Charles Berlitz Bermuda Triangle online. Are there miracles in the Bermuda Triangle? What's Happening at the Bermuda Anomaly

I want to tell you about a very secret place where ships and planes are sold. We tell a story about the Bermuda Triangle, about its origin, what is in the Bermuda Triangle itself, etc. I hope you will like my story.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda to Puerto Rico and back to Florida via the Bahamas. Various hypotheses are put forward to explain these disappearances, from unusual weather events to alien abductions. Skeptics argue, however, that the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle occurs no more often than in other areas of the world's oceans and is due to natural causes.

The Bermuda Triangle is far from the only name for this amazing area in the western Atlantic Ocean. It is also called "devil's sea", "cemetery of the Atlantic", "voodoo sea", "sea of ​​the damned". However, although Bermuda forms only one of the vertices of this triangle and is by no means located in its center, it was under this name that the enchanted place became known to the whole world. However, fifty years ago no one heard the phrase Bermuda Triangle. The first to use it was the American Jones, who in 1950 published a small pamphlet with that title. Then they did not pay attention to it, and again the problem surfaced only in 1964, when another American, Gaddis, wrote about the Bermuda Triangle. His article was published in a well-known spiritualist magazine. Later, having collected additional information, Gaddis devoted an entire chapter to the Bermuda Triangle, which is symbolic - the thirteenth, in his book Invisible Horizons. Since then, the Bermuda Triangle has been constantly in the spotlight.
Associated Press correspondent Jones was the first to mention "mysterious disappearances" in the Bermuda Triangle, in 1950 he called the area the "Devil's Sea". The author of the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" is usually considered Vincent Gladdis, who published in 1964 in one of the journals devoted to spiritualism, the article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle".

In the late 60s and early 70s of the XX century, numerous publications began to appear about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz published The Bermuda Triangle, which collected descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after its publication that the theory about the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle became especially popular. Later, however, it was shown that some of the facts in Berlitz's book were presented incorrectly.

In 1975, Lawrence David Kouchet published The Bermuda Triangle: Myth and Reality, in which he attempted to prove that nothing supernatural or mysterious was happening in the area. This book is based on years of research on documents and interviews with eyewitnesses, which have revealed numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of supporters of the existence of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.

The Bermuda Triangle once again surprised scientists with the secrets stored on its territory! This time, two giant pyramids have been discovered at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. The underwater Bermuda pyramids are much larger than the Egyptian pyramids. Scientists believe that they were erected about 500 years ago, and the material from which they are made resembles thick glass. The giant pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle were first discovered by oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer in 1991.

The US Congress passed Resolution 420-2. With this document, the Americans paid tribute to the memory of 27 FT-19 naval pilots who disappeared without a trace 60 years ago, without returning from a training flight over the area that later became known as the Bermuda Triangle. Following the congress, the NBC television company announced the premiere of a new documentary film about the ill-fated link, which is being prepared for November 27.
The initiator of the resolution was Florida Democrat Congressman Clay Shaw. In an interview with the Chicago Chronicle, Shaw clarified his position: “We don't want to be led by sensationalists who think the Bermuda Triangle is mysterious and unusual. But personally, I will insist on continuing the investigation of this tragedy. At least in order to inform their relatives about the fate of the crews. Probably, something extraordinary really happened there, which forced experienced pilots to take actions that led to disaster. Someday we will solve this mystery and put it on the shelf.

Four "avengers"

Actually, the sad glory of the Bermuda Triangle - the region of the World Ocean, limited by lines connecting the tip of the Florida peninsula (Key West), the northern part of Puerto Rico and the larger of Bermuda - just began with that ill-fated flight. Until then, the legends of the triangle lived only in the form of folklore of local fishermen and captains of small boats that ply this busy shipping area in abundance.

The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle was considered dangerous for navigation during the time of Spanish rule in Central and South America. Spanish galleons, which exported gold and silver from the colonies, were collected in Havana, and then sent across the ocean to Spain. It has been estimated that there are about 1,200 Spanish ships at the bottom of the sea within the Bermuda Triangle. They were wrecked during summer hurricanes and winter storms, ran into reefs and sandbanks, they were drowned by pirates.

Later, English, French and Dutch ships plowed the waters of the triangle, and again dozens of new ships went to the bottom of the sea. So this region of the Atlantic has always had a bad reputation, but nevertheless there is no such historical document that would speak of it as mysterious, although in past centuries full of superstitions there would be much more room for this than at the present time.

The incident itself, which received a special congressional resolution, took place on the afternoon of December 5, 1945, when five Grumman TBM-1 Avenger torpedo bombers of patrol flight FT-19 under the command of flight instructor First Lieutenant Charles Taylor took off from the airfield of the US Navy Fort Lauderdale. The purpose of the mission is to develop group flying and maintain the flight skills of the crews, the flight duration is three hours.

Four "avengers" ("avengers") went into flight with regular crews: a pilot, a navigator-scorer and a radio operator gunner. Taylor's instructor car was missing a gunner. The tragedy happened on the way back: the flight commander gave the controller in Key West a radiogram: “We have an emergency situation, obviously we have lost our course.”

The last message from Taylor, received 40 minutes later, indicated that the commander had decided to pull towards the coast until the fuel was completely exhausted. These people were never seen again. A few hours later, three Martin PBM-1 Mariner maritime patrol bombers took off in search of the link.

These radar-equipped flying boats, capable of landing on the water and taking off even with a wave force of 3-4.5 points, were the best suited for searching and rescuing those in distress, the fuel supply allowed them to stay in the air for up to 48 hours. One of the rescue aircraft also disappeared, taking with it the mystery of the death of 13 crew members.

"Million on a Million"

Soon the reporters of local newspapers found out about the disappearance of the whole link, and the story received wide publicity. America was in a state of shock. It's no joke - 4 months after the end of the war, five combat aircraft with experienced crews who have gone through the hell of air battles over the Pacific Ocean are dying. And what kind of aircraft: "Avenger" ("Avenger") - the main carrier-based torpedo bomber of the US Navy, a thunderstorm of the Japanese fleet - was for the Americans the same symbol of victory as the legendary Il-2 attack aircraft serves for us.

Reliable aircraft (there were cases when the "avengers" came to the aircraft carrier in the literal sense "on one wing"), equipped with the most modern navigation equipment, are lost in simple weather conditions with visibility, as aviators say, "a million to a million", and where!

Practically in the “inner puddle”, an area over which during the war years thousands of American aircraft made tens of thousands of sorties in search of German and Japanese submarines trying to watch for allied transports on the way from Florida to the Panama Canal.

The excitement was added by the fact that large-scale searches for 250 thousand square meters. miles of water taken by hundreds of ships and aircraft provided no physical evidence of the disaster. I immediately remembered the old legends about the ships abandoned by the crews, and the tales of the islanders, who "knew for a long time that the places here are not good." At the same time, recent cases were also recalled: two months earlier, under suspicious circumstances, on approaching Key West, a cargo-passenger liner Lancastrien of the British airline BOAC, flying from Barbados, crashed.

Piloted a four-engine vehicle, demilitarized heavy bomber, experienced military crew. Air traffic controllers in Florida heard only a few panicky phrases in their headphones, after which the plane disappeared from the radar screens. Although the remains of the life rafts washed ashore some time later, 23 passengers and four pilots are still missing. However, these stories were soon forgotten. Until the time.

The real explosion occurred in 1974 after the publication of the book The Bermuda Triangle by the uncrowned king of the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, Charles Berlitz. The bestseller was instantly reprinted by other publishers, and each of them had to reprint several times. According to the most conservative estimates, the circulation of Berlitz's book reached almost 20 million copies (in a cheap pocket design).

So the Bermuda Triangle became the property of a very wide readership, including the Soviet one. In 1978, Berlitz's translation was published by the Moscow publishing house Mir. Supporters of Berlitz and his followers are constantly looking for new justifications for the "mysticism", "mystery" and "mysteriousness" of this place. But how are things really? This is evidenced by unbiased statistics.

In the literature on the Bermuda Triangle, 50 cases of the disappearance of ships and aircraft are described in detail. In some works, 40 or 50 more cases are described rather vaguely. In total, therefore, it turns out about 100. Is this a lot or a little? It should not be forgotten that this number has accumulated over the past 100 years, that is, on average, one case per year. This, of course, is very small for an area that has the densest network of air and sea transport lines and is also a favorite place for yachtsmen and sport fishers.

Tropical cyclones in summer and storms in winter are a good test even for experienced captains of large vessels, what about yachts and small fishing boats and light private jets? By the way, since modern jet liners began to fly over the area, there have been no major accidents with passenger planes in the Triangle itself; its last “victim” was the heavy S-119 transporter, which disappeared back in 1965!

However, the mystery of the death of the FT-19 link continues to haunt the minds. On Friday evening, the largest American television company, NBC, announced that last summer it equipped an expedition to the area where torpedo bombers were killed at its own expense. The premiere of the film about her is scheduled for November 27. According to the producers of the documentary, the expedition raised more questions than it answered.

The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, ships and planes disappear, navigation instruments fail, and almost no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous country for a person instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it.

Many pilots and sailors have no other alternative than to constantly surf the water / air expanses of this mysterious territory - a considerable flow of tourists and vacationers rushes into the area surrounded on three sides by fashionable resorts. Therefore, it is simply impossible and impossible to isolate the Bermuda Triangle from the world around it. And, although most of the ships pass this zone without any problems, no one is immune from the fact that one day they may not return.

About the existence of such a mysterious and amazing phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle a hundred years ago, few people knew. To actively occupy people's minds and force them to put forward various hypotheses and theories, this mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began in the 70s. of the last century, when Charles Berlitz published a book in which he described the stories of the most mysterious and mystical disappearances in this region in an extremely interesting and fascinating way. After that, the journalists picked up the story, developed the theme, and the story of the Bermuda Triangle began. Everyone began to worry about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle and the place where the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis is located.

This wonderful place or the missing Atlantis is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North America - between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. It is located in two climatic zones at once: the upper part, the larger one - in the subtropics, the lower one - in the tropics. If these points are connected with each other by three lines, a large triangular figure will appear on the map, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is about 4 million square kilometers.

This triangle is rather arbitrary, since ships also disappear outside its borders - and if you mark on the map all the coordinates of disappearances, flying and floating vehicles, you will most likely get a rhombus.

The term itself is unofficial, its author is Vincent Gaddis, who in the 60s. last century published an article entitled "The Bermuda Triangle is the lair of the devil (death)". The note did not cause much excitement, but the phrase was fixed and reliably came into use.

Terrain features and possible causes of crashes

For knowledgeable people, the fact that ships often crash here is not particularly surprising: this region is not easy to navigate - there are many shoals, a huge number of fast water and air currents, cyclones often arise and hurricanes rage.


What is hidden in the Bermuda Triangle under water? The bottom relief in this area is interesting and varied, although it is nothing ordinary and has been studied quite well, since some time ago various studies and drilling were carried out here in order to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

  1. Deep-water plains of oceanic basins - 35%;
  2. Shelf with shoals - 25%;
  3. The slope and foot of the mainland - 18%;
  4. Plateau - 15%;
  5. Deep ocean trenches - 5% (the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean are located here, as well as its maximum depth - 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican trench);
  6. Deep straits - 2%;
  7. Seamounts - 0.3% (there are six in total).

Water currents. Gulfstream

Almost the entire western part of the Bermuda Triangle is crossed by the Gulf Stream, so the air temperature here is usually 10 ° C higher than in the rest of this mysterious anomaly. Because of this, in the places of collisions of atmospheric fronts of different temperatures, one can often see fog, which often strikes the mind of overly impressionable travelers.

The Gulf Stream itself is a very fast current, the speed of which often reaches ten kilometers per hour (it should be noted that many modern transoceanic ships move slightly faster - from 13 to 30 km / h). An extremely fast flow of water can easily slow down or increase the movement of the ship (it all depends on which direction it is sailing). There is nothing surprising in the fact that ships of weaker power in the old days easily went off course and were swept absolutely in the wrong direction, as a result of which they suffered wrecks and disappeared forever in the oceanic abyss.

Other currents

In addition to the Gulf Stream, strong but irregular currents constantly arise in the Bermuda Triangle, the appearance or direction of which is almost never predictable. They are formed mainly under the influence of tidal and ebb waves in shallow water and their speed is as high as that of the Gulf Stream - and is about 10 km / h.

As a result of their occurrence, whirlpools are often formed, causing trouble for small ships with a weak engine. There is nothing surprising in the fact that if in former times a sailing ship got here, it was not easy for him to get out of the whirlwind, and under especially unfavorable circumstances, one might even say - impossible.

water shafts

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, hurricanes are often formed, the wind speed of which is about 120 m / s, also generating fast currents, the speed of which is equal to the speed of the Gulf Stream. They, creating huge shafts, rush along the surface of the Atlantic Ocean until they hit the coral reefs at great speed, breaking the ship if it had the misfortune to be in the path of giant waves.

In the east of the Bermuda Triangle, the Sargasso Sea is located - a sea without coasts, surrounded on all sides instead of land by the strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean - the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic, the North Trade Wind and the Canary.

Outwardly, it seems that its waters are motionless, the currents are weak and hardly noticeable, while the water here is constantly moving, since the water flows, pouring into it from all sides, rotate the sea water clockwise.

Another remarkable thing about the Sargasso Sea is the huge amount of algae in it (contrary to popular belief, there are also areas with completely clear water). When in former times ships were brought here for some reason, they got entangled in dense sea plants and, falling into a whirlpool, albeit slowly, they were no longer able to get back.

The movement of air masses

Since this area lies in the region of the trade winds, extremely strong winds constantly blow over the Bermuda Triangle. Stormy days are not uncommon here (according to various meteorological services, there are about eighty stormy days here a year - that is, once every four days the weather here is terrible and disgusting.

Here is another explanation of why missing ships and planes were found earlier. It is now that almost all captains are aware of the meteorologists when exactly the weather will be bad. Previously, due to the lack of information, during terrible storms, many sea vessels found their last refuge in this area.

In addition to the trade winds, cyclones feel comfortable here, the air masses of which, creating whirlwinds and tornadoes, rush at a speed of 30-50 km / h. They are extremely dangerous, because, raising warm water up, they turn it into huge water columns (often their height reaches 30 meters), with an unpredictable trajectory and crazy speed. A small ship in such a situation has practically no chance of surviving, a large one is likely to stay afloat, but it is unlikely to get out of trouble safe and sound.

Infrasonic signals

Another reason for the huge number of accidents, experts call the ability of the ocean to produce infrasound signals that cause panic among the crew, because of which people can even throw themselves overboard. The sound of this frequency affects not only waterfowl, but also aircraft.

Researchers assign an important role in this process to hurricanes, storm winds and high waves. When the wind starts to beat against the crests of the waves, a low-frequency wave arises, which almost immediately rushes forward and signals the approach of a strong storm. While moving, she catches up with the floating ship, hits the sides of the ship, then goes down to the cabins.

Once in a confined space, the infrasonic wave begins to psychologically put pressure on the people there, causing panic and nightmare visions, and when they see their worst nightmares, people lose control of themselves and jump overboard in despair. The ship completely leaves life, it is left without control and begins to drift until it is found (which can take more than one decade).

The infrasonic wave acts on aircraft in a slightly different way. An infrasonic wave hits a plane flying over the Bermuda Triangle, which, as in the previous case, begins to psychologically put pressure on the pilots, as a result, they stop thinking about what they are doing, especially since at this moment phantoms begin to appear in front of them. Further, either the pilot will crash, or he will be able to take the ship out of the dangerous zone for him, or the autopilot will save him.

Gas bubbles: methane

Researchers are constantly bringing up interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle. For example, there are suggestions that in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle bubbles often form, filled with gas - methane, which appears from cracks in the ocean floor that were formed after the eruptions of ancient volcanoes (oceanographers found huge accumulations of methane crystal hydrate above them).

After some time, certain processes begin to occur in methane for one reason or another (for example, their appearance can cause a weak earthquake) - and it forms a bubble, which, rising up, bursts at the surface of the water. When this happens, the gas escapes into the air, and a funnel forms in place of the former bubble.

Sometimes the ship passes over the bubble without problems, sometimes it breaks through it, and crashes. In reality, no one has ever seen the impact of methane bubbles on ships, some researchers claim that a huge number of ships go missing for this very reason.

When the ship hits the crest of one of the waves, the ship begins to descend - and then the water under the ship suddenly bursts, disappears - and it falls into empty space, after which the waters close - and water rushes into it. There is no one to save the ship at this time - when the water disappeared, concentrated methane gas escaped, instantly killing the entire crew, and the ship sinks, and forever ends up on the ocean floor.

The authors of this hypothesis are convinced that this theory also explains the reasons for the presence of ships with dead sailors in this area, on whose bodies no injuries were found. Most likely, the ship, when the bubble burst, was far enough away that something threatened it, but the gas got to people.

As for airplanes, methane can also have a detrimental effect on them. Basically, this happens when methane that has risen into the air enters the fuel, explodes, and the plane falls down, after which, falling into a whirlpool, it disappears forever in the ocean depths.

Magnetic anomalies

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, magnetic anomalies also often occur, confusing all the navigational equipment of ships. They are unstable, and appear mainly when the tectonic plates diverge as much as possible.

As a result, unstable electric fields and magnetic disturbances arise that adversely affect the psychological state of a person, change instrument readings and neutralize radio communications.

Hypotheses for the disappearance of ships

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle never cease to interest the human mind. Why it is here that ships crash and disappear, journalists and lovers of everything unknown put forward many more theories and assumptions.

Some believe that interruptions in navigation instruments are caused by Atlantis, namely its crystals, which were previously located precisely on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Despite the fact that only miserable crumbs of information have come down to us from an ancient civilization, these crystals are still active and send signals from the depths of the ocean floor that cause interruptions in navigation instruments.

Another interesting theory is the hypothesis that the Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis contains portals leading to other dimensions (both in space and in time). Some are even sure that it was through them that aliens penetrated the Earth in order to kidnap people and ships.

Military operations or piracy - many believe (even if this is not proven) that the loss of modern ships is directly related to these two reasons, especially since such cases have happened repeatedly before. Human error - ordinary disorientation in space and incorrect interpretation of instrument indicators may well be the cause of the death of the ship.

Is there a secret?

Have all the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle been revealed? Despite the excitement raised around the Bermuda Triangle, scientists argue that in reality this territory is no different, and a large number of accidents are mainly associated with difficult natural conditions for navigation (especially since the World Ocean contains many other, more dangerous for humans) places). And the fear that causes the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis are ordinary prejudices, constantly fueled by journalists and other sensation lovers.

Charles Frambach Berlitz(November 23, 1913 – December 18, 2003) was an American linguist and language teacher, known for his language courses and his books on the paranormal.

a life

Berlitz was a writer on the paranormal. He wrote a number of books dealing with Atlantis. In his book Mystery of Atlantis, he claimed Atlantis was real, based on his interpretation of geophysics, psychic research, classical literature, ancestral lore, and archaeology. He also tried to link the Bermuda Triangle of Atlantis. He claimed that Atlantis is underwater in the Bermuda Triangle. He was also an ancient astronaut advocate who believed that aliens were visiting Earth.

Berlitz spent 13 years on active duty with the US Army, mostly in intelligence. In 1950 he married Valeria Seary, with whom he had two children, a daughter, Lyn, and a son, Mark. He died in 2003 at the age of 90 at the University Hospital in Tamarack, Florida.


Berlitz's statements about the Bermuda Triangle and the Philadelphia Experiment have been heavily criticized by researchers and scientists for being inaccurate. It has also been criticized for ignoring possible natural explanations and promoting pseudoscientific ideas.

Larry Kusche accused Berlitz of fabricating evidence and inventing mysteries that have no basis.


anomalous phenomena

  • Mystery of Atlantis (1969)
  • Secrets from Forgotten Worlds (1972)

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