Aeroflot allowable weight. Aeroflot's new carry-on baggage rules (updated)

Each individual air carrier has its own clearly defined requirements regarding the carriage of hand luggage and baggage on any of its aircraft. Aeroflot is no exception to the general rule. The air carrier regulates how much hand luggage can be taken into the cabin.

Hand luggage: weight and dimensions

The weight of hand luggage on an Aeroflot aircraft has strict size restrictions.

The dimensions of any carry-on baggage must be as follows:

  • height - up to 40 cm;
  • width - up to 20 cm;
  • length - up to 55 cm.

You can also carry handbags, suitcases and other luggage of other sizes. The most important thing is that when summing up the three main indicators, a number of no more than 115 centimeters is obtained.

The weight of luggage on an Aeroflot plane also has restrictions. In economy class, you can take only one piece of hand luggage, the allowable weight of which does not exceed 10 kg. For business class travelers, the rules for carrying hand luggage inside the cabin are more lenient - it is allowed to carry 1 piece weighing 15 kg.

The indicated norms apply to domestic as well as international flights of Aeroflot.

Weight allowance and other carry-on baggage requirements change when it comes to codeshare flights with other carriers that are subject to the other airline's baggage rules. Flights of this kind are called codeshare flights.

The strict baggage rules regarding carry-on baggage are largely due to the fact that it is unacceptable to leave items and bags in the aisles. In a situation of falling into an air pocket or during a difficult landing, they can injure passengers. For hand luggage, there are special shelves above the seats, which are of limited size. And if the bag does not fit into the storage space, the passenger will most likely be forced to part with hand luggage for the duration of the flight and send it to the luggage compartment. The airline is interested in the safety of its own property and makes every effort to minimize the risk of breakage of shelves or their doors.

Do not forget that the shelves for hand luggage have a certain weight limit that they can withstand.

In case of emergencies, hand luggage is quite capable of creating additional problems. Being in a critical situation, most people will do their best to save their property. This can not only lead to conflicts between passengers, but also significantly complicate the evacuation procedure.

Theoretically, passengers may want to put any, even the most unexpected things in their hand luggage. These can be toothpastes, shampoos and other fluids that, under the influence of a change in pressure in flight, begin to flow. All this explains the strict restrictions on hand luggage on board Aeroflot and other airlines.

What is allowed to take on board

In the cabins of Aeroflot airliners, in addition to the main piece of hand luggage, the following list of items is allowed:

  • a small handbag or briefcase;
  • A4 folder;
  • rain umbrella;
  • outerwear (seasonal);
  • audio, video, computer equipment;
  • Cell Phones;
  • books, periodicals;
  • a sealed bag with goods purchased in Duty Free;
  • auxiliary means of movement (crutches, walkers, canes, wheelchairs).

Permissible dimensions, as well as weight, are far from all the requirements for hand luggage. There is a certain list of things that are allowed to be carried in a single copy or in small quantities. So, for example, an Aeroflot passenger has the right to take with him only one lighter, one thermometer or pressure gauge. When transporting perishable products, dry ice is allowed for transportation, only its quantity should not exceed two kilograms under any circumstances.

Features of the transportation of liquids

It is allowed to carry various liquids in the aircraft cabin. Another thing is that the answer to the question of how many such substances can be taken with you implies strict volume restrictions. Any liquids in hand luggage are transported in 100 ml containers. In this case, in total, one passenger is allowed to carry no more than one liter. The container is packed in a transparent closed plastic bag.

If the transported property includes hydrogen peroxide, the passenger can take a vial (up to 100 ml) of a 3% solution.

Volume limits do not apply to medicines required by the passenger during the trip, nutritional supplements, and baby food.

Important! Even if there is less than 100 ml of liquid in a bottle with a total volume of 1 liter, it is prohibited to carry it in the cabin. Restrictions apply not so much to the liquid itself as to the container.

What can not be carried in hand luggage

Regardless of whether an Aeroflot aircraft makes an international or domestic flight, there are a number of things that have absolutely no place on board. In addition to what is listed in the diagram above, it is not allowed to take oversized vehicles (segways, electric scooters, etc.) powered by batteries, as well as lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of more than 160 Wh, into the cabin.

All of the listed items, despite the weight and parameters, can only be transported in the luggage compartment. Carriage of potentially dangerous baggage requires registration of cargo as dangerous. Exceptions are made only for the necessary devices for movement - wheelchairs.

Passengers should be especially careful when carrying lithium-ion batteries. In laptops, cell phones, cameras, players, etc. battery power usually does not exceed 100 Wh. They are allowed to be transported freely. An additional 2 spare batteries can be placed in the luggage bag.

Important! According to the requirements for baggage packing on an Aeroflot aircraft, each transported rechargeable battery must be packed separately.

For high-power batteries, Aeroflot allows transportation only after obtaining the appropriate permission from an authorized representative of the airline.

Irregular baggage and requirements for its carriage

Aeroflot passengers are interested not only in the weight of baggage allowed for transportation and its parameters, but also what non-standard cargo is allowed to transport. As a rule, non-standard things include strollers (for children and invalids), pets and other animals, as well as musical instruments.

With the answer to the question of what musical instrument can be taken on a plane (both in the luggage compartment and in the cabin), everything is quite simple. He can be anyone. The main condition is that the weight of the instrument cannot exceed 80 kilograms with a case, and its parameters should be a maximum of 135x50x30 cm.

In the event that it is required to transport large-sized musical equipment in the cabin, the airline will insist that a separate ticket be purchased for it. But no matter what instrument is subject to air transportation, it must necessarily go through the procedure of coordination with the airline's employees. What is especially important is that this must be done no later than 36 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight.

Strollers, both children's and wheelchairs, are allowed to be transported in the cabin free of charge and without hindrance. According to the rules of the carrier, things that are vital for the passenger, he has the right to transport free of charge. Guide dogs also fall under this category.

If we are not talking about a guide dog, but about any other animal, a fee is charged for their transportation (at the rates of additional baggage weight). Animals can travel directly in the cabin, the weight of which, together with the cage or carrier, is no more than 8 kilograms. Larger animals are transported in the luggage compartment.

In addition, a number of documents must be issued for each transported animal without fail. Minors are not allowed to carry pets.

The responsibility for the safety of hand luggage lies with the Aeroflot passenger, and the air carrier itself is responsible for the luggage checked in the luggage compartment.


It is not allowed under any circumstances to be present in the luggage of a passenger:

  • magnetic items;
  • caustic and corrosive substances;
  • potentially flammable gases, liquids and solid materials;
  • poisonous, radioactive, toxic and poisonous substances;
  • laboratory samples of viruses;
  • any types of explosives and military weapons;
  • small wheeled vehicles powered by lithium batteries;
  • signaling devices.

All of the above is removed from the passenger's baggage in his presence and either placed in the storage room of the departure airport during the absence of the owner, or disposed of, or confiscated in accordance with Russian law.

Sports, hunting, pneumatic and edged weapons, as well as their imitators, are transported under special conditions upon presentation of the relevant documents and permits. Service weapons are handed over against a receipt for the duration of the flight with issuance at the destination.

Lithium batteries are classified as dangerous goods. Low-power batteries are allowed for transportation only inside gadgets, more powerful ones are strictly prohibited.

Carry-on baggage rules

The question of what can be carried in hand luggage worries many passengers. The rules for carrying luggage on an airplane are as follows.

Cutting and piercing objects are allowed for carriage only in checked baggage. Household liquids and aerosols must be packed in checked baggage.

Alcoholic beverages with a total volume of up to 5 liters should be kept in the luggage compartment of the aircraft as part of the passenger's personal belongings. Electronic cigarettes are carried in luggage.

In the "cabin" luggage, it is permissible to have a thermometer, a tonometer, a disposable lighter, no more than 2 kilos of dry ice, hydrogen peroxide up to 0.1 l, liquids and gels recognized as non-hazardous, in packages up to 100 ml with a total volume of up to 1 l. The latter should be packed in a tightly sealed plastic bag.

Baby, dietary food and medicines are with the passenger in the cabin of the liner, if there is a medical documentary justification for their need during the flight.

Liquids purchased from duty-free shops and sealed are allowed in the cabin if the seal is not broken. Otherwise, the goods are handed over to the crew of the vessel for storage for the duration of the flight with subsequent delivery at the destination airport.

Checked and unchecked baggage allowance

On Aeroflot flights, as in all airlines of the SkyTeam alliance, there are certain conditions for the carriage of baggage items and the marking is accepted

A unit of 23 kg and a total measurement of 158 cm was taken as the norm.

For things "in the cabin" it is 10 kg with a sum of measurements up to 115 cm.

Also since 2011, the terminology "total weight of 10 kg" is allowed for portable property without specifying the number of items.

The number for different classes and Aeroflot fares is as follows:

  • 3 baggage allowances for business class passengers;
  • 2 baggage allowances for economy class of the Status fare;
  • 1 rate for economy class, except for the Status fare.

The exceptions are flights to and from India, Yerevan, New York, Washington, flights to and from the countries of the Middle East and back, foreign countries in Asia (except for the former republics of the USSR) and back, African countries and back, as well as domestic flights to the USA . Double the economy class allowance is allowed on these flights at no extra charge.

For frequent flyers who are able to prove their status with Gold and Silver bonus cards, one "reward" extra piece of baggage is allowed.

For babies not older than 24 months, traveling without a separate place with their parents, one 10-kilogram bag with the necessary personal hygiene items is negotiated.

In case of exceeding the dimensions, weight and / or number of things of the passenger, an additional fee for transportation is charged: 50 c.u. for an extra seat in the luggage compartment, 100 c.u. for exceeding the weight of a suitcase / bag, 100 c.u. for "out-of-gauge". Note that each additional seat will cost you three times as much as the first extra seat.

If you declare your "extra baggage" upon arrival at the airport, you will pay significantly more than if you notify the company in advance by contacting the Call Center by phone.

In case of going beyond the limits established by the airline for all items, the total amount of additional payment for transportation is summed up.

Sports equipment is accepted for transportation free of charge if its weight is within the normal range. In case of overweight, the base rate of the over-weight surcharge is applied. Travel of animals is allowed both in the cabin of the aircraft and in the cargo compartment of the airliner - at tariffs and in strict accordance with international rules for carrying luggage on an aircraft.

Baby strollers and wheelchairs designated as special equipment are taken on board at no extra charge.

Now that we have found out what can be carried in luggage on an airplane and what cannot, let's talk about the accepted for calculations in the company.

On the directions of Canada, the USA, the Middle East, the Middle East, Ukraine, Africa, foreign countries of Asia (except for the former republics of the Soviet Union), the US dollar is accepted as a conventional unit of payment.

On all other flights, including Russian ones, euro is accepted as a conventional unit. On the territory of the Russian Federation, payment of fines and remuneration for additional services is made in ruble terms.

In the territories of other countries, payment is charged (in terms of the indicated amounts) in the national currency of the country of departure, as well as in dollars or euros.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Aeroflot is a very reliable, reputable and serious company that always and everywhere follows the letter of the law. Any violations of the rules or unreasonable concessions to a particular passenger are excluded, but its requirements for luggage must be met.

All issues related to non-standard or excess baggage are promptly resolved through the Call-Centre.

If your suitcases significantly exceed even the maximum size and weight limits (and this happens), then you will definitely need to get the approval and confirmation of the airline, and it is preferable to do this immediately after booking/purchasing a ticket.

As can be seen from the above, the rules for carrying luggage and hand luggage on Aeroflot aircraft are not too complicated and are designed for the convenience of passengers. Now you know what you can take in luggage on an airplane and what is forbidden to be carried, as well as what are the general rules and conditions for carrying luggage. We hope you find this information useful.

The luggage that passengers take with them on a trip can and should be conditionally divided into 2 parts:

  • hand luggage- things that you will take with you on the plane
  • baggage- a suitcase or a bag that you hand over at check-in for a flight at the airport.

Aeroflot is one of the most loyal airlines for traveling light. Aeroflot passengers can take no more than 10 kg in hand luggage. And business class passengers can take on board hand luggage with a total weight of 15 kg.

The maximum allowable dimensions of hand luggage, the sum of length, width and height should not exceed 115 cm.

Additionally, you can take on board the aircraft:

  • handbag / men's briefcase
  • folder for papers
  • umbrella
  • cane
  • bouquet of flowers
  • outerwear
  • laptop, camera, camcorder
  • prints for in-flight reading
  • baby food for the baby during the flight
  • cradle when transporting a child
  • suit or dress in a suitcase
  • mobile phone
  • purchases from Duty Free

Baggage transportation on Aeroflot flights

Aeroflot has new baggage rules - a system for the number of pieces.

Free baggage allowance on Aeroflot flights:

  • Economy class - 1 seat, weighing no more than 23 kg;
  • Economy class (fare group Premium-Economy, Premium-Comfort) - 2 pieces, each weighing no more than 23 kg.
  • Business class - 2 seats, weighing up to 32 kg each.


When flying between points in the USA (except from / to Miami) and the Middle East, Asia (except points in the Russian Federation, as well as Tashkent, Bishkek, Ashgabat and Samarkand, Dushanbe, Khujand), Africa, India in economy class, you can use for luggage 2 pieces of 23 kg each.

Dimensions are also limited. The maximum allowable size of your suitcase is 158 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions (length, width and height).

Baggage and hand luggage for passengers with children

Children from 2 to 12 years old can carry the same amount of baggage as adults.

The cost of overweight baggage at Aeroflot

Any excess, weight, number of seats, dimensions - is considered excess baggage and must be paid separately.

Excess baggage pieces

If you are flying in economy class and you have 2 suitcases, one weighing 10 kg and the other weighing 13 kg. As a result, you have an excess in the number of places, because in economy class you are only allowed to carry 1 suitcase.

In this case, you need to buy one more piece of baggage, which will cost you 50 euros or 50 dollars (on flights from / to the USA, Canada, Asia except Tashkent, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Khujand, Africa and Ukraine).

And if you bought an air ticket at Premium Economy, Comfort or travel in business class, then you will need to purchase a third seat, then it will cost 150 euros / dollars.


If you are traveling in economy class, and you have 1 suitcase with a total weight of 29 kg, then in this case, the excess weight will be 5 kg.

From now on, if a suitcase weighs from 23 kg to 32 kg, then excess weight will cost you 50 euros for flights within Russia and 100 euros/dollars for flights to all other destinations.

No matter how many kilograms you have exceeded the norm, the price for overweight is the same.

If the weight of the suitcase is from 32 kg to 50 kg, the surcharge will be 100 euros for flights within the Russian Federation and 150 euros/dollars for other destinations.

The maximum weight of one piece of baggage must not exceed 32 kg. Trade unions of loaders in many European countries forbid them to lift suitcases weighing more than 32 kg.


Baggage, the dimensions of which in the sum of three dimensions exceed 158 cm, is considered oversized.

If the size of your suitcase is more than 158 cm, but less than 203 cm, then its transportation will cost 100 dollars or euros (depending on the direction).

If the luggage dimensions are more than 203 cm, then you will have to pay 150 dollars / euros.

Skis and snowboards are also considered excess baggage, but during the ski season, Aeroflot transports them completely free of charge in addition to the main baggage allowance.

You can take hand luggage, luggage and a set of ski equipment in a bag (skis, poles, boots, helmet) free of charge.

Excess at the same time on several parameters

It is not uncommon for a passenger to exceed 2 parameters at once, for example, the number of seats and weight. In this case, the excess amount is summed up.

If you are flying from Moscow to Paris in an economy class cabin. You have 2 suitcases with a total weight of 15 and 26 kg. In this case, you will need to buy one more piece of luggage and pay for an overweight of three kg (26-23 = 3 kg). 1 piece of luggage costs 50 euros, a suitcase weighing from 23 to 32 kg - 100 euros. The total amount is 150 euros.

From this we can conclude that exceeding the number of seats will cost you much less, so in such situations, if possible, put the extra pounds in a suitcase weighing 15 kg or take it in hand luggage.

Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. More than 50 million passengers a year use the services of the Aeroflot group of companies. The airline's planes make regular flights to 52 countries of the world, to 146 destinations. The company implements many social programs aimed at making air travel accessible to low-income segments of the population, residents of remote areas, as well as citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. It is this, as well as a high class of service combined with reasonable prices, that brings an increasing number of passengers to Aeroflot.

When choosing among the many offers, it makes sense to focus not only on the cost of the flight, but also on other conditions: a charter flight or a regular one, an aircraft model, departure time, conditions for transporting children and luggage, and the like. And in most cases, the choice stops at Aeroflot or other airlines of the alliance, for example, Pobeda. Having a large family, it is more profitable to fly at a convenient time, with a prepaid ticket, on a large comfortable plane, defeating fatigue and annoyance, than to use the services of low-cost airlines, wait for hours for your flight to depart, and even for one extra kilogram of luggage not registered in the booking conditions, and sometimes hand luggage, pay extra separately.

Types of luggage

Aeroflot aircraft

Passenger baggage is divided into two categories. Rather, there is another category - these are the personal belongings of the passenger - but we will talk about it later.

  1. The baggage itself, which is checked in simultaneously with the receipt of the boarding pass, is loaded onto the aircraft, into the baggage compartment and issued to the passenger after arrival.
  2. Hand luggage - valuables or something that may be needed during the flight. The passenger takes hand luggage with him, carries it on the plane and places it in lockable compartments under the ceiling of the cabin, or under the seat in front of the seated passenger. The carrier company has different requirements for both categories.

The article discusses the 2018 baggage and carry-on baggage rules adopted by Aeroflot.

Baggage Requirements

First, quantitative indicators. The luggage on the plane, its dimensions and weight in 2018 remained unchanged. The volume of a piece of cargo is unchanged and has no more than 158 centimeters as a result of adding three dimensions. To find out if a suitcase or other package meets the requirements of Aeroflot, you need to measure its length, width and height and add the resulting numbers.

If the result came out less than 158 centimeters, then there should not be any difficulties with luggage. The weight of this single piece must not exceed 23 kilograms. One piece of baggage on the ticket is designated as 1PC.

Luggage on the airfield

Important! If a young family is flying together, then the prescribed norms of things can be combined and take one suitcase for both, not exceeding 32 kilograms in weight and no more than 203 cm in total volume.

The international trade union of loaders insisted on this requirement. After all, if a family of eight people takes with them a chest weighing under 200 kilograms, then the airport staff simply will not be able to lift it. Upon prior notification (one and a half days before departure), the maximum baggage weight can be increased to 50 kilograms, but you will have to pay extra for this service separately.

Note! You can unevenly distribute the weight of the luggage over two bags, one will weigh 30 kilograms, and the second 10, the main thing is that the total weight does not exceed 46 kilograms for two.

hand luggage

The volume of hand luggage is strictly regulated. Moreover, if a couple of months ago airport employees did not pay much attention to the volume and weight of hand luggage, then recently these parameters have been checked. If earlier a bag that was planned to be taken on board could simply be carried past the counter or received a sticker on it only on the basis of a visual inspection, now the staff requires that the bag be placed on the scales and strictly monitor compliance with the rules.

An airport employee must stick a special tag on the handle of a bag that is planned as hand luggage and has passed the check. It must be recalled if for some unknown reason such a sticker was not issued. She confirms that the bag has passed control and meets the requirements of the airline. At Aeroflot, baggage allowances are strictly observed by company employees, so in order to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better not to violate them.

At many airports you can find hand luggage counters. They are a special metal basket in which it is proposed to put the bag. If it fits in the basket, then it meets the requirements for the carriage of hand luggage. This is a very fast and convenient way to determine the dimensions of luggage, and, most importantly, it does not cause any disputes, which could happen if airport personnel use other measuring tools. The bag fit into the basket - welcome on board!

Loading luggage on the plane

Large manufacturers of bags and suitcases for travel represent a separate category of goods - a bag for hand luggage. It meets the requirements of most airlines in its size, having seen one in a store, you can safely buy it - the manufacturer guarantees that its volume is perfect for placement in the cabin.

Although these bags are designed for a weight of up to 10-15 kilograms, they are usually equipped with wheels and a telescopic handle, because not everyone can carry such a load in their hands for a long time. With this bag you can travel not only in Russia, it is suitable for the import and export of things to other countries.

The weight of luggage and hand luggage is very dependent on the class of service, for example, "standard" or "economy". On the Aeroflot website, you can find out exactly how many pieces of baggage and kilograms of hand luggage you can carry on your ticket, it’s worth mentioning here only that the higher the booking class, the more units, respectively, the passenger is allowed to take with him. Moreover, if two or more items are allowed, then the principle of combining baggage and its uneven distribution also remains in force for this situation.

All of the above applies only to the category of passengers with a separate seat, that is, an adult and a child from 2 to 12 years old. For babies flying without a seat, a bag with things weighing 10 kilograms is allowed. The size of the bag also differs from the adult in a smaller direction. The compilers of these rules believe that such a number of things will be enough for a small passenger.

Bags and suitcases near the plane

Special baggage allowances

For certain flights or certain categories of passengers, special rules apply. Basically, these are passengers flying to some cities of Asian countries, sailors getting to the ship's parking place or returning home.

Transportation between the Japanese capital and Moscow or St. Petersburg is also distinguished by favorable conditions for passengers. Business class passengers are allowed to carry three pieces of baggage with them, against the usual two.

The Aeroflot group of companies reward program for regular customers also did not stand aside. Passengers who are members of the Aeroflot Bonus program and who purchase aircraft trips using award miles are entitled to additional pieces of luggage.

Paid baggage

If a passenger needs to carry much more things than the free standard provides, Aeroflot airline gives the opportunity to carry luggage for a fee.

Important! The carrier company will undertake to transport excess baggage only if there are empty seats on the ship.

It must be remembered that the carrying capacity of the aircraft is limited and if the amount of cargo is exceeded, the aircraft simply will not take off.

The current full price, which will have to be paid extra for excess weight, can be found from the source already mentioned in this article - the Aeroflot website Here, for example, the cost of carrying excess baggage is given. So, one extra piece of luggage will cost 2,500 rubles*. The second and more - 7 thousand 500 rubles * for each. If the passenger did not meet the 23 kilograms allotted by the airline, but did not exceed the international 32 - 2 thousand 500 rubles *.

Oversized by the standards of the Aeroflot company, baggage is also possible for transportation. Its cost will be equal to 5 thousand rubles *. The cost of baggage, the overall dimensions of which exceed 203 cm on the sum of three sides, is 7,500 rubles*. The carriage of such baggage must be agreed with Aeroflot at least 1.5 days before departure.

How is baggage checked in

Personal items

In addition to luggage and hand luggage, the passenger can take personal items with him into the cabin. This:

  • a small backpack or handbag;
  • flowers in a bouquet;
  • jacket coat;
  • food and a cradle for a child;
  • crutches or other devices that provide the mobility of a disabled person.

Umbrella-cane, laptop, camera, book and so on are no longer considered as passenger's things carried outside of hand luggage, which means that things must be packed with it.

Prohibited Items

Now we will talk about the quality component of the luggage. Firecrackers, firecrackers, crackers, etc. are not allowed for transportation by plane, even in the luggage compartment, not to mention the things of passengers inside the cabin. This is the norm for other airlines as well.

The weapon must be additionally issued and will be transported separately from all other cargo, respectively, it will also have to be handed over and received upon arrival separately. Explosives, lighters, gas and gasoline for them cannot be carried in baggage.

Note! In personal belongings, by the way, lighters are allowed to be transported, one per passenger and gas, without pressure. A gasoline or pneumatic lighter, from which gas spurts out and produces a colored flame with a buzzing sound, will have to be left at home.

On international flights, you cannot carry items that are prohibited in the country of arrival. What other types of items are prohibited for transportation can be found in the memo to the passenger on the Aeroflot website or at the information desks of the airport.

Liquids in containers larger than 100 ml and alcohol cannot be carried in hand luggage, except for bottles that have not been opened and sealed in a Duty Free branded package. Liquids should be in a separate transparent bag with a zip fastener. The package can be obtained free of charge directly at the airport at the hand luggage screening desk.

The luggage rack is convenient for carrying small suitcases

It is allowed to carry one disposable lighter, food, medicines and food for small children in the amount necessary for the duration of the flight in hand luggage.

Irregular baggage

What to do if you want to bring skis, a guitar, your beloved hamster, etc. on the plane? Can it be done? The rules of Aeroflot airline allow transportation of certain categories of abnormal baggage:

  • sports equipment, such as skis or golf clubs;
  • musical instruments;
  • assistive devices for the disabled, baby carriages;
  • pets.

The first two categories are considered one piece of baggage and can be carried free of charge. Musical instruments of different sizes and fragility can be carried either in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, or as hand luggage. Moreover, for transportation in the cabin, a separate seat is allocated for them. A baby stroller that meets the dimensions of hand luggage, for example, the sensational French Yo-yo model, can be taken into the cabin, owners of larger baby strollers have the opportunity to use the service of delivering the stroller to the aircraft gangway.

Luggage trolley - a convenient device for transporting several suitcases

In this case, the wheelchair is taken from the gangway to a separate cargo compartment of the aircraft and given out immediately after landing, while the wheelchair is transported free of charge and the number of baggage pieces does not increase. This is even more convenient than having to take a stroller with you on the plane, taking up space for luggage and increasing the number of things that you need to carry in your hands besides the child.

Transportation of animals is allowed only in a cage or a carrier container, while a container with an animal, which must weigh no more than 8 kg, can be located in the cabin, however, if its weight is from 8 to 50 kg, the animal must be transported in the baggage compartment. Transportation of an animal is not included in the free baggage allowance, so you will have to pay extra for the service separately.

The number of animals carried on board is limited, which means that the intention of the airport service must be notified in advance, preferably 36 hours before the flight. The animal must have a valid veterinary passport with a new notice of inspection.

Attention! During the flight, it is forbidden to take the animal out of the cage or carrier.

In the event that there was no suitcase on the belt, there is no need to panic in the first place. Without leaving the arrivals area, you need to approach the airport employee and report the problem. If the suitcase is not found immediately, the staff will offer to fill out a special form and receive a certificate of non-arrival of luggage. The status of the baggage search case can be found online using a special service on the Aeroflot website or by calling the phone number indicated on the issued act.

Aeroflot has established itself as a reliable company, including luggage transportation. There are no strict restrictions on transportation, you can fly with sports equipment, with animals, with musical instruments and strollers, without overpaying for this one. Any questions can be clarified on the website or in the reference airline.

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