million years old. As a result of a noticeable movement of two tectonic plates (Asian and Indian), the Himalayas were formed, above which Everest towered majestically. This region is considered seismically active, so the height of the peak gradually increased. This is the scientific version of the emergence of the highest elevation of the world.

Tibetans think differently. They support the theory of the origin of the mountain from the sea. This is evidenced by the finds of archaeologists in the form of fossilized remains of prehistoric fish and shells. In their opinion, a five-headed monster rose from the sea, which animals and birds were afraid of. Fairies began to protect nature, then they turned into five snowy hills. One of them was Chomolungma.

Chomolungma - the sacred mountain of the Sherpas

Among the local residents of Nepal, you can meet Sherpas who live near Chomolungma. They are an ethnic group that migrated from China five centuries ago to the south side of the Himalayas. For several decades now, they have been serving as guides and accompanying groups of climbers to Everest. Centuries of living at high altitude have made the Sherpas invulnerable to these climatic conditions, so their experience is especially appreciated by many tourists.

The Sherpas consider Mount Everest to be a sacred mountain because, in their opinion, gods, demons and spirits live in it. There is a legend among the locals that once the Indian preacher Padmasabhava (the founder of Tibetan Buddhism) came up with the idea of ​​organizing competitions to see who would quickly conquer the top of Chomolungma. One of the lamas of the official Bon religion became his rival. The elder brought a sunbeam to the top so that the enemy would lose. As a sign of his defeat, he left a drum on the mountain. Since then, when an avalanche of snow descends from the slopes of the mountain, the Sherpas beat drums to scare away evil spirits.

Before each ascent to Chomolungma, Sherpas perform a special ritual. It consists of meditation and prayer. Thus they put their soul and thoughts in order. They ask the sacred mountain not to ruin their lives. At the foot of the mountain there is a repository of special items for ritual ceremonies: stupas, drums and mantras. Also, they commemorate all those who died on the mountain. A memorial pyramid was erected in their honor.

Climatic conditions of Everest

Hundreds of climbers strive to conquer the mountain. The harsh climate prevents many from achieving their goal. In autumn and spring, at the top, the wind reaches a speed of 300 km per hour. In winter, severe storms can also occur. At night, the air temperature can drop to -50 - 60 C °, and in the daytime to -40 C °. It is dominated by monsoon winds that come from the south and bring precipitation. Before each expedition, climbers wonder what the air temperature is at the top of the mountain. At any moment, you can get into a strong storm or find yourself under an avalanche.

Cold air, low atmospheric pressure and lack of oxygen prevent the existence of vegetation. At the same time, below on the slopes you can find bunches of grass, some representatives of coniferous plants and moss. In some places there are legendary shrubs (snow rhododendron), which can grow at a temperature of -23 C °, at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level. Regarding the animal world, it is also poor, like the plant world. Himalayan spiders and grasshoppers live here, which are able to survive at an altitude of 6000 meters.

The history of climbing Everest

Chomolungma is considered one of the most dangerous places in the world. When it became known that this is the highest point on the planet, many brave men went to conquer it. About 235 climbers and local residents died during the ascent or descent from the mountain from oxygen starvation, low atmospheric pressure, frostbite, heavy winds, mountain sickness and rock falls.

In 1950, French climbers were only able to reach the summit of Annapurna. This is considered the first ascent to a height of more than eight thousand meters. As for the highest peak, the history of conquering the summit has thousands of attempts. The first successful summit of Everest took place in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Norgay Tenzing. In their expedition they use oxygen tanks.

From that moment on, for every climber, climbing this mountain has become a dream of a lifetime. In 1982, a detachment of Soviet climbers climbed Everest. The route ran along a difficult slope at night. Only one of the expedition members, Vladimir Balyberdin, was able to climb without using an oxygen tank.

The most terrible and mystical stories are considered such.

An unusual legend is connected with the death of David Sharp, an English mountaineer. He climbed the mountain without additional equipment because he did not have enough money to buy it. At an altitude of 8000 meters, his oxygen tank failed. The climber lost consciousness and was left to die on the mountainside. The expedition members who passed by did not provide first aid to the dying man, as they sought to become the first conquerors of the highest peak of the Earth. 100 meters from the summit, one of these climbers suddenly began to feel unwell and died a few hours later. Another experienced climber barely survived frostbite, but was saved. Locals believe that people were punished by mystical forces for their deed.

A similar situation has developed with Indian athletes who fell under an avalanche. Japanese climbers, who at that time were climbing to the top, saw helpless colleagues, but passed by. Therefore, before climbing a mountain, you should always rely only on your own strength and financial resources.

In 1994, climbers Irving and Mallory were able to conquer the summit, but died on the way back. What caused their death is not known. Climbers claim that to this day, the remains of Mallory's body can be seen on the mountainside, which produce a frightening spectacle.

Climbers went to conquer the top of the mountain not only in groups, but also with their spouses. Local residents especially remember the story of Sergei Arsentev and his wife Francis. They set a record by climbing to the top of Everest without oxygen, but something went wrong on the way down. The couple were separated under the influence of harsh weather conditions. When the climber first reached the camp, he realized that something had happened to his wife. The woman was covered by an avalanche. The attempts of the Russian athlete to save his wife turned out to be fruitless. Arsentiev died after falling off the slope. Francis is the first woman to conquer the mountain. They called her "Sleeping Beauty".

Mount Everest (Nepal) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The highest peak of the planet Everest calmly looks at the world from a height of 8848 meters. Conquering Everest or, as the locals call it, Chomolungma (“mistress of the winds”) is an honor for any climber, a dream that in most cases remains unfulfilled. However, in our age of commerce and any tourist routes, the impossible becomes less and less: at least 35,000 USD and two months of free time in reserve (plus excellent health) - and you soar above the clouds, standing on a 20-meter platform at the top of the world. And if you do not have such impressive reserves on your current account, but still want to join the beautiful, you can limit the route to parking at the Base or Advanced Base Camps of Everest. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

A bit of history and geography

Everest is the highest point on the planet, height - 8848 meters. The mountain is part of the Himalayas and lies exactly on the border between China (northern slope) and Nepal (southern slope), so you can climb from two countries at once, to choose from.

The appearance of Everest is a triangular pyramid with two passes - the North and South saddles and two child peaks - Lhotse (South) and Changze (North). On the eastern side of the pyramid there is a wall inaccessible for climbing. Everest is covered with glaciers from a 5-kilometer height to the very top.

In the English version, the mountain is called Everest in honor of the head of the surveying service of British India in the mid-19th century, Sir George Everest. Well, the first person to rise to the "throne of God" was the New Zealander Edmund Hillary - it happened on May 29, 1953.

To date, more than 4,000 climbers have visited the highest peak in the world, and the lion's share of them falls on the recent years of the development of mountaineering on Everest and the commercialization of ascents. Every year more than 500 people storm the summit, but not all reach it.

Climbing Everest

Everest climbs are held in spring and autumn; during the rest of the year, monsoons rage here, in winter the temperature drops to -50 ° C, strong winds blow. Tours are organized by several agencies, including Russian ones. The main requirements for a potential conqueror of Everest: firstly, a round sum in reserve (at least 35,000 USD; the optimal package is 55,000 USD), and secondly, two months of free time (required for acclimatization, gradual ascent, training exits, etc. .), and thirdly, good health, allowing successful acclimatization at an altitude of almost 9 km.

The ascent program is built as follows. Arrival in Kathmandu, further flight to Lhasa, two transfers to villages closer to Everest, acclimatization day and transfer to Everest Base Camp at an altitude of 5300 meters. From the Base Camp - a cycle of training ascents and a transition to the Advanced Base Camp (6400 m). The actual ascent (at the top you stand no more than 20 minutes) and the return descent, then the route in the reverse order.

The main problem awaiting the conquerors of Everest is the inability to acclimatize. Otherwise, the route is designed for wealthy tourists who have already been everywhere with not the most outstanding level of physical training.

If you are not ready to part with such an impressive amount, you can limit yourself to climbing to the Everest Base Camp and spending here from one to one and a half months. At the same time, the cost will significantly decrease - up to 6000-8000 USD.

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