What are the gnomes. Who are gnomes and do they exist? Underground City in Turkey

The ancient fabulous race of the dwarf - Dwarfs - appeared within the framework of German-Scandinavian mythology. This is a low-spirited people living predominantly in caves and mining precious metals and stones.

Fabulous dwarfs - creatures of German-Scandinavian mythology

Dwarfs are often found in the literary works of writers of the whole world, but they received special popularity in the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers, as well as the cult cycles about Mediterranean and Narnia.

The origin of the gnomes

About who are such gnomes, for the first time told in their modern world the image of these magical creatures can be found in the literary works and folklore of the peoples of the world. There are several theories of the origin of this nation. Some argue that he went from ancient giants, who also lived in caves and dungeons. Others believe that the ancestors are inhabit the underground kingdom in the darkness.

The word "gnomes" itself appeared thanks to the ancient alchemist named Paracels. The basis was the ancient Greek word "knowledge", because Alchemist believed that fabulous dwarfs are owners of knowledge hidden from people.

Depending on the country and the people of the gnomes are called differently.

  1. In the distant times, German-Scandinavian peoples called their doors or magicians.
  2. English version of the name of the race of dwarfs - dwarves.
  3. In Polish, the name of Krasnolyuda was secured.
  4. The Serbian people call their arms.

Description of appearance and character

Dwarves look like ordinary people. The main difference is that the growth of the adult gnome does not exceed the human child. Despite this, creating an unprecedented physical force, which helps them with ease to cope with difficult work. Such dwarfs are often the owners of a long, thick beard. They are preferably dressed in simple rags.

Dwarfs, that is, the female individuals of the race, possess lush forms and the same long, thick hair like beard men of this species. They wear gray or dark-green clothes. Special preference gives skirts and blouses.

Dwarfs are good-natured and hardworking folk, who still prefers to contact as far as possible with representatives of other races.

Lifestyle of fabulous dwarfs

In the mythology of different peoples of the gnomes and their lifestyle describe in different ways, but there are still common features. Among them:

  1. Dwarfs prefer to live in underground caves. It is believed that such gnomes, like trolls-giants, cannot be on the sunlight, because he turns them into stone statues.
  2. The underground kingdom is characterized by a complex structure and extraordinary beauty. They build the most real fortresses and castles in their caves.
  3. Gnomes are the best metallurgists around the world. Towning in his dungeons, they produce metal and precious stones, which then make extraordinary decorations and weapons.
  4. Due to the fact that the gnomes have unable wealth, they have many enemies among representatives of other races. Especially they suffer from greedy people and huge it forces them to lead a more closed lifestyle.
  5. Dwarves are in friendly relations with animals and birds that live in the forests and in the meadows. Therefore, they are also preferably vegetarians. Most fruits, vegetables and berries, mushrooms and nuts, as well as hopica and honeycomb are considered to be a favorite food of dwarfs.
  6. Special differences of the gnomes are also: the ability to clearly see in the dark and longevity. On average, dwarfs can live up to 400 years.

Fabulous dwarfs prefer to live underground

Types of gnomes

Rasa Dwarfs is characterized by a large variety of species, depending on their habitat. The main differences consider appearance, peculiarities of behavior and lifestyle. Among those known humanity, species of gnomes are allocated as follows:

  1. Dwarves living in the forests consider the most numerous and popular species. They are distinguished by closure and waste lifestyle.
  2. There are also gnomes living on endless expanses deserts and prairies. Their main feature is a relatively high increase in the measurements of the gnomes. They also prefer to wear gray clothes, which helps them to be more imperceptible.
  3. The largest and fierce are dwarves living on the distant, cold north. They are cruel, bloodthirsty and vertigany. For survival, there may be a fight with huge trolls.
  4. Garden dwarfs are considered more good-natured and sociable. They love pedestrian clothes, old and overgrown gardens. If a person is lucky enough to meet such a gnome, he will gladly tell a lot of unprecedented, legends and not only.
  5. Some dwarfs prefer human homes or farms. They are not so sociable as garden fellow, but some people managed to get acquainted with them.

Gnomes in world literature

Fabulic dwarfs are often found in the literary works of Western writers. One of the most striking examples consider the fairy tales of German authors:

  • brothers Grimm;
  • Ernst Hoffman;
  • Wilhelm Gauf.

The fairy tale of the Grimm brothers called "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" is particularly popular. In this story, the princess, escaped from terrible witch, is found with forest gnomes, which also mined precious stones in the dungeons.

A new life in the image of Dwarfs breathed the writer John Ronald Ruel Tolkin, the author of the famous fantasy cycle called "The Lord of the Rings". In his books, the gnomes are among the main residents of the Mediterranean. They dwell in the caves, mining and protected by reasonable treasures. They work well with a combat ax and participate in various adventures.

Also dwarves inhabit the magical kingdom of the narnia, which in his works described Irish Lewis Steiplz Clive. The gnomes were one of the first inhabitants of the magic country and played a big role in its history. This folk is engaged in jewelry and weapons craft, distinguished by secrecy and silence.

Little underground spirits in different countries were called differently. Sometimes they look like peaceful houses, but in the mountains they live in underground caves and guard earthly wealth. Famous characters from this series - gnomes. They received their name relatively recently, in the XVI century. The word is Latin-Greek origin - "Genomos" in Latin means a "underground resident", and translated from Greek "Gnosis" - "knowledge." It is believed that the word "gnome" invented the alchemist Paracels, in order to designate the spirit of the Earth as a primary element or as an earth elemental. But this name firmly approved for fabulous dwarfs, first of all, from the German and Scandinavian myths. The historic name is their name in the Old Kannavannavian - dock, in German - mesverg, in Anline - dwarf. And the ancient prototypes were Nibelungs, the lower alvs and Kobolds. All of them live under the ground and in the caves, wear beards and often caps, are famous for their wealth and skill of jewelers and Kuznetsov.

But the most ancient mentions of them are known in Egypt and Phenicia. In Egypt, small patience They were a reduced hyposta of Ptah, the god of the underworld and death, part-time he, respectively, knew everything about underground treasures. Pateki, they are called again pateyakosa, owned magic, the art of reincarnation, as well as they create magical jewelry, which in Egypt have be sure to be performed by special properties. Amulets in the form of small krivonogih dwarfs were very widespread and was also protected from the range of different protective functions. Pateki, like lizards, served Hathor - turquoise mistress. . So it is possible that small sorcerers came along with people to the north of Europe and in Scandinavia from the most Africa. And on the road left a trace around the Eurasian North.

Known underground dwarfs and under other names. Gnome B.Ireland - leprechaun in England - Browni., in Belgium - kabuther (on Flemish - kleinmannequen), in Holland - skricote, in Germany their name is still erdmanna. In Poland - scratch or Krasnoludek, in Serbia and Croatia - poplek or Kerek, In Bulgaria - duja, Hungary - mano., Spain - duden. Prussian Dwarfs called Kaukis (Kaukis), Icelandic - Vuttir (Vuttir), in Japan - Tengu. Barbegazi (Barbegazi) - Dwarfs with big legs in France and Switzerland. Norwegian Zette, Irish Cids, Lapland Chakli are also popular. Megalithic structures - Dolmen in the Caucasus were built by Liliput-Bitzent, there are still gmuras and gomozuli. Traditions about underground dwarfs are distributed almost on all continents, up to Australia and Polynesia. Surely not yet called all. Russian ethnographer A.N.Afansev in his work "The Tree of Life" wrote "in the Luzhic Dwarfs are called the Goals: these are underground perfumes living in the mountains, hills and dark caves .. Ludki - artisan musicians, love dancing and are on rural holidays. For Services give gifts, and when they are annoyed, pay off with evil jokes. " Favorite homemade - their native brothers))

Cologne Dwarfs are dedicated to this fountain, found

Until now, the legends about the kud - and meanwhile, except for the legendary underground sousie, who had witchcraft abilities, was the people who lived in a large territory and left a memory in toponymics about themselves, remember at least the church of the lake. Maybe in the legends, the ideas about the people and his beliefs were confused. In the north of the Urals, and throughout the Eurasian North, archaeologists find the moonlocks and bronze casting, first of all, Chudin connects with the development of copper mines, well, and how many legends around all the ancient mines around them, in which they are talking about wonders and connois underground world. In one of the Ural Reserves - Taganay, there is a Kruglits Mountain, which is considered esoteric, it seems that you can find underground dwarfs there. I am no longer talking about Bazhov, collector of the Urals and about the mistress of the copper mountain. And in Mongolia, by the way, the custom of which for the owners of the mountains and roads put special altars - ob, folding the hills of stones and decorating them with high west and bright blue cloth. And today these funny characters continue to inspire writers, sculptors and artists.

Gnome from Mirabel Park in Salzburg from here

Lemprekons - Irish gnomes. Their ancestor is Lac. Gone underground when Celts came. Each Leprechaun owns a pot of gold coins. The sacred tree is a crust.

Dwarfs, they are gear, they are also called homozuls, more ancient than their name; It is Greek, but the Greek classics did not know him, for it arose only in the XVI century. Etymologists attribute to the invention to the Swiss alchemist of Paracetse, in whose works it appears for the first time.

"Gnosis" in Greek - "Knowledge"; There is a hypothesis that Paracels invented the word "gnome", because the gnomes know and can open the exact location of the metals hidden in the ground.

Dwarfs - Spirits of Earth and Mountains. In the mythology of the peoples of Europe, small, man-in-eyed creatures living underground, in the mountains or in the forest. They are increasing with a child, but endowed with supernatural strength, wear long boron and live much longer than people. Gnomes are lower than people, but stronger and root. They are known for their hot-tempered temper and incredible takeaway. The dwarves are well developed strength and the physique, but with dexterity they are worse. They are not so resourceful as people, but usually wiser thanks to the experience gained for a long life.

Folk fantasy represents the gnomes living under the mountains, in the form of boron-dwarfs with rude and funny features of the face. These are described in Western European fairy tales. There they are usually dressed in narrow brown caffers and monastic hoods. Externally, the gnomes are reminiscent of the same fabulous Charles, but they are slightly less pride and longone.

Gnomes - Great Masters-Blacksmiths, Majas Mountains. They were the first to have learned how to produce ore and melting metals.

In general, this is a labor and kind people, but they suffered greatly from human lard, because people disliked. Gnomes are hiding in the gloves of the mountain caves, where they are built underground cities and palaces. Sometimes they go to the surface, but if they meet in the mountains of people, they scare them with a loud cry.

Ancaded legends are folded about the gnomes ...

They are considered a race relating to relatives of elves and fairies. Like the griffs of the Ellin and Eastern beliefs and the German dragons, their duty is to guard hidden treasures.

One legend says that the gnomes are shoemakers Fay. Fairies love to dance, and dancing, wear shoes pretty quickly. Sapozhniki make them new shoes ... for the remuneration, of course.

According to another legend, the gnomes (gmuras) are fighting in dungeons with mountain monsters (grimtours) and dragons.

Since the gnomes are similar to people, only less growth, (so it is more convenient to walk around the caves), then some of the gnomes mixed with people: people from them and gained knowledge about blacks and jewelry skills.

Gnomes are extremely oppressive, fan and capricious. In the depths of the earth, the gnomes keep treasures - precious stones and metals; They are skilled artisans, can block magic rings, swords, chain rings and other magic items. Anyone, meeting the gnome, is trying to get his gold and silver, which has been accumulated by a diligent dwarf in continuous, grave works. But the gnomes are able to disappear, it is only a person to blink through his eyes.

According to the same legends, the gnomes are well resist the diseases and poisons, but they do not like water very much and do not know how to swim. Can see in complete darkness. They have a very developed facial expression (sometimes even caricature), and a long and sharp nose, serves as evidence of belonging to the old and noble race.

The life of the gnomes, as the people, is known less, and therefore all the statements will be more controversial. The most ancient race and, apparently, the most small; Live childbirth, ignoring the problems of the world.

The magic of dwarves is too similar to the magic of people and, perhaps, they have the cults of ancestors: the progenitors, heroes and gods associated with the mountains, craft and war. In all likelihood, all the legendary swords of this world came out of the gnome blacksmiths. The gnomes have handled their swords in the flame and to reduce weight they made them openwork. The creators of the legendary swords during the battle are becoming formidable opponents.

Legends on the origin of the gnomes

Aule created them ...

Tolkien tried to tell you where the gnomes come from.

For the occurrence of gnomes, they are obliged to Aul, who created them in the darkness of the mediterranean.

"... so much walked Aule's arrival of children in order to convey their knowledge and their art in the crafts that he could not wait for the completion of the plan of Ilywatar. And Aula created the gnomes - what they are now, because the images of children who had to appear were unclear to him. And since Zem Lia was under the rule of Melkor, Aule tried to create his creations strong and hardy.

Fearing that other Valar can condemn his intention, he worked secretly. And at first he created in a cave under one of the mountains of the middle-seat seven fathers of the gnomes. However, Ilyuvatar knew what was happening. And at that very hour, when the work of Aul was, to his pleasure, completed, and Aule began to train the gnomes of the speech, which he came up with for them - at that very hour, Alvuvatar spoke with him, and Aul, having heard his voice, was silent.

And Ilyvutar told him: "Why did you do it? Why are you trying to create what you know, above your strength and not in your authority? From me, you, as a gift, received only my own existence, and nothing more, and therefore the creatures created by your hand and your mind may not live, but to exist, moving only when you mentally make them move, and if your thought Busy something else, they will remain real estate. Didn't you want this? "

Then Aul replied: "I did not want it. I wanted to create creatures, unlike me to love and teach them, so that they were also able to comprehend the beauty of Ea created by you. Because Arda seems to me a huge room for many creatures that could enjoy life in it. Especially since mostly it is still not populated and laid. In his impatience, I was reckless, but still the desire for creativity, hidden in my heart, laid in my creation by you. An unreasonable child that turns into the game the plans of the father, can do it without malicious intent, but only because he is his father's son. But what should I do now so that you are finally angry with me?

As the son of his father, I offer you these creatures, the creations of the hands created by you. Do with them that you wish. But should I destroy my imperfect work? "

And Aulu raised his huge hammer to hit the gnomes, and cried. But, touched by his humility, Ilyvuvatar felt compassioned to Aul and his desire, and the gnomes were horrified in horror from the hammer, bowed heads and prayed for mercy. And then Ilyvutar told Aul: "I accepted your creation as you created it. Do not you see that these creatures now have their own life and speak their own voices! But they did not evade the strike, they did not challenge the decisions taken by you. "

And Aul, attening, threw off his hammer and thanked Ilyuvatar, saying: "Let Era bless my job and correct her!"

But Ilyvuvartar spoke again: "As I gave the extension of Ajunur's plans when creating the world, so now I will make your desire and give them life, but in no other things I will not correct your hands. And what you created them, they will remain like that. But I will not allow these creatures to appear before firstborn my ideas. Not that your creation is rewarded. They will sleep in the darkness under the stone and will not appear until the first-born will break on the ground. And until this hour comes, you and your creations will wait, at least for a long time. But when the time comes, they will wake up and become yours, like your children, and frequent will collue between your and my creatures, children that I adopted, and children chosen by me. "

And then, Aulu took the seven fathers-gnomes and laid them rest in a secluded place, and he returned to Valinor himself and waited until many years stretched.

Since the gnomes had to appear in the days of Melkor's power, Aule created them strong and hardy, and therefore they are hard as a stone, stubborn, strong in friendship and enmity and more resistant tolerates of exhaust labor, hunger and bodily wounds than all other possessing speech peoples. And the gnomes live long, much longer than it is given to live people - but not forever.

In the old days, the elves of the mediterranean believed that the dead gnomes were treated in the ground and the stone from which they were created, but the gnomes themselves do not believe. They say that Aule Creator, who they call Mahal, cares about them and collects them in Mandos in individual halls that, when the end of the world comes, he will give them a blessing and placed among children. And then their business will be the service of Aul and help him in the restructuring of Arda after the last battle. And they say that the seven fathers-gnomes will again and again resurrect in their tribes and again will wear their ancient names. Of these, Darin became the most famous epochs, the investigator of the most friendly elf of the tribe, whose residence was in Hazad-Duma. "

Silmarillion, J. R. Tolkien

ABOUTdean created them ...

Scandinavian peoples have their own legends on the origin of the gnomes.

"... from the day when the sun was first lit in the sky, life on Earth became more fun and joyful. All people worked peacefully on their fields, everyone was satisfied, no one wanted to become more and richer than the other. In those days, the gods often left Asgard and wandered over the light. They taught people to dig the land and mine ore from her, and also made for them the first anvil, the first hammer and the first ticks, with the help of which were then made all other instruments and tools. Then there was no wars, no robberies, or theft, no oaths. In the mountains, a lot of gold was mined, but it was not copied, but they did dishes and homemade utensils from it - that is why this age is called "gold".

Once, rummaged in the land in search of iron ore, one, Vili, found in her the worms that started in the meat of imir. Looking at these clumsy creatures, the gods involuntarily thought.

What do we do with them, brothers? - Finally said. - We have already populated the whole world, and these worms are not needed by anyone. Maybe they need to just destroy?

You are mistaken, - ONE objected. - We were only the surface of the earth, but forgot about its subsoil. Let's better make small little man-dwarfs or black elves from them and give them the ownership of the underground tsar-ultimate, which will be called the Walt Fahhem, that is, the country of black elves.

And if they get tired there live there and they will want to rise upstairs, to the sun? - asked Vili.

Do not be afraid, brother, - answered one. - I will make the sun rays turn them into a stone. Then they will always have to live only under the ground ...

The remaining gods agreed with him. Thus appeared in the world of elves and gnomes and two new countries: the Walt Fahheim and the residence permit. "

"Elder Edda"

Relationship between Dwarves and People

From the end of the XVII century. before the beginning of the XIX century. Rocky districts and heather plains of Cornwell were covered with industrial enclosures with smoking pipes and deep mines, where the prospectors mined tin, lead and silver. Firmly holding workers for the rope, with candles attached on head removes, descended under the ground, knowing that they are not alone. "Someone" constantly made them a company, and with this "someone" had to behave carefully in order not to offend.

These were gnomes living and working in mines, also known as "Knockers" (Knocker) - knocking. There is a natural association about Poltergeist's phenomena, with whom our contemporaries encountered in the twentieth century. In addition, underground creatures There are no exceptional heritage of Western European mythology. It is enough to recall the beautiful book "Ural Skazy" of the Russian writer Bazhov, where such characters are mentioned as an emerald snake, the hostess of the copper mountain, etc. - V. Sh.)

Often, miners could hear the blows of their tools that crushed the rock, very close, as if immediately around the corner or in the neighboring tunnel. It was believed that it should not interfere with the work of the gnomes. They advised to listen to their shocks, as the nochers had a wonderful ability to detect the richest deposits of ore. The same who tried to follow the dwarves or steal their prey, expected a serious illness to the chokes, is something like rheumatism, when a person remained chrome until the end of his life.

However, one old man decided to try happiness. The name was tritvit. He mined ore in the area of \u200b\u200bBikecls. Somehow summer night, he with his son lying in the grass waited for the appearance of the gnomes, patiently his hour per hour peering into the darkness until he noticed the group of men trying to pull their cargo on the surface. Having removed the hat and apologizing for disturbing the gnomes Tronvit offered them a deal. Why dwarves torment the whole night, pulling out the ore, if they and son could help? In return, the old man asked the knokers to indicate the places rich and promised to give them every day the tenth of the mining. Gnomes, consulting among themselves, agreed.

For a long time, both sides were satisfied with the agreement: the gnomes enjoyed a weighing of free time, and the old man gave them a part daily. Soon tritvit rich. But he was not eternal and when he died, then the mine passed his son. The heir, considering himself too burdened by the father's obligation, began to cut the proportion of the gnomes. But the knokers were not of those who are easy to fool. Having embarked on the treachery and greediness of the Son, they, in turn, also ceased to fulfill their obligations. In a short time, the mining of ore at the mine has declined sharply, and the son, quickly lost his father's money, was forced to look for work. But everyone knew that he had once deceived the gnomes, and did not want to have things with him. Soon, all rejected, this man died without a penny in his pocket.

Dwarves world are combined, defended and declare their two-position

The German city of Kemnitz announced the birthplace of garden gnomes, where he was now going to pass the annual Congress "Dwarfs of all countries - connect!" The rights of the Garden People and Chairman of the Association for the Protection of Dwarves Fritz Friedman, who had already been discussed at the past Congress, which, according to the Chairman of the First Congress, and the Chairman of the Association for the Protection of Dwarves, Fritz Friedman, are especially brutal than drunk lawnowers. The Chair put forward the demand - exams for "herbal hairdressers", and in nature he asked more sunny days to brighten the life of little men.

Currently, a real scandal broke out in Germany and Switzerland in connection with a very important problem for the global civilization. "Apple discord" between the Board of the International Association for the Protection of Garden Dwarfs ", which is located in Basel, and one of the traditional manufacturer of these figures in red caps to decorate country sites, especially in the countries of Northern Europe and in Canada, was the release in Thuringia women. Previously, Fritz Friedman said that Reinhard Mribel, who, despite the harsh bans from the Swiss Basel, for two years already produces a female variant of the gnome called the "Countess of the Rhoda", "bitten on the honor and dignity of garden gnomes." Friedman fined the "dismissed" German for 75 euros. The punished paid to them, without stopping, however, to produce his really "unique" product. In the world of wizards arrived. From now on, on a par with dwarves, small "gnomomes" will protect the naughty and garden plots of Europe, joyfully praising the century XXI, which allowed such emancipation.

There are several problems, oddly enough ... whether there are underground, created by all, residents (Tolkienu will leave the fairy tales and numerous "fucking" feels with their fees, disputes, peres), but with one with one not so simple.

One is God, and the gods came from heaven.

If, in the opinion of the author, the book "We - Aliens" Valery Josefovich Kratakhville, the hedlemen of the main four terrestrial races came: Constellations of Volopasses, Mongoloids - from the star "Zeta" Constellation of the Big Maternity, Negoruds - from the Alpha Star The constellation of the Big PSA (Sirius), and Australoids - from the Maja star, the starry cluster of the Pleiads, then why not assume that the diversity and races, and visits were much more, and the spheres of the proliferation of the aliens were not limited to the earthly surface, and were among them Inhabitants of underwater and underground worlds.

Today is my reflections about small mysterious beings - Dwarves. The theme of the dwarves attracted me from childhood, so the desire to write about them the article arose for a long time, but I caught the wave only today. Therefore I share.

Who are it

Gnomes ... not people, but not animals. Although some believe that the level of their consciousness is just at about the level of animals. However, I intuitively feel that it is not entirely true.

At the same time, the gnomes are hardly a little men resembling reduced copies of people, although we can see them exactly that, because, as you know, we can only see them that we can imagine. And they are able to imagine only that ever seen, but perhaps in other combinations and combinations.

Therefore, no matter how much you look like a gnome, we will most likely collect his image in their consciousness in the form of a little man, creatures as much as possible to us. Actually, such as the gnomes in fairy tales appear, and what they really are - can only guess.

You have never thought about why the gnomes are so popular, why are they so interested in people? Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that we subconsciously perceive them as similar to themselves, but at the same time possessing some special, magical abilities. What exactly are the abnormalities in fairy tales?

Abnormal abnormalities

Many gnomes can disappear by clicking. In fairy tales, this moment is usually accompanied by a characteristic ring, similar to the sound of a metalfone.

I will immediately say that I do not exclude the existence of gnomes in real life. Who knows which races in Earth live, especially since the gnomes are likely to live under the ground. It is said that somehow for the excavations a whole former settlement was discovered. His inhabitants were extremely small growth, while studying the skeleton and bones showed that these were not children, but adult individuals.

So, if you proceed from the fact that the gnomes exist or existed earlier, the magical property attributed to them to disappear into an instant, perhaps a little exaggerated by people who admired the ability of the gnomes to quickly relate from the place due to the small growth.

Also, the gnomes are given talent to jewelry and stones mine. In fairy tales, they hide their treasures from precious stones in underground labyrinth caves, the path to which they know only themselves.

Perhaps there were races that live very close to Earth or under Earth, and sources of precious minerals periodically find. It is also likely that once these races interacted with people by exchanging the mined treasures to eat.

Who knows, maybe this happens now, but in this case, these races undoubtedly interact only with elected-those who can understand them and is not aggressive. It can be shamans, witches, priests and other "seeing."

It is likely that the gnomes help them not only and not so much the material fruits of their work, but also provide certain services that are not available to simple mortals, for example, help in the performance of desires.

Relationships with people

In some fairy tales, the gnomes act as a rather evil creature, which seek in every way people, they confuse the wanderers on the road, deceive them and so on. For some reason, it seems to me that no creature will intentionally harm to a person, specially creating a dangerous situation.

According to my feelings, the gnomes (at least in the modern world) would be more concerned about how not to get on the eyes, rather than to harm us. It is not excluded, of course, that they can take revenge for people for causing inconvenience, but such a hypothesis personally seems to me unlikely to me.

I do not think that the gnomes and people can be close friends, however, as well as sworn enemies. For friendship, a need for emotional warmth is needed, which the gnomes seem to me, at least to the extent that it is in humans. For hostility, too unequal.

I repeat once again that, in my opinion, the main goal of the gnomes is a quiet life, and the place where they live - the underground kingdom - it is capable of providing them with it, since a person has mastered life under the earth in a very small degree.

Therefore, the children's dream fantasy of some people "to have a gnome", even if it was possible that the gnomic "get" is untenable. It is evenly so as untenable to get a dream to acquire animals, not adapted to live in captivity. For a while it will live, but will not stand it for a long time.

What can be useful to man

What could be useful to people of gnomes? What could they teach a person if a person had the opportunity to observe them and would like to learn?

Like animals, the gnomes are still an instinct symbol and lower needs, in contrast, for example, from the same elves. But since they are still an order of intelligence, they are an order of magnitude higher than animals, they have to some extent abstract thinking, which means that their goal in life can significantly coincide with our.

Those. They are able to plan, calculate deceptions, hold on to property, accumulate resources far from time. And, probably, to experience some emotions when these goals are achieved, as in the event that they are not achieved.

Thus, they are able to teach us to approach the desired, guided by a little, instinct and emotions, which means working with the archetype of the Gnome, can significantly pump their intuition.

However, to a greater extent, they are still the children of the Earth, and not air, so their main concern is to ensure their survival, and for this you need to satisfy the needs of your body in food, rest, healing.

I think that the gnomes are responsible for this component, and, by joining their architectural significance, you can learn to listen to your body, to carefully care for him and treat it.

Lee Berger and a group of specialists from the University of Withersrada (South Africa) recently stated that skeletons belonging to the dwarf people who inhabid the islands of the Pacific Ocean approximately 900 years ago.

Meanwhile, in Argentina, something incredible is recently happening. The terrible gnome terrorizes the town of Guehes in the province of Salta in the north of the country.

Tineger José Alvarez said the local newspaper El Tribuno that he and his friends photographed this creation during a recent nightlown.

"Alvarez said: We chatted about our last fishing trip. It was not even night, but an early morning. I got my mobile phone and started clicking the camera, and the rest continued to talk and laugh. Suddenly there was an incomprehensible noise, exactly someone invisible threw On the ground Stones. We turned on the sound and saw the grass moves, as if a small beast was made through her, like a dog. But there was not a dog to meet us, but something incomprehensible, similar to the dwarf. It was very frightened. It's no joke "."

"Jose added that other locals also saw the gnome. We are still afraid to go outside - like everything in the area. One of our friends was so frightened that we had to take him to the hospital," the teenager confessed. "

"Police officers, after the frequent complaints from the inhabitants of Gueheses, even had to strengthen the night patrols. Local newspapers already called this ghost with a terrible gnome because of his appearance with something like a hero of fairy tales. According to eyewitnesses, he wears a shrouded shape hat and moves An unusual walk - small chambers of the sideways. "

The town voluntarily introduced the Commandant hour. After the occurrence of darkness, few people are decided to go out, fearing to meet with a terrible dwarf ...

Disputes about hobbits do not subside

Scientists examined ten funeral caves on one of Palau Islands in the western Pacific. In one of them, they managed to detect bones belonging to at least 25 people. According to Berger, some characteristics of the remains found suggest that the buried inhabitants of Palau islands were dwarfs.

"The dwarfship of people inhabited people's scientists explain the so-called island rule," which states that the size of small species inhabiting islands increases, and the size of large species decreases. This process is associated with the need to save food for large animals and favorable living conditions for small animals. "

Measuring the size of the pelvic bones and bones of the limbs, scientists estimated that the people inhabited the island of men weighed no more than 43 kilograms, and women are not more than 29. The islanders carried all signs characteristic of the type of Homo Sapiens, although some features allowed scientists to conclude about some primitiveness of the ancients residents of Palau.

It is not known how true the findings of the researchers are, however, their work is likely to contribute to the continuation of disputes on the origin of other dwarfs - Indonesian hobbits from Flores Island. From the moment of their discovery in the scientific community, disputes are being conducted about whether the hobbits are by the side view of the genus Homo - Homo floresiensis - or they were ordinary people suffering from an unknown disease that caused a decrease in their growth.

In the spring of 2008, Australian experts suggested that the hobbits suffered from the disease of the thyroid gland. According to scientists, the inhabitants of the Flores Island experienced iodine and Selena deficiency.

"The growth of growth indicates that the individuals of the female, along with the influence of other external factors, experienced a heavy deficit of iodine during pregnancy," said Dr. Peter Obendorf from the Royal University of Melbourne. - We believe that these remains are not related to An unknown race, and belong to people suffering from a certain disease. ""

"But other scientists do not share a new theory. I regret that serious scientific experts seriously consider this option. This theory has no evidence," said Professor of Bioantropology Colin Growz. "

In his opinion, the nature of the remains irrefutably indicates that the Hobbits were previously unknown individuals of the human race, which existed about 13 thousand years ago. Peter Brown from the University of New England believes that scientists who nominated the theory of thyroid disease in the Hobbits did not study the remains directly, and only rely on the data received from other researchers.

"Chud Beloglazaya" from the Ural Mountains

However, so far, scientists argue about whether there existed in the distant past Race Dwarliks \u200b\u200bor not, let us ask others, more interesting, the question: Do the gnomes live on earth today?
This Children would seem to be a question many adult uncle respond to unambiguously: they live or, at least they lived quite recently, and as evidence there are numerous facts of meetings of people with representatives of this little "fabulous" people.

One of these meetings took place in 1698 in the Urals. The old manuscript, which is now stored in the Bryansk Regional Library, testifies that the creature was taking no more than 20 centimeters. It stood at the entrance to the cave and held a beautiful crystal in his hands. At the meeting with a man, the gnome almost immediately went to the ground, and the stone remained. It was not possible to determine his appearance.

In the lops living in the Kola Peninsula, and their neighbors have a legend of dwarfs, settling once underground. The blades call them "sail". I spread my lighter dwelling at a convenient place, they sometimes could hear how obscure voices and rods of iron came from under the ground. This served as a signal: to immediately transfer the yurt to a new place - it covered the entrance to the underground sail dwelling. With underground residents who were afraid of daylight, the blades feared to quarrel.

Legends about small underground residents who can process iron and possessing supernatural abilities, have been preserved in all peoples inhabiting the North of Russia. So, Komi, living on the Pechora lowland, argue that it was the gnomes who taught people to join the iron. Witchcraft of them possesses terrible force. By their orders, the sun and the moon are blocked.

The Nenets, living on the coast of the Ice Ocean, say that "long ago, when our people were here, Siirta lived here - a small growth of people. When people became a lot, they went into the ground. "

Russian landfalls that have settled in the Urals also have legends and tales about people living in the mountains, beautiful, with extremely pleasant voices. Just like sails on the Kola Peninsula, they do not like to be in the daylight, but some people hear the ringing out of the ground. And this ringing is not accidental. "Choklagazya" - under the same name, dwarfs appear in the Urals said - she was engaged in the land of gold, silver, copper. When the Russians came to the Urals, on the advice of prophets, who know the future of Shamans Chud Boland, who lived on the Western slopes of the Urals, processed long underground moves and disappeared into the depths of the mountains with all his treasures.

Back in the XVI century, geographers of Europe were convinced of the North Arctic Ocean of the Neckcake, inhabited by dwarfs, who created a strange, not similar to our civilization. They possessed pronounced extrasensory, as is customary to speak, abilities.

Then there was one of many earthly cataclysms, as a result of which the Arctic mainland almost completely went under the water. The surviving residents of the Arctic left freezing and fast-covered islands and settled in the north of Europe and Asia. They could not restore their civilization, they did not want to fight the locals and gradually went from the surface of the Earth to underground catacombs and caves, in the familiar habitat. After all, at home, they spent half a year in them. To protect against greedy to precious metals, especially before gold, people they put in the entrances to their underground shelters psychological barriers. These barriers to this day inspires the supernatural horror that drives them away from sacred for dwarfs.

We all come from Lemuria

Not so long ago, in French television, the reportage of the Marseille journalist Chris Dublics about his journey in the United States was shown. At the California mountain slopes, he discovered the settlement of strange creatures, as far as he managed to see - remotely similar to people and at the same time resembling all the well-known exotic animals - lemurs. They live in a strange type of construction, find which among the thick green shrub is quite difficult.

The sensational discovery of the journalist caused a lively discussion in the scientific world, and immediately scientists recalled that in 1932 the American reporter Edward Lancer published an article about the settlement of so-called lemurries living in full insulation on the slopes of the Mount Shasta in California.

And even earlier, in the second half of the nineteenth century, among the zoologists, the theory was common that Africa's once Africa, Madagascar and India tied a piece of sushi in the Indian Ocean, populated almost exclusively lemurs, Galago, Potto and Laurie, all together that were the semi-esshyan class. Scientists believed that Susha, in the end, leaving the water, spread the range of semoresyans around the world.

English Zoologist Philip Skladter called this submersible continent of Lemuria, and a scientific interest in him was heated by the German zoologist Hercel Hackel, the assumption that Lemuria was a cradle of humanity. The famous philosophers of the occultists immediately picked up and developed the theory of Hackel. So, Elena Blavatskaya claimed that during sessions of communication with spirits, she learned from them the true history of mankind from which it follows that it began with Lemuria. According to Blavat, the inhabitants of this country were the third of the seven root earth races, each of which passes seven stages of development. The current people represent the fifth race.

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