National Park in Switzerland. National Parks and Reserves in Switzerland

Swiss National Park Schweizerischer Nationalpark) - This is the only National Park in the south. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bValley Evgadine Engadin), and is at altitudes from 1,400 to 3200 meters above sea level. Its area is more than 170 square kilometers, and it is also the oldest national park in the Alps.

This is an amazing place of primitive nature, where everyone can enjoy alpine meadows, forests, mountain slopes and just picturesque views. Here lives a lot of species of wild animals and birds. For each nature connoisseur in the National Park, many hiking trails and sightseeing routes were developed. This place must be visited if you are traveling in Switzerland.

Swiss National Park: how to get

More convenient to get to the commune. ZernezWhere is the main entrance to the Swiss National Park. In addition, it is strongly recommended to use public transport in order to preserve the purity of the nature of the park.

Car. The distance between Zurich and Namnets is about 178 kilometers. The road will take about 2.5 hours on the highway "A3" and №28. Auto will need to be left in the parking lot.

Next you need to get to the information center (NationalParkzentrum) Where is the main entrance to the park. It is located at: Urtyatsch 2, Zernez 7530, Switzerland. You can take a car or take a taxi.

Swiss National Park: Lifehaki

From the very beginning of the study of the Swiss National Park, you should visit the Information Center (NationalParkzentrum)where there is a museum, exhibitions, and you can order a sightseeing tour. There you will learn with information for tourists, and visiting the museum, you will have the opportunity to learn the story of the National Park, its features and learn about its inhabitants. The entrance ticket is worth 7 EUR for adults, 3 EUR for children 6-16 years old, and free for children under 6 years. It is possible to take a family ticket for 15 EUR. Information about prices for tours, a museum, as well as contacts and descriptions can be found on the official website of the Swiss National Park.

Next you can make a walk through the park itself. You can order a sightseeing tour or walking on your own. About 80 kilometers hiking trail and 21 route will be available for you. You also need to prepare in advance and take sunscreen and glasses, raincoat, replaceable clothes and shoes, food and water. There are also some rules that need to be strictly observed. For example, it is impossible to tear mushrooms and flowers, use a bike or bring petty pets with you.

Little can compare with magic and splendor of the African wildlife. It is unlikely that any other national park in the world from the point of view of its untouched countryside, wild wildlife and the vast area of \u200b\u200bthe region can be compared with the Kruger's reserve in South Africa.

The Kruger National Park is able to offer one of the best safaris in the world. In one place, you can see a wide range of the largest mammals on Earth, a large number of birds, large predators and their victims. If you are a fan of wildlife, then definitely this place is for you.

Sagarmatha National Reserve, Nepal

Highly and majestically located in Himalayas, the Nepalian Reserve of the Sagarmatha includes three out of the ten highest mountains in the world, including Everest. Endless glaciers, breathtaking valleys with pristine snow make the Sagarmatha Natural Park part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. And, of course, for lovers of wildlife, do not visit this high-altitude reserve - it means to lose something important.

Fjordland Reserve, New Zealand

If you are a lover of magnificent fjords and boat walks, then this is the place that needs to be visited. Milford Sound is the main attraction (Milford Sound), but, in addition, the remaining 14 fjords with the most romantic landscapes make this park a unique place that does not look like any reserve in the world.

Galapagos Islands National Park, Ecuador

Galapagos Islands with amazing landscapes, surrounded by clear blue water, is just a paradise for exotic animals and wildlife. The unique atmosphere of the islands is historical and scientific value. Recently, environmental tourism initiatives have been fully supported here.

Tikal National Park, Guatemala

Traveling to Tikal National Park is, first of all, a means for learning the heritage of Maya. Located in the wild jungle, Tikal hides fantastic ruins of Maya settlements, which are dating about 250-900 AD. Even what remains from those times is striking the imagination of tourists to the amazing architecture of temples and a variety of different wild animals. Tikal is a place for amazing adventures and unforgettable impressions.

Reserve "Yellow Dragon", China

Calcium precipitate creates a gold illusion here, which gave the name of this place - "yellow dragon". Also, this reserve is a house for a cute, known to the world of Panda - a symbol of WWF.

The territory is characterized by a unique closed ecosystem with waterfalls, hot springs, virgin forests and snow caps on the tops of the mountains, where such disappearing species like Sichuan gold-bearing monkeys and a gigantic panda are inhabited. "Yellow Dragon" - True Mecca for photographers from around the world.

Iguazu National Reserve, Argentina

The guarded territory, which enters the World Heritage, is the most impressive place in Brazil and Argentina. Exciting the imagination of waterfalls with a height of more than 70 meters and a width of 1500 meters is the habitat of the best types of South America fauna. Types of surrounding subtropical forests will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cockada National Reserve, Australia

Cockada National Reserve is located in North Australia. This typical Australian landscape is one of the few places listed in the World Heritage List, both because of its natural and due to cultural significance.

The reserve extends more than 3.2 million acres and includes several territories of the traditional residence of the indigenous peoples of the continent. Wonderful South Alligator rivers, coastal beaches, tropical forests and monsoon winds make Kakada National Reserve with a welcome place to visit.

People's Reserve, Switzerland

Although Switzerland is the most famous Magic Alps, there is a single national reserve, which, nevertheless, is worth a visit. The Swiss National Park was created in 1914 and inhabited by a huge variety of interesting animals, such as Sulna, a mountain goat, Berkut or bearded vulture. Rivers, vertices of the snowy mountains and alpine valleys represent nature in its picturesque manifestations.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Majestic Machu Picchu was the most popular tourist purpose in Peru for many years. Regardless of how many times the tourist was here to enjoy the greatness of ancient monuments, the journey in the tracks of the Inca always brings excitement, adventures and secrets.

In the Valley of Engadin, which belongs to Switzerland, is the National Swiss Park. This reserve was founded in 1914 and took the area with dimensions of 172.4 km 2. The park refers to the territory covered with the Alps, the height of which, in this area, ranges from 1,400 to 3174 meters above sea level.

The locality of the Swiss National Park is quite diverse, because it includes forests, meadows, mountains, water covers. Also, rich enough, is the animal world of the reserve. The local nature is developing by itself, because human hands do not concern. In this area there are no less than 650 different plants. Among them, the typical representatives of the protected area are Edelweiss Alpine, who did not collect people in the basket in a row. This long-term grass with a white coating of the upper leaves is distributed on the slopes of the mountains from limestone. The alpine poppy is visible in the mountains enough in the mountains, which its roots strengthens the local loose soil. Tourists very attracts a plant that grows up to 40 cm. And has a yellowish-orange color. This is a local Half Sweater, whose home is mountainous terrain in the East, nearby River Inn.

Mountain forest cover, in this area, performs a very important role in nature, because it does not just clean the air of the park, and also protects the terrain from the climb of avalante. The forest in this area is represented by such rocks of trees as: pine, cedar, larch, as well as spruce.

The local alpine meadows simply fascinate a variety of blooming colors. It is impossible to count the varieties of these wild plants, among which the buttercups, edelweiss, the guilty.

The highlands of the Swiss National Park is characterized by dry climatic conditions and meager soil. In this area it is difficult to adapt to the life of plants and animals, due to constant winds, soil erosion, as well as low air temperature.

In the Swiss National Reserve, you can see animals from a fairly close distance. Here we are common goats, deer, hares, surks and many other four-legged. Silence in the park violates the singing of birds, which on these lands is quite a large variety.

Tourists that visited the reserve in Switzerland, a walk on a specially intended tourist trail is offered. But here it is strictly forbidden to breed fires, put tents, ride a bicycle and keep some traces of stay after yourself. For each offense, you will have to pay a fine.

You will definitely please the park with your virgin natural beauty, in no matter how much you got here. But, nevertheless, the journey will be more fascinating in the spring-summer season, when local mountains are hidden by wild flowers carpets.

Hiking - one of the most popular ways to leisure in the country - on the territory of Switzerland, more than 50 thousand (!!) kilometers of labeled pedestrian walkways are laid - this is 1.25 of the Earth's equator. For such a small country, the figure is simply incredible, but it will become even more, if you consider about 23 thousand kilometers of specialized mountain routes with a higher level of complexity, as well as an unimaginable number of cross-country ski tracks, walks on snowshoes, sleigh, dog sledding and horses, and Also, about 4 thousand trails for water tourism. All this turns Switzerland into one of the best places in Europe for outdoor activities and ecotourism.

Swiss National Park

Despite the very modest size of the country, environmental protection occupies to one extent to 14% of its area. And at the same time there is a single full-fledged reserve - the Swiss National Park, or the Eggadine Park (, created in 1914 in the eastern part of the canton of Graubyunden, on the southern slopes of the Valley of Engadine. This is the first Alpine Reserve in Central Europe, and also created in the area, intensively mastered by a person. In 1979, it was included in the list of UNESCO biosphere reserves along with the Italian National Park Stelvio adjoining it.

Here on the square of more than 172 quadrant kilometers, unique natural complexes of the Retal Alps are protected - mountain pine forests, alpine and subalpine meadows, as well as numerous lakes and waste, and almost half of this territory is secondary forests, recreated after the cessation of human economic activities. Fauna Park is very rich - more than 60 types of mammals (including the Alpine Mountain Goat, Sulna, Stone Cleannic, Alpine Seasok, Lynx, Brown Bear and others), about 100 species of birds, as well as about 70 species of amphibians, including endemic alpine triton. Moreover, it is guarded here literally all (the fine can be discharged even for loud sounds!), On the territory there are 21 walks of the total length of about 80 km, which allow you to see the life of the inhabitants of these beautiful places. But moving on a bike within the park is prohibited.

The entrance to the park is free and free, on its perimeter there is nine such free parking lots for cars, from which most trails and routes depart. The reserve is open to visit from June to October daily, from 8.30 to 18.00, on Thursdays - until 22.00.

You can get to the park on buses running with a clock interval between the towns of Vinset (Zernez, 1 km in East of His head office of the park) and Mustair (Mustair).

Park Ela.

The largest and most young regional Natural Park of Switzerland - Ela (Parc Ela, begins just 18 km from the northwestern border of the Swiss National Park. It was created in 2006 as a territory guarding the untouched world of an extensive mountain range between the peaks of Ela (PIZ Ela, 3339 m) and Kesch (Kesch, 3417 m). The area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is equal to 600 quadrant kilometers, which is 3.5 times the area of \u200b\u200bthe Evgadine National Park, and here the person's economic activity is permitted in a limited scale. This leads to the fact that in Ela Park, in addition to acquaintance with the magnificent nature of the northern slopes of the ENGADIN, you can ride along the Rhaetische Bahn railway included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (55 bridges and 39 tunnels by 63 km long of the park, the beauty of the landscapes And there is nothing to say!), Skiing on the slopes of Savonina, Samedan, Carer, Pontresin or St. Morita (all these resorts lie literally within 15-20 minutes by car from the most beautiful parks of the park), relax on the shores of Lake Marmorrore ( Lai da Marmorera) or visit the highest pilgrimage site in Europe - Catalyal Sanctuary (Ziteil, founded in 1580, height is 2434 meters above sea level) near Salouf (Salouf).


Well, the easiest available reserve of the country is the biosphere reserve Entlebuch (, located in the canton of Lucerne, just 20 km south-west of his capital. This is the first and only fleet of this type in the central part of Switzerland. Here, on the picturesque slopes of the Claine Emme Valley (Kleine Emma, \u200b\u200bKleine Emme), on the square of 395 quadrant kilometers are pretty unusual landscapes for the country - endless peatlands and heather empty, idyllic alpine pastures and forests, rocky karst formations and the picturesque wild mountains. These edges are often figuratively called the "wild West Lucerne" - so diverse and beautiful local natural complexes. And at the same time there is a huge selection of facilities, hotels and mountain chalets, many old churches and monasteries, about 75 km of pedestrian trail and even therapeutic mud baths on local thermal sources.

Yura National Park

From Le Santa to Nyon himself on the shore of the Lake Geneva stretches green slopes national Park Yura. Parc Naturel Régional Jura Vaudois) - second in the country in size and wealth of flora. Despite the dense population of these places, it was possible to preserve many local natural complexes characteristic of the low Jurassic mountains and the famous Zhu Valley (Vallée de Joux), which is considered one of the most beautiful in Switzerland. Among the beauties of these places are beautiful mountain forests (according to the composition of the flora - one of the richest in the region - more than 320 species), ancient swamps, limestone rocks, secluded glads and mountain pastures. More than 90 types of mammals and 160 species of birds live here, and the picturesque Lake Zhu has almost 50 kinds of fish. Since there is a superior network of hiking and ski routes with a total length of 523 km (!!), there are many colorful alpine jewelry and vineyards, restaurants and chalets, the park is extremely popular with fans of walking, equestrian and cycling tourism, and in winter it becomes one of the best centers. Mountain rest - it is quite obvious that he is oriented at the same time he is not on skiers, but on fans of snowshoes and flat skiing.

You can literally reach the park, since it is located next to the main transport arteries of the country. The easiest difference from Nyon (Nyon) by train Nyon - St Cergue with stops in Bassins, Arzier, St Cergue and Givrine or Nyon - Gimel in Bassins, Vaud, Marchissy, Longirod, St-George and Gimel . When departing from Vallorba (VALLORBE) - by train on Brassus, from Waszha (Morges) - BAM train to Bière et L "Isle with a stop in Monrishe (Montricher). Areas of trips and public transport from all major canton cities in.

Switzerland on European standards Country is small, so it is not surprising that the National Natural Park is just one here. By the way, it is called: the Swiss National Park. At the beginning of the 20th century, the territory of today's fleet was subjected to so-called industrialization.

This term, translated into a normal language, means total production of natural resources. And after the latter were almost fully utilized, someone had an idea to someone: "And not to create here, all of themselves, the National Natural Park."

And since this idea absolutely did not contradict the democratic principles of building a society, it fell on fertile soil and is still there. In any case, in 1914, economic activity was completely prohibited on its territory.

And after some time, the creation of the National Park was announced. And the reason for creating the park was announced: the need to study the ability of nature to restore.

The park is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Valley of Engadine and its total area is 172.4 square kilometers. And the whole it is within the height of 1400 meters above sea level up to 3174 meters.

Its second name is: Engodine Park, due to the fact that it occupies the southern slopes of the same valley. This park was the first alpine nature reserve in Europe, which was actively developed by a person in Europe.

What to see.

Since the person's economic activity in the park is prohibited in any field of activity, then this fact was very favorably reflected in the animal world of the park. In any case, not every natural reserve will be able today to boast the presence of more than 60 types of mammals.

Among the latter there are such rare species as an alpine mountain goat, SERNA, Alpine Court, Lynx, Brown Bear and a considerable number of others, among which there is even endemic Alpine Triton.

It is clear that such types of illegal fishing as poaching here are unacceptable. Not only in the park there are many prohibitions that are not very easy to explain to Slavic logic.

In particular, the park is forbidden to ride a bike, publish loud sounds and spending the night in tents. And the fines here discharges not human traffic police, but a strict and incorruptible service of the park.

But the most important property in the park 21 hiking route is considered. Their total length is 80 kilometers and they fully imagine the opportunity to admire the beauty of these places and see the local inhabitants in the natural conditions for them.

It is also interesting that the entrance to the park is absolutely free, that for Switzerland the phenomenon is quite rare. In addition, there are 9 car parks on its perimeter, which are also free and have their own routes from them.

The park is open from June to October, so everyone who wants to hurry, and then the prolonged economic crisis can make their not very good amendments to such a well-safe and cheap location.

The most interesting thing is that in front of the southern slopes of the Valley of the Evgadine are the northern slopes. So on these slopes there is also a natural reserve created in 2006. His name is the Regional Park El.

It covers the territory of the local mountain range between the vertices of Ela and Kesh. Its area is 600 square kilometers and here the person's economic activity is permitted in a limited scale.

Its latter feature in particular allows ride along the Rhaetische Bahn railway, which is included in the UNESCO lists. Its length is 63 kilometers. It would seem that it is, if there were not 55 bridges and 39 tunnels, which are also included in the route.

And there is nothing to say about the views of Mountain Mountains and therefore, because it must be seen. In addition, there are ski resorts on which the fashion is not going to ride from year to ski.

There are in Switzerland and another popular Natural Park Yura. We called it apparently in honor of the first cosmonaut of the Earth. It is located along the shore of the Lake Geneva from Le Santa to Nyon. The Park Pearls are Jurassic Mountains and one of the most beautiful valleys of Switzerland Valley Zhu.

Despite the rather populated terrain here is a very rich world of flora and fauna. And in the Lake Zhu, there are over 50 types of fish. As happened everywhere in Switzerland, a beautiful network of pedestrian and ski routes is built here. Their total length is 523 kilometers.

And add to the color of the local sector of the catering in the form of restaurants and cafesk. There are also cycling routes that enjoy high attention from lovers of two-wheeled vehicles with a foot drive. Search for cheap hotels.

How to get.

The best option for outdoor activities in the Evgadine National Park will be a stop in St. Morice. This area has a very developed infrastructure and any terrible natural spectacle will feel comfortable here.

The main type of transport for arrival at the resort of St. Moritz is the railway. The most convenient train from Zurich, who goes every hour to Kura (Chur). The last transplant is made to St. Moritz. From the car of the train goes once an hour, starting with 13.58 and ending at 17.58.

See also: