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A place of breathtaking natural beauty, the countryside of the Auvergne region is truly provincial France. Even though Auvergne is a popular holiday destination in France, the region's tourism industry is less developed than in other regions of France. This unspoiled region is home to two of France's largest nature reserves: the Volcan de Auvergne Regional Park, with its dramatic volcanic cones, and the Livado Forez Regional Park, with its diverse flora and fauna. This picturesque landscape features spectacular volcanic mountains, idyllic valleys, crater lakes, rushing rivers, calm streams and pristine forests. At the same time, there are many cultural attractions. The region is dotted with castles, magnificent churches and quaint villages, with several towns famous for their cheese. The Auvergne also boasts the trendy spa towns of Vichy and Le Mont Doré, as well as the source of the Volvik water bottling thanks to its thermal springs and unspoiled nature. The bustling capital of the Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand is an elegant city with an interesting history dating back to the Crusades.

Attractions in the Auvergne region

1. Park of volcanoes in the Auvergne region (Maison du Parc des Volcans d "Auvergne)

This vast nature reserve is a splendid landscape with one of the most beautiful landscapes in rural France.The varied landscapes offer astounding volcanoes, tranquil valleys and plateaus, crater lakes, lush forests, pristine rivers and hot springs. Tourists and localscomes to the park to relax.With beautifully groomed trails, this nature reserve is a hiker's paradise. The attractions of the park aredramatic volcanoes from the Cantal Mountains to Puy. The most magnificent of the volcanoes is the Puy de Dome. Tourists climbing itenjoy fantastic views of the Volcanoes Park, with craters of ancient volcanic activity now covered in grass.

2. Clermont-Ferrand

The city of Clermont-Ferrand is the capital of the Auvergne region, it is one of the oldest cities in France, but the most interesting episode in the life of the city is that the first crusades came from it. The main city attraction is church - Basilica Notre du Port, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This 12th-century basilica was one of the main stops on the medieval pilgrimage "Way of Saint James" to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

The basilica has interesting architectural features such as the aisled choir and chapel ring. Other details include a bas-relief of human and animal figures at the top of the columns. The crypt houses the 17th century Black Virgin, a copy of a Byzantine original that attracted many pilgrims in the 13th century.

3. Viaduct Garabi (Viaduc de Garabit)

This iron viaduct across the river Truyère south of Saint-Flour, was built by Gustave Eiffel in 1884 before he began designing his most famous creation, the Eiffel Tower.The steel structure with its monumental arch is considered Gustave Eiffel's most beautiful work. Viaduct Garabiilluminated at night, which draws attention to its graceful silhouette.

4. Livradois-Forez Nature Reserve

In the very center of France, a little west of Lyon, on the border of the Puy-de-Dome and Haute-Loire departments, its true pearl is located - the Livraud-Forez reserve. Approximately two hours drive from the Regional Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne.This park is known for its exceptional biodiversity of flora and fauna.In the untouched mountain forests you will find pine and beech trees, as well as rare ferns.The forests are also home to amazing bird species, including grouse and owls.

Other interesting aspects of the park's landscape are the moorlands and plains, which are more like the northern European tundra.This natural park is an attractive place for hiking and bird watching.Rich and contrasting landscapes of forests, plains and wetlands give an idea of ​​the wonderful ecological environment of France.

5. Bort-les-Orgues

In the picturesque Dordogne Valley, this picturesque little village is a good starting point for exploring the Dordogne Gorges.The most important monument of the city is its church, which dates back to the 12th century. Bors-les-Orgues means "organ pipes", however the village is also known as "Ville Fleurie" due to the abundance of public spaces that are complemented by flowers. Also worth a visit is the Château de Val, a ten minute drive from Lanobra. This fabulous 15th century castle is one of the best preserved castles in the region.

6. Issoire

The second largest Romanesque church in the Auvergne region, after the Basilica Saint-Julien in Brioude, is located in Issoire. Sainte Austremoine is a stunning 12th century church with an ornate interior. Visitors on the tour get the impression that they are entering a jewelry box because the church sparkles with bright stained glass windows, colorful mosaic patterns and intricate sculptural decoration.

7. Saint-Nectaire

The small French town of Saint-Nectaire is home to one of the finest Romanesque churches in the Auvergne. Church Saint-Nectairewas built in the 12th century in a beautiful location on top of a mountain range.The church has an impressive architectural design, depicting scenes from the Old and New Testaments.The central feature of the Saint-Nectaire church is the harmonious interior with a dome 20 meters high.The church also has a rich treasury, including a 12th-century gilded bust of Saint-Baudin.In addition to its church, the city is also known for its Saint-Nectaire cheese, which has the special designation Première AOP Fermière d "Europe.

8. Brioude

The small town of Brioude, surrounded by the plains of Allier, is home to the largest Romanesque church in the Auvergne region. Basilica Saint Julienis an amazing church,which was built in the 12thcentury from multi-colored masonry. BAzilica has a breathtaking Gothic interior.Frescoes adorn the porch and nave, and the columns have richly decorated capitals.Another interesting attraction in Brioud isHouse of salmon and rivers, located in a beautiful location on the river Allier.Here, the salmon aquarium contains 800 fish from 35 different types of salmon.

9. Aurillac

Aurillac is the old capital of the Auvergne and the current capital of the Cantal department.This picturesque old town grew up around the Abbey of Saint Guereau, founded in the 10th century and rebuilt after its destruction in the mid-17th century.The first French pope, Sylvester II, was born and studied at a monastic school here.In the castle of Saint-Étienne, in a wing dating from the 11th century, now houses the Volcano House(House of Volcanoes) with a collection of minerals and displays illustrating volcanic activity.

10. Roquefort

Roquefort is a unique village famous for its cheese. It is located inin a breathtaking location, in the Gran Cos Regional Natural Park, the tiny village rests on the rock of Kombalou.Natural caves offer ideal conditions for the maturation of the famous Roquefort cheese. Here, and only here, in the depths of the caves, the famous Roquefort cheese ripens.

Full title: Auvergne
Capital: Clermont-Ferrand
Departments: Allier, Cantal, Upper Loire, Puy-de-Dome.
Big cities:, Moulin, Le Puy-en-Velay, Aurillac, .
Population (with surroundings): 1.4 million people
Square: 26.0 thousand sq. km.

Auvergne is one of the most remote regions of France. It is based on a long-extinct volcano, encircling almost the entire huge Central French Massif. In this region, according to scientists, volcanic activity ceased to manifest itself more than twenty million years ago. Thus, this mountain range surpasses both the Alps and the Pyrenees in age. In this area there are a large number of extinct volcanoes, lakes, rivers, gorges and springs. Created over tens of thousands of years, the diverse landscape of the region is covered with perennial forests. The Auvergne territory is also famous for its geothermal and cold mineral springs.

It is thanks to its healing springs that Auvergne has been a kind of health resort in France for many years. People with diseases of the digestive system, rheumatism and arthritis come to these places. But, despite all the attractiveness of this land, the population density of Auvergne is relatively small and the number of inhabitants only continues to decline over the years. In summer it is quite warm in these places, and in winter severe frosts are rare. However, in the mountains, the weather allows skiing almost all year round.

One of the main attractions of the region is considered to be the majestic silhouettes of volcanoes. What are the huge craters of the Puy-de-Dome volcano located in Le Puy-en-Velay. Clermont-Ferrand is a true commercial center of the Auvergne. This city will please lovers of shopping with a number of small shops, boutiques and markets offering a wide variety of goods. And the most famous resort in these places is Vichy. From here you can easily get to Saint-Étienne, which is very close by.

For fans of excursions and walks to historical sights in these lands, there will be something to admire. What are the majestic castles de Turi and Lapalis, the main material for the construction of which is an unusual pink sandstone. The department of Cantal annually hosts a colorful theater festival in August. In the Haute-Loire, you can visit a well-preserved Romanesque monastery, and Le Puy-en-Velay will delight tourists with its churches and monuments located on the tops of several volcanoes.

Guests of the region simply must visit the top of Puy Marie and admire the majestic view of the craters of volcanoes from a height of seventeen hundred meters.

Balleure Castle is a French historical landmark located in the Saone-et-Loire department. It was created in the middle of the XIII century and belonged to the Sauvement family. In 1941, it was included in the additional list of historical monuments of the French Ministry of Culture. Today it is owned by Pierre and his wife Nicole, who restored the castle on their own, transforming it into a small hotel with various types of entertainment that will help you feel the essence of the Middle Ages.

Like most castles in France, Balleure Castle is made in the style of the Middle Ages. Its shape resembles a rectangle with flat round towers at the corners. If you look at the building from the east, then it can be mistaken for an ordinary residential building, but if you look from the north, then you immediately understand that a defensive fortress is located in front of your eyes, but what square towers of almost the same size indicate. In the west, a long staircase from a high tower stretches to the residential part of the building.

The interior decoration of the Balleure castle is charming. The visitor rooms are decorated according to the Middle Ages, but, nevertheless, are completely cozy and bright.

Anjonu Castle

Anjonu Castle is located in the department of Auverna, in the valley of the same name. It was built in the 15th century by the merchant Louis Anjoni at the end of the Hundred Years War. Today, the owner of the castle is Robert Anjoni, who tries to keep the castle in good condition with his family. The construction is made in the style of the Middle Ages, as it has the shape of a square with round watchtowers placed at the corners.

Throughout history, the castle belonged to the d'Angoni family and was confiscated and sold only during the French Revolution. At the end of the last building was returned to the true owners.

The rooms and halls of the building are furnished with antique furniture and trophies, and the walls are decorated with portraits of its owners. Hall of Valor - one of the many ancient halls of the castle, dedicated to the legend of the nine valiant warriors and decorated with various frescoes in their honor. Another interesting place is a small chapel, decorated with frescoes already on biblical themes. The highlight of the chapel is the sculpture of the Black Maiden, who miraculously managed to escape during the revolution.

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Moltgilbert Castle

Moltgilbert Castle is located in the Gentel microdistrict, Auvergne district, France. Since 1930 it has been a historical monument. It was built in the 13th century on top of a rocky hill by the St. Gelant family. As a result of several wars and long-term use as a quarry in the 19th century, it became uninhabitable and fell into disrepair. It is now in a dilapidated state, and a young association of volunteers is raising money for the restoration and restoration of the old walls.

Externally, the castle is made in the usual style of the Middle Ages for those times. The powerful walls close into a square, forming an inner courtyard, at the corners of which there are round defense towers, where chapels are still visible. The main entrance was blocked by massive lattice gates, but now they are gone. When the owners left the castle, the windows were walled up, the walls covered with frescoes were plastered over, and by the 18th century, all medieval beauty had turned into ruins.

Alleuze Castle is located in the commune of Alleuze, France. It was built in the XIII century and is now an ancient castle in the department of Cantal. Its founders and first owners were the bishops of Auvergne, and the guards of the city worked on the construction of the fortress. The castle belongs to the Middle Ages and today has its original appearance.

The construction was built in the form of a square with a courtyard and round towers at the corners, which was typical for the architecture of the XIV century. Also on the territory of the castle is an old chapel called Saint-Illide, which was created in the XIII-XV centuries.

During the Hundred Years War, the castle was captured by the British under the leadership of Bernard de Garland, who for seven years plundered and destroyed everything in his path. The only solution was to burn the castle to prevent it from being captured by Bernard's successors, which the townspeople did in 1405.

Some time later, the building was rebuilt to its original appearance, and prisons were created in the towers by decree of the bishops of the department of Clermont. In 1927, the Alleuze Castle was declared a Historic Monument by the French Ministry of Culture. Now it is in a dilapidated state.

Volcano Puy de Dome

The Puy de Dome volcano is one of the main natural attractions of France. It is located in the department of the same name, near Clermont-Ferrand. The Puy-de-Dome mountain range is a chain that includes several extinct volcanoes. Despite the fact that little remains of its former grandeur, the volcano makes a powerful impression with its monumental craters, the remnants of solidified lava.

The Puy de Dome volcano is located on a granite plateau, stretching at an altitude of about a thousand meters above sea level. In ancient times, this volcano was a sacred place, which was honored not only by the Gauls, but also by the Romans. During the Roman era, a temple to Mercury was built on top of the mountain, preceded by an earlier Gallic temple. Historians believe that the name of the mountain is partly due to the presence of a religious building here, because the word "puy" is translated from French as "mountain", and "dome" - "cathedral".

The surroundings of the volcano are picturesque and diverse - here you can find traces of volcanic activity, as well as dense vegetation, rivers, lakes. Among travelers, the Puy-de-Dome area is very popular, as there are opportunities for a variety of recreation - climbing, paragliding or hang-gliding. In good weather, a magnificent view of the famous Mont Blanc opens up from the top of the mountain.

Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady

Notre-Dame Cathedral rises proudly in the historic center of Clermont-Ferrand. This is the central temple of the city and one of the main attractions. The forerunners of the grandiose Gothic cathedral were three earlier Christian churches, the oldest of which dates back to the 5th century. The building, which appears to the eyes of the townspeople and numerous tourists today, was built in the 12th century.

In 1248 Bishop Hugh de la Tour took the initiative to build a new cathedral. In this way, he sought to emphasize the episcopal authority over the city, as well as surpass in beauty one of the most beautiful churches in the city. As a result, both of these plans were realized - the building turned out to be not only grandiose, but also very interesting from the point of view of architecture. The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God is made unique by its building material - the so-called "Volvik" stone. This dark mineral is of volcanic origin and is a unique material. The cathedral in Clermont-Ferrand is the only major building whose walls are made of this stone.

The interior of the cathedral dates back to the middle of the 19th century, when new furniture, church utensils and an organ appeared. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with an interesting collection of paintings from the 12th-15th centuries, and the stained-glass windows of the 13th century are among the most beautiful stained-glass windows in France. In the chapels, you can see fragments of Gothic frescoes that have survived to this day.

Fountains with drinking water

Clermont-Ferrand is a picturesque city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. In addition to beautiful architectural monuments, it is famous for its many mineral springs. Since ancient times, healing water from "magic springs" flowed through the city and splashed in numerous fountains. And so far nothing has changed - one has only to experiment and try to put any object into the water, after a while a mineral coating appears on it.

There are many fountains in the city. One of them is located next to the cathedral. Built in 1885, it is crowned with a statue of Pope Urban II, who blessed the first Crusade almost a thousand years ago in Clermont-Ferrand. Not far from it is another fountain, which is located on the site of the former market square. The city garden is adorned with a pyramid-shaped fountain erected in honor of Bonaparte's Egyptian campaign. And another fountain is made in the Baroque style and depicts Poseidon armed with a trident. And this is not a complete list, because a walk through this wonderful city is fraught with many discoveries!

Fountain d'Amboise

Among the fountains of Clermont-Ferrand, a special place is occupied by the ancient Amboise fountain, which is not only the most beautiful fountain in the city, but also the oldest. The Latin inscription carved on the stone says that the fountain was built under Bishop Jacques Amboise, and this happened in 1515. Originally carved from local dark volcanic "Volvik" stone, the fountain was located near the cathedral.

The fountain consists of several tiers, each of which repeats the octagon of the base of the pool and is made on a reduced scale compared to the previous one. The composition is crowned by a human figure with a club in his hands. For centuries, the appearance of the fountain has not changed, but since 1808, when redevelopment began in the city, the fountain changed its address several times. It was installed at its current location in 1962.

In addition to sculpture, the fountain is decorated with numerous decorative elements - pilasters, Gothic windows, antique sculptures, as well as the coat of arms of the d'Amboise dynasty.

Castle Murol

Murol Castle is a national historical monument of the city of the same name in France, department of Puy de Dome. It was built in the XII century by the ruler of Myurol and is considered the last building that his family founded. From the very beginning, the castle was designed to protect the city, its powerful and harsh walls frightened off enemies, inspiring hope to civilians. Today it belongs to the local authorities and receives guests all year round, showing them the ancient customs of the local people.

Murol Castle was built for quite a long time, from the 12th to the 14th centuries. During the ownership of the castle by Guillaume de Sams, a second chapel and several other buildings were completed, and with the owner Jean Estaing, the castle acquired two watchtowers and decoration in the Renaissance style.

After the French Revolution, Murol miraculously survived and began to be used as a prison, and over time they wanted to make a quarry out of it, but the building was transferred in time to the possession of local authorities, by decree of which restoration was carried out, returning the memo to its original medieval appearance.

Alteribe Castle

The castle of Aulteribe has been a National Historic Monument of France since 1949. Located in the city of Sermantison, department of Puy-de-Dome. It was built at the end of the Middle Ages and is now its full representative. It is owned by the Center for National Monuments and is open to the public all year round.

Throughout the history of its functioning, the castle was repeatedly damaged, but at the end of the 19th century it was subject to restoration and some changes. As a result of the latter, new elements in the Medieval style were added to the structure.

The last private owner of the castle was Pierre de Henry, who in 1954 transferred the building to the ownership of the state. The interior decorations of the castle are chic. Of particular note are paintings and Chinese porcelain of the 17th-19th centuries, as well as Finnish tapestries. A cozy park is planted around the building, which in 1991 was included in the List of World Heritage Sites.

Chapel Saint-Michel d'Aiguil

The Chapel of Saint-Michel d'Egil is known throughout the world for its unusual location, namely on a cliff of a volcanic formation at a height of 85 meters. This church is the oldest of those in France. It was built in 962 and was slightly enlarged in the 12th century , the addition of a short nave, two chapels, a bell tower, a portal and an ambulatory.

To get to the chapel, which is located near the city of Le Puy-en-Velay in the very center of the plain, it is worth going up 268 steps. Then you get to the observation deck, from which the whole city is visible, with its ancient cathedrals, small houses and a sea crossing.

This small Christian chapel was built by the Bishop of Puy in honor of the return of St. Michael from the pilgrimage. Since then, Le Puy has become the starting point for many pilgrims on the route to Santiago de Compostella. In 1429, it was in the chapel of Saint-Michel d'Egil that the mother of Danna D'Arc came to pray for her daughter.

In 1955, archaeologists found ancient treasures in a secret niche in the altar. They are on public display today.

The most popular attractions in Auvergne with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of Auvergne on our website.

Auvergne is called the heart of France. The province has largely retained its original appearance, and this is the special charm of the region, which was one of the most forgotten corners of France a hundred years ago - despite being located in the very center of the country.

A significant part of the region's territory is occupied by areas with traces of past volcanic activity. The houses here are built of black volcanic stone. There are also active volcanoes in the Auvergne - temporarily hidden.

The province has a famous balneological resort Vichy. Warm springs fed from volcanoes give health to vacationers. Also in the region is the European volcanological Vulcania park.

Capital of the Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand.


Romanesque churches and basilicas

Notre Dame du Port (Clermont-Ferrand)
- Eglise Saint Austremoine (Issoire - Issoire)
- Notre Dame d Orcival
- Eglise de Saint Nectaire
- Basilica Saint Julien (Brioude)
- Abbey and monastery in Lavaudieu
- Cathedrale Notre Dame (Le Puy en Velay - Puy en Velay)
- Chapelle Saint Michel de l Aiguilhe (Le Puy en Velay - Puy en Velay)
- Mauriac (Cantal - Cantal)

Historic churches and chapels

Abbey in La Chaise-Dieu - here you can see the world-famous mural "Dance of Death".
- Small churches and chapels in the department of Haut Allier (Blassac, Saint Cirgues, Peyrusse, etc.) - many are decorated with old frescoes and paintings.

Famous and interesting castles to visit

By departments:

Allier: Bourbon l "Archambault, Busset, Lapalisse.
Puy de Dome: Pontgibaud, La Batisse, Saint Saturnin, Tournoel, Effiat.
Upper Loire: Valprivas, Domeyrat (near Brioude), Chaviniac Lafayette, Polignac, Saint Vidal.
Cantal: Val (on Lac de Bort), Pesteils (near Vic sur Cure).

The Auvergne region is located in the central part of France, in the region of a mountain range created millions of years ago, in one of the most beautiful, but little-known places for tourists. Extinct volcanoes, lakes surrounded by forests and meadows, healing thermal springs, mineral waters and a temperate climate form an area where superb scenery combines with a rich history and high-quality gastronomy. Many rivers originate from here, including the tributaries of the famous Loire.

French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont-Ferrand. His beautiful image, which likened a person to a “thinking reed”, fragile, but able to realize his being, is still one of the most touching in religious philosophy.

"Auvergne - a new world" is the slogan of the Tourist Office of Auvergne, a charming inland region of France located three hours from Paris. There is a lot of truth in this peremptory statement: the Auvergne is really noticeably different from the neighboring departments of the Republic. Its “chips” are the amazing European Park of Volcanoes, luxurious historical castles that easily plug the hyped Loire into the belt, as well as a considerable number of thermal resorts, including the famous Vichy. And the Bible of gourmets of the whole world comes from Auvergne - a strict and merciless Michelin guide, so it makes sense to visit the region also for gastronomic reasons.

Large and interesting cities in terms of tourism are Aurillac, Vichy, Mont-Dore, Thiers.

Departments and cities of Auvergne

The Auvergne region consists of four departments: Allier, Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal and Haute-Loire. The administrative center of the department of Allier is Moulin, but it is glorified by a completely different city - the resort of Vichy. The main city of Cantal, the birthplace of two French presidents, is Aurillac.

The regional capital of the Auvergne is Clermont-Ferrand, which is also the center of the Puy-de-Dome.

Auvergne is famous for its thermal spas. It is believed that water, having passed through the layers of long-frozen lava, acquires useful properties, simultaneously being cleansed of harmful microelements. At the moment there are more than 10 stations. The most famous Mont-Dore (Mont-Dore), specializing in all kinds of allergies and diseases of the ear, throat, nose; La Bourboule, recommended for the treatment of respiratory and skin diseases and, of course, Vichy. There is also Bourbon-Lancy, Bourbon l'Archambault, Châteauneuf-les-Bains, Châtel-Guyon, Chaudes-Aigues, Evaux-les-Bains, Royat-Chamalières.

History and culture

The province of Auvergne takes its name from the Gallic tribe Arverni, who lived in these territories before the conquest by Julius Caesar. The Romans founded several settlements here, the most famous of which was the city of Augustonemetum, which later turned into Clermont-Ferrand. After the fall of the empire, the province was ruled by the Franks, Aquitanians and Carolingians until it fell into the hands of the Dukes of Auvergne in the Middle Ages. The capital was then located in Riome. After the French Revolution, Clermont-Ferrand became the regional center.

It was during this period that the Auvergne gradually turns into one of the economically developed regions. This process is finally completed by the end of the 19th century, after the founding of the world famous Michelin tire factory. No less glory was brought to the provinces by resorts, which were chosen by aristocrats. The most popular among them were the cities of Vichy and La Bourboule.

How to get to Auvergne

Clermont-Ferrand - Auvergne International Airport is a regional airport serving all flights towards Auvergne. The airport is located 7 km from the center of Clermont-Ferrand and connects the capital of Auvergne with all major cities in France and Europe. In particular, there are regular direct flights from Paris.

Search for flights to Paris (nearest airport to Auvergne)

By train

Most TGV trains to Auvergne depart from Gare de Lyon. In three and a half hours, without much difficulty, you can drive first or second class to Clermont-Ferrand. It is better to book a ticket online on the French Railways website. A one-way ticket costs 23-40 EUR. Trains run every day in the amount of at least eight (from 5:00 to 20:00). From Monday to Friday - once a day express, reducing travel time by half an hour. True, the cost of such a trip is much higher. You can get to Vichy from Gare Bercy in Paris. Travel time is just under three hours. One way fare - 40-65 EUR.

Prices on the page are for August 2018.

By car

Clermont-Ferrand is located at the intersection of two autobahns A 71 and A 72. The journey from Paris runs along the A 71 highway and takes about four hours. The A 89 motorway is the link to Lyon. Travel time is just under two and a half hours.

Views of the Auvergne

What to ride

To move around the Auvergne, a rented car is more suitable than anything else - so you can slowly enjoy the magnificent landscapes of the region, regardless of the public transport schedule. If you prefer not to “steer”, but to relax, contemplating the changing pictures outside the window, regional buses are at your service (they connect everything, even the smallest Auvergne towns with each other) and French railway trains.

Be prepared for the fact that regional trains are extremely slow and, like commuter trains, stop at all stations and halts along the way. For fast travel around the Auvergne, a direct bus service is recommended.

Weather in Auvergne

Auvergne in the tourist sense is a universal year-round destination. In summer, people come here to be treated at thermal springs and have an active rest in the mountains of the Central Massif - trekking, hiking and just relaxing holidays among the picturesque landscapes are going with a bang. In winter, mountain peaks welcome skiers - there are several "snowy" resorts in the region: the oldest Super Lioran, modern Super Bess and family-oriented Mont-Dore.

The Auvergne has a temperate continental climate. Summer is moderately hot, maximum temperature - +28.. +31 °C, average - +23.. +26 °C. Winter is quite mild: the thermometer stays on average at around 0.. -5 °C. It is difficult to determine the best time to visit the region (it all depends on what type of vacation the tourist is set up for) - in general, you can come here all year round - the rest is so diverse that possible minor vagaries of the weather are unlikely to spoil the impression of staying in Auvergne.

Cuisine and restaurants

The cuisine of the region is designed for the inhabitants of the mountains: it is nutritious, high-calorie and as simple as possible to prepare. The main ingredients of many Auvergne dishes are cheeses, sausages, ham and lentils. The famous blue cheese sausage, which includes Bleu d'Auvergne cheese, is especially popular.

Auvergne is the birthplace of French blue cheeses. A resident of the region, Antoine Roussel was the first to use mold to prepare a new variety. The cheese that later made France famous was called Bleu d'Auvergne.

Numerous pies with different fillings, Auvergne tripe (tripoux d'Auvergne), potato dishes, in particular truffade (truffade), Auvergne stew with vegetables (potée auvergnate), stuffed cabbage (chou farci) and pastilles from Vichy (pastilles de Vichy) is just a small list of delicious attractions. High-quality cheeses stand out on this list, five of which are A.O.C.

Well, from the "solid" in local restaurants, you should definitely order a steak - the beef of the Allier department is known throughout France thanks to the special alpine grass that cows eat.

Guides to Auvergne

Popular hotels in Auvergne

Attractions and attractions of Auvergne

The capital of the Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, is located on the slopes of an extinct volcano. The rich history of the city, which mixed the traditions of eternal rivals in these lands - the counts of Auvergne and the bishops of Clermont - was embodied in a mass of interesting sights. Among the most famous is the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady with unique medieval stained glass windows depicting representatives of various professions and scenes from the Bible. Well, fans of the automotive industry and all those who are not indifferent to the world of cars will be interested in visiting the Michelin Enterprise Museum, dedicated to the history of this brand.

In addition to the world-famous thermal resorts, the most popular of which is Vichy, here you can find unique Romanesque churches, among which there are such pearls as the Basilica of Our Lady in Orcival, Basilica Notre-Dame-du-Port (Basilique Notre-Dame-du-Port ) in Clermont-Ferrand, protected by UNESCO, the Church of Our Lady of Saint-Nectaire (Église Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Cornadore de Saint Nectaire), the Church of Saint Austromon in Issoire (Église Saint-Austremoine d'Issoire).

Fans of the Middle Ages will be able to get acquainted with a number of medieval castles, forming a route with stops in each of the departments.

Mont-Dore is known both as a balneological resort and as a ski center. The thermal springs of the local mountains were used even by the Celts, but today there are a lot of sanatoriums that use the most siliceous mineral water in France with a temperature of +38 ° C to +44 ° C for treatment. Mont-Dore ski resort is one of the three oldest winter resorts in the country - along with Chamonix and Megeve. The total length of the slopes here is more than 500 km, and winters are unanimously recognized as the snowiest in France.

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