Tunisia island Djerba Where is on the map. Djerba Island in Tunisia

In the Middle Ages, Djerba is the main base of the pirates of the Western Mediterranean. In some years, the power of pirated captains was even official, that is, there was a "pirate republic." For example, in 1503, Pirate Captain Aruzh and his brother Hayreddin Barbarossa were able to capture the island completely, setting a certain semblance of the state. It was very disturbed by the Spaniards, who in a few years began to arrange raids in order to oust pirates.

All these events imposed a serious imprint on the traditional culture of the inhabitants of Jerba. Jerbians never settle down by the sea, because for them the sea always meant the risk of a raid.

On the island of Djerba, a huge number of mosques - more than 600, as the mosque has always been not only a religious structure, but also the center of defense from raiders, and high minarets were used as observation towers. On the jerbe traditionally do not build houses above one floor, and the Jerbian House "Hauche" resembles a fortress than the accustom to us. In tourists show traditional Menzel and Hauch.

Jerbians are very proud of their tolerance and identity. On the island from 6th century D.N.E. The Jewish diaspora lives. These are Jews who fled from Jerusalem when he was captured by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, when the Church of Solomon was destroyed before the base (the first temple) was destroyed.

They took the stone from the temple of Solomon and built on Djerba, which is the place of pilgrimage of Jews. However, now most of the Jews left Jerba to Israel and France, a small community of about 1,000 people remained on the island.

On the island of Djerba lives a lot of ethnic Berbers (the people of deserted nomads), which retained their tongue and customs. Arabs, Jews and Berbers live on the island together without any conflicts for hundreds of years. This is exactly what Djerba gives some advantages in the development of tourism.

Tourism on the island of Djerba

Tourism development began in the 60s, and in 1970 it accelerated with the opening on the island of own airport - "Djerba-Zarzis International Airport" 5 kilometers west from the city of Humt-Suk. Now it is a modern airport with a runway with a length of 3200 meters, capable of taking even large wide-body liners. For example, in 2016, Boeing 777 aircraft were used for Nord Wind charter flights.

Initially, Djerba attracted tourists with his beaches, but then night clubs, discos and one casino was also opened. It is the only one in South Tunisia and is called "Grand Pasino Djerba". Recall that in Tunisia there is only 4 casinos - 1 V, 2 V and 1 on the island of Djerba. As jerbits managed to get permission, it is difficult to submit, because gambling is strictly prohibited by Islam.

Djerb Island as a tourist destination received fame thanks to birds Flamingo and nightclubs, gained the status of a "part of the party resort". At the beginning of zero year, several new attractions opened - and a park consisting of, and.

Everything was wonderful, until the world financial crisis hit the tourist industry, and rather in 2011, he "sank" to Europe with all his power, and Jasmine revolution added "oils to the fire". If in 2009 and 2010 tourist statistics of Tunisia "stormed" a figure of 7,000,000 tourists a year, then in 2011 visitors to Tunisian resorts turned out to be only 4,700,000.

It was a monstrous decline, and Djerba island suffered one of the first - according to the results of the 2011 season, half of the hotels closed here because of unprofitability. Rather, to say that they were not closed, but mothballed to better times. The part is empty until now (approx. The article is written in 2016).

Many regular flights were canceled, and the situation has not yet been normal. If you decide not to buy a batch tour, and relax on Djerba yourself, then we will have to disappoint. Regular flights to Djerba-Zarzis Airport are now carried out now from France, you will have to fly with a transfer, very long and most likely with the change of airport in Paris. In the case of a batch tour, share a direct charter flight.

However, we hope for the best, because in many ways Djerba is superior to the remaining resorts of Tunisia due to some of its own features.

One of the famous resorts of Tunisia is the island of Djerba. The hospitable place is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and every year in great demand among tourists. Climatic conditions allow guests to be placed the sun and swim until the middle of the autumn. The average air temperature on the island is higher than 2-4 degrees than the residents of the continent.

Djerba ranks first in size among the islands of the Mediterranean coast of Africa . But the area of \u200b\u200b514 km² can be easily viewed during the vacation time. To get from one end of Djerba to the other, you will need about 6 hours.

The article is visited by those who chose Tunisia and Djerba Island. What is this place, does it correspond to the presented advertising prospectuses and is it ideal? About everything in order.

Special attention during vacation planning, pay geographic exposions of the resort. If you liked the price of a hotel or the cost of a ticket in the region of Zaris, do not rush to pay everything right away. Pay attention to its location.

Although it is formally considered part of Jerba, but, in fact, it is on the mainland of Tunisia. Will be careful and consider this feature of the resort area.

How to get to the Paradise Island?

To date, there are three available options at the disposal:

  • water trip. Regularly on the route the mainland - Admim goes steam;
  • land journey. Between the island and mainland Tunisia, a bulk road is laid;
  • air travel. Maximum comfort to tourists will deliver a quick flight by plane directly to the desired holiday destination.

Our journey began from the Moscow Domodelo Airport. The flight of the airline of the North Wind took 4.5 hours. We were satisfied with a comfortable trip. Far behind Belarus with Hungary and Italy remained. After an hour of flight, the Miloid Stewardess came to us.

The snack on the road could be a pleasant addition. The choice was offered different cold and hot drinks. Then they brought the main dish. In a large, bright and promising box turned out to be a small and unructive sandwich.

Local Airport of Jerba Island

  1. At the reception of vacationers on the island there is one small airport. It is 15 minutes by car from the capital of Djerba - Humt-bitch. Only nine kilometers separate Melith or Djerba Airport Draw from the main city of the resort island.
  2. By local standards, the airport is considered large, despite the presence of just one runway. Work is on both the reception of domestic flights and international routes. Djerba Airport Zarissude meets guests from Russia. You will definitely get acquainted with him if you have chosen Tunisia and the island of Djerba.
  3. After landing, each tourist is in a hurry to leave their heavy suitcases in the booked hotel. The best way to get to it is to take a taxi. Drivers are waiting for travelers right away from the airport. Yellow cars stand smoothly in anticipation of tourists.
  4. For lovers, all booke in advance on-line services. Through the Internet, you can order a car from the airport to the destination. It is enough to maintain contact information with the flight number and the driver will wait for you at the exit. The sign with your initials will help unmistakably determine the meeting.

We are preparing documents for travel

Mandatory flight condition in Tunisia is the presence of a passport. Specially make a visa for entry will not have to. Russian tourists under the law should be 90 days of stay. After landing, visit guests it is necessary to fill the migration card. Everything is absolutely free, right at the airport of Tunisia is provided with all the necessary cards.

The card consists of two parts. One for you, the other for border guards. After you fill out and give the necessary paper, the passport is stamp. Be careful and do not lose your part of the card, it will be required when you arrive back home.

Money and currency exchange in Djerba resort

  1. Take care of the currency exchange in advance. Rubles on the island of Djerb are absolutely useless. Only euro, dollar, pound, but not the ruble can be changed for local money - Tunisian Dinar. Unlike European countries, the exchange rate at the airport of Jerba Zaris is more profitable. In your hotel, of course there will also be a exchange point. Tourist experience recommends not to postpone the exchange of money, a more profitable sentence than at the airport you are unlikely to find.
  2. After the monetary operation, be sure to keep the resulting receipt. Only after presenting it on the departure you can make a reverse operation, that is, exchange dinars on dollars, euros, pounds or other convenient currency.
  3. If you have taken a large amount with you, it is not necessary to transfer it entirely to Tunisian dinars. Prices on the island are not great and you are unlikely to spend all the brought funds. Plus, when exchanging money back to your currency, part of the money is lost due to the course difference. And to return home with local dinars there is no point.

How to move around the island

The best way to travel for visitors of tourists was the yellow taxi cars. Call it will not be difficult. If you wish, you can pre-order transport at the reception of the hotel. This method of movement is most comfortable and not too expensive.

Calculate the approximate train price can be alone. It all depends on distance and time. Taxi drivers work on the counters at the rate of 1 kilometer - half of the dinar. Note that 0.450 dinar is automatically added to the resulting amount. Most likely this is the landing price.

Local beaches and sea

Arriving on the island and looked at the beach you will immediately find differences with advertising brochures. Paradise oasis with chipsticks on the fact a little more modest. Clean, snow-white sand from the pictures is only in the tourist part of the island of Djerba, in the singing zone.

  • most of the beaches are pebbles and something incomprehensible genesis. In search of an ideal beach holiday, it is worth going to the Midun Region. Here, most of the expensive hotels and the most advanced island infrastructure are concentrated. Local beaches were photographed as the basis for advertising booklets;
  • tanning on the beach at the hotel are not surprised by a large concentration of people. In Tunisia, any beach is public and is open to visiting according to the law. According to the rules, any beach at a distance of 30 meters from the sea is public domain and cannot be busy privately owned;
  • taking sunbathing, you will most likely come across the locals, sellers of sweets, fruits or souvenirs. Right on the beach you can buy a dog, a camel or a horse. If you wish, you yourself will be able to take pictures with the animal you like or ride along the horse. Just 15 Dinar will cost a camel trip;

Despite the social character of the beach area, hotels pay close attention to the nearest beach. They regularly remove the garbage, growing sand, finish the territory from algae and carefully arrange umbrellas with sun loungers. So gathering at the beach Look a good hotel in advance. The better the hotel, the more pleasant the beach.

My family rested at the Djerba Plaza 4 * hotel. Local beach definitely recommended.

Quality beaches in walking distance

On the territory of the beaches there are often large animals: horses, camels. Not surprisingly, after them, tourists are not the most pleasant surprises. We were lucky. Workers of the Hotel Djerba Plaza 4 * responsibly come to their territory. It was not so successful for the fate of tourists of three and testes. On local beaches of feces are not uncommon.

The minus most beaches have become an unpleasant smell. Most likely - the consequence of decreasing algae.

On each beach you will find guards. They follow the order. But it is not worth relaxing. Valuable personal belongings are not recommended to leave unattended. Local securities will not be a guarantor of your expensive camera or wallet.

In most cases, the majority of people on the beach are vacationers. Local residents will meet not often. After all, most hotels are located at a considerable distance from populated areas. You are more waited for a meeting with sellers than with indigenous tunisians.

Sea Baths on the island of Djerba

Fans of water procedures will be satisfied with the quality of water. Transparent water of magical blue color confirms everything promised by advertising brochures. Floating near the shore you can find a pack of little fish. Unfortunately, such beauty reigns on the island not all day. Frequent and strong waves are not rare phenomenon on Djerba. The color and quality of water directly depends on local weather conditions.

For adults and kids, excellent conditions are created for entering water. Swun souls, the bottom smoothly leaves under the feet, there are no sharp drops of heights. The water temperature in October is comfortable, on average up to +25 degrees. Periodically, algae falls next to the shore. Such meetings are there where hotels are not paying for the beaches.

The inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea near the island of Djerba

You can swim in the sea. You can meet a neighbor in the form of jellyfish, but very often. Thanks to the large size and bright color, the animal immediately rushes into the eyes, you can easily sail and avoid a collision.

Cute crabs are found on the sand or pebble shore, and the flocks of frya are swimming in the water. Mixed inhabitants do not interfere with tourists and serve as a cute addition of local nature.

What to do on the beach of Jerba Island?

  • after sailing and sunbathing, the tourist can ride a camel or make an equestrian walk along the beach;
  • from water entertainment Guests of Tunisia are available: diving with aqualung, balloon flying over the Mediterranean Sea, riding on hydrocycles. The average price of fun leisure from 20 to 30 dollars for two in 20 minutes;
  • if extreme entertainment is not for you, you can simply play badminton or to beach volleyball. All necessary accessories in the form of a ball or racket are sold at local stores.

Hotel Resort Djerba

  1. Deciding on vacation to Djerb Island, pay special attention to choosing the hotel. The more stars and positive feedback from him, the more comfortable your trip will be held.
  2. Most local hotels operate on the All Included system. This version of work is associated with the lack of bars and restaurants in the resort area. Meet a decent cafe a real rarity. The most comfortable and popular is the accommodation and conditions of the Miduna region.
  3. Find a delicious lunch behind the hotel is difficult. If you are lucky to meet on the way the restaurant, then the menu will not be big, and the price is high
  4. Your holiday will be directly dependent on the hotel. The better the hotel, the higher the quality of the service, the beach, the beach, more entertainment and the cozy room.

Weather in the middle of autumn

  1. Our journey on the island of Djerba had to be on the second half of October. Like most tourists, we began to prepare for the trip in advance. To get acquainted with the long-term weather forecast on the island helped the favorite site - "Gismeteo".
  2. The promises were promising, several rainy days and the average air temperature + 20 degrees. Water temperature + 23. Naturally, sweatshirts, pants and even sweaters turned out to be in the suitcase. In fact, nothing warm from clothing was not useful.
  3. We were lucky and the guy was not at all. The temperature turned out to be higher promised, up to +30 degrees. Water in the sea surpassed all expectations, on average +24 degrees. Now everyone recommended to choose to relax in Djerba in the middle of autumn. People at the resorts of Tunisia at this time are already significantly less, the air and water temperature is very comfortable.

Insects became the only minus. Autumn this time assembly of the harvest of dates. Whole flocks of flies fly to sweet ripe fruits.

From the end of September - the beginning of October, the season of ripening of dates begins, so the number of flies on the island increases.

Local beauty of the island of Djerba

  • carefully having studied advertising prospectuses on the island of Djerba, the tourist is preparing for a meeting not only with blue water and white sand. According to the booklet island, this is a favorite place of pink flamingos.
  • In fact, they are rare guests here. Only in a certain season, if you are lucky, they can be caught in the resort. Bird's plumage is also very different from images in the pictures. It is not at all bright pink, but rather gray. There are also pale pink flamingos. Color directly depends on the supply of an animal;
  • you will not meet on Djerba and thickets of date palm trees. The prevailing majority of trees are olives. The resort zone is rich in trees and shrubs. After leaving the tourist part, you are unlikely to find the abundance of green spaces; next to hotels, unfortunately, in the cities of Djerba reigns a sad environmental situation.
  • Locals store garbage on the side of the roads and streets. Houses of local residents are in a deplorable state. What is very predictable, given the economic situation of the African continent. According to reviews of travelers, the urban part of the resort resembles the land after the apocalypse.

Thalassotherapy on the island of Djerba

One of the main sources of replenishment of the Island treasury is tourism. Thalassotherapy is very popular. In the purely major components of the country's economic base include income from agriculture, inbound tourism and fishing.

The Jerba Ministry of Health is responsible for the development and promotion of thalassotherapy. A visit from different countries of the world choose the island as a place to restore health and enhance immunity.

  1. You can easily order a thalassotherapy session in every hotel. There are separate buildings on the island where therapeutic procedures based on sea water and the natural wealth of the region are undergoing. Everyone will be able to pass a comprehensive treatment or order several separate procedures. The cost of pleasure is moderate - 3000 ruble for a full wellness complex.
  2. We did not take advantage of this popular direction of alternative medicine. To judge the effectiveness of the procedures, I can review the neighbors about the hotel. I really liked the friendly staff of medical centers and the price of pleasure. The quality of the procedure themselves left much to be desired.
  3. It is not surprising that the shops of Jerba are filled with Thalass Oil. The composition of cosmetics makes them in demand and popular worldwide. For manufacture, only natural substances are used, for example, black cumin seeds or cactus. The price of goods is quite social. Thirty milliliters oil from Tosmin will cost 7 dinar.
  4. You can buy almost any comets: toothpaste, cream, cleaning facial and body skin, hair masks, balsams and shampoos.
  5. For visitors pass special trips free of charge for dating a boutique Thalasso. The cosmetic store provides a rich selection of natural cosmetics at affordable prices. If you did not have time to visit the boutique, all products you can purchase in stores or in the markets. Prices in them will be profitable.

On excursions to Thalasso, tourists have the opportunity to pay the goods with their native currency. Even rubles take here. But the course is extremely not profitable. If you want to save the dinars with you.

The concept of a boutique in the local representation is very different from the usual European term. Due to the modest sizes of the island, several stores in the same building are already called a shopping center. Little custom shopkers can get boutique status.

Alcoholic beverages and hookah resort Djerba

In Tunisia, the tourist will be able to try local beer or wine. The taste of drinks is difficult to distinguish from our usual. Original taste is the island's liqueurs. The bitter flavor will find its connoisseurs. Tibarin and cedratine liqueurs resemble absinthe and have a lemon taste. The National Alcoholic beverage has become drowned vodka. Her fortress is 36-40 degrees. Thanks to the unique recipe, the fortress is not completely felt.

Local drinks often take themselves as gifts to friends and relatives.

Smoking hookah is a favorite occupation of local residents. Its quality is at the height and is in great demand among guests of the island. Almost in each cafe and the restaurant, a hookah smoking service is provided.

Shopping on the resort island

Fans like shopping awaits disappointment. The island is not focused on shopping fans.

With you, tourists are carrying classic fridge magnets, postcards and other Chinese nonsense as souvenirs. In interesting gifts include ceramic utensils from the local village of Goncharov. The place is called Helllala. There is a wide selection of plates, pots, vases, figurines and souvenirs for every taste. Products can be purchased not only in the country itself, but also in many shops of the island.

As souvenirs, tourists export natural products. Olive oil uses popularity. The main task is to choose products of local production. Cosmetics are taken out. Budgetary tourists take local spices, coffee, tea, alcohol as presents.

All local products are suitable as a souvenir:

  • carpets, leather goods, jackets, bags;
  • take confectionery products with you: halv, bedspreads and carpets, jam from fig or cactus. Unusual food for Europeans is in demand.

We took with you a couple of halva jars. Tasty and moderately sweet, we really liked. Next time I will definitely take more

Basaars What and where to buy?

Logical continuation of the topic of shopping and souvenir products will be the question of local stores and markets. Where and what is better to buy?

  • all necessary products can be found directly near the hotel. Fans of hiking can take a stroll to the nearest city. The best price and quality value can be found in the eastern markets. The cost of goods will be minimal, and the range is the widest;
  • the largest island market is located in the capital of a chumt-bit. Bazaars are found in small towns. For example, in Miduna is the nearest city from the most developed tourist center. The setting of the trading zone is absolutely original. Visit this place is worth everyone;
  • if not because of the goods, because of the amazing atmosphere. It is in the market that the tourist will be able to get acquainted with the eastern side of the island. Be sure to take time and go to the local market.

Local cafes and restaurants

The bulk of the institutions is located in the cities of Djerba. In popular tourists, they do not particularly use tourists. The fact is that a visit for mostly choose the system all inclusive.

Go to the cafe meaning to try Turkish coffee with a famous hookah. The goal is not food, but the local flavor. We use pizzerias. Large portions at a reasonable price are always in honor.

Tips in Tunisia

  1. Leave local staff for tea or not - this is exceptionally your goodwill. No one obliges it. According to personal experience, I recommend not to skip and leave a few dinar. Trifle, but sometimes it works wonders.
  2. The average wage of Tunisians is 150-200 dollars. The income is very modest. For local residents, even small tips will be a good help.
  3. We did not regret leave a couple of coins serving staff. Tips on the island are really deserved. Employees of hotels, cafes and restaurants try to fulfill their work as high quality as possible. People are friendly and friendly. Plus the poverty of local residents pushes a couple of dinar and help at least something.

Prices for goods Place of production

Shopping on the island is not the most popular occupation. If you are customized to make a few purchases, prices will pleasantly surprise. The bag of genuine leather will cost you 25-40 dinar. The price depends on the size of the goods.

  • a glass of natural juice with the flesh is sold for only 3 dinars. Exotic cactus jam on average about 4 dinar for 220 grams. Halva costs 4 dinar for 350 grams. Olive oil is used from food supply;
  • one liter will cost you 8 dinar. For comparison, a similar bank in Moscow supermarkets costs 1680 rubles as at all resorts the price depends on the place of purchase. The closer to the tourist area, the more expensive;
  • lovers to bargain must be visited by the local oriental market. Sellers will gladly refuse the goods at a lower price. Thanks to the competently built conversation, the price of the goods may fall at 2 - 4 times.

Safety of the resort island

  1. Video reports and news reports often frighten tourists with high crime on the island. In fact, the situation on Djerba is quite calm. The bulk of the visiting and resting from France, Germany and England. To date, the decor on the island of Djerba is considered the safest in all Tunisia.
  2. The streets of the city patrol the military cars. These measures are needed due to the dangerous neighborhood with Libya. Local residents are welcoming with guests of the country. After all, the success of the country's economy depends on tourists and therefore their well-being.
  3. The only nuance of staying on the island is a dress code. Pay attention to your appearance when leaving the hotel. Do not be too bare, manifest modesty. Do not provoke Tunisians, violating their cultural customs. As in any unfamiliar country, it is not worth walking at nights for unfamiliar places. Do not join disputes and talk with strangers.

Russian language in the resort

Surprisingly Russian on Djerba is a sign of many tunisians. In all stores, restaurants, markets, hotels and hotels, residents of the island are familiar with the Russians. Anyone who relates to tourist activity is trying to establish contact with visitors and learn to express themselves in their native language.

Not superfluous for Russian tourist will be knowledge of German, English or French. Owning at least one is a guarantee of easy communication with others. Locals are actively learning languages. If you tell them several phrases in Russian, they will definitely be remembered and will be used in communication.

Travel time on the island of Djerba

In the resort, everyone will find a lesson in the soul. Visiting, active entertainment or excursion tour - your choice. Detailed information about holiday classes was presented in the previous article. In order not to repeat, we will not re-describe all available island entertainment.

Recall only the most memorable places:

Cozy Park Djerba Explore. Modest, well-groomed place to relax.

If you get tired of resting in the shade of trees, look at the crocodile farm. Here, guests will see the feeding of the most real Nile crocodiles.

The park is an interesting landmark - an open-air urban museum. Made traditional jerbskaya village with national architecture houses. There is another museum and crafts in a small park.

Gerbskaya Village Gecharov Gellal. Here, tourists are waiting for some interesting attractions. With our own eyes you can see the process of creating national products from ceramics. The workshop opens its doors to everyone. Guests will also see clay caves - the source of material production.

The next sight is the ethnographic Museum of Guellala, perhaps the best on the island. Visitors will get acquainted with the exposition talking about the traditions of Tunisians.

The Gellala Center himself will delight tourists with many souvenir shops and shops. Goods directly from the manufacturer are ready to please visit the visits for a very reasonable price.

Once on the island of Djerba, it is necessary to get to the capital - the city of Humt-Suk.

To feel the Eastern flavor, it is easy to visit the local bazaar. Shopping lovers will definitely be happy.

Cultural interest is the fort of Gazi Mustafa, mosque and amphitheater.

A separate place to visit was a synagogue in the city of Er Riadhe.

Which cities in Djerba is worth visiting the tourist

  1. The main city of Djerba is the capital of Humt-Suk. This is a cultural and business center of the island. It stands under the first number in the list of cities to visit.
  2. In second place - the city of Midun. It is located next to the main tourist area.
  3. The troika leaders include Ann. Here is the chief fishing port. Guests of the island will be able to walk along the embankment and see the process of catching marine sponges and octopuses with their own eyes.

Personal opinion about the resort of Djerba

The overall impression of the rest is positive. For everyone there is an interesting occupation. For fans of water procedures, good beaches and the warm sea, for lovers of cultural holidays, excursion programs and attractions, for active rest, and extreme entertainment.

Zoo Frigia in Tunisia - detailed information

The article on items tells about the main nuances who should know the traveler, planning holidays on the island of Djerba. Read and remember!

For travelers, Djerb Island is really a fabulous place. Just imagine, you have pink sand under your feet, ahead of the stunning view of the sea, and the olive and dative trees grow behind. Having visited this island in Tunisia, you can get acquainted with the culture and life of the local population, see the attractions, visit the spa centers and, of course, swim in the sea.

Where is the island of Djerba on the map of Tunisia

Planning a trip? That way!

We gave up a few useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the journey preparation stage.

Climate on the island of Djerba

Climate on the island of Djerba Continental, with warm winter and hot summer. In winter, the average air temperature is +12 C ° - +15 c °. This time is perfect for sightseeing holidays and for those who want to do a thalassotherapy. These are such wellness treatments using the products of the sea. Algae of all sorts of water and dirt.

In the summer, the air temperature rises to + 30 c ° - +33 C ° day, and +20 c ° - + 25 C ° at night. The average temperature of the water during this period is +26 C ° - +28 C °. Autumn is very comfortable. For example, the temperature is kept in the region of 27 c °.


EL Mushroom Synagogue in Er Riad - It is considered one of the ancient synagogues of the world, its age is over 2000. Each year, pilgrims come to the synagogue to worship the shrine and see one of the ancient Scroves of the Torah. Also in the synagogue are the relics of Shimon Bar Yashai, he was one of the authors of the Talmud.

Village Gellala Famous pottery masters. Walking through the streets of the village, you might think that you got into the art gallery, since from all sides you are "watching" beautifully painted plates, jugs, handmade cups. The most liked product can be purchased as a gift.

Every year in the village passes pottery festivalwhere you can see the work of the best masters.

Crocodile farm - This is a farm reserve where crocodiles are bred. The first crocodiles were brought to the island from Madagascar, gradually they are accustomed to the local climate and began to multiply. Today, the farm has about 400 crocodiles. Everyone can feed it an ancient animal. You can watch the life of crocodiles from special bridges.

Museum of Folk Traditions in Gellal - Museum visitors will be able to see small stories from the life of the inhabitants of the island and come in touch with their life. In one of the halls you can see how baked bread, or prepare food, tkut national robes, or get ready to taste tea. In another hall, various wedding robes of brides are presented, from the poorest dresses to the most expensive and luxurious and many other exhibits.

Next to the museum is a workshop where you can see the process of obtaining olive oil from beginning to end.

Laguna Djerby Noteworthy in that in this beautiful place where the dates and olive trees grow nearby, large flocks of amazing birds, pink flamingos are going. Most of these "beauties" flies on the island to wait for the winter and enjoy molluscs, crustaceans and other food.

Laguna is famous for the fact that surf lovers gather here. Since the island in the northeast is a pretty strong wind blowing, forming a wave-friendly sulfur.

Fortress Gazi Mustafy. It was built in order to protect the surrounding area from pirates. And perfectly performed its function while she did not attack the cruel pirate of Draguta Reis, which carved the entire garrison of the fortress. And from the heads of those killed, he folded the big pyramid. This terrible pyramid stood until 1848 until the French were dismantled. Today, there is a monument at this place, which reminds of terrible atrocity of the pirate.

Also from the island you can go on a tour of the majestic desert of Sahara, of course, accompanied by an experienced guide guide.

Where to stay on the island of Djerba

Most of the hotels are located in the northern and western parts of the island, as well as in the city of Humt-Suk and Midun.

The most popular hotels:

  2. Sensimar Palm Beach Palace 5 *.

More economical hotels include:

  1. Les Jardins de Tumana 4 *;
  2. SunConnect Djerba Aqua Resort 4 *;
  3. Sentido Djerba Beach 4 *;
  4. Club Magic Life Penelope Beach Imperial 4 *;
  5. Miramar Petit Palais 3 *.

Hotels with thalassotherapy in Midong resort:

  1. Radisson Blu Palace Resort & Thalasso 5 *;
  2. Yadis Djerba Golf Thalasso & Spa 5 *;
  3. Radisson Blu Ulysse Resort & Thalasso Djerba 5 *.
  4. Hasdrubal Prestige Thalassa & Spa 5 * - in the city of Humt-Suc.

Customs restrictions

Citizens of the Russian Federation may not make a visa to enter the Arab State of Tunisia, if there are no more than 90 days in the country.

At the entrance to Tunisia there are customs restrictions:
1. It is impossible to import and export from the country:

  • It is forbidden to export a local currency.
  • It is forbidden to import narcotic substances.

2. It is allowed to import:

  • One bottle of alcohol.
  • Perfumes and personal items.
  • Foreign currency.

Council, if you export valuable things from gold or silver, carpets, etc., you need to have a check or certificate confirming the authenticity of products.

Souvenirs and gifts in Tunisia

Rest on the island of Djerba is impossible without, for sure, many will want to take a piece with them, which will remind you of a pleasant journey.

An excellent gift and souvenir will be a bottle of olive oil. The oil of the new crop is best to buy at the end of autumn. The best oil is considered EXTRA VIRGIN, COLD FIRST PRESS. One of these inscriptions should be on the olive oil label.

The bottle of Tunisian wine, from the French vineyards, which were planted in colonial times. Most Popular Magon, Muscat De Kelibia, Chateau Mornag Rose.

Many hostesses will be happy to acquire spices and National Harrice Sauce, which is made from pepper, garlic, spices and olive oil.

Tip, spices best buy for weight, so you can see their quality and feel a wonderful flavor.

Jewelry made of gold and silver handmade in the Oldsizanis or Arabic style.

The original gift will be a desert rose flower. This amazing flower "grows" in the Sahara desert. It is formed by sand and rain. Sometimes locals paint roses in different colors, blue, red, etc.

Manual ceramics, it can be beautifully decorated plates, jugs, cups and more.

Council, when transporting these beautiful things, it is important to know that they are very fragile. Therefore, all ceramic products are best wrapped and put in manual sting.

Also from the island of Djerba can be brought, dates, cactus fruits and grenades, olives and dried vegetables. From sweets, delicious halva, and this fragrant drink can be coffee. Many women will be glad to pink water and spirits.

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Here, by the customer of tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the application, I agree to the agent and its authorized representatives for the processing of my data and data of persons (tourists) contained in the application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport details listed in the passport; address of accommodation and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; As well as any other data relating to my personality and personality of the persons listed in the application, in the amount of necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those who are part of the tourist product formed by the tour operator, for any action (operation) or a set of action ( operations) committed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the application, including (without restrictions) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), Defending, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such funds meets the nature of action (about PERIOTIES), performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, to carry out in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on the material carrier and contained in card files or other systematized personal data meetings, and / or access to such personal data, and Also on the transfer (including transboundary) of these personal data to the tour operator and third partners to the partners of the agent and the tour operator.

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This agreement is given for an indefinite period and may be with me at any time, and in the part of the swinging specific person, the subject of the personal data specified in the application specified by the person, by sending a written notice to the address of the agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, are clarified by agent and understand me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of the Review of this consent are clarified by the agent and I understand.

This consent is an application of this application.

Djerba Island on the world map Find is quite difficult, but on the map of Tunisia, this big island is visible immediately. Located 5 kilometers from the southern coast of Tunisia, Jerb Island is connected to the mainland 7-kilometer dam, which Romans built. This dam allows you to get to the island not only by plane and ferry, but also by car or bus.

Why is it difficult to find the island of Djerba on the world map? The fact is that this island has a width of 22 km and a length of 28 kilometers, and on most of the world's cards it is not even signed. On the island of Djerba there is no mountains, and almost all of its surface is more or less flat land. The maximum height of the island is only 50 meters above sea level. The whole territory of the island is occupied by agricultural land. Here they grow grain, fruits, vegetables and, of course, olives. After the island is dry, and where it does not irrigate, you can see the desert.

In general, Djerba is a completely rural island. Even in the largest city of the island, you will not have thoughts from any, that you are in a large and modern city. The main city of Humt-Suc is also a Djerba business center.

Djerba Island takes 3rd place in Tunisia, after Hammamet and Sousse, by the number of beds, so do not be surprised that this island is a very popular destination for recreation. By the way, you can rest on Djerbe almost all year round.

See also: