The highest peaks of the world on all continents. The largest mountain in the world 2nd largest mountain in the world

What do you know about the highest peak in the world? What is it called Everest. Some will also remember an alternative name - Chomolungma. Can you name the height? At least approximately. And where is it? Also no? Then once again we will talk about the highest mountains of the Earth.

The undisputed leader in terms of height, this mountain, like a magnet, attracts professional climbers, beginners and people just thirsty for extreme sports from all over the world. Climbing it is the cherished dream of everyone who has made at least one ascent to any other peak. And today, thousands of people every year turn this dream into reality.

Everest with routes and key points

Brief information. Chomolungma, aka Everest, aka Sagarmatha, is the highest peak in the world. Its peak reaches a height of 8848 meters. Belongs to the Himalayas, divided between China and Nepal. Most of the ascents are from Nepal. It takes about two hours for an ordinary person to walk 7 kilometers 200 meters. Here you need to climb up the rocky slopes in cold, and even rarefied air. The test is something else, but every year thousands of people decide on it. Not all of them reach the top. Not everyone returns home. Many die in the process.

Despite this, the organization of the ascent of Everest has now turned into a profitable business. Solo climbs are now rare, most often people turn to special companies that assign guides, guides, instructors, doctors to them, select equipment, purchase licenses for climbing, provisions, and medicines. In this case, the rise can take up to two months. This time is necessary for acclimatization, which is carried out at critical points. Pleasure is not cheap. On average, a tourist leaves 65 thousand dollars for the rise. But on the other hand, he changes them into unforgettable impressions.

The second highest mountain peak, Chogori, is inferior to Everest, but not to say very much - 8611 meters. Belongs to the Karakorum mountain system and is located on the border of China and Pakistan. This is the northernmost eight-thousander and the most inhospitable. Climbing it is much more difficult than almost habitable Everest, surrounded by a well-established service. Despite the fact that the mountain is the second highest, climbing it is much less common, and the risk is much higher. For example, no one has yet managed to conquer it in the winter. Mortality among climbers is striking: about 30%. True, it is calculated not from the total number of tourists, but in comparison with the number of people who have reached the top.

The third highest mountain has a height of 8586 meters. It was divided between Nepal and India, and it belongs to the same Himalayas as Everest, but is located a little further south. Kanchenjunga translated into Russian means "five treasures of the great snows", and this is not just an artistic image: it is divided into five independent peaks, of which only one is lower than 8000 meters, and then only 100. This mountain is especially well known to lovers of Nikolai's work Roerich, because she was one of his main sources of inspiration and was repeatedly depicted on his canvases.

Another eight-thousander, and again from the Himalayas. It is also divided into two states already familiar to us - Nepal and China. The name of this mountain is "South Peak", which makes some sense. It is, indeed, located a little south of the famous Everest. It is connected to it by the famous South Col Pass. The other side - the South Wall - is sheer. By the way, she was conquered only once. The Soviet Union in 1990 assembled a powerful expedition of 17 climbers. Only two of them reached the summit, the rest provided them with a safe climb, but an unprecedented result could only be achieved by a common team effort. The mountain is divided into three peaks with a height of 8516, 8414 and 8383 meters, respectively.

Again the border of China and Nepal, again the same massif. The Himalayas are leaders in the number of high peaks and Makalu is another confirmation. The height of this mountain is 8485 meters. It is believed that of all eight-thousanders, this one is the heaviest. Only less than a third of all expeditions make it to the top, and most have to turn off halfway. The “Black Giant” (this is how the name of the mountain is translated) does not particularly favor climbers.

This is the sixth highest eight-thousander. You can guess the rest yourself: Nepal-China, Himalayas, height - 8201 meters. Accordingly, you can climb it from one side or the other. But, if from the side of Nepal one has to face a very difficult wall, which not everyone can overcome, then from the side of Tibet there is a convenient pass, which makes Cho-oyu one of the most convenient eight-thousanders for climbing.

Reading the name of this mountain from the first time is already a task, and only a few manage to climb it. "White Mountain" is one of the most massive. It is divided into 11 peaks, however, only one, Dhaulagiri I, could overcome the eight-thousandth line. By the way, for some time it was Dhaulagiri that was considered the highest peak in the world. True, it was a long time ago, from 1808 to 1832.

Already the eighth eight-thousander, and we have everything the same: the Himalayas, but, for a change, it belongs entirely to Nepal. "Mountain of Spirits" - this is how its name is translated. This is a sacred place. Perhaps that is why climbing it is considered quite dangerous, and the death rate reaches 18% even today. There are three peaks near the mountain, the highest of which rises to 8156 meters.

For a change, the mountain is located on the territory of Pakistan, although it belongs to the already well-known Himalayas. It is divided into 4 peaks, of which the highest is 8125 meters. “Naked Mountain”, “Mountain of the Gods” – this is all about the ninth eight-thousander. It is considered one of the most difficult to climb because of the climatic conditions and bare sheer peaks. Complicating the situation is the unsettled situation in the country. So, in 2013, a real tragedy occurred when militants attacked the climbers' camp. 10 people died, including three Kharkiv residents. Not surprisingly, the mortality rate is 22%.

Closes our list is another eight-thousander, the most dangerous. The mortality rate is 41%. The name of the mountain is translated as "Goddess of Fertility", but apparently, this goddess requires human sacrifices. However, the number of climbers who want to climb its 8091-meter peak is enough.

These are the ten highest mountains and the first of 14 eight-thousanders. Several people have already managed to conquer them all, and thousands more dream about it. Perhaps you are one of them.

Answering the question of what is the highest point in the world, almost every high school student will answer with confidence that it is. Other common names for the peak are Chomolungma and Sagarmatha. The summit lies at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. This figure is recorded in numerous scientific papers and textbooks.


The highest point of the world on the map is located on the border of states such as Nepal and China. The peak belongs to the Great Himalayas mountain range. Along with this, it should be noted that, based on the data that is provided all the time by instruments at the peak, as well as with the help of satellites, the researchers proved that Everest, in the literal sense of the word, does not stand still. The fact is that the mountain changes all the time moving to the northeast from India towards China. According to scientists, the reason for this lies in the fact that they are constantly moving and crawling one on top of the other.


The highest point in the world was discovered in 1832. Then the expedition, consisting of employees of the British Geodetic Survey, was exploring some of the peaks that were located on Indian territory in the Himalayas. During the work, British scientists noted that one of the peaks (which had previously been marked everywhere as "Peak 15") is higher than other mountains that make up the ridge. This observation was documented, after which the peak began to be called Everest - in honor of the head of the geodetic service.

Significance for locals

The fact that the world is Everest, local residents assumed several centuries before its official discovery by European researchers. they respected the peak very much and called it Chomolungma, which in literal translation from the local language means "the goddess - the mother of the Earth." As for Nepal, here it is known as Sagarmatha (heavenly peak). Residents of the nearby mountain regions say that at this peak, death and life are separated by half a step, and people from all parts of the world are equal before God, regardless of their religion. During the Middle Ages, a monastery called Ronkbuk was built at the foot of Everest. The structure has survived to our time and is still inhabited.

Other opinions about height

In 1954, a number of studies and measurements of the summit were made using various instruments and aerial photography. According to their results, it was officially established that the highest point in the world has a height of 8848 meters. It should be noted that, compared to our time, the technique used then was not so accurate. This gave some scientists reason to argue that the real height of the Chomolungma is different from the official value.

In particular, at the end of 1999 in Washington, as part of a meeting of the National Geographic Society, a proposal was put forward to consider that Everest lies above sea level at an altitude of 8850 meters, in other words, two meters higher. Members of the organization supported this idea. This event was preceded by research by several expeditions led by a famous American scientist named Branford Weshbourne. First, he brought high-precision electronic equipment with his people to the summit. In the future, this allowed the researcher to record the slightest deviations in the height of the mountain (compared to previous data) using a satellite. Thus, the scientist was able to quite clearly show the growth dynamics of Chomolungma. Moreover, Washbourne identified the periods of the most significant increase in the height of the peak.

Everest growth process

The Himalayas are considered one of the most recent geological belts that formed on our planet. In this regard, the process of their development is quite active (compared to others). No wonder the world's highest point continues to grow. Studies show that growth becomes most intense during high seismic activity not only on the Eurasian continent itself, but also on the entire planet. For example, only during the first half of 1999, the height of the mountain increased by three centimeters. A few years ago, a geologist from Italy A. Desio, using modern radio equipment, found that now the peak of Chomolungma is at around 8872.5 meters above sea level, which is 25 meters higher than the officially recorded value.

The biggest mountain on earth

There is no doubt that the highest point in the world is Everest. At the same time, calling it the largest mountain on the planet would not be entirely correct. The fact is that, judging by such an indicator as the total height, the largest mountain should be called Mauna Kea, located not far from Hawaii. The peak rises above sea level by only 4206 meters. At the same time, its foundation lies at a depth of more than ten thousand meters under water. Thus, the total value of Mauna Kea is almost twice that of Everest.

Other highest points on the planet

Be that as it may, each of the continents has the most prominent peak. The names of the highest mountains in the world by continent are as follows. The highest in South America and the second after Everest on the planet is Aconcagua Peak (6959 meters), which is part of the Andes and is located in Argentina. Mount McKinley (6194 meters) is located in the US state of Alaska and closes the top three world leaders in this indicator. In Europe, Elbrus (5642 meters) is considered the highest, and in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5895 meters). There is a record holder in Antarctica. The highest mountain here is Vinson (4892 meters).

The power of nature frightens and delights at the same time. Evidence of her strength is deep crevices and the highest peaks of the planet. Everest is called the top of the world, and it really is. However, not everyone knows which is the highest mountain in the world. Yes, there are giants that exceed the size of the famous Chomolungma. But what are they and where are they - read on.

The largest and highest mountain on the planet is the shield volcano Mauna Kea. It is located on an island in the Hawaiian archipelago. Its size is shocking. If you put this natural colossus next to Everest, then the latter will seem like a small hill.

For comparison: the height of Mauna Kea from the foot to the top is 10,203 m, and Everest - 3550 m. Feel the difference?! So why is the palm given to the Himalayan peak?

The thing is that Mauna Kea originates under water, where most of the volcano is hidden. The top of the mountain above sea level is at an altitude of 4205 m, while Chomolungma rises to 8848 m.

The age of the Hawaiian giant is about a million years. An active “youth” helped the volcano to grow to such dimensions. Since the birth of Mauna Kea, it erupted regularly for 500 thousand years, then the activity began to decline. Now the volcano is considered extinct. According to rough estimates, the last eruption occurred 4-6 thousand years ago.

Such an amount of volcanic rock, concentrated in one point, exerts tremendous pressure on the earth's crust. Its total volume is about 3200 km3. It is difficult to imagine how much it weighs, but this mass is enough to push through the Pacific plate for six kilometers.

"Mauna Kea" translates as "White Mountain". The indigenous people could not call it otherwise, because this is the only place in the Hawaiian Islands where snow falls in winter. Local tribes consider the mountain sacred, only leaders have the right to climb it. Unfortunately, and perhaps, and fortunately, this does not stop the Europeans.

On the one hand, on the lower part of the volcano, for the sake of the development of the sugar industry, wild forests were practically destroyed; on the other hand, the summit of Mauna Kea is a great place to explore space. Since 1964, 13 observatories have been built here. The question - was it worth it, given the holiness of the mountain - is still a hot debate.

The highest mountains in the world: list

The dream of any climber is to conquer the main peaks of the world. In total, there are seven of them on the list, one for each continent and region of the Earth. Let's talk briefly about each of them:

  1. His Majesty is Everest.

Has several other names. In Tibet, the mountain is called Chomolungma (Divine Mother) or Jomo Gang Kar (Holy Mother, white as snow). Nepalese name the highest peak - Sagarmatha.

This is one of the most violent places on the planet. Not everyone will be able to get at least to the base camp, which is located at an altitude of about 5,000 m. What can we say about the top.

The air temperature on the mountain in the warm season does not rise above zero degrees, and in winter it varies from -36 during the day to -60 degrees at night. Add to this the violent winds, the speed of which sometimes reaches 200 km / h, and you will understand that the smallest problem here can turn into a disaster.

In the off season, few will challenge grief, because it is akin to suicide. Since the first ascent in 1953, Everest has taken the lives of more than 250 people, their bodies are still there. To pick them up, you need to equip an expedition, and this is very expensive. Up to 25,000 dollars in fees alone for the rise. No matter how cynical it may sound, but many corpses serve as landmarks for climbers.

  1. The second height of the world - Aconcagua.

Located in Argentina and is part of the Andes - the longest mountain system in the world, stretching for 11,000 km. In Quechua, "Aconcagua" means "Stone Guardian". Looking at the mountain, you understand that such a name was not given to it in vain.

Massive and majestic Aconcagua really resembles a stone giant. The height of the mountain above sea level reaches 6961 m. Technically, it is not considered too difficult to conquer. The ascent and descent record belongs to Karl Egloff: his time is 11 hours 52 minutes. Even children came up here. The youngest climber was only nine years old.

The weather is comparatively mild. The average temperature at the top is 20 degrees below zero, it is much colder at night. Here the humidity is low, but strong winds will not let a person forget where he is.

  1. Presidential Mount McKinley.

Located in Alaska, 210 km north of Anchorage. It occupies the third position in height above sea level - 6190 m. In fact, this is a huge granite block that crawled out of the ground as a result of tectonic activity. It happened about 60 million years ago.

The mountain was often renamed. It was originally called Denali, which means ‘great’ in the Athabaskan language. When the Russians came to Alaska, the granite giant was simply called Big Mountain. In 1896, when Alaska was ceded to the United States, the mountain was named after President William McKinley. However, in 2015, the first name was returned to her.

Based on climbing statistics, this peak is not for everyone. Only 58% of attempts are successful. Since 1913, the mountain has taken the lives of more than 100 people. Weather conditions and lack of oxygen do not stop people, even if they have to go alone in winter. So did Loni Dupre, who successfully climbed Denali and descended unscathed on January 11, 2015.

  1. Kilimanjaro.

The highest point in Africa - 5892 m. Located in Tanzania and is a potentially active volcano. Presumably the last eruption took place 200 thousand years ago, but the lava has not gone anywhere. It is located under the crater at a depth of 400 m.

Kilimanjaro has three peaks that are separate volcanoes:

  • Shira - 3962 m;
  • Mawenzi - 5149 m;
  • Kobo - 5892 m.

A distinctive feature of the mountain is the ice cap, which has not left the top for 11 thousand years, since the last ice age. However, over the past hundred years, due to deforestation and reduced rainfall, the glacier has shrunk by 80%.

One of the easiest peaks to climb. The first documented assault took place in 1889. It was made by a group of climbers led by Hans Meyer. Trained climbers can climb to the top and come back down in 10 hours. For beginners, due to the need for acclimatization, it takes 5 days.

  1. The highest mountain in Europe - Elbrus.

It belongs to the same type of mountains as Kilimanjaro - a stratovolcano. The last eruption occurred around 50 AD. e. It has a saddle shape with two peaks: the eastern one - 5621 m; western - 5642 m.

The mountain is shrouded in many glaciers with a total area of ​​134.5 km2. Melt water flowing down the slopes of Elbrus feeds several large rivers: Kuban, Baksan and Malka. The weather here changes from bad to good every 5-7 days. In summer it is hot - 25-35 degrees, in winter at an altitude of 3,000 m the temperature drops to -12-20 degrees.

From the point of view of mountaineering, Elbrus is not particularly difficult to climb, but there are several extreme routes. The peak was stormed even on a motorcycle in 1963 and a car in 1997.

  1. Vinson Peak is the highest point on the sixth continent.

The mountain is part of the massif of the same name, which is located 1200 km from the South Pole and extends 21 km in length and 13 km in width. The highest point is at around 4897 m above sea level.

American pilots discovered Vinson Peak in 1957, and after 9 years its summit was conquered by climber Nicholas Clinch. Despite the aggressive conditions of the Antarctic, it is relatively comfortable here in summer. In the tents of the assault camp, the temperature is kept in the range of 0-10 degrees Celsius. During the ascent, the thermometer often drops below thirty-five degrees.

  1. Pyramid of Carstens, or Puncak Jaya.

Located on the island of New Guinea. Its peak is considered the highest point of Oceania and Australia - 4884 m, and according to some sources - 5030 meters. Jaya Peak was discovered by European explorer Jan Carstens in 1623.

Arriving in Holland, he spoke about the glacier he saw, for which he was ridiculed. Like, where is the glacier in the tropics from ?! However, they laughed at him in vain. What he saw was one of the highest mountains in the world.

Despite such an early discovery, the first ascent took place only after 339 years. A group of climbers led by Heinrich Harrer stormed the mountain in 1962.

The highest mountain in Kazakhstan

On the border with Kyrgyzstan and China, on the Tien Shan ridge, the majestic and cold Khan Tengri rises. This is the highest point in Kazakhstan - 7010 m above sea level. The name of the mountain is Turkic and translates as ‘Lord of Heaven’.

Externally, Khan-Tengri is a natural pyramid with regular edges. The top of the mountain is covered with a layer of ice 15 meters thick. In pagan times, people believed that the supreme God lives there, who rules the whole world from there.

The first mention of the mountain is found in the writings of ancient explorers and adventurers. As for modern research, it began in the middle of the 19th century, when the geographer P. Semenov made a detailed description of the mountain.

The first successful assault on Khan Tengri took place on September 11, 1931. The climbers from the Ukrainian expedition became heroes. It was headed by Mikhail Pogrebetsky, Boris Tyurin and Franz Sauber. Athletes long and scrupulously thought out and worked out the route of ascent. As a result, it was decided to go along the southern and southwestern side of the mountain.

Khan Tengri is famous not only for its beauty, but also for regular accidents. The mountain takes several people every season. 2004 was especially dark. Then, during the ascent, a Polish climber died, and a month later, due to an avalanche at an altitude of 5,000 m, a group of 50 people was trapped. While the rescue operation was underway, 11 climbers from Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic died.

The highest mountains in the world annually attract hundreds of daredevils who risk their lives for the indescribable feeling of unity with nature. They can be understood, because the one who once ascended to the top wants to repeat it again and again. Vysotsky also wrote: “The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and dumb and only a little jealous of those others whose peak is yet to come.”


The highest peaks are at the peak of the highest mountains of the seven continents. Among climbers they are known as " seven peaks", which was first conquered by Richard Bass on April 30, 1985.

Here are a few interesting facts about the highest points in all parts of the world.

highest mountain peaks

One of these days program Google Maps' Street View invited everyone to enjoy the view of the highest peaks of the world, offering interactive galleries of the highest mountains on Earth.

Maps include panoramic view of 4 of the 7 peaks: Everest in the Himalayas of Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe and Aconcagua in South America.

You can make a virtual ascent of these peaks without exposing yourself to the heights and natural difficulties that climbers face.

1. The highest peak in the world and Asia - Mount Everest (Chomolungma)

Mount Everest height

8848 meters

Mount Everest geographic coordinates:

27.9880 degrees north latitude and 86.9252 degrees east longitude (27° 59" 17" N, 86° 55" 31" E)

Where is Mount Everest located?

Mount Everest or Chomolungma is highest mountain on earth, which is located in the region Mahalangur Himal in the Himalayas. The international border between China and Nepal runs along its summit. The Everest massif includes the neighboring peaks of Lhotse (8516 m), Nuptse (7861 m) and Changze (7543 m).

The highest mountain in the world attracts many experienced climbers and amateurs from all over the world. Although climbing the standard route is technically not a big problem, on Everest the biggest dangers are considered to be lack of oxygen, disease, weather and wind.

Other facts:

Mount Everest, which is also called Chomolungma from Tibetan it is translated as "Divine mother of snows" and from Nepali as "Mother of the Universe". The mountain is considered sacred to the locals. The name Everest was given in honor of the Briton George Everest, who was the first to measure the height of the highest mountain peak in the world.

Mount Everest annually rises by 3-6 mm and shifts to the northeast by 7 cm.

- First ascent of Everest committed New Zealander Edmund Hilary(Edmund Hillary) and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay(Tenzing Norgay) as part of the British expedition on May 29, 1953.

The largest expedition to climb Everest consisted of 410 people who were part of the 1975 Chinese team.

- The safest year on Everest was 1993, when 129 people reached the top, and 8 died. The most tragic year was 1996, when 98 people conquered the summit, and 15 people died (8 of them died on May 11).

The Nepalese Sherpa Appa is the person who has most climbed Everest. He set the record by climbing 21 times from 1990 to 2011.

2. The highest peak in South America - Mount Aconcagua

Height of Aconcagua

6.959 meters

Geographic coordinates of Aconcagua.

32.6556 degrees south latitude and 70.0158 degrees west longitude (32°39"12.35"S 70°00"39.9"W)

Where is Mount Aconcagua

Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Americas, located in the Andes mountain system in the province of Mendoza in Argentina. Also this highest peak in both the western and southern hemispheres.

The mountain is part Aconcagua National Park. It consists of a series of glaciers, the most famous of which is the Polish Glacier in the northeast, a frequent climbing route.

Other facts:

- Name "Aconcagua" probably means from the Araucan language "on the other side of the Aconcagua River" or from the Quechua language "Stone Guard".

In terms of mountaineering, Aconcagua is easy mountain to climb, if heading along the northern route, which does not require ropes, hooks and other equipment.

- First conquered aconcagua british Edward Fitzgerald(Edward FitzGerald) in 1897.

The youngest climber to reach the summit of Aconcagua was 10 years old Matthew Monitz(Matthew Moniz) December 16, 2008. The oldest is 87 years old Scott Lewis(Scott Lewis) in 2007.

3. The highest mountain in North America - Mount McKinley

McKinley height

6194 meters

Geographic coordinates of McKinley.

63.0694 degrees north, 151.0027 degrees west (63° 4" 10" N, 151° 0" 26" W)

Where is Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley is located in Denali National Park in Alaska and is the highest peak in the United States and North America, as well as the third most prominent peak in the world after Mount Everest and Aconcagua.

Other facts:

Mount McKinley used to be the highest peak in Russia until Alaska was sold to the US.

Locals call it "Denali" (translated from the Athabaskan language "Great"), and the Russians who inhabited Alaska simply "Big Mountain". Later it was renamed "McKinley" in honor of US President William McKinley.

- The first to conquer McKinley steel American climbers led by Hudson Stack(Hudson Stuck) and Harry Carstens(Harry Karstens) June 7, 1913.

Best climbing period - from May to July. Due to the far northern latitude, there is lower atmospheric pressure and less oxygen at the summit than other high mountains in the world.

4. The highest peak in Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro

Height of Kilimanjaro

5895 meters

Geographic coordinates of Kilimanjaro.

3.066 degrees south latitude and 37.3591 degrees east longitude (3° 4" 0" S, 37° 21" 33" E)

Where is Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and is located in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania. This volcano consists of three volcanic cones: Kiba, Mawenzi and Shira. Kilimanjaro is a huge stratovolcano that began to form a million years ago when lava erupted in the Rift Valley region.

Two peaks: Mawenzi and Shira are extinct volcanoes, while the highest - Kibo is dormant volcano, which may erupt again. The last major eruption occurred 360,000 years ago, and activity was recorded only 200 years ago.

Other facts:

There are several versions explaining Origin of "Kilimanjaro". One theory is that the name comes from the Swahili word "Kilima" ("mountain") and the Kichagga word "Njaro" ("whiteness"). According to another version, Kilimanjaro is the European origin of the phrase kichagga, which means "we did not climb it."

Since 1912, Kilimanjaro has lost more than 85 percent of its snow. According to scientists In 20 years, all the snow on Kilimanjaro will melt.

- First ascent was made by a German researcher Hans Meyer(Hans Meyer) and an Austrian climber Ludwig Purtsheller(Ludwig Purtscheller) on the third attempt October 6, 1889

- About 40,000 people try to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro every year.

The youngest climber to climb Mount Kilimanjaro was 7 years old Keats Boyd(Keats Boyd), who made the ascent on January 21, 2008.

5. The highest peak in Europe (and Russia) - Mount Elbrus

The height of Mount Elbrus

5642 meters

Geographic coordinates of Mount Elbrus

43.3550 degrees North, 42.4392 East (43° 21" 11" N, 42° 26" 13" E)

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano located in the western part of the Caucasus Mountains on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia in Russia. The top of Elbrus is the highest in Russia, in Europe and the western part of Asia. The western peak reaches 5642 m, and the eastern 5621 m.

Other facts:

- Name "Elbrus" comes from the Iranian word "Albors", which means "high mountain". It is also called Ming tau ("eternal mountain"), Yalbuz ("mane of snow") and Oshkhamakho ("mountain of happiness")

Elbrus is covered by a permanent ice sheet that supports 22 glaciers, which in turn feed the Baksan, Kuban and Malka rivers.

Elbrus located in a mobile tectonic region, and deep under the extinct volcano is molten magma.

- First ascent on the eastern peak of Elbrus was committed on July 10, 1829 Hilar Kachirov, who was on the expedition of the Russian General G.A. Emmanuel, and to the western one (which is about 40 m higher) - in 1874 by an English expedition led by F. Crawford Grove(F. Crauford Grove).

From 1959 to 1976 a cable car, which takes visitors to a height of 3750 meters.

A year on Elbrus about 15-30 people die mainly due to poorly organized attempts to conquer the summit

In 1997 SUV Land Rover Defender climbed to the top of Elbrus, setting a Guinness world record.

6. The highest peak of Antarctica - Vinson Massif

Vinson array height

4892 meters

Geographic coordinates of the Vinson massif

78.5254 degrees south latitude and 85.6171 degrees west longitude (78° 31" 31.74" S, 85° 37" 1.73" W)

Vinson Massif on the map

The Vinson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica, located on the Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains. The massif, approximately 21 km long and 13 km wide, is located 1200 km from the South Pole.

Other facts

The highest peak is Vinson Peak, named after Carl Vinson- Member of the US Congress. The Vinson Array was first discovered in 1958, and first ascent was committed in 1966.

In 2001, the first expedition reached the summit via the Eastern route and measurements of the height of the summit were made using GPS.

More 1400 people tried to conquer Vinson Peak.

7. The highest peak in Australia and Oceania - Mount Punchak Jaya

Height of Puncak Jaya

4884 meters

Geographic coordinates of Puncak Jaya.

4.0833 degrees south latitude 137.183 degrees east longitude (4° 5" 0" S, 137° 11" 0" E)

Where is Punchak Jaya

Puncak Jaya or Carstens Pyramid is the highest peak of Mount Carstens in western Papua, Indonesia.

This mountain is highest in Indonesia, on the island of New Guinea, in Oceania (on the Australian plate), the highest mountain on the island, and the highest point between the Himalayas and the Andes.

Mount Kosciuszko is considered the highest peak on the Australian continent., whose height is 2228 meters.

Other facts:

When Indonesia began to administer the province in 1963, the summit was renamed Sukarno Summit in honor of the President of Indonesia. Later it was renamed Punchak Jaya. The word "Puncak" in Indonesian means "mountain or peak", and "Jaya" is translated as "victory".

The summit of Punchak Jaya conquered for the first time in 1962, Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Garrer(Heinrich Harrer) and three other members of the expedition.

Access to the summit requires government permission. The mountain was closed to hikers and climbers from 1995 until 2005. Since 2006, access has been possible through various travel agencies.

Puncak Jaya is considered one of the hardest climbs. He has the highest technical rating, but not the greatest physical demands.

Mountains are great and mighty, they surround people all over the world. Some of them reach unprecedented heights, and some remain small ledges on the ground. The largest mountains have always attracted people, but conquering them is not so easy. There are 14 mountains in the world that exceed 8000 m in height. About 150 years ago, such a height was considered fatal for humans. Now everyone knows that people were able to conquer even the highest and most impregnable peaks, but there were many victims along the way. In this article, we will point out where the largest mountains are located, as well as some interesting facts about them.

Everest is the highest and largest mountain in the world. It is located in the Himalayas on the Mahalangur-Himal ridge. The northern peak of Everest is the highest point on the planet, it is located in China. Its height reaches 8848 m above sea level. The southern peak is slightly inferior and reaches a height of 8760 m above sea level, located on the border of the Republic of Nepal and Tibet.

Mount Everest has several names. In Tibetan, her name is "Chomolungma", which means "Goddess Mother of the World", and in the ancient Indian language, the mountain is called "Sagarmatha" - the ocean of the mother. The mountain was officially named Everest in honor of Sir George Everest, head of the Indian Geodetic Survey.

Everest has the shape of a trihedral pyramid, its southern slope is quite steep, and snow does not linger on it. The glaciers covering the mountain begin at an altitude of 5000 km. The Arun River flows near Everest, its length is more than 6 km.

In 1852, the topographer and mathematician Radhanat Sikdar, having made trigonometric calculations, came to the conclusion that Everest is the largest mountain in the world.

Everest attracts many climbers with its impregnability, but not everyone dares to conquer it. To climb the mountain, you need to have not only a great desire, but also excellent health and endurance, and at least $ 8,000. Climbing the mountain is dangerous, and about 260 people have died trying to do it. The reason for everything is the harsh climate and difficult conditions. throughout the ascent, the air becomes increasingly rarefied and less oxygenated. The air temperature is not higher than -50-60°С, and the wind speed can reach 55 m/s. In such conditions, a person feels the temperature as -100-120°C. Solar radiation also poses a danger to climbers. We must not forget about the standard risks when climbing the peaks, this is an avalanche, steep slopes and cliffs from them, relief crevices hidden under the snow.

The first to conquer Everest were the famous Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary. In 1953, climbers developed a route through the South Col and were able to reach the highest point on the planet. Today, almost everyone can climb Everest (of course, if health permits and there is an opportunity to purchase expensive equipment). Tourist routes are laid on the largest mountain, and climbing guides help the dream of many lovers of mountain peaks come true. Throughout the history of the ascent, several records have been recorded, for example, the smallest member of the expedition is a girl from India, Purna Malawath. At the time of the ascent, she was only 13 years and 11 months old, and the oldest member of the Everest expedition is Yuichiro Miura, who passed this difficult path at the age of 80.

Everest is considered the largest mountain above sea level, but if you take into account the part of the Mauna Kea volcano submerged in water, then it significantly exceeds the size of Everest. This mountain peak is located on the island of Hawaii and is currently considered a dormant volcano. Scientists suggest that the last eruption took place at least 4,500 years ago. The Mauna Kea volcano rises 4200 meters above sea level, and its total height is 10203 meters. The volcano, having a large mass, gradually slides and smoothes under its own weight, this happens at a rate of 0.02 mm per year. Based on these dimensions, we can say that Mauna Kea is the largest mountain in the world.

More than half of Mauna Kea is under the Pacific Ocean

In addition to Mauna Kea, the Hawaiian Islands have a number of extinct volcanoes, but they are all much smaller. For local residents, they are sacred, and only leaders have the right to climb to the top of the famous Mauna Kea. Ordinary residents of these lands are strictly prohibited from visiting these places.

Hawaiians settled on the slopes of the volcano in ancient times, and the surrounding vast forests allowed them to survive. Here they found food, and starting from the 18th century, after the first arrival of Europeans to the islands, the locals had large and small cattle. The diet has improved markedly, but the breeding of these animals has negatively affected the ecological situation as a whole.

At an altitude of 3975 meters above sea level, you can visit Waiau Lake

Mauna Kea can surprise not only with its size, but also with a variety of ecological zones. Alpine forests grow at its very top, thickets of golden-leaved sophora and sandalwood are located a little lower. And complete the local flora with forests of Acacia koa and Metrosideros polymorpha. Unfortunately, the latter were practically destroyed by man due to the development of the sugar industry, but the authorities of the Hawaiian Islands decided to revive the former vegetation. To this end, plant and animal species introduced into the protected area are eradicated whenever possible.

The highest point of the Hawaiian Islands turned out to be the best place for astronomical observations. Since 1964, by agreement with the local authorities, 13 telescopes have been installed at the very top.

Eleven countries conduct observations and study space objects

On the border of Kashmir, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, Mount Chogori or K2 is located on the Baltoro Range. It is the second highest peak, but much more dangerous than Everest.

Climbing Chogori is possible only in the summer months, in winter it is fraught with death or serious injury. Of the numerous winter expeditions, not one was successful.

The height of Chogori is 8611 meters, its slopes are steep and dangerous. In the whole world, there are not even 300 climbers who have managed to conquer this peak. Mortality while climbing K2 is 25%. During numerous attempts to climb the dangerous mountain, 66 people died.

Avalanches and falling stones and seracs await those who decide to try their luck and climb this height along the way, cracks on the approaches and simultaneous gatherings of huge masses of snow are also dangerous. And all this in addition to rarefied air and low temperatures.

Chogori has the unofficial name "Mountain of Death"

In 1902, there was the first attempt to conquer Chogori, but it, like all subsequent ones, was unsuccessful for 50 years. Only in 1954 A. Compagnoni from Valfurno and L. Lacedelli from Cortina d'Ampezzo were able to conquer the summit of K2. In 1996, a Russian team led by I. Dusharin chose the route to climb the Northern Chogori Ridge. Experienced climbers conquered the peak and hoisted the Russian flag on it. And in 2007, a team of 11 climbers led by V. Kozlov laid a route along the previously impregnable Western side of K2. However, they did not use oxygen equipment, which could greatly facilitate this difficult journey.

Mount Olympus on Mars

If we consider all the mountains known to mankind, not only on planet Earth, but also on other planets, then Mount Olympus, located on Mars, will rightfully take the leading place. Its dimensions are simply amazing, it reaches a height of 26,200 meters and a width of about 540,000 meters. The giant hill was once a volcano and that is why it has grown to such a size. And due to the fact that there are no tectonic plates on Mars, there is no movement of the planet's crust. It is for this reason that Mount Olympus is still towering, and it can be seen in its entirety only from a great distance - from the orbit of the planet or from the Earth. For scientists, Mount Olympus is a mystery, as its slopes are steep. There is an assumption that earlier it was surrounded by the ocean and the water washed the shores of the mountain.

Mount Olympus erupted on Mars over 2,000,000 years ago

Mountain ranges surround us, they are fraught with many dangers and at the same time beckon. Everyone who has ever dared to climb a mountain hill is rewarded with breathtaking views, nature thus rewards the daredevils. And each time, rising higher and higher, a person wants to conquer the next mountain peak and see with his own eyes the largest mountains. But to do this is not so easy. After all, there are 14 mountain peaks in the world that exceed a height of 8000 m, and there are only 30 people who have visited each of them.

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