Find a statue of freedom. Statue of Liberty

Jeroen Van Luin / Alan Strakey / Liberty Island, New York, USA (Delta Whiskey / Statue of Liberty, New York, USA (Mobilus in Mobili / Andy AtZert / Flickr .com Anthony Quintano / Freedom Island, New York (Phil Dolby / Anthony Quintano / Chris Tse / Sylvain.collet / Plate in the left hand Statues of freedom with the date of adoption Independence Declarations (Pete Bellis / Ali Sinan Köksal / Jon Dawson / Tom Thai / Wilhelm Joyssen / David Ohmer / Justin / Freedom Statue (Mike Clarke / Top view of the Statue of Liberty (Statuelibratynps /

Statue of Liberty is the main symbol of the American people, the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom. In addition, this is another symbol of the New York metropolis.

The majestic construction in America is located on Liberty Island. Approximately 3 thousand meters in the southwest direction from the south of Manhattan Island in New York. Until 56 of the last century, the island in the United States, which now decorates the statue of freedom, was called as a poor. Although at the beginning of the century it was already called the "island of freedom."

In the right hand of the statue, the length of which is 12.8 meters, the torch is burning. In the left - plate, the length of which is 4.14 meters. It has written the date of adoption of the United States independence declaration from the UK.

Under the legs of the statue, broken shackles can be seen, which, in turn, symbolizes liberation. On the head the distance from the chin to the nape is 5.26 meters. The length of the nose is 1.37 meters.

Crown Statue of Freedom of 7 Teeth, New York (Sylvain.collet /

Corn the statue of the crown of 7 teeth. This is a symbol of seven seas and at the same time seven continents. According to geography on the globe, only seven continents: Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. Seven seas mean the same number of parts of the world's ocean. Also in the crown windows are made, which diamonds shine in the sun and decorate it.

Another fact - visitors usually pass 192 steps to climb the pedestal. And in order to climb the very top, you need to overcome 356 steps. The statue size is very impressive. The overall height of the structure is 93 meters. And the height of specifically statues is 46 meters.

To visit this attractions, you need to get to the island with a ferry. Usually rise to the very top, from where you can admire the stunning panorama of New York and its harbor, inappropriate description.

Who presented a statue of freedom of America?

Despite the fact that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of America and New York, they did not do it in the States. Where did she then come from?

Plate in the left hand of statues of freedom with the date of adoption of the Independence Declaration (PETE Bellis /

Attraction is interesting because this is a gift of France on the Day of Independence Day. Designed and made a statue of Frederick Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor. The main idea is to make a gift to America in the century of independence declaration.

For the statue posed the widow of Isabella Boyer. An interesting fact that it was the wife of Zinger - American Creator of the famous sewing machine brand. This lady was not the last person in the capital and at the same time a beautiful woman.

An interesting fact - the statue of Freedom was originally planned to put in New York, but in Port Said - in Egypt. But Egypt's authorities considered this project too expensive. Therefore, the construction was decided to translate into the United States, where it will rise on the island of the New York Meshopolis.

Design and preparation for construction

The state authorities pledged to build a pedestal, and in Paris they made the statue itself. The French committed it to install it in place.

Top view of Freedom Article, New York, USA (Phil Dolby /

In order to assemble the necessary amount for the project implementation, special measures have been adopted in both states. In France, a certain amount of money managed to collect thanks to lotteries, entertainment events, donations of citizens. In America to collect the necessary amount spent theatrical performances, exhibitions of artists, battles in the ring and auctions.

In France, the author of the Bartholdi fabrication was needed a technically educated person to design a statue. Another interesting fact, this person was destined to become an architect Gyustau Eiffel, whose most famous work in the future was the Eiffel Tower. He needed to make a steel support project for the construction and framework to support a statue with a high height in a vertical position.

For the statue of a large height, a huge amount of copper needed. There are different interesting versions about the place of its prey. For example, in Russia, in Nizhny Tagil. But according to the results of the study, it turned out that copper was from Norway. For the base of concrete on which the statue of freedom is worth, a large amount of cement was required. He pledged to put a German concrete company.

The formation of the amount needed for the construction was not enough quickly. Joseph Pulitzer even called on American citizens to support construction. The performances of it significantly affected the accumulation rate of the conceived. Pedestal thought out the architect named Richard Morris Hunt.

Erectation of the Statue of Freedom

The construction of a massive foundation near Manhattan in New York began on August 5 in 1885. They built it a little less than 9 months, and the work ended on April 22, 1886. Inside the pedestal of stones inserted jumpers from steel. Metal beams connected to them are directed to go to the Eiffel frame inside the structure itself.

France made his gift in summer. The length of the entire structure turned out almost 34 meters. For transportation, it was disassembled by 350 fragments, which were distributed over a variety of boxes. Transferred them to the United States on the ship "Izer". After 11 months, the Statue of Liberty appeared near New York, where it was erected in 4 months of work.

Officially, the Statue of Freedom was opened in 1886 in New York. At the celebration, the rover and more than a thousand inhabitants and guests of the city were present at the celebration.

History of the Statue of Freedom of the United States of America

Statue of freedom near the city of New York on its massive base from granite is inside the Fort Wood, built for defensive purposes at the beginning of the XIX century. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the function of the object was responsible for the function of the object. After this role, the military took the military in the United States.

October 15, according to the Decree of the US Government, Fort Wood in the Complex with the Statue of Liberty found the status of an American nation monument in the United States.

"Symbol of New York and USA" Jon Dawson /

In 1933, the Statue of Freedom began to be responsible for the United States National Parks. In 1937, the dimensions of the monument rose and began to coincide with the outline of the poor. In 1956, the name of the island changed, he found a new name - the island of freedom.

In 82 of the last century, a project to restore the Statue of Liberty was established under the influence of the head of the Reagan country. As a result, the amount of 87 million dollars was collected. In 1984, restoration work began, during which they replaced the old torch with modern with gold coating. Another interesting fact - 24-carat gold was used to cover. In 1986, an updated statue of freedom adopted all those wishing to visit her on the occasion of the anniversary.

In early September 2001, because of the tragedy in the twin towers, the island, together with the Statue of Freedom, has become unavailable for those who want to visit him. And only in 2004 the Statue of Liberty was again open for visits, but access to the top was still closed.

From July 4, 2009, on the orders of US President Obama, it became possible to visit the top of the Freedom Statues. In 2011, elevators with stairs in honor of the next anniversary were updated. In addition, an escalator installed here for the convenience of visitors. In 2012, the Statue of Liberty became fully accessible to the visit of New York residents and visitors to the United States.

Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of America and New York. For many years she attracts tourists to itself and is a cult destination among Americans.

Andy AtZert / Freedom Island, New York (Phil Dolby / Liberty Island, New York, USA (Delta Whiskey / Anthony Quintano / View of Ellis Island (Freedom Island ) and Verryzano-Narosus Bridge (James Loesch / The US Army /

Any landmark on the map, which has worldwide glory, one way or another, is shrouded in legends and interesting stories. There is no exception and the famous statue of freedom, which is located on the island of the same name.

This Grand Memorial is also known to those people who have never visited the territory of the United States and did not see the sideline of this majestic monument.

You can meet it everywhere: on television screens, in magazines, in souvenir shops and many other available places. Therefore, even children know about where the statue of liberty is.

On the map of New York in the US, you can find the island where the statue of freedom is located, which still looks particularly solemn.

Woman with a torch in hand

Located approximately three kilometers in the south-west direction from one of the districts of the city of New York, the monument is at the intersection of the two "worlds": new light and old.

Meeting visitors immigrants, a legendary woman with a torch in hand is a real symbol of ideals of the American democratic system. For more than a dozen years, the statue of liberty is the first lines in the ratings of the most famous world sculptures.

Liberty Island, New York, USA (Delta Whiskey /

Often it is called the "symbol of New York and the USA", "Lady Freedom" and many other epithets that still will not be able to convey its magnificence.

Do not admire such a "miracle of the world" is truly very difficult. The height of the sculpture itself, which represents a woman, reaches 47 meters. But if we take into account the Golyan granite pedestal, then it will turn out 93 meters.

Tourists could observe how the top of the monument was noticeably swaying.

The world first saw this stunning monument at the end of the XIX century, in 1886. At the same time, the process of creating a world masterpiece was not easy. It turns out that the initial idea of \u200b\u200bcreating something extraordinary belonged to the Frenchman Labulaya, who was subsequently recognized as a national scale hero in the United States.

As a scientist and lawyer, he openly supported the official abolition of slavery, leading to his supporters in his homeland, an exemplary American constitution. In the Union and Friendship with the American State, some representatives of the French intelligentsia, led by Labulaye, decided to present the United States a memorable gift.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA (Mobilus in Mobili /

Interesting facts in the history of the monument

The original name of the sculpture assigned by the author Auguste Bartholdi is "Freedom, carrying the world." It is still definitely unknown, but they say that the experienced creator of a giant statue planned to fulfill its creation not for America. The projects of an amazing memorial were intended for Egypt. However, this information is not yet officially confirmed.

A lot of legends walks around that whose image is imprinted in sculpture. There are assumptions that the Creator sketched a sketch with his mother's portrait, but this version does not find evidence or refutations.

The intricate domestic frame of the statue that was built in the adjacent Harbor of New York, managed to design a specialist who became famous later, after the creation of the Eiffel Tower. Gustava Eiffel was taken for a specialist in the field of iron structures.

Freedom Island: Searches for the location of the Freedom Statue

Using a unique case, the statue was going to construct to the anniversary of the independence of the American people. In 1876 it was a rather round date - 100 years, so it would be quite logical to reinforce the holiday with such a significant gift.

Freedom Island, New York (Phil Dolby /

On the work on the creation of the greatest monument stretched very slowly. By that time, only part of the statue was completed, namely, a hand with a torch, which was taken to Philadelphia, where the international exhibition dedicated to the century-old anniversary of the United States was held.

I visited the exhibition and Bartholdi. Long before that, he decided on the choice of the island, on which the statue of freedom will be located.

Within the limits of New York, he liked only one island - Bedpoz Island, who sculptor accidentally offered to rename into the island of freedom. Only 80 years later, this island in the vicinity of the city became referred to as Liberty Island.

The sculpture took the place of the former fortress, defended in the distant times of the coastal part of New York. Gondo holding a sign with the date of the proclamation of America's independence, the statue of liberty fully justifies its own name.

Probably there is nothing surprising in that a few years after installation, the monument hit the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Statue of Liberty is one of the most majestic and excellent monuments of the United States, which is today not only a symbol of New York, but also of all the United States of America.

Statue of Liberty is one of the largest monumental works, which is also a favorite and one of the most famous symbols of the United States and New York. The poster is divided with its readers the story of this beautiful attractions.

One of the legends literally shrouded the Statue of Liberty and her story, it says that the author of the original idea after the end of the civil war was the French writer and scientist Eduar de Labule, who was a fan of American statehood. This idea quickly recognized the French sculptor Frederick Bartholdi, who for many years planned to create a similar sculpture and establish it at the entrance of the Suez Canal. Building Bartholdi was not destined to be incarnated, but she became the first prototype and the basis of his beloved all the statues of freedom.

First sketches

In 1870, Bartholdi re Credied the first versions of the statue. The heroines that at that moment inspired the sculptor were the ancient Greek goddess of freedom Libertas and Colombia. In 1871, Batoldi visited America and immediately turned his attention to Badlow Island (so before the Island of Liberty was called) and very quickly received the approval of the city administration and the country to implement this project. In 1875, Eduar de Labule publicly announced the beginning of work on the project "Freedom, Illicing Peace". At the same time, the collection of funds for the construction of a huge monument was launched. The authors and the US administration decided that the statue itself would become a US gift from France and becomes a symbol of the friendship of these peoples, and the pedestal will be erected with the financial support of America.

Frederick Bartoldi

In 1876, Batoldi returned to the United States as part of the French delegation at the World Exhibition. In the summer, the first collected part of the future statue visited the exhibition and gained a deafening success. The popularity of the hand with a torch has provided great support to the project as a whole. On March 4, 1877, the new President Rutherford Haze signed the official decree that the Statue of Liberty would be installed on the island of Below.

Gustave Eifel - Father Freedom Statue

In 1879, after assembling the head of the statue of Bartholdi, the amazing mind of their time was attracted to the project. Gustave Eifel was an outstanding engineer and a designer capable of creating something from nothing. In front of him there was a difficult task - to design the carrying structure of the statue so that it is not afraid of the wind, no precipitation. The result of the Eiffel was a stunningly powerful design and beautiful screw stairs leading to the crown of the statue. After full and long-term tests, the team of authors of the statue decided to fully collect a statue in France, and later prepare for transportation in the United States, again disassemble.

Gustave Eifel

The completion of the creation of a statue of freedom was officially announced at a solemn ceremony in Paris on July 4, 1884, on the Independence Day of the United States of America. After half a year, the sculpture was dismantled and prepared for transportation to New York.

Opponents of the statue of freedom

Simultaneously with the design and assembly of a statue in the United States, disputes and discussions flared apart. In addition to supporters of the project (including the future US President Theodore Roosevelt and opponents were also. According to many, America was not in that financial position to endure such serious costs. In addition, the recently ending civil war gave themselves to know. Some opponents of the Freedom Statue were convinced that the country needs quite real and real characters with a very recently ending war. The emergence of problems with project financing was logical. A terrific and talented American journalist Joseph Pulitzer played a big role in the organization of funds at this stage. At that time, he was the chief editor of the religious newspaper The New York Times and I switched to everyone who sacrifice at least a cent to create a statue to publish their names in the newspaper.

Pulitzer kept his word and wrote even about the "one dollar from children who were collecting money for a campaign to the circus" and "sixty cents from a young girl, lonely in this world."

Installing america symbol

On June 17, 1885, a disassembled statue of freedom was delivered to New York. A steamer who delivered a statue of home has met thousands of happy faces. On October 28, 1886, the opening ceremony was carried out by the Statue of Freedom. The celebration began with a parade passed through the streets of Manhattan, and from the windows of the New York Exchange on the procession threw an improvised serpentine - tapes of telegraph devices that printed stock exchange quotes (it was then in New York "the tradition of" parades of telegraph tapes "). Then, headed by the President of the United States, Grew, Cleveland, moved to the island of Bedlow, where, after the solemn speeches, the French flag was shot from the head of the statue.

Opening of the statue of freedom

In 1903, a bronze plate with the text of the poem of Emma Lazarus "New Colossus" was installed on the podium of the sculpture. American poetess wrote it in 1883 specifically for sale on a literary auction during the collection of funds for the construction of a statue of freedom. This sonnet was very well transmitted by the idea of \u200b\u200ba monument (and the United States of that time).

Today offers an observation deck in the crown of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty), the full name "Freedom of the Illuminating World" - one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and in the world, often called the "symbol of New York and the USA", "symbol of freedom and democracy "," Lady Freedom ".

Statue of Liberty is located on the island of freedom (Liberty Island), about 3 km on the southwest of the southern tip of Manhattan, one of the regions of New York. Until 1956, the island was called "Bedloe's Island" (Bedloe 's Island).

Statue of Freedom - the Darphranzuz people to the United States in honor of the century of the US independence anniversary and in friendship between the two states.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this symbol originated from the French scientist, lawyer and supporter of the abolition of Slavery Eduard de Labule in the late 1860s. He proceeded from the fact that America and France bind the old friendly bonds. France provided moral and material support to the struggle of Americans for independence - French General Lafayette even became the national hero of the United States. The statue was conceived as a gift for the Central Anniversary of Independence Declaration in 1876. The French wanted to express their admiration for the Great Republic on the other side of the Atlantic. Create a statue, was instructed by the French sculptor Frederick Bartholdi. His statue of freedom was inspired by the famous picture of the artist Delacroix "Freedom, leading people on barricades." The inner support of the tower design was performed by Gustave Eifel - the future creator of the Eiffel Tower.

Work on the statue was completed in France in July 1884. Status was built from subtle sheets of copper, minted in wooden forms. Formed sheets later were installed on a steel frame.

In June 1885, the statue was delivered to the New York Harbor on board the French frigate "Izer". "Lady Freedom" was transported from France in the USA in a disassembled form - it was divided into 350 parts packed in 214 boxes. The assembly of the statue on the pedestal took four months.

On September 11, 2001, due to terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the statue of freedom and island were closed to visit.

The inner part of the statue remained closed to the public, but through the glass separator you can see the iron frame created by Gustave Eiffel.

In May 2009, it was announced that from July 4, 2009, the observation deck in the crown of the Freedom Statue would be reopened to visit tourists.

At the very beginning, the statue was not green, it was discounted due to atmospheric conditions, the major of which are acidic rains.

The torch that we see today is not a historic torch of 1886. It was replaced during the reconstruction of 1984-186, since his recovery was considered inappropriate. The initial torch was quite modified in 1916. Today, this torch is exposed to the museum located inside the pedestal of the Statue of Freedom.

In 1883, American poetess Emma Lazarus wrote a sonnet "New Colossus" dedicated to the Statue of Freedom. 20 years later, in 1903, it was engraved on the bronze plate and is attached to the outside of the pedestal. The last rows of the sonnet in Russian translation are sounded like this: "... Give me a tired of your people, all thirsting to breathe freely, abandoned in the need, from the close banks of the banks, poor and orphans, so shlute them, homeless and exhausted, to me. I raise My torch at the Golden Gate! "

With the image of the Statue of Freedom, the following coins were minted: November 11, 1922 - a coin in dignity of 15 cents; June 24, 1954 - a coin of 3 cents; April 9, 1954 - a coin of 8 cents and June 11, 1961 - a coin of 11 cents.

On the New York coin the dignity of 25 cents, minted in 2001, depicted a statue of freedom with the words "Gate to Freedom" ("Gateway to Freedom").

Liberty Statue is located in the USA in the city of New York and is a symbol of the country. Few people know that the full name of the Statue of Liberty is "Freedom, Illicing Peace." People are more accustomed to call her just "Statue of Liberty" or "Lady Liberty." This legendary statue is a gift of France in honor of the century of the American revolution, it is located on the island of freedom, a few kilometers south-west of Manhattan, in New York. The island of Bedlow was officially renamed to the island of freedom thanks to the Lady with a torch in 1956, although the Americans began to call it back at the beginning of the 20th century.

The height of the statue of freedom in the USA It is 93 meters along with 47 meter pedestals. Lady Freedom is standing on the wreckage of chains. In his left hand, she holds a screen, on which the Date - the day of signing the Declaration of Independence Declaration of America is engraved - on July 4, 1776, and in the right there is a torch that symbolizes the light illuminating the path to freedom. To climb the crown, visitors need to go through 356 steps, where their eyes open the wonderful Panorama of New York, which they can admire directly from the main observation deck located in the crown. Here are 25 windows, which are considered symbols of precious stones, and the 7 rays of the crown symbolize the seas and continents in accordance with the traditions of Western geography. Inside the statue of Freedom is a museum dedicated to the history of the statue creation. You can get into it, climbing the elevator.

The history of the creation of a statue of freedom in the United States.

The author of the draft Statue of Freedom is the French sculptor and architect Frederick Bartholdi. The French engineer Alexander Gustav Eiffel, the creator of the Eiffel Tower, took part in creating a frame and strengthening structures. However, over the construction of the whole monument worked as the French and the Americans. For example, a pedestal in the form of a star was developed by the American architect Richard Morris Khant.

Parts of the body of the future statue were cast in France, and the pedestal was created in the United States. Within 4 months, the statue was going together. Bartholdi was somewhat mistaken in their calculations: as it turned out, the materials allocated to build the statue were categorically lacked, so all sorts of concerts, lotteries and charitable evenings were organized, the purpose of which was the collection of funds for the purchase of materials. The Americans extremely reluctantly parted with their money, so the American journalist Joseph Pulitzer in his newspaper "The World" wrote a few articles by calling for the highest and secondary classes of society to take part in the construction of the US independence symbol. His words contained such an acute criticism that it had an action, and funds began to flow from all over the country. By joint efforts by the end of the summer of 1885, the whole amount was finally collected. By the time the French just finished their half of the work, and the finished parts of the statue were delivered to America on the frigate "Izers" in July 1885. The valuable cargo occupied more than 200 boxes and was 350 parts of the body of Lady of Freedom.

Solemn opening of the statue It took on October 28, 1886 with the participation of US President - Grovers Cleveland. An interesting fact is that only men attended the opening ceremony, and this is despite the fact that the statue was a symbol of democracy. As an exclusion, only a few women were admitted to the island, among whom was Bartholdi's wife.

Since 1924. statue of freedom in the USA refers to the number of national monuments, and the island itself gained the title of US National Park. In 1984, the statue of freedom and the whole island was declared representatives of the UN monument of world importance.

Currently, the monument is illuminated with laser illumination, the statue has repeatedly restored, acquiring new elements, but in general the initial appearance is preserved.

To get to the Lady of Freedom every year more than 5 million tourists go to a short trip on the ferry. The entrance to the monument is free, but for the ferry will have to pay. For many years statue of Liberty In the United States remains a symbol of the independence of the country and the visiting card of New York.

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