Strasbourg New Year. Facrifical fairy tales and European wine roads

Illuminated by hundreds of Christmas lights and removed by colorful decorations, first of all, wreaths, which are made of fir branches, ostolist, laurels and ribbons. Each has four candles, which symbolize the weeks of the post preceding the onset of Christmas. But, of course, the main festive decoration is the city tree on Cleber Square.

Feel the Spirit of Christmas and find yourself in a fairy tale, you will help you a well-known city-breeding guide, sign up for an excursion. We also recommend thinking about buying Strasbourg City Pass, which will greatly facilitate your walks in the city, more.

Where to settle in Strasbourg for the new year

Weather for New Year in Strasbourg

To wet the December weather, the weather did not spoil you Christmas mood, take care of warm clothes. In Strasbourg, the winter temperature may drop to 1.5 ° C, and the snow and rain is quite a frequent phenomenon for this season. Therefore, you will be very useful for a warm coat, a sweater or a cardigan and comfortable shoes on the fur. Also, do not forget to warm up the scarf, gloves and a headdress, very by the way will be a good durable umbrella. It is thoroughly equipped, you will no longer cost all the fairs and festive events of Strasbourg.

Celebration of Christmas and New Year in Strasbourg

The idea of \u200b\u200bdressing the Christmas tree to Christmas was originated in the 16th century in Alsace, the center of which is Strasbourg. Then there was still part of Germany. It is believed that the German Princess Elena Mecklenburg was faced with the spread of this tradition, when he married the Duke of Orleans. Initially, christmas trees decorated with apples and nuts. As the local legend says, 1858 turned out to be a lackalistic, and glass jewelery came to replace the deeds, which caused such a furor that since then was heard to dress up with special toys.

An important role in the celebration of Christmas and New Year in Alsace is played by the mythical characters: Saint Nikolai, Hans Trapp and Crystkindel. Alsas kids do not need to wait late December to get gifts: the local counterpart of Santa Claus, Saint Nikolai comes to them on December 6, when the holiday is celebrated. But for the Christmas, the defortion can get additional gifts if the Angel of Crystkindel will look at them and her assistant Hans Trapp with a large basket of sweets and other pleasant surprises.

Festive Fair in Strasbourg

From November to January, life in Strasbourg boils the key: almost every day there are pre-holiday events, live concerts, enchanting shows and exhibitions. But the main event in the city is considered the Legendary Christmas Fair - the oldest in Europe, the first one took place in 1570 and then called ChristkinDelsmärik (Baby Fair of Jesus). Since then, Strasbourg is considered a kind of Christmas capital and one of the best places for immersion in the festive pre-New Year atmosphere.

The Christmas Fair in Strasbourg begins his work at the end of November and continues until Christmas. It covers almost the entire city, first of all the area of \u200b\u200bBrunce and the cathedral area. At the fair you can see more than 300 counters selling craft products, christmas deals, drinks and decorations.

Where to celebrate New Year in Strasbourg

These and other Christmas dishes you can try not only at the fair, but also on a festive dinner in Strasbourg restaurants. A classic Christmas lunch is usually begins with seafood and fua-gra-delicate duck liver, which is famous for Alsace. Beckoff is served - meat stewed in Elzass or roasted goose. Lunch ends with christmas gallers - a duple cake with nuts, raisins and lemon zest. But keep in mind that on the eve and on the day of Christmas, many restaurants and cafes will not work, so lunch or dinner is better to organize a couple of days before the holiday, and the feast can be postponed closer to the new year's meeting.

If you want to arrange a Christmas feast in a restaurant, we advise you to look at the traditional Alsace cuisine to look into the ancient taverno-wine-winrstub Zuem Strissel (5 Place de La Grande Boucherie), which is famous for its flame and a shukrut-stewed with smoked sprinkle. A good choice of Elsasy dishes offers also Brassury Le Gruber (11 Rue du Maroquin) - a very cozy place with a kind of decor. Here you can enjoy excellent meat stew and foie gras. If you are more attracted to an authentic atmosphere, and not just a beautiful setting, then you will probably like it in a simple, but very nice restaurant Le Troquet Des Kneckes (112 Grand "Rue), where you will be offered eight types of flamesheukhe and amazing fresh bretecels.

We wish you a fabulous Christmas and New Year in Strasbourg!

About how they meet New Year in Strasbourg, the capital of Christmas markets, fairs, the lack of New Year's festive food, endless mulled wine and home-party students from France Anna Demchenko.

Anticipation of Christmas and New Year

New Year-christmas feelings appear from the moment of the decoration of the city. Strasbourg is considered the "Capital of Christmas Markets" (Capital of Christmas Markets), which begin a month before the New Year, when absolutely the whole city turns into a real fairy tale. Preparation for this event begins with the end of October, including New Year's beauty on the square. So the feeling that the holidays soon begin with the beginning of this preparation itself. But there is a small minus!

All scenery are removed immediately after the new year. That is, if in Ukraine there are a year-old decorations hang another week 2, then they are cleaned literally the next day. And catastrophically lacking snow.

Local christmas customs

There is a cute traditional trifle here - to go to one of the Christmas markets and drink hot wine (white, red or just well, very sweet apple Uzvar).

Folk festivities on the streets (fairs and concerts)

Folk walking here are incredibly large-scale. Considering that Strasbourg is of particular fame in the field of Christmas trading (again, markets) come here from all over the world to have time to try festive Schukrut and Tart Flambe, to warm up hot wine and, of course, where without the most famous pancakes with Nutella and other all kinds Sturines that they are Milenko called CRPPs. At the time of the Christmas market, you can completely forget about the bike as about the movement agent, since at this time it is hard to move even on foot. On the central square 2 weeks before Christmas plays live music of different countries. From my favorites - playing at Volyn!

Local special New Year's dishes

Once I witnessed the dialogue of two Madame (French and Italian). The Italian asked the Frenchwoman the question, as you get to stay so slender and happy that the Frenchwoman replied: "In the morning, the cupcake, and in the evening - sex." Well, yes, the phrase is a little pop, but I am surprised by how they manage to keep such forms, using an incredible amount of food.

The French has no New Year's dishes, for them - every day holiday. I have not seen in my life so that the person treats so passionately to the meal. To talk about food, they may not ceasing and (how they love to joke about themselves), they talk about food, while eating! ("WE TALK ABOUT FOOD WHILE Eating" - so in the original I told me my scientific leader).

The most beloved dishes of my region (Alzas) - Fish Shukrut, Tartflambe, Tiramisu. Drink necessarily White Alzass Hemertsraminer (each in his own way pronounces it). And, of course, cheese! All sorts of fragrant and stinky.


New year here are celebrated at parties, anywhere! On the square it is not accepted, maybe due to the fact that the city is small.

The variety and colorful of local clubs always struck me! They are very strange and very simple. I can only advise the Latin bar, which is in the old small ship. It is decorated with Christmas lights all year round, music in it all the time is the same and loud, but the mood is always healthy. There we usually go for a couple of hours to dance after the home parties, which are more popular here than clubs.

1 day Moscow - Frankfurt - Wiesbaden - Rudezheim
Departure from Moscow, arriving in Frankfurt on Main. Meeting at the airport 3 hours before departure. Accurate information on the flight and time of departure will be indicated 2 weeks before the start of the tour.
Tourists who independently flying to Frankfurt from their city should be in place of the meeting no later than arrival of the main group.
Accommodation on the bus, moving (~ 30 km) to the city of Wiesbaden, the capital of Hessse and one of the oldest thermal resorts in Europe. Walk with accompanying. In the city there were Goethe and Dostoevsky, who in 1860 lost all his savings into the casino.
In the afternoon, moving (~ 30 km), in Rüdesheim-on-Rhine - the capital of winemakers, a walk and tasting * (from € 8) of the Rhine Wine. Recommended! "Eiswein" or Ice Wine.
In the evening, moving (~ 60 km), accommodation and night at the hotel in Germany.

2 Day Koblenz - Bernetstel Cus
Breakfast in the hotel.
In the morning, a visit to the city of Koblenz, the inspection of the "German angle" is the fusion places of the rivers of the Moselle and Rhine.
Moving (~ 100 km) in the Moselle wine road into the romantic town of Bernkastel-Cous, famous for its wines and "fabulous" houses, walk from accompanying city. For wishing tasting * Moselle wines (from € 12).
In the afternoon, moving (~ 50 km) to the oldest city of Germany Trier - the view of the city with the accompanying: port of Nigra, Cathedral and other historical monuments
In the evening, moving (220 km) to Strasbourg.
Accommodation and night in the hotel

3 day Strasbourg - Baden-Baden *
Breakfast in the hotel.
Pedestrian tour of Strasbourg: The historic center of Grand Il, the Gothic Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Quarter "Little France" and much more. Free time.
Trip * (~ 60 km) to Baden-Baden (€ 15, shuttle). Inspection of the city with accompanying: Kurhaus with a casino, Drinkhalla's drinking gallery, ul. Lichtentallerallee.
For those who want to visit the thermal complex - Caracalla (Caracalla Therme) ticket from € 15.
In the evening, return to Strasbourg, it is possible to organize a traditional Alsatian dinner * (from € 20).
Night in the same hotel.

4 day Strasbourg - Ribovil * - Colmar *
Breakfast in the hotel.
Free time in Strasbourg.
Walk * on the boat on the canals in Strasbourg (approx. € 13.5 / 7.8 to 12 years)
or a trip * on one of the most picturesque local areas of Europe - the trip "Wine Road of Alsace" - Ribovil - Colmar (€ 30, shuttle). Riboville winery, a walk with accompanying, it is possible to visit the wine cellab with tasting * (tasting of local white wines, from 10 cu), moving and inspection with the accompanying city of Colmar - "French Venice".
Night in the same hotel.

5 day Strasbourg - Schwarzvald *
Breakfast in the hotel.
Free time in Strasbourg or travel for the whole day of the Black Forest * (€ 35 Transfer).
Freiburg (~ 87 km) - Black Forest Pearl Schwarzvalda. Inspection of the Old Town: The famous Münster Cathedral, Münsterplatz Square, Old and New Town Hall, Ancient Craftsmen, and much more.
Moving to the city of Staufen (~ 20 km) - "City of Faust", the city known in the works of Goethe. Inspection of the city with accompanying.
Moving to triberg The capital of the famous clock with a cuckoo, inspection with the accompanying. Inspection of the biggest clock with cuckoo in the suburbs of Triberg - Shonakhbah.
In the evening, return to the hotel.

6 day Basel - Zurich
Breakfast in the hotel.
In the morning, moving (~ 140 km) to Switzerland to Basel. Sightseeing tour of the city Basel, spreading on two banks of the Rhine: Big Basel - Cathedral, Marktplatz Square and Fishplatz, Gate Thalenitor, Market Tower, Theater Square and Other.
In the afternoon, moving (~ 90 km) in Zurich. Inspection of the city of Zurich with the accompanying: Banhefstrasse, the church of St. Peter, Quarter, Netherdorf, Cathedrals Grossmünster and Fraumyunster with stained-glass windows, Marc Chagal and more.
In the evening, moving (~ 160 km) to Germany, accommodation in the hotel.

7 Day Rothenburg-on-Tauber - Würzburg
Breakfast in the hotel.
In the morning, moving (~ 150 km) in the town of Rothenburg-on-Tauber. Inspection of the city-museum under the open-air, famous for its Christmas traditions. Rothenburg-on-Tauber boasts the most impressive medieval architecture in Europe. Walk around the city with accompanying.
In the afternoon, moving (~ 60 km) to Würzburg. Sightseeing tour of the Bavarian city of Würzburg - the center of the Franconium region, famous for its winemaking. Cathedral of St. Cilian, Church of Hofkirch, Fortress Marienberg. Free time in Würzburg. Tasting * Franconian wines (from 12 €).
In the evening, moving (~ 120 km) in Germany.
Hotel night.

8 day Frankfurt am Main- Moscow
Breakfast in the hotel.
In the presence of time, an inspection of the city of Frankfurt am Main with the accompanying: Quarter of banks, half-timbered houses in the quarter Römer, House-Museum Goethe, Church of the CV. Paul, etc.
Moving to the airport, departure from Frankfurt. Arrival to Moscow.
Information on the flight and time of departure a week before the start of the tour.
Tourists who independently fly from Frankfurt to their city independently organize their transfer to the airport or can join the main group when coincided.

  • 1 day Moscow - Frankfurt - Wiesbaden - Rüdesheim 28.12

    Departure from Moscow DME Morning flight. Meeting at the airport 3 hours before departure.Accurate information on the flight and departure time will be listed in the section 2 weeks before the start of the tour.

    Tourists who independently flying to Frankfurt from their city should be in place of the meeting no later than arrival of the main group.

    Placement on the bus, moving (~ 30 km) to the city of Wiesbaden - the capital of the Earth of Hesse and one of the oldest thermal resorts in Europe. Walk with accompanying. In the city there were Goethe and Dostoevsky, who in 1860 lost all his savings into the casino.

    In the afternoon, moving (~ 30 km), in Rüdesheim-on-Rhine - the capital of winemakers, a walk and tasting * (from € 8) of the Rhine Wine. Recommended! "Eiswein" or Ice Wine.

    In the evening, moving (~ 60 km), accommodation and night at the hotel in Germany.

    2 day Koblenz - Bernetstel-Kous - Trier - Strasbourg 29.12

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    Accommodation and night in the hotel

    3 day Strasbourg - Baden-Baden * 30.12

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    Night in the same hotel.

    4 day Strasbourg - Ribovil * - Colmar * 31.12

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    Free time in Strasbourg. Walk * on the ship on the canals in Strasbourg (OK. € 13.5 / 7.8 children under 12)

    or travel * (€ 30, transfer) on one of the most picturesque local areas of Europe - "Alsace Wine Road". Riboville winery, a walk with accompanying, it is possible to visit the wine cellar with tasting * (local white wines, from € 10), moving and inspection with the accompanying city of Colmar - "French Venice".

    Return to the hotel in Strasbourg, preparation for departure to the city for the meeting of the New Year.

    New Year's Eve dinner * in the restaurant of Strasbourg ~ from 20:00 to 23:00, with a glass of wine.

    We invite you to the Alsatian restaurant "Le Gruber", located in one of the most beautiful buildings in Strasbourg, entered into the list of cultural heritage of the city, and unconditionally participates in the picturesque charm of the historic center of Strasbourg.

    Music animation accompanied by an accordionist and guitarist.

    New Year's meeting on holiday streets.

    About 01-00 Return to the hotel.

    5 day Strasbourg - Schwarzvald * 01.01

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    Free time in Strasbourg or travel for the whole day of the Black Forest * (€ 35 Transfer).

    Freiburg (~ 87 km) - Black Forest Pearl Schwarzvalda. Inspection of the Old Town: The famous Münster Cathedral, Münsterplatz Square, Old and New Town Hall, Ancient Craftsmen, and much more.

    Moving to the city of Staufen (~ 20 km) - "City of Faust", the city known in the works of Goethe. Inspection of the city with accompanying.

    Moving to triberg The capital of the famous clock with a cuckoo, inspection with the accompanying. Inspection of the biggest clock with cuckoo in the suburbs of Triberg - Shonakhbakh.

    In the evening, return to the hotel.

    6 day Basel - Zurich 02.01

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    In the morning, moving (~ 140 km) to Switzerland to Basel. Sightseeing tour of the city Basel, spreading on two banks of the Rhine: Big Basel - Cathedral, Marktplatz Square and Fishplatz, Gate Thalenitor, Market Tower, Theater Square and Other.

    In the afternoon, moving (~ 90 km) in Zurich. Inspection of the city of Zurich with the accompanying: Banhefstrasse, the church of St. Peter, Quarter, Netherdorf, Cathedrals Grossmünster and Fraumyunster with stained-glass windows, Marc Chagal and more.

    In the evening, moving (~ 160 km) to Germany, accommodation in the hotel.

    7 day Rothenburg-on-Tauber - Würzburg 03.01

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    In the morning, moving (~ 150 km) in the town of Rothenburg-on-Tauber, the inspection of the city is a city-museum under the open-air, famous for its Christmas traditions. Walk around the city with accompanying, familiarity with christmas nish traditions of Bavaria. Visit to the "Village of Christmas": a miracle shop is located inside the interconnected half-timbered houses. In the romantic scenery of the market square, decorated with a 5-meter white Christmas tree, you can find absolutely everything that relates to the topic of Christmas. Visiting the Museum of Christmas *, from € 4.

    In the afternoon, moving (~ 60 km) to Würzburg. Sightseeing tour of the Bavarian city of Würzburg - the center of the Franconium region, famous for its winemaking. Cathedral of St. Cilian, Church of Hofkirch, Fortress Marienberg. Free time in Würzburg. Tasting * Franconian wines (from 12 €).

    In the evening, moving (~ 120 km) in Germany.

    Night at the hotel in Frankfurt (possibly in the suburbs).

    8 day Frankfurt - Moscow 4.12

    Breakfast in the hotel.

    In the presence of time, an inspection of the city of Frankfurt am Main with the accompanying: Quarter of banks, half-timbered houses in the quarter Römer, House-Museum Goethe, Church of the CV. Paul, etc.

    Moving to the airport, departure from Frankfurt, arriving in Moscow.
    For information on the flight and time of departure, see the week before the start of the tour.

    Tourists who independently fly from Frankfurt to their city independently organize their transfer to the airport or can join the main group when coincided.


Strasbourg indisputates himself Capitale de Noël - Capital of Christmas. We had to go there at the end of December 2016, to personally make sure that the city had assigned this title by right!

Day 1. Strasbourg, December 24

We arrived in Strasbourg by train, quickly settled into the hotel and went for a walk. The scale of the celebration was impressed from the first minutes: it seemed that there was not a single unkwilled home or tree around, but the whole city is a solid Christmas fair! It became clear that the guide would not need: wherever we do not go, everywhere will be beautiful, festively and tasty. So it came out! Most impressed as locals are decorated at home. Each building is unlikely to the neighboring, many living Christmas branches and bulk installations!

And this is a little France - a medieval quarter with half-timbered houses and a multitude of channels:
(Placa Kleber), where every year set the main city tree with a height of about 30 meters. At the end of the square, the Christmas Bazaar unfolded - all the Christmas trees with a 50% discount.

NOTRE DAME DE STRASBOURG) - Main landmark of the city. Its construction began at the beginning of the 11th century, and many more centuries continued - because of this, elements of different styles are traced in the architecture, and one of the towers has not yet been built. One of the main attractions of the Cathedral is a unique astronomical watch, showing the orbits of the planets of the solar system and the calculating exact numbers of even those holidays whose dates are changing from year to year.

Most of the time we, of course, spent at the fairs, and when you write about French fairs, it is inevitable to the fore the topic of food comes out! Here are just a few of the elsasy gastronomic delights that can be tried at the Christmas Fair or in any neighborhood restaurant:
v. iN. chaud. - Mulled wine from red or white wine. It costs 2-3 euros and another 2 euros will take a deposit for a mug. tarte flamb. é e. - Translated into Russian "Flaming Pie". It is preparing on an open fire, so the "right" Tarta Flambes will have a little burnt edges. Reminds pizza, but instead of tomato paste uses soft cheese or cream. Traditional filling - with bow and bacon, but there are vegetarian options, and even sweet (for example, with apples and Calvados). Worth 7-10 euros.

Where to try: A restaurantFlam´ s. - just 300 meters from the cathedral!29 rue dES. Fr.è rES., 67000 Strasbourg.Works daily from 11:30 to 24:00

G. eWURZTRAMINER (Gevurztraminer) - Alsace Wine, which is worth saying. The sommelier describes it, as a complex, aggressive, unique, spicy, distinctive, adding many other epithets. But converge, as a rule, in one: after the first throat you either fall in love with it forever, or you will be bypass from the side. The dry hevureztraminer is well suited to the onion pie or fu gras, and the sweet is perfectly combined with Münster. Foie Gras (Fu Grazh) - The famous pate from goose liver. Served for a snack, often with something sweet (I especially like with fir jam). Choucrute ("Shukrut") - Famous dish of Elsa Kitchen. Pretty simple, and not at all like vegetarians or healthy food lovers: sauerkraut, potatoes and up to five types of meat on one plate - most often pork and local sausages. Very satisfying, but not very cheap - from 15 euros. Muntster. - One of the most popular French cheese in the world. And let you do not scare off his sharp, knocking the smell - strange, but the taste is surprisingly noble and thin! At Christmas fairs, you can try Greaten - Potatoes in Mundire with molten Münster. We will find the place of sale by smell, be sure?

Council: If you decide to bring Münster to friends - make sure the packaging tightness! And follow the expiration date, because By his expiration, cheese begins to smell 10 times stronger !!

Tarte à l'Oignon - onion pie, light and satisfying at the same time. It may be snack to guilt or an independent dish. Another day we looked at the embankment from the Rogan Palace (Palais Rohan) and bought tickets for the Batorama pleasure ship with a glass roof. Tickets can be bought in advance on the site, but we actually acted. In 1 hour, 10 minutes we sailed along the River Chall, looked at the "little France" from the water, we took part in the adventure of the "passage of gateways" and sailed through the Damb of Voban to the European Quarter, where the European Parliament is located.

Well, after went to wander around the evening. Some streets, for example, Rue des orfèvres, cannot be described - see:

On the streets began to be allowed, the locals have long searched home or vice versa, hurried to Christmas services, and we went to relax at the hotel.

By the way: the Christmas service in the main cathedral is open to everyone, but be prepared for possible greater queues on the entrance due to increased security measures.

Day 2. Colmar, December 25

We knew that on December 25, all the fairs of Strasbourg were closed - but still amazed the city's desert in the morning. We walked along the embankment, stood with other tourists in line for coffee in a single working kiosk, reached the station and went to Colmar! This stunning city in beauty in Christmas days can quit Strasbourg, and most importantly - on January 25, after dinner, Christmas fairs are reserved in it!

Train tickets can be bought at the train station, or in advance on the site: time 25 minutes, round trip 13.5 euro

At the Christmas Fair, tourists joyfully go to the first seen kiosks for Mulled wine and pancakes, but we are not here for the first time, and we know the secret! At the Dominican Square (Place Dominicans) there is a unparalleled kiosk from Colmar Gourmet with a pair of street tables. The sign is inconspicuous, plastic plates ... there, on the December sun, you can taste fu gras, snails in Elsass, oysters and wash everything with a glass of local sparkling wine Cremant! Passing by tourists slowed down a step from surprise, seeing this feast.

The portion of each of the delicacies cost 10 euros, which is incomparably with restaurant prices!

Official site of Christmas Strasbourg:

Maya Vasilenko Strasbourg - Wiesbaden 2017

See also: