Where is the best place to relax in February at sea. Where to go to the sea in February - beach holidays inexpensively, without a visa, with a child

For many, winter recreation is skiing, sightseeing and drinking tea with friends. But often, when it's cold and snowy outside, you want to get to a place where it's always warm and sunny. Today they are available to many residents of Russia all year round.

A holiday in Thailand in February is what a Russian who is tired of the cold dreams of. The air temperature is kept within 26 degrees during the daytime and does not fall below 20 at night. The most comfortable rest awaits tourists in the southeast of the country and the adjacent islands (Chang, Pattaya), as well as on the west coast - Phuket, Krabi, Lanta. In other areas, the air is not yet so warm, and the sea is not too calm. Thailand is a place where the rest of tourists is thought out to the smallest detail. Guests of the country can comfortably stay in any of the many hotels, enjoy the cleanliness of the beaches and the sea, see the unprecedented flora and fauna.

There are also noteworthy sights in the country: a floating market with a variety of goods from the East; the largest and oldest monastery, Wat Pho; Royal Palace, surrounded by temples, and much more. The main advantage of a holiday in this country in February is the celebration of the Chinese New Year. At this time, Thailand is immersed in an atmosphere of joy and kindness. Another celebration that you can get to at the beginning of the month is the festival of flowers. It takes place in Chiang Mai on the seashore.

Tourists can not only have a good mood and beautiful pictures, but also a lot of souvenirs. Locals love to make them with their own hands from natural resources, so they are endowed with a special warmth. You can buy them on almost every street at an affordable price.

The only drawback of traveling to Thailand in February is the relative high cost and the influx of tourists. Rest for two without the All Inclusive service will cost at least 75000 rubles. Entertainment in the country is also not cheap, this should be taken into account when planning your leisure time.

The United Arab Emirates is another place that enjoys pleasant and warm winters. Today, tourists can go to Sharjah or Abu Dhabi, where the tourist infrastructure has been gaining momentum and developing for many years. The capital of the Emirates greets its guests with the stunning beauty of perfectly straight streets - buildings with interesting architecture, green spaces and many fountains, although the situation with water in the region remains tense. The main advantage of Abu Dhabi are hotels. Having settled in one of the rooms, you can be sure of the quality of the services provided and in interesting leisure. Sports and cultural and entertainment facilities, restaurants and galleries, shops and dive centers - all this is available on the territory of the hotels.

Those who want to spend more time on walks, and not on evening parties, should visit Sharjah. This is a city that is completely immersed in greenery. Parks and squares, beautiful views of the sea, exotic animals - all this awaits tourists in the town that is still growing along the coast.

Of the minuses of holidays in the Emirates in February, only the cool sea can be noted, although the air temperature is kept at a comfortable level of 26 degrees. At night, it is worth thinking about warm clothes. A pleasant compensation for the inability to swim in the sea is the cost of tours, mainly last-minute tours are offered from 22000 rubles per person on an All Inclusive basis.

In the UAE, many people go not only for a beautiful tan, but also for shopping. In February, the Emirates Trade Festival takes place, after which many interesting gizmos remain in stores at very attractive prices. (Al-Fahidi, Bollywood Parks, etc.) is the main goal of many tourists. Although, in addition to them, the Emirates have a lot of interesting places worthy of the attention of guests of the country.

The Maldives is a place where the average daily air temperature in February does not fall below 25 degrees. The sea is also warm - about +24°С. Therefore, a holiday in the Maldives this winter month will be unforgettable. At the disposal of tourists are many resorts-atolls, where their own special life reigns. Only the cleanliness of the beaches and the sea, the beauty of exotic nature, a sense of solitude and peace remain unchanged.

Shaviani Atoll is suitable for those tourists who want to spend their time in a fun and pleasant way. Here you can enjoy all the benefits of civilization, buy a lot of interesting gizmos and go on excursions, looking at the sights of the islands.

Ari Atoll impresses with the service of its hotels. There are quite a lot of them, so each of them seeks to win fame from tourists using all sorts of tricks (some offer a bicycle along with the number, others offer a boat, others offer their own beach).

Important: Do not try to find alcohol in stores. With this on the islands is extremely strict. And for trying to break off a piece of coral for memory, a large fine is provided.

Unsurpassed nature, amazing cuisine, the best service and the absence of crime are worthy of the price voiced by tour operators. A weekly visit to the Maldives in February for 2 people on the All Inclusive system will cost 210000 rubles(according to the most conservative estimates).

You can relax in February on the coast of the Indian Ocean in the beautiful state of Goa, where even the water temperature does not drop below 26 degrees. Calm sea, gentle sun and cloudless sky complement the high service of local hotels. Tourists coming from all over the world are offered comfortable rooms, spa treatments and the best dishes of national cuisine.

In addition, everyone can get acquainted with the wonders and possibilities of local medicine, plunge into the Indian religion. Guests are invited to visit many attractions: Dudhsagar waterfall, where you can meet with a real bison; Fontaines quarter with its majestic temples; the Portuguese fort of Aguada; a flea market in Anjuna, where you can buy all sorts of souvenirs and many useful things; spice plantations, etc.

Important: children will not be bored in Goa either. For them, many entertainment facilities and more interesting places have been created, such as a butterfly park.

Holidays in this Indian state can only bring positive emotions. And the cost of tours in February will pleasantly surprise you. The All Inclusive system for 2 persons will cost an average of 80000 rubles. You can also buy a last-minute tour, which will cost 17-20% cheaper. If your plans include visiting local stores, then you should stock up on finances, since the variety of unique goods will not leave anyone indifferent.

February in Bali is a month full of surprises. Even weather forecasters cannot predict weather conditions, so it is worth taking note of the fact that at the end of winter the island is dominated by wet weather, and rains are the rule rather than the exception. But the air temperature is kept at very comfortable levels - not lower than 29 degrees. The water in the sea is also quite warm - 28 degrees. Therefore, the beaches do not suffer from a shortage of tourists who catch beautiful hours of sunshine between rains.

At a time not suitable for beach sunbathing, you can enjoy the sights of Bali, visit the thermal springs, look at the numerous festive events and taste the national cuisine. Do not forget about the exotic atmosphere of this place. Attention guests are offered: Elephant Park; Reptile Park; climbing to the top of Batur volcano; inspection of rice fields. If the weather is completely unsuitable for walking, you should not despair. Numerous boutiques and small shops, beauty salons and establishments with local cuisine, spa centers and disco bars - all this will not let even the most active tourists get bored.

Despite the fact that February is considered a stalemate in terms of the influx of tourists to Bali, the cost of the trip is quite impressive. "All inclusive" for two for 7-12 days will cost at least 120000 rubles. But this amount is quite justified for those who want to escape from the February cold and get a lot of positive emotions.

Cuba is a place where the weather is also distinguished by its changeability. But, fortunately for tourists, sharp drops in temperature from the usual 30 degrees to 20 are short-lived. Therefore, guests of the island can count on quite a comfortable stay. Clean beaches with white sand in the form of powdered sugar, equipped with everything you need, exotic vegetation framing them, comfortable hotels and very friendly locals allow you to get the most good impressions.

For a beach holiday in February, places such as Varadero, Trinidad and Havana are suitable. Here the weather is more stable, although it can get a little chilly at night. But this does not overshadow the guests of Cuba, because, in addition to the sea and sand, they are provided with a lot of bonuses in the form of unsurpassed rum, real Cuban cigars and endless carnivals.

Those who want to relax not only with their bodies, but also with their souls, should get acquainted with the local culture and go sightseeing, of which there are a great many in Cuba. White-stone Havana, Santa Clara (the birthplace of Che Guevara), the Trinidat open-air museum - all this is just a small part of what is worth seeing on the island, not counting the countless parks and reserves.

The only not so pleasant moment for those who decide to spend their winter holidays in Cuba will be the cost of the tour. Without the All Inclusive service, the price for accommodation and flights is within 170000 rubles for two people.

You can get into real summer, enjoy the gentle and calm sea in February by going to Mexico. The air temperature in the country reaches 30 degrees, the water warms up to 27. The most favorable conditions for a beach holiday are in Acapulco, Pueblo, Huatulco, Riviera Maya and Cancun. There are no sudden temperature changes here, and rains are extremely rare, so umbrellas can be safely left in the room.

Mexico in February promises tourists a varied leisure experience full of impressions. Fans of beach treatments have the opportunity to swim and get a luxurious tan, avid divers - to see the wonders of the underwater world, inquisitive travelers - to explore the pyramids and ancient temples.

Hotels and beaches of the country are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, temporary "residents" of Mexico can visit a lot of local shops and boutiques, various exhibitions and museums, and relax in spas. Do not forget about the traditional cuisine - chimichangas, burritos, enchiladas, tortillas and much more.

The celebrations that take place in the country at the end of winter are another factor in favor of choosing this destination for most tourists. The noisy Mexican carnival will take you into an atmosphere of celebration and fun - mariachi performances, costume processions, grandiose parades, historical performances and chic fireworks.

"All inclusive" will cost our citizens 190000 rubles for two. And that's the only bad thing. Although the cost of the trip is fully justified by the level of service, the beauty of the area and the availability of entertainment.

Warm summer weather awaits tourists in China in a place called Hainan. There you will be able to enjoy the beautiful gentle sea, lie down under the rays of the gentle sun and see all the beauty of nature. But do not forget about temperature differences. In the daytime, you can safely walk in shorts and T-shirts, but in the evenings it gets cool, so a warm jacket and pants will not be superfluous.

The country's tourist resources can also be called limitless, since all the sights and interesting places to see cannot even be listed. The most popular of them are: the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven, the Terracotta Army, etc. Entertainment is also varied - all kinds of attractions, parks with exotic animals and plants, water parks and shops with national items and things.

Another important point of rest in China at the end of winter is the opportunity to get to the Chinese New Year or to a whole "chain" of carnivals. Music and fun, streets shining with different colors and lights, noisy companies and unprecedented fireworks - all this is just a holiday for local residents and a real miracle for tourists.

If we talk about the cost of the trip, then it can also pleasantly surprise you. Tours are available 60000 rubles, they include only flight and hotel accommodation for two. If the availability of breakfasts and lunches is important, then the price of a tour for two increases to 100,000 rubles.

You can also escape from the frosty February days to the Dominican Republic, where at this time the water of the Caribbean Sea warms up to 28 degrees, and the air to 30. Even extremely rare rains will not be able to overshadow the rest of tourists, since they are short-lived. At the end of winter, the state begins to “grow” with those who want to enjoy the warmth, sun and various entertainments. Therefore, you should not count on a secluded vacation and an abundance of free places in hotels. When planning your trip to the island, you need to purchase a tour in advance.

How can the Dominican Republic surprise its guests? Beach holidays, tennis, diving, windsurfing, water skiing, sailing and numerous excursions - all this is at the disposal of any tourist who was able to overcome the difficulties of the flight. Fans of ecological tourism can be advised to spend their holidays at the ranch. Communication with the indigenous people will help to delve into the process of growing cocoa and coffee, see how household items and souvenirs are made, which can be seen in local markets.

In Santo Domingo, it is recommended to go to see the monuments, ancient ruins and colonial-style buildings. Punta Cana will allow you to combine viewing of architectural structures and natural relics. Despite the influx of tourists, the cost of tours is kept at around 130000 rubles with the service "All inclusive" for two.

The slush and frosty days of Russia can be easily replaced by the sun and heat in Asia. February in Cambodia is the driest and extremely warm - the air temperature does not fall below 30 degrees. Guests of the country can swim in plenty in the gentle and calm sea, get an unprecedented tan and spend time with interest. In addition to a beach holiday, tourists are offered exciting fishing and extreme sports.

Arriving in Cambodia in February, you can get into a series of large-scale holidays, which are distinguished by enchantment and duration. It doesn’t hurt to try the local cuisine. During the celebrations, the inhabitants of the country prepare the most delicious dishes, which they treat with pleasure to all guests of the country.

Shopping is especially popular in Cambodia. Guests of the country are ready to buy everything that is on store shelves - for themselves and for friends. But do not forget that not all souvenirs and things sold in local "boutiques" are really of high quality.

To see the sights, you have to travel around many cities. But this does not stop tourists who want to join the Asian culture and study its history better. Killing Fields, Wat Phnom Temple, Tole Sleng Genocide Museum, Royal Palace, Angkor Wat - this is just a small part of what can be seen in Cambodia. The cost of a weekly tour is from 80000 rubles for two.

From the frosty end of winter to February with a temperature of 26 degrees, you can move by flying to the Philippines. Excellent surfing and impeccable beach holidays under the rays of the scorching sun - this is what awaits all guests of the country. The tourism business in this region is not only flourishing, but also continues to develop. Therefore, all temporary "residents" are offered only the best conditions for living in hotels, the cleanest beaches and a lot of dizzying entertainment.

Important: the sun on the islands in February can be "burning", so do not forget about your safety. The use of special creams and an umbrella as a shelter from the scorching rays is the key to health and quality rest.

An indispensable item for all vacationers is visiting the most popular attractions. There are enough of them on the islands to list everything, but the most popular ones can be distinguished - White Beach, Jose Rizal Park, Manila Ocean Park, the underground river of Puerto Princesa, etc. Separately, it is worth noting that there are many active volcanoes in the Philippines. And it is on them that tourists who come to the country want to see.

Regarding the high cost of a vacation, we can say the following: on average, a flight and accommodation for two will cost 90000 rubles, with meals the price can increase by 50%. But this money is fully justified, since you will not get so many emotions at the end of winter anywhere else.


Another state that can receive tourists in February and reward them with an unforgettable beach holiday is the Seychelles. The air temperature reaches 30 degrees, the sea is also warm. But this direction is better to choose for those tourists who want to combine a beach holiday with expanding their own horizons and physical activity.

Hotels in this resort town are quite expensive, but fully comply with all accepted standards. In February, they always have a lot of free places, so the guests of the country have the opportunity to move away from the usual hustle and bustle of overcrowded hotels. The beaches in the Seychelles are also fully prepared to receive their guests. Just do not forget about the possible "raids" of rain - clouds tend to appear from nowhere and disappear into nowhere. But this does not overshadow the rest. After abundant water procedures, the greenery of the islands begins to reveal all its beauty.

The cost of a trip to a wonderful country with a warm and pleasant climate will cost at least 90000 rubles for two. But this amount is nothing compared to the emotions that you can get on the islands.

Summing up

Winter cold, wind and sleet - all this can make anyone depressed. Therefore, it is sometimes worth breaking out in the middle of winter to warm countries, where there is only sea, sun and adventure. Fortunately, there are a lot of directions where you can safely go.

So that nothing overshadows the February vacation, it does not hurt. After all, even unpaid traffic police fines can be a reason to postpone vacation indefinitely.

A beach holiday in February abroad imposes small restrictions on destinations. Choosing a place for an upcoming vacation at sea completely excludes Europe. It's still quite cold there. Fortunately, there are many places on earth where a sea holiday in February is possible. Below you will find list of 10 countries and best resortswhere you can go in February to the sea and have a good rest. This month it is warm and comfortable to swim everywhere.

Countries and the best resorts for a beach holiday in February

1. Cancun, Mexico

  • Average temperature: +27 °C during the day, +22 °C at night.
  • Water temperature: +26 °C.
  • Rainfall: 45 mm.

Cancun is busiest during the Christmas period of December and the first weeks of spring, so February is the perfect time for a winter seaside holiday. This is the first dry month after the rainy season, so even short showers here at this time will be quite rare.

During the peak season, in February, it is usually higher. However, there are quite advantageous offers of tours to three-star hotels. We recommend purchasing all-inclusive meals. It's hard to find cheap food and drinks in Cancun, but it's still the best-priced destination in the Caribbean.

To visit Mexico, you need e-visa processing (for free). All you need to do is fill out an online form. An electronic entry permit will be sent to your email. You can order a visa, and, directly, when booking a tour, but already for money. If you have an open multiple Schengen visa to Mexico is not required.

2. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

  • Average temperature: +28 °C during the day, +23 °C at night.
  • Water temperature: +26 °C.
  • Rainfall: 34 mm.

If you have a vacation in February and want to go to the sea without a visa, then the Dominican Republic is what you need! Russians do not need a visa to the Dominican Republic, which will help to avoid additional payments when buying a ticket.

February is the month of the high season in the Dominican Republic, when there are a lot of tourists. To meet demand, the long string of similar beach towns on the island's eastern tip offers guests a selection of some of the world's finest resorts. In other words, in this place you can buy an affordable option even in high season. There are more than 100 wonderful resorts here. About 20 of them work on an all-inclusive basis. Many of the hotels have a large number of rooms (more than 500 rooms).

It is also one of the best destinations to visit in February with a child (except for a long flight). For the little ones, however, we would recommend the resort's shallow waters.

3. Montego Bay, Jamaica

  • Average temperature: +27 °C during the day, +23 °C at night.
  • Water temperature: +27 °C.
  • Rainfall: 10 mm.

Even during the high season in February, it can offer its guests a good selection of hotels and resorts. However, the cost of the service will be noticeably higher than in the Dominican Republic. Russian tour operators prefer to work here only with four-star and five-star hotels. It will be difficult for middle-income tourists to rest in Jamaica. However, you can try to grab a profitable one or catch it in Jamaica.

Montego Bay hotels are inferior in size to the Punta Cana resorts in the Dominican Republic, but all-inclusive accommodation is offered in most of them. If Montego Bay does not suit you, you can consider two other popular Jamaican resorts and. They are located one and a half hours drive from Montego Bay Airport (MBJ), and each of them can offer its tourists its own unique flavor and experience.

All the places we have listed in Jamaica provide vacationers with a huge selection of water and other entertainment, the cost of which, by the way, is lower than in other areas of the Caribbean. Russians do not need a visa to Jamaica.

4. Varadero, Cuba

  • Average temperature: +26 °C during the day, +20 °C at night.
  • Water temperature: +25 °C.
  • Rainfall: 28 mm.

The most famous resort in Cuba, stretching for 20 kilometers. On its entire coast there are many hotels and resorts operating on an all-inclusive basis. The beaches are gently sloping with fine sand. In February, Cuba has dry and cool weather, which is ideal for families with children at sea.

It doesn't matter where you buy a tour to Cuba. Everywhere you will be able to find an accommodation option that will give you pleasure and allow you to relax during your vacation. Russians do not need a visa to Cuba.

5. Nusa Dua, about. Bali, Indonesia

  • Average temperature: during the day +32 °C, at night +27 °C.
  • Water temperature: +29 °C.
  • Rainfall: 109 mm.

The beaches of Nusa Dua are perfect for a beach holiday in February, as Bali is the island of eternal summer! Although February in Bali belongs to the end of the wet season, it rarely rains there and mostly at night. The weather in February is very hot, and the water temperature is about 30 degrees, so you can swim indefinitely and in warm rain if it starts!

Located on the east coast of the island, this is the best resort in Bali. The beaches are sandy and very clean. A chain of coral reefs protects the beaches from high waves. During strong sea currents, such as in February, the beaches in Nusa Dua are cleared several times a day. Here you will find many restaurants, galleries, museums, excursions, and you can also do great shopping.

If you are not afraid of a long flight, then a trip with children to the sea in Nusa Dua in February would be a very good idea. The kids will love it there! Russians do not need a visa to visit Indonesia.

6. Mactan Island, Philippines

  • Average temperature: +29 °C during the day, +25 °C at night.
  • Water temperature: +27 °C.
  • Rainfall: 45 mm.

Introducing another great destination to go to in February. If you haven't heard of Mactan Island in the Philippines, you're missing out. This is a small island that hosts the second largest international airport in the Philippines, Mactan-Cebu. It has everything that a Russian needs for a winter seaside holiday: a huge number of clean sandy beaches, excellent hotels and active activities.

Since Mactan is a coral island, water sports and entertainment are especially popular here. If you are thinking about where to go on vacation in February, and even preferably without a visa, then diving, snorkeling, jet skiing and windsurfing are waiting for you at the resorts of Mactan Island!

When ordering, taking "all inclusive" is not necessary. Prices for food in establishments on the island are very low, even during the high season, which is February. Almost all hotels are within minutes of white sand beaches, so accommodation will seem comfortable in any of them. A visa to the Philippines is not required for citizens of Russia.

  • Average temperature: during the day +34 °C, at night +23 °C.
  • Water temperature: +28 °C.
  • Precipitation: 0 mm.

Goa is a small state in western India, with many resorts along the coast where you can go on vacation in February. If you want to plunge into the hot sun and gentle sea in winter, then Goa will help you with this. That's where the warm sea is in February, so it's here! Holidays with children in Goa, for this reason, are just great!

Among the trips to Goa, you can always choose an option for every taste and budget. North Goa offers a budget holiday. Beaches of dark volcanic sand. It is full of Russian tourists and the young contingent prevails. The resorts of South Goa are designed for a respectable and relaxing holiday. The sand on the beaches is light and velvety. There are many elderly Europeans here, and there are just few Russian tourists. South Goa is a place for a comfortable family vacation, so mainly 4-5 * hotels are concentrated here.

Despite the very clear division of the state's beach strip into two parts, the prices for fruits and souvenirs, as well as in cafes, practically do not differ in northern and southern Goa. If, in addition to staying at sea, you are planning a large-scale shopping with local flavor, then you need to go to North Goa (Anjuna resort is the best).

Most Popular North Goa resorts: Anjuna, Arambol, Baga, Calangute, Candolim, Mandrem, Morjim, Sinquerim and Tiracol. Most Popular South Goa resorts: Aguada, Benaulim, Bogmalo, Varca, Dona Paula, Cavelossim, Colva, Majorda, Miramar, Mobor and Palolem (the beaches of this latter are among the ten best in the world). The Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean is waiting for you! For citizens of Russia, a visa to India is required, which can be ordered at.

8. Phuket and Khao Lak, Thailand

  • Average temperature: during the day +32 °C (Phuket), +32 °C (Khao Lak); at night +26 °C (Phuket), +23 °C (Khao Lak).
  • Water temperature: +29 °C (Phuket), +29 °C (Khao Lak).
  • Precipitation: 48 mm (Phuket), 55 mm (Khao Lak).

If the choice of a country for a trip to the sea in February did not stop at Thailand, then this is not surprising. The weather in Thailand at this time is gorgeous and creates just perfect conditions for a seaside holiday with family and children! The sea is so warm that you don't want to get out of the water.

In Phuket and Khao Lak, the sea is very calm and there is little rain. All hotels in these resorts are perfectly suited for families. There are many activities for children, such as swimming pools, playgrounds, slides. There are also significant differences.

Considered as one of the most respectable resorts in Thailand. It is crowded here, but you can find both calm and active holidays with entertainment. However, noisy clubs and nightlife are an integral part of the local flavor. Khao Lak is a secluded resort with white endless beaches and pristine bays. It offers a variety of entertainment and good shopping, however, it is traditionally a place for relaxation and a quiet family holiday on the sea. , for the most part, will be higher than in Phuket. Russians do not need a visa to Thailand.

February is not often chosen by tourists as a holiday, but in vain. Even in winter, you can relax in comfort, soak up the sun and visit interesting sights. A nice bonus for those who decide to relax in the cold season is the low prices for accommodation and food. Thus, you can save the family budget. The main thing is to know where to go to the sea in February. There are plenty of paradises in the world, we have selected ten of the best places where you can spend a vacation with your family or with your loved one. When selecting resorts, the main criteria were taken into account - the cost of living, climatic conditions, food prices.

Kerala means “land of coconuts” in translation, and there are really a lot of palm trees here. Kerala is ahead of the famous and promoted state of Goa in terms of the number of cultural monuments, education of the population, cleanliness and natural beauties. If you do not know where to go on vacation in February at sea, choose Kerala.

The length of the state is 590 km, the best beaches of the country are concentrated here, and in the east there are kilometers of tea plantations that can be visited with an excursion.

Kerala is the center of Ayurveda in India. Almost every hotel or guesthouse offers Ayurvedic treatment.

It can be quite windy on the coast, but for family holidays you can find bays where the sea is calm and you can relax in comfort.

2. Sri Lanka, southwest coast

If you do not know where to go on vacation in February, feel free to buy a ticket to Sri Lanka. At this time of the year, the rainy season ends and comfortable weather sets in.

Why is it better to relax in winter:

  • calm sea and lack of wind;
  • amazing weather, after heavy rains the most full-flowing rivers and waterfalls;
  • comfortable climate;
  • peak ripening of juicy fruits - papaya, mango;
  • February is a month of low prices for food on the market and seafood.

Golden Temple of Dambulla

Another reason to go on vacation to Sri Lanka in February is sightseeing. On the territory of the state there is both.

In February, the largest religious celebration is held in Sri Lanka - Navam Poya or the Feast of Pereha.

Interesting fact! Many tourists ask the question - where is it better to go to Sri Lanka in February? The fact is that at this time the rains end throughout the territory and comfortable weather sets in, so you can relax in any part of the island.

Since 2012, citizens of the Maldives have been allowed to open hotels and cater to tourists. Thanks to the adopted laws, the standard of living of the local population has risen, and the Maldives has become accessible not only to wealthy citizens, but also to people with an average income level. Now to the question “Where to go to the sea in February to swim?” you can confidently answer - to the Maldives. Thoddoo Island is the 3rd largest in the country and there are already about 30 hotels on it, moreover, over the past three years, their number has doubled.

Thanks to the reef near the island, there are many colorful fish, sharks, turtles and rays. The underwater world here is one of the richest in the world.

To get to Thoddoo, it is not necessary to buy a ticket, you can get to the picturesque vacation spot from Male on your own and fairly budget.

4. Maldives, Maafushi Island

Many mistakenly believe that holidays in the Maldives are sky-high. However, when studying the topic of where to go to the sea in February inexpensively, pay attention to Maafushi, located on the Kaafu Atoll. 2700 people live here. Holidays in Maafushi are considered budget. Breakfast for two will cost only $5-8, lunch - $17-25. A large portion of seafood costs about $10, a fresh vegetable salad costs $5.

The tourist zone, where you can be in swimsuits, stretches between two hotels - White Shell Beach and Kani Beach. The territory is divided into two parts adjacent to the hotels. The coastline is crowded, but the water is always clear. The swimming area is fenced off.

You can go to Maafushi to relax with children - there is a gently sloping bottom and a convenient entrance to the water, in fact, like on other Maldivian islands. There is not much entertainment in Maafushi. Snorkelers head to the sandbanks. There are three diving centers on the island, dive and enjoy the underwater world. If desired, in February with a tour you can go to neighboring resorts. Most often, tourists go to rest on Biyadu.

Things to do in Maafushi:

  • go to watch the dolphins from the boat;
  • dive into the habitat of sharks and rays;
  • go to the coral reef;
  • fishing from a boat - day, night.

5. Malaysia, Penang

Penang is a state of Malaysia, which is located in the north-west of the country, and is represented by two parts connected by a bridge: the island and part of the mainland Seberang Perai.

Interesting fact! Penang is known as the "Pearl of the East".

In February, when it rarely rains at the resort, travelers recommend going on vacation to the northern part of the state, to Ferringhi Beach. In addition to beach holidays, horseback riding and popular sports are practiced here.

Popular holiday destinations:

  • Telung Bahang - beach in the western part;
  • Tanjung Bungah - notable for its huge reefs and exotic vegetation;
  • Telun Bahang is a quiet, secluded resort with picturesque bays.

There is something to see in Penang - temples, a butterfly park, a bird park and a botanical garden. The tourist infrastructure is well developed here, a variety of entertainments are available.

Good to know! Here you can climb Mount Penang on a comfortable funicular. The highest point is 830 meters.

You can eat inexpensively in Penang - there are a large number of cafes and restaurants for every budget. The cheapest way to eat is in small roadside cafes and macaroons, as well as in the Indian quarter. Here, lunch for two will cost $ 8-12. There are canteens on the island where a full meal costs about $3-4.

More detailed information about holidays in the Penang Islands is presented in.

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6. Malaysia, Langkawi

Langkawi is the largest island of the archipelago of the same name, which is located in the Andaman Sea in the northern part of the country. It borders Thailand and is part of the state of Kedah. The capital is Kuah.

Interesting fact! On the west coast of Malaysia, the resort of Langkawi is the most popular and far ahead of Penang. People come here to relax on comfortable beaches with really white sand.

Where to go sunbathing in February? Holidays in Langkawi will be a good decision. The coastline here is clean and well maintained. There are many deserted exotic places where you can stay in a bungalow and feel like the owner of an entire island during your vacation. The best beaches of the island are described in.

As for entertainment and outdoor activities, they are here, but, of course, not in the same quantity as in Penang.

There are many waterfalls on the island, tourists are offered to go to the jungle, you can rent equipment for water sports by the sea. Want to enjoy scenic views? Rent a boat and go on an excursion to the neighboring islands. The main attractions of the island are described.

Good to know! There is no public transport in Langkawi, and you will not find historical sights and noisy night bars or discos. The main feature is the duty-free zone, the cost of many goods here is much lower than in other regions of Malaysia.

Food in Langkawi is inexpensive. In street vendors, Indian and Chinese dishes often cost $2-$3. On average, lunch will cost $15-20 for two. The cheapest products are in local stores, but there are no large hypermarkets here.

7. Phuket, Thailand

Phuket is a popular resort located in the west of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. This is the largest Thai island. It is connected to the mainland by three bridges.

Don't know where to go on a beach holiday in February? Choose Phuket with its impeccable beaches along the entire coastline. Here you can easily choose a hotel for every taste and budget. Experienced tourists recommend not to spend your entire vacation on one beach, it is better to take the time and try to visit as many holiday destinations as possible.

The resort also has many opportunities for outdoor activities. First of all, this is diving, because here are the best schools, sports centers and equipment rentals for diving. Do you like extreme rest? Consider going on a jungle safari with elephant rides.

There are many temples built among exotic nature. The resort is well suited for families with children. Read about one of the most popular beaches in Phuket, Kamala Beach.

Helpful information! Phuket is a great place to try the most delicious and fresh seafood. To do this, you need to visit the Sunday market, where, in addition to the fresh catch, they sell a huge amount of fresh, exotic fruits.

The highest prices for food are in restaurants located on the first line. If you move further away, the cost of dishes decreases significantly. It is even cheaper to eat in local cafes that are not designed for tourists. One dish here will cost $2-3.

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8. Thailand, Krabi Province

Are you studying where to go to the sea in February to swim and spend time actively? Choose . This is a visited place with a developed infrastructure. Boats depart from here to other resort areas:

  • Hat-Rei-Le;
  • Tham Phra Poda;
  • Ko-Kai - the resort is famous for its sandy spit;
  • Phi Phi - visit the Viking cave and swim in the bay.

You can also go with an excursion group to the hot springs.

At Shell Fossey, the coast is covered with slabs formed from mollusk shells. Swimming in the sea will not work, but the place is definitely worth a visit.

Helpful information! In the tourist establishment of Ao Nang, lunch will cost $ 15-20 for two, in a cafe for locals - $ 10-12.

9. Cambodia, Sihanoukville

You can take a walk to the Snake Island, where the bridge is laid. Here they swim in a picturesque bay, and go diving. Boats regularly leave for other, remote islets. Just outside the city there is Riem National Park, which is considered the most accessible in Cambodia. Families come here to relax.

It is important! The cost of products is relatively inexpensive, a full and tasty meal will cost from $ 2 to $ 15.

10. Vietnam, Phu Quoc

Located in the Gulf of Thailand and is the largest in Vietnam - its length is 48 km, width - 25 km. Phu Quoc is dominated by a mountainous landscape, which is why it is called the island of 99 mountains.

Where to go in Vietnam in February? The most suitable place would be Phu Quoc. The fact is that in the resorts of the central and northern parts of Vietnam at this time the weather is not the most suitable for a beach holiday: there are frequent rains and winds blowing.

long beach

There are beaches for every taste - calm, deserted or with a vibrant nightlife. However, the island attracts not only with a comfortable coastline. Here is a unique nature - the tropics, waterfalls, mountains. You can go on an eco-tour to the jungle or mountains (but they are low on the island).

It is possible to visit a pearl farm and black pepper plantations.

pearl farm

Helpful information! There are few historical sights on the island, but still.

Despite the fact that prices in Fukuoka restaurants are slightly higher than in popular Nha Trang, food still remains affordable. You can have dinner for two with wine for $20, breakfast will cost $6 for two.

Boracay is located a few kilometers from Panay Island, its length is 7 km. Despite the modest area, Boracay is one of the main tourist centers in the country. People come here for beach holidays and water sports.

Good to know! You can get from the airport to the island by boat.

white beach

The most popular beach is White or White Beach. Its length is about 4 km, covered with white sand. There is a pedestrian zone along the entire beach line, there are hotels, nightclubs, water sports centers. You can rent sun loungers.

Diniwid Beach is considered the most romantic in the Philippines, they get here along a narrow path that passes through the rocks.

Punta Bunga Beach belongs to hotels, so its territory is closed, only hotel guests have the right to relax here.

Puka Shell Beach

The wildest and most deserted beach is Puka Shell Beach. The infrastructure is poorly developed, but there are small cafes that sell ice cream, drinks and coconuts.

There are 12 dive centers in Boracay, where tourists are offered exciting and extreme dive safaris.

Food prices are quite democratic. Lunch for one in a cafe will cost $ 5, in a restaurant - about $ 15.

We suggested where you can go to the sea in February. As you can see, in different parts of the world you can relax comfortably and inexpensively, however, keep in mind that Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines celebrate the Chinese New Year in February. At this time, housing and food prices increase. In Vietnam and Cambodia, New Year holidays are held on the same days, but under a different name. This also affects the cost of accommodation and meals.

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Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Many plan holidays in February in warm countries, where you can forget about the harsh cold of the Russian winter. But there are people among us who would never exchange skis and snowboard for a hot beach and coconut palms. So where is the best place to relax in cold February, how much will this vacation cost?

Holidays in February: countries, resorts, weather, approximate prices for holidays

The review of the best places to relax in February is based on the reviews of experienced tourists who made up their stable travel rating this month.
resorts in Thailand.
Despite the fact that February in this country belongs to the “cold” season, it differs from the “hot period” only by a slightly lower than usual temperature in the evenings and nights. The average daily temperature in February in Thailand varies from +20 to +25 degrees . Thailand is a country filled with exotics to the brim. Even experienced tourists always find something new, undiscovered in it during their travels. This country offers a vacation against the backdrop of chic nature and blue ocean lagoons, but with modern comfort. Hotels in Thailand are like cities, they have well-developed infrastructures and high service. Tourists are also attracted to Thailand by rather low prices for vacations. Those who are fond of rafting, underwater fishing, yachts can devote time to their favorite activities on vacation. The resorts of Thailand in the middle of winter are an excellent solution for those who are tired of the cold and decide to get a little tan, improve their health and swim in the ocean.
The most famous resorts in Thailand – Pattaya, Hua-Hin, Krabi, Cha-Am, Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Phi Phi, Chang, Samet. Flight from the capital of Russia will take about 10-12 hours .
A trip for two to a 3 * or 4 * hotel, with breakfast, lunch and dinner, for 7 nights (eight days) in February will cost from 13 to 35 thousand rubles
Resorts in the United Arab Emirates.

During the cold winter period, all resorts in the United Arab Emirates are very attractive for travelers, and those months that are cold in Russia are the best time for travel and recreation in the UAE. It sometimes rains in the United Arab Emirates in winter, but due to the rather high temperature - from +20 at night to +35 during the day - these rare rains cannot interfere with a wonderful holiday in this country. In the United Arab Emirates, every tourist can find a vacation according to their interests - these are exciting excursions to numerous sights and megacities, this is wonderful beach holiday, diving, yachts, swimming in the ocean . In the UAE, you can visit chic water parks, the famous zoo. Popular in this country shop tours .
The most famous resort areas in the United Arab Emirates - the cities of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Korfakkan district. Time in the UAE is ahead of time in Moscow by one hour.
A trip for two for a period of 8 days (seven nights) in the UAE will cost from $800 and up , it depends on the selected resort or city, as well as the category of the selected hotel.
Tenerife island in the Canary Islands in Spain.

The island of Tenerife is another wonderful "place in the sun" for those travelers who prefer a beach holiday. This place is unique in that there is no pronounced change of seasons here - the weather and temperature stays even throughout the year. It will not be hot in February - the temperature is holding about +21 +25 degrees . But, at the same time, warm currents even allow you to swim in the ocean. Tenerife has an amazing nature - here you can see volcanoes, beautiful views of the natural landscape. In Tenerife, you can go on exciting sightseeing tours, both young people and older people are happy to relax here - everyone finds a vacation to their liking. In February, Santa Cruz hosts a magnificent carnival, whose guests can be all tourists who are in Tenerife in this period.
The most famous cities in Tenerife- Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Orotava, El Medano; the most famous resort areas are Puerto de la Cruz, Playa Las Americas, Los Cristianos. The duration of the flight from Moscow is about seven hours.
A ticket for two to a hotel 2 * - 3 * - 4 * - 5 * for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 17 to 80 thousand rubles , it depends on the selected room and resort.
The Maldives are very popular among travelers who want to relax in February. Mild climate with even temperatures during the day and night, "winter" and "summer". Water temperature constant, it is not colder than +24 degrees . February is considered one of the best months of the year for holidays, as it is sunny during this period, the air is dry, and the sea is very calm. The Maldives has separate atolls - resorts, which are separate, dissimilar areas. In the Maldives you can swim, admire the coral beaches, coral reefs, caves, magnificent views of the calm blue ocean and natural landscapes. There is no fuss and noise here, tourists can relax in silence and solitude. Those tourists who want to have a fun holiday, with numerous entertainments, should choose hotels on large islands.
Popular resort areas in the Maldives- Asdu Sun Island, Thulhagiri, Giraavaru, Bathala, Embudu Village, Summer Island.
A voucher for two to a 4 * - 5 * hotel for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 50 to 100 and more thousand rubles , it depends on the selected room and resort.
Goa (India).
Another type of wonderful beach holiday in February is a trip to Goa in India. This is a beautiful azure sea, luxurious beaches and palm groves along the coast. Young people prefer to relax in north goa, where there is more entertainment, noisy events and night discos are arranged. In northern Goa, the cost of vouchers will be much lower than in southern Goa. On south goa magnificent hotels are located, this place is for a VIP vacation. Time in Goa is ahead of Moscow time by an hour and a half - in winter, by 2.5 hours - in the summer season.
A ticket for two to a hotel 3 * -4 * -5 * for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 30 to 70 thousand rubles , it depends on the selected room and resort.

In Egypt, popular for travelers, it is quite cool in February, because it is the coldest month of the year. But the cost of tours is small, and therefore there are quite a lot of tourists coming to the country this month. But tourists need to remember that it is in this month that a lot of Arabs come to the country, who make a pilgrimage to Mecca, and then come to rest. In February, swimming in the sea can be problematic, due to cold water, occasional rains and rather low air temperatures (about +18 degrees at night - up to +28 degrees during the day ). In February in Egypt you can practice diving , admire the beautiful views of the colorful underwater world, as well as visit bath, sauna, spa salons, massage sessions .
The most famous resorts in Egypt— Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada.
A ticket for two to a hotel 2 * - 3 *, BB, HB, RO for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 9 to 17 thousand rubles , it depends on the selected room and resort.

lovers ski holidays can have a rest in Bulgaria in February - the cost of vouchers will be much lower than in Finland or Italy. In Bulgaria, you can improve your health, admire the beautiful nature, visit local restaurants and wine cellars.
The most famous ski resorts in Bulgaria- Pamporovo, Borovets, Bansko.
from 16 to 22 thousand rubles , it depends on the selected room and resort.

Tours to Austria in February are in demand among skiers. The winter here is very mild, with temperatures up to +12 degrees .
The most popular winter resorts in Austria- Vorarlberg, Styria, Tyrol, Lower Austria, Carinthia, Salzburgerland.
The cost of a holiday for two for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 30 thousand rubles and more , it depends on the selected room and resort.

In Italy is more than seventy ski resorts which are actively visited by tourists, including from our country. This country will provide an unforgettable vacation, enjoying magnificent landscapes and interesting skiing, as well as excellent service and maintenance during the holidays.
Popular ski resorts in Italy- Val di Fassa, Sestriere, Val Gardena, Cervinia, Livigno, Bormio, Araba / Marmolada, Cortina D'Ampezzo, Madonna di Campiglio, Courmayeur.
The cost of a vacation for two in a 3 * -4 * hotel for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 22 to 30 thousand rubles , it depends on the selected room and resort.

Every year, many tourists come to Brazil in February - the magnificent, most famous colorful carnival. In 2013 this bright procession of Samba Schools, which belongs to the most famous world holidays, will take place on from 9 to 12 February.
The cost of a holiday for 12 days in February will cost from $2,600 to $3,000 per person , it depends on the chosen hotel room and resort.

Tourists come to Belgium in February for the Maslenitsa holiday in the city of Binshe . This Maslenitsa bright carnival is also known all over the world. After the carnival in Belgium, special culinary and youth days begin, when treats can be tasted everywhere, even on the street.
The most popular tourist destinations- the cities of Brussels, Bruges, Antwerp, Charleroi, Ghent, Ostend, Liege.
The cost of a vacation for two in a hotel 2 * -3 * -4 * -5 * for 8 days (seven nights) in February will cost from 22 to 55 thousand rubles and above, it depends on the selected room and resort.

Where to relax in February on the sea or ocean? We made the TOP-10 budget places where you can go in February and the prices do not bite. In most places you can buy budget tours, and in some you can go on your own.

Where to relax in February at sea inexpensively

For each country, a small comment and the minimum price of the tour that we managed to find. In the cost of the tour, we indicate the minimum prices when departing from Moscow at last-minute prices or close to last-minute prices.

1. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is one of the most underestimated countries by our tourists. The cost of a trip there is comparable in cost to Thailand, but at the same time it is completely different even from India, not to mention other beach countries. The island has a huge number of attractions and excursions. There are excellent beaches (with and without waves). You can go by yourself or buy a tour package.

The minimum cost of air tickets to Sri Lanka from Moscow in 2020 is from 22,000 rubles. in two directions. The cost of vouchers starts from 30,000 rubles. per week per person

February is a great month to visit Sri Lanka. This is the high season on the island and many tourists flock there. The weather on the coast of Sri Lanka is great for swimming and beach holidays.

  • Ocean water temperature 27 degrees

2. Egypt

Egypt - many have already discounted this direction, and someone is waiting only for it. This winter, tours to Egypt can already be bought. You only have to fly there with a transfer - arrival in the city of Ovda (Israel), and then a many-hour transfer to the resort (you need to lay down 6-10 hours).

Otherwise, Egypt is still the same and has been waiting for Russian tourists. It is better to relax in Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Taba, protected from the winds.

February is the coldest month of the year in Egypt, but you can still relax and swim there. The water warms up to +23 degrees, and this will be enough for us.

The minimum cost of trips to Egypt starts from 45,000 rubles. per week per person

  • Air temperature during the day up to 23 degrees
  • Air temperature at night 16 degrees
  • Sea water temperature 23 degrees

3. UAE

The UAE offers relatively budget tours almost all year round, but February is also the coldest month of the year. Of all the resorts in the UAE, the warmest is in Dubai, where the water warms up to 22 degrees.

The minimum cost of tours in the UAE starts from 20,000 rubles. per week per person

  • Air temperature during the day up to 24 degrees
  • Air temperature at night 21 degrees
  • Sea water temperature 22 degrees

4. Mexico

Mexico is truly exotic. It seems to be inaccessible to many, but from time to time we find very budget tours to Cancun at attractive prices. February is the peak season and a convenient time to travel to Mexico. There is no sweltering heat, and the sea is warm and clear. It is convenient that a visa can be issued quickly, free of charge and online.

The minimum cost of trips to Cancun starts from 40,000 rubles. per week per person

  • Air temperature during the day up to 27 degrees
  • Air temperature at night 23 degrees
  • Sea water temperature 26 degrees

7. GOA

GOA is not for everyone. For those who still choose it, GOA takes the sun, fruits and warm ocean. February is almost the perfect time to travel. The heat is gone, and the ocean is warm. Only the need for an expensive visa can overshadow the low prices for tours. You can apply for a visa on a budget only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and applying online now costs 100$ .

  • Air temperature during the day 30 degrees
  • Air temperature at night 22 degrees
  • Ocean water temperature 26 degrees

The minimum cost of trips to GOA starts from 23,000 rubles. per week per person

8. Thailand

Thailand is the perfect beach holiday in February. Warm sea, a large selection of budget tours and air tickets, relatively low prices for food and housing. Many people go to Thailand with a child / children and it is perfect for this.

  • Air temperature during the day 31 degrees
  • Air temperature at night 26 degrees
  • Sea water temperature 28 degrees

The minimum cost of trips to Thailand starts from 35,000 rubles. per week per person

9. Vietnam

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