Treasure Island Labyrinth Gift Edition. "Treasure Island" in a new gift

The new unique edition of the treasure island is a labyrinth press released the amazing publication of this book. Interactive story, live. Best gift for boys. Journey book big format, real adventure without leaving home.

it the only thing in the world Interactive commented edition of the "Treasure Island". And it came out - in Russia! How we can all be proud of, and thank the publisher, buying this precious book - both for yourself, and as a gift.

The famous Roman Robert Lewis Stevenson is printed, accompanied by a detailed historical and domestic comment dedicated to the seabed in England of the XVIII century and the "Golden Age" of piracy. Drawings, engraving, cards, pages from the books of the time, interactive elements help recreate the living atmosphere of the era.

In England, near Bristol, in the tavern "Admiral Genboou", in the room of the old captain, in the sailor chest, in the package from the cannon, is reliably hidden, where the adventures, known to each boy begins. In England of the XVIII century, we will go with this book to immediately go to the sea and in dilut of swimming towards the island of treasures to comprehend all the sea wisdom.

Here the text of the familiar Roman comes to life of the epoch, and in the stories of Captain Flint, the terrible story of piracy faces. Here you can consider every corner of Saling from Saling to Kilson, look into the doctor of Dr. Livi, to gain the command of the ship together with the accumulation of trolloni, learn to lead the ship magazine, lay the course, count the piastra and merchanda, shoot from the musket and cannons, learn everything about Yellow Jack, About reefs and bacon, about the dock of executions, about the islands of Dreary-Tortugas and robber nests in the Spanish Sea.

And in this book ...

Treasure Island Map
- Rope and memo to knitting sea nodes
- Detailed reconstruction of three-volume 200-ton schooner "Spaniard"
- Billy Bons Chest
- Catalog of Pirate Flags
- Armory of the Marine Officer
- ship ropes in full size
- Volume Brig Changing Hals
- Blockflow Defense Plan
- Detailed biographies of famous pirates
- Real Black Tag

Editorial word:

Stevenson feared that he was too deep into the past, when at the end of the century XIX decided to write about the second half of the XVIII century. He saw him as his buyer hesitate and press her lips. We may not want such fear. This is the perfect adventure novel.

Without the slightest oscillations, we built this complex frame for him from comments and now we are out of hand with some regret, because the work is completed. After several years of labor, passing the book to readers, we are preparing to follow her destiny.

She is very big and insanely beautiful. She is about the past, which lies behind boring numbers and complex words.

There, behind statistics, live smells and sounds: strong faithful spirit, noise of waves and singing of sailors; The taste of adventures, the ticking fingertips enthusiasm enthusiasm with fear. It is the romance of the discoverers and reckless robbers, a funny confusion of science and superstitions, the naive neighborhood of refinement and alaappishness. That is a special feeling, an inexpressible feature, on which, looking at a thing or a picture, you can almost accurately determine the belonging to this or that time.

It was this elusive essence that we tried so hard to transfer to the book: in engravings, maps and schemes, fonts and vignettes, in numerous comments themselves.

During the work on the book and pirates, and honest sailors have become almost relatives for us. We really hope that readers will share our sympathy and, forgetting everything, they will go to fascinating swimming on the waves of the past. To find your treasure island.

In September of this year, the Labyrinth Press publisher has released a new book of the project "Book + Epoch", interactive and commenting the "Treasure Island" edition. The whole circulation ended by mid-November. And a book in a new gift design was very busy. Inside, it is exactly the same as the first, differs only by the cover. Go swimming on the legendary "Spaniard" with the heroes of Stevenson! In the fields of the book you will find a story about the navigation in England of the XVIII century and the "golden age" of piracy - drawings, engraving, cards, pages from the books of the time, notes and interactive elements recreate the living atmosphere of the era. "I grabbed the ship for the ship, and my foot got between the Stag and Bras ..." The head of the children's literature, Katerina Bunman, tells what treasures are taking inside the book, why comments are so important, to look for 124 pages, and how the two-shuntton three-making schooner is arranged . Guide to the book We made a special guide for the book. Here you can extract it, consider maps, study the device "Spaniards", learn the marine lexicon and learn to knit knots. The readers say Elioza compares two editions of the "Treasure Island": 1. Printing in the gift version is somewhat brighter, the color rendition is different - in the reviewed edition in the illustrations are used blue, in a gift - pale purple. I personally liked the second option. 2. The gift option is more thought out in detail, there are some changes, true, minor. For example, in this book, the inclined page unfolds in one direction, and in the gift edition - to another, that when reading it is more convenient. The impression is that in the gift version there were some shortcomings of the previous edition. However, no - no shortcomings, but, let's say, some not to the end of thoughtful moments. Read completely Thorn: the interactivity of the publication is higher than praise, at the moment it is actually the best edition of the Islands from the moment of its first publication in Russian, although it is possible not only in Russian. The edition itself is more supercordable comment to the novel, rather than novel with a comment, which does not spoil overall impression By reading. After time, this book can become a serious historical source, albeit in the piracy of the XVIII century, so on book publishing XXI. Chernysheva Svetlana: Gift publications are now a lot. And with the straps, and with shiny. With fairy, dragons, and with anything. And this is a book. She is with her character. And it can be seen that it was created not only for the sake of piastra, but also with great pleasure. Therefore, it is special. And I am glad that I have such a miracle at home. And here you can read all 80 book reviews.

"Treasure Island" in a new gift

Tell me

In September of this year, the publisher " Labyrinth Press "Released a new book" Book + Epoch "project, interactive and commenting edition" Treasure Islands " The whole circulation ended by mid-November. And a book in a new gift design was very busy. Inside, it is exactly the same as the first, differs only by the cover.

Go swimming on the legendary "Spaniard" with the heroes of Stevenson! In the fields of the book you will find a story about the navigation in England of the XVIII century and the "golden age" of piracy - drawings, engraving, cards, pages from the books of the time, notes and interactive elements recreate the living atmosphere of the era.

"I grabbed the ship for the ship,
And my foot fell between the Stag and Bras ... "

Head of Children's Literature Katerina Bundman tells What treasures are tuned inside the book, why comments are so important, to look for 124 pages, and how the two-shuntton three-matt schooner is arranged.

Hello, dear visitors!

it gift editionReleased publishing house "Labyrinth", books Robert Lewis Stevenson "Treasure Island"! Of course, this is a classic that will cause interest not only in boys (as well as their dads and mothers), since the edition itself fully corresponds to the name of the work - it really treasure!

The book is stunningly decorated, contains many different secrets, useful information About events and life in the era, to which the plot of works about people of that time, as well as about the author.

This is a book that you can not only read, it is interesting to consider it and study !!! I want to go back to her and discover something new! My child with friends invent games based on this wonderful book.

Currently, I saw this publication on the Internet at a price of about 2000 rubles. Of course, it is not suiced, but I consider this cost justified, because such a book can become an excellent gift that will attract attention a very long time!

Thanks for attention! Good mood to you all!

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