“The main passenger”: the body of a girl was found, whose photo became a symbol of the plane crash. Main passenger Dasha main passenger

Information about those killed in a plane crash over Egypt appears on the Internet. The ill-fated flight collected dozens of beautiful love stories and amazing human destinies.

Darina looks at the runway, reports TK "Russia 24". Small hands, fingers spread, pressed against the glass. “The main passenger,” Tatyana’s mother tenderly captions the photo of her daughter. This will be the first flight in her life. On October 15, the Gromov family left for Egypt from Pulkovo Airport. Alexey and Tanya got married a year ago - in July they celebrated a “calico” wedding. They stayed in Sharm el-Sheikh for two weeks and celebrated Darina’s 10th month. Her photograph has already become a symbol of this tragedy.

There were 25 children on board the Kogalymavia plane, including Nastya Sheina. She turned 3 years old in March. For her parents, this trip to the sea was special. Among an Arabian fairy tale, in a popular tourist city, under the scorching sun even at this time of year, Yuri and Olga celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary and ten years since they met.

Little Nastya never left her parents for a second. The photographs show her fooling around with her mom on a sun lounger near the pool, posing with her dad near the clumsy inscription “Egypt 2015” made by hand in the sand. On October 31 at 6:40 am Olga Sheina will write on her Internet page: “We are flying home.” And she will post a photo of her husband with Nastya in his arms. In 11 minutes the plane will take off, and these frames will be the last published.

It so happened that this particular flight collected dozens of incredible and touching love stories on board. The deputy head of Pskov, Alexander Kopylov, was a widower. His meeting with Elena Melnikova completely changed his life. She helped him get over his loss. Colleagues and acquaintances noticed: when the couple was together, their eyes shone with happiness. He promised to take her to the sea and kept his promise. When it became known today that the couple was on the list of dead, no one could believe this news.

“I couldn’t believe it. And when the information was confirmed, it was a shock. He wanted to give a gift to his wife Lena Mikhailovna, who had a birthday three days ago,” says Ivan Tsetsersky, the head of Pskov.

Love also predetermined the trip for the Rodin family. Elena and Alexander went to celebrate their first wedding anniversary on the golden beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh. Three years ago, Lena vacationed in Egypt with her parents, but this year she decided to return here with her beloved man. Tomorrow was the girl's birthday.

A citizen of Belarus was rewarded at work with a trip to an Egyptian resort. Relatives say this was his first flight.

Most of the plane's passengers were St. Petersburg residents. But residents of the Leningrad, Novgorod and Tambov regions, Altai Territory, Karelia, as well as Pskov, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, and Tyumen also flew on board. Relatives of the victims are now traveling to St. Petersburg, where identification will take place.

Relatives of the victims have been gathering at Pulkovo Airport since the morning. They are confused and seem to not fully believe what happened.

“I came here, entered the airport. I went up to the counter and asked if there were still flights to Sharm el-Sheikh, they told me that only in the evening. That’s it,” says a relative of one of the victims.

Children and parents, brothers and sisters, friends and work colleagues were expected here. Irina came to meet her friends. At the beginning of the week they were basking in the sun together. She was supposed to fly on the same flight, but her husband persuaded her to return home a few days earlier. Yulia Kazantseva managed to avoid tragedy in the same way.

Psychologists are now working with loved ones of passengers on the Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg flight.

Along with the passengers, there were also seven crew members on board: two pilots and five flight attendants. Colleagues spoke of them as responsible and efficient workers. The captain of the aircraft was Valery Nemov, who had more than 12 thousand flight hours to his credit. Kogalymavia denies his possible guilt in the crash of the airliner.

“This person is certainly experienced, certainly respected, certainly a very honored pilot. We have no reason to assume that this was some kind of mistake on the part of the air crew,” said Oksana Golovina, a partner at THC.

At the moment, 150 bodies have already been pulled out of the rubble. Some of them have already been sent to Cairo to the city morgue. A special plane from the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to Egypt. Russian rescuers will also take part in the operation at the crash site.


There were 224 people on board the Russian plane that crashed over the Sinai Peninsula. Mostly St. Petersburg residents. Many happy couples, families with children. Behind every name on the passenger list is a whole life with its history, unfulfilled plans and dreams. Relatives and friends of the victims spoke about what they were like. Those who flew away to relax at sea and will never return.

"Chief Passenger"

Darina Gromova became one of the symbols of this tragedy. The girl was only 10 months old - she was the smallest passenger on the crashed plane. On October 15, Darina’s mother, Tatyana Gromova, took a photograph of her daughter at Pulkovo Airport, posted the picture on her VKontakte page and signed it “Main Passenger.” Two weeks later, this photo spread around the world - a girl looking at airplanes - like an angel before her last flight.

— Tanya and Lesha both worked in our company (the company organizes large exhibitions and fairs. — Ed.). That’s where they met, started dating, and got married last summer,” recalls Gromov’s colleague. - Good, kind guys who loved each other. Lesha was a technical specialist in the IT department. Tanya is a very persistent and capable girl, despite her young age; in just a few years she has gone from a simple manager to a project manager for organizing a major forum. She was very active, flexible, did gymnastics as a child, and played tennis before her marriage.

When Tatyana had to go on maternity leave and then sit at home with her little daughter, she, of course, lacked adventure and movement, she rushed to the office and constantly asked her colleagues how they were doing.

“As part of her work, Tanya traveled and flew a lot; she was constantly sent on business trips, including long-distance ones,” the colleague recalled.

So airplanes were her usual way of moving around the world. And she was especially looking forward to this trip to Egypt - she wanted to escape from cold St. Petersburg and bathe her daughter in the sea for the first time. Darina’s grandmother was worried that the girl was too young for long-distance flights and offered to look after her while Tanya and Lesha were vacationing in Egypt. But the parents did not want to part with their “main passenger” for a long time.

"We're flying home!"

Another photo that is hard to look at now is one taken while boarding the ill-fated flight. In the photo, a father is walking up the plane with his three-year-old daughter in his arms. The photo was taken by the girl’s mother, Olga Sheina from Peterhof. She captioned the photo: “Hi Peter! Goodbye Egypt. We're flying home."

The entire Shein family of five gathered to relax in Sharm el-Sheikh: 30-year-old Olga, her 37-year-old husband Yuri and their three children - 11-year-old son Zhenya, 10-year-old daughter Lera and little three-year-old Nastya. It was no coincidence that the Sheins chose the date for their vacation - on October 27, Olga and Yura celebrated the 10th anniversary of their acquaintance and their four-year wedding anniversary. All family members swam, sunbathed, enjoying the sea and sun, capturing every moment of such a long-awaited vacation. Already sitting on the plane on the way back, they took another photo before takeoff - little Nastya by the window, mother Olga in the middle, older sister Lera by the aisle, Yura and her son in the adjacent seats. Rested, satisfied, happy. Less than half an hour after this photo, the entire family died.

The eldest children of the Shein family were very athletic - Zhenya played football, Lera - swimming. In the summer, the girl went to training camps in Evpatoria and won prizes. This year she received the third adult category, which she proudly announced on her social network page.

“We loved her very much,” said Lerina’s friends at the sports school. “One could envy such a friend; she was one of those who would never give up your secret, would not betray you.” The boys loved her very much. There was a mystery in it. And yet she remained kind and sweet.

Lera was not only interested in swimming, but also enjoyed “working” as an older sister for little Nastya - she drew with her, dressed her up and took photographs of her.

Relatives of the Shein family are in deep mourning - they cannot understand and accept what happened.

“We are in grief,” says Olga Sheina’s cousin Olesya Dushechkina. — Five relatives died at once.

The hardest thing to survive is the tragedy of Olya’s mother - she lost her daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren overnight. She is survived by another daughter, Nadya, and two grandchildren, the youngest of whom is the same age as Nastya.

Happiness did not depend on the weather

30-year-old Svetlana and 33-year-old Mikhail Krylov were also planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary - but after their vacation, on November 27. The couple could hardly afford a trip to Egypt, but Svetlana insisted - she really wanted to show her 10-year-old daughter Christina the sea.

“Christina was not Svetlana’s own - she is her husband’s daughter from his first marriage,” Victoria Leonova, Krylova’s classmate, told MK in St. Petersburg. — The girl had a difficult childhood, she lived for a long time with one grandmother, then with another, her own mother also took her, but then Christina ended up in her father’s family. Svetlana took care of the child all the time, constantly came up with entertainment for her, took her everywhere, was involved in her development... With great difficulty they exchanged an apartment in order to take Christina. The first room to be renovated was just for my daughter - a fairy-tale nursery with a beautiful castle on the wall. Sveta designed the interior herself.

Svetlana worked as a lawyer, and on weekends she and Mikhail went to school with a family psychologist to better understand how to raise a child and communicate with him. When her friends admired the “selflessness” of Svetlana, who, having no children of her own, took essentially someone else’s girl to raise, she just shrugged her shoulders: “I love her father, how can I not love his daughter?!”

The Krylov family loved to go to the dacha and go out into the forest with tents, even if the weather was not very favorable. “Happiness does not depend on the weather. It is inside us,” Svetlana wrote in her social network status.

"Don't be afraid, I never get into accidents"

27-year-old Anna Tishinskaya was one of those bright beauties from whom it is difficult to take your eyes off. She lived brightly, “in a hurry to live,” as her friends recall. For many years Anya worked for the St. Petersburg Jewish organization Hillel, then opened her own creative agency More to organize events and holidays. She loved to take photographs, traveled all over the world, searched for herself and her path in life. Friends said about her: when Anya grows up, she will definitely do something big and good.

“Anya and I once worked together in India,” says her friend Alexandra Davydova. “And one day she was driving me on her decrepit scooter with conditional brakes and fearlessly flew towards the truck. She cheerfully shouted to me, ready to jump, over her shoulder: “Don’t be afraid, I never get into accidents.”

“You were just at my birthday party,” Anya’s close friend Irina Bezman wrote on her page. — You should have come on October 31st and told me about your great vacation. You joked so cheerfully that you were flying on Kyrgyz airlines...”

“She always lived in the future,” recalls her friend Igor Berinsky. “I didn’t understand at all why she was in such a hurry to live, I couldn’t keep up with her, I couldn’t withstand this frantic energy. “Drama club, photo club, choir club - I want to sing...” I teased her when I saw her out of breath, with a camera over her shoulder, running towards me from choir rehearsal. Anya was not offended at all; on the contrary, she seemed to feel sorry for me for my life, which was so boring compared to hers. In recent years, Anya has been actively practicing yoga, meditating, stopping eating meat products, and going to bed early.

“She was a very good person, even naive in some ways, very self-sufficient and self-discovered,” said Irina Bezman. “After a long search, she found her favorite thing, organizing events, she really liked it. Of course, she wanted a family, like all girls...

“Thank you for being...”

They loved to travel. Most often Egypt, sometimes Thailand. This time too, 48-year-old Vladimir and 45-year-old Victoria Golenkov could not wait for the minute when they would finally fly to hot Egypt. They took their granddaughter with them - little Diana, who turned only four years old in September. Evgenia Sadovskaya, Diana’s mother, Vladimir and Victoria’s daughter, remained at home in St. Petersburg. On October 31, she lost all her closest people at once...

“Their whole life revolved around Diana,” says Alexander Mikhailov, a classmate of Vladimir Golenkov. — Volodya and Vika loved to go on vacation with their granddaughter; they always took her to the dacha. They doted on her, they were practically second parents...

On the pages of Vladimir and Victoria on Vkontakte, almost all the photographs are with their granddaughter. A smiling dark-haired girl either laughs against the backdrop of the sea or tries to blow out the candles on a birthday cake. On October 31, after the disaster, Evgenia Sadovskaya posted another photo of her parents and daughter on the Internet. “My beloved, dear ones. Thank you for being there. Eternal memory to you, my daughter, mom and dad...” she wrote.

“The worst thing for me today is to find words of condolences for Zhenya, the daughter of Volodya and Vika,” says Irina Snytko, a close friend of the Golenkovs. — I’ve known Vika since childhood, we are neighbors in the country, the same age. We spent the summer months together: we swam, played, rode bicycles, our grandmothers were also friends. Vika's birthday was July 14 - Bastille Day. That's why they named her Victoria - Victory... She was very beautiful, it always seemed to me that she looked like an Italian: bright, dark, spectacular. At the same time, her character and temperament were also southern - open, easy to communicate, always cheerful and with a smile. I met Volodya when he and Vika became a family. He and I also became friends immediately. They were a wonderful couple, I never heard them swear and shout at each other... These people remain wonderful in my memory: kind and sympathetic, very cheerful and sociable, they had so many friends... I can’t to say more, the tears are simply choking... I wish only one thing: that their daughter finds the strength and courage to survive all this! Love, appreciate your loved ones every moment while they are with you...

Born and died on the same day

Zhenya Yavsin and Sasha Chernova were born on the same day - March 2, only two years apart. His wife was 21 years old, Sasha was 19. In addition to his girlfriend, the young man also took his mother, Elizaveta, on the trip. The three of them were relaxing. There were rumors that Eugene proposed marriage to his beloved on the seashore. But the guy’s close friend denies this.

“This is just a beautiful story that journalists made up,” says Daria Trondina.

However, the lack of engagement does not detract from their relationship. Friends say that Zhenya looked after Sasha very beautifully.

“Zhenya dreamed of dating Sasha for a very long time, he woke up and fell asleep with the thought: “How can I be with her?” recalls Daria Trondina.

As a result, the girl reciprocated. They were a couple for about a year and a half.

— We knew Zhenya for 4.5 years. We met on the first day of classes at the university. Lesgaft, where we studied together. He came into the classroom for a lecture and sat down at my desk. Every minute spent with him was accompanied only by a smile and laughter. It was good with him, although they say that there is no friendship between a girl and a guy. But we had a real friendship with him,” says Daria Trondina. — Three months ago I gave birth to a child. Zhenya was one of the first to report this. He kept promising to come and visit, but never got around to it.

Evgeniy was involved in table tennis - he played professionally and at his age already worked as a coach. Thanks to this sport, he met Zhenya. She was also into ping pong.

— I have known Zhenya Chernova since childhood, we played together for the team of the Arkhangelsk region (Zhenya was born and raised in Arkhangelsk and only recently moved to St. Petersburg. — Ed.). She’s a very good person, kind, well-mannered, I especially liked her calmness in any situation,” said Alexandra Kuznetsova.

Perhaps Zhenya and Sasha really wanted to get married. But fate decreed otherwise. By the will of fate, lovers were not only born, but also died on the same day, in an instant.

Premonition of danger

The son of the dean of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Valery Gordin, Leonid, died in the plane crash. He was vacationing in Egypt with his girlfriend, Alexandra Illarionova. In a month, Leonid would have turned 29 years old, Sasha was a year younger than him. They planned to get married in April next year. But they had been living together for a long time. Just three weeks ago, everyone was looking for a cat that had escaped from the dacha. Found. Then a vacation and a trip to Egypt - warm sea, reefs, rainbow fish.

On October 30, on the eve of the flight home, Alexandra posted a photo with Leonid - as it turned out, the last. “I was on holiday with them in the same hotel. I noticed this wonderful couple. Very nice and positive. And Sasha had such a funny bang,” wrote Anna Vasilenko in a group created in memory of Lena and Sasha on VKontakte.

As the girl’s friends now recall, she was very afraid of heights. Maybe she had a presentiment?

Katerina KUZNETSOVA, Elena MIKHINA, Lyubov RUMYANTSEVA, photo.

The north wind cruelly ruffles the mourning ribbons. A young woman, weakened by the elements, tries to light a lamp. He sits on the ground, blowing on his frozen hands.

Those who came to the Kuzminskoye cemetery to say goodbye to the passenger of the blown up flight, Olga Pavlova, could no longer cry; their tears dried up in forty days.

A lump came to my throat only at the sight of Olga’s mother. The elderly woman looked very small from behind. Shrugging her shoulders, the mother did not even cry, she screamed with grief. Only the wind carried her cry over the graves.

“It’s so scary to bury your children,” the friends whispered and hugged the woman by the shoulders.

Olga Pavlova was 42 years old; a resident of the Leningrad region was vacationing with a friend in Sharm el-Sheikh. They found her only thanks to the DNA identification procedure.

And now there are orphaned relatives left,” the old woman who sells flowers wipes away a tear from the cold. She seemed to have seen enough of grief, but how could she remain indifferent? - Yesterday another young family was buried here.


The graves of the Gromovs are still quite fresh, strewn with flowers, wreaths and soft toys. They are right next door to Olga Pavlova.

The administration of St. Petersburg specially ordered this wasteland not far from the entrance, say cemetery workers. “We can’t bury anyone else here except the victims of the plane crash.”

Alexey, Tatyana and little Darina between them. The “Most Important” passenger of flight 9268. The photograph of Darina, taken by her mother before departure, became an unofficial symbol of the tragedy. On social networks, people make collages with a photo of the little girl looking out the terminal window at the planes, and dedicate poems to her.

And on December 26, Darina would have turned one year old. But on the funeral cross the counter stopped at October 31 - the most terrible date in the modern history of St. Petersburg.

Farewell to the Gromov family took place in the Resurrection Church two days before forty days from the moment of the tragedy. Relatives and friends closed themselves off from communicating with journalists, and only those close to them knew: the family was identified by DNA and was about to be buried. Two hundred people came to the cemetery.

There were a lot of young people,” recalls the old lady with flowers. – They are very young themselves.


Alyosha was only 27. And Tanya, what a cruel joke of fate, would have turned 27 on December 9. The couple met at work. A native of Togliatti, Tatyana Gromova worked for a large company in St. Petersburg, organizing forums and conferences. Alexey worked in the IT department. We got married a little over a year ago - the year before last. Soon after the wedding, Tanya and Alexey had a daughter, the couple was looking forward to her.

Mom called Darina a princess. The girl was dressed up like a doll. From the moment the child was born, Tatyana did not part with her for a minute. So the young parents took the baby with them on vacation.

The Gromovs occupied row 9, seats D, E, F. Rescuers managed to find the 10-month-old baby only a few days after the plane crash. Darina’s grandmother did not identify her granddaughter’s body and agreed to a DNA examination.


Elena GROMOVA, Darina’s grandmother:

To my son

“When you were little, one day you asked me for some reason: “Mommy, is it difficult to raise children?” I don’t know then where you got this question from. I answered you: “No, son, you just have to love them.” .

And you knew that I loved you immensely! And now this love has been taken away from me! But I still continue to love you very much! And no one will dare to tear this feeling out of my maternal heart!”

To my granddaughter

"My angel! We have been waiting for your appearance on this Earth for so long. We were incredibly happy that we had you. You grew up, we rejoiced at all your achievements and successes, you delighted us with your mischievous laugh and wonderful grimaces. Don’t fly away from us, because angels are always nearby, we need you very, very much. We love you immensely, always be with us.”

For the first time in two years, Elena Alekseevna Gromova, the grandmother of the “main passenger,” decided to give an interview. After the tragedy, she did not find the strength to go to work and retired. The only thing that distracts me from those memories now is social activities and waiting for the results of the investigation.

We met at the “Museum for Friends” cafe in Pushkin. Literally across the road in the shade of trees stands the Tsarskoye Selo Gymnasium, where Alexey Gromov graduated from high school.


“My husband is a military pilot, a retired aviation colonel,” Elena Gromova tells the story of the family. - We often had to move from place to place. Children were born in garrisons. Alexey was born in the Far East.

In 1997, when my husband’s service came to an end, they transferred to Pushkin. When Lesha graduated from the ninth grade, we moved to Gatchina - they gave us an apartment there.

So Alexey graduated from grades 10-11 there, at a school with a physics and mathematics focus. Studying was easy for my son; he did not need to be supervised. He himself understood what he needed. And in the 11th grade, Alexey had already made his choice: he signed up for courses at Military Mech. He chose the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies. The competition was crazy, but he passed physics and mathematics with excellent marks. He scored ten out of ten. And Lesha graduated from school as a student. It was such a joy - he fulfilled his dream. The strongest university, and also budget education.

This is how he is, our Lesha. If he has a goal, he achieves it. He doesn’t see any obstacles in front of him. Sociable, open. All our friends adored him.

I don’t want to say “was” about him; he won’t be in the past as long as we exist.


Alexey Gromov was only 27 years old. Daughter-in-law Tatyana would have turned the same age on December 9. It was a beautiful office romance. The couple met at work in 2012. A native of Tolyatti, Tatyana worked for a large company in St. Petersburg - she organized forums and conferences. Alexey worked in the IT department.

Tanya was a very talented, purposeful, creative girl. She graduated from ENGEKON, spoke foreign languages, they say about such people: talent is talent in everything. I used to do gymnastics, sew, embroider, and draw. It was bursting with energy. So many thoughts, so many ideas in my head. Everything she took on came easy to her. Kind girl. She and Lesha looked very natural and organic,” says Elena Gromova. “I remember the first time he brought her home.” They came in with smiles on their faces. It was clear: yes, this is love. It's as if puzzles have come together. This rarely happens.

They got married in August 2014. Alexey proposed to his beloved in the sky. I rented a plane with an instructor especially for this purpose.

Soon after the wedding, Tanya and Lesha had a daughter, the couple was looking forward to her.

Mom called Darina a princess. The parents doted on their daughter and dreamed of a second child.

The baby won a prize in one of the children's competitions “How I spent my summer.” This was her first prize: a diploma, a bouquet... We all went together to receive this gift,” says Elena Gromova. - Darina is a charming, smart, mischievous, inquisitive girl. Everyone's favorite.

Before flying to Sharm el-Sheikh, my mother took a photo of the baby at Pulkovo and signed it: “main passenger.” So Darina became an unspoken symbol of the tragedy - the most important, smallest passenger of flight 9268. When the tragedy happened, the baby was only ten months old.


I remember the events of October 31st like yesterday. This is such pain - pain on a universal scale. “I lost half of my family,” says Elena Gromova. - Nobody could accept this. All the family friends took it too seriously. One almost committed suicide, another ended up in intensive care...

The evening before our flight from Egypt, Lesha called. You could hear from his voice that he was happy,” recalls Elena Gromova. - He said that Darishka really liked everything. Everything, he says, I’ll tell you tomorrow. And he specified the arrival time.

Lesha’s parents left for the airport in advance. On the way, we stopped at a grocery store - we needed to feed the travelers on the way.

Usually I get up in the morning, turn on the TV, and go online. And that morning we did none of those things. This was the strangeness of this day. Although by that time everything was already known... We didn’t see them for two weeks, we missed them. So there was only one plan for the day: to meet the children,” Elena Gromova sighs heavily. - We left early to stop at the store. It was necessary to bring them, help with lunch, so that after the vacation they would not be overloaded, and would have a rest from the road.

And when we were driving to Pulkovo, my eldest son called my husband. And Lesha’s friends told him... My husband had difficulty holding the steering wheel then, military restraint probably helped. But still we drove with the hope that this was nonsense.

When we arrived at the airport, there weren’t many people there yet. And this red line on the board that the flight was delayed... But the information desk said that there was no information. To explain, we were offered to go from Pulkovo to the hotel. There were some people there, there were psychologists, but there was no need for them at that time.

I don't know how to explain my condition. We found ourselves in ashes. Some kind of surreality, as if all this was not happening to us. It was just a shock. And now the shock has passed, only the pain remains.

We went through all the horror of the hell that our children had to experience. We went for identification. We saw them at the morgue.


You know, I think that heaven has not forgiven us. Lesha was also a reserve officer, and after Voenmekh he wanted to fly to Kamchatka,” admits Elena Gromova. - But I didn’t let him in. I wanted him to be near...

But the parents tried to dissuade the young people from vacationing in Egypt.

Lesha, it’s Syria there. Go to Cyprus, advised the head of the family. But in Egypt the sea seemed warmer and the sun brighter. I wanted to please the child. When they flew away, strange things happened to my father: he lost the key, then he fell ill with a fever for two days for no reason.

The last family meeting of the male half was in September of that year. The boys and their husband went mushroom picking and fishing. Then my husband told me that he felt something... Lesha then hugged him and said: “Dad, don’t get older! You and I will do such things.”

Lesha had good prospects: upon returning from vacation, a promotion order was waiting for him at work.

Our son was brought up in the spirit of statehood. Reserve officer. He studied at the budget department. It is very painful and insulting when a country loses such people. And the state is obliged to make sure that the crime is solved. It may take some time, but this is a crime without a statute of limitations.


The Gromovs occupied the 9th row, seats D, E, F. Rescuers managed to find the 10-month-old baby only a few days after the plane crash. She was brought in on the second plane - with those who could be at least somehow identified without the help of DNA. The bodies of Lesha and Tanya were delivered much later. The whole family was buried one day before forty days from the moment the liner crashed.

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