The highest lighthouses in the world. The biggest lighthouse in the world

- This is the place where it is born and in a moment it dies light and it repeats again and again. Since the famous Alexandrian Lighthouse The towers sending the rays of the lights in the darkness becomes a guiding star for sea ships and an object of delight for tourists.

The tool of navigation equipment of sea theaters in the form of a capital construction of a tower type, designed to determine the place of ships in the sea. This building has a bright contrasting color, visually allocating it against the background of the surrounding area. Lighthouses are equipped with a strong source of light and, as a rule, are supplied with optical means to enhance the light signal to be well visible and at night.

The lighthouse can also file sound signals and (or) to transmit a radio signal to perform their function and in conditions of insufficient visibility (temporary, as during a fog, or constant - for example, caused by the conditions of terrain).

Due to the use of modern navigation technologies, the role of lighthouses as a navigation remedy has decreased somewhat, and at present the number of working beacons around the world does not exceed one and a half thousand.

Alexandrian lighthouse (Lighthouse alexandria ) It is the only one of the seven wonders of the world, which, besides architectural elegance, also carries a practical function.

Alexandrian lighthouse was the highest construction in the world and was in ancient island Faros. Alexandrian Mayak was a guarantee of the safe return of sailors to a large harbor. The height of the Alexandrian lighthouse, according to different estimates, was from 120 to 140 meters. For centuries, he was the highest construction on Earth. That is why the lighthouse includes 7 ancient miracles of the world.

In 332, BC, Alexander Macedonsky won Egypt and decided to establish a new capital there - Alexandria.

Maritime trade developed at a rapid pace and the need for a lighthouse was becoming more acute, which would indicate a safe way to Alexandria Harbor. And in the end, on the eastern tip of the island, Faros, lying at a distance of 1290 m from Alexandria, was built on the lighthouse, called the name of the island. The bond name named and his functions turned out to be so strong that since that time the word "Faros" became the root of the word "lighthouse" in many languages. The height of the Mayak reached 135 m and his light was visible to 60 km away. Built his architect Costrath Book in 280 BC. On the rock, towering on the eastern shore of Faros Island.

The lower part of the lighthouse was the tetrahedral prism of the 60-meter height with the base in the form of a square, the length of the part of which was 30 m.
A different inventory was stored inside the lighthouse, and the base of the middle part served as a flat roof, decorated with huge statues of triton in the corners.

The roof served as a tower lined with white marble. The top of the lighthouse was built in the form of a cylindrical colonnade, headed by a 7-meter figure of the bronze of the sea lord of Poseidon. A huge bonfire served as the main source of light. Until now, the phenomenon of the glow and brightness of the lighthouse is not set. According to some versions, such an effect was achieved with the help of huge polished mirrors, according to others, due to the use of transparent grinding stones - lenses.

In May 1100, the strongest earthquake destroyed the lighthouse almost to the ground. After that, in the Middle Ages, the foundation of the Alexandrian Mayak was built into the Turkish fortress Kite Bay. At the moment, it has become an Egyptian military port, so even scientists can get to the residues - archaeologists.

Lighthouses TEVENNEC (Lighthouse Tevennec) and La Vieille.

The Atlantic coast of France has occasionally lived by sea, fishing and trade. The port Brest - small trading and fishing boats were always vigorously smashed - south of France, in Spain and further. But on the path of sailboats there was a very unpleasant place - the long chain of the islands and underwater reefs, leaving far away in the sea - Highway de San (Chaussée de Sein).

A huge number of ships are gone there. And in 1869 it was decided to put a lighthouse on the island of Tevennek (Tevennec) - the very first dangerous place if saved from the north to south of France. For more than five years, it took the construction of a lighthouse, and in 1875 fire broke out on it. Thus, he together with La Vieille La Vieille (La Vieille) formed some light gates and ships needed to be kept between them.

This lighthouse is located on the island of Wesan (located at the most Western point of the Breton Water area in France). La Jument is built directly into the sea on the rocky spree not far from the coast and has a height of 100 meters.

Several consecutive frames of the lighthouse filmed by photographer Jean Guichard from a helicopter in a strong storm in 1989. In the photo, the Lighthouse, which because of the noise helicopter thought that rescue services flew and left the shelter. At this point, the giant wave fell on the building. The caretaker almost died, but managed to hide in time behind the steel doors of the Lighthouse.

Lighthouse keepers pass all the way from "hell" (lighthouses in the open sea), through "purgatory" (islands) and to "Paradise" (continent) alone, not only metaphysical. In the 20th century, the keepers often became veterans of the First World War; Oddly enough, after the Second World War, this profession was considered "privileged" for disabled war. The modern level of technology makes unnecessary presence of a person in a lighthouse building.

In 2004, Ceron ("Sea Palace"), the last inhabited lighthouse in the sea, closed his doors with a beautiful rose of winds from red and ebony. Today, no one else lives here.

Brittany. TEIGNOUSE Lighthouse.

Numerous Brittany lighthouses are faithful sailors' guidebooks, and they speak the same language with fishermen. For example, on the Kibron Peninsula (Quiberon), instead of "burned" or "got a sunny burn" say "became like a lighthouse Teignouse" - white with a red nose.

The Lighthouse Tower of the Fur (Four) (the category "hell"), which is able to withstand the waves of a 30-meter height.

Lighthouse Four (Le Four). Photo of big permission

Lighthouse Armenia (translated from Bret. "Rock") - a lighthouse on the coastal reef of Il de Saint in French Brittany. He got its name from the rock of the same name, on which he was built in the period from 1867 to 1881. The lighthouse is widely known due to its isolation and difficulties arising from its construction (the lighthouse stands in the open ocean in 5 kilometers from the nearest shore, this is the island of Sen, which has the Western coast of France), as well as difficulties associated with the evacuation of personnel from the lighthouse. In the Guardian Community, the beacons are considered one of the most difficult places of work, for which he received the nickname "hell hells".

The decision to build a lighthouse at a completely impossible place was taken after the shipwreck of the Sane frigate in 1859 (at this point of the ocean there is only a narrow passage among the underwater rocks, one of the most dangerous seaflings, called the road from hell to hell). The problem was that the only rock in the area where something could be built, performed over the surface of the sea only a couple of meters. In principle, it would be enough with calm water, but the ocean in that place is quiet almost never. Several expeditions were returned from the reconnaissance with the verdict "to build it impossible". But without a loadhouse of shipwrecks, the project was also launched.

Construction began in 1867, disembarking on the rock of the group of workers. So started the preparation of the rock base (drilling of the shurts and installation of fittings). People worked right during strong excitement, with insurance and special shoes, so as not to be smithy waves overlapping through the rock. Short shifts during sings. Such preparation was two years.

The main works began in 69th, laying out the granite blocks and the fill of the concrete base of the lighthouse from portland cement, resistant to the effects of seawater. 40 hours of operation were given one cubic meter of the base.

Construction went 15 (!) Years, while the catastrophe, there were practically no human victims, only in the 81st killed one of the workers who were in water (although the cases of man was afraid in the ocean were many and in the process of work, and after). In the construction process there were concerns that the design will be fragile and will not endure the blows of the waves, because the rock size is only a little more diameter of the lighthouse tower! But the lighthouse is worth only the walls are operated by sea water.

The first light of the lighthouse could be seen on the night of August 30 to August 31, 1881. And it works so far, passing several technical modernization.

In the late 1980s, the AR-men's lighthouse was electrified and equipped with a 250-watt halogen lamp. It was automated one of the first, and from April 10, 1990 works in automatic mode.

Lighthouse height:

  1. Height above sea level: 33.50 m
  2. Overall dimensions: 37 m
  3. Length height: 33.50 m

Light source

  1. from October 1, 1897 - diesel fuel (produced on Il de Sen Island)
  2. since 1903 - Oil Couples
  3. 1988 - electrification (halogen lamps 250 W)
  4. 1990 - Automation

This lighthouse is located in a picturesque place on the edge of the Konka peninsula (Conquet).

The highest lighthouse in Europe is located on the island of Vierz (Plouguerneau). The lighthouse has a height of 82.5 meters and was built in 1897, and next to him is a little beacon, but he is a little older - it was built in 1845. Coast Legend (Cote d 'Legende) belongs to the Finister Department (Finistere), which is known for its coves - Aber-Ildy (Aber Benoît) and Aber Wrac'h). Just at the mouth of the latter and the lighthouse is located.

Les Pierres-Noires Lighthouse ("Stones-Black women").

Lighthouse is located in the city of Conquet in France. It was built from 1867 to 1871. On May 1, 1872, the Lighthouse began his work. At that time, 325 thousand franc gold was spent on the construction of this project.

The operating lighthouse in Côtes-d'armor (France). The height of the lighthouse is 60 meters and it is considered the 24th highest lighthouse in the world.

The Lighthouse is located on the Rocky Reef Roches-Douvre, which is considered very dangerous due to the fact that during the tide is completely covered with water and it is not visible from the surface. Lighthouse Roches-Douvres is considered one of the most remote from the mainland in Europe, it is located in 30 kilometers from the French coast.

To the building can only be reached on the boat from the shore. The lighthouse itself is completely closed from the public.

The lighthouse seems to be the most ordinary, but the place where it is located in Alum Bay Bay, is distinguished by fabulous beauty.

NEEDLES Lighthouse in Alum-Bay

The locality where the beacon is located is a narrow rocky ridge, which places rise to 120 m in height. These rocks have always represented a greater danger of sea ships. But in 1781 merchants and shipowners filed a petition for the construction of a lighthouse. They received a patent in January 1782.

And at the end, a small selection of beautiful lighthouses and ordinary modern, but which are in very picturesque places.

Lighthouse Lindau. Bodhen lake. 33 meter lighthouse height. Bavaria, Germany

Lighthouse "Hook Head", Ireland

  • The most famous incident associated with the lighthouses was the mysterious disappearance of at the same time three Lighthouse Careers on the Islands of Flannan in December 1900.
  • In France, the coastline was not marked up to the XVII century, it was done to prevent the attack of pirates.
  • One of the few, operating so far, the Lighthouse Church is the Ascension Church, built in 1867 on the sequeary mountain of the Greater Solovetsky Island (see Solovetsky Islands).
  • Statue of freedom from 1886 to 1902 was used as a lighthouse.
  • The most western lighthouse of Russia, built in 1813-1816, is located in the city of Baltiysk. He points out the way to ships next to the ports of Baltiysk, Light and Kaliningrad.
  • Lighthouse Westerly Chtoren (Westerlichttoren) was depicted in a Netherlands banknote in 250 guilders.
  • The first registered lighthouse was a lighthouse of Alexandria, built in 200 BC on the island of Foros (Pharos) by the Egyptian Emperor Ptolemy (Ptolemy). Foros Lighthouse is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The lighthouse height was 150 meters (492 feet) - it is approximately three times higher than modern lighthouses.
  • Roman emperors built a lot of lighthouses to help their troops in navigation. In 90 n. e. Emperor Caligula (Caligula) ordered to build a lighthouse in Dover, England. This beacon is considered the oldest lighthouse in England, and he still stands at the founding of the Davrian Castle.
  • In 1543, the highest brick lighthouse in the world, Lanterna (Lanterna) in Genoa. Its height is 75 m (246 feet).
  • The first stone lighthouse in the world is considered to be Smeaton Eddystone, which is located to Plymouth, England. This lighthouse was built in 1756 by the father of England, John Diamphate. It covered with 24 candles. Eddystone stood 47 years old until the fire had happened in it, after that it was dismantled and built on a nearby rock.
  • Today, the equivalent of lighthouse fire is about 20 million candles. And modern lighthouses work on high pressure xenon lamps.
  • The highest lighthouse in the world is the steel tower in the Yamashite Park (Yamashita) in Yokohama. Its height is 106 meters (348 feet).

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Now there are not so many working lighthouses in the world, but interest in them still does not fade. It is worth a closer look at the most famous among them. Unfortunately, not all beautiful antiquities have been preserved to the present day. For example, one of the seven wonders of the world, the famous Alexandria Lighthouse, can now be admired only in the picture, but there are also such that they retained their special charm. Here is the six of them.

Mayak Stubnesviti in Iceland

Lighthouse of congratulations on Sri Lanka

This lighthouse is located in a wonderful exotic place at Cape Condra and is one of the highest in the entire coast of Southeast Asia. The structure was erected in 1889 by order of William Douglas, an employee of the British Imperial Service of Lighthouses. The entire building material required to build this design was specially delivered from England. Granite slabs, of which the walls were built by the walls, brought from Careers Scotland.

The height of the tower is 49 meters, and to climb the very top, you need to overcome 196 stages. The lighthouse was built in the form of an eight-marched pyramid. It rises surrounded by palm trees and other tropical plants, harmoniously fitting into the surrounding landscape. This object is still functioning, and makes every day that the fire on the tower lights up on time.

Lighthouse Portland Head Light in the United States

This construction is a unique architectural monument of America. The lighthouse rises on the ocean coast of about two hundred years. Initially, his lamp, which put a signal by sailing past by ships, worked on whale fat. Since then, everything has changed - electricity has been held to the tower, some reconstruction was made.

The last repair was produced in 1970, when the lighthouse suffered as a result of a hurricane. It was possible to preserve the residence of the very first seaman caretaker - now it has a museum. This place is very loved by tourists who go from all over the country to admire the beautiful sea scenery of the North of New England.

Jeddah Light is an active lighthouse located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In height, it is 113 meters and now is one of the highest lighthouses in the world. It was built in 1990.

Bell-Rock is a lighthouse located on the Rife of Inchcéyp not far from the Eastern Coast of Scotland (Angus region). It was built between 1807-1810 by Engineer Robert Stevenson. To date, the oldest beacon, built on reefs. The height of the structure is 35.3 m.

Kopu Lighthouse.

Kopu Lighthouse is one of the most famous symbols and tourist attractions in Estonia located on the island of Hiyumaa. It was built in 1531 and is considered the third oldest lighthouse in the world. The height of the structure is 36 meters.

Slettnes Lighthouse - Lighthouse, located in the municipality of Hamvik in the Finnmark district, Norway. This 39-meter facility was built in 1903-1905.

Tower Hercules - Lighthouse, located in the North-West of Spain. Construction in a height of 55 meters. It is considered ancient in the world and the only one used ancient Roman lighthouse. Building dates from about the second century, perhaps the period of the rule of Emperor Trajan.

Kullen Lighthouse - Lighthouse located on the top of the hill on the southwest coast of Sweden. It is one of the most famous sights of the country. Lighthouse height - 15 meters.

The fourth place in the list of ten most famous lighthouses in the world is occupied by Peggys Point Lighthouse - one of the most lively tourist attractions in New Scotia. It was built in 1914.

Mayak Cape Hatteras - Lighthouse, located on the island of Hatteras in the city of Bakston, North Carolina, USA. It was built in 1870. It is the highest brick beacon in the United States and the world. The height of the structure is 64 m.

Sambro Island Light

Just as medieval castles are memorable evidence of a particular cultural and historical period, lighthouses are evidence of our long-term relationships with the ocean. Despite the fact that such technology is still used, new lighthouses are more similar to modern, functional and unattractive towers compared to the facilities built in the past centuries. Many of them demonstrate decline and negligence, but passionate people around the world have formed groups to restore and preserve this story.

I was fortunate enough to visit the two remaining working lighthouse in Canada to see the beauty of the structure and get an understanding, which means being a beacon. I was engaged in climbing for a week to West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, this construction was originally built in order to save the victims of the shipwreck. While I thought, I completely retired from civilization through the forests, swamps and beaches, I went straight through the perfectly trimmed lawn at the house of the caretaker of the lighthouse. He was a welcome place to relax, and the owners were glad to visitors and told us the history of their lighthouse.

1. Lighthouse Mountains Point
It was the last beacon with food on corner and gas in the UK. It was built in 1860 and is still used as an aid for navigating on the southern coast of Wales.
Photo: Capt 'Gorgeous

2. Lighthouse Kullens
One of the most famous architectural monuments and the most powerful lighthouses in Scandinavia. Lighthouse Kullens is located on the southwest coast of Sweden, in the province of Skania.
Photo: Dirigentens.

3. Lighthouse Akranes
This old lighthouse is installed on the volcanic landscapes of Iceland near Akranes, the 9th densely populated city of the country. Almost all residents of Iceland live on the coast due to the mountainous lava desert and the ice relief of the inside of the territory.
Photo: Atli Haroarson

4. Lighthouse Windd Point
Shining in the port of Rasin, Wisconsin, this lighthouse is home to the conference center, conference room, and part of the time serves for the village police station.
Photo: James Jordan

5. Lighthouse Umbva River
This lighthouse on the Oregon coast flashes classic red and white light. Now he is under Douglas County instead of the National Coast Guard, but is still used as a navigation assistance.
Photo: Puliarf.

6. Lighthouse Peggy Point
Located in Peggy Bay, this lighthouse is one of the busiest tourist attractions in New Scotia and one of the most recognizable beacons in the world. Currently, several decisions are taken on the protection of the lighthouse on the act on the protection of the heritage of lighthouses.
Photo: Archer10

7. Lighthouse Szartonnikug
This lighthouse, built 150 years ago, is located on the island in the Northern Netherlands, which is home to a small village and the National Park. Every year it is visited by about 300,000 tourists.
Photo: Bert Kaufmann

8. Lighthouse Kovalam
On a high stone lighthouse in Kovalam there is a lantern and a gallery on top overlooking the ocean and a tourist beach.
Photo: Mehul.antani.

9. Lighthouse Arisayig
According to the photographer, it is "an exact copy of the original beacon Arisayig Point, which burned down in the early 1930s, when his lantern caught fire. It is located in the county of Antigonish, New Scotland.
Photo: Archer10

10. Lighthouse Pointe-A la Renimmi
Excursions with a guide are allowed on the upper part of this lighthouse, and in the reconstructed house of the Lighthouse, artifacts, which have more than a century, are demonstrated. After the end of operation, the lighthouse was dismantled and stood in the old port in Quebec for 20 years, until it was decided that it would be better to return it to the original location.
Photo: Archer10

11. Whitby Harbor Lighthouse
This structure firmly sits in a concrete dock to the northeast of Toronto and throws light on Lake Ontario.
Photo: Rick Harris

12. Lighthouse Ruu
Along the coast of Scotland is more than 70 lighthouses. This is in the small town of Ullapul, in the mountainous location of Scotland.
Photo: geezaweezer

13. Lighthouse Split Rock
This lighthouse in Minnesota was built in 1910 after a number of shipwrecks near the lake top. It was brought out of operation in 1960 and is currently a historical monument.
Photo: Chefranden.

14. Lighthouse Point Betsy
This is one of the most photographed lighthouses in the United States overlooking Lake Michigan. There is a group of volunteers who collect money, purify the territory and hire professionals to restore the building.
Photo: jkdevleer04.

15. Mayak Cape Byron
The most Eastern Australian lighthouse is supported by the Cape Byron Reserve, who acquired and retained the building in 1998. The object is currently used as a base for watching whales.
Photo: Paul Bica

16. Lighthouse Whittenbergen
Built in 1900, this is one of the oldest examples of steel structures when it comes to lighthouses. It is still active on the northern shore of Elba in Wittenbergen, in the north of Germany.
Photo: Elbfoto.

17. Laurage Lowac
Lorein Port Foundation owns and manages this lighthouse over Lake Erie, on the coast of Ohio.
Photo: Ronnie44052.

18. Lighthouse of Cape Florida
This lighthouse in Ki-Biscane, Florida, was created in 1825 in order to guide the ships from Reef Florida. Excursions for the lighthouse and the Cottage of the caretaker are allowed twice a day.
Photo: sporadic

19. Mayak Cape Santa Maria
Located in Uruguay, this lighthouse was built in 1881 and significantly reduced the number of sunken vessels in the area. 150 steps lead to the top, and the building itself is open for tourists.
Photo: Libertinus.

20. Lighthouse Piezon Point
You can see this tower near San Francisco Bay, but the lighthouse was closed for tourists since 2001 due to its poor condition. The renovated caretaker's house serves as a youth hostel, starting from the mid-1960s.
Photo: The Wandering Angel

21. Lighthouse Portland Head
The original lighthouse was built here in 1790. The current structure is managed by the city at Cape Elizabeth, Maine, and is a tourist attraction with a museum, a souvenir shop and hectares of the surrounding parks and a trail.
Photo: James Jordan

22. Lighthouse Harbor Walton
This lighthouse in New Scotland was stopped in 1986 and is currently used as a translation center.
Photo: Archer10

23. Lighthouse Harbor Holland
The first lighthouse at this place in Ottawa district, Michigan was a small, square wooden building, built in 1872. The modern building, known as "Big Red" was built in 1907, and citizens applied to salvation from demolition in the 1970s. He is currently preserved and restored by the historical commission on the beacon of Harbor Holland.
Photo: jkdevleer04.


The top 10 of the most outskie lighters of the world reveals - the operating lighthouse in the southeast of Lake Ladoga, in the village of Worshovsky district of the Leningrad region. This is the fourth lighthouse, which was built on this ins. It is a stone tower with a height of 71 m, at the top of which - in the gallery - leads a spiral staircase in 399 steps. The focal plane of the Storozhensky Lighthouse is located at an altitude of 76 m. Use Fresnel lenses on the lighthouse. The range of visibility in clear weather is: white light - 22 miles, red light - 17 miles. In different sources built either in 1906 or in 1911


The second height among China's lighthouses. The lighthouse is a three-headed tower.


Mulantou (also known as Hainan Lighthouse) It is the highest in China. Mulanto is a functioning lighthouse that makes two white light outbreaks every 15 seconds.


This is the highest lighthouse in Russia and the highest coating (that is, necessarily working in a pair) lighthouse in the world. The construction of a lighthouse of such a height on the forest mole was proposed by Evgeny Gnistevich in 1986. Subsequently, this proposal was implemented. "PARTNERS" Lighthouse - Forest Mole Fit front (own height - 16 meters, above sea level - 21 meters) and Forest Mole Middle Middle (Own height - 24 meters, above sea level - 26 meters). Lighthouse is located on the territory of the shipyard and ensures the safe entry of ships from the sea channel to one of the technical coves of the city.


The construction of this lighthouse, located Radom with the old, took place from 1829 to 1835 with the budget of 332 214 francs. During World War II, the lighthouse was not injured. Currently, he is one of the few lighthouses in France, available for visiting and from it a picturesque view of the surroundings.

The lighthouse is valid and at the moment there are two xenon lamps with a capacity of 1600 watts. Usually one lamp is turned on, only two lamps are used in bad weather.


The main lighthouse of the Genoese port and the symbol of Genoa. Refers to the oldest preserved lighthouses in the world. With a height of 77 meters, 375 steps lead to its vertex. It takes the second line in the list of the highest "traditional" lighthouses of the world And is the highest lighthouse of Italy and the Mediterranean Sea.


- The highest lighthouse of Europe and the highest "traditional lighthouse" in the world. In the immediate vicinity there is a "old lighthouse" with a height of 31 meters, who worked from 1845 to 1902.


Troika Lightacre Records Open "Sea Tower" - The highest lighthouse of Japan. He operated since December 2006 to May 2009, after which it was renovated and re-opened.

Marin-Tower (Okham Marin Tavā) is a 106-meter lattice lighthouse with an observation platform at an altitude of 100 meters. Initially, at night, the tower support itself was highlighted in green and red according to its marking, but now, after repairing in May 2009, the backlight is carried out with white lights.


This is the second height in the world and the highest Lighthouse of North America and the entire Western Hemisphere. Memorial is built in honor of Oliver Perry, who won the battle for Lake Erie in 1813, and is also symbol of the world between Britain, Canada and USA.


See also: