Means BB power. Types of catering in hotels: decoding

When choosing a hotel, a considerable role is played by the type of food provided, which, as a rule, looks like an intricate alphabetic cipher. In order not to make a mistake and exclude additional costs, you need to clarify in advance - which type of food will be waiting for you at the hotel.

  • Such a food code like OV, RO, NA, AO or EP , suggests that food is not provided.
  • St. - Only breakfast (butter / jam, tea / coffee, juice, sometimes yogurt).
  • AU - American breakfast. It consists of a hot dish (for example, sausages with omelet) and cutting cheese / sausages.
  • English breakfast It assumes juices / mineral water, tea / coffee, toasts with butter / jam and scrambled eggs.
  • Cipher BB Means that you are made exclusively breakfast, namely a buffet in the hotel's restaurant. As for drinks - they will have to pay for them. Lunch with dinner is also not included in the price - in the bars / restaurants of the hotel for your money.
  • T. - You have breakfast and treatment.
  • BB +. Ensures a slightly more advanced version of the explosive. In addition to the buffet in the morning, you can count on additional services. What exactly - better know in advance.
  • BL. - Only breakfast with lunch. Drinks are free - only for breakfast and without alcohol.
  • NV. - You can have breakfast and dinner at the hotel's restaurant (buffet). Breakfast is completely free - water, tea, coffee. But for the lunch will have to fork.
  • HB +. - The same option that in the previous paragraph, but you can still count on non-alcoholic / alcoholic beverages throughout the day.
  • FB. - Behind drinks will have to pay, but the food in the main restaurant, as it should be - breakfast, lunch, dinner (of course, buffet).
  • FB +. - Buffet three times a day and offered at the hotel drinks to it (wine, beer - depending on the rules).
  • AR - full board. You can not worry - breakfast, lunch and dinner will be exactly.
  • BP. - Extremely tight American breakfast, and that's all.
  • CP. - Light breakfast, the rest - for a fee.
  • Map - For you, only breakfast and lunch, dinner - only at your own expense (in total cost it is not included), in some hotels there may be an afternoon tea party.
  • Light All Inclusive. - You can count on breakfast, lunch, dinner. Drinks for you - in unlimited quantity. That is, mineral water, alcohol, juice, etc. you can drink how much soul will wish. In addition, the hotel will also delight additional food (in accordance with its "star") - afternooner, barbecue, late dinner or just a light "snack".
  • All inclusive. - You are waiting for two breakfasts (primary + late), any local drinks during the day, as well as a buffet at lunch and dinner.
  • Ultra All Inclusive. - Buffet three times a day in the main restaurant, local drinks with alcohol and without, as well as separate imported drinks. Sometimes hotels offer more massages or tennis as an additional service.
  • HCAL - Pay separately for nothing. All at your service, within reasonable.
  • Club Pharaoh. - Three times a day - buffet + any local drinks. When settling in the hotel - the welcome "grocery set": a cocktail, wine with fruit and confectionery. In the room you will be sure to wait for slippers and a bathrobe. You can also count on half an hour of free massage and the Internet. You can also play big tennis too free.
  • ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE I WISH - You are waiting for a three-time buffet, a gift bottle of wine on the day of arrival, any local drinks - without limitation. As well as jacuzzi + sauna (no more than 2 hours), and they are imported whiskey, rum, martini, campary.
  • A-La Carte Means that you can choose any dish of those that are offered in the restaurant menu.
  • DNR. - Only dinner. As a rule, in the form of a buffet. As for Europe - the choice of second dishes will be limited by the amount of 3-5, but can eat salads and snacks as it wanted.

And remember that the meaning of the cherished phrase "All Inclusive" differs from the phrase "Full Board". The second option is most often does not imply free drinks . And choosing between half board and full board, focus on how much time you are going to spend on holiday in the hotel. Because full board will save you from the need to spend money on food In urban restaurants.

Booking a hotel with accommodation at the hotel, you need to think about all the details of the upcoming vacation. An important aspect of a successful rest is the right choice of the type of power offered in this place, so it is necessary to study the dashing in hotels in advance.

Classification of food types in hotels abroad and in Russia

Hotels offer a variety of no food. Their names are encrypted by a standard reduction system.

But it is important to know that the name of a specific type of food does not talk about the quality and assortment of dishes. This is only a mode in which the Bars and Restaurants feature.

When meeting international ciphers, you need at least minimum knowledge English spells to know how the abbreviations of the power systems look like, and what it is.

Designation of Abbrevia

The list of food types offered by the resorts consists of the following elements:

How is the highest category indicated?

  1. FB. (Full Board) - full board, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. And during the last two trapes for all drinks and water you have to pay;
  2. Food The Full Board System is supplied for a buffet type either ordered by menu.

  3. FB +. (Full Board Plus) adds to national drinks (water and alcohol), but their volume is strictly limited. It is important to know that if the ordered bottle is not added, then the waiter at the request of the guest will turn it out and will be fed tomorrow;
  4. AI (All Inclusive) - "All Inclusive". The guest can count on breakfast, lunch and dinner, and national drinks without restrictions on their volume at all time of the hotel's restaurants. Drinks are offered only to spill. An additional service is also assumed, for example, admission to fitness halls, on simulators, in the sauna and others. It is allowed to choose a buffet client or restaurant service on request;
  5. AIP. (All Inclusive Premium) - "All Included Premium" - a rarely encountered service system. It involves the addition of a wide range of drinks;
  6. Uai., Uall (Ultra All Inclusive) - Ultra All Inclusive. Reusable meals without restrictions on the choice of restaurants and bars of hotels with drinks local and imported spill and all sorts of desserts. The spectrum of additional bonuses in this case is wider than in the previous one. And on the basis of the hotel features, includes tennis, minibar, sauna and others. It also assumes the choice of maintenance or buffet type or restaurant.
  7. Deciphering additional terms

    Depending on the food supply form, service types are distinguished - buffet and restaurant. With each of them, you can even get acquainted without leaving native fenats. Enough to get to the corporate party or visit any restaurant. And yet, what is each of them?

    What is a buffet?

    In essence, it buffet. Hot meat and fish dishes are served in abundance, fruits, vegetables, salads, baking, soft drinks.

    Range Depends on the country and hotel category. The amount of food is limited only by the capacity of the stomach, because It is prohibited from the restaurant.

    Restaurants A La Maps (A-Lacarte)

    This is familiar to many customer service with a choice of dishes from the menu. Often in hotels the range in the menu is tied to any national kitchen.

    If the type of power in the certificate does not specify such a service, then the food here paid.

    To get to dinner in a restaurant, you need to first sign up for the manager.

    To rest with the maximum pleasure and benefit in everything (including the benefit for the wallet) does not prevent listening to the advice of experienced tourists. Okay familiarize On different sites with reviews about the hotel where rest is planned, about its kitchen and nutrition. When choosing a specific type of power, such moments should be taken into account:

  • Often on non-European resorts (,) over the border of the hotel there is a desert area. In this case, without AI and similar types of food not enough;
  • "All inclusive" It is necessary to order with a loaf to the fact that the beach is located far from the hotel. If you return for a long time to go back for a long time, and there are alternative power points next, then the hotel is better to eat as little as possible. But should be proceeding from their financial opportunities. With a limited budget, the maximum possible type of food in the hotel will be more economical;
  • Resting with children And spending most of the time within the hotel and its beach, the best options will be FB or AI. This will not allow not to think about the "bread of urgent" and enjoy careless rest;
  • For active restwhich includes excursions and visits to various attractions, shopping and other, it is better to choose the type of NV type - breakfast dinner. Then during the day it will be possible to combine the knowledge of new places with lunch at the local restaurant, where there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the national cuisine.
  • Order the hotel and choose the type of power right now. Enter in this search form city, check-in and Departure Dates and number of guests.

Almost always when ordering a tourist route to Greece, OEA or within the Russian Federation to the sea, travelers are invited to choose the placement and type of power. There are plenty of options, and each of them directly affects not only the cost of the trip, but also on the quality of recreation and the amount of positive impressions / memories.

It will help to figure out what kind of food types in hotels decoding. The designation AI, FB, HB, BB, OB, UAI is not an example of spy coding. These letter combinations contain comprehensive information about what is worth the tourist, and what you can immediately forget.

What are the options for power modes

Food mode, which is part of the description of the tourist escort by the sea or at the foot of the mountain ranges, indicates how many times a day, visitors can order dishes in a hotel restaurant / café / bar. In other words, this amount of nutrition has already been paid by the tourist when placing the tour. The range of dishes is often represented in the form of a buffet or in the form of the menu.

According to the world's customization classification in Greece hotels, UAE or other resorts, all possible species are represented in the form of an abbreviation of two / three letters. For an intense tourist, to understand what kind of food types offer him in hotels without decryption is impossible.

To eliminate errors and, at a minimum, unpleasant emotions during accommodation at the hotel (and as a maximum - completely spoiled vacation), it is worth introducing a detailed and understandable description of the abbreviation data.

Power types with abbreviation and explanations

In all places for travelers, the standard decoding of power types is used. What does it mean? All words are taken from English and, knowing, you can easily understand what this hotel has prepared for visits the placement conditions.

OB (ONLY BED), RO (ROOM ONLY) or AO (accommodation only)That in translation means "only bed", "only room" or "only accommodation" is the most inexpensive view of the tour on the seafront, which will provide travelers only to the place of residence without the additional free power supply.

On the logical question of the tourist: "Is there anyone to cook food?" - It is not always possible to get an unequivocal response at the tourist agent when making a ticket. In other words, with a 100% probability can only be calculated on the canteens, cafes, restaurants and other public catering.

BB (Bed and Breakfast, which is translated "Bed and Breakfast") - This is a fairly common option for the resettlement of tourists. In Sochi, hotels operating on such a program, travelers guarantee the place of residence and free Morning Lunch. The choice will be provided with a buffet or continental dish (i.e. an inexpensive buffet) option in the form of sandwiches, coffee, etc. There is no dinner with such resettlement.

HB (Half Board) "Adler hotels for vacationers with this form of settlement in the hotel will necessarily provide only breakfast and dinner. There are no alcoholic beverages and snacks. And about the lunch will need to take care of yourself: all catering points for travelers, if there is no desire to cook.

HB +. - This is an analogy of nutrition on HB, only slightly increased to the range of free alcoholic beverages (domestic production). For example, the Gelendzhik Hotel with food for such a program will provide tourists a unique chance to taste the products of winemaking only from the best cellars of the Krasnodar Territory.

FB (Full Board): "Full board" translates, i.e. Recreation has a free three-time nutrition. The tourists are offered a buffet with a set of salads, first and second dishes, meat, fish and vegetable products, as well as drinks / juices / tea / coffee.

FB +. - This is the same "full board" just + alcoholic beverages of government producers. This type of settlement takes particular attention to the United Arab Emirates, to China, on Oceania Islands, since the cooking of these countries is special and of course will be safer for their own health, if all the dishes prepare a professional cook in the hotel's restaurant.

AI (or ALL, UALL: ALL INCLUSIVE, that in translation means: everything is turned on) - Full feeding mode due to travel agency. The tourist is guaranteed to order free from the presented dishes in the Morning Lunch menu, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. As well as alcoholic beverages, snacks, coffee multiple times. Choose when placing a tour Hotels with food on the seashore are considered a rather advantageous solution, even despite the higher accommodation here:

  1. This eliminates the need to look for and getting into shopping points in an unfamiliar city outside the hotel's border;
  2. Guarantees high-quality food;
  3. This program provides resting fullest freedom from culinary hassle.

A feature of this type is that all products and drinks are only domestic production. There is no import here.

UAI (ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE) - This is the same as in the example described above, the power option on the system: breakfast-second breakfast dinner dinner + alcohol and snacks. The key position of the UAI system is that there are imported drinks and products. Almost all the hotels of the United Arab Emirates and the countries of the world work on such a type of placement.

There is another popular program - AO (or RO). This placement of the tourist on the seafront at the hotel without meals. The advantages of this choice:

  1. A tourist can independently choose exactly those products and cook dishes that he loves (or who are allowed to him by physicians). This appearance is relevant for parents with young children, because cooking porridges for mom infants in any case prefer themselves.
  2. This type of food reduces the cost of the tour. By the way, it is not the poorest tourists, since it is quite often the placement of a tourist on the AO system involves his settlement in expensive apartments. And if a person does not want to cook himself, then numerous restaurants / cafes to its services (which also cannot have financial benefits).

Alternative classification and decoding

But, not all countries use abbreviations of the standard classification of food types in hotels. Sometimes hotels with the UAE pool offer an alternative designation:

  1. EP (similarly s) and means that there will be no free eating, the visit will not get here at all, because This is not included in the price;
  2. CP (or Continental Plan), which provides tourists a selection of light courses (tea / coffee, bun, sandwiches, fruits) and only once a day in the morning;
  3. BP (Bermuda Plan) is a dense Morning Lunch in American, i.e. Here, meat / fish dishes, salads, baking and many other products are not at all for a vegetarian or a person on a diet;
  4. Map - half board, consisting of a full breakfast and satisfying lunch. It can also be complemented by post-day tea on the British tradition, even in the hotels of the UAE;
  5. AP (American Plan), which means full board, i.e. Three-time meals with additional snacks.

Views of breakfast

In some cases, when choosing an accommodation in the hotel Adler with power, such parts as the view of breakfast can be cited. There are only three different in cost and content:

  1. Continental Breakfast (Continental) - Easy and simple set of dishes and drinks (coffee / tea / juice, bun, fruit);
  2. English type, consisting of hearty scrambled eggs, hot toasters, buns with jam and oil and coffee / tea;
  3. American Type is the most hearty and calorie set of dishes: hot and cold snacks, baking, cutting, etc.

In any case, when choosing a type of catering in the hotel, tourists should be guided by the Rule: Only the full stomach will give strength and desire for active excursion routes and fun walks. In other words, high-quality rest begins with food!

Here you will find a brief decoding and description of the breakfast abbreviations in hotels, in other words, the types of food that are offered hotels accepted all over the world. And so that choose and what to agree is to solve you.

So, the types of food that can offer in hotels

OV - Only Bed (Bed only) OR EP - Except Pation (without food)
This abbreviation indicates that when accommodation in the hotel, you do not have no food. Usually, in these cases, food can be ordered or visit for this) right on site or nearby restaurants or cafes.

BB (Bed & Breakfast)
This type of food in the hotel means that only breakfast is included in the cost of your stay (usually a buffet), additional meals (lunch, dinner, etc.) can be ordered for a fee in the hotel restaurants.

In most countries, breakfast is already included in the hotel's price. In countries such as the United States, Mexico, Singapore and Australia, breakfast, usually ordered at will, and pay on the spot.

Breakfast itself can also be four types:

CBF - Continental Breakfast (Continental Breakfast)
Continental breakfast or abbreviated CBF. This is the most modest look of breakfast. Most often served in European hotels 2 * -5 *, sometimes it can be found in hotels in the lowest category (2 * -3 *) in other parts of the world. Breakfast consists of tea, coffee, buns, butter, cottage cheese, egg, you can also offer fruits or yogurt.

ABF - American Breakfast (American Breakfast)
American breakfast. Lovers of a more dense breakfast than CBF, it is worth choosing this particular type. In addition to all that will offer you when nutrition in the type of continental breakfast, various sausages, ham, cheeses, as well as vegetable salads will add to the American breakfast. This type is most common in America and Western Europe.

English Breakfast - English Breakfast
English breakfast is much less common than other species. Usually, it includes coffee (or tea), juice, scrambled eggs, toasts, butter and fruit jam.

BBF - Buffet Breakfast (buffet)
The most common and popular view of breakfast.
Quite often you can meet the universal designation of this type - BB.
Buffet is the most nutritious and abundant breakfast. It can be found in most hotels worldwide.

Usually it includes all dairy and meat products, vegetables and fruits, pastries and pastries, and all drinks of local production (in some cases, even alcoholic beverages will be offered).

The kind of buffet food implies the opportunity to take so much food as you need, committing an unlimited number of approaches.

In four and five-star hotels, you will find a richer and varied breakfast than in hotels having two or three stars.

HB - Half Board (breakfast and dinner)
This type of nutrition is most often called "half board" or two meals. At many resorts, ordering a hotel room, you already receive food through the HB system, which is already included in the price. Also, most hotels have the opportunity to order dinner additionally, as well as pay it in place.

DNR Power Type - Dinner (Dinner)
Power on the DNR system may be different: both on the menu and in the form of a buffet. In the second case, most often, dinner will be the same as breakfast. Please note that dinner in Europe, represented in the form of a buffet, can be somewhat limited in choosing the second dishes - you can offer only one of 3-5. Cold snacks and salads, in any case, will be unlimited.

FB - Full Board (three meals)
Full Board is also called "full board", it includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most often, breakfast and dinner will be presented in the form of a buffet. For lunch and dinner, you will be offered any drinks, usually for a fee.

FB + or Extfb - Full Board + or Extended Half Board (Extended Three Paradise)
Advanced full board is breakfast, lunch and dinner (usually a buffet), during meals, you will also offer non-alcoholic drinks (some hotels also offer alcohol - beer and wine).

Brunch Dinner (Running Breakfast)
This type of food is most common in ski resorts. Brunch Dinner is a breakfast that smoothly flows in an early lunch (there is no break between them), as well as dinner. In addition to food, you will be offered non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages (most often beer and wine) of local production.

Power Types "All Inclusive"

MINI ALL INCLUSIVE (full board + beverages)
MINI ALL INCLUSIVE - includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most hotels dinner will be presented in the form of a buffet. During meals, you will be offered locally produced drinks. In addition, you can take drinks not only during meals, but at any other time, however, in limited quantities.

All (AL) - All Inclusive (all inclusive)
For accommodation at the All Inclusive hotel, in addition to three meals, the price includes all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local production (in unlimited quantities and at any time). In addition, you get extra food is a second breakfast, afternoon snack, snacks, barbecue in bars, as well as late dinner.

In addition, the cost includes the main services and entertainment that the hotel offers.

HSAL - HIGN CLASS ALL INCLUSIVE (all inclusive, highest class)
On the Hign Class All Inclusive system - everything that the hotel offers is already included in the price. You get everything for free, except shops, telephone, doctor, hairdresser, some water sports and diving.

Uall (UAI) - Ultra All Inclusive (Ultra All Inclusive)
Ultra All Inclusive is an analogue of all inclusive, but besides everything, you also get any alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (both local and not local production), as well as unlimited meals at any time of the day (around the clock).

In addition, you can use free by any services and entertainment that the hotel offers. Some hotels will also offer you free meals in restaurants from the kitchen of various peoples of the world, as well as meals during the day, at a convenient time for you.

There are many varieties of Ultra All Inclusive system - such as VIP ALL Inclusive, Elegance All Inclusive, De Luxe All Inclusive, Super All Inclusive and others. The difference between these types from others can be clarified in the hotel chosen.

Hello everybody! When leisure planning, tourists sometimes have any questions: which system is available in modern hotels? What is a buffet, continental or American breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I am confused myself, I could not remember what letters a dinner breakfast is designated, or a three-time diet. Therefore, I decided to write a short post, where we decipher all these "hieroglyphs", suture the possibility of one or another option.

Modern hotels provide guests with different nutrition concept. Before you a brief table, each item decrypt below.

RO (Room ONLY)
no meals
BB (Bed Breakfast)disposable meals - breakfast
HB (Half Board)double food - dinner breakfasts or breakfast lunches and soft drinks while eating
HB + (Half Board Plus)double food - dinner breakfasts non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages of local production during meals
FB (Full Board)three-year food - breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks while eating
FB + (Full Board Plus)
EXTFB (Extended Half Board)
three-member food - breakfast lunch dinner, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages of local production while eating
AL (all inclusive)three-time meals with intermediate
snacks -
Breakfast lunch dinner, extra meals, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the day
Ual (Ultra Inclusive)enhanced three-time meals with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
Dinner, free meals in A-Lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room Only (RO) - in translation indicates "only room". Accordingly, the cost of the price is not included.

Bed Breakfast (BB) - translated "Bed and breakfast". Moreover, breakfast in different countries or even hotels can be both in a buffet system and "continental" (SV), "American" (AV) or "English".

  • CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST - translated "Continental breakfast". All modestly: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, bun, butter and jam.
  • AB (American Breakfast) - Only the presence of hot dishes differs from continental: omelet, sausages.

Half Board (HB) - in Russian "half board". In some hotels, you can choose: "breakfast dinner" or "breakfast lunch". Coffee, tea, water is usually included in the price, but most of the hotels can only get them during meals. In other cases, payment is required.

Half Board Plus (HB +) - "half board plus", differs from HB only in that the price includes some alcoholic beverages. Usually local production and most often only during meals.

Full Board (FB) - translated "full board". The price includes breakfast lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. Conditions are the same as in the HV, only the power is a three-year.

Full Board Plus (FB), Extended Half Board (Extfb) - "Full Pension Plus" or "Advanced Pension", Alcoholic beverages are added to the previous concept.

ALL INCLUSIVE (AI) - in translation denotes "All Inclusive". The name fully justifies yourself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: Late breakfast, afternoon snack, late dinner, other snacks. Non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages in unlimited quantities throughout the day. As a rule, this power system implies the opportunity to eat from 6 am to 12 am.

Ultra Inclusive (UAL) - "Ultra all inclusive." Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with the opportunity to visit A-Lacarte Restaurants (thematic restaurants in the hotel). Such a concept includes a greater choice and greater diversity in nutrition than AI. Of course, any drinks are included in the price.

Power regulations in hotels can be different. Most often, especially in resort zones, a buffet nutrition concept is common. Buffet is an opportunity to choose and compose yourself a diet. With such a system, dishes are placed in the hall, and the tourists themselves choose and impose food to a plate.

See also: