Arizona is a state of fabulous landscapes. Open left menu Arizona State of Arizona

Arizona became part of the United States in 1912 and became the 48th state in that country. At the moment, the state has a relatively low population density and a semi-arid climate with warm winters and hot summers. It would seem that an unremarkable state in North America, however, this territory is replete with various natural attractions, and ending with a meteorite crater.

It is in this state that you can see the very Wild West, as it is depicted in many films and books - with canyons, Indians and cowboys. Unfortunately, many tourists from other countries do not know what is the best place to visit in Arizona.

Much of Arizona is desert. However, the deserts of this state are unlike the usual in our imagination, with a scorching sun and endless sand dunes. In addition to the fact that the Colored Desert does not have large reserves of sand, its relief consists of small hills and mountains painted in different colors. The relief of the area is really colored, it is a mixture of red, white, green and ocher. All this colorful area stretches from the Grand Canyon to Northern Arizona National Park along one of the small tributaries of the Colorado River.

The colorful desert has won the love of tourists and locals with its incredibly beautiful sunsets. When the sun begins to set below the horizon, then its rays are reflected from the red and golden peaks of the mountains and hills of the desert, thereby creating an imitation that the relief is on fire.

In addition to its natural beauty, the Colored Desert boasts a convenient tourist infrastructure. Especially for tourists, a small town in the style of the Wild West was built here and a themed Indian settlement was erected. We also did not forget about the numerous paths for cyclists, pedestrians, motorists, hotels, places for parking trailers and tents, excursions to the most beautiful places in the desert.

This area owes its colors to the fact that on its territory there was previously a forest and a large system of rivers and swamps, which eventually began to dry up and die out. Ultimately, the decayed remains of animals and plants began to be deposited in the soil. Some time later, under the influence of drought and the crystallization of some sediments from the once flourishing area, the soil hardened and became similar to what we can see now. About five to seven centuries ago, the ancient peoples of pre-Columbian America came here, who were forced out by the Europeans who arrived in this region two centuries later.

Lake Powell

Since the newly formed Lake Powell was on the border between Arizona and Utah, it got its name in honor of the famous US Civil War veteran, John Wesley Powell.

As mentioned above, Lake Powell was formed thanks to man, as well as the Rainbow Bridge. All these majestic and attractive tourist sites are in close proximity to each other, which makes it easier for visitors to visit these places. On Lake Powell, everyone will find something to their liking.

Here you can relax on the beach, admire nature, ride water skis, water scooters or on a real yacht, do some fishing, wander around the picturesque surroundings and go diving. Diving in these places has become very popular due to the fact that at a depth of 10–25 meters the remains of a small working settlement where the dam builders lived are still preserved.

If for some reason you get tired of relaxing on Lake Powell, then you can always visit the Rainbow Bridge and even jump from it on a cable from a height of 200 meters. If you are not a fan of extreme sports, you can just enjoy the views from the bridge, walk along Glen Canyon or do a little rafting on the Colorado River.

papago park

Another incredibly beautiful natural attraction in Arizona is Papago Park. This natural park is located near the Sonoran Desert, approximately 10-15 minutes drive from the city of Phoenix. During a severe drought, the reserve becomes the only source of water for the plants closest to it, since it is something like an oasis near the desert.

Papago Park in Arizona

Many tourists are attracted by the extraordinary beauty of the park, which it owes to its water source and bizarre sandy hills, which, during the heat decline, are overgrown with small desert vegetation.

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What can you do while visiting Papago Park? As a rule, Americans living nearby visit the park for walks and sports. There are well-equipped walking paths for pedestrians and cyclists. If during the walk you were overtaken by the scorching sun, then you can hide from it in the nearest gazebo. There are drink vending machines near the pavilions, so you can easily quench your thirst for a couple of bucks. If you are tired of walking along the paths, then sandstones are at your service, which anyone can climb, it takes many tourists for two hours.

Gazebo in Papago Park

When you get tired of walking in the park, then do not forget that there is the Sonoran Desert nearby, which anyone can visit during the heat decline. Americans mostly travel through the desert with their families on pre-rented trailers, but if you are in America for the first time, then it is best to join a group of the same tourists with an experienced guide. It is advisable to do what your guides say, otherwise you risk getting a negative impression of your holiday. When traveling through the desert, do not forget to be careful yourself and in no case fight off your group.

Havasu waterfall

The state of Arizona is almost completely covered by the desert and its main attractions are beautiful canyons, a meteorite crater and an airplane graveyard. However, on the territory of the almost completely dry Grand Canyon, the turquoise Havasu waterfall is located, which amazes all tourists who have seen it with its incredible and unnatural beauty for these places. This object can be seen on many tourist packages to Arizona and the Grand Canyon, but, unfortunately, few visitors can see it.

The main obstacle on the way for tourists to the Havasu waterfall is its inaccessibility. Due to the fact that until now, for some reason, a normal road has not been made to this place, part of the path to it will have to be walked. The walk will take you from one to three days. If one dares to arrange such a long journey, then he will need a knowledgeable guide, who is not cheap and not so easy to find. Provided that you have enough money to rent a helicopter, your way to your destination will be much easier.

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Tanya Marchant and Masha Denezhkina

History of Arizona

part 1

First inhabitants

The first human settlements in Arizona appeared as early as 12 thousand years BC.

Archaeological excavations prove this, scientists suggest that the first settlers of these lands were engaged in hunting and gathering plants. They used stone tools, built temporary dwellings for themselves.

About 2,000 years ago, the people archaeologists named Anasazi, inhabited the northwestern plateau of Arizona. Because they led a nomadic lifestyle, the Anasazi lived in large, many-roomed caves and built "kiva" (kiva) - round structures that were used for ritual ceremonies.

In the mountains of eastern Arizona lived people, nationalities Mogollon(Mogollon). Their culture was based on the traditions of the peoples who inhabited both the plateau and the desert.

In central Arizona, a tribe lived in a river valley hohokam(Hohokam). They grew corn and, for the needs of their agriculture, invented an irrigation system that irrigated their fields with river water.

On the Arizona Plateau, the Anasazi people also knew how to grow corn, and in addition to it cultivated other grains and cereals, as well as cotton. However, people from the plateau knew nothing about irrigation systems and used rainwater for their crops.

From 700 (BC) to 1100 (AD), these people reached a very high level of craft and agricultural culture. They were engaged in construction, production of ceramics, weaving.

The heyday of the culture of the Hohokam and Anasazi peoples falls on the times from 1100 - 1300. The largest, multi-room cave houses in the rocks were built by the people of these tribes during this period of time.

In the 13th century, the drought that broke out exhausted all the reserves accumulated by the tribes. And after 1300, the population of the peoples living on the plateau decreased sharply. When the Spaniards arrived in the 16th century, they found people from these two great tribes spread widely throughout Arizona. And only the nomadic peoples of the Navajo (Navajo) and Apache (Apache), who migrated to these lands shortly before the arrival of the Spaniards, remained whole, tribes not scattered around the world.

Spanish explorers

The first strangers that the Indians of Arizona saw on their lands, apparently, were soldiers of the Spanish expedition under the command of Cabeza de Vaca, who were shipwrecked in 1528.

This detachment also included a certain Estevanico, a Moroccan slave. After the attacks of the native Indians and diseases, only he, two soldiers and the commander himself, Cabeza de Vaca, survived from the entire numerous expedition.

De Vaca led his detachment along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with the goal of returning to Mexico City. During this eight-year journey, de Vaca and Estevanico became friends with many native Indians, who told them about the amazingly wealthy kingdom called the Seven Cities of Cnbola.

Cabeza de Vaca, if possible, wrote down these stories and, upon his return, reported on the rich state to his overlord, the Viceroy of New Spain. He was extremely interested in this information.

In 1539, the Moroccan Estevanico had to rediscover the lands of Arizona now - as a conductor of a small detachment under the command of Friar Marcos de Niza, whose expedition had a specific goal: to find the legendary Seven Cities. And although de Niza did not find any wealth, he still reported that he had seen one of the seven legendary cities. On this expedition, in the lands of western New Mexico, Estefanico was killed by a certain Zuci Pueblos.

And on February 23, 1540, a detachment of 300 Spanish soldiers and native Indians, under the command of the conquistador Francisco de Coronado, began to explore the western highlands of the Sierra Madre (Sierra Madre), located in the north of the modern border of the state of Arizona. In the northeast, he found only one village in which he met the same Zuki Pueblos, however, he did not find any wealth.

As a result of this trip, Europeans saw the Grand Canyon for the first time, discovered the Colorado River, and also, on the way to the Gulf of California, discovered the cactus valley, which is now a famous tourist site and the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

Spanish conquest from New Mexico

In 1581, a company of missionaries and soldiers from Santa Barbara set off on an exploratory expedition to the lands of the modern state of New Mexico, in order to find the village of Pueblo, which was once founded by Zooky Pueblos.

After exploring vast areas of new lands, the company's soldiers returned to Spanish Mexico, while the missionaries remained. In 1582, an expedition under the command of Antonio de Espejo was sent north to find the missionaries and learn about their fate. After Espejo learned that all the missionaries had been killed, his detachment returned to Santa Barbara, doing geological research on the way back. Espejo's squad was lucky: they found a silver vein, and this find again aroused interest in new territories.

In 1595, Juan de Ocate, born in the lands of Spanish Mexico (a relative of the conquistador Fernand Cortes), went to these places, who, after the victory of the Spaniards over the Aztec leader Montezuma II, was appointed governor of this region.

His expedition returned in 1598. All the lands that he explored on his journey, Ocate declared the territories of Spain included in the possession of New Mexico. The Spaniards founded a colony in the region of the Rio Grande and Rio Charma, which they called San Juan.

Thus, establishing control over the western territories of Arizona. Okate sent an additional expedition under the command of Marcos Farfon to the area of ​​the silver deposit discovered by de Espejo. Farfon founded the first mine on the site of the found silver source.

Spanish settlements

It must be said right away that the Spaniards did little to develop Arizona. For them, it was an arid, barren land, remote from the central government in Mexico, and not promising much wealth. But the Spaniards were forced to increase their influence in these lands when the southwestern United States began to be settled.

The Spaniards founded two types of colonies: representations - military posts and missionaries - church settlements, whose tasks were to convert the natives to the Catholic faith and teach them all the achievements of Spanish civilization.

In 1629, Franciscan friars built a mission at Awatovy, in northern Arizona, to convert the Hopi people to the Catholic faith. But the Hopi were outraged by the attempts of the Franciscans to destroy their faith and in 1633 (most likely) poisoned the monks.

When in 1680 in the city of Pueblo (New Mexico) there was an uprising of local residents - the Apache Indians - the Hopi Indians, taking advantage of the situation, killed all the missionaries in northern Arizona. In 1700 the missionaries returned to Avatovi again. But the local Hopi destroyed their settlement. All subsequent efforts to convert the Hopi to the Catholic faith were a complete failure.

Success contributed to the missionaries only in southern Arizona, where in 1692 the missionary work of the Jesuit order was organized under the leadership of Eusebio Kino.

Born in Italy, the Jesuit Kino until his death in 1711 organized missionary work in the southern lands of Arizona, where the peoples of the Yaqui, Pima and Yuma tribes lived.

In addition, for 30 years Kino created a detailed map of these lands. One of his maps was the first to show that Bahia California was not an island, but a spit. Cinema maps have been the absolute geographical standard for nearly a century.

Spanish colonists slowly advanced into Arizona and in 1752, after a year of fighting native Indians and migrating Apache tribes, the Spaniards established the Tubac office. It was the first temporary European settlement in Arizona. After 25 years, Spain moved its mission north to Tucson, near the San Xavier del Bac mission.

Mexican rule

During the Mexican struggle for independence from Spain (between 1810 and 1821), Spain was unable to maintain military control over the lands of Arizona. Taking advantage of this situation, the local Indians attacked and destroyed all the missions and settlements, with the exception of Tubac and Tucson.

In 1824, Arizona switched from Spanish to Mexican rule. The surviving missionary lands were redistributed among the Mexican colonists, but the very rule of this region changed very little.

During these times, trappers and traders (moving in small groups of colonists) from the United States began to move into the interior of Arizona. Perhaps the first American to discover Arizona at the end of 1825 was James Ohio Pattie. Following him, Kit Carson, Michael Robidoux and others came to these lands in early 1826.

The number of colonists from the United States grew rapidly, and as the number of merchants grew along with it, very soon Mexico faced the problem of coexistence and the development of further relations between the two countries - Mexico and the United States.

Development by the United States

The annexation of Texas in 1845 to the United States stimulated the interests of the United States in all the lands of the southwest and California, including Arizona.

After US troops reached the mouth of the Rio Grande, Mexico considered these actions a provocation, and in 1846 US President James K. Polk officially declared war on Mexico. In the same 1846, a battalion of Mormons (Mormons) (parishioners of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) took part in the battle for California and, with the support of the Mexicans, was the first to hoist the American flag over the city of Tucson.

In 1848, the Mexican War (Mexican War) was ended by a formal Treaty with the edalgo of Guadalupe, according to which the lands of New Mexico passed to the United States. Under the same treaty, all the lands of Arizona north of the Gila River also departed to the United States. Thousands of Americans flocked to the south of the Gila River along the Great Way of the Gold Rush, which broke out on the shores of California in 1848, when gold was found there.

And in 1853, American possessions in Arizona expanded even further, as the United States bought from Mexico 76,735 square kilometers of area south of the banks of the Gila River.

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Arizona is the 48th state of the United States of America, which became part of the country in 1912. For centuries, this part of the North American continent has been inhabited by the Mogollon, Hohokam, Pueblo, and Navajo Indian tribes. Europeans appeared in Arizona only in the late 1520s, starting the colonization of the southwestern region of the mainland.

The state is an ideal place for travel, tourism and outdoor activities. Arizona has a huge number of different attractions and monuments. These are unique objects of nature, famous monuments of history, culture and architecture, engineering masterpieces. Millions of tourists from all over the country and guests from other continents seek to see the Grand Canyon or Barringer Crater every year.

Another name is the Grand or Grand Canyon. It was created by the waters of the Colorado River, which flowed through the gorge of the same name. The streams of a powerful river have carved its walls for millions of years, giving the stones bizarre, unique shapes.

The length of the canyon is 450 km, the width on the plateau reaches 29 km. At the bottom, the canyon narrows to 1 kilometer. The depth of this unique natural object is 1.8 km. The Grand Canyon is part of the national park of the same name, created by the government in 1919.

On the territory of the park there is also the observation deck of the Grand Canyon SkyWalk, famous throughout the state and the country. The structure is located on a rock, which allows you to view the canyon, caves, sheer walls.

The site has the shape of a horseshoe, protrudes 20 meters above the canyon. The surface on which visitors step is covered with glass. To enter the site, you need to rent special shoes.

Located in the north of the state, it is distinguished by the beauty of rocks and rocks. Once here, tourists feel an unreal, cosmic atmosphere, admire the unique landscapes. The canyon was shaped by rain and wind. It got its name due to the unique color of the walls, which have a red-brown tint, like the skin of an antelope.

The canyon is divided into two parts - Upper and Lower. You can see both parts, but the Lower Antelope Canyon or Corkscrew can only be seen accompanied by an Indian guide. This is due to the fact that this part of the facility is located on the Navajo Indian Reservation.

It has the status of a national park and is called Petrified Forest, located in eastern Arizona. The total area of ​​the park is 380 km2. The name "Petrified Forest" comes from the fact that there are many trees and other fossils in the protected area. Most of them are 200 million years old. In the north of the park there is a desert called the Painted or Colored. It stretches to the Grand Canyon.

This is the first crater in the world, whose cosmic (meteorite) origin has been proven and substantiated scientifically. I did it at the beginning of the 20th century. geologist D. Barringer. The crater is located in the very center of the state, near the city of Flattaff.

The size of the crater is amazing. Its diameter is 1.2 thousand meters, the depth reaches 170 m. The age is 50 thousand years. In 1967, the crater was listed as a U.S. National Natural Landmark.

The location of the institution is the city of Phoenix, the capital of the state of Arizona. In the museum, when compiling the collection, the emphasis was on collecting and preserving objects of culture, everyday life, and works of art that belonged to the Indians. The exhibition includes paintings, photos, sculptures, Hopi dolls, jewelry.

In addition, all visitors have the opportunity to take part in master classes that provide training in weaving, weaving, and pottery.

Location: 2301-N Central Ave.

Located near the city of Camp Verde. The building, built in the 12th century, i.e. long before the birth of the ruler Montezuma II. The castle belonged to the Sinagua Indians, who built a five-story residential complex in the mountains. It got its current name after the American continent became the site of European colonization.

Location: Montezuma Castle Road.

Included in the list of national monuments of the country, being on the territory of the Navajo tribes. This is the northeastern region of the state. For more than 5 thousand years, representatives of the Navajo Indians have been looking for shelter and refuge here. Tours of the canyon are conducted only by the Indians; you can visit the tour called the White House Trail on your own. There are many historical sites on the territory of the canyon, the most famous of which is the Navajo fortress.

On the border of two states - Arizona and Nevada - in the late 1920s - early 1930s. a dam was built. The order for its construction was given by US President G. Hoover, who led the country during the Great Depression. This miracle of engineering was created to control the flow of water, to produce electricity.

Scorpion Gorge is located in Southern Montana Park, near Phoenix. It was created by human hands, and is considered a mysterious place throughout the state. The gorge was created in 1936 by an ordinary American, W. Lunsford, who began to carry stones to his own land. This is how the Scorpion Gorge appeared, the complex of which includes a house and a shop.

A state park located in downtown Phoenix. Covers an area of 222 acres, where golf courses, basketball, tennis, picnics, family recreation, entertainment are located. In particular, here you can go kayaking, canoeing, fishing, watching ducks. Also on the territory of Escanto Park there are lagoons, a beautiful amphitheater, children's attractions.

In the late 1960s American R. McCulloch came to London and bought an old bridge for $ 2.5 million, which was intended for demolition due to old age. He ordered the bridge to be dismantled and transported to the States. The transportation of blocks took more than three years. Stone blocks were used to line the reinforced concrete bridge that connected the two banks of the Lake Havasu City Canal.

Tucson base stores a huge amount of aircraft. To date, the number of aircraft and other equipment is 4 thousand. These are fighters, and bombers, and aircraft that have not entered service, and helicopters, and ballistic missiles.

Many planes have already "flyed off", but some models are still in use. Excellent climatic conditions have been created at the base, which do not allow aircraft and equipment to deteriorate. There is a museum at the base, where visitors are introduced to the history of US aviation and aircraft models.

This is a huge railroad park located in the heart of the city of Scottsdale. McCormick Stillman was created for the entertainment of adults and children who are happy to ride the train. He walks on the railroad, which is a miniature replica of the Pacific Railroad.

The territory of the park is covered with greenery, numerous attractions and carousels are placed in different corners. On 100 acres of land, models of locomotives, trains, locomotives were installed, and a railway was laid.

Location: 7301-E Indian Bend Road.

The gem of the Grand Canyon is the Havasu Falls. This unique natural monument has several cascades from which streams of water fall. Tourists are amazed by the unusual bright green emerald color of the water.

The bed of the Havasu waterfall used to have a different structure, which is why the width of the reservoir was 70 meters. Under the influence of floods, the course changed, and the waterfall became somewhat "narrower". At the foot of the waterfall, streams of water formed a beautiful lake with clean, cool water.

The reservoir was artificially created in 1956, when a dam was erected in the Glen Canyon. She blocked the Colorado River, which caused the formation of a reservoir lake.

On all sides the lake is surrounded by rocks created by sandstone. This is one of the many recreational areas in the United States where tourists come to rejuvenate through outdoor activities.

A beautiful cave created by nature itself in Palago Park. This is the border of the cities of Phoenix and Tempe. According to its structure, the Hol in Rock cave consists of several holes, which in shape form the entrance to the "bowl".

This is a chamber that is located inside the hill, and at its peak there is another entrance. The hill is made of sandstone, blown by winds for many millions of years, amenable to erosive processes, washed away by water and rain. Historians argue about why a hole was made in the top of the hill. It is believed that this was a primitive observatory for observing the sun.

It was founded in the capital of the state - the city of Phoenix. The garden has an area of ​​59 hectares, on which a huge number of various plant species grow. The total number of species is 20 thousand, and is constantly increasing.

The central place is given to cacti, of which there are more than 1350 species in the garden. Round cacti are recognized as the most beautiful species. In spring, the cacti bloom, and then the garden turns into the most beautiful place in the state.

Its founders in the 17th century were representatives of different confessions and religions, which was reflected in the architecture of the building. This is the oldest church in the state. Construction in the early 1690s initiated by the Jesuit, and completed the construction of the Spaniards, Mexicans and ministers of the Franciscan order.

The interior of the church has been completely preserved. Inside are sculptures that were brought from Mexico. Architects from this country also designed the interior of the church. She has a museum, a school of nuns, founded in 1872.

Location: 1950-W San Xavier Road.

The area of ​​the desert is 320 thousand kilometers, which covers Arizona, California, southeastern regions of Mexico. The Saguaro National Park is located on the territory of the desert, covering several deserts - Lechugilla, Yuma and Colorado.

The climate is arid, but the desert is not all covered with sand. Therefore, there are more than 60 species of animals, 100 species of birds. Among the large animals, jaguars are worth noting. The largest plants are Saguaro cacti. Also on the territory of Sonara is the capital of the state, the city of Phoenix, and several large cities - Palm Desert Palm Springs.

Those wishing to see the Grand Canyon with their own eyes should go straight to Arizona. It is famous for its natural beauty and hot climate. At any time of the year, tourists will find interesting sights and unusual places here.

On February 14, 1912, Arizona became the 48th state in the United States. With an area of ​​295,254 km2, the state ranks 6th in the nation. It is home to over 6 million Americans of various ethnic origins. The largest city and capital at the same time is Phoenix. Its population is almost 1.5 million people.

The indigenous inhabitants of the state of Arizona are the Indians of several large tribes: Hohokam, Anasazi, Mogollon, etc. For the first time, Europeans entered these lands as early as 1528. But due to the fact that Arizona was not rich in minerals, this territory was not cultivated and not settled by Europeans. Since the 16th century, the future state was a colony of Spain, but for a long time its only inhabitants were Indians. In 1821, Arizona passed into the possession of Mexico, which gained independence. And 32 years later, the United States bought it.

Features of geography and climate

Arizona has a very diverse topography, represented by mountains, plateaus, forests and deserts. The state is landlocked, but the Colorado River and its Grand Canyon are world famous. Arizona is one of the corner states of the United States and, in addition to other territories belonging to America, borders on Mexico.

A large area causes a variety of climates in different parts of Arizona. In the southwestern region, there are predominantly warm winters and hot spring-summer months. In the northern regions, the climate is completely different: it is quite cold here in winter, snow can fall, in summer the climate is mild, characterized by a large amount of precipitation.

Population and religion

Most of the population of Arizona has Mexican roots. This is due to the proximity of Mexico and the fact that it once belonged to these territories. This is followed by representatives of Germany, Ireland and England.

As in most US states, Christianity is widespread here, divided in several directions. Catholics predominate. A fairly large percentage (17%) are atheists and representatives of other faiths (there are as many as 25% here).

Features of the economy

The economy of Arizona is developed at a high level and ranks 21st in the United States. The most important branches:

  • Copper mining (first place in the country)
  • mining industry
  • Agriculture (Arizona is famous for growing cotton, cauliflower, citrus fruits)
  • Tourism (Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular attractions in the United States)

In recent years, the industry has been actively developing here. There were factories for the manufacture of components for computers. Aerospace production is on the rise.

Major educational institutions

Arizona State University is rightfully considered the largest in America. It is interesting that initially it had the status of a school, then a college. And only in 1958 it received the status of a university as a result of a popular vote - the only precedent in US history. Known for its research focus and major scientific projects.

Second place goes to the University of Arizona. He has great achievements in the field of astrophysics and astronomy. It has more than one observatory in Arizona.

The most interesting sights

Tourists from all over the world seek to get to Arizona to see:

grand canyon, considered one of the 7 natural wonders of the world (its depth is 1800 m)

Characterized by an unusual wavy relief

Crater from a giant meteorite

– National park with a large number of fossils from different historical periods

An observation tower that allows you to admire the eastern part of the Grand Canyon from a height of four floors

In addition, Arizona has several national parks, large observatories, and unusual architectural structures of different years.

Watch the video about our trip to the Grand Canyon:

Arizona is a state located in the southwestern United States of America. It borders New Mexico to the east, California to the west, Mexico to the south, and Colorado to the northeast. Area 295,254 km². The state capital is Phoenix. Major cities: Mesa and Tucson. In 2011, the population was 6,482,505 (16th largest). The territory is divided into 15 counties. On February 14, 1912, Arizona became the 48th state of the United States.

State Attractions

On the territory of the state is one of the wonders of the world - the Grand Canyon. This is one of the deepest (up to 1800 meters) canyons in the world, formed by the Colorado River. The walls of the canyon are huge columns and pyramids, painted in various colors - a truly majestic and fantastic sight. Weather conditions, flora and fauna here depend on the depth.

Petrified Forest National Park, where the remains of prehistoric trees are stored. These trees are over two hundred million years old. In the northern part of the park is the Painted Desert. About one and a half hundred square miles of land are colored in different colors due to the presence of minerals in the soil.

Monument Valley is another popular tourist destination in Arizona. These are giant rocks of various bizarre shapes sticking out of the ground.

Geography and climate

The state has a large forest of yellow pine, a large area falls on plateaus, mountains and deserts. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is located in northern Arizona. To the southwest in the Sonoran Desert are the cities of Tucson, Yuma, and Phoenix. Since it is rainy for two seasons a year, the flora and fauna of these places is quite diverse. The Mojave, Chihuahua, and Colored Deserts are also located here. Almost the entire territory of the state is located in the basin of the large Colorado River. Due to the specifics of the terrain, the climate in each region is significantly different. In the lowlands, the climate is desert, with hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature in the autumn-spring period is 16°C. The amount of precipitation is also related to the position, terrain. The southeastern part of the state receives more rainfall than the southwestern side.

There is a plateau in the north of the state. The area is characterized by mild summers and cold winters. The temperature can drop below -18°C.


Arizona ranks first in the country in copper mining. 2/3 of the country's copper is mined here. A large deposit is San Manuel. The copper-colored star on the Arizona flag symbolizes the abundance of copper reserves. Here they also breed cattle, produce dairy products, grow cotton and vegetables. Most of the major industrial plants are located in Phoenix and Tucson. There are large enterprises for the production of guided missiles, aviation devices, semiconductors, computer equipment, and optics. In the deserts of Arizona, many military air bases are deployed. Alcor, one of the largest cryogenic firms, operates in the state. A large amount of sawn timber (mainly softwood) is produced.

Population and religion

Ethnic composition: White - 73%, African American - 4.1%, Native Americans - 4.6%, Asians - 2.8%, Oceanians and Hawaiians - 0.2%, representatives of other races - 11.9% and 3, 4% representatives of 2 races or more (2010). According to 2009 data, 27.4% of the population have Mexican roots, 16% German, 10.8% Irish, 10.1% English, 4.6% Italian. Arizona ranks first among other states in terms of the number of residents who speak Indian languages. About 8% of the population are illegal immigrants. Religious composition: 29% of the population are Catholics, 17% of the inhabitants do not profess any religion, 10% are Evangelical Christians, 8% are Baptists, 6% are Mormons, 5% are Methodists, 25% are adherents of other religions.

Do you know...

The Grand Canyon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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