The widest waterfalls on earth. The most powerful waterfall in the world The most powerful waterfall in the world

Iguazu Falls is a fairly wide and indented area of ​​water fall. The waterfall is located on the Iguazu River of the same name near the border of the countries of Brazil and Argentina.
It is believed that the formation of the waterfall occurred as a result of a strong earthquake caused by a volcanic eruption, as a result of which large cracks formed in the earth's crust.
During the rainy season in November - March, the flow of water can reach 12,750 cubic meters per second.
Iguazu Falls consists of many individual waterfalls, which are separated by islands, the total area of ​​​​a single complex is more than 2700 square meters.
There are 275 waterfalls in this area, the largest one is called "Devil's Throat" - the water in this area falls from a height of 80 meters.
In the language of the Guarani people, the term "Iguazu" means "big water". The waterfall was discovered in 1541 by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and since 1984 it has been part of the natural world heritage of UNESCO.

The waterfall is located in Africa, on the border of Zambia and Zambezi.
The waterfall was discovered in 1855, after David Livingston first saw this amazing natural phenomenon.
During the Jurassic period (150 - 200 million years ago), volcanic activity resulted in a thick layer of basalt covering most of South Africa. As the lava cooled and crystallized, cracks appeared in the hard crust of basalt, which were filled with clay and lime. The Zambezi River gradually washed away soft rocks, thus, a waterfall was formed.

The width of the flow of falling water is 1700 meters, the height is 108 meters, in terms of the volume of falling water (during the rainy season) per unit time, Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall on the planet.
The volume of water ranges from 300 to 9000 cubic meters per second. On average per year - about 1000 cubic meters per second.

The waterfall is located in the north of the United States on the border with Canada.
The height of the waterfall is 53 meters, but the height of the fall of the water is 21 meters, the width of the main part of the falling water is 323 meters.
The volume of falling water is from 2800 to 5700 cubic meters per second.
In 1954, a landslide occurred - a pile of stones fell from above to the foot of the waterfall, thereby reducing the height of the water fall.

The waterfall is located in the north-east of Iceland, on the river Jökulsau-au-Fjödlum, is the largest waterfall in Europe in terms of the volume of falling water - on average, about 200 cubic meters per second.
The width of the waterfall is 100 meters, the height of the water fall is 44 meters.

5 Shoshone Falls

The waterfall is located in Idaho, USA on the Snake River. It is believed that the waterfall has existed since the end of the last ice age.
The height of the water fall is 64 meters, the width is 305 meters. Due to the fact that in summer a significant part of the river's water goes to irrigate fields, the waterfall practically disappears. In spring and autumn, the waterfall has the best view.

The waterfall is located in the west of Guyana, on the border with Venezuela, on the Potaro River. The height of the water fall is 226 meters, the width of the waterfall is about 100 meters. The maximum water flow is more than 1200 cubic meters per second (average annual flow is about 650 cubic meters). The waterfall is the largest in the world in many ways. But since it is located in a remote area, little is known about it. It is not visited by tourists.

The waterfall is located in the south of Iceland on the Hvitau River. The height of the waterfall is 32 meters, the average water flow is 125 cubic meters per second. But it should be noted that the waterfall consists of two steps, the first is 11 meters high, the second is 21 meters.

The highest waterfall on planet Earth. The height of the water fall is 979 meters, the height of the continuous fall of water is 807 meters.
The waterfall is located in Venezuela on the Churun ​​River.

Yosemite Falls is located in eastern California in the United States on the Merced River. The total height of the waterfall is 739 meters. The waterfall consists of 3 cascades, the height of the upper waterfall is 435 meters, the middle - 206 and the lowest 98 meters.

10 Huangguoshu Waterfall

Huang Guo Shu Waterfall is located in China on the Baishui River in Guizhou Province. The waterfall consists of a complex of water drains. The main waterfall is 67 meters high and 83 meters wide.

Many of you believe that Niagara Falls is the largest, highest and widest in the world. This is wrong. It is popular due to professional and competent advertising. There are higher and wider waterfalls in the world, which are many times larger than Niagara.

The tallest waterfall in the world - Angel Falls

The waterfall is giant. It is found deep in the rainforests of Venezuela. The height of the Angel Falls is 973 meters(highest waterfall in the world).

The discovery happened quite by accident. In 1933 The Venezuelan government sent an expedition in search of ore deposits. An aviator named James Angel accidentally discovered Angel while making another overflight of the territory in search of ore. This is how the highest waterfall in the world was found.

photo of the highest waterfall in the world - Angel

Later, in 1937, James Angel, along with his wife and two other companions, decided to land on top of the falls, but they failed.

The plane on which they arrived was damaged and they were forced to return home on foot. The road home was 11 days, because this waterfall is located in one of the most inaccessible places.

The fastest way to get to Angel is by river or air. In December 2009, by decision of the President of Venezuela, it was renamed Kerepakupai-meru after the name of the area where it is located. However, for most locals, as well as tourists from all over the world, he remained just "Angel".

The tour, by local standards, is quite expensive - $ 300, however, the spectacle that you will see is simply breathtaking. You can choose to take a tour either by plane or along the mouth of the river.

The most beautiful waterfall - Tugela

In the province of Natal, which is located in South Africa, high in the mountains is the second largest in the world - Tugela Falls. It takes its name from the river of the same name. The place where the waterfall is located runs along the river and there are only two paths leading to it. You can reach the top of the waterfall on foot in 6-8 hours.

Tugela is an amazingly beautiful sight of five cascades falling down. The highest height of the waterfall cascade is 411 meters. The total height of the cascade is 948 meters, and the width is 15 meters. Tourists love to visit this place. The cost of the tour is $50.

Tugela photo

The most unusual waterfall - "Three Sisters"

The most picturesque waterfall. It is surrounded on all sides by forest, the height of the trees in which reaches 30 meters. It is located in Peru and consists of three branches of a cascade of water falling down. The tiers of the cascade have many jets, which below form a pool with small islands and thickets. This waterfall is especially beautiful in the sun, when its top is illuminated by a rainbow. Tourists escape from the heat under the crown of trees. The waterfall is 914 meters high and 14 meters wide.

photo "Three Sisters"

The most famous and popular is Niagara Falls.

"Niagara" in Indian translation - "rumbling water". This name was given to him not in vain. The roar from the waterfall can be heard for many kilometers. Being near him, in the literal sense, you can not hear anything.

Niagara is the most popular and famous waterfall in the USA, which separates the USA and Canada. It was formed over a thousand years ago as a result of the melting of a glacier. The characteristic green color of the water was acquired due to the high content of rock particles dissolved in the waters of the Niagara River and Lakes Erie and Ontario.

The waterfall is 1200 meters wide and 53 meters high. Niagara Falls, although not the largest in the world, is definitely the most beautiful. Millions of tourists come to see this beauty. They can:

    explore the surroundings from observation platforms and towers;

    take a walking tour of the galleries;

    take a cable car, helicopter and hot air balloon ride right over Niagara.

Niagara Falls also attracts "extreme-seekers".

In 1859 Frenchman Charles Blondin crossed the Niagara Gorge on a rope suspended at a height of 500 meters.

In 1901 American Annie Taylor descended from him in a barrel and, at the same time, remained alive. Attempts to repeat this trick were made more than once, but ended in a hospital bed, due to numerous bruises.

In the USA it is considered the main attraction. Over the years, the popularity has only increased. The cost of the tour is $30.

photo of Niagara Falls

The largest and widest waterfall in the world - Victoria

The waterfall got its name in 1855, thanks to an explorer named David Livingston, who, having visited it, decided to name it in honor of Queen Victoria. The locals call it "Thundering Smoke". Victoria Falls is located in South Africa, on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Victoria is 108 meters high and 1800 meters wide(This is the largest and widest waterfall in the world).

During rain showers, Victoria turns into a continuous rain stream in which nothing is visible. During a drought, Victoria dries up considerably and its flow becomes slower. The waterfall is also a place for people who prefer extreme sports. Here you can do:

    bungee jump tied to the legs;

    fly over the canyon on a cable;

    sail on a boat along the rivers;

    make an excursion to the "Devil's Throat", etc.

The cost of excursions is $50.

photo of the largest waterfall in the world - Victoria

Iguazu Falls - 8 wonder of the world

It was discovered by the Spanish traveler Alvaro Caseso. In 1541, off the coast of Argentina and Brazil, he was looking for gold.

Iguazu is considered the eighth wonder of the world. Every hour they spew over 1 billion tons of water. Height - 82 meters, width of all cascades - 4000 m.

The name "Iguazu" means "Big Water" and this is completely true. They began to form about 250 million years ago and consist of 270 cascades. Most of the Iguazu Falls are located in Argentina. Excursions for tourists are arranged both from the Brazilian and from the Argentinean side. The cost of the tour is $30.

Photo: Iguazu Falls

Our beautiful planet impresses not only with the diversity of the animal world, but also with the beauty and grandeur of natural landscapes. For example, waterfalls, the contemplation of this grandiose spectacle remains in memory for a long time. From the loud rumble of a stream falling from a great height, it takes your breath away, and jets of crystal clear water play in the sun with bright highlights. Find out which waterfalls are considered the largest in the world.

The grandiose miracle of falling water is hidden behind the wall of the tropical forests of Venezuela, is under the protection of UNESCO. The discovery of the highest waterfall in the world happened by chance in 1935 during a government expedition searching for new ore deposits. Pilot James Angel, while flying around the jungle, was lucky enough to fly over the future landmark of the world, which has impressive characteristics:

  • the total height of the mighty giant is 986 meters;
  • a continuous fall of water occurs from a height of 807 m;
  • the volume of the falling mass is 300 cubic meters per second.

No less famous is the Teplui mountain range, from which huge flows of water lava erupt. This rock, called the Devil's Mountain, belongs to the type of flat peaks called mesas. The translation of the name of the giant "Angel" from the language of local residents (Pemon tribe) can be associated with the designation of the deepest place.

Interestingly, it is not so easy for tourists to admire the highest waterfall in the world. You can only get to the rock rising from the thickets of the wild jungle by air, since there are absolutely no roads in the dense tropical forest.

Handsome Tugela

The second highest waterfall in the world is the Tugela Cascade, located in South Africa in the Natal National Park. The beautiful attraction of the African south owes its name to the river of the same name, and the amazing beauty of the spectacle - five cascades of water falling down.

The main cascade of the most beautiful of the largest waterfalls in the world has the following parameters:

  • the total height of the water complex is 947 meters;
  • the maximum height of the main rapid is 411 meters;
  • the width of the water stream is 15 meters.

To view the cascade miracle, you will have to travel on foot, without turning off the main excursion trail, which can be reached by transport. The short way to the top and the descent from it will take 8-10 hours. But you can choose another trail that starts in the national park. During the ascent through the forest area to a height of seven kilometers, an opportunity opens up to admire an amazing creation of nature - the cliff of the Amphitheater cliff.

Lovely three sisters

Among the largest high-rise cascades in the world, the third position is given to the Three Sisters waterfall. An unusual water complex is located on the territory of the most picturesque area of ​​Peru. The cascade of streams was accidentally discovered by photographers who came to take a photo shoot of a completely different waterfall.

The uniqueness of the Three Sisters complex, surrounded by 30 meter trees, is in a three-tiered fall of water, which reflects the name of a water miracle with the following characteristics:

  • water falls from a height of 914 m;
  • the width of the water stream is 14 m.

It is better to admire a three-tiered creation of nature from the air, when a complete overview of all three separately located tiers opens up. The rapid flight of the two branches of the cascade from a dizzying height ends in the third section - a huge pool.

The third largest waterfall in the world is located in the Ochishi National Park (Ayacucho region). It is quite difficult for tourists to get to the magnificent spectacle, but scientists are actively exploring unique places, not forgetting the stunning photographs of the area.

Waterfalls: the most famous of the widest streams

Iguazu Falls Complex

Among the picturesque nature of the Iguazu National Park, on the territory of the border zone between Brazil and Argentina, the cascade of the world's most full-flowing Iguazu Falls stretches. In 1541, a Spanish conquistador, who set off in search of gold, was lucky enough to discover a large two-stage system of falling water mass.

The local Indians from the Guarani tribe call the water miracle of nature "Great Water". And this is quite consistent with the grandiose spectacle, when millions of tons of water fall down with a terrible roar, raising water dust up to many tens of meters. The complex of strongly seething streams surprises with the power of its size:

  • roaring lava falls from a maximum height of 80-82 meters;
  • the width of the water complex reaches 4 kilometers;
  • the volume of the overthrown mass of water is up to 6000 cubic meters per second.

It is assumed that the Iguazu Falls cascade was formed at least 20 thousand years ago, and its discoverer called the waterfall the Devil's Throat because of the horseshoe shape of a natural phenomenon. It is no coincidence that Iguazu is called the most full-flowing one; about 270 independent sections have been recorded in the kingdom of waterfalls. The championship in width and size belongs to the water stream, designated by the Spaniard as the Devil's Throat.

Tourists who want to admire the thundering monster can make their dream come true from the territory of each of the countries that own the most full-flowing element. Special platforms are equipped for viewing, where you can see other large waterfalls that are part of the Iguazu system, and the Devil's Throat appears in all its glory.

Falls in honor of the Queen - Victoria

The cascade complex of waterfalls, located on the expanses of the Zambezi River, belongs to two states - Zimbabwe and Zambia. A water attraction on the border of two African countries was opened by David Livingston, who in 1855 went to convert the natives to Christianity.

The researcher gave the waterfall the name of the reigning queen - Victoria. However, the natural cascade, the flow of which is shrouded in a mist of wet spray, is known to the locals as Thundering Smoke with the following parameters:

  • bubbling streams fall down from a height of 108 meters;
  • Victoria's water arms stretch for a width of 1800 meters.

Not at all times of the year, the waterfall amazes tourists with the overthrow of wet lava. If during the rainy season a large wall of water becomes solid, then during the dry season, the powerful streams of Victoria dry up and become less swift. In the vastness of the legendary river, tourists are offered to go in for extreme sports.

The thundering waters of Niagara Falls

To contemplate the majestic power of the falling jets, inspiring genuine fear because of the roar and fog, it is not necessary to storm the tropical thickets. It's easier to go to North America. There you can admire the most famous and hyped object in the world - Niagara Falls.

The name itself, translated from the dialect of local Indians, corresponds to rumbling water, since the element can be heard much earlier than seen. The location of the world-famous attraction is the Canadian province of Ontario, where the Niagara River gives tourists the contemplation of a water complex 53 meters high and 1200 meters wide, consisting of three large streams:

  • The American Falls is 323 m wide;
  • the width of the section called Horseshoe - 792 m;
  • Veil is the smallest and rather narrow stream.

Niagara Falls is rightfully called the most powerful stream in North America with a volume of falling water of more than 5700 cubic meters per second. The existence of the American miracle was told to the world by a traveling priest who discovered the falls in 1677.

The unusual color of the water of Niagara Falls surprises. It sparkles with a greenish tint due to the enrichment with salts. The falling stream raises clouds of foam, the reason for the brown color of which is in the clay soils at the foot of the complex.

The smallest wonder of nature is the Sarkyrama waterfall, located in the western part of Kazakhstan. Next to the forest, nature has erected a miniature water attraction only four meters high. It is not difficult for tourists to get to the complex, since a small settlement is located nearby.

Of all the beauties given to us by nature, waterfalls have the strongest attraction. They fascinate, sometimes frighten, but always delight. There are hundreds of them on the planet. There are high and small, wide and narrow, lonely and collected in one place, forming a unique landscape sculpture.

In the mountains of the Caucasus, in the Teberdinsky Reserve, the river Salynngan flows. In its gorges there is a unique valley called Thirty Falls. In a Japanese park, one hundred waterfalls crash into the Osugidani Valley. Norway is the world famous country of waterfalls. But small Lesotho, lost in the mountains of South Africa, is proud of its 3,000 waterfalls!

Most of the population of our planet believes that the largest waterfall is Niagara. And it won't be right. The largest is a very imprecise definition. Experts evaluate waterfalls by height, power of the water flow and width. Let's try to rank the waterfalls by their width in order to find out which of them is the largest.


The widest waterfall in the world is located on the border between Kampuchea and Laos. The Mekong, called the River of the Nine Dragons by the Vietnamese, is the largest river in Indochina. It starts from the sources on and with a roar carries its waters down through a deep gorge. Where the river comes out of it and floods the entire Cambodian plain, and there is the Kon (or Khon) waterfall.

Its basalt ridge stretched for almost 13 km. By the beginning of the 20th century, Iguazu was considered the widest waterfall in the world, until in 1920, researchers discovered a new waterfall in Southeast Asia, significantly exceeding Iguazu in width. This cascade of waterfalls was called Kon (or Khon). It is still the widest by world standards. The height of the waterfall is relatively small, but its rapids, cascades and plums make it the widest.

Not far from the waterfall, on a safe flat spot, the organizers set up a lot of tents with souvenirs and food outlets. There is even a dedicated photographer. Tourists say that the beauty of Kon gives peace and tranquility, and the locals awarded him with magical powers. It is believed that those who have seen the waterfall at least once received longevity as a gift. This cascade is the center of the national park. It is home to rare freshwater dolphins. Therefore, it is a carefully guarded national site.


Describing the widest waterfalls in the world, I would like to mention Seti-Kedas (another name is Guaira). It was located in South America, on It was considered the border of Paraguay and Brazil.

Its width was 4800 m. It was a beautiful cascade of waterfalls. Below him was Iguazu. The flow of water per minute was equal to almost three Niagara.

The history of the waterfall is quite interesting. Discovered by an unknown gold digger. It has not been documented for a long time. All this time, until the 80s of the last century, a mass of water fell from a height of 30 meters, raising bewitching columns of water dust. But on the site of the waterfall, it was decided to build a hydroelectric power station, the most powerful in the world. In two weeks, the reservoir was filled, the rocks interfering with the construction were blown up. The national park has ceased to exist.

But nature does not tolerate such unceremonious interference. The last group of tourists viewing the falls from the suspension bridge fell into the churning stream. All 82 tourists died.


The widest waterfall in the world is located in South America. Iguazu Falls is considered the eighth wonder of the world. It stretched along the border of Brazil and Argentina. Its name is translated from Guarani as "big water". The width of this cascade is more than 4000 meters (much more than Niagara Falls). In an hour, Iguazu dumps one billion tons of water mass. It appeared on the maps of South America in 1541, when it was discovered by another Brazilian gold digger.

After more than one decade, a European gold digger accidentally came to him and gave his name - Mary's Jump. The royal court did not react to this find. Therefore, for several centuries the most beautiful cascade remained in oblivion.

Iguazu fell into the category "The widest waterfalls in the world" only in the 19th century. Modern researchers claim that this is not a single waterfall, but 275 cascades. Over the centuries, they have formed a wall that looks like a horseshoe. The width of some slopes is almost 700 meters. Water dust forms countless rainbows that are visible even on moonlit nights. The national parks of both countries are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 2001 Iguazu was recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world.

For tourists, whose flow is growing year by year, bridges, bridges, cable cars were built so that you can observe the water element as close as possible.


What is the widest waterfall in the world? Victoria. It carries its waters in the southern part of the African continent, on the Zambezi River. It has a width of almost 1800 m. It is considered the largest in the world (but only thanks to a successful advertising campaign).

From the language of local tribes, the name of the waterfall is translated as "rumbling smoke". According to existing legend, Scottish explorer David Livingston was the first to discover the waterfall and gave it the name of the then-living Queen Victoria. Water splashes can be seen almost 40 km from it.

At its very top, the waterfall has a natural elevation, which turned out to be a natural reservoir, called the Devil's Font. Fearless tourists love to swim in it.


If you conduct a survey about what is the widest waterfall in the world, almost everyone will answer: Niagara. It is located in North America, one of its sleeves is in America, the second is in Canada. The width of its cascades is about 1200 m. There are only three of them: Veil, American Falls (USA territory) and Horseshoe (Canada territory).

Niagara Falls is considered the most beautiful and famous in the world. The water descends with such a roar that already a few kilometers away you can’t hear your own voice. There are legends that this is why the Indians called it "rumbling water" - Niagara.

Inga and Vermilio

Continuing to describe the widest waterfalls in the world, let's talk about Inga. It is located on the Congo River in the republic of the same name. The waterfall consists of a series of cascades and rapids, forming in some places the most beautiful islands. Its width is 900 meters.

There is a beautiful Vermilion in North America. The width of its cascades is 1829 m. It is located in Canada, near the Peace River.

Stanley and Mokona

What are the most beautiful and widest waterfalls in the world? Stanley and Mokona. Stanley, 1400 meters wide, occupies almost the entire Lualaba River. And Macona is a part in Argentina. This is a one of a kind large river waterfall. Its width is 2065 m.


Venezuela is famous for the Para waterfall, or, as the locals call it, Salto Para. Its width is 5608 m. It is located on the Kaura River, where its two parts converge. From above it looks like a crescent. It is surrounded by almost impenetrable green jungle.


These are not all the widest waterfalls in the world. Perhaps you can finish with the Gersoppa waterfall. It is located in India, on the Sharavati River. This river is famous for its four streams:

  • Rajoy. He is slow and unhurried.
  • bawler. He easily drags a large number of boulders along the channel among the rocks, creating a wild noise for many kilometers around.
  • Rocket. It is he who sets the speed of the flow of water of the entire waterfall.
  • Rani. It's a slow winding stream.

Cascades and descents of Gersoppa stretched for 472 meters. The locals consider the waterfall to be magical. He attracts tourists like a magnet. The water stream of Gersoppa from the top rushes down with lightning speed, in contrast to those already described.


Now you know which are the widest waterfalls in the world. Photos of the most famous are presented in the article. All of them are beautiful and interesting in their own way. We hope that this information was useful to you.

Since ancient times, waterfalls have delighted people. Powerful streams of water, fog and spray - this is a spectacular, impressive phenomenon. Entire resort towns have already been set up near some popular waterfalls to attract more tourists.

What is the largest and highest waterfall in the world?

Many people believe that Niagara Falls is the largest in the world, but this is not entirely true. There are still high waterfalls on Earth, which, in terms of the vertical length of the stream, outperform Niagara.


The first place is occupied by the large Angel Falls, whose height is 979 meters, located in Venezuela. The discovery took place in 1933 by pilot James Angel. A person can only get there by air or river. The height of the water fall is very high, so it is sprayed into small particles, turning into a mist. A person can encounter fog several hundred kilometers away.

The place is not only very beautiful, but also mysterious. It makes a strong impression on travelers.


The Tugela Falls are slightly inferior to Angel. It is amazing that it consists of five cascades. It is also very long, the height of Tugela is 948 meters. The localization of this attraction is South Africa. To get to this place, you need to walk. There are two routes, it takes at least six hours to overcome them. The adventure takes a lot of effort, so only the strongest and strongest travelers use the tour.

Three sisters

The third place in the ranking belongs to the attractions "Three Sisters". Location - Peru. The name is derived from three tiers of water. Its height is 914 meters. This place is surrounded on all sides by forest, so it is very difficult to get to it. Not all tourists decide on this adventure, so few people know about this attraction.

What is the widest drop in water called?

Usually, experts estimate the power of the water flow of the waterfall, its height and width. Next, consider the most attractive waterfalls in width.


The widest waterfall is Khon. It is located on the Mekong River. This is the border between two states: Kampuchea and Laos. Water passes through a deep gorge, at the exit the river floods a huge plain, forming an incredibly wide waterfall. Granite ledge in the riverbed stretched for 12 kilometers. The sight of this phenomenon fascinates, causes peace and tranquility. Travelers are very fond of this attraction.


In South America, there is an equally impressive waterfall - Guaira. Its width is 4800 meters. Localization - the border of Paraguay and. The waterfall was flooded during the construction of the reservoir. A powerful stream of water is still in this place.

The authorities are trying to restore the attraction, but managing so much water is almost impossible.


Victoria Falls is also incredibly wide. Width - 1800 meters. The attraction was named after the queen in the middle of the nineteenth century. It is located in South Africa.

When the rainy season comes, this place turns into rain stream, there is fog, so it’s impossible to see the waterfall. People who love extreme sports come here. This place is very popular, excursions are regularly made.

Full-flowing arteries - photo

A huge stream of water rushes down, this sight cannot but surprise. The largest water flows on our planet pass through the Iguazu Falls and Niagara Falls.


First up is the Iguazu Falls. It is located on the border between Brazil and Argentina. The status of the most full-flowing Iguazu Falls was not accidental. It does not consist of one waterfall, but of several. This is real kingdom of waterfalls, there are 270 of them in total.

Brazil and Argentina attract travelers from all over the world. According to researchers, the Iguazu River erupts on average 1700 cubic meters of water per second. Near such power, people often feel fear. However, its popularity is not decreasing.


Well-known Niagara Falls is also incredibly full. It is located between and Canada. In fact, this is not one waterfall, as many people believe, but several at once. The place fascinates tourists and attracts people from all over the world.

There is so much water in this place that hydroelectric power plants have been built under the waterfall, whose total capacity can reach 4.4 gigawatts.

Little miracle of nature

The smallest waterfall in the world Sarkyram. Its location is Western Kazakhstan. Attraction features:

  • Located near woodland;
  • Water drop height does not exceed 4 meters;
  • Until 2008 called Red Falls.

The waterfall is located next to a small settlement, so there are often tourists at its foot, it is not difficult to get to it.

There are many amazing places on the planet. Waterfalls have always attracted people. Their greatness and strength are frightening, but at the same time fascinate. It will take a long time, but these sights will not lose their grandeur. More and more people are interested in excursions to such places.

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