Athens is a city in Greece. Athens is a wonderful city for relaxation and entertainment

The city of Athens is located on the territory of the state (country) Greece, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what periphery is the city of Athens located?

The city of Athens is part of the Attica periphery.

A characteristic of the periphery or subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the periphery.

The periphery of Attica is an administrative unit of the state of Greece.

Population of the city of Athens.

The population of the city of Athens is 3,168,846 people.

What time zone is Athens located in?

The city of Athens is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+2, in summer UTC+3. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Athens, relative to the time zone in your city.

Athens telephone code

The telephone code of the city of Athens: +30 210. In order to call the city of Athens from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +30 210 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Athens.

Website of the city of Athens, official website of the city of Athens or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Athens”:

Coat of arms of the city of Athens.

The description of the city of Athens presents the coat of arms of the city of Athens, which is the distinctive sign of the city.

Metropolitan in the city of Athens.

The metro in the city of Athens is called the Athens Metro and is a means of public transport.

The passenger traffic of the Athens metro (Athens metro congestion) is 493.80 million people per year.

The number of metro lines in the city of Athens is 3 lines. The total number of metro stations in Athens is 65. The length of metro lines or the length of metro tracks is: 83.30 km.

The archaeological study of Athens began in the 30s of the 19th century, but excavations became systematic only with the formation of the French, German and English archaeological schools in Athens in the 70s and 80s. Literary sources and archaeological material that have survived to this day help to reconstruct the history of the Athenian polis. The main literary source on the history of Athens during the period of state formation is Aristotle’s “The Athenian Polity” (IV century BC).

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Ancient Athens (Russian) History of the ancient world

    ✪ Video lesson on the history "In the city of the goddess Athena"

    ✪ Athens and Sparta. Athenian democracy. Video lesson on General History, grade 10

    ✪ History video lesson "The Birth of Democracy in Athens"

    ✪ The birth of democracy in Athens. Video lesson on General History 5th grade


Formation of the Athenian state

Hellenistic era

During the Hellenistic period, when Greece became an arena of struggle between the major Hellenistic states, the position of Athens changed several times. There were short periods when they managed to achieve relative independence; in other cases, Macedonian garrisons were introduced into Athens. Probably the most disastrous thing for Athens in that period was the defeat in the Chremonides War from the Macedonian king Antigonus II. In 146 BC. e. Having shared the fate of all of Greece, Athens fell under the rule of Rome; being in the position of an ally city (lat. civitas foederata), they enjoyed only fictitious freedom. In 88 BC. e. Athens joined the anti-Roman movement raised by the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator. In 86 BC. e. The army of Lucius Cornelius Sulla took the city by storm and plundered it. Out of respect for the powerful past of Athens, Sulla preserved their fictitious freedom. In 27 BC. e. after the formation of the Roman province of Achaia, Athens became part of it. In the 3rd century AD. BC, when Balkan Greece began to be invaded by barbarians, Athens fell into complete decline.

Planning and architecture


  • Akropolis Hill.
  • Areopagus, that is, the hill of Ares - west of the Acropolis, gave its name to the highest judicial and governmental council of Ancient Athens, which held its meetings on the hillside.
  • Nymphaeion, that is, the hill of the nymphs, is southwest of the Areopagus.
  • Pnyx - a semicircular hill southwest of the Areopagus; meetings of the ekklesia were originally held here, which were later moved to the Theater of Dionysus.
  • Museion, that is, the Hill of Museus or Muses, now known as the Hill of Philopappou - south of the Pnyx and Areopagus.


Initially, the city occupied only the upper area of ​​the steep hill of the Acropolis, accessible only from the west, which simultaneously served as a fortress, political and religious center, and the core of the entire city. According to legend, the Pelasgians leveled the top of the hill, surrounded it with walls and built an outer fortification on the western side with 9 gates located one after another. The ancient kings of Attica and their wives lived inside the castle. Here stood an ancient temple dedicated to Pallas Athena, along with whom Poseidon and Erechtheus were also revered (hence the temple dedicated to him was called Erechtheion).

The golden age of Pericles was also a golden age for the Acropolis of Athens. First of all, Pericles instructed the architect Ictinus to build a new, more magnificent Temple of the Virgin Athena - the Parthenon, on the site of the old Hekatompedon (Temple of Chaste Athena) destroyed by the Persians. Its splendor was enhanced by the numerous statues with which, under the leadership of Phidias, the temple was decorated, both outside and inside. Immediately after the completion of the Parthenon, which served as the treasury of the gods and for the celebration of the Panathenaia, in 438 BC. e. Pericles commissioned the architect Mnesicles to build a new magnificent gate at the entrance to the acropolis - Propylaea (437-432 BC). A staircase of marble slabs, winding, led along the western slope of the hill to the portico, which consisted of 6 Doric columns, the spaces between which symmetrically decreased on both sides.


Part of the population, subject to the owners of the fortress (acropolis), eventually settled at the foot of the hill, mainly on its southern and southeastern side. It was here that the most ancient sanctuaries of the city were located, in particular dedicated to Olympian Zeus, Apollo, Dionysus. Then settlements appeared along the slopes that stretch west of the Acropolis. The lower city expanded even more when, due to the unification of the various parts into which Attica was divided in ancient times into one political whole (tradition attributes this to Theseus), Athens became the capital of the united state. Gradually, over the following centuries, the city was also settled on the northern side of the Acropolis. It was predominantly home to artisans, namely members of the respected and numerous class of potters in Athens, hence a significant quarter of the city east of the Acropolis was called the Ceramics (that is, the potters' quarter).

Finally, in the era of Peisistratus and his sons, an altar to the 12 gods was built in the southern part of the new Agora (market), which was located at the northwestern foot of the Acropolis. Moreover, from the Agora the distances of all areas connected by roads to the city were measured. Peisistratus also began construction in the lower city of the colossal Temple of Olympian Zeus east of the Acropolis, and on the highest point of the Acropolis hill - the Temple of Chaste Athena (Hecatompedon).


Among the main entrance gates of Athens were:

  • in the west: Dipylon Gate, leading from the center of the Keramik district to the Academy. The gate was considered sacred because the sacred Elefsinian Way began from it. Knight's Gate were located between the Hill of the Nymphs and the Pnyx. Piraeus Gate- between Pnyx and Museion, led to a road between long walls, which in turn led to Piraeus. The Miletus Gate is so named because it led to the deme of Miletus within Athens (not to be confused with the polis of Miletus).
  • in the south: the gate of the dead was located near Museion Hill. The road to Faliron began from the Itonia Gate on the banks of the Ilissos River.
  • in the east: the Diochara gate led to the Lyceum. The Diomean Gate received this name because it led to the demo of Diomeus, as well as the hill of Kinosargus.
  • in the north: the Acarnian gate led to the deme Acarneus.

Athens is the cradle of our civilization, the birthplace of philosophers and democracy, a repository of destroyed columns and armless statues, ancient jugs and coins. Here ancient traditions and modernity are harmoniously intertwined. History lovers and those who want to soak up the warm sea in Athens will be greeted warmly and hospitably - in Greek.

Athens (Αθήνα) is a legendary city named after the wise warrior goddess - Pallas Athena. It stands on the plain of Attica, near the Saronikos Gulf, between three mountain ranges: Parnitha, Penteli and Hymetta. The Acropolis and Lycabetus hills rise above the city.

In ancient times, Athens was the center of ancient Greek civilization. Today's capital of Greece is a huge metropolis, the center of world history, a symbol of the Olympic idea. Athens is a center of science, culture, art, and developed trade. The lively rhythm of modern life exists here in parallel with the grandeur of ancient monuments and the mysteries of ancient legends.

The myth of the patroness of the city

One of the ancient Greek myths tells. Once upon a time, the king of Attica was Kekrops (half man, half snake). He had to choose a patron of the city. The wise son of the goddess Gaia decided that he should be the one who brings the most useful and valuable gift to the city. Poseidon, the brother of Zeus, immediately appeared before the people and thrust his trident into the rock of the Acropolis. At the site of the impact, a huge fountain shot up into the sky, but the water in it was sea salt. Then Pallas Athena appeared, who grew a wonderful olive tree on a stone and presented it to the people. The king and his people rejoiced, and wise Athena became the patroness of the city.

Highlights of the history of Athens

The area on which Athens stands has been inhabited since the Neolithic. The exact date of the city's birth is unknown. From ancient times to the Middle Ages, Athens dominated Hellas; the foundations of world democracy arose and developed here. In the Middle Ages, the city experienced decline, became part of Byzantium, and was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. In 1833, Athens received the status of capital of the new kingdom of Greece. A beautiful city was built near the ancient ruins. The traditions of the Olympic Games have been revived. By the end of the 20th century, Athens had become a beautiful and distinctive metropolis, worthy of the title of a modern capital.

Routes for 2 days in Athens

Philopappou Hill

Monument to Philopappos


Roman Agora

Syntagma Square

Syntagma metro station

National Archaeological Museum


You can only get a full impression of Greece and ancient culture by visiting Athens. I suggest a one day route. You will see the most interesting and significant places of the Greek capital.

Philopappou Hill

Panorama of Athens and the Acropolis from the heights of Philopappou Hill, photo Dan

To avoid the scorching Greek sun and have time to see as many sights as possible, start your walk early in the morning. Climb the Philopappou Hill (Λόφος Φιλοπάππου) (also called the Hill of the Muses), admire Athens and the Acropolis from above, and you will get a general vision of the city. There are not many tourists here, unlike Lycabettos Hill.

Monument to Gaius Julius Antiochus Philoppas, photo wrd39

Philopappou Hill is a pine park with paths and paths, viewing platforms and benches. It's nice to stroll here in the shade of the trees. At the top of the hill stands a monument to Philopappus, who adored Greek culture.

Below is the prison of Socrates (Η Φυλακή του Σωκράτη). It is believed that Socrates was imprisoned in it for “corrupting the youth of Athens with his radical statements.” He was sentenced to death and was forced to take poison.

At the entrance to the park from Dionysio Areopagitou Street there is a small church of Agios Demetrius.

From Arokintu Street, on the west side of the hill, we see the Dora Strato Theater (θέατρο Δόρα Στράτου). It hosts Greek folk dance performances in the summer.

How to get there: go to the Singrou-Fix station (Greek: ΣΤ.ΣΥΓΓΡΟΥ-ΦΙΞ), red metro line; walk along Drakou street; then follow the path up the hill.


The symbol of Athens, the heart of Hellas is the Acropolis of Athens (Ακρόπολη Αθηνών). The Hellenic capital, and indeed the entire Greek civilization, began from this sacred hill. The architectural complex of the Acropolis attracts all guests of the Greek capital. Beautiful ancient temples, founded under Pericles, stand in ruins here. This is where our path lies.

2. Hecatompedon

4. Statue of Athena Promachos

7. Eleusinion
8. Bravronion
9. Chalcotheca
10. Pandroseion
11. Arreforion
12. Athens altar
13. Sanctuary of Zeus Polyaeus
14. Sanctuary of Pandion
15. Odeon of Herodes Atticus
16. Stoa of Eumenes

19. Odeon of Pericles
20. Temenos of Dionysus
21. Sanctuary of Aglavra

The archaeological zone of Acropolis is entered from the southern slope: here you can see the ruins of the huge ancient Theater of Dionysus (Θέατρο του Διονύσου) with surviving rows of spectator seats and a stage. Ritual festivals - Dionysia - took place on this site; the pathetic masterpieces of Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes were played out. The passage between the stone rows of seats has now become part of the tourist trail surrounding the Acropolis.

Another “theatrical” monument of the Acropolis was intended for musical performances - the Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Ωδείο Ηρώδου του Αττικού). Its ruins, rebuilt, now host the annual Athens Festival of the World's Best Troupes.

Between the two ancient theaters there is the standing of Eumenes (Στοά Ευμένους) - a covered two-story colonnade built in the 2nd century. BC. Standing served the theater audience for walks.

Behind the colonnade are the ruins of a temple dedicated to the god of medicine, Asclepius. Asklepieion (Ἀσκληπιεῖον; Asklepieion) was built after the terrible Athenian cholera epidemic (5th century BC).

We will go to the flat top of the Acropolis through the Propylaea (Προπύλαια) - the monumental front passage to the Acropolis, built by Mnesicles (5th century BC). In antiquity, the building was adjacent to the pavilions of the Pinakothek and Hadrian's Library.

To the right of the entrance stands the reconstructed Temple of Nike Apteros (Ναός Αθηνάς Νίκης), also called the Temple of Athena Nike, built to commemorate the triumph of the ancient Greek army over the Persians in the 5th century. BC. Inside there was a statue of a wingless goddess so that she could never leave Athens.

Parthenon, photo Rol247*

Beyond the Propylaea is the marble Parthenon (Παρθενών) - the main temple of the Acropolis, a great architectural symbol of ancient culture. The monumental structure, framed by a colonnade, was built in 432 BC. The sanctuary was built from stone brought from the Pentelic Mountains. The Parthenon became the standard of classical ancient architecture. It was once adorned with the statue of Athena Parthenos - a magnificent figure made of ivory covered with gold. During the Byzantine period, this cultural value was taken to Constantinople.

Next to the Parthenon, in the sacred part of the Acropolis, stands the Erechtheion (Ἐρέχθειον) - a temple dedicated to Athena, Poseidon and King Erechtheus, built on the site of the mythological competition between Athena and Poseidon. It is said that on its northern portico there are marks left by the trident of the god of the seas himself. The columns of the temple are made in the form of sculptures of young women (caryatids).

The entrance ticket to the Acropolis is €12. It is valid for 4 days, as a bonus you get free entry to the Theater of Dionysus, the Roman Agora, the Ancient Greek Agora, the Temple of Zeus, the Library of Hadrian and Ceramics, the cemetery of ancient Athens. For children and teenagers under 18 years old - admission is free.

How to get there: go to Acropolis station, red metro line. Can be reached from Monastiraki and Thissio stations.

New Acropolis Museum, photo Tilemahos Efthimiadis

The ultra-modern building of the New Acropolis Museum (Μουσείο Ακρόπολης) is located 300 m from the Acropolis itself. It was built on the site of an archaeological excavation, which can be seen through the glass floor. The museum stores archaeological finds from the Archaic period (1800-600 BC) to the Romanesque (I-V centuries AD): ancient cornices, borders, carved areas with bas-reliefs. The pearl of the museum collection is the original caryatids taken from the portico of the Erechtheion.

There is a cozy cafe on the roof of the building where you can have a drink and enjoy the view.

Entrance to the museum is from Dionysiou Areopagitou street. The nearest metro station is Akropoli.

Address: Dionysiou Areopagitou 15, Athina 117 42. Website:
The entrance ticket costs €5.

What to see near the Acropolis

Hill of Ares, photo SantiMB.Photos

To the northwest of the foot of the Acropolis is the Areopagus (Ἄρειος πάγος) - the hill of Ares, on which courts were held in ancient Athens.

Near the western slope of the Acropolis there is a low rocky hill Pnyx (Πνὐξ) - a place of crowded meetings of the ancient Hellenes. On the plateau of this semicircular hill with a stone platform-tribune, starting from 507 BC. e., Athenian citizens gathered and held ecclesias. This is the first democratic government in the history of mankind. During excavations of the 20th century, a sanctuary and altar of Zeus were found on the Pnyx.

Temple of Olympian Zeus, photo Alexander Pappas

Half a kilometer from the Acropolis hill to the southeast stands the grandiose Olympion - the largest religious building in Hellas - the Temple of Olympian Zeus (Ναός του Ολυμπίου Διός). It was founded around 515 BC. e.; built over six centuries. Today, only a row of columns with capitals have survived from the ancient complex.

These attractions are not included in our itinerary, but you can explore them on another day.

Athens Agora, photo Joaquin Javier Esteban Martinez

The Ancient Agora (Ἀρχαία Ἀγορά) is located at the foot of the Acropolis. In the ancient city, this square, built under Solon, was not just a market, but the center of the social, cultural, and sports life of Athens. The center of the Agora was Panathenaic Street. Today there remain the ruins of the Stoa (colonnade) of Hermes, the covered Stoa Poikile with fragments of polychrome painting, a monument to ten tribes and ten heroes of Attica (IV century BC).

Temple of Hephaestus, photo by Keith Mac Uidhir

The Temple of Hephaestus (Ναός Ηφαίστου), the god of crafts and blacksmithing, built in the west of the Agora (449-415 BC), is considered a unique building, one of the best preserved religious buildings of the entire ancient world.

Standing Attalus, photo by Tilemahos Efthimiadis

The two-story complex of Stoa Attalus (Στοά του Αττάλου) was a real trading center of ancient Athens. More than four dozen trade shops were gathered under the roof of a huge building 115 m long, fenced by a powerful Doric colonnade. Traders' display windows were located under arches in the porticoes. In the 3rd century, Stoa was completely destroyed during the invasion of the Heruls. Restoration was carried out in the middle of the 20th century. Now this architectural monument houses the Agora Archaeological Museum.

A visit to the Agora is included in the price of the Acropolis ticket.

Roman Agora

Roman Agora, Tower of the Winds and Fethiye Cami Mosque, photo Tai Pan of HK

There is also a Roman Agora in Athens (Ρωμαϊκή Αγορά της Αθήνας), a Roman market square, an architectural complex of a rectangular courtyard with a colonnade, located on Pelopida and Aeolu streets. But we are not on our way there. On its eastern side stands the octagonal marble Tower of the Winds, created by the astronomer Andronikos Kirrestes (1st century BC). If you walk north of the square, you can see the legendary Library of Hadrian.

The decoration of the Roman Agora is the Fethiye Jami Mosque (Φετιχιέ τζαμί), built in honor of Mohammed the Conqueror in 1458 and recognized as the oldest monument of the Turkish era in Athens.

Monastiraki, photo evren3m999

The Agora is bordered by the Monastiraki district (Μοναστηράκι), one of the oldest in Athens. There are few attractions here. The mosque built by the Turkish governor Cistaraki in 1759 has been preserved. It stands next to the Monastiraki metro station. Moreover, the Church of Agiou Philip from the 17th century. on Adrianou Street.

Monastiraki is loved for the unique atmosphere that reigns here. People just walk here, enjoy the performances of street performers, sit in cafes with a cup of coffee, and buy things they like in souvenir shops and antique salons. On weekends, it's worth checking out the flea market on Ifestou Street.

While we were exploring the sights, it was time for lunch. I suggest eating at the central market, tasty and inexpensive. Therefore, we head towards Varvakios Agora. The market is open all days from 08:00 to 18:00 except Sunday, trading is brisk. At the market, look at gifts for home, and take colorful photos.

In the meat department there is a PAPANDREOU restaurant with traditional Greek cuisine. The prices are affordable. A good lunch will cost about €10-15. There are other excellent taverns in the market.

How to get to the market: from Monastiraki metro station you need to walk 500 m.

Let's continue our walk through the most cozy area of ​​Plaka (Πλάκα). Narrow streets, taverns and atmospheric cafes, colorful residents. The houses are 2-3 hundred years old, but they are built on ancient foundations.

Let's take a look at the oldest street in Athens - Adriana.

Ermou (Οδός Ερμού) is a busy pedestrian street in Athens leading to Syntagma Square. You can buy some clothes there in between times. But I advise you not to waste your time, as you won’t find anything exclusive or inexpensive.
By the way, boutiques of luxury brands are located at the beginning of the street, and then there are stores of affordable brands (Zara, Marks & Spencer, etc.).

Changing of the guard at the Parliament building, photo MPD01605

After passing Ermu Street, we will find ourselves on Constitution Square (Syntagma - Πλατεία Συντάγματος). Its main attraction is the Palace of the Greek Parliament (Βουλή των Ελλήνων). Nearby there is a monument to the Unknown Soldier. Near it, every hour there is a change of honor guard of the Presidential Palace and the Greek Parliament, which consists of soldiers of the national guard “Evzones” (translated from Greek - well-belted).

The Evzones are dressed in a uniform similar to the national Greek costume. The uniform consists of a men's wool pleated skirt with 400 pleats - fustanella; caps of bright red color with a long brush - phareon; leather boots - tsarukh, each weighing about 3 kg, with large black pompons (previously knives were hidden in pompoms); garters with tassels for leggings - kalzodet; white shirt and stockings, vest. During the changing of the guard, the movements of the guards are similar to a national dance.

The Evzones recruit not only well-trained, but also outwardly attractive soldiers with a height of at least 187 cm.

On Sunday at 11:00 the changing of the guard is accompanied by a military band.

Ancient artifacts at Syntagma metro station

Syntagma metro station (Σταθμός Συντάγματος) looks like a small archaeological museum. As soon as you step out of the subway car, unique discoveries appear in front of you, covered in glass. Among them are ancient burials and a fragment of an ancient Athenian water supply system. The artifacts were found when the metro was being laid in 2004.

You can see ancient exhibits at Akropolis and Monastiraki stations, but Syntagma is more interesting.

Archaeological Museum

Exposition of the Archaeological Museum, photo one-thirteen

After examining the ancient artifacts at the Syntagma station, I wanted to learn more about the history of Athens. Then you should go to the National Archaeological Museum (Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο) or to the Benaki Museum.

The National Archaeological Museum is located near Victoria metro station. The museum's exhibition is the richest in Greece. It contains sculptural exhibits from the ancient Greek and Roman eras, a collection of Corinthian ceramics, and Mycenaean gold. The museum’s collection includes famous exhibits from different time periods: the mask of Agamemnon, the sculptural group “Aphrodite and Pan”, the two-meter bronze statue “Poseidon”, the figurine of Zeus Keranovolos, the figure of the goddess Hygieia, the sculpture “Jockey Boy”.

Dozens of museums are open in Athens: Byzantine and Christian, Maritime, Ceramics, Historical, Theater, University, and many more displays, exhibitions, galleries.


From Syntagma Square we will go through the Royal Garden to the Panathenaic Stadium or Panathinaikos (Παναθηναϊκό στάδιο).

This huge structure is built entirely of white marble. The original stadium, built 329 BC. e., has not survived. It was the site of the Panathenaic Games, dedicated to the goddess Athena. In 1895, the stadium was practically rebuilt from scratch with the money of Georgios Averoff. His statue now stands at the entrance.

From the Panathenaic Stadium we will go along Anapafseos Street, at the end of which is the First Athens Cemetery (Πρώτο Νεκροταφείο Αθηνών), founded in 1837. This is an open-air museum, the burial place of the local elite. Every tomb is a work of art. The mausoleum of the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann and his family is impressive.

One Catholic and two Orthodox churches were built on the territory of the cemetery.

It's time for dinner. Let's take a look at the Funky Gourmet restaurant. The prices here, of course, are not affordable, and the place is not romantic, but the food is to die for!

Address: 13 Paramithias Street. Metro station - Metaxourgio (red line).


Lycabettos Hill, photo Wally Gobetz

Evening crept up unnoticed. Let's enjoy the evening panorama of Athens from Lycabettos Hill (Λυκαβηττός), the highest in Athens, also called Lycabettus. This is a great place to take photos of the evening Acropolis, the port of Piraeus, and the Aegean Sea.

At the top we will see the cult monument of the Byzantine era of Hellas, the white stone chapel of St. George (19th century); restaurant and open-air theater.

How to get there: go to Evangelismos station (blue metro line). Continue along Ploutarchou Street to the lower funicular station.

The funicular takes you quickly and comfortably to the top of the hill. Movement interval 5-10 min. A round-trip ticket costs €14. It is best to go up by cable car and walk down.

A taxi can take you to Lycabettos. You will pay approximately €25-30, and you will have to walk another 5 minutes.

There are two walking paths to the top of the hill. The ascent at a calm pace will take you about 20 minutes.

The day ended, and with it our walk through ancient Athens ended.

Sandy beaches of the City of Gods


Athens beaches stretch for many kilometers along the city and its surroundings. The most crowded is Faliron, a free recreation area with a sandy shore. Faliron is not suitable for a family holiday: the coast and water here are not clean.


In the eastern part of the city there is a sandy beach called Lutsa. It is preferred by Athenian youth for its large number of 24-hour entertainment venues, taverns and surf clubs.


Alimos Beach on the southern outskirts of the city is considered one of the most visited. There is a clean sandy beach and excellent infrastructure, by Athens standards: there are many cafes and taverns, showers, umbrellas and sun loungers, and children's entertainment.

Votsalakia Kampos

The most well-equipped beaches include Votsalakia Kampos - a fully equipped recreation complex, with a court, volleyball courts, and an outdoor swimming pool. The beach here is sandy with pebble areas.

Glyfada Bay

An excellent place for a family holiday is Glyfada Bay, located in the suburbs, 16 km from the capital’s center. This is a wide, long strip of golden sand among picturesque mountainous and wooded areas. The sandy paid beaches of Glyfada have all the necessary equipment and attractions installed, water sports activities are offered, restaurants and clubs operate, and lifeguards are on duty. The beaches of Glyfada are awarded the Blue Flag.

Beaches of Voula

The beaches of Voula, which is located 18 km south of Athens, are famous for their cleanest sandy bottom. A cozy, well-equipped coastal area is surrounded by a pine grove. There is a sports and training center for all ages.

Resort area of ​​Vulyameni

The Vouliameni resort area includes two sandy beaches on the sea coast (Kavuri and Attiki-Akti), the elite resort of Asteria-Volimenis with a complex of beaches, and the Vouliameni thermal lake, on the shores of which there is a cozy relaxation spot.

Kokkino-Limanaki Beach

Connoisseurs of pristine natural beauty choose Kokkino-Limanaki beach near the port of Rafina. There is an amazing turquoise sea, pure golden sand and picturesque red rock cliffs.

Akti Varkiza Beach

And 27 km to the east is Varkiza Bay. There is a beautiful free Akti-Varkiza beach with sports fields, a children's area, attractions and many eateries. There is a yacht club next to the beach.

In the outskirts of the capital, there are sandy beaches of Porto Rafti with famous fish taverns and Chinas - a favorite place for surfing fans; beach areas of the town of Vavrona and the famous resort at Cape Sounion - near the ruins of the ancient temple of Poseidon.

Transport in Athens

Public transport runs in the city: buses, trams, trolleybuses, metro and commuter trains. Quickly and conveniently get to your desired point by metro. There is a single ticket for all types of transport.

The cost of a single journey for 70 minutes. — €1.20;
ticket for 24 hours – €4.

Buy tickets at the box office, from vending machines at metro stations and tram stops. Be sure to validate your ticket.

How to get from the airport to the center of Athens

Athens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" is located 27 km from the center. You can get from the airport to the center by public transport: metro, express bus or taxi.


The easiest and most convenient way is to take the metro. To get to the Aerodromio metro station (blue line), you need to leave the arrivals hall through the second exit, cross the road and then follow the signs - TO TRAINS (to trains).

Buy your metro ticket from a machine or ticket office. Cost – €8; round trip – €14. The ride is about 40 minutes. The interval is about 30 minutes.

See the Athens metro map.

By bus

There are express buses from the airport to the center: No. X95 goes from Syntagma Square every 20 minutes; No. X96 - from the port of Piraeus; X93 - Kifissia districts; X97 - from Daphne.

The cost of a bus ticket is €5. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or at the metro ticket office.


An alternative to public transport is a taxi. It will take you directly to your desired location without transfers. A trip to Athens will cost from €35 and will take a maximum of 40 minutes.

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The history of Athens is the history of Western civilization, its origins and its very essence. Everything was invented here: democracy, theater, the foundations of law, philosophy and oratory. The city has stood on the fertile soil of Attica for 9 thousand years; no cataclysms or wars could shake its foundations.

In the ancient heart of Athens - the sacred Acropolis - there are still pagan temples dedicated to the mighty Zeus, wise Athena and mighty Hephaestus. The stone stages of ancient theaters still remember the first tragedies of Euripides. The marble steps of the Panathinaikos stadium are still ready to receive agile athletes today.

Over the course of thousands of years, Athens flourished, fell into decline, was destroyed, and was reborn again. But the city was able to maintain its status as the ancestor and source in which our entire culture originated.

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What to see and where to go in Athens?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The Acropolis is the heart of Athens, the ancient city where, thousands of years ago, a civilization was born that gave rise to the entire modern Western world. The architectural ensemble of the Acropolis includes buildings from the pre-Hellenistic, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods in the history of Athens. Of greatest interest are the partially preserved walls and columns of ancient temples and theaters. The complex of the Athens Acropolis is one of the most valuable objects of cultural heritage of mankind.

A Greek temple dedicated to the patroness of the city, the goddess Athena. The majestic structure was built in the 5th century BC. during the highest prosperity of the city of Athens under the ruler Pericles. The names of the architects of the temple have survived to this day. It is believed that the masters Callicrates and Iktin worked on the construction, and the great Phidias worked on the sculptural design. The interior decoration of the Parthenon was lush and pompous, and the facade was painted in different colors.

Temple of the 5th century BC, belonging to the Classical era of Greek history. It was erected by the will of the Athenian ruler Pericles, an outstanding commander and talented politician. The roof of the building is supported by slender rows of marble Doric columns, the friezes are made in compliance with the canons of the Ionic style. It is interesting that from the 7th century AD. and until the beginning of the 19th century, the Orthodox Church of St. George was located in the Temple of Hephaestus.

According to ancient legend, the Erechtheion was built on the site of a dispute between Athena and Poseidon, during which the gods did not share power over Attica. The temple was erected at the end of the 5th century BC. in the Ionic style, the name of the architect was lost in the thickness of centuries. The portico of the Caryatids, which was added to the temple later, is well preserved. It consists of a series of female column sculptures supporting the roof. The authorship is attributed to the sculptor Callimachus (according to another version - Alkamen).

Stone theater located on the southern slopes of the Acropolis. The Odeon was built in the middle of the 2nd century BC. It was used to organize theatrical productions and musical performances. The Odeon is perfectly preserved and, moreover, it is still used for its intended purpose today. After reconstruction in the mid-20th century, the stage began to host the annual Athens Festival. Over the past years, the best voices on the world stage have performed there.

The grandiose construction of the temple began in the 6th century BC. under the tyrant Pisistratus, but after his overthrow the building remained unfinished for another six centuries. The work was completed under the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In the 3rd century AD. During the sack of Athens, the temple was seriously damaged, and in the 5th century it was completely closed by order of Theodosius II. The final destruction of the Temple of Olympian Zeus occurred with the decline of the Byzantine Empire. The remains of the building were discovered during excavations in the 19th century.

An octagonal building made of Pentelicon marble, located on the territory of the Roman agora. According to one version, it is believed that the tower was erected in the 1st century BC. astronomer Andronikos of Cyrrhus. The height of the structure reaches 12 meters, the width is about 8 meters. In ancient times, a weather vane was installed on the top, which indicated where the wind was blowing. The walls of the tower are decorated with images of eight Greek deities responsible for the direction of the wind.

The theater is located in the southeastern part of the Acropolis, it was built in the 5th century BC, and is the oldest theater in Athens. The works of Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles and Aeschylus were staged on the stage. In the 1st century BC. Under Emperor Nero, a large-scale reconstruction of the theater was carried out. The scene fell into disrepair by the 4th century AD. and was gradually abandoned. Nowadays, a large-scale restoration project of the theater is underway.

An ancient city cemetery where the most worthy representatives of Athens were buried until the 4th century. This place has been used as a necropolis since the Bronze Age. Famous military leaders, statesmen and philosophers are buried here, including Pericles, Cleisthenes, Solon, Chrysippus and Zeno. The cemetery contains many tombstones from the Ancient period, tombstone columns and sculptures.

Covered two-story colonnade, built in the 2nd century BC. The structure was built by order of the Pergamon king Atallus, who in his youth studied in Athens (this was a common practice for young descendants of the royal families of the Mediterranean at that time). In ancient times, standing served as a place for citizens to walk. From here it was possible to observe the square and streets of Athens, as well as various festive processions.

An ancient stadium made entirely of Pentelicon marble. The Panathenaic Games were held on its territory - a great sports and religious festival, where athletes performed, festive processions took place and ritual sacrifices were made. The revived Olympic Games were held at the Panathinaikos Stadium at the end of the 19th century.

The modern museum building was created in 2009 according to a joint project of Greek and Swiss specialists. The collection is made up of artifacts belonging to different periods in the history of Athens. Mainly, the funds were replenished through archaeological excavations on the territory of the Acropolis. The new Acropolis Museum became the heir to the old collection of antiquities, which had existed since the mid-19th century.

A private collection that was founded in 1930 by A. Benakis on the territory of his family mansion. The owner collected the collection for 35 years and handed it over to the state. Antonis himself served as the head of the museum until his death. The exhibition consists of works of Greek art. It displays ceramics, textiles, prints, sculptures, jewelry and church utensils. The museum also has several paintings by El Greco.

The museum represents the most extensive collection of objects of ancient Greek culture. The archaeological collection was founded at the beginning of the 19th century; in 1889, a separate building in the neoclassical style was erected for it. The museum exhibition is divided into several collections, which include collections of prehistory, Cycladic art, Mycenaean art, Egyptian art and many others.

The exhibition was founded in 1986 on the basis of the private collection of the influential Greek Goulandris family. Before the collection was transferred to the hands of the state, it visited many world exhibitions. The museum building was built according to the design of V. Ioannis. The collection is divided into three parts: Bronze Age, Ancient Greek art, and the art of ancient Cyprus. It should be noted that the museum houses the most complete collection of artifacts of Cypriot culture.

The museum displays a collection of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art covering a time period of 15 centuries. An impressive collection of valuable icons is kept here. The museum was opened in 1914, in 1930 it moved to the former villa of the Duchess of Piacenza. In addition to icons, the museum collections contain statues, church vestments, ceramics, engravings, manuscripts, mosaics, dishes and much more.

A museum ship moored for eternity in the harbor of Palio Faliro. The ship was built at the beginning of the 20th century in Livorno for the needs of the Italian army, but due to economic difficulties it was sold to Greece. The cruiser took part in the First Balkan War, during the First and Second World Wars it was captured first by the French and then by the British. In the 50s the ship was put into reserve. In 1984, it was decided to turn the ship into a museum.

The Academy of Sciences is the main public research institution in Greece. The main building of the building in which it is located was built according to the design of F. von Hansen in 1887. The building is a true masterpiece of neoclassical architectural style. In front of the facade there are sculptures of the thinkers Plato and Socrates, as well as statues of the ancient Greek gods - Athena and Apollo.

The square is located in the modern center of Athens. The place gained importance in the 19th century, becoming the center of the city's commercial life. On the square is the Royal Palace of the mid-19th century, built according to the design of F. von Gaertner. The Greek Parliament now sits there. Syntagma Square constantly becomes the epicenter of social unrest. Protests, strikes and other mass actions of disobedience often take place here.

An honor guard is on duty at the walls of the Royal Palace on Syntagma Square. This is a rather unusual and even funny spectacle, unlike similar ceremonies in other countries. It's all about the unusual uniform of Greek soldiers, which consists of tunics, skirts, white tights and slippers with pom-poms, as well as non-standard marching during the changing of the guard. This spectacle always attracts a large number of tourists.

One of the oldest Orthodox churches in Athens. The temple was built on the ruins of a pagan sanctuary dedicated to a female deity. The first Christian churches began to appear in the city at the dawn of the Byzantine era, when the city fell into decay and the new faith almost completely replaced pagan cults. The Church of Panagia Kapnicarea is built in a typical Byzantine style, which is characterized by round domed towers.

The monastery is 11 km away. from Athens near the Daphnian grove. It was founded in the 6th century on the site of the destroyed Temple of Apollo and over time became one of the most revered shrines in Greece. The original appearance of the monastery has practically not been preserved; the structure of the 11th century, the heyday of the Byzantine Empire, has survived to this day. In the 13th century, Catholic monks settled in the monastery for a while, but in 1458 the entire complex of buildings was returned to the Orthodox Church.

A hill in the northeastern part of Athens that is the highest point in the city. It offers panoramic views of the Acropolis and the port of Piraeus. The hill has two peaks, on one of them there is a church, on the other there is a modern theater with an open stage. You can get to the top in three ways: climb along an equipped pedestrian road, use the funicular, or drive in by car.

The hill on which in ancient times the highest court of Athens, the Areopagus, met. The name apparently comes from the name of the god of war, Ares. Until the 5th century BC. The Areopagus served as a city council of elders, but from 462 BC. this body was deprived of political functions and empowered to administer civil and criminal justice. The Apostle Paul also preached a sermon on the hill.

A city hill with a monument on top erected in honor of the Roman Gaius Julius Philopappus, who more than once helped Athens with funds. Since the 2nd century, the place has been better known as the hill of Philopappos; previously it was named after the ancient Greek philosopher, poet and musician Mousaios (translated as “muses”). On the slopes of a hill there is a natural park without infrastructure.

The old district of Athens, built up mainly with houses of the 18th century. Almost all buildings stand on ancient foundations. On the territory of Plaka there is the oldest street in the city, which has retained its direction since the times of Ancient Greece. A large number of former residential buildings have been converted into museums, souvenir shops and cafes since residents moved en masse from Plaka in the 19th century.

The city market, located in the area of ​​the same name, is one of the most popular shopping areas in Athens. Monastiraki belongs to the category of flea markets. They sell a lot of unnecessary things, homemade shoes, antiques, coins, furniture and other collectible antiquities. At the market you can look at a unique exhibition of Greek life of past centuries.

A unique quarter in the ancient district of Plaka, which is adjacent to the Acropolis. The winding and slightly crooked streets of Anafiotiki are lined with typical white Mediterranean houses. The area was formed as a result of the resettlement of construction workers from the island of Anafi to Athens. They arrived in the capital at the call of the Greek king Otto in order to build a palace according to his special order.

A 16-hectare park located in the heart of Athens. Five hundred species of various plants grow on its territory. Every third tree is more than 100 years old. Within the National Garden, ancient Greek ruins have been preserved - the remains of walls, columns and fragments of mosaics. The garden was created in the 19th century by the will of Queen Amalia. At first, vegetables and fruits were grown there for the royal kitchen. Now the former vegetable garden has turned into a green oasis in the middle of a stone city.

A modern yacht berth designed for simultaneous mooring of 200 vessels. The marina embankment has an excellent infrastructure for tourists: luxury boutiques, restaurants, a picturesque promenade. On the piers you can admire luxury yachts flying the flags of different countries, and if you wish, take a refreshing boat trip along the coast.

The age of Athens is two and a half thousand years. The glorious past of the city is still clearly visible: the ancient Acropolis, towering above the city, is literally visible from everywhere. Today Athens is a modern metropolis, home to about four million people. This great city has changed in the twenty-first century. This happened partly thanks to the 2004 Olympic Games. Now Athens is more than a repository of antiquities. The city has changed a lot and, contrary to the perception of it as a city with a polluted environment and unbearable traffic, it leaves an amazing impression.

The construction boom after the end of World War II and the increase in population from 700 thousand to 4 million people turned into an architectural disaster. However, now the appearance of the city is changing: new roads and metro are being built, and the expansion of the pedestrian zone in the city center has already saved Athens from painful traffic jams and even reduced the cloud of smog, which literally poisons the metropolitan atmosphere. The cleaner air is evident in the rediscovery of the views for which Athens was once famous, and despite the skyscrapers and fast-food outlets, the city manages to retain its unique character and charm.

Oriental bazaars compete with fashion boutiques and shops filled with goods from Armani and Benetton. Rapid modernization is balanced by a sense of homely atmosphere in the air: any Greek will tell you that Athens is the largest village in the country. No matter how often you come to Athens, your attention will be attracted by what has been preserved from the classical ancient city - first of all, the Parthenon and other monuments of the Acropolis, as well as the updated one, which presents the best collection of antiquities.

Most of the several million visitors who visit Athens every year limit themselves to visiting these monuments, adding to them perhaps an evening in a romantic atmosphere in one of the Plaka taverns designed for tourists. But in doing so, they miss the chance to see the Athens that the Athenians themselves know and love. Even if you only visited the city for a short time, this does not justify the desire to see Athens only as a collection of preserved antiquities and museum exhibits. It would also be worth spending a little time getting to know the outskirts of the capital and visiting near Athens.

The most accessible place for tourists is probably Plaka, an area where Turkish, neoclassical and Greek island architecture is mixed. Further on there are interesting museums dedicated to traditional arts and crafts, from ceramics to music. A little to the north are the souks, almost the same as in the Middle East, and the additional reward is the cafes, bars, clubs in Psirri and the rapidly developing, as well as the National Park and the shady and elegant. Not so far from Plaka are the hills Lycabettus and Philopappou, from which the entire city is visible at a glance, and there is a tram (in the summer it will take you to the beach). All of the above attractions can be seen during.

But what surprises visitors most of all in Athens is the bustling life of the city. The cafes are always crowded, during the day and after midnight, the streets are not empty until three or even four o’clock in the morning, bars and clubs attract night owls. There are also places to eat in a way that will be remembered for a long time: there are many traditional taverns, and chic restaurants await discerning gourmets. In the summer, cafe tables move onto the street pavements, club life moves to the beaches, and you can go to the cinema, attend concerts and open-air performances based on the works of classical ancient Greek drama. Shopping lovers' eyes run wild: lively colorful bazaars and huge shopping spaces in the suburbs, called "malls" in the American style, and, of course, boutiques filled with the creations of the most fashionable fashion designers.

And very good – and also priced – public transport, inexpensive taxis, so you won’t have any special difficulties getting around. Describing the outskirts of Athens - they and the region as a whole will be discussed in other articles - attention is paid here, first of all, to the monuments of antiquity. The most popular place to visit is the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion: that wonderful architectural monument is located on a cliff overlooking the cape. The sanctuaries of Ramne (Ramnus), Eleusis (Elephsina) and Vravrona, as well as the burial mound at Marathon, built in honor of the great victory, are not so well known and not so frequently visited.

Fans of hiking may want to climb - the mountains have encircled the city, and it is best to climb Mount Parnitha. If it is in the spring, then at the same time you will pick up an armful of a variety of wonderful forest and wildflowers. The beaches on the Attic coast are good enough to attract city-weary Athenians, but if you're visiting the islands, exploring the beaches here isn't necessary. Getting out of Athens is easy: dozens of ferries and hydrofoils leave daily from the Athens suburban port of Piraeus, and also, less frequently, from two other Attic ports with ferry piers - Rafina and Lavrion.

A Brief History of Athens

Athens is a city where life began more than seven thousand years ago. The low rocky hill, which later became the Acropolis of Athens, has attracted people since ancient times as a convenient place of settlement. It rises in the middle of a valley watered by the rivers Cephisus and Ilissos and surrounded by the mountains Hymetta, Penterikon, Parnet and Aigalei. The slopes of the hill, whose height is 156 meters above sea level, are inaccessible, and therefore it is natural that all these advantages were appreciated by the ancient inhabitants of Attica. The Mycenaeans built a palace-fortress on the rock.

Unlike other Mycenaean villages, Athens was neither abandoned nor sacked during the Dorian invasion (circa 1200 BC), so the Athenians always prided themselves on being “pure” Ionians, without Dorian “admixture”. But the Mycenaean-type state did not survive in Athens. Gradually the village turned into a polis (ancient city-state) and a cultural center. The rulers of Athens were considered kings - the basilei, who then ceded power to the clan nobility - the eupatrides. Public meetings took place at the Propylaea of ​​the Acropolis. To the west rose the rocky hill of Apec, named after the god of war. Here, on the leveled peak, the Areopagus, the council of elders of the noble families of the city, the Areopagites, gathered. Athens at that time remained in the shadow of large and powerful policies, such as and.

Athens grew richer, and the increased prosperity contributed to the rapid growth of arts and crafts, especially pottery. But economic growth increased political tension: there was growing discontent among farmers and Athenians, who were excluded from public life, but paid taxes and taxes on land that went to the landed aristocracy. The discord could only be stopped by the reconstruction of society, which was aimed at by the laws of Draco (his “Dracontic” code was promulgated in 621 BC) and the election of Solon as ruler (594 BC), who was given powers to carry out radical political and economic reforms.

Solon's reforms provided civil rights to large sections of the population and laid the foundations of the system that over time grew into Athenian democracy. In the middle of the 6th century BC, Peisistratus seized power. Peisistratus is usually called a tyrant, but this only means that he took power by force: his populist policies earned him the loyalty and love of many of his fellow citizens, and he turned out to be a very successful ruler, under whom Athens became much more powerful, richer and more influential. His sons Hippias and Hipparchus were not so happy: Hipparchus was killed in 514 BC, after which Hippias tried to establish a dictatorship.

He was greatly disliked by the people and was overthrown with the help of an army called from Sparta in 510 BC. The new leader Cleisthenes carried out more radical changes: he introduced a government board of 10 strategists, created territorial phyles instead of tribal ones, and each of them sent fifty representatives to the State Council of Bule. Boulet made decisions on issues discussed in the Assembly. All citizens could participate in the Assembly and it performed the functions of both the legislative branch and the supreme court. The reforms proposed by Cleisthenes served as the basis for Athenian democracy, which existed, almost unchanged, until Roman rule.

Around 500 BC, Athens sent a detachment of warriors to Asia Minor to help the Ionian Greeks who rebelled against the Persian Empire, which provoked a retaliatory Persian invasion of Greece. In 490 BC, the Athenians and their allies defeated vastly superior Persian forces at the Battle of Marathon. In 480 BC, the Persians returned, captured and sacked Athens and left almost the entire city burned to the ground. In the same year, however, victory in the naval battle of Athens put an end to the Greek struggle with the Persians, simultaneously securing Athens' position as the leading city-state in the Greek world, and Athens was able to unite the cities of the islands of the Aegean Sea and central Greece into the Delian League, also called Athens Maritime Union.

This newfound power gave rise to the so-called classical period, during which Athens reaped the fruits of its successes and the triumph of democracy along with the flowering of the arts, architecture, literature and philosophy, and the influence of this era on world culture is felt to this day. In the second century BC, power passed to the Romans, who revered Athens as a spiritual source but made little effort to give the city more splendor.

Christians and Turks in Athens

The emergence of Christianity is perhaps the most significant milestone in the process of the long decline of Athens, which lost the glory that the city had known in the classical era. At the end of Roman rule, during which the appearance of the city changed little, Athens lost its role as a connecting link in the Greco-Roman world, and the reason for this was the division of the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western and the formation of Byzantium (Constantinople) as the capital of the eastern Byzantine Empire. In this empire, the new Christian worldview very soon eclipsed the ethics developed by Athens, although Neoplatonism was still taught in the philosophical schools of the city.

In 529, these lyceums were closed, and Justinian I, who put an end to them, ordered at the same time to rededicate the city churches, and all of them, including the Parthenon, became Christian churches. Then Athens almost ceased to be mentioned in chronicles and annals; a hint of revival appeared only during the reign of foreign rulers and the Middle Ages: as a result of the Fourth Crusade, Athens with the Peloponnese and a considerable part of the central part ended up in the hands of the Franks. The ducal court was located on the Acropolis, and for a whole century Athens returned to the mainstream of European life. The Frankish power, however, had almost no one to rely on except the provincial aristocracy.

In 1311, Frankish troops fought with Catalan mercenaries entrenched in Thebes and were driven into a swamp. The Catalans, who organized their own principality, were replaced by the Florentines, and then very briefly by the Venetians, until in 1456 the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II appeared, the conqueror of Constantinople. Athens during the period of Turkish rule was a military settlement with a garrison stationed in it, every now and then (and to the considerable detriment of the buildings of the classical period) finding itself on the front line of battles with the Venetians and other Western powers.

Ties with the West were severed, and only occasionally did French and Italian ambassadors appear in the Sublime Porte. Sometimes rare travelers or curious painters visited Athens. During this period, the Greeks enjoyed some degree of self-government, and the Jesuit and Capuchin monasteries flourished. turned into the residence of the Ottoman ruler, and the Parthenon was converted into a mosque. The areas around the Acropolis returned to the distant past, switched to a partial peasant existence, and the port in Piraeus was forced to be content with servicing a dozen or two fishing boats.

Four hundred years of Ottoman rule ended in 1821, when the Athenian Greeks, along with the inhabitants of dozens of cities in the country, rebelled. The rebels occupied the Turkish areas of the lower city - this is the current one - and besieged the Acropolis. The Turks retreated, but five years later they returned to reoccupy the Athenian fortifications; the Greek rebels had to go deeper into the mainland. When the Ottoman garrison left forever in 1834 and a new, German monarchy arose, 5 thousand people lived in Athens.

Modern Athens

Despite its ancient past and the natural advantages of its location, Athens did not immediately become the capital of modern Greece. This honor initially went to Nafplio in the Peloponnese - the city in which Ioannis Kapodistrias developed plans for the War of Independence, and from where he later led it, and where the first meeting of the country's first parliament, the National Assembly, took place in 1828. And if I. Kapodistrias had not been killed in 1831, it is quite possible that the capital would have remained the same, or maybe it would have been moved from Nafplio to Corinth or better equipped and quite large cities.

However, after the death of Kapodistrias, the intervention of the Western European “Great Powers” ​​followed, imposing their monarch on the country - he became Otto, the son of Ludwig I of Bavaria, and in 1834 the capital and royal court moved to Athens. The justification for the move came down to symbolic and sentimental reasons, because the new capital was an insignificant settlement and was located on the very edge of the territory of the new state - it had yet to include northern Macedonia and all the islands except those already existing.

In the 19th century, the development of Athens was a gradual and completely manageable process. While archaeologists were ridding the Acropolis of all the architectural layers with which the Turks and Franks had decorated it, the city was gradually being built: the streets intersected at right angles, and neoclassical buildings in the Bavarian style appeared. Piraeus managed to once again turn into a full-fledged port, because until the beginning of the 19th century it was greatly hampered by competitors - the largest ports of Greece on the islands and. In 1923, at the end of the tragic Greco-Turkish war in Asia Minor, a peace treaty was signed, according to which an “exchange of population” took place: the Turks moved to Greece, the Greeks to Greece, and nationality was determined solely by religion.

One and a half million Greek Christians from centuries-old villages in Asia Minor and the Turkic-speaking but Orthodox population of Anatolia arrived in Greece as refugees. And more than half of this flow settled in Athens, Piraeus and nearby villages, changing the appearance of the capital in one fell swoop. The integration of the new settlers and their efforts to survive constituted one of the greatest pages in the history of the city, and this phenomenon itself left deep traces that are noticeable to this day. The names of the areas located on both sides of the metro line connecting Athens with Piraeus testify to the longing experienced by the new settlers for their forever lost homeland: Nea Zmirni (New Smyrna), Nea Yonia, Nea Philadelphia - such names are common for city blocks and streets.

At first, these neighborhoods were villages in which people from the same Anatolian town settled, who built houses from whatever they could find, and it happened that one well or water tap supplied drinking water to a dozen or two families. The merger of these suburbs with Athens and Piraeus continued until World War II. But the war brought such new worries that all the old ones were temporarily put aside. Athens suffered greatly from the German occupation: in the winter of 1941-1942, according to rough estimates, two thousand people died of starvation every day in the city. And at the end of 1944, when the German occupation ended, the civil war began.

British soldiers were ordered to fight their recent allies in the Greek Resistance Army EL AS because the army was led by communists. From 1946 to 1949, Athens was an island in the stormy sea of ​​war: the roads both to the north and to the north could only be called passable with a very big stretch. But in the 1950s, after the Civil War, the city began to expand rapidly. A program of powerful capital investments in industry was implemented - the money was invested mainly by Americans who wanted to persuade Greece to enter the US sphere of influence, while at the same time the capital experienced an influx of immigrants from impoverished villages devastated by the war.

The vacant lots between the neighborhoods began to be quickly developed, and by the end of the 1960s, Athens had become a major city. Often new developments look dull. Old buildings were demolished; the elements of destruction raged with particular force in 1967-1974, during the junta. Homeowners replaced demolished buildings with multi-apartment residential buildings up to six stories high. The central streets are like canyons - narrow streets seem to be cut between concrete high-rise buildings. Booming industry took over the outskirts, and the combined efforts of city planners and industrialists quickly turned Athens into a polluted megalopolis, suffocating from the toxic fog that descends on it, which is called nefos.

Since the 1990s, in preparation for the Olympics, measures have finally been taken to improve the situation in the city. Although Athens still has a long way to go in terms of green spaces and open spaces, the results of the efforts are already visible. Everything that has survived from the city’s architectural heritage is being restored, public transport is clean, the construction of houses is controlled, new buildings of interesting ultra-modern architecture have appeared (for example, some buildings erected for the Olympics and the unfinished new Acropolis Museum), and the air is not so polluted, like before. I would like to hope that changes in this direction will continue.

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