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Checking the execution of the request (statements) If you already have an application, enter its number in the field below and click on the "Check" button to find out the application status. Application number: Enter the text from the picture: Infobalok Service Dear applicants! We draw your attention to the fact that the request formed on the Rosreestra website or in a different way, the status of "check is not passed" will not go into operation and will not be processed. You must submit a request again. It is also necessary to draw attention to the fact that if the application has already received the status of "in work", and then received the status "Check is not passed", the application will be processed correctly and in this case the formation of a reapplication is not required.

How to find out in Rosreestre the status of an online statement

And already a few days later, you can get an answer.

  • As for the status of "Documents ready", he speaks for himself.

What details should be paid when checking the status of the statement in Roserestre online, you need to pay attention to the following factors: In some cases, the application is assigned the status "Check is not passed". But this does not mean that your request was rejected, and it will not be subject to processing.

That is, if you have issued a request on the official website, personally transferred to the service department or sent by mail, and this status was immediately assigned to the application, it would not be adopted to consideration. Accordingly, it will not switch to the next stage of processing.

Check the status of the request to Rosreestr

The FDTO provides reference information about the cadastral chamber and its territorial departments, the postal address of the receiving offices of documents, email addresses, phone numbers, the operating mode, and the applicants' reception schedule, advise on the formation of an electronic application on the Rosreestra portal, the composition of the package of documents, necessary to provide public services. On August 1, 2018, in the offices of the branch of the FGBU "FKP Rosreestra" Leningrad region There were about 152 thousand requests and applications for the implementation of the public services of the Cadastral Chamber in the Leningrad Region.

How to check the online document readiness in Rosreestre

Follow the link and find yourself on the query status check page. Take this: how to challenge and reduce the cadastral value important! Online verification of the query status is available only after 3-5 days after submitting an application for the provision of state registration services. The usual period of consideration of the application is 10 working days, so in the first days after submitting a request status in online service not displayed.

  • After switching to the section "Checking a query execution (statement)", a citizen will be on a page containing two fields for filling.

    In the first, he must enter the application number, and the second field is intended to enter text from the picture in order to verify security.

  • Enter the application number in the first cell, the number you will find on the document obtained when the query is cleaned.


And also to receive an extract for cadastral value, state registration of real estate rights and so on. The advantage of this service is that you will no longer have to spend time on a trip to the state registration office only to find out ready for your request or not.

We check the status of a statement in Rosreestre on the site for online checking the document for readiness in Rosreestre, you need to go to the official website of the Rosreestra service: In the top side of the monitor on the right side, the field is indicated by the region of your residence Moscow and the area.

As well as the region where the request was sent. Scroll through the page to the end. There will be several menu items. Select "Electronic Services and Services".

If this link is missing on the page, use the search bar on the site.

Rosreestra Services Check request status

Checking the execution of the request Checking the execution of the request is relevant for those who submitted applications to the Rosreestr to receive an extract from EGRN about the main characteristics and rights to the object of real estate, receiving an extract about the cadastral value, the state registration of real estate rights and so on. The service is convenient because you do not have to go to the state registration service office to check the readiness of the request.
All you need is to go to the site and see the results using a special service. To go online check request status in Rosreestr, follow the instructions below.

The service is most popular. This service has a special relevance if, when submitting an application, it was stated that the result of the service must be provided to the applicant in electronic form, or if you just want to check the progress rate.

How to check the execution of the query?

Verification of the execution of the application is available only for. It is important to remember not to get into the hands of scammers. On the site's main page, locate the button with electronic services, there, among others, will Request Tracking Service.

It is interesting!Check the query status you can only after a few days After submitting documents for receiving the service. This is due to database updates on the site.

Hitting the service page, you only need to fill in the graph unique number of applicationsYou can find on a receipt in, besides this, you will have to confirm that you are a person by entering numbers from Capp.

Request statuses

Movement of any business divided into three stagesEach of which has its own status. Accordingly, by requesting information about the status of your case, the user will receive one of the following status:

  1. "under consideration" - this means that the appeal is in the cadastral service and what or a result of speaking prematurely;
  2. "On the signature" - This message indicates that the work on the result of the service is almost completed, after a couple of days the work will be fulfilled to the end and the applicant will receive the desired;
  3. "ready" - suggests that the documents can already be accessed.

It sometimes happens that when performing an inspection, an entry that the test is not passed, this means that the work on the application cannot go to the next stage due to certain causes - or documents were filed with errors, or the appeal itself contains inaccuracies or incomplete, Either this request does not at all refer to the competence of the department. In such a situation, it is possible to make only one thing - to fill out the application again, in compliance with all the requirements and attaching a complete package of documents.

It is important!If you got the status that check is not passed Already after she was noted by the status "in work", it's not worth doing anything, Documents are accepted into work and you can only wait for the result.

It is not a secret that the establishment of Rosreestr often significantly delays the preparation of documentation. It happens that the processing of documents takes a period of several times more than he was promised at the time of acceptance of the application.

After sending the packet of papers to the registration of residential property, as well as other operations in the cadastral service, you can control their status without leaving the house, with the help of the official portal of the State Service. It is much more comfortable than to overturn the telephone institution or hammer the thresholds in trying to achieve in what condition your application is currently. In addition, it is impossible to learn about the readiness of the request through the IFC, which significantly complicates the situation. To work with the service, only the discharge number will be required, which is assigned at the time of sending the package.

Check the status of the application is possible only on the official service of the cadastral service. However, it will take to use the Public Services portal in Moscow and MO to take access to access. The system will even notify the readiness of the request, in 2020 such regions as Moscow and MO, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar region, Republic of Tatarstan, Chelyabinsk and others provide such a service.

To see the information to the applicant, it is necessary to register the Public Services portal. Then you only need to select the desired menu items and find out the information you will.

This service is now valid for residents of many regions of the country. It works for citizens who send an application for discharge of EGRN on the characteristics and property ownership to the service department. It is also relevant for registration of cadastral statement, state registration of rights to property and other documents that are required for real estate transactions.

How to check the cadastral value of real estate

An obvious plus such an opportunity to track the status of applications online is that it is not necessary to attend the office of the institution or listen to telephone beeps for hours, while trying to check the readiness of the request.

For information, you will need to go to the official website of the Rosreestra. At the top of the right indicates the region Moscow and MO. In addition, you will need to specify the area of \u200b\u200byour stay for the request. Next you need to go down on the page of the site - down. There you will see several menu sections. Click "Electronic Services and Services". If you fail to find immediately, you can use the opportunity to search for the site.

Important! The status of the application will be visible only after 3-5 days from the date of dispatch.

Request execution check

Usually, the standard period of consideration of the package lasts 10 working days. Because from the date of sending an application within two days - the status is unknown. The section will be two fields that will need to fill. The first line for the application number, the second is made. Information on the application can be found in papers and receivables that are obtained after the request direction. It is compiled from groups of numbers, which are made through the slash (/). After filling out the second line, the result will be loaded with the status of the application current.

Making a certificate from BTI in MFC - now without headaches?

There will be such types of application states:

  1. "On the signature" means that the consideration of the papers will be completed in the near future;
  2. "In the work" - a package of documents in the processing process;
  3. "Documents are ready" - you can already get them.

When monitoring the status of the request, it is required to carefully track such moments: sometimes the application has the status "Check is not passed", but this does not mean unambiguously that it is rejected and will not be processed. Situations can be different, it is described in detail below.

If the request was sent in person, through the Russian Post, or through the official service and the package, such status was immediately appointed, then it is no longer subject to consideration. And its route over the system is over.

The reason may be like this:

  • When the documentation is issued, an error was made.
  • The request is directed incorrectly.
  • The essence of the application is incomprehensible, or does not fall into the competence of Rosreestra.
  • Now you need to repeat the send request. Or redirect the application to the right organization.

Single Paying Document (END)

When the package was in work, and after the status of "Check was not passed" appeared, this indicates that the documents work with documents and in the near future the result will be clarified. Re-execution and information is not required.

In addition, the status of the application can be checked in the Personal Office of the Rosreestra site. This method is even more convenient and more correct. But for its use, a confirmed account will be required on the Public Services portal.

Instructions for using service

In order to track the status you want to follow the link ROSREESTR.RU/Site and make data:

  • The "Application number" row is entered by code that is assigned to the documentation package when requesting. It is prescribed in a receipt.
  • Below should be spam inspection, specifying the numbers specified in the picture.
  • Click the "Check" button.

Thus, the status of the application becomes quite quickly known.

If you wish to control the discharge of reliability, you will need to go to the Rosreestra page. And there click the "Overview" button in the top section of the sheet.

After a short time, the search result will be received. For the owners of a digital signature at the bottom of the page, it is possible to check it and also on the "Overview" button.

It should be noted that the functioning of this service, unfortunately, is far from ideal. Often there are failures.

When checking, you can also see what kind of recorder now considers the request. This information will help significantly if you still have to contact the cadastral agency using a phone call.

Rosreestr online - We receive information about real estate objects without leaving home

Of course, you can find out the packet processing status and with a personal visit. To do this, you will have to visit the establishment with the request number and the passport of the Russian Federation, which at this moment is valid. But it is important to understand that only the citizen who directed it will be able to check the status of the application.

Of course, we all understand that the status control by the electronic method is much more comfortable and the information can be quite quickly. It will not be necessary to wait a queue for a long time, and spend time to visit Rosreestra.

Online check features

In the process of working with the resource, the appearance of various difficulties that are related to the reflection of information and system activities is possible.

In order to eliminate problems, you will need to consider some subtleties when working, as well as configure browsers that are used to control:

  • If, when you try to display results, the system occurs, then you will need to enter the settings and disable this feature.
  • For better work on the service, it is recommended to use Internet Explorer.
  • You need to activate compatibility and enable the display option of the entire content.
  • For activities in Mozilla Firefox, you will need to disable the protection on the page.
  • When using Google Chrome, an unsafe script option is activated.
  • The resulting files are best saved in a separate folder. Include XML and electronic signatures there.
  • At the beginning of the check, you will need to select the type of XML expansion.
  • To check the correctness of the digital signature, mark the document - SIG document.

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In order not to lose the open form, you will need to click "Save", the file format will remain HTML. This type of document will allow to see it, if desired, in the Internet browser. In this case, it can be printed in the usual way.

Check through the Personal Cabinet State Service

If the registration on the portal of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region was not produced, then the first thing will be needed to register. When accessing a personal account, a citizen has the ability to check the status of applications in the most simple way, since then the system is automatically selected by its applications.

In addition, access and other functions are available: entry to institutions using the Internet, the implementation of requests for the outcome of cadastral activity and others. In the personal office of the official website of Rosreestra, the citizen has the opportunity to open an electronic wallet for paying public services.

How to get an extract from the USRP to the apartment

The form will open where information about the perfect request will be seen. In addition, there can be familiar with the status of the request, an employee of the Rosreestra responsible for consideration of the package, as well as other information.

When a citizen is held by the "My Applications" link, the statuses of open applications are displayed on the page that opens. At this stage, the necessary information about them will be visible. If no requests from a citizen have been received, then the message "You do not have submitted applications for public services will open as a result.

If you wish to find out about the request by phone, information about the employee who works with papers is useful.

Today, many Russians prefer to order certificates, and make out other documents referring to multifunctional centers working in different regions of the country. A visit to this state structure allows you to get a service in one place, and not spend time on visiting other instances.

The principle of a single window, acting in the IFC, completely eliminates the need to communicate the applicant to other structures. After sending a request, citizens can track the status, promptly learning about changes, including the readiness of the documents. The appropriate check can be made in several ways that we will describe below.

Turning to the Multifunction Center, the applicant receives a wide range of advantages. In this case, we are not only about the possibility of minimizing various costs, but also about the simplicity of tracking the status of the application. On the official website of the IFC there is a special service that allows you to obtain the relevant information, simply specifying the appeal number.

Find out the application number is easy. To do this, it is enough to look at the receipt received from the center employee when submitting securities. At the top will be specified the number required to verify the status of circulation.

Online verification by calling a receipt

As mentioned earlier, the number in which you can learn about the readiness of documents are located in the upper part of the receipt issued by the IFC, namely in the upper left corner. Today, many centers allow you to verify the state, using the special service on the organization's website.

To check the readiness of documents in the MFC, you need to enter the number assigned to handle in the corresponding field and send a request to the processing by clicking on the button. . Within a few seconds, the system displays the results or automatically send a visitor to the site page, where the hotline number is specified.

The cause of the error is most often the lack of this service in the department of the IFC, where documents were submitted. For accurate information, you need to call the free number and solve the problem through the operator. In some cases, troubleshooting helps page update. If this has not happened, contact your help desk.

Check availability of documents in other ways

If the online check is not available in your region, or the specified option cannot be used due to the lack of access to the Internet, you can learn about the status of the application by number 8 800 550 5030 . The operator will check the appeal state and tell you.

Among other things, the SMS-alert service has already been launched in many regions of the Russian Federation. As soon as the documents are ready, mobile number The applicant will enhance the appropriate alert. About the availability of services in your city, you can learn from the operator.

What documents can be checked?

Considering all the above, it is safe to say that the application status is simple enough. For information, you do not need to spend time on a visit to the MFC. With the help of online request or regular, you check the readiness of the following documents:

How to submit documents to MFC

For the convenience of applicants, the reception of documents in MFC is carried out on the principle of one window. In other words, the visitor will need to communicate with one specialist.

For the service, you need to choose one of the multifunctional centers running in the region, through telephone communication to learn about the preset, or simply apply a personal visit to the MFC and take a coupon of the electronic queue in a special terminal.

If the service is already in the center, then you can think about when and at what time you will be convenient to submit documents, and sign up for this period.

Thanks to the work of the IFC, the applicants received the opportunity to solve issues related to the design of documents and receiving services as quickly as possible and simply. Among other things, specialized agencies that provide services to the population were previously obtained the opportunity to work more effectively, getting rid of the need for reception and primary verification of documents.

The schedule of the centers is formed in such a way that the appeal is accessible to each person. The doors of the MFC break down the applicants in the early morning, and closed only late in the evening.

On the pages of the site you will find a complete list of services provided by MFC, detailed instructions Upon clearing documents and lists of papers that need to be submitted by the Center. It is recommended that the efficiency of solving the issue depends on the full package of papers to the collection and preparation of documents.

If you are sure that you have gathered all the required documents, feel free to go to the MFC and wait until your number appears on the digital scoreboard. After that, go to the appropriate window and pass the documents by a specialist. If all the information is valid correctly, and the paper is collected in full, you will be issued a receipt that indicates acceptance. It will indicate the number of circulation and the estimated period of readiness of documents.

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