Go on vacation. Where to go on vacation in Russia

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Inexpensive vacation has always been the most common among tourists. In such budget travel abroad, you can visit many countries without worrying too much about the fact that the prices for tickets and accommodation abroad will be too high.

Distant countries have an attractive effect on Russian tourists.

After all, abroad offers:

  • excellent service;
  • acquaintance with the rest of the world;
  • a break from the routine;
  • profitable acquisitions.

Before starting a trip, everyone should determine for themselves its main goal. The direction is chosen, starting from this. Egypt and Turkey with their convenient All Inclusive system have long been considered the most budgetary. Mild climate Bulgaria is attractive for its low prices.

But besides this, you can have a good and inexpensive rest in:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Montenegro;
  • Croatia.

In these countries, not far from Russia, with excellent and original cuisine, beach holidays can be easily diluted with visits to numerous natural and architectural attractions.

Of the European countries, the most affordable are:

  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Greece.

In these places it is better to relax away from the resort area and in the off-season. And if you rent separate apartments instead of a hotel room, then it will turn out almost free of charge. Although not too popular hotels also offer quite reasonable prices for accommodation on their territory.

Exotic lovers can choose:

  • India;
  • Vietnam.

If you are lucky to find charter flights to these countries, then the rest will certainly come out on a budget. Latin American countries attract tourists with their low local prices and their attitude to the dollar.

Among them:

  • Cuba;
  • Brazil;
  • Peru;
  • Argentina.

Significantly save on vacation will help to buy tickets early and book a hotel. When choosing a ticket at a travel agency, you need to carefully read the offers of several operators. If the vacation is not limited by time, then you can purchase a last-minute tour.

The right season for a holiday can also make it budget-friendly. So, it is better to go to Turkey at the end of May or in the second half of September. In Europe, the highest prices are observed on the January holidays and in the summer.

Holidays in foreign countries can be made inexpensive if you book a hotel abroad without meals. Local restaurants and cafes are famous for quite budget cuisine. Such establishments are usually located a few blocks from the resort center.

And it’s best to do your own cooking, buying everything for this in food stalls and markets, if your stay is not planned at a hotel. As a guide for excursions, you can choose not a hotel worker, but a local resident offering his services right on the beach.

For public transport, it is better to purchase travel cards or use hitchhiking instead. This type of transportation is not only cheap, but also safe. Experienced tourists are also advised to save money by staying in budget houses or hostels rented from the local population.

Budget holidays abroad can be spent in comfort and sightseeing. You can stay in a hostel.

Budget holidays abroad are popular where charter flights are constantly sent from Moscow airports. Advantageous in this regard is Turkey with its cheap hotels and cheap flights. Sea travel lovers are attracted by Georgia and Abkhazia, and fans of oriental culture are happy to visit Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Tourists accustomed to rich cultural values ​​and high cliffs, instead of Turkey, can go to:

  • Macedonia;
  • Croatia;
  • Serbia
  • Montenegro;
  • Bulgaria.

Instead of Europe, vacationers often visit:

  • Tunisia;
  • Morocco;
  • Vietnam;
  • Thailand.

For a budget holiday, special sites for finding cheap flights offer the following prices:

The country Cost, rub.
Vietnam from 35 thousand
Argentina from 26 thousand
Spain from 17 thousand
Italy from 16 thousand
Croatia from 18 thousand
Romania from 6 thousand
Bulgaria from 10 thousand
Montenegro from 8 thousand
Turkey from 14 thousand
Greece from 11 thousand
Egypt from 11 thousand

Top 5 countries where you can relax cheaply and without a visa

There are a number of countries where residents of Russia can go on vacation without a visa.

These include:

  1. Thailand;
  2. Israel;
  3. Vietnam;
  4. Montenegro;
  5. Argentina.

Modern Thailand is very beautiful and has a fairly developed infrastructure.

Airfare cost:

  • Novosibirsk-Phuket - $370 and more;
  • St. Petersburg-Phuket - $265 and up;
  • Moscow-Phuket - $240 and up;
  • Novosibirsk-Bangkok - $260 and more;
  • St. Petersburg-Bangkok - $ 220 and above;
  • Moscow-Bangkok - $200 and up.

Rooms for two in two- or three-star hotels in Thailand and rooms in hostels cost from 10 to 12 euros. In Phuket, for 17 euros, you can rent accommodation in a guest apartment, as well as a double room in a bed and breakfast hotel. In Krabi hotels, suites or bungalows cost from 7 to 20 euros per night.

On Koh Samui, a bungalow with a fan on the seashore is rented for 15 euros. In Pattaya, the price for air-conditioned double rooms and lofts reaches up to 14 euros per night. Accommodation in Thai hotels with 5 stars costs from 100 euros.

Vacationers in Thailand usually focus on:

  • In Bangkok- at palaces and Buddhist pagodas, they will also be interested in the market and river boat trips. On the lake shore, Thai gymnastics is often held, the lessons of which vacationers attend with pleasure. The Thai capital also attracts with nightly entertainment.
  • To Chiang Mai- in nature reserves and mountains; ride elephants, and also attend master classes in local cuisine.
  • To Pai- at thermal springs and waterfalls; go to spas and massage parlors.
  • In Krabi- in natural parks and excellent beaches, where boats are rented to explore the caves.
  • in Phuket– on gastronomic abundance and surfing.
  • To Phanom Rung- at the thousand-year-old house of Shiva;
  • To Chiang Rai- on elephant farms and temple complexes.
  • In Ayutthaya- on historical monuments and Buddhist stupas.
  • On Koh Phangan– at fire shows and beach parties.
  • To Kanchanaburi at the tiger temple.
  • In San Kampeng- at silk manufactories and healing springs.
  • In Hin Daeng- on the underwater world and diving.

Among the advantages of holidays in Thailand are:

The disadvantages include:

  • dirty tap water and spicy food;
  • high humidity;
  • long 9 hour flight.

Budget holidays abroad can also be arranged when traveling to Israel. Pre-purchased tickets from Moscow and back usually cost from 200 to 230 dollars. It is better to order them 2-3 months in advance. before travel.

Israeli hotels and hotels offer their rooms for 80-90 dollars per day. Rooms in dorms and hostels on the periphery cost between $7 and $50. For families and senior travelers, the best accommodation option would be apartments for rent by the sea, in the central part of the city, for 55-75 dollars per day.

Main attractions for tourists:

  • Jerusalem with the Biblical Zoo and the City of David;
  • Bahai Gardens in Haifa;
  • Solomon's Ponds in Bethlehem;
  • Clock tower and bridge of desires in Jaffa;
  • Caesarea National Park;
  • ancient Capernaum in Galilee;
  • old city of Akko.

The benefits of a budget holiday in Israel include:

  • a large number of attractions and historical sites;
  • advanced tourism industry;
  • courtesy and hospitality of the locals.

Disadvantages include a hot summer climate and a strict Shabbat.

If you get to Vietnam on a direct flight, then the air tickets will turn out to be much more expensive than a flight with transfers, which is also not cheap - 350-430 euros. In large city hostels, the price for a room reaches 7 euros, and a double room with breakfast in an inexpensive hotel costs 10 euros.

Apartments in Nha Trang and Hoi An cost 8-15 euros per day, but it is advisable to book them 6 months in advance. before travel. Prices for double rooms in three-star hotels range from 13 to 15 euros. In spring and summer, they become heavier by almost 30%.

Popular Vietnamese places:

  • water puppet theater and turtle temple in Hanoi;
  • Halong bay;
  • the northern mountain town of Sapa;
  • rich in architectural monuments Hoi An;
  • property of the empire in Hue;
  • Michon temple complex;
  • pearl farms on the island of Phukok;
  • Phong Nha Kebang National Park.

Among the advantages of a Vietnamese holiday are:

  • a variety of shopping places for shopping lovers;
  • inexpensive excursions and exotic cuisine;
  • lots of entertainment.

The downsides include:

  • chaos and traffic jams;
  • cunning natives;
  • dirty city beaches.

Regular flights to Montenegro cost from 13 thousand rubles, and charter flights are 2 or 3 times cheaper.

Double rooms cost:

  • 25 euros in guest houses away from the sea;
  • 33 euros in guesthouses by the sea;
  • 40 euros in hotels with 1 star;
  • 44 euros in hotels with 2 stars;
  • 54 euros in three-star establishments;
  • 100 euros in four-star;
  • 284 euros in five-star.

In Montenegro, you can also rent:

  • for 19 euros an apartment;
  • for 24 euros apartments;
  • for 100 euros a house;
  • from 15 euros for a room in a hostel.

In the country you can:

  • go on a tour of the monasteries;
  • in Budva, look at the fortress and the riviera;
  • swim in the sea bay of Herceg Novi;
  • go on a tour of the canyons;
  • visit the bar Slavic Pompeii;
  • see Sadar Lake;
  • go to the national park Durmitor;
  • visit the fortress walls in Budva.

The main advantage of the Montenegrin holiday is the affordability of prices for literally everything, and the disadvantage is insufficient quality service in the high season. A flight to Buenos Aires from Russia with a transfer in Madrid or Paris costs from 55 to 78 thousand rubles. It lasts from 15 hours to 1.5 days.

It will be most advantageous to use the services of carriers:

  • Alitalia;
  • Swiss;
  • Emirates.

A room in a hostel in the Argentine capital costs from 500 rubles, and a double room in a modest hotel costs 600 rubles. Apartments and apartments rent from 2600 rubles. per day.


  • colorful Kamenito;
  • women's bridge in Puerto Madero;
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral in Buenos Aires;
  • the crypts of the Recoleta cemetery;
  • Iguazu National Park;
  • hand cave in Pinturas canyon.

Pros of living in Argentina:

  • cheap hotel rooms;
  • inexpensive taxi;
  • climate moderation.

Of the minuses, only a long flight from Russia stands out.

Top 5 visa countries for a budget holiday

Budget holidays abroad can also be arranged in countries with a visa regime. The financial issue in such trips does not play a key role.

Cheap countries to visit with a visa include:

  • Portugal;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Hungary;
  • Albania;
  • Sri Lanka.

The cheapest flights to Portugal are offered by KLM and Airfrance. Their tickets cost from Moscow to Lisbon and back from 200 euros. It is better to live during a vacation in the country in rented apartments. After all, a hotel room costs 30-40 euros, and a rented apartment with three rooms costs 50 euros. One-room apartments are rented for 30-35 euros.

Among the significant Portuguese attractions are:

  • the castle of Guimarães;
  • the national monastery-museum of Batalha;
  • the fortified city of Obidos;
  • Jeronimos, metropolitan monastery;
  • Basilica at Fatima
  • renaissance Beles tower.

The advantages of a Portuguese holiday are:

  • excellent hotel service;
  • excellent local cuisine;
  • interesting excursions and attractions;
  • clean sea and beautiful nature;
  • fast flight.

The disadvantages include often inflated prices for tours. The golden Bulgarian coast from Russia can be reached in 3.5 hours by plane. Ticket prices will start from 4500 rubles. International trains depart to Sofia from St. Petersburg or Moscow. On the way, then you have to spend almost three days. One-way tickets cost 8 thousand rubles.

Prices for daily housing in Bulgaria range from 5 to 50 euros. Houses are rented for 30-40 euros, and hotel rooms - from 10.

Cheap hotels can be found in the villages by the sea:

  • Sarafovo;
  • Kranevo;
  • Pomorie;
  • Byalo.

In Bulgaria it is worth seeing:

The positive features of the holiday include:

  • very low prices;
  • Russian-speaking population;
  • free and free beaches with all amenities;
  • fast acclimatization.

Of the negative in Bulgaria, the modesty of the resorts stands out. To get from Moscow to Hungary, you will have to pay for air tickets from 6.5 thousand rubles. Places in hostels cost from 700 rubles, and hotel rooms are 10 times more expensive.

Visited in Hungary:

Leisure benefits:

  • mild climate;
  • variety for shopping;
  • inexpensive and pleasant local cuisine;
  • medical direction;
  • cheap hotels;
  • hospitality of the locals;
  • many attractions.


  • dirt in cities;
  • an abundance of tourists;

The price of a flight from Russia to Tirana starts from 30 thousand rubles. Rooms in hotels with breakfast cost from 300 to 500 euros, and rented accommodation - from 100 euros. Hotels with 4 stars offer their places for 70 euros, and with 3 stars - for 15 euros. Hostels charge for their rooms from 5 euros per day.

Albania seeks to see:

  • flower riviera;
  • the ancient road network of Egnantia;
  • Venetian tower;
  • Tyrant;
  • marine park;
  • Daiti Mountain.

Leisure benefits:

  • high level of security;
  • affordable prices;
  • clean beaches and sea.

The disadvantages include:

  • insufficient quality service;
  • the language barrier;
  • early closing (at midnight) of clubs and discos.

They fly to Sri Lanka from Moscow for 30 thousand rubles. For a double room in a guesthouse in small towns they pay from 7 to 12 euros, in Colombo - from 10 to 14 euros. Rooms in hotels with 3 stars cost from 18 to 35 euros, and rooms in hostels - from 5 to 7 euros.


  • reserve Kumana;
  • the sacred Buddhist city of Kandy;
  • cave temple complex Dambulla;
  • Mount Sigiriya;
  • Adam's Peak.

Leisure benefits:

  • many attractions;
  • friendliness of the local population;
  • an abundance of varied food;
  • the absence of crime.


  • underdeveloped tourism sector;
  • high humidity;
  • strong waves on the southern beaches;
  • expensive and long flight.

Where to relax by the sea abroad inexpensively

A budget vacation abroad is unthinkable without the sea. Visiting cheap countries with profitable air tickets on last-minute trips will allow you to save a lot on your vacation without losing its quality.

Inexpensive seaside resorts are located:

  • In Cyprus;
  • in Greece;
  • in Italy;
  • in Spain;
  • in the Maldives.

Tours to Cyprus for two people have a price tag of 57 thousand rubles. The cost of air travel is from 12 thousand rubles. Hotels rent from 30 euros.

Tours have the following popular destinations:

  • Protaras;
  • Pathos;
  • Larnaca;
  • Limassol.


Leisure benefits:

  • simplified obtaining a visa;
  • Russian-speaking employees;
  • comfortable beaches;
  • air purity;
  • friendly locals;
  • no sudden temperature changes.


  • poor illumination of the tracks;
  • pharmacies only in cities;
  • high prices for services and goods.

Tours to Greece will cost from 54 thousand rubles. for two people, and air tickets - from 9600 to 16 thousand rubles. It will be possible to rent rooms in Rhodes and Thessaloniki from 22 euros.

In Greece, they usually visit:

  • Athos monastery and caves;
  • Olympus;
  • the remains of the temple of Hera;
  • the ruins of the Olympic Stadium;
  • ruins of Sparta;
  • Corinth.

Among the advantages of rest stand out:

  • cultural and recreational diversity;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality service.

The disadvantages include:

  • paid medicine;
  • long siesta;
  • the language barrier.

Tours to Italy cost from 62 thousand rubles, and air tickets - from 10 thousand to 19 thousand rubles. The price of hotel rooms is 36-70 euros per day.

Inexpensive attractions include:

Leisure benefits:

  • beaches, the best in Europe;
  • varied climate;
  • generous historical heritage;
  • health procedures;
  • the opportunity to relax with children, even newborns;
  • original kitchen;
  • unique Venice;
  • fashion boutiques with cheap brands;
  • paradise for shoppers.


  • misunderstanding due to the lack of English in the country;
  • poor quality service in budget hotels;
  • insufficient security.

The price of the resort often plays a major role in choosing a place to stay. Due to the high cost, many travelers cannot afford to spend their holidays abroad. But thanks to the emergence of budget destinations in tourism, people still found a way out of this situation.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about a budget vacation abroad

TOP cheap countries to travel in 2020:

June, July and August are summer holidays. Schoolchildren are starting vacations, the lucky ones have waited for summer vacation at work, students are making plans for the summer period. The activity of searching for tours in different directions is increasing. Summer is the most traditional period for holidays. The question of where to go on vacation in the summer inexpensively becomes very relevant.

If you plan your summer vacation in advance, you can save a lot by taking advantage of the spring sales of tours for the "early booking" promotion. Up to 35% discount can be Spain, Greece, UAE and other countries, if you pick up and pay for the trip planned in June, for example,.

Holidays abroad

beach holiday

Invariable choice for many Russians is an inexpensive foreign vacation. For this, inexpensive tours to the countries are selected:

  • Turkey
  • Egypt

Exotic lovers and owners of a plump wallet choose Maldives, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Brazil. In these tropical countries you can relax all year round. If you are not afraid of many hours of flight across the ocean, the hot sun and rapid rhythms, go there and you will enjoy your vacation in the tropics!

For those who love European beaches, we can recommend going to Mediterranean Sea:

  • Croatia

Each country has beautiful beaches, interesting sights, excellent national cuisine, shopping opportunities, European level of service. You can rent a hotel on your own, buy tickets and apply for a visa, and then organize a trip according to your own scenario. And you can use one of the offers of travel agencies and go on vacation without any worries. The ticket will include air travel, meals, hotel, transfer, and excursions. A company representative will be in constant contact with you.

The most budgetary vacation at sea abroad in Bulgaria. This country attracts Russians with the absence of a language barrier, the sandy beaches of Sunny Beach and Golden Sands, the gentle sea, low food prices, and friendly people. Many Russians have bought their own homes in Bulgaria. And if you do not have your own apartments, then numerous hotels will provide comfortable conditions in Varna, Burgas, Nessebar, Pomorie, Ravda and other towns on the coast.

Sightseeing holidays in Europe

Summer is a great time not only for a beach holiday, but also for educational trips. The best option is to combine the sea and excursions. Traveling to Europe requires a visa and a passport. Loved by our compatriots Italy offers two-week itineraries with a rest on the seashore. Having visited a dozen cities of Venice, Rome, Florence, Genoa in a week, tourists settle in a cozy coastal town and enjoy the sea for the second week.

Excellent excursions are organized in such countries:

  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Benelux
  • Germany
  • Czech Republic

There are short sightseeing tours on the Week End by plane to one of the European capitals. There are extensive bus programs in five to seven European countries. In any case, you are guaranteed an interesting vacation and a lot of indelible impressions. Do not forget to take a camera and comfortable shoes on such a trip.

Worth a visit in summer Scandinavia and the Baltics.

Summer Sweden

The harsh climate of these parts makes the off-season not very comfortable for travel. But in summer you can plunge into the Baltic Sea, lie down behind the dunes on sandy beaches. Palanga, Jurmala have always been a favorite holiday destination for Russians. The resort towns of the Baltic States, where you can not only relax, but also receive medical procedures:

  • Sigulda
  • Palanga
  • Druskininkai
  • Parnu
  • Saarema Island

Of course, it is impossible to visit Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia and not look into the ancient medieval cities. Excursion programs in Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Trakai will give you a real immersion in the Middle Ages. You will wander along narrow cobbled streets, taste national dishes in taverns, hear organ grinders play and street musicians sing. You can get to a national holiday and see a costume procession.

Summer ferry tours to Scandinavia

Inexpensive, accessible to many tourists ferry tours on the Baltic Sea worth considering as an option for a summer vacation. Excursions to the Scandinavian cities will not be tiring, since in the summer in Scandinavia there is no sweltering heat. You will be able to visit Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen. In each city, tourists are waiting for a variety of educational programs.

Summer holidays in Russia and the former republics of the USSR

Many vacationers choose to vacation in Russia. There are many good reasons for this:

  • Love for the native land
  • Desire to explore the expanses of their country
  • Unwillingness to travel long distances

This list does not include an item of financial costs, since holidays in Russia are not always cheap and very affordable. Since the tourism industry is actively developing in our country, the level of services provided is growing, and the prices for these services are rising accordingly.

A trip on a tourist route in Russia may be more expensive than a flight to Turkey or Egypt, and a cruise on the rivers of Russia is commensurate with a Mediterranean cruise.

Camp sites - rest for incorrigible romantics

If there is not much money in your pocket, and the soul asks for romance, a good option would be spent on any hostel. In this case, you do not have to travel far. Since Soviet times, many camp sites have been spread in picturesque places on the banks of rivers, lakes, in the mountains and not far from the city. By the way, many houses have been restored, amenities have appeared in them, and the level of comfort does not at all resemble the simple life of Soviet recreation centers.

But swimming in a river or lake, walking in the forest, evening songs by the fire, barbecue and sauna, horseback riding, boating, catamarans, fishing, mushrooms and berries, clean air will make the rest full and enjoyable. If you are considering this option, pay attention to the recreation centers of the Moscow region, the Volga region, the Volga River delta, chosen by fishermen, as well as numerous tourist centers in your region, information about which is easy to find on the Internet.

Rest on the coast of the seas

coasts Azov and Black Seas still Russian tsars chose to rest. No wonder palace complexes and summer residences of royalty have been preserved in the Crimea. And now any Russian can rest there. Many sanatoriums and boarding houses on the Black Sea have been preserved since ancient times. Each Black Sea resort is good in its own way.

Sea of ​​Azov

Anapa is famous for its sandy beaches. Therefore, there are so many children's health camps and sanatoriums. Vouchers for children are distributed through the departments of social security, you just need to get in line. Or you can just come to Anapa or Vityazevo, rent an apartment and relax.

Gelendzhik has a mild climate, good beaches, private hotels. This city has a water park, which people come to relax from all over the Black Sea coast.

- these are not only dark nights, these are clean beaches, plenty of entertainment, Sochi Park, Olympic facilities, Riviera Park, Arboretum, circus, summer theaters and many tours in the summer. You can see the most famous actors, singers, musicians from all over the country, visit various shows and concerts.

Small towns on the coast will delight you with their hospitality, delicious food, excellent fruits, reasonable housing prices even in season. Pay attention to such cities as Loo, Lazarevskoye, Dagomys, Kabardinka. You will be welcome everywhere.

This free republic on the Black Sea has a unique natural wealth. The subtropical climate, sea air, relic pines of Pitsunda make the rest in this region useful and unique. The resorts of Gagra, Athos, Sukhum receive vacationers in the summer. Prices for accommodation in private hotels and meals are lower than in Sochi. And Abkhazian tangerines, grapes and other fruits are much cheaper here than in other cities. Visa and passport are not needed.

Rest in Crimea

There is no such person who has not visited at least once in Crimea. For Russians, now this is no longer the near abroad, but their native land, and therefore a trip to the Crimea is quite possible. The sandy beaches of Evpatoria are especially in demand. There are many children's sanatoriums, and the sea smoothly goes into the depths. Very comfortable for children.

It is in the Crimea that it is easy to combine a vacation at sea with informative and exciting excursions. It is worth visiting the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the Livadia and Vorontsov Palaces, and visiting the Swallow's Nest. The mountain serpentine along which the route passes is beautiful and fascinating. The road dives into tunnels, climbs mountains and goes along the sea. Picturesque views capture the imagination.

Popular resorts in Crimea:

  • Evpatoria
  • Zander
  • Koktebel
  • Foros

Almost anywhere you can not only relax, but also get medical procedures with healing mud and unique mineral water. For this, there are resort clinics and sanatoriums on the seashore.

Amber Coast of Kaliningrad

On the shore Baltic Sea vacation in summer is very comfortable. And for the Russians, that piece of the sea, which is located in the Kaliningrad region, is available. Unique pine air combined with sea air creates a healing effect, especially suitable for people with heart and lung diseases.

The most popular health resorts in the region are located in Svetlogorsk, Yantarny, on the Curonian Spit. Treatment, excellent food, walks, excursions - all this will give a positive charge for the future.

Cruises on rivers and seas

Interesting tours offered by cruise companies are always popular. On the decks of magnificent sea and river cruise liners you can find tourists of all ages. This type of holiday is great for the elderly, couples, pensioners. Often, groups of schoolchildren go on a cruise along the Volga, for example, to Volgograd, Astrakhan.

In Russia, the most popular cruise on the great Russian river Volga. The abundance of routes will satisfy every taste and budget. The point of departure can be any city on the banks of the Volga. You can go for 3 days, for example, from Saratov to Volgograd and back. Or you can go from Moscow to Astrakhan and back for 3 weeks.

Informative and comfortable will also be a summer vacation spent on the deck of a ship cruising the Black Sea with a call at the seaports of the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea.

The opportunity to see the “pearls” of the Black Sea coast, the most beautiful cities of Odessa, Sevastopol, visit the Crimean resorts, the summer royal residences of Livadia, Alushta, Yalta, enjoy the subtropical beauty of the coast is available to almost every tourist in one trip.

Those who live in the eastern part of our vast country will enjoy interesting tours along the Siberian rivers Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Lena. Interested, for sure, weekend tours with "green" stops, swimming, for example, on the ship "Novosibirsk". Informative and comfortable excursions for a week, 10 days on the Ob "Altai Festival", "Novosibirsk - Tomsk".

Having chosen for yourself such an unusual type of travel as a cruise, you will see from a new perspective the solution to the question - where to go on vacation in the summer.

Advantages of a cruise holiday in Russia:

  • Comfortable cabins
  • Meals on board
  • Entertainment program on board
  • Excursion program in the cities of stops
  • A tireless journey
  • No need for passports and visas

Balneological health resorts

Residents of Russia and neighboring countries will enjoy the freshness and coolness of the resorts of Karelia, the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. After all, this wonderful place is a combination of fresh mountain air and local color. Moreover, the main component of recreation at these resorts is a unique amount of mud springs and mineral waters, so you can restore your health here.

Popular balneological resorts Russia and Ukraine:

  • Essentuki
  • Zheleznovodsk
  • Evpatoria
  • Kislovodsk
  • Truskavets
  • Matsesta

Matsesta mud has been glorifying the Black Sea resort of Matsesta for more than a hundred years. Every vacationer on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus will definitely visit this unique place, even if there is no need to take procedures. And for healing, these muds are simply excellent, for a whole year people forget about their health problems after a course of treatment.

Also, for recovery, you can go to Western Ukraine, which is famous for its healing waters. The territory of the Carpathian and Transcarpathian regions is simply dotted with water sources with a diverse composition, for example, Truskavets. Vacationers will be able to improve their health and treat the gastrointestinal tract, drink healing water, breathe fresh mountain air and enjoy the beauty of the Carpathians. Numerous health resorts will accept those who wish at any time of the year.

Ski resorts in summer

Increasingly popular in the summer, gain ski resorts, because nothing heals better than fresh, frosty, mountain air. Among the resorts of Russia there are a fairly large number of health resorts that can please tourists in the summer, among them:

  1. Krasnaya Polyana
  2. Elbrus region
  3. Dombay

Of course, in search of snowy and slippery slopes, you will have to climb higher, but such a vacation will be remembered for a long time.
Among the Austrian ski slopes, there are many places where you can go to rest not only in winter, but also in summer. The most famous summer resorts are Dachstein, Tux, Kaprun. The rest of the ski resorts in Austria are closed during the hot season.

But for those who cannot live without snowy mountain slopes, special snow tubes have been built in some countries. Artificial snow pleases skiers in such facilities in the United Arab Emirates, in Finland no worse than the real one. After dizzying descents through the snow, you can dive into the warm sea or river.

Council Traveled-Know.
On vacation, be sure to take the CHI policy with you, or at least take a picture of it on your smartphone. If poisoning or injury occurs during the trip, then if you have a policy, honey. assistance will be provided free of charge.

By the way, holidays with children in Russia at sea will be more comfortable if you choose hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums according to the “ all inclusive”- see such options in - more expensive, but more convenient.

Interested in calm holidays with young children? Choose .

With older children, it will be interesting not only to swim, but also to go to beautiful places, go on excursions - choose an inexpensive or more comfortable resort city.

Where there are fewer tourists to relax and swim

For a relaxing holiday, you need to go by car on your own - not necessarily on your own, now it’s easy to rent a car right upon arrival at the airport (use it). As a rule, in such places there are few cafes and shops nearby. But, if you choose the right hotel, then everything will be right on the spot: beach accessories, delicious food, wine ... Calm beaches and clear sea are easy to find in and in some.

And now our list of the best places to go to the sea in Russia:

1. Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov 2020: Golubitskaya, Kuchugury, etc.

In the photo: rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, Kuchugury, sandy beach.

Many do not even suspect that there are such magnificent places in Russia! Away from the hustle and bustle, where there are not so many tourists yet, the beaches are sandy, the sunsets are amazing, and comfortable housing is located right next to the sea - yes, a vacation on the Sea of ​​​​Azov surprises even seasoned tourists who are used to relaxing only abroad.

How to get to the Sea of ​​Azov? By plane - to Anapa airport. Then by taxi, but cheaper: from Vityazevo airport get to the city bus station in Anapa, then by bus to the Fontalovskaya station (this is the sea in Kuchugury).

Private sector and hotels on the Sea of ​​Azov, prices 2020

Rooms in the private sector cost 600-1200 rubles per day for the whole family. There are not so many good accommodations, so the best options are booked in advance. However, if cleanliness and convenience are not critical for you on vacation, then you can easily find many options on the spot.

Advice We went-Know
Be carefull! If you want to have a good rest, then plan your holiday in advance! Gone are the days when it was possible to rent a good room in the private sector upon arrival - such accommodation is booked several weeks in advance. And on the spot, now you can only rent “illiquid assets” (), which they cannot sell out in advance and are slipped to slow tourists.

How to rent good housing in the private sector and not fall for scammers

Do not trust ads on forums and social networks! Usually they show good photos, and upon arrival they say that they are already occupied, and they offer housing much worse - this is the most common type of fraud in the south of Russia. You only need to shoot verified sites with real reviews - the only way you are guaranteed to get what you book.

For example, the private sector in Golubitskaya - the house "Fairy Tale" - is cheap, comfortable, clean, there is a playground in the courtyard:

There are better hotels too. If you are with a car, then choose with your own beach and away from the crowds of tourists.

Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, the beach of the hotel "Villa Grape"

A comfortable room with a wonderful sea view will be a bonus. For example, this view of the sea is from the Kuchugury Hotel:

There are a lot of housing options near the sea: from expensive to cheap.

In the photo: an inexpensive vacation by the sea in Russia. Hotel "Villa Grape" is located by the sea

3. Gelendzhik: sandy beaches and holidays with children

In the photo: sandy beach and embankment in Gelendzhik

It is difficult to think of a better place for a family vacation with children: the beaches in Gelendzhik are sandy, there are many entertainments for children and the largest water park in Russia. Where is the best place to stay and which beach to choose? We have already written in great detail: - choose what you like!

4. Anapa - seaside vacation in Russia, where all inclusive

In Anapa, you can now find a completely civilized vacation. At the same time, the prices for an all-inclusive vacation at sea with a child are quite affordable - low prices are easy to find.

Look for cheap plane tickets in the Search:

For those who are going to Anapa by car or fly on their own, we have prepared - clean rooms with air conditioning, plus cheap hotels with three meals a day, a swimming pool and playgrounds.

Holidays at sea in Russia: Anapa, holidays where all inclusive

5. Crimea: seaside holidays are becoming civilized

Traveling to the Crimea as a savage and staying in sheds, where “conveniences on the street” has long been bad manners, however, as well as on a ticket. “Sovok” is tired of everyone, I want a normal rest. Every year, holidays at sea in Crimea become more comfortable. The most advanced go to Crimea on their own by car, or arrive and rent a car at the airport - this is the secret of a good holiday in the Crimea!

If you still want to have a “wild” vacation, then let it be in beautiful places with good beaches and clear sea. For example, Miami beach, which is located in Olenevka. The only thing is that there are few hotels here, so you need to book in advance. Inexpensive room can be booked without a credit card and with a guarantee in the guest house.

In the photo: Miami beach, Olenevka, Crimea

What are the prices in Crimea now? See the latest reviews and photos.
To relax in Crimea inexpensively near the sea, choose one of the best.

Important! If the booking in Crimea does not work for you, use life hack of our reader: check the box “I hereby confirm that this booking is for business purposes only” (or “I am traveling for work”) - the booking is successful. He described in more detail

Respectable rest by the sea in Yalta

For those who are accustomed to comfort, there are elite apartments in Yalta in Crimea - with a view of the sea. With such luxury, the price of apartments is much cheaper than in Europe. Therefore, even a luxurious vacation in the Crimea can be considered inexpensive.

You can rent a luxury apartment at least for a birthday - such a gift will definitely not be forgotten!

See prices in Yalta for holidays by the sea

Evpatoria - comfortable hotels, sandy beaches and clear sea

The beaches in Evpatoria are considered among the best in the Crimea. And the Jeval ethno-hotel is one of the most comfortable. Do you want to know what a quality European vacation is? Choose "Jeval". See prices and photos.

Anton: How many traveled around the Crimea, they thought that everyone had already seen it. But the hotel "Jeval" surprised. At first I thought it was overpriced, but we decided to give it a try. And they didn't regret it. This is the best hotel we have ever stayed in! And not only in the Crimea. The feeling that you are in a European resort. Only in Europe for such a hotel will ask three times more. This hotel made our holiday! Now in Crimea only here, there are no other hotels for me.

If the main thing on vacation is a low price, then choose the "Sanatorium Tavria" - all inclusive, inexpensive.

6. Lazarevskoye - rest by the sea near Sochi

In Sochi, seaside holidays can hardly be called cheap. See prices for holidays in Sochi. Can there be something very close to Sochi, but cheaper? Yes!

Rest on the sea in Lazarevsky

Arrive at the Sochi airport, and go to the sea to Lazarevskoye. This resort is cheaper, and you can even get to Sochi by public transport, -. To find cheap flights, compare the prices of different airlines in the Search:

If you want a more relaxing holiday at sea, then you should go from Sochi (Adler) airport in the other direction - to Abkhazia.

7. Rest on the sea in Abkhazia - cheap and comfortable!

For those who have read up to this point - we tell about the best place to go in Russia to the sea. Abkhazia is not in the first place on our list only because it is not quite Russia, it is nearby :) In all other respects, this is the best place where you can go to the sea with a Russian passport. A foreign passport is not needed, rubles are in use, the locals speak Russian.

In the photo: seaside vacation in Abkhazia

In Abkhazia, prices are lower, and seaside holidays are more comfortable. There are much more chances to find good beaches and clear sea. In addition, there are fewer tourists on the sea in Abkhazia - the main thing is to drive away from Sukhumi to resort places, and then you can find a very inexpensive vacation on the seashore. Right on the beach!

How to get to Abkhazia

From Moscow or St. Petersburg directly to Sukhumi can be inexpensively reached by train. On the road 38 and 45 hours.
Either from another city in Russia by train or plane to Sochi (Adler) airport, and from there trains and buses go to Sukhumi, the journey takes 2-3 hours.

If you are driving on your own or through a checkpoint at the border across the Psou River, just get out and show your passport and documents for the car. Leave - through the same checkpoint. There are no difficulties at the border, a pure formality.

Where to stay

There are not many modern accommodation options in Abkhazia, mainly the “soviet” private sector, which is easy to book upon arrival. However, there are quite good guest houses and even excellent inexpensive hotels, but it is better to book them in advance in order to get a civilized one for the price of a “wild” vacation. It's possible! Here are some options.

For starters, you can stay near the city of Sukhumi and close to the sea - in the guest house "Rufina" - cheap, but quite comfortable.

We go further, where there are fewer tourists, and we find the Alamys guest house, ideal in terms of price and quality (see photos, reviews and prices), is conveniently located in the resort of Gudauta, near the Black Sea. There are comfortable sun loungers on the beach and there are no other tourists nearby. Clean sea, delicious food. You can admire the sea around the clock from the balcony of the room - you won’t be able to find anything like it on the first line by the sea in Sochi or Lazarevsky.

Sea holidays in Abkhazia - guest house "Alamys"

In addition to the sea, Abkhazia has beautiful nature, delicious wine and food. And the prices! Probably, such low prices for sea holidays in Russia are nowhere to be found. Even a hotel with three meals a day costs 2 times cheaper than in Russia.

Napra in Abkhazia - an inexpensive recreation center with three meals a day

If on vacation you don’t want to think about where to eat, just go to the recreation center “Napra” and relax:

In the photo: Napra - a hotel with three meals a day - a pleasant vacation by the sea in Abkhazia

A nice bonus in this hotel is the view of the Black Sea on one side and the mountains on the other. See photos and prices

We also recommend a trip to the magical Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia and see waterfalls and magnificent places along the way. If you don’t have your own car, then contact someone who will help organize everything and take you to the most beautiful places in Abkhazia, and you can arrange a trip directly from Sochi.

Rating: 4.39/5. Total votes: 18)

“Oh, summer, red summer, be with me,” sang Kesha's parrot from the cartoon of the same name. Yes, yes, dear readers, summer is very close - before you blink your eyes, the sun will start to bake your heads and shoulders. If you have planned a vacation and are still thinking, Where to go to rest in the summer of 2019 at the sea inexpensively and safely? — We have selected for you the best safe and inexpensive popular places where to relax this summer 2019.

If the budget allows, I would go to exotic countries and take my children - you can choose the best solution and a decent country abroad, where nothing would interfere with your beach holiday - a paradise for yourself, a paradise for your loved ones. But ... Money sometimes plays an important role.

Then you better take a closer look at our Black Sea South. Remember how our parents used to say - let's go to the South, to the Black Sea. And they were right - because there is nothing healthier than sea air. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, I would not mind relaxing, but what awaits us ... And if the “belt is already tightened up”, then look around you.

Here, honestly, we would not have gone anywhere, but stayed in Russia. They would just get out of the city, closer to the river, to nature, to mushrooms and berries - to the village or to the dacha. Here, in our opinion, the safest and most inexpensive place to spend a holiday on vacation in the summer of 2019.

But this is only the practical side of the issue. Where to go on vacation in the summer depends on many factors, including the desire to visit a country that you have not been to before. And someone didn’t go anywhere further than “his nose” at all.

Here are just some of the factors that may affect your vacation this summer:

  • First, it is planning at work. Unexpected problems may arise here, due to illness, one or another colleague. And you, unfortunately, will be asked to replace it.
  • Secondly, a vacation with an outbound holiday, even abroad, even to the south of Russia, is accompanied by financial costs. And sometimes, not small. Just the same, a lot depends on these financial opportunities - whether you will rest in a 3, 4 or 5 star hotel, how many people will go on vacation with you, a country with high economic indicators and, accordingly, with not a cheap tourist service.
  • Thirdly, the situation in the world. And it is far from comforting - around here and there, unauthorized rallies, strikes and uprisings break out. And even worse, the military situation is developing and the atmosphere of rebellion is heating up. Safety when traveling from home is above all - who and where will go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea? In addition, the embargo (seizure) imposed on our country has not yet been canceled in all countries. And this can provoke conflict situations.
  • Fourthly, in the light of recent events, the tourism market does not seem to have any sensational problems with travel agencies. But still, it is worth sticking to the golden mean and purchasing vouchers from trusted companies. And the best information about them as reliable service providers is the feedback of their friends and acquaintances who already had the experience to go, relax and return without any problems.

You can “pick up” something else to dissuade you from going on vacation abroad in the summer of 2019, but we will not do this. You will still do what you want. Remember only those rules that you need to follow before breaking off on vacation abroad.

  • Choose the right reliable tour operator. If necessary, then check it - look at the reviews.
  • Find information on the Internet about the country where you are going to go on vacation. Learn at least basic phrases
  • Get yourself insurance. Although you should already include this insurance in the cost of the tour.
  • Study and check the route. That is, to know how to get to the hotel, where is the nearest consulate representation, the police and the place of first aid.

At the end of the article, you can see which trusted and reliable sources we use:

  • Modern and up-to-date, proven search engines for package tours (“All Inclusive”);
  • Tour operators of sightseeing tours around the world;
  • Travel insurance that really works and, God forbid, insured events, is of great help;
  • Booking and sale of tickets: railway, air and bus;
  • Rent a car, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and ATVs;
  • Incredible excursions from locals;
  • Search for a recreation center in Russia;
  • Quick purchase of an online visa with home delivery;
  • Rent cheap housing, including from the owners themselves.

Where to go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely abroad?

The cheapest vacation abroad is interpreted in two ways: you can get into trouble, since everything that is free is in a mousetrap, and if you take this issue more seriously, you will have to abandon the services of travel agencies and do everything yourself.

We have selected several destinations for you: Europe and Asia. A seven-day vacation for two was taken into account in inexpensive but comfortable hotels with a moderate appetite, without air tickets. The price does not include expenses for various "Wishlist" types: sightseeing tours, "shopping" and entertainment.

If you have not decided where to go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely in Europe, then look at these countries:

  • Bulgaria

    You will not be able to get here with a Schengen visa, since the country is not included in this zone. But if you were lucky enough to visit Cyprus, Romania or Croatia, then these visas are valid, otherwise you need to purchase one. All-inclusive price - from 28,000 rubles for a weekly vacation at sea for two. Budget resorts and beaches - Ahtopol, Riviera, Sveti Konstantin and Elena, Sozopol. Of the famous, but more expensive - Golden Sands, Albena, Sunny Beach.

  • Montenegro

    If your vacation will take no more than 30 days, then you do not need a visa at all. How much does it cost to soak up the sea in Montenegro in the summer for a week for two - from 32,000 rubles. The most budgetary beach resort is Petrovac. The next in our opinion, Podgorica and beyond: the resorts of the Bay of Kotor - Perast, Risan, Koshtanitsa, Tivat, Herceg Novi, the resorts of the Adriatic Sea - Budva, Becici, Rafailovici, Sveti Stefan, Bar.

  • Turkey

    Here's where to go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely - this is Turkish Antalya. Visa-free country, but only for 60 days. All hotels operate the "All Inclusive" system (all inclusive) - prices from 26,000 rubles. The Turkish lira has really fallen, and therefore it is several times cheaper than in other countries. Look:

  • Greece

    By the time you are reading this article, your visa to Greece may have already been cancelled. If not, then the Schengen visa is in your hands. An inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2019 for two for 7 days will cost you - from 33 thousand Russian rubles. We advise you to go to rest on the island of Crete. As well as the island of Rhodes, the Resort of Kalithea, the islands of Kos and Corfu, the peninsula of Halkidiki, the city of Thessaloniki.

  • Cyprus

    Amazing beaches and natural paradises. You will have to apply for a visa. The cost of staying on a white sandy beach in Cyprus is from 38,000 rubles. The most budget resort is Larnaca, Limassol has the most of all our vacationers, the new one is Ayia Napa.

  • Italy

    Another European country with a safe holiday, but not cheap. For two - from 40 thousand. One of the popular ones is Rimini, then Amalfi and Milano-Mirittima, San Remo and Lido de Isolo. In Italy, security is at the highest level - carabinieri walk the streets everywhere.

Europe is by far the most popular holiday destination for Russians. Since it is nearby, the flight tickets are not high, the beaches and resorts are all famous. The only thing that scares away tourists and travelers is a conflict situation in political life. Because of which everyone suffers: both local residents and guests.

Where to go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely in Asia?

If European countries attract our fellow countrymen with their close location and “worn paths”, then the Asian continent is still new for us, at least there are places to go to have a peaceful and quiet rest.

There is another problem - rainy weather prevails in Asia in summer. Therefore, our tourists are afraid that they will not be able to have a decent rest. But I assure you that even if it rains, it will not be a hindrance to a pleasant pastime, as it will start and end - quickly and not noticeably. Just the opinion that it rains in Asia in the summer is twisted by the stories of travelers and ignorant tour operators.

Well, let them think that there is bad weather. This means that there will be much fewer people, respectively, the prices for accommodation, food and entertainment will fall. Asia already has cheap food and affordable housing. But the flight - air tickets "can afford" not everyone. Such a high cost is due to the distance.

Even with a not very good forecast, the safest and cheapest place to go to rest in the summer of 2018 at sea is Thailand, the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, the resorts of Pattaya and Koh Samui.

And now we present to your attention where you can relax in the summer at sea, in the South Asian direction:

  • Thailand. Pattaya

    For a week of rest together, you will have to fork out from 18,000 rubles. You see, the prices are quite ridiculous, but round-trip plane tickets - from 46,000 of the Bank of Russia. In addition to Pattaya, you can visit Bangkok, Phuket, Siam. By the way, for children, if you are going on vacation with children, they make trips to the Thai disnoland "Dream World".

  • Vietnam

    This country receives so many guests from Russia that it has become Russified. Prices, I'll tell you, more democratic than even in Thailand. For example, one day in a hotel costs 8 bucks. With not modest calculations for two, you will spend from 9,000 rubles. Try it, you won't find it cheaper anywhere else. Anyone who wants to visit Vietnam - resorts for you - Nha Trang, Da Nang, for diving - Con Dao Island.

  • India. Goa

    Just choose destinations in North Goa - it's cheaper here. From 16 thousand rubles you will have to pay for accommodation and food, well, additional small expenses. Visa is required.

  • China. hainan island

    As in Hawaii, it is warm here all year round. Tourists have chosen this place relatively recently. On this island you can perfectly relax in the summer at sea. But prices start at 32,000 Russian rubles for two for a week, and to get there, it’s better not to ask, you know, the distance is 40-100 thousand for one ticket.

Still, we would offer you such options where to go on vacation in the summer at sea inexpensively and safely - Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia (and in particular the island of Bali) - but this will no longer be a budget option.

Where to go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea inexpensively and safely in Russia?

Here we come with you and tourist destinations in Russia. Come on, friends, in order. You need to understand that prices rise here during the holiday season, and some of them at times.

And if you still decide and don’t know where to relax with a child at sea in 2019, then let’s go through Russian resorts and see:

  • Anapa

    The largest in terms of the number of tourists. Here tens and even thousands of people bask in the sun and swim in the sea. If you want privacy and not hear the din of a noisy crowd, then it is better to stay in the province of Anapa. For example, the village of Dzhemete, where there is an awesome ten-kilometer beach with soft sand, and if you are with children, there is a large water park. You can just as easily relax in Vityazevo - here is a shallow sea. For money: Cost of living

  • Crimea

    In Crimea, you can sunbathe on the sand by the sea. There is little entertainment for children, and what is left of the Soviet Union. Today the Crimean peninsula is part of Russia. Only old resorts are being built and ennobled. We would, to be honest, postpone the trip there. And the prices are much higher than in other places of summer holidays in Russia. Look:

  • Gelendzhik

    And here the prices immodestly "bite" you. But you can relax and have fun. The largest water park in Europe - children will be happy. But during the season, you can leave as much money as you would spend on a trip abroad, and not in the most budgetary country.
    View property → View property →

  • Lazarevskoe

    Quiet, safe and inexpensive town. The beaches are rocky and pebbly. But there are 2 water parks, in case you don't want to go to the sea.

Where else can you go to relax in the summer at sea in 2019 inexpensively and safely?

There are still countries of the former "scoop" (the republics of the USSR), where our parents still spent their holidays inexpensively and safely:

Where you should not go to rest in the summer of 2019?

A very precarious situation in many European countries - the problem of refugees has not yet been resolved. Here and there there are mass unrest - we would have secured ourselves and not gone to France, Israel.

In African countries - Tunisia and Morocco, where our fellow tribesmen often traveled - we would also refuse. Although the choice is yours. Just check the situation in a particular country first.

The countries of the Arab continent can be dangerous for recreation. And Egypt with its unstable political situation. Now every month the issue of admission and permission for a trip to Egypt for Russians is resolved. Let's hope that such a popular and exotic country will be included in the rating of safe and inexpensive countries.

P.S.: The choice of a vacation in the summer of 2019 at the sea is yours - decide for yourself where to go to relax in the summer at the sea inexpensively and safely. It happens that when you come to the Black Sea, hoping for the sun, clouds appear and it rains. And when you arrive in Thailand, taking wet weather with you, the next day and for the rest of your vacation, excellent sunny weather will set in. All in your hands…

Thinking where to go on vacation? Looking for a budget option with a warm sea and picturesque nature?

You don't have to travel far! There are plenty of places for a paradise vacation in our country!

Don't believe? Then this article is for you!

  • Where to relax in the summer of 2020 in Russia on the Black Sea.
  • Where to go inexpensively on the Sea of ​​​​Azov.
  • Where is the best place to travel by car?
  • Where better to relax with children.

Holidays on the Black Sea: where to go in the summer?

The closer the summer, the more people want to go on vacation! And what is a vacation without the sea?

Most tourists go to the Black Sea - the largest number of resorts in Russia is concentrated here. Hotels and guest houses of different levels, entertainment and parks, warm sea and picturesque nature, well-maintained beaches and a wonderful climate, and along with this, a budget holiday in the country and the absence of a language barrier! It remains only to choose the right resort ...

Why choose the Black Sea?

  • A wide variety of places to stay
  • Developed infrastructure
  • Parks, attractions and entertainment for children
  • Healing climate

The resorts of the Black Sea are perfect for a relaxing holiday with children, as well as for active recreation and youth - it all depends on the chosen resort. It should be borne in mind that the water in the sea is cold and warms up only by the middle of summer!

The beach season lasts from May to September.

In June, the weather here is fine, there is no strong heat, but the sea is still slightly warm. Especially cold water for families with small children.

In mid-July, the water warms up enough, you can safely go on vacation, but keep in mind that the second half of summer is hotter.

In August, the water can bloom, which will also complicate swimming

Advice! Choose accommodation with air conditioning. In the second half of summer, at night the temperature drops slightly and can be too hot.


From 35 000 rub. You can't think of a better place to stay with kids!

Go to the water park or dolphinarium, ride the rides or spend the whole day on the beach! A great opportunity not only to relax comfortably with the whole family, but also to improve their health! Adults will be interested in diving or taking a bike tour here.

Resort benefits:

  • Spacious sandy beaches
  • shallow warm sea
  • The best health resort on the coast
  • Mineral waters and therapeutic mud
  • Large selection of accommodation
  • Lots of malls and shops


  • A large number of vacationers
  • High prices


From 30 000 rub. The resort is located in a charming bay with azure water.

The place is perfect for lovers of outdoor activities and sports - here you can ride a yacht, go for a walk in the safari park, look at waterfalls and dolmens. For lovers of extreme sports, mountain jeeping will be a pleasant bonus. You can also relax here with children, the choice of housing is huge, plus there is an airport in Gelendzhik.

Resort benefits:

  • Lots of shops and cafes
  • Safari park with cable car
  • Low prices
  • Calm sea


  • Many vacationers


From 35 000 rub. Romantic and seductive...

Crimea attracts tourists with its incredibly beautiful nature, azure sea and sheer cliffs, European style and service. A large number of attractions, museums and palaces will not let you get bored!

Resort benefits:

  • clean coast
  • Rich cultural program
  • Beautiful nature


  • High prices

What is a must see?

  • The swallow's nest is the most recognizable symbol of the Crimea. Palace on the edge of the abyss!
  • Mount Ai-Petri and cable car
  • White rock Ak-Kaya
  • Picturesque Cape Fiolent
  • Luxurious palaces of kings and emperors

A great place for youth or a relaxing holiday with children, with a modern developed infrastructure.

Resort benefits:

  • Budget prices
  • Large selection of accommodation


  • Low service
  • The railroad runs right along the coast

Things to do?

  • Water parks, attractions, dolphin and penguin shows will be interesting to visit with children
  • Sea cruises and jeeping will delight adults


From 25 000 rub. Another great place to stay with kids.

Rather, Novorossiysk is a large port city with a developed infrastructure than a resort.

However, its picturesque nature, warm sea, mild healing climate and prices, which are much lower than in other resorts, delight tourists every year!

Resort benefits:

  • Budget prices
  • Major port city
  • Attractions


  • Dirty sea


from 35 000 rub. Sochi fascinates with its modern architecture, beauty, service...

The popularity of the already beloved resort has grown significantly after the Winter Olympics. Sochi fascinates with its modern architecture, beauty, service... The Olympic village, the embankment, parks and comfortable hotels - here everyone wears what they want. But get ready - rest here will not come cheap!

Resort benefits:

  • Beautiful nature and architecture
  • Many attractions
  • Attractions and parks for children
  • Olimpic village


  • Very expensive
  • No free beaches
  • Many tourists

What to watch?

Sochi really has something to see!

  • Sochi Park
  • Olimpic village
  • Arboretum
  • Oceanarium
  • singing fountain

You want to spend your summer vacation by the sea.

The sound of waves, sandy beaches, fresh fruit...

There are picturesque places in our country! And if the resorts of the Black Sea have already become boring - feel free to go to Azov! Of course, there are no high mountains and noisy discos here, but if you take children on a trip, then rest here is ideal! Especially if you are planning a trip at the beginning of summer, because the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is very shallow, which means it will warm up quickly.

Why choose the Sea of ​​Azov?

  • The depth is only 13 meters, which means that in June the swimming season is in full swing! The water warms up here faster than in the Black Sea
  • Sandy beaches and gently sloping shore are very convenient for families with children.
  • Lots of entertainment for kids
  • Inexpensive housing and food prices
  • Good climate, far from big cities
  • There are fewer tourists here than on the beaches of the Black Sea

The resorts of the Sea of ​​Azov are perfect for families with children and for a quiet, relaxing holiday.

When is the best time to go to the sea?

The best time to relax here - June. The sea is already warm, you can spend the whole day on the beach, but there is no strong sweltering heat.

In August, the sea often storms, besides, there is a risk of catching intestinal infections in children, due to the very warm water.


From 32 000 rub. The most popular resort on the Sea of ​​Azov.

There is a very developed tourist infrastructure, a lot of entertainment for adults and children, parks and excellent mud baths. In addition, a large selection of accommodation - hotels, hotels, guest houses of different levels and prices.

Resort benefits:

  • Developed infrastructure
  • Large selection of entertainment for children
  • Lots of parks and gardens
  • Mud treatment - one of the best in Russia


  • A large number of vacationers

Where to go with children?

  • Oceanarium
  • Aquapark
  • Dolphinarium
  • ostrich ranch
  • Zoo
  • Sea trips
  • Entertainment and attractions on the beach

Adults will be interested in visiting museums, going fishing in the sea or surfing.

You can get to Yeysk by car, plane or train. Stay in a sanatorium, hotel or rent a house. The final price for the rest will depend on this. In addition, prices will be lower at the end of the summer. The peak season will be in June.

Stanitsa Golubitskaya

From 30 000 rub. Budget vacation with a gentle entrance to the sea.

Stanitsa Golubitskaya is a small picturesque village located on the Taman Peninsula, surrounded by green gardens and vineyards.

Resort benefits:

  • Budget vacation
  • Gentle entrance to the sea and comfortable beaches
  • Golubitskoye lake with therapeutic mud


  • Quite narrow beaches

Things to do?

  • Oceanarium, dolphinarium will be interesting for children to visit
  • Go to the largest water park on the Sea of ​​Azov
  • Be sure to visit the mud healing lake
  • Go to the Ataman Museum - the life of Russian Cossacks is shown here
  • Look at the local estuaries strewn with lotuses - an especially beautiful sight during the flowering period
  • Adults will be interested in visiting the school of sailing or windsurfing

From 30 000 rub. The resort is suitable for a quiet, relaxing holiday.

The choice of hotels here is very boring - several guest houses and hotels. The infrastructure is poorly developed and there is almost no entertainment. But the healing climate promotes healing of the body and enhances the effect of therapeutic mud.

Resort benefits:

  • Wide sandy beaches
  • Healing climate
  • Few vacationers


  • Infrastructure is poorly developed
  • No entertainment for children
  • The beaches are not equipped

Things to do?

  • Horseback riding
  • Windsurfing

From 25 000 rub. Clean huge beaches with fine golden sand.

Imagine a relaxing holiday in a village by the clear warm sea... If your heart beats faster, you definitely need to go to Kuchugury!

The small village became famous thanks to the TV series "Matchmakers", it was here that it was filmed. There is almost no tourist infrastructure, but long golden sandy beaches attract many lovers of a relaxing holiday by the sea. There are no nightclubs and noisy bazaars here, a convenient entrance to the sea - all this is ideal for families with children! You can settle in by renting a house from local residents.

Resort benefits:

  • Clean huge beaches with fine golden sand
  • Few tourists
  • mud volcano


  • Infrastructure is poorly developed
  • Little entertainment for children
  • Lots of mosquitoes

Things to do?

  • Horseback riding
  • Windsurfing

From 27 000 rub. Sandy beaches, few tourists.

The picturesque green town is located in the Akhtar Bay and is known as a climatic resort. There are healing hydrogen sulfide waters, therapeutic mud, and the city itself is surrounded by salty estuaries. The air here is clean, and the water in the sea is rich in iodine. This is exactly the place where you can not only relax, but also improve the body. During the day you can carelessly lie on the beach, and in the evening take a walk along the beautiful promenade. Food here will be cheaper than in other resorts of the Azov Sea.

Resort benefits:

  • sandy beaches
  • Cheap fruits and cafe food
  • Budget hotels
  • Healing mud
  • Few vacationers


  • Few activities for children, they are all located only on the beach
  • A large number of mosquitoes due to the proximity of estuaries
  • high humidity

Where to go inexpensively by car from Moscow?

Do you want to arrange an interesting trip by car, but don't know where to go?

Russia is full of beautiful, fabulous, amazing places that everyone should visit at least once!

Where to go by car to the sea?

Tips for those who like to travel by car.

In order to go to the sea by car, you need to have at least 3 weeks left to do everything.

But on the way to the sea, you are guaranteed a sea of ​​​​interesting experiences, cities and the vast expanses of our country.

Where is the best place to go from Moscow?

Black Sea

Go to Adler, Gelendzhik or Sochi. These resorts are the most developed and offer tourists high service and a large selection of hotels and entertainment. The journey will take 2-3 days depending on stops and rest.

Sea of ​​Azov

The Yeysk resort is perfect - the infrastructure is developed here, there are many playgrounds and entertainment, a clean and warm sea. And if you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle, go to Kuchugury or Stanitsa Golubnitskaya, these are resorts where the rest will be quiet and peaceful.

Where to go by car: not only a beach holiday

Kazan, Lake Baikal, City of Vyborg. Where else can you go?


A place where Russian and Tatar cultures are closely intertwined, the architecture is fascinating, and the cleanliness, roads and hospitality of the locals are delightful!

What to watch?

Lake Baikal

The incredible nature and power of the deepest lake in the world will turn anyone's imagination! Want more drive? Take tents with you and arrange a real hiking trip with fish soup and songs by the fire.

This trip will be remembered for a long time!

Here you can go fishing, go hiking, meet local shamans or take a boat and swim to Olkhon Island.

Lena Pillars (Yakutia)

Huge stone cliffs along the Lena River, which are over 500 million years old! The view from the observation decks is mesmerizing!

City of Vyborg (Leningrad region)

Do you want to find yourself in Europe without crossing the border?

Vyborg is not at all like any other city in Russia - narrow streets and old quarters, castles and chapels ... It's as if you are 300 years ago, and it seems that a carriage and ladies in magnificent dresses are about to jump out from around the corner ... A trip here will definitely be interesting, and you can also buy unique things and accessories here.

Rostov the Great

And now let's move on to Ancient Russia ...

Ancient houses and temples, cathedrals, the Kremlin, streets and fortress walls.. One building here is older than the other! A great place to plunge into the history of the country with your head and have a great time.

Ukok Plateau (Republic of Altai)

Want to see Martian landscapes?

And even this is possible in the vastness of our great homeland! Endless valleys with mountains and lakes and complete silence... Take a tent and warm clothes, a good map and go explore the plateau! There are also thermal springs here.

Where to go on vacation with children?

When planning a vacation with children, we want to make it as comfortable, safe and interesting as possible. That is why you need to take seriously the choice of a resort, look at the temperature of water and air, study the excursion and entertainment program. What resorts in Russia are best suited?


The best budget option on the Black Sea for families with children!

It has everything you need: a lot of entertainment for children, a water park, an oceanarium and a dolphinarium. The sea is shallow and the water near the shore warms up quickly. Rest here will be cheaper than in Sochi.


A modern city with a lot of entertainment for children.

Do you want to look at a modern city, where, in addition to beautiful equipped beaches, look for a lot of attractions and entertainment for children? Then this resort is for you!

But be prepared to pay a tidy sum for this pleasure!

  • Dolphinarium
  • Oceanarium
  • Arboretum
  • Park "Riviera
  • Sochi Park.

Crimea (Evpatoria)

A place to strengthen the child's immunity.

Yeysk (Sea of ​​Azov)

The most optimal place to relax with a child on the Sea of ​​Azov.

There is an excellent entertainment program and many amusement parks, there is a water park, an oceanarium, a dolphinarium and a zoo. Since the sea is already warm here in June, this is a great option for relaxing in early summer.

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