Aircraft of the ssj 100 series. Location of the best seats

Most modern parents still have problems raising children, and the main question for parents is whether... After all, the child himself cannot understand what he can do and what he cannot do. Of course, parents mostly consult with friends or relatives or look for information on the Internet, but if you think about it, all those people who advise you something do not understand this issue themselves, having no experience in this problem.

You can continue to listen to them, but as you can see for yourself, it doesn’t give you any results. Psychologists have found out the main reasons and methods that will help you understand how to correctly explain to your child about prohibitions, and have applied these tips to other families. To the surprise of psychologists, all 100% of parents who followed their advice solved this problem in almost 3-4 days. Your choice is yours, listen to family and friends who know little about this, for the sake of respect, or solve the problem once and for all.

What do you want to prohibit your child from?

The first and most important problem on the way to solving the issue how to properly explain to a child about prohibitions, lies in the fact that parents themselves do not understand what to prohibit their child. You probably also don’t understand what you want from your child, and you’re already creating a problem that doesn’t make sense. Calm down, take and write down everything that you are going to forbid your child to do, see and think. This is more effective than just pointlessly thinking and worrying about something.

You need to act, and for this you need to understand what you want from your child. Prohibitions should be within reason, because you love your child and want him to live a healthy, happy and free life. It is necessary to select those prohibitions that can harm the child. Psychologists highlight the most important and common prohibitions that can harm a child: television, smoking, alcohol, crime, theft, offensive words, the Internet, the wrong company. This is only a small part of the list, but you get the basics. Make your list by thinking carefully about the problem.

The child does not want to listen to your prohibitions.

An equally common problem on the way to solving the question of how to correctly explain to a child about prohibitions is that the child simply does not want to listen to you and continues to do what you prohibit. It was immediately proven here that screaming and physical use will not help. We need a different approach, a psychological one. Since all children are different, you need to either study your child yourself or consult a psychologist. But in any case, you can just read the article: how to raise an obedient child, which will help you solve your problem, which is preventing you from solving the issue and the main problem. Of course, a child does not need cruel control, and constantly monitoring what a child does forbidden does not make sense. You need to learn how to explain it correctly to your child, share your own experience and show by example how good or bad it is. Words play a small role, but if you back them up with a vision so that the child can see for himself how it is, then you will no longer need to control the child, since he himself knows that this is bad.

How to properly explain to a child

First of all, you need not only to be able to forbid a child to do something, you just need to learn to explain to your child about the prohibitions. Anyone can forbid a child something, but few can tell, show and explain. In fact, everything is simple, you need to allocate 1 day of your life for all this. This day will be dedicated only to the child. On this beautiful day, you need to have a difficult time constantly talking about what is possible and what is not. You just need to have a good time together, start trusting, respecting and loving each other. Without this, the subsequent conversation will be meaningless. Determine the place where you will spend this day together, immediately decide on the topics of conversation, prepare your child for a pleasant time. Everything should not be very serious and forced.

If the child does not want to, put it off until the next day. In the process of communicating with your child, when you have begun to trust, understand and love each other, start a conversation about life. Ask your child about what he wants to achieve in life, whether he has a dream, goals, whether he is happy, and what he needs to be completely happy. Then casually hint that in order for him to achieve his dream, he needs to give up certain bad habits, poor lifestyle and everything that is on your list. You won’t believe it, but 100% of the tested families who used this method improved the condition in the family on that very day; they no longer need to control their children, since they themselves understand that this cannot be done, as this will prevent them from achieving their dreams and become happy.

Spend more time with your family and children

Every family has Problems, have been and will be, but in order to explain to a child what he should not do, it is better to explain to him how to live if you yourself have experience. Since the problem is not in the children, but in the parents, who themselves have not yet learned to live, and, moreover, have bad habits and commit prohibitions that they want to prohibit their children. If you do the same, then understand that the child is the smartest person, he copies his parents, and will do everything that the parent does. Therefore, change yourself first if you want your children to change. There is no point in teaching your child something that you yourself do not understand well. Love your children, appreciate every mistake they make, give them a chance to correct it themselves.

Spend more time with your family and children; if work does not allow you to do this, then realize that work or family is more important to you. After all, you can spend time with your family and work, combining business with pleasure. Everything is in your hands, your mind will do whatever you want, you just need to learn to think and think correctly, which everyone can do. If you want to develop creative abilities in your child, which is quite simple, read the article: teaching children to draw, because when a child is busy with some activity, he will not have time for bad things.

If you have experience, knowledge or have an opinion about this issue and problem, write your thoughts in the comments. If you have any problems or questions related to this topic, feel free to ask them in the comments.

They involuntarily repeat this pattern. But it’s even worse when they want to correct previous mistakes in a new relationship.

What do you want from life? This is an eternal parental question. At all times, parents complain that their children do not want to study. Fathers and mothers repeat this question with enviable persistence and do not want to understand that children do not want to learn at all. Parental talent is manifested precisely in the fact that the child must be interested in learning.

Parents, concerned about their child's reluctance to learn, become very involved in their child's learning process. We can say that such parents almost take their child’s place at the desk. They do all the tasks for him, control and pack his backpack. Should such “crazy” parents ever stop and explain to their child the need to study?

Every parent is confident that a good education and successful learning will provide their children with a wonderful future. Parents, of course, are right. But there is a flip side to the coin. Intensive studying, fear of becoming a failure and being criticized by parents or being given the “honorary” title of “nerd” can make school years a real hell. It is impossible to study every day “under pressure”; in a constant state of stress it is impossible to fall in love with studying.

At first, the child will try to finish his studies as quickly as possible, and then all his life he will hate school, parents and teachers who forced him to study. It turns out that force can achieve completely opposite results. They didn’t notice that most children don’t even approach the piano after studying at music school.

Today, modern education is a complex and difficult matter. This “heaviness” can be felt by lifting the student’s briefcase. Add to this the insatiable ambitions of the parents, the exorbitant demands of the teachers, etc. The child is faced with an unrealistic task - to implement the unfulfilled plans of his parents. At the same time, parents do not think even for a moment that their desire may exceed the abilities of their children. Sometimes parents are horrified when they get the “pleasure” of watching their child, who has managed to “break away” from parental control for a while.

Most parents are convinced that their child is simply lazy and only wants to deviate from his responsibilities. Of course, such a belief has some basis. However, not all children think the same, in fact most of them are ready to learn. They can engage in both business and leisure, combining them wisely. Children also dream of a successful future. They are able to study well and do their work conscientiously. In such cases, the child will not need to explain the need to learn and can only rejoice. How to achieve this?

First of all, parents themselves must understand that it is impossible to control everything all the time and not everything is subject to regulation. If parents can understand that the victories, miscalculations and defeats of children are not only their success and mistakes, but also their children's. They will be able to explain this to their children. It is necessary to give the child a little freedom and teach him self-organization. A child responds much faster when he is given some independence, when he is busy with something that he himself has organized, and a positive result will depend only on how he can distribute his actions and time.

It turns out that parents should not be faced with the pressing question of how to explain to their child the need to study? Often such suffocating care for their child occurs among mothers who do not work and live only with the problems of their child. Having a lot of free time, the mother begins to “help” her child study. He hires a bunch of tutors, enrolls the child in various sections and groups. From such an intense life, the child becomes even weaker and inattentive, and in response, the mother begins to tighten control. Instead, the mother should teach the child simple ways to manage himself. Children become inattentive and inhibited because their parents decide everything for them and do everything for them. Their guardianship has no restrictions at all. Even before school, parents do not give the child the opportunity to express himself and do something on his own, and when he enters school, the problem only worsens.

Parents support their actions with excuses like: “The child can’t cope on his own! “It is the parents who do not want to notice that the source of all problems is not in the child, but in them. The student grows, and with him the control and demands of elders intensify. First they persuade the child, then they scare him that there will be revenge on the courtyards in the future, then they move on to punishments and do everything for him. As a result, the child stops learning altogether. Parental desire and will discourages the child’s desire to study.

The task of parents is to understand the child and his condition, why he resists studying. Put yourself in the child’s place, and then imagine that someone is constantly monitoring you and checking: did you eat, did you take what you needed when leaving the house, did you pay the bills, did you talk to your friend, did you forget your documents, etc. . ? All this will happen to you not in moments, but constantly. I wonder how long it will take before you begin to rebel against such guardianship and hate the controller? ! The child feels all the same things against his parents. Now imagine how much effort a child spends on resistance, even the most passive. Yes, it takes a lot of effort and energy to do this. As a result, the child weakens and loses the motivation to study.

There are many things in the world that people talk about with some embarrassment. Therefore, before you explain to your child everything regarding issues of procreation, you need to understand some points. Explaining what sex is is quite difficult, especially if you don’t prepare first. We will delve into the essence of psychology and provide effective recommendations.

Why does a child need to be explained what sex is?

1. Raising a child in the modern world no longer imposes strict boundaries. Conversations about sex and procreation are, if not of primary importance, then certainly of secondary importance in personality development.

2. At certain stages of growing up, the younger generation will definitely ask questions that they want answers to. It’s good if the child hears them from you, and not from strangers, and even more so from stupid peers.

3. If you avoid a sensitive topic, this can subsequently lead to the formation of an incorrect understanding of sex and attitudes towards it. In advanced cases, psycho-emotional deviations are possible.

4. In cases where parents provide children with the necessary and comprehensive information on time, the possibility of obtaining this information from the outside is excluded. In other situations, there is a risk that the child will learn distorted and perverted information from peers. It is possible to formulate the concept of sex as a shameful act.

5. Everyone knows the saying that the forbidden fruit is temptingly sweet. If you deliberately avoid questions, the younger generation may develop a less than healthy interest in sexuality. Therefore, it is so important to know how to explain to a child correctly and correctly what sex is.

6. There were cases when parents, due to their embarrassment, postponed conversations until later. Subsequently, the child found all the information on the Internet and even more. Typically, such requests on the Internet lead to sites of pornography or other perverted erotica.

7. Any reticence on your part leads to instability of the emotional environment. Due to the fact that the information received on the Internet is not filtered in any way, the child will develop an even stronger interest in this. And if parents talk about sex life, they can present pre-filtered data.

How to tell your child about sex?

Children are told about sex, observing certain boundaries and carefully thinking through the information. Please adhere to the rules below.

1. Prepare yourself for the dialogue in advance, don’t be nervous. Behave as you would when discussing any other (non-sensitive) topic. This way you will win over your child and the child will not suspect anything is wrong.

2. Don’t be like your parents who give long instructive lectures on the topic of procreation and sexual relations. 10 minutes is enough to present everything you consider necessary. However, even this time may seem like an eternity to a child if he is not assiduous. Let him ask questions, answer them in detail, but clearly.

3. Before you explain to your child everything regarding this topic and delve into the question of what sex is, think about your relationship with the father of the family. The child will not want to hear and understand exclusively the biological aspects of intimate life. He is interested in hearing about how you feel about this very biology and your husband.

4. Don't be afraid that you think your baby will hear too much information about sex. Most likely, incomprehensible things will disappear from his head quite quickly.

5. Since it is not always easy to explain to a child where babies come from, remain calm. Don't call your genitals what they are actually called. Similar words are suitable, for example, “pipiska”, “pipka”, “shaft”, “faucet”, etc.

6. In cases where the younger generation expresses itself obscenely, you should not scold them for words they heard somewhere. In a calm atmosphere, explain what exactly this word means. Ask your child not to express himself this way again. Argue it this way: “It will be unpleasant for outsiders to hear this from you, express your feelings differently.”

7. Puberty is the most difficult part to explain. Conversations about this begin well in advance of adolescence. Physiological changes (wet dreams, menstruation, development of mammary glands, etc.) can begin earlier than 10 years of age.

8. When deciding how to explain to your child correctly and clearly what sex is, you should prepare in advance. Girls need to be told about male erection, and boys about the menstrual cycle. When talking with teenage children, the topic of prostitution and homosexuality should not be excluded from conversations. Otherwise, they will learn it from films and the Internet.

9. Preschoolers and schoolchildren must have knowledge of how to protect themselves from sexual harassment. Teach your child to say a firm “NO!” unknown uncles and aunts. Starting from 4-5 years old, they say this: “Adults get to know children because it is difficult for them to find friends. But if strangers ask you to do the wrong thing, like putting your hand down your pants, immediately say “No!” and leave. Tell me everything right away!”

10. When thinking about how to explain sex to a child, you should not hide anything. Tell us what promiscuous relationships can promise. If you don't take precautions, you can contract serious illnesses. Provide information about AIDS, how dangerous and deadly this disease is. Watch the reaction carefully.

11. Of course, there is no need to tell various passions to a small child, who was barely 6-8 years old. It is also important to understand that you should not delay a conversation on a spicy topic. In adolescence, it may already be too late.

12. Find the right time. When talking about sex, try to make sure your child doesn't feel embarrassed. There is no need to ask him awkward questions. Tell everything as it is, only in a smoother form. There is no need to say that he is still too young for a dialogue on such topics.

13. If you haven’t yet decided how to explain to your child in a softer form what sex is, just tell him about it. You need to prepare yourself and build an approximate dialogue in your head. If necessary, consult a psychologist. A specialist will help resolve the pressing issue.

14. After you have had the appropriate conversation with the child, make sure that everything has reached him. Ask him to tell you everything about the topic of sex from his point of view. Feel free to answer new questions. This indicates your interest and correct information.

How not to behave when talking to a child about sex

If your child asks you about intimacy between people, respond correctly. You don't need to:

  • try to take the topic in a different direction;
  • ignore the question;
  • scold the child and shout because of his new interests;
  • rant for a long time;
  • attach special emotions to the topic and be embarrassed;
  • ask the child to retell the entire conversation if he does not want to;
  • talk about everything at once (a lot of information is not always good).

As soon as your child asks you a fairly interesting question, digest it in your head and calmly explain everything.

At what age should you talk to your child about sex?

When the baby reaches a conscious age (about 4 years), he begins to ask questions about his own birth.

Every year this topic will come up more and more often. This is where you need to gradually provide information.

Therefore, you should not worry too much about how to clearly explain to your child what sex is and where children come from. At each stage, add information.

Don't complicate the conversation, it should be easy and understandable. Don't forget to talk about love. It is loving people who should be close and caring to each other.

How to tell your child about sex depending on age

The main and main mistake is that parents tell their child about his very young age. Allegedly, he is not yet supposed to know about the intimate details of adults.

4-5 years

If your baby begins to be interested in where he came from, start the conversation with something simple. Tell us that the child was first in the mother’s stomach, and then began to grow and appeared outside. It happened this way because mom and dad love each other very much.

6-8 years

At this age, you can reveal some details. For example, the child was a very small “bean” in the womb. Over the course of 9 months he grew and developed. Then the time came for childbirth, the baby was born thanks to the doctors.

A great example would be if you have a pet. The child will learn a lot if the animal is expecting offspring. Tell your child that children should only appear in love.

8-10 years

It’s easier here, since you can explain to a child what sex is using the example of loving people. If the offspring shows increased interest in such a topic, it is worth talking about the physiological characteristics of women and men.

In bookstores you can easily find appropriate children's literature. Editions are produced depending on the age of the baby. Therefore, you don’t have to say that adult relationships are built only on sex.


At this age, interest in intimate life increases by an order of magnitude. The process is natural due to the maturation of the body. Hormones begin to rage. Therefore, a heart-to-heart conversation with your child is especially important.

Talk to him and try to explain that the emotional and physiological systems are being rebuilt. New feelings and thoughts appear. Convey to your teenager that sex should be for love. Don't forget to talk about protection.

Before explaining to your child about feelings between people and telling what sex is, you need to prepare yourself mentally. Answer all questions. Present everything in an accessible and understandable form. Don't be shy or shy away from conversations of a personal nature.

1. This machine with manufacturer serial number 95025 is preparing for its third test flight. On May 31, the plane was handed over to the customer - Aeroflot airline. Peeking out from behind it is a car with the number 95028. It made its first flight on March 24 and will soon depart for the Mexican airline Interjet.

2. Initially, the Superjet cabin was designed with control columns, but after several meetings with representatives of airlines (and not only from Russia), the control wheel was replaced with a side handle at the design stage. When talking with test pilots during the press tour, some said that the steering wheel on the Dreamliner 787 is already a thing of the past and Boeing will have to make its next aircraft with a side stick.

3. The cockpit is completely English-language (even the documentation for the aircraft is now in English). English language). There is no Russian version and there never will be. And why? English has become the standard in aviation. I saw the cockpit of the Tu-204, from the number of Russian abbreviations, known only to the designers, my brain howled and collapsed. I don’t argue, it’s a matter of habit, but why reinvent the wheel if there are already proven standards.

4. On the left screen, where Thales is written, and which is still covered with a protective film, you can display anything you want - pictures from cameras, documentation, diagrams, maps, etc. There is a regular Windows there. It’s true that it’s not so easy to upload anything there. Despite the USB connector, you can insert a flash drive, but the system will not see it - authorization is required. And, of course, this is a separate system that has nothing to do with aircraft control

5. The cabin was designed by two departments of the GSS - the cabin crew assembled the consoles, and the avionics department developed the display. Test pilots made a huge contribution to the ideology of the cockpit and display.

6. Thank you kukuksumushu for my photo. By the way, all the lighting in the cabin is LED, with the exception of the magnetic compass - it has internal illumination with incandescent lamps.

7. Equipping the cabin for the duration of factory testing and flight. Parachutes (tests, after all) and chairs with additional loads that “sit” in them. They provide the necessary alignment of the aircraft.

8. Rear sealed frame. On the right, near the door, there is an emergency recorder and an online system for transmitting data to the ground about the condition of the aircraft.

9. As I already said, the plane leaves the factory exactly like this. The installation of the interior is carried out either in Ulyanovsk or in Venice.

10. The windows of the new plane are very clean!

11. Aviation is very conservative and any innovations are difficult. There are many reasons, I won’t go into details. This applies to both complex new systems and a simple indicator. For example, installing a front toilet occupancy light on the overhead head (the idea was introduced by Yablontsev) required a long battle with the interior and remote designers to link them with each other. We did it.

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12. The SSJ100 engine has a bypass ratio of 0.53 - 0.93 (this depends on the engine model) lower than the CFM-56, which is found on the B737 and A320. At the same time, if we compare the SSJ100 engine with Soviet-made engines - the D-30 and its modifications, which were installed on the Tu-134, Tu-154 and Il-76, then the Superjet has a by-pass ration of 3.17 more. The bypass ratio has a positive effect on specific fuel consumption and a negative effect on speed characteristics, i.e. As the flight Mach number increases, the engine with a lower bypass ratio begins to win. But to obtain this gain, the difference in degrees must be small (the D-30 will never win over the CFM-56), and the engine must also have a good margin in the temperature of the gases behind the turbine. Due to the fact that the SaM-146 is better in both of these parameters, today it is the best engine in its thrust class in terms of altitude-speed characteristics, both in terms of thrust and specific consumption.

13. It’s time to roll out our board from the workshop.

14. This is his third flight under the factory test program. Here the airliner learns to fly.

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15. In the hangar there is another aircraft for the Mexican Interjet with serial number 95028.

16. But before the first flight it is necessary to pass tests at LIS.

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17. Then jogging begins with the front leg lifting off. In the process, information is taken from ACMS - aircraft central monitoring system. All information from all on-board systems is collected there, analyzed and provided to the technical crew, with recommendations for eliminating or identifying potential or detected failures. And, if everything is in order, then the board departs for its first flight.

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18. Unlike railways, where there is an alert pedal, such systems are not used in aviation, since they always lead to additional workload for the operator. For the driver high speed train this is not scary, because he is actually an observer, the route and speed limit are maintained automatically (I’ll say right away that there are different control systems, both manual and fully automatic). The plane flies mainly under the control of the crew, even when flying under autopilot. Maintaining the route is the responsibility of the pilot. The air traffic controller only coordinates and directs. The pilot needs state monitoring that does not require additional actions from him. Work on such systems has made the most progress in combat aviation, to determine the moment of pilot incapacity and transition to fully automatic control. For civil aviation The principle of cross-control within the crew still applies.

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19. To ensure the required level of flight safety, all aircraft systems must meet strict reliability requirements. At the same time, the cost and development time of any system grow almost exponentially depending on the required level of reliability, because Demonstration of compliance is made through an enormous amount of testing over the entire expected field of use. By the way, it is precisely because of these requirements that the cost of aircraft and development time are now many times greater than at the beginning of the jet era. Since collision avoidance systems between aircraft and/or collision with terrain (TCAS, GPWS, T2CAS, TAWS) must be widespread and be able to be installed on aircraft produced earlier, and the basis for eliminating this event was and remains compliance with the prescribed flight plan, then For these systems, the aviation authorities of the ICAO Contracting States, which includes Russia, decided to adopt a level of reliability corresponding to advisory-type systems. This made it possible to create such systems in a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost. But this level of reliability allows for the possibility that false triggering of such a system in flight is not completely ruled out. Therefore, it is possible to turn it off if the crew accurately recognizes the incorrect operation of this system. But if the system is key from the point of view of ensuring flight safety, then manually disabling it is impossible.

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20. An example of such a system on the SSJ100 is the means of limiting flight limits implemented in the control system. These algorithms meet the highest reliability requirements and cannot be disabled by the crew in flight. Hydraulic system, power supply system, control system, warning and alarm system, aircraft navigation system, etc. all of them cannot be turned off by the crew in flight. By the way, the example of a modern car is quite acceptable. For example, the important ABS system can only be turned off manually by pulling out the fuse; to turn off the power steering or brake system, they must be disassembled, but the ESP auxiliary system can be turned off with a button. Again with a caveat, sometimes it happens that you can’t turn it off completely either.

21. “Low-hanging” engines still cause a lot of battles on these Internets of yours. They say that they will suck up the garbage, stones, snow, water, sand and other things that are lying on the strip. But, for example, Aeroflot, as of October 2012 (no other information could be found to date), has not yet had a single engine removal due to foreign objects. And recently, at the end of 2012, an Addendum to the Aircraft Type Certificate was received regarding the condition of the runway covered with snow (up to 60 mm), slush (up to 13 mm) and wet snow (up to 15 mm).

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Yes, you can just watch this video - the pool test. For some reason, water doesn’t want to get into the engine.

22. In the class of regional aircraft, the SSJ-100 is the only aircraft today with a fully remote control system without a mechanical reserve. And it’s really not an easy matter to ensure the required level of reliability with such limitations in airframe volume and development cost, because the cost of one Superjet is an order of magnitude less than that of the mainline A380 or B787 airliners. By the way, the development of the SDU for the B787 and A-400M began almost simultaneously with the SDU for the SSJ100, so here we can talk about parity in the level of technology.

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23. Refueling the plane before departure.

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24. White parts are parts made of composites.

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25. Interestingly, the aircraft are sent on test flights without any tail numbers on the fuselage or wings.

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26. Like a self-portrait :)

27. Switches in DIRECT MODE were installed only on experimental machines. They were necessary for certification tests. There are no such switches on production machines. A normal flight is carried out with the control system operating in the main NORMAL MODE, without control of its operation by the crew. The reliability of the SDS monitoring algorithms has been established at such a level that any spontaneous movements of the rudders, requiring the crew to disable the SDS manually, are completely excluded, in case of any failure condition or the presence of errors in the software of the SDS computers. Certification tests included a large number of checks, including checks for broken lines feedback drives, jamming, input signal mismatches, short circuits in the cable network of the SDS and software errors in the main circuit, etc.

28. This plane took off for the first time on February 22. After being transferred to Aeroflot, he carries the airborne one - RA-89014.

Report by Igor Kudryavin from the cockpit of an SSJ100

Did you have a dream as a child? Personally, I dreamed of being a pilot, a civil aviation pilot, and more specifically, I dreamed of flying a Yak-40 aircraft. I had his models, photographs from magazines, pictures, I found out where the pilot school was located and they sent me documents for admission, but fate made me an air defense officer. I was later able to fly on airplanes more than once, but only as a passenger, for whom the cockpit was a restricted area. But yesterday I was lucky, I visited the holy of holies of the Russian aviation industry: KnaF ZAO "GSS", this is the same glorious place where the SSJ100 civil aircraft is assembled. I visited a place I never even dreamed of visiting: THE PILOTS COCKPIT!

I saw a lot more, for example, what an engine looks like without casing and many other interesting things.

The heart of the plane

There are things that you look at and understand that there is no limit to admiration for human engineering. Such man-made masterpieces can easily include an airplane engine. He is beautiful! Moreover, when the engine was produced in your homeland, like the plane itself

Beautiful? Do you know what exactly is involved in metal protection? So know this:

This is the front view

It's behind

There is a myth that the engine for the Sukhoi SSJ100 aircraft is imported, which is not true. This engine was designed and assembled at our Russian enterprise, in cooperation with the French, while 2/3 of its components are manufactured in Russia.

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