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Headaches, weakness, the decline of forces - now many suffer from this. Often women and men worry the deterioration of the color of the face, the skin covered with acne, an unpleasant smell of mouth. Problems with health and appearance are easily solved - it is necessary to purify the body.

The method of cleansing salted water is suitable for those who are interested in yoga

Why do you need a bowel cleaning

With constipation or for other reasons, food particles or waste, which could not withdraw the body, remain on the intestinal walls. They decompose, highlighting toxins, the organism is poisoning. Hence the weakening of immunity, weakness and other indisposition.

There are many ways to purify the body. But many of them can only be cleaved intestines, and thin remains polluted. But there is a universal and simple method of cleansing with salted water. It is suitable for those who are interested in yoga.

How is the cleaning of salted water? Finding inside, salted water is not absorbed by the body. Being in the intestines, interacts with slags, hiding masses, softening them. Separated from the intestinal walls, they come out of the body. Cleaning helps a specially designed set of exercises. He promotes salted water by intestines. This method will help with constipation.

How to clean the intestines

Yoga for the intestines is Shank-Prakshalan, an effective way to clean the intestines with salt water. The literal translation of this name is washing the sink.


Cleaning with salted water is recommended to make people aged 14 to 65 years. If you have chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refrain from this procedure. Or as an option - to talk first with your doctor. It is impossible to clean the intestine with salted water:

  • if the temperature rose;
  • pregnant women;
  • when climax;
  • during menstruation;
  • in heart failure;
  • with tuberculosis.

Cleansing the intestines can be done at any time, but more often this procedure is carried out 2 times a year or repeated with the onset of the year of the year, i.e. 4 times a year.

Shankha-Prakshalana - Purification of the intestine with salt water


General recommendations. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning. It can take a lot of time, so it is better to plan it at the weekend. Before conducting cleansing, at least one day to refrain from heavy food. You can eat porridge, stealing vegetables, etc. After 18 hours, it is better not. Before you start cleaning with salted water, sleep and relax. It is desirable that you did not distract you on the day, and access to the toilet was free. You can also not be nervous, hurry, do hard work.

Preparation of water. For cleansing, a stone salt is perfect, without iodine. Water for the procedure is taken only warm. It is impossible to use cold water. 1 liter of water is laying 1 tbsp. l. Salts (20-25 g).

How it's done

  1. Drink 1 cup of prepared water.
  2. Perform 5 exercises without changing order.
  3. Alternate the above actions until you drink 6 glasses.
  4. Visit to the toilet. If in 5 minutes it was not possible to go to the toilet, perform exercises again, you do not need to drink water. Exercises need to repeat several times. If they do not help, make the enema.
  5. Continue to complete cleansing. Yoga determined this moment as follows: at the outlet, too, clean water. Someone has enough 10 glasses for this, and someone will have to drink 25 or more.
  6. At the end, drink 2-3 cups of the same water and call vomiting, touched to the base of the language.
  7. Relax 45 minutes.

If you understand that the water does not leave the stomach, it is overflowing, you are sick, do exercises for so long until nausea passes. Do not drink anything. In extreme cases, artificially caused vomiting will help.


Perform all exercises in order, from 1 to 5.

Tadasana. Stand straight, between legs - 10 - 15 cm, overwhelm your fingers, raise hands. Climb on the socks (breathing), tighten (breathing delay) and go down (exhale).

Tiryak Tadasana. The same position. You need to make slopes to the side - 12 times.

Kati Chakrasan. Legs on the width of the shoulders. Hands - as in the photo. We make turns, 12 times.

Tiryak Bhudzhangasana. Lie on the floor. Turn to the floor only fingers of the feet, and hips and knees should be lifted. The distance between the feet is 30 cm. Turn your head, shoulders so to look at the opposite side: right - left, left - right. 12 times.

Tiryaka Bhudzhangasana

The strike of Karshanasan (abdominal massage) in a squat, palms - on your knees. Tilt the left knee, turns to the right to the right. Then tilt the right knee, and deploy to the left. Start exactly the right side, it is important.

Stroke Karschanasan (abdominal massage)

After cleaning the intestine

After you have cleaned the intestines with salted water, you can not drink at least the first 3 hours, even if you are tormented by thirst. Under the ban and water, and other drinks. After 45-60 minutes after the procedure, drink drugs with bifidobacteriums that need to take another 2 more weeks to settle the intestine with the right Flora.

At about the same time (30-60 min.) After cleansing with salted water, eat failed non-grinding rice, adding 40g cream oil into it. Eat only a second time after 3 hours. The first 2-3 days after cleansing with salted water, it is impossible to eat and drink:

  • alcohol;
  • fresh juices;
  • fish, meat, eggs;
  • cottage cheese and curd products;
  • milk and dairy products, fermented milk products;
  • confectionery and yeast bread;
  • sugar, honey;
  • berries, greens;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Then all week you need to eat vegetarian food, but not acidic, excluding canned and high-calorie products. Cream milk - in limited quantities. Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, spices are excluded.

Few of us are interested in yoga from birth. As a rule, we come to classes already with a certain luggage - incorrect power, accumulated slags and toxins. And if you do not understand this cargo, the intensive practice of yoga may even harm.

I will make a reservation at once: perform cleaning, reading an article or a book - dangerous. For specific methods, it is better to consult with the yoga instructor who have repeatedly tested them on themselves. And also with the attending physician. And this article will give you a general idea what cleaning and why it is needed.

History about the intestines

There was a man. And I decided to do yoga to become healthy. I tried actively, Bodrenko performed almost everything. But began to feel worse. Why? Activates all the processes of the body. And first can react ... a fat intestine. Slags and toxins that copied in it years are intensively beginning to fall into the blood and spread throughout the body. To poison him, and the man of the uncommon: it seems to be engaged in his health, but feels worse.

But with a conscious approach to his health, it is useful to know about possible "malfunctions" in the system and not embarrassing to ask about this coach. So, from the point of view of Hatha-Yoga, first of all, you need to do the purification of the digestive system: the stomach and intestines. Then brush the liver, and in some cases - blood or lymph.


"General cleaning" in the body will help to bring Shank-Prakshalan, which means the action of the shell. In this procedure, water drinks freely passes through the gastrointestinal tract, as through the sink, and is displayed through the rear pass. Water should be warm so that the body is spent as little energy as possible, and salty so as not to absorb the gastrointestinal tract and the circulatory system. Unlike the enema, this procedure has a softer effect.

Before applying the method, make sure that you do not have the following contraindications:
- diseases of the digestion in the stage of aggravation;
- acute diseases of the digestive tract (dysentery, diarrhea);
- high temperature;
- increased pressure;
- heart attacks;
- tuberculosis, intestinal cancer;
- colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis;
- menstruation.

Shank-Prakshalan only on an empty stomach, in the morning. The first few times the procedure may take up to four hours, although the experienced yoga copes for 30-40 minutes.

On a liter of water, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of cook salt, if there is a nautical food salt - even better! Usually prepare immediately "with a reserve", three or four liters, so that during cleaning it is not interrupted to prepare the solution. Then drink a glass of salt water and do four exercises (they go one after another, without stopping, so they are recommended to master in advance so as not to be confused and not to get back). And so in a row several glasses drink, after each of which the whole series of movements is performed. Then begins the water cycle in nature: to the toilet - and again a glass and exercises, and so on until pure liquid comes out.

It is then necessary to drink two glasses no longer with salt water room temperature and cause vomiting. Thus, the stomach will be cleaned, and the sphincter closes. The purified stomach should be empty than half an hour, and then you need to eat. The very first time is recommended to take in food well-strained rice without salt and sugar, or
They can be fed by foam or other oil.

During Shank-Prakshalana, the following happens: the entire intestinal microflora is washed predominantly. Therefore, food is so important on the first day of cleaning, because it depends on it, which composition of the flora is formed. For the subsequent good state of the intestine, it is possible to suffer: not eat meat, fish, eggs, milk and fermented food, cottage cheese, confectionery, combinations of fruits with other food. And starting from the second meal, you can use cereal, vegetables, bread and cheese. Also, it is better for the first day not to drink cocoa and coffee, preferred water, bendless tea and weak real linden, daisies and mint.

Four simple exercises

So, here are four at the expense of which the water pushing through the digestive channel is achieved. The first opens the gastric gatekeeper, and with each slope, part of the fluid penetrates into the duodenum of the stomach. The second and third causes the water to advance in the small intestines. And through the fourth exercise, it passes through the colon.

First. Slopes to the side.
1. You become straight, putting the legs on the width of the shoulders, the feet are parallel to each other.
2. Twist the fingers of the hands, connecting the brush to the lock. Extending a little up, raise hands above your head.
3. Strictly tightened to the right, without flexing forward.
4. No stop returning to its original position and immediately lean left. Head all the time is between hands. In the upper extreme positions, the lateral surface of the body stretches.
5. Quickly, without stopping, lean to the right and left, 4 times in each direction. It will take no more than 10 seconds.

Second. Turns to the side.
1. The initial position is the same as in the first exercise.
2. Raise the straight left hand to the side of the shoulders. Right hand raise, bending in the elbow, and put your fingers near the left clavicle. Your right elbow is at the level of shoulders.
3. Turn the entire body along with the head left, pulling the left hand back. Look at the fingertips.
4. Do not lingering for a long time in this position, turn to the other side. Passing the starting position, you change your hands. The right hand is now stretched to the side, and the left is located at the right clavicle.
5. Without a break and in a fairly fast pace, repeat the turns to the left and right, in each direction four times.

Third. Turns in the stop lying, or a variety of "snake".
1. It is necessary to take the position, as if by pressing the floor: stop lying. The feet must be placed about the width of the shoulders. You get faster in the back, lifting your head up, but do not too much, so that the pelvis does not touch the floor.
2. Turn the head to the right to look at the left heel behind the back. With such a twist, the shoulders are almost not moving, only the head.
3. Without lingering, returning to its original position and turn to the left.
4. Total need to repeat the movement four times in each direction.

Fourth. Squeezing belly.
1. Become directly, spreading the legs by about one and a half times wider the shoulders level. Hands dive to the sides, squeezing the brushes in the fists.
2. Rotate to the right, with a turn of both feet at 90 ° to the right. In turn, you begin to lean and in the final position push the stomach to the right thigh. Left knee at the same time approaches the floor, and the left hand starts at the right foot. Your right hand can be reinforced about the left knee.
3. Return to its original position, repeat the slope, now with a turn to the left, strongly pressed the belly on the left thigh.
4. This exercise is also run 4 times in each direction.

Regarding the frequency of Shank-Prakshalana, sources are diverged. It is recommended to do just two weeks, and once every three months, when changing seasons. But in one followers of Indian yoga are one: in addition to cleansing the digestive channel, "bonuses" in the form of fresh breathing, good sleep, the disappearance of rashes on the skin and improve the work of the liver and pancreas is guaranteed.

The one in com fat or mucus is redundant, must perform a row (six cleansing techniques) primarily. Another, in which the dash is balanced, do not necessarily do them. Dhauti, bast, neuti, spending, nailed and capalabhati; It is known as a row or six procedures. Yogi Svatmaram. "Hatha Yoga Pradipic"

Surprisingly, but a fact: such "coarse" cleaning, like bastic (enema), NETI (nose washing), dhauti (vomiting, etc.) lead to thinning, to the manifestation of subtle sensations - feeling the streams of prana in the body during practice Pranas and Asan , and other desirable pure yogic effects. Therefore, the practice of rods can be applied for the purpose of improving, and with the aim of the yogh's "thinning" of perceptions (in fact, yogis, in the presence of Sankalpi - intention to grow spiritually - the second flows out of the first). Usually following these principles, soft and fast cleaning can be done every day, and powerful and long (such as Shankha-Prakshalana or bastic) are made on weekends or free days from work and practicing yoga days.

Consider the review of the practical side of the Shakarm:

There is also a more rigid practice - Sutra-Neti, nose cleaner with a lace (sometimes a rubber catheter is 3 mm), it can be done by achieving the perfect fulfillment of Jala-Neti (usually in a month or so). A catheter or lace is lubricated with vegetable oil, introduced in 1 nostril and gets with two fingers from the pharynx, which is first unpleasant. Sutra-Neti do not necessarily, usually enough Jala-Neti. There are also practices for washing the nasal with milk (Dud-Neti) and fucked oil (GHU-Neti). This practice removes the nasal mucus, improves eyesight, improves the quality of sleep, exacerbates mind and intuition, is also useful for the ears.

3. Nauli ("Wave"), she "Lali" ("rotation").You should get up with semi-bent knees, leaving your hands on the elbows (as for agnisar-curves and capalabhati for beginners). Make Uddiyana-Bandhu On the exhale: after a complete exhalation, take the stomach, creating in it the retraction - not with the muscles, but pulling the belly inside and up. Then mentally highlight the middle part of the abdomen and "release", relax it - the muscles harness will appear in the middle of the belly, with the bokes of the stomach will be drawn. Keep as long as possible (as long as the delay is comfortable). Repeat several times. It is advisable to keep this position 20-30 seconds. When such a practice (Madhyama- or Central - Nauli) will be mastered, you can start learning to rotate ("beat") the belly to the left-right, ending with the movement to the left for proper digestion. Such practice (even Madhyama-Nahi) is very useful for digestion and is considered to be successful in yoga and bliss. Experienced yoga makes 100 rotations with the stomach rotating the muscle harness to the right and left and back, and more, then actually disappears the need for other slats to purify the digestive system (Agnisar-Kriya, Bast, Shankha Prakshalane, etc.).

4. Bast (enema).Traditionally, there are such execution in the treatises that it is necessary to gain water through anus, making Madhyama Naly. (Created to retract) from a reservoir or bathroom - "yogic enema". However because The chlorinated water is extremely undesirable in the rectum (and in the Moscow-River and in the Moscow region, it must be said, in general, unhealthy water), in practice, it becomes either the increase in water into the straight intestine through the tube lowered into a basin \\ bottle with pure salted, better boiled (as For Jala-Neti) water, or a more comfortable practice - enema (usually "simple" salted, or honey or coffee), or the use of so-called. "Esmark's mugs" that according to the effect is similar to the performance of much simpler "orthodox" option.

The enema is done at the beginning every day (within a week), then 3 times a week, 2, then 1 time per week, then 1 time per month or even once every 3 months. To monitor toxins. It is important that we should not do the enema, if this does not need the body so that you do not have toreacive (scary even submit "yoga", which without enema can not "go in and large"!).

For the preparation of the enema is taken from 0.5 to 2 liters of water temperature of the body (up to 39 degrees) at a time, 1-3 approach (up to 6 liters is just a maximum of a day). The enema is held to sharp urges to defecation (while you can stroke the stomach clockwise). Ideally, the enema should go into the end of clean water. With the right yogistic nutrition of acute need for bastic usually does not occur, that is, if there are no problems with digestion and toxins. However, if there are frequent colds or there are problems with leather, digestion - the body, it means heavily stuck, and it must be done to make bastards to lead to a rapid solution to these problems. Basta is also done before fasting to clean the rectum from toxins.

5. Dhauti.A number of cleaning of the digestive system. Usually either the Kindal-Kria (yogic vomiting, the purification of the stomach) or Shankha-Prakhasalana ("sink gesture", the cleansing of the stomach and the entire intestine) is used. To perform Kundagli-kriya ("Elephant's gesture"), it is necessary to refrain from food 3-4 hours or more (you can not have dinner on the eve and in the morning). Then a volley, as quickly as possible, drinks 1.5-2 liters of warm water (can be satisfied as for Jala Neti, so as not to be absorbed, or with lemon or chamomile - to drink it easier) and immediately after that, vomiting presses with a finger or handle spoon on the root of the language. 30 minutes after practice, you need to eat a little. Sometimes special ayurvedic (natural) bitter herbs add to the "vomit" water, but it is not necessary.

This practice effectively improves the condition of the body, because It works directly with prana, and therefore it is considered a dangerous frequent use of this slakmarma without specifying a specialist. Properly performed practice improves digestion, clarifies the mind and gives cheerfulness, strengthens Manipula and Anahata.

Shankha-Prakshalana is a more complex, time consuming, but also a complex intestinal cleaning and stomach. 2-3 liters of salted water drinks and a series of exercises (asanes) is performed, which conduct water throughout the digestive system and cause defecation. At the end of practice, water comes out of the body clean, because In fact, man is rinsing from mouth to anus. This process is powerfully cleans the body at all levels, but rather laborious, and takes 3-4 hours (with experience - 1-2 hours). This practice should be carefully theoretically learned before proceeding. It is described in the books of Malakhov (he simply copied the nogistic texts), and on the Internet, there are also special seminars on this technique. It is important to properly make asans, and also in some cases when irrigible (severe slapping, fertile solid) puts the enema or the Kundagl-Kria is made. Sometimes "Half Sink Gesture" is made, lighter and fast practice.

6. Bhastrika Prananama *- "Breathing of blacksmithing fur." Cleaning vessels and nadium (fine egretical channels of prana), generating internal heat. Quickly swings, raising readiness for practices. Allows you to remove fixation on any items (cleans). It may take into meditation, helps to feel the streams of prana in the body. One of the important daily rods.

Execution: Sit down exactly (the crushes, the back, the back, the head - align), the shoulders are omitted and relaxed (the body does not "help" breathing!), We begin the active breaths and immediately exhaust and immediately breaths. The face is relaxed (the forehead is not firing, the lips in the "opener" do not compress). We find a comfortable rhythm and a depth of breathing, and we try to balance the length and intensity of inhalation and exhalation. I breathe while comfortable (with a strong dizziness, the tongue in the ears, we slow down, or completely stop - we comply with the principle of harmony in practice). We make 3 approaches and rest (30-60 seconds), at this time the breathing should be balanced, come back to normal. Thoughts can be activated, but we observe the inner silence (we do not think about anything during practice), we observe the breath and internal sensations.

There are several (conditional) levels of development Bhastrika *.

  • Basic: 3 approaches of 15-20 active respiration cycles;
  • Main: 3 approaches of 30-50 breathing cycles;
  • Advanced: 3 approaches of 50-100 breathing cycles.

You can also make delays in exhalation (3 Bandhi: Jalandhara, Moula, Udandyna) or in the breath (2 Bandhi: Light Moula, Jalandhar, Moula fix) between cycles, however, with caution and only if it is comfortable.

* Bhastrik is considered a very powerful practice (able to awaken Kundalini, etc.) and therefore, of course, should be mastered gradually (as "bequeathed the Great" Patanjali), with caution.

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