Open type lifeboats. Lifeboats: educational program from an amateur estimata

Maritime site Russia no

Collective ship life-saving appliances are means that can be used by a group of people and must provide reliable and safe rescue when the ship is listing up to 20 ° on any side and trim 10 °.

The boarding of people in life-saving appliances and the launching of the latter in calm conditions should not exceed in time:

10 minutes - for cargo ships;

30 minutes - for passenger and fishing vessels.

Lifeboats and liferafts should normally be stowed on the same deck, with liferafts allowed one deck above or below the deck on which the lifeboats are installed.

A lifeboat is a lifeboat capable of saving the lives of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship.

It is this appointment that determines all the requirements for the design and supply of lifeboats.

The number of lifeboats on board a vessel is determined by the navigation area, type, vessel and the number of people on board. Cargo ships of an unlimited navigation area are equipped with boats that provide the entire crew from each side (100% + 100% = 200%). Passenger ships are equipped with lifeboats with a capacity of 50% of passengers and crew on each side (50% + 50% = 100%).

All lifeboats must:

have good stability and buoyancy even when filled with water, high maneuverability;

ensure reliable self-healing on an even keel when capsizing;

have a mechanical engine with remote control from the wheelhouse;

be dyed orange.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a compression-ignition internal combustion engine:

the engine must run for at least 5 minutes from cold start when the boat

is out of the water;

the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots; the fuel supply must be sufficient to run the engine at full speed for 24 hours.

If a ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, their davits shall be fitted with a hatchet with at least two life buoys attached to it.

The buoyancy reserve of the boat is provided by air boxes - sealed compartments filled with air or foam, the volume of which is determined taking into account that the heads of the people sitting in the boat are above the surface of the water, even if the boat is completely flooded.

Information about the capacity of the boat, as well as its main dimensions are applied to its sides in the bow with indelible paint, the name of the vessel, the port of registry (in Latin letters) and the ship's number of the boat are also indicated there. The marking by which it is possible to establish the vessel to which the boat belongs, and its number must be visible from above.

Along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the deck, strips of reflective material are glued. In the bow and stern parts, crosses made of reflective material are applied on the upper part of the closure.

An electric light bulb is installed inside the boat. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours. A signal light with a manual switch is installed on the upper part of the closure, giving a constant or flashing (50-70 flashes per minute) white light.

The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

The lifeboats for oil tankers are of fire-retardant design, equipped with a sprinkler system that allows passage through continuously burning oil for 8 minutes, and compressed air that ensures the safety of people and the operation of engines for 10 minutes.
The hulls of the boats are made double, they must have high strength, the deckhouse must provide all-round visibility, portholes made of fire-resistant glass.

To ensure the use of the boat by unqualified people (for example, passengers), instructions for starting and operating the engine should be provided in a clearly visible place near the engine controls, and the controls should be appropriately marked.

Every week all lifeboats and liferafts, rescue boats and launching appliances are visually inspected to ensure they are always ready for use.
All lifeboats and rescue boats must run for at least 3 minutes. Lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, must be moved out of their stowed positions. The results of the check are recorded in the ship's log.

Every month, all lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, fall out of their stowage positions without people in the lifeboat. Supplies are checked to ensure they are complete and in good condition.

Each lifeboat, with the exception of free-fall boats, is launched and then maneuvers on the water with a control command painted on it at least once every 3 months.

Boats launched by mechanical means are installed horizontally on both sides of the vessel. A davit is a device designed to store a boat, having beams that tilt overboard, used when lowering and raising the boat.

In the stowed position, the boats are mounted on davits; for this, the latter have one-sided keel blocks on which the boat rests. For a tighter fit of the boat to the keel blocks, the latter are equipped with a felt cushion covered with canvas. The boat is secured with lashings with a verb-hook, which must be given before launching.

Before launching the boat, you must first:

deliver to the boat the equipment and supplies necessary for survival after leaving the ship:

a portable VHF radio and radar beacon, warm clothes, an additional supply of food and water, an additional supply of pyrotechnic signaling equipment;

remove the railing of the landing deck;

prepare a storm ladder;

give lashings;

give stopper davits.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a drain valve, which is installed at the bottom of the bottom of the lifeboat to drain water. The valve automatically opens when the boat is out of the water and closes automatically when the boat is afloat. When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.
The dumping of the boat occurs only under the action of gravity and is carried out with the help of boat hoists. Before the start of the descent, the stopper on the davits is released and the fall of the hoists is smoothly eased, for which the brake of the boat winch is gradually released. Uniform etching of the bow and stern hoists is achieved by the fact that both falls are fixed on the drum of one boat winch. After the davit reaches the limit position, the vertical descent of the boat into the water begins.

Lapps are steel cables attached to the boat at its extremities and carried to the winch, designed to lower and raise the boat. Lopari should be periodically tired.

In order to exclude the possibility of launching the boat until it is completely thrown overboard, there is a horn on the davit, on which the earring of the movable block of davits is hung.
The length and shape of the horn is chosen in such a way that the movable block falls off it only at the lower limit position of the davit.

The launching of the boat on hoists can be controlled both from the deck of the vessel and from the boat. This makes it possible, under favorable weather conditions, not to leave the descent support team on board. After the boat is launched into the water, the lower blocks of the sloops are laid out.
It is very important, especially in waves, to lay out both blocks at the same time. For this, the boats have folding hooks with a common drive. In this case, the simultaneous return of both hooks is carried out by turning the drive handle.

1 - davit; 2 - Lapp; 3 - sloops; 4 - painter.

Landing of people is carried out on storm ladders

Landing of people is carried out on storm ladders

On the move and in the sea, the boats are usually lowered with people. In this case, people are boarded either in a boat mounted on keel blocks, or after the boat is lowered to the deck level, from which it is most convenient to land.

Each boat in the area of ​​its installation has a landing ladder, the bowstrings of which are made of a manila cable with a thickness of at least 65 mm, and the balusters are made of hardwood with a size of 480x115x25 mm.

The upper end of the ladder must be fixed in its regular place (under the boat), and the ladder itself must be rolled up, always ready for use.

After the last person moves from the ship to the boat, the painters are released (in extreme cases, they are cut with axes located at the ends of the boat), and the boat moves away from the ship. It is recommended to keep the fallini, because. they may still be needed.

Boat supply

Boat supply

Each lifeboat must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention SOLAS-74, including:

on rowing boats, one floating oar per rower plus two spare and one helmsman, on motor boats - four oars with oarlocks attached to the boat hull with pins (chains);

two rebate hooks;

floating anchor with a cable length equal to three lengths of the boat, and a guy attached to the top of the anchor cone;

two painters with a length of at least 15 meters;

two axes, one at each end of the boat for cutting painters when leaving the ship;

food ration and supply of drinking water 3 liters for each;

stainless ladle with shtert and stainless graduated vessel;

fishing equipment.

Signal means:

four red parachute rockets, six red flares, two smoke bombs,

electric flashlight with Morse code signaling device in waterproof design (with a set of spare batteries and a spare bulb),

one signal mirror,

Heliograph - with instructions for its use, signal whistle or equivalent signal device, tables of rescue signals;

floodlight capable of continuous operation for 3 hours;

first aid kit, 6 seasickness tablets and one hygiene bag per person;

a folding knife attached to the lifeboat with a pin and three can openers;

hand drain pump, two buckets and scoop;

fire extinguisher for extinguishing burning oil;

a set of spare parts and tools for the engine;

radar reflector or SART;

binnacle with compass;

individual heat protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the passenger capacity of the boat (but not less than two).

Free fall boats

Free fall boats

The hull of the boat has a stronger structure and well-streamlined smooth lines that prevent a strong impact when the boat enters the water. Since overloads occur when hitting water, special chairs with shock-absorbing pads are installed in the boat.

Before the boat leaves the ramp, the crew must securely fasten themselves with seat belts and a special head restraint. Free fall boats guarantee the safety of people when falling from a height of up to 20 meters.

Free-fall boats are considered the most reliable life-saving equipment that ensures the evacuation of people from a sinking ship in all weather conditions.

This is a type of lifeboat designed to rescue people from the water (those who have fallen overboard or found at sea) and to collect lifeboats and rafts.

The advantage of a rescue boat is the speed and reliability of launching and recovering on board on the move in light seas. A powerful stationary or outboard motor allows you to quickly examine the area where a person has fallen overboard, pick him up and deliver him to the ship.

The rescue boat is capable of performing rescue operations in stormy conditions and with limited visibility. The rescue boats are in constant readiness. Preparation and descent of the boat are made in 5 minutes.

The boat has a place for transporting the rescued person in the supine position. Engine power provides a speed of at least 8 knots, and the fuel supply is enough for 3 hours of full speed. The propeller is protected to prevent injury to people at sea.

Collective ship's life-saving appliances (CSS) are the means that can be used by a group of people.

Collective SSS and their launching devices must ensure reliable and safe operation so that they can be launched at the smallest draft of the vessel with a list of 20 ° on any side and a trim of 10 °.

The boarding of people in life-saving appliances and the launching of the latter in calm conditions should not exceed in time:

10 min - for cargo ships;

30 minutes - for passenger and fishing vessels of an unlimited navigation area.

Lifeboats and liferafts should normally be stowed on the same deck, with liferafts allowed one deck above or below the deck on which the lifeboats are installed.


A lifeboat is a lifeboat capable of saving the lives of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship. It is this appointment that determines all the requirements for the design and supply of lifeboats.

According to the method of delivery to the water, lifeboats are divided into mechanically launched and free-fall launched.

The number of lifeboats on board a vessel is determined by the navigation area, type, vessel and the number of people on board. Cargo ships of an unlimited navigation area are equipped with boats that provide the entire crew from each side (100% + 100% = 200%). Passenger ships are equipped with lifeboats with a capacity of 50% of passengers and crew on each side (50% + 50% = 100%).

Regardless of design differences, all lifeboats must:

Have good stability and buoyancy even when filled with water, high maneuverability;

Provide reliable self-healing on an even keel when capsizing;

To have a mechanical engine with remote control from the deckhouse, ensuring the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people of at least 6 knots and a propeller protected from accidental impacts;

Be dyed orange.

Along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the deck, strips of reflective material are glued. In the bow and stern parts, crosses made of reflective material are applied on the upper part of the closure.

Figure 15. Enclosed lifeboat

Lifeboats for oil tankers have a fireproof design, equipped with systems: irrigation, providing passage through continuously burning oil for 8 minutes; compressed air, ensuring the safety of people and the operation of engines for 10 minutes. Boat hulls are made double, they must have high strength; the cabin should provide all-round visibility, portholes are made of fire-resistant glass.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a compression-ignition internal combustion engine:

The engine must run for at least 5 minutes from the moment of cold start, when the boat is out of the water;

The speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots;

The supply of fuel must be sufficient to run the engine at full speed for 24 hours.

To ensure that the boat can be used by unqualified people (for example, passengers), instructions for starting and operating the engine should be provided in a clearly visible place near the engine controls, and the controls should be appropriately marked.

If a ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, their davits shall be fitted with a hatchet with at least two life buoys attached to it.

Toprik - a cable stretched between the ends of the davits.

Rescue pendant - a vegetable or synthetic rope with musings (knots) used as an emergency tool for launching from a ship into a boat or into the water.

Figure 16. Open type lifeboat

Information about the capacity of the boat, as well as its main dimensions, are applied to its sides in the bow with indelible paint; the name of the ship, the port of registry (in Latin letters) and the ship's boat number are also indicated there. The marking by which it is possible to establish the vessel to which the boat belongs, and its number must be visible from above.

Figure 17. Lifeboat markings

The boat must either be self-draining or have a hand pump to remove the water.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a bleed valve. A drain valve (one or two depending on the size of the boat) is installed at the bottom of the bottom of the boat to release water. The valve automatically opens when the boat is out of the water and closes automatically when the boat is afloat. Usually this task is performed by a float type valve. When the boat is stored on board, the drain valve must be open to allow any water that has entered the boat to drain. When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.

Boats lowered on hoists are equipped with a release mechanism, which is designed in such a way that both hooks are released simultaneously. In this case, the uncoupling mechanism provides for two ways of uncoupling:

Normal - disconnection occurs after the boat is launched into the water, when the load on the hooks disappears;

Under load - when disengagement can be performed both on the water and on weight in the presence of a load on the hooks.

An electric light bulb is installed inside the boat. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

A signal light with a manual switch is installed on the upper part of the closure, giving a constant or flashing (50-70 flashes per minute) white light. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

Figure 18. Disconnect devices

Lifeboats with an independent air supply system must be designed so as to ensure normal engine operation for at least 10 minutes with closed entrances and openings. At the same time, the air must remain safe and breathable.

Fireproof lifeboats must ensure the safety of the people in them for at least 8 minutes, being on the water in the zone of fire covering it from all sides, and the air temperature at the level of the head of a sitting person should not exceed 60 ° C. Typically, such boats are equipped with a water spray system to increase fire resistance. Outboard water is used for irrigation. The water intake device of the system is located in the lower part of the boat in such a way as to prevent flammable liquids from entering the system from the surface of the water.

Boat supply

Each lifeboat must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention SOLAS-74, including:

On rowing boats, one floating oar per rower plus two spare and one steering, on motor boats - four oars with oarlocks attached to the boat hull with pins (chains);

Two rebound hooks;

Floating anchor with a cable with a length equal to three lengths of the boat, and a guy attached to the top of the anchor cone;

Two painters with a length of at least 15 meters;

Two axes, one at each end of the boat for cutting painters when leaving the ship;

Food ration and supply of drinking water 3 liters for each;

Fishing equipment;

Signal means: four red parachute rockets, six red flares, two smoke bombs, an electric flashlight with a Morse code signaling device in a waterproof design (with a set of spare batteries and a spare light bulb), one signal mirror - heliograph - with instructions for its use , signal whistle or equivalent signal device, tables of life-saving signals;

Floodlight capable of continuous operation for 3 hours;

First aid kit, 6 seasickness tablets and one hygiene bag per person;

Folding knife attached to the lifeboat with a mooring and three can openers;

Manual bilge pump, two buckets and scoop;

Fire extinguisher for extinguishing burning oil;

A set of spare parts and tools for the engine (on motor boats);

Figure 19. Parachute rocket

Radar reflector;

Binnacle with compass;

Individual heat protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the passenger capacity of the boat (but not less than two).

Once a month, boat equipment should be checked, ventilated and dried.

Figure 20. Supply of the boat

standby lifeboat

This is a type of lifeboat designed to rescue people from the water (those who have fallen overboard or found at sea). For a long time, regular lifeboats were used as duty lifeboats, one of which was launched on a “man overboard” alarm. The operation of launching regular onboard boats requires a certain amount of time, and in storm conditions it is very difficult.

Figure 21. Standby lifeboat

The advantage of a rescue boat is the speed and reliability of launching and recovering on board on the move with little roughness. A powerful stationary or outboard motor allows you to quickly examine the area where a person has fallen overboard, pick him up and deliver him to the ship. The rescue boat is capable of performing rescue operations in stormy conditions and with limited visibility. The rescue boats are in constant readiness. Preparation and descent of the boat are made in 5 minutes.

In terms of hull design and stability and buoyancy requirements, the rescue boat corresponds to standard lifeboats. The boat has a place for transporting the rescued person in the supine position. Engine power provides a speed of at least 8 knots, and the fuel supply is enough for 3 hours of full speed. The propeller is protected to prevent injury to people at sea.

Questions for self-examination:

1. The time of boarding people in life-saving appliances and launching the latter into the water.

2. Purpose of lifeboats.

3. Rescue pendant.

4. The advantage of the rescue boat.

The Free Fall Lifeboat (FFL) has the following features:

Stronger design to withstand a full complement of people and equipment being dropped into the water from 1.3 times the approved height;

Entrance from the stern of the boat;

The boat has a stern platform at the level of the waterline in order to extract helpless persons from the sea;

The seats are special, turned back to the bow of the boat, with 3 fastening straps.

Another design of the ship release system;

Sprinkler water irrigation system.

II. Rescue boats: design, equipment and their use

A rescue boat is a boat designed to rescue people in distress and collect lifeboats and rafts on the water.. (Section 19 of Rule 3. Chapter III of SOLAS-74).

The rescue boat must accommodate at least five people in a seated position and one in a recumbent position on a stretcher. The length of the rescue boat should be between 3.8 m and 8.5 m. Boats lacking sufficient sheer should have a bow covering extending at least 15% of their length. Life lines are fixed outside and inside the boat.

The buoyancy of an inflated rescue boat shall be provided either by a single buoyancy tube divided into at least five insulated compartments of approximately equal volume, or by two separate tubes, the volume of each of which shall not exceed 60% of their total volume. In the event of damage to any one compartment, the remaining compartments must support the number of people provided for placement on the boat, each weighing 75 kg, sitting in a normal position. At the same time, a positive freeboard must be maintained around the entire perimeter of the boat.

Each buoyancy compartment is equipped with a non-return valve for manual inflation and deflation, as well as a safety valve.

Reinforced strips are provided on the lower surface of the bottom and in other vulnerable places of the inflated lifeboat.

Strips of retroreflective material are applied to the surface of the rescue boat in the same way as on a lifeboat.

The rescue boat must be equipped with an inboard engine or outboard engine. Outboard gasoline engine fuel tanks must be specially protected against fire and explosions. The engine must ensure the maneuvering of the boat at a speed of up to 6 knots for at least 4 hours.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a floating line not less than 50 m long, of sufficient strength to tow the largest life raft on board, loaded with a full number of persons and equipment, at a speed of not less than 2 knots.

The rescue boat must be positioned so as to be in a state of constant readiness for launching for no more than 5 minutes. An inflated rescue boat must be kept fully inflated at all times.

The launching gear of rescue boats should be equipped with power driven winches of sufficient power to lift the boat out of the water with the full number of persons and equipment.

A lifeboat may be a rescue boat provided it meets the requirements for rescue boats.

The lifeboat is used as a rescue vehicle when a person falls overboard. And it can only be effectively used when every member of the crew knows the operation and maintenance of the boat well. Only regular training and training alarms allow you to achieve the skills and experience that are extremely important in a real “Man overboard” situation. And the second important point for safety is the regular maintenance of the boat in order to always have it in a trouble-free condition.

Brief description of the rigid rescue boat.

The boat has positive stability, even when filled with water, it is unsinkable and self-healing. Designed for rescue purposes and for the collection of life rafts and their towing in case of ship flooding. Can accommodate up to 6 people on two cross banks or 1 person on a stretcher on the floor, then the remaining five people on the banks. The boat is made of reinforced fiberglass.

Length - 4.40m (with motor - 4.90m)

Width - 1.75m (with fenders - 1.80m)

Height - 0.75m (with raised motor - 1.58m)

Weight with equipment - 1 000 kg

Speed ​​- minimum 6 knots

Speed ​​when towing a life raft for 25 people - at least 2 knots

Boat equipment and fittings are made of corrosion-resistant materials. The most important piece of equipment is the boat lifting device. The boat is lowered with a single sling. The activation/deactivation of the boat kickback mechanism is controlled from inside the boat. On the tank there is a hook with a lever for the return of the painter. The boat is driven by an 18 hp TOHATSU M 18E EPL outboard motor. Fuel tanks with a capacity of 2 x 22.7 liters guarantee 4 hours of engine operation at a speed of 6 knots. The motor is equipped with automatic and manual start. 12 volt DC power is supplied by 57 or 60 amp batteries. The batteries are charged from the ship's mains through a socket in the boat. A portable searchlight can also be powered from this outlet. The navigation light is powered by a separate socket (the light is located on a removable mast).

Requirements of the LSA Code to this kind of boats

(Chapter V pp. 118-128):

Be rigid, inflated, or a combination;

Have sufficient mobility and maneuverability in waves to rescue people in the water, collect life rafts and tow the largest life raft available on board, loaded with a full set of people and equipment or its equivalent, at a speed of at least 2 x knots (on on passenger ships, the boat must collect on the water no more than 6 life rafts and no more than 9 life rafts on ships making short international voyages);

Be a length of at least 3.8 and not more than 8.5 m;

Provide accommodation for 5 people in seating positions and one person in a stretcher position. In addition to the helmsman, all can be placed on the flooring of the bottom, but not on the fender, transom or onboard buoyancy tubes;

In case of insufficient sheer, have bow closure for 15% of the length of the boat;

Be able to maneuver at a speed of 6 knots and maintain this speed for at least 4 hours;

Be equipped with an inboard engine or outboard engine, including a gasoline engine with an approved fuel system, if the fuel tanks are specially protected from fire or explosion;

Have fixed towing devices of sufficient strength to collect or tow life rafts;

Equipped with an effective means of pumping water or being self-draining;

Equipped with weathertight devices for storing small supplies;

Rigid rescue boats shall comply with the lifeboat requirements specified in paragraphs 4.4.1 to,,,, and 4.4.9..

Requirements for fast rescue boats on ro-ro passenger ships (circular letter MSC/Cirs 809 dated May 29, 1997):

By design, the boat can be rigid, inflated or combined type, have a hull length of at least 6 m and not more than 8 m, including inflatable structures;

The boat crew should consist of 3 people (helmsman and two other crew members)

By design, the boat must meet the requirements of a rigid rescue boat (except for paragraphs,,,,, of the LSA Code);

The lifeboat and its SPL must ensure the safe launching and recovery of the lifeboat under adverse weather and sea conditions;

The boat must be self-recovering or easily recoverable by the efforts of 2 people of her crew;

The boat must be self-draining or have the ability to quickly get rid of water;

A rigid lifeboat must be such that, suspended from the lifting point, it has sufficient strength to withstand a load of 4 times its mass, with a full complement of people and equipment, without permanent deformation;

The boat must be steered from the helmsman's position by a helm separate from the tiller, and an emergency rudder, jet or outboard control system shall be provided;

The boat's engine must be stopped automatically or by the helmsman using an emergency stop switch in the event of a capsizing of the boat. When the boat is returned to its normal position, the engine or motor must be able to start, provided that the emergency switch, if fitted, is returned to the working position;

The design of fuel and lubrication systems must prevent the release of more than 250 ml of fuel or oil in the event of a capsizing of the boat;

If possible, the lifeboat should be equipped with a fixed, easily and safely operated single-point suspension device or equivalent;

The boat must have a non-binding and waterproof set of VHF radio equipment;

A fully equipped boat must be capable of maneuvering for at least 4 hours at a speed of at least 20 knots in calm water with a crew of 3 and at a speed of at least 8 knots with a full complement of people and equipment.

Placement of rescue boats on ships.

Construction of an inflated rescue boat.

1. Frame- a buoyancy chamber made of multilayer rubberized fabric, divided by sealed partitions into 5 autonomous compartments with a safety valve and an inflation valve for each and two pockets for lines.

2. nasal closure with a zip lock for 15% of the length of the boat

3. Soft bottom with inflatable kilson for sheering

4. wooden transom(rear wall of the boat) for attaching an outboard motor with a drain valve and two brackets for attaching a painter and a towing line

5. Five payols (pads) installed between the buoyancy chamber and the bottom for bottom rigidity

6. Two aluminum stringers (corners), laid inside along the sides of the boat to ensure a rigid longitudinal connection of the floorboard.

7. Three banks(seats for the crew of the boat).

Inflated rescue boat equipment

1. Outboard motor with gas tank- to create movement for the boat.

2. Two handles on the starboard side of the boat- to bring the boat to its original position after capsizing

3. Outdoor lifeline with sags- to keep people on the water

4. Internal lifeline with sags- to keep people in the boat

5. Ladder, attached to the front bank (seat) - for lifting people out of the water and descending from any side

6. Bow and stern towing devices– for fastening painters and towing lines.

7. Protective awning- to protect the boat from direct exposure to sunlight and precipitation.

8. Compass(on the middle bank) - to determine the course of the boat

9. Two oars with oarlocks and a rebuff hook- to move and maneuver the boat when the engine is not running.

10. top fire(on the transom at the starboard side) with a stand and a power source - to indicate the boat at night.

11. radar reflector(on the transom at the port side) with a rack for detecting the boat by radar.

12. Slinging device(4 slings with a single-point suspension eyelet) - for lowering the boat by gravity and lifting it with an electric drive or a manual drive.

Location of people in the boat

The boat is designed for 6 people, one of whom can lie on the floor on a stretcher. Crew members in the lifeboat should be accommodated as follows:

    3 people on the stern bank

    3 people on the front bank (two people from the sides facing back, and one person in the center facing forward in the direction of the boat)

    In the case of transportation of the injured person: three people on the stern bank, two on the front, the victim on a stretcher with his feet in the bow of the boat. To enable the victim to lie on a stretcher

you need to move the nose can slightly.

    Lifeboat supplies

Lifeboat equipment includes raft or lifeboat operating equipment, life support equipment, and signaling and attention equipment. Supplies must be placed in such a way that they do not interfere with the abandonment of the ship.



A) Means to ensure the survival of people.

1. Fresh water in waterproof containers for 1 person

2. Diet for 1 person with a calorie content of at least

3. Stainless steel bucket.

4. Stainless steel graduated vessel for drinking

5. First aid kit with instructions

6. Medicines for seasickness for 1 person

7. Hygiene package for 1 person

8. Set of fishing accessories

9. Can openers.

10. Heat protectants for 10% of people or

11. Folding knife attached to the boat with a string

12. Life rings with a floating line of at least 30 m length

13. Instructions for saving life

B. Means for the operation of the lifeboat

1. Floating oars for still water propulsion

Sufficient quantity

2. Safety hooks

3. Floating scoop

5. Floating anchor with drektov and niral.

6. Falini is 2 times more distance from the boat installation site to the waterline at minimum draft or 15 m

7. Axes in the ends of the boat

8. Hand pump for non-self-draining boat

9. A set of tools for making minor adjustments to the internal combustion engine and related devices.

10. Portable fire extinguisher suitable for extinguishing burning oil.

B. Means of signaling and attracting attention.

1. Compass luminous or illuminated

2. Parachute rockets

3. Flares

4. Smoke bombs are floating

5. Waterproof electric flashlight suitable for Morse code signaling.

6. Signal mirror with instructions (heliograph)

7. Table of rescue signals, copy

8. Whistle or equivalent horn

9. Spotlight with a horizontal and vertical beam sector of at least 6°, light intensity of 2500 cd, capable of continuously glowing for at least 3 hours.

10. Radar reflector if the boat does not have a radar transponder.

Note: Free-fall lifeboats are not provided with buoyant oars.

The lifeboat shall be equipped with a searchlight that provides effective illumination at night of a light-colored object 18 m wide at a distance of 180 m for at least 3 hours.

It may happen suddenly. When you sleep in your cabin, or walk with someone on deck. You may feel a strong blow, an explosion that shakes the boat, or a burning smell, or a slight list that gradually increases over time. Shipwreck!!! People refuse to believe what is happening, panic sets in if the crew does not take any action. Lights can go out, sirens howl, signal rockets fly into the air ...
The topic that I want to touch on is very broad. This is taught at special courses in nautical schools and training and advanced training centers for seafarers. I physically will not be able to write everything related to survival at sea. I just want to provide an overview of life-saving equipment so that people understand what it is.
Life raft (Boat water liferaft).

In the manufacture of an inflatable life raft, they are guided by the international SOLAS convention, so they are all very similar. Inflatable rafts are made of orange multilayered rubberized fabric; they have two buoyancy chambers, two inflatable arches and an inflatable can in the middle, inflated through non-return valves from a carbon dioxide cylinder. Each of the two compartments of the raft is capable of supporting a raft with a full number of survivors afloat. The double bottom, inflated with hand fur, provides thermal insulation from water. The rafts have an awning (or even two) that protects people from the effects of the external environment. Outside the raft, a lifeline is fixed on the buoyancy chambers, designed to support those who are escaping on the water.
The inflatable raft is stored on deck in a container and secured with a hydrostatic device. To put the raft into action, it is necessary to check the fastening of the running end of the launch line to the vessel, disengage the hydrostatic device by pressing its pedal, throw the raft overboard, select the slack of the launch line, the length of which is equal to twice the distance from the installation site to the water, but not less than 15 m , and jerk the line to open the cylinder start valve. In the inflated state, the raft is attached to the ship's hull with the help of a launch line, which, after the gas filling system is activated, acts as a painter.

The raft is fully inflated in 60 seconds. If the raft was not dropped before the death of the ship, then at a depth of 2 to 4 m, the hydrostatic device will release the container, which has positive buoyancy.

An unopened container that floats to the surface remains attached to the wreck. If the ship's flooding depth exceeds the length of the starting line, then after it is etched out, the raft will automatically open and after the line breaks (it is cut at the anchorage point on the ship), it will drift freely.
Rafts are divided into coastal Boat coastal liferaft, and deep-sea-oceanic Boat blue water liferaft. The capacity of the rafts is different, from 1 to 50 or more people.

The main advantage of life rafts is their compactness during camp storage and the absence of complex and cumbersome devices for launching. As a result, they are primarily used on small boats. Landing in rafts on low-sided vessels is carried out mainly in the following ways: by storm ladder, by jumping from the side into the raft, by jumping into the water, followed by entering the raft from the water. It should be noted that the latter method is the most unfavorable due to wet clothing, which is associated with subsequent possible hypothermia, as well as the possibility of shark attacks.
On high-sided vessels, these methods of boarding a raft are hardly applicable. Therefore, large-capacity ships of the world fleet began to be equipped with inflatable chutes with inflatable platforms, allowing for quick and safe boarding of the raft.

Inflatable gutters allow evacuation of 10-12 people. in just 1 minute, and some systems - more than 500 people in 30 minutes.

On cargo ships, the total capacity of inflatable rafts must be 50% of the crew. On passenger ships - 25% of the total number of people on board.
In addition to being dropped, there may be inflatable rafts lowered by a special beam crane. In this case, one beam crane serves several rafts, which are brought to it, inflated on the deck, and people are landed here. They lower the raft into the water along with people.

The design of the launching raft ensures the landing of all people assigned to it on a cargo ship in no more than 3 minutes. The number of life rafts on a ship is determined by the number of people on board. On a cargo ship, they must accommodate 100% of the people.
Life raft supplies include:

a floating ring with a line no less than 30 m long;

floating knife safe for cutting the starting line, stored in a pocket on the outside of the awning near the attachment point of the painter (knife models are different, but always with a blunt tip);

two floating anchors to reduce drift speed with drekts and nirals;

folding floating oars;
a scoop made of rubberized fabric and two sponges for removing water from the raft;

hand fur for pumping air into the buoyancy chambers and inflatable bottom;
CHIS (chemical light sources)

a set of repair tools (rubber screw caps, metal plugs, pieces of rubberized fabric and tubes of glue);
set of signaling means:
- four parachute rockets (various colors, but most often green, white, red),

- six flares (various colors),

- two floating smoke bombs,

- a radar reflector (a very useful thing, made of light metallized fabric, which is easily spotted by ship radars),

- electric sealed lantern,
- a heliograph signal mirror with a hole in the middle for better “aiming”,

- signal whistle;

- color/fluorescent marker (colors the water in a bright color that is clearly visible from the air)

first aid kit,

seasickness pills,

hygiene bags (for natural needs and 1000 other uses);
food ration at the rate of 2,500 kcal per person;

canned drinking water at the rate of 1.5 liters per person,

three can openers
a graduated vessel for distributing water (a very important thing! disciplines and does not allow you to waste water sparingly);

a set of fishing accessories;
individual heat-protective means (at least two). This is a bag or suit made of waterproof material with low thermal conductivity, designed to restore the body temperature of a person who has been in cold water. The heat-shielding agent covers, with the exception of the face, the entire body of a person wearing a life jacket. Its design allows you to unpack, put it on without assistance or take it off in the water, if it interferes with swimming, in no more than 2 minutes. Each lifeboat and liferaft must have individual thermal protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the people allowed to accommodate, but not less than two .;

an illustrated table of life-saving signals and instructions for saving life on a life raft and for its maintenance. All this is part of the so-called EMERGENCY BAGS, which must be kept on coastal and long-distance ships, and of course on life rafts and boats.

They may additionally include:
- defibrillator, with a detailed application diagram

- rocket launcher (but recently it has been replaced with signal parachute rockets, as they are more convenient to use)

- manual distiller

- solar distiller

- and even an oxygen tank!

The main disadvantages of the existing life rafts are their lack of stability, significant wind drift, and the difficulty of retracting from the side of a sinking ship.

The lifeboat is the main active collective life-saving equipment designed to rescue the crew and passengers. On newly built ships, as a rule, lifeboats should be of the self-recovering type, fully enclosed and motorized. Their engines must provide for mechanical and manual start, work or automatically shut down (and then easily start) in an inverted state. The speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots. For ships in service, temporary use of non-self-healing, open and semi-enclosed lifeboats is allowed. The lifeboats of a cargo ship must ensure the boarding of the full number of people no more than 3 minutes from the moment the landing command is given, as well as the quick disembarkation of people from the boat.

Lifeboats for oil tankers are made fireproof. With a running water irrigation system, they withstand the flame of continuously burning oil for at least 8 minutes when the boat passes the fire zone on the water. These boats are equipped with a compressed air system that ensures the safety of people and uninterrupted engine operation for at least 10 minutes.

Lifeboats are painted orange on the outside. In the bow, on both sides of the boat, inscriptions are made in Latin letters indicating the name of the vessel, the port of registry, the size of the boat and the number of people allowed for accommodation. Outside the boat, a floating lifeline is fixed with sags. Along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the closing deck, strips of retroreflective material are glued. Fore and aft
parts of the boat on the upper part of the closure, crosses made of retroreflective material are glued.

To search for people and signaling, a searchlight is used that turns 360 ° in the horizontal plane and tilts up to 90 and down to 30 ° from the horizontal plane. To collect people from the water and warm them, floating life rings and individual heat protective equipment (at least two) are used. For communication, a motor lifeboat radio station and a portable radiotelephone station are used.

The number of lifeboats on board a ship is determined by the area of ​​navigation, the type of ship and the number of people on the ship. Cargo ships with an unrestricted navigation area have lifeboats providing 200% of the ship's crew (100% from each side). Passenger ships have lifeboats at the rate of providing 100% of passengers and crew (50% from each side).

The dropped boat has a more durable hull of a special shape. After the release of the fastening, the boat slides off the platform, the water falls with acceleration, and when it enters the water, it briefly sinks at an angle to the vertical, while moving away from the vessel and floating away from it. Since significant overloads occur when a dropped boat hits the water, all people in the boats take their seats in specially designed chairs with shock-absorbing pads and fasten their seat belts. Experiments carried out in Norway have shown that such a boat can be dropped safely from a height of up to 40 m with a trim of up to 15 and a roll of up to 30 °.

A lifeboat is a lifeboat capable of saving the lives of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship. It is this appointment that determines all the requirements for the design and supply of lifeboats.

According to the method of delivery to the water, lifeboats are divided into mechanically launched and free-fall.

The number of lifeboats on board a vessel is determined by the navigation area, type, vessel and the number of people on board. Cargo ships of an unlimited navigation area are equipped with boats that provide the entire crew from each side (100% + 100% = 200%). Passenger ships are equipped with lifeboats with a capacity of 50% of passengers and crew on each side (50% + 50% = 100%).

Regardless of design differences, all lifeboats must:

  • have good stability and buoyancy even when filled with water, high maneuverability
  • provide reliable self-healing on an even keel when capsizing
  • have a mechanical engine with remote control from the deckhouse, ensuring the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people of at least 6 knots and a propeller protected from accidental impacts
  • be dyed orange

Along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the deck, strips of reflective material are glued. In the bow and stern parts, crosses made of reflective material are applied on the upper part of the closure.

Lifeboats for oil tankers have a fireproof design, equipped with systems:

  • irrigation, providing passage through continuously burning oil for 8 minutes
  • compressed air, ensuring the safety of people and the operation of engines for 10 minutes
  • boat hulls are made double, they must have high strength
  • cabin should provide all-round visibility, portholes are made of fire-resistant glass

The lifeboat must be equipped with a compression-ignition internal combustion engine:

  • the engine must run for at least 5 minutes from the moment of cold start, when the boat is out of the water
  • the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots
  • the fuel supply must be sufficient to run the engine at full speed for 24 hours

To ensure that the boat can be used by unqualified people (for example, passengers), instructions for starting and operating the engine should be provided in a clearly visible place near the engine controls, and the controls should be appropriately marked.

If a ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, their davits shall be fitted with a hatchet with at least two life buoys attached to it.
Toprik- a cable stretched between the ends of the davits.
Rescue pendant- a vegetable or synthetic rope with musings (knots) used as an emergency means for launching from a vessel into a boat or into the water.

Information about the capacity of the boat, as well as its main dimensions, are applied to its sides in the bow with indelible paint; the name of the ship, the port of registry (in Latin letters) and the ship's boat number are also indicated there. The marking by which it is possible to establish the vessel to which the boat belongs, and its number must be visible from above.

The boat must either be self-draining or have a hand pump to remove the water.

The lifeboat must be equipped drain valve. A drain valve (one or two depending on the size of the boat) is installed at the bottom of the bottom of the boat to release water. The valve automatically opens when the boat is out of the water and closes automatically when the boat is afloat. Usually this task is performed by a float type valve. When the boat is stored on board, the drain valve must be open to allow any water that has entered the boat to drain. When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.

Boats lowered on hoists are equipped with a release mechanism, which is designed in such a way that both hooks are released simultaneously. In this case, the uncoupling mechanism provides for two ways of uncoupling:

  • normal - disconnection occurs after the boat is launched into the water, when the load on the hooks disappears
  • under load - when disengagement can be carried out both on the water and on weight in the presence of a load on the hooks.

An electric light bulb is installed inside the boat. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

A signal light with a manual switch is installed on the upper part of the closure, giving a constant or flashing (50-70 flashes per minute) white light. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

Lifeboats with an independent air supply system must be designed so as to ensure normal engine operation for at least 10 minutes with closed entrances and openings. At the same time, the air must remain safe and breathable.

Fireproof lifeboats must ensure the safety of the people in them for at least 8 minutes, being on the water in the zone of fire covering it from all sides, and the air temperature at the level of the head of a sitting person should not exceed 60 ° C. Typically, such boats are equipped with a water spray system to increase fire resistance. Outboard water is used for irrigation. The water intake device of the system is located in the lower part of the boat in such a way as to prevent flammable liquids from entering the system from the surface of the water.

The vertical distance between the flooring of the bottom and the inner surface of the closure or canopy extending over 50% of the area of ​​the bottom should be:

  • not less than 1.3 m - for lifeboats with a capacity of 9 people or less
  • not less than 1.7 - for lifeboats with a capacity of 24 people or more
  • not less than a distance calculated by linear interpolation between 1.3 and 1.7 m for lifeboats with a capacity of 9 to 24 persons.

Lifeboat capacity

Lifeboats with a capacity of more than 150 people are not allowed.

The number of persons permitted to be placed in a lifeboat to be launched on a hoist must be the lesser of the following numbers:

  • number of persons, with an average mass of 75 kg, who can sit in a normal position at , without interfering with the lifeboat's means of propulsion and the operation of any of its equipment
  • the number of seats that can be equipped on banks and seats. The seating areas may overlap provided that there is adequate legroom and footrests provided and the vertical distance between the upper and lower seat is at least 350 mm.

Each seating position must be clearly marked in the lifeboat.

Lifeboat access

  • Each lifeboat of a passenger ship must be arranged and located in such a way that all people assigned to the lifeboat can quickly board it. It should also be possible to quickly disembark people from the lifeboat.
  • Each lifeboat of a cargo ship must be arranged and located in such a way that all people assigned to the lifeboat can board it within no more than 3 minutes from the moment the command to board is given. It should also be possible to quickly disembark people from the lifeboat.
  • Lifeboats must have a boarding ladder that allows persons in the water to climb into the lifeboat and which can be used for any of its boarding entrances. The bottom step of this ladder shall be at least 0.4 m below the lifeboat's light waterline.
  • The lifeboat must be designed so that helpless people can be lifted on board the lifeboat both from the water and on a stretcher.
  • All surfaces that people can walk on must be non-slip.

For more details on the requirements for lifeboats, see the International Life-Saving Appliances Code, chapter IV "Lifeboats and rafts"

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