Kursky railway station - metro station, how to get there, how to get to Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports, luggage office and information desk. Rides for dummies: fast trains, from buying a ticket to the exit Search for transfers from Kazansky railway station

Because it's not easy for everyone. Many remain “dummies” even after five trips, because the “figure it out on the spot” method is not for them. For them, it is better to have clear and understandable ready-made schemes.

Buying a ticket

A ticket can be bought at the ticket office of the station of the desired direction, at the terminal at the station and via the Internet. Each method has its own merits and demerits. In any case, you should register on the Russian Railways website, as well as buy tickets in advance: firstly, until the cheaper ones are sold out, and secondly, if in two months, then the tickets themselves are cheaper.

If you are wealthy enough not to think about the price of tickets, find yourself a student for 500 rubles who will help you deal with tickets, save yourself some nerves.

The Russian Railways website is good because, wherever you buy tickets, you can quickly see which trains and which places they have, this will reduce annoying fuss at the box office or at the terminal.

Buying through the site is a little more expensive and you have to pay with a bank card, but then you don’t have to be nervous because of the crowd behind your back and from trying to formulate what you need.

At the terminal, payment is also made by card, and there will probably be a queue to it too, but you don’t have to talk to anyone, just press the buttons.

With the cashier, everything is probably clear. There you can pay in cash or by card, the cashier answers any questions related to tickets, the main thing is to say what date and in what direction you need trains.

The site also allows you to keep track of promotions and discounts, which usually fall on Tuesday. Do not be too lazy to look into the corresponding menu, if saving is always pleasant for you.

When looking at train schedules, remember that the day starts at midnight and ends at midnight. Sometimes it may seem that there are no tickets for the desired evening, but it is worth putting the next day as the date, and you will find out that at 00.05 at night there is just a place on the train of the desired direction.

Also remember that Russian Railways time in any part of Russia is identical to Moscow time, and according to the schedule, the midnight train in your city can leave at four in the morning local time.

Some e-tickets need to be printed at terminals. Look at the png or pdf file that comes with your ticket description.

Remember that the ticket must be for the document that you will 100% take on the trip. There were times when they bought a ticket for a regular passport, and tried to get on a passport.

By the way, with a ticket, including a printed ticket, you can visit the toilet at the station for free in the last hour before the train's departure and within an hour after arrival.

Location selection

Most passengers travel in ordinary compartments, in a reserved seat car or in seats. The first is more expensive than the second, as for the third, it all depends on the train. In express trains like “Sapsan” there are very expensive places, but they arrive in four hours: in the morning they sat down, in the afternoon they were on the spot.

There will be no more than three adults in the compartment with you (although a couple more preschoolers are possible with them), but it is impossible to guess what kind of adults they will be and how unsafe it is with them in the same room. Sometimes you're lucky and you're all alone in the compartment.

In a reserved seat car, the most secluded places are the side ones, especially the top ones. On the lower ones, according to the rules of courtesy, before lights out and after getting up, you will have to let the neighbors from above. But in order to feel comfortable on the top shelf, a certain dexterity and small dimensions are required. However, tall people often also prefer upper shelves so that when they lie down, people notice their feet in the aisle, and not bump into them.

The cheapest places, of course, are by the toilet, but from time to time people start pushing and the door slams over your ear all the time. And sometimes the smells come through.

In a seated car, you can sometimes lie across two seats, but don't rely on it too much. And the trip in it will be a real torment if you have problems with the spine.

Sometimes you can buy tickets for express trains or luxury trains at the price of reserved seats. These trains have enough outlets, you can watch movies on TV, sometimes they give out lunch and there may be coffee machines.

And, yes, take night tickets with linen, otherwise you will have to buy more on the spot.

Collecting things

Changing clothes on trains is very inconvenient. What will replace your pajamas can be worn under regular clothes. Some find it easier to sleep without changing, especially if a shower is available on site shortly after arrival.

Take an extra sheet or a large handkerchief if you want to curtain your seat and feel more private.

A ride in a seated car will be facilitated by an inflatable travel pillow and something that can be slipped under the lower back. A thin, compact foldable blanket will also make the trip more comfortable.

In winter, it may make sense to bring slippers with you so that you can go to the toilet without breaking into boots every time. Best of all are disposable or plastic ones that can be washed. Take a bag to pack the slippers, and not put them with clean things.

Wet wipes or a combination of a bottle of water and a towel (if you took a ticket with linen, a towel is included) will help you clean up quickly in the morning without waiting in line for the toilet. In addition, it can be stuffy on the upper shelves, if you wipe your face and neck, it will be easier.

In a hot summer in a car without air conditioning, a simple cheap fan from a kiosk can save you. It weighs almost nothing and takes up no space.

Handkerchiefs can also be very useful. Not only for its intended purpose, but also to, for example, quickly wipe spilled on the table or on yourself.

There are people who prefer to sleep in a light hooded sweatshirt in case the air conditioner gets too hot. It is worth taking socks with you, even if you are going on the hottest day. It may get colder in the evening.

Powerbank and headphones are a great idea. Also, a notepad and a pen.

A bottle or two of drinking water, always small. A familiar meal if you want to save money or are afraid of being in a situation of choosing between cookies and chips.

Don't forget your toothbrush and paste. Even if you disdain to brush your teeth in the train toilet, but the trip will last no more than a day, you can brush your teeth in a cafe on the spot, for example, it is usually cleaner there.

Comb, spare hair bands. In general, try to think about what small things you need to achieve comfort and put yourself in order.

Analgesic, antihistamine, band-aid, hydrogen peroxide and diarrhea remedy are true friends of the traveler.

And, of course, do not forget your passport and policy.

Packing things

The number of things should be such that you can carry them yourself, even if you are sure that they will put you here, and there they will meet you.

It is better to pack clothes, winding them up in tight rolls, and not folding them, as in a closet. By the way, it wrinkles less with rolls.

What you will pull out on the train, put on top of your suitcase or backpack, or even better - in a separate small bag. Inside the bag, things are best distributed in several different-looking voluminous cosmetic bags. It will also be convenient for men, cosmetic bags are very neutral in appearance.

Boarding the train

On the ticket, electronic or regular, the car and train number are indicated. In the station building, at the exit to the trains, there is a scoreboard, on the part of it that is dedicated to departing trains, opposite the number of your train, there will be a platform number. If not yet, then the train has not been served.

If your vision and speech understanding are getting worse due to excitement, take a picture of the arrival board on your smartphone and look at the necessary information by zooming in on the picture on your screen.

The car number is most often indicated on a plate in the car window closest to one of the doors.

Try to come to the train no later than 10 minutes before its departure. Trains are not waiting.

If you have a paper ticket and you have it in your hands, and the train is about to depart, do not run to your car, ask the conductor closest to you to let you in, and then go to the right car inside the train. This is almost always possible.

Having approached your car, prepare your passport and ticket in advance (if it is not electronic).

The top places have even numbers.

After going to your place, sit quietly and sit until everyone enters, otherwise you will disturb people or you will have to twitch all the time. Unless, of course, you have a bulky suitcase, you should immediately remove it. If your seat is up and you don't know how to lower it, find someone nearby who has successfully lowered theirs and ask permission to sit there for a while.

It will be more convenient for you to navigate if you look at the carriage scheme on the Internet in advance and understand where your place is approximately: near the toilet, near the conductor or in the middle.

Small plates with seat numbers are located either to the left of the compartment doors, or on the partitions in the reserved seat car near the lower seats. In seated cars, they can be near the luggage racks or on the backs of the seats.

You can try to lower your shelf yourself if it is up. The upper shelf in the reserved seat is held by small metal things sticking out of the wall. If you gently press on this one, it folds up, and the shelf can pass by it. In the compartment, the lower shelf is held by an unfolded ladder near the door; holding the edge of the seat, fold the ladder and gently lower the seat into place.

The lower side seat in a second-class carriage consists of a folding table and two chairs. To turn the table into a bed by attaching it to the chairs, lift the edge of the table and slide it towards the window, then turn it upside down. To turn the middle of the bed back into a table, hook the soft tongue near the wall and lift the table behind it, turn it over with the hard side up and try to get into the special latches with the edge by the window.

unfolding things

If you don’t have anything particularly heavy with you, then usually the passengers of the lower seats take up the space under their seat with luggage, and the upper ones take up shelves for things (there are still blankets there). If you have a heavy suitcase, you should not carry it upstairs anyway. If the place under the lower seat is already occupied by a neighbor, ask permission to put the suitcase under the neighbor's seat opposite.

Shoes are left under the lower seat so that they do not interfere with a neighbor and do not protrude into the aisle.

A shelf in the head or above the middle of your place is very convenient for folding small things, but you refrain if you know that you can forget something in a hurry or, in general, an absent-minded person. From these shelves in the depot, glasses, combs, smartphones and cosmetic bags are constantly raked out.

Immediately distribute the bags that you don’t intend to get into, into places, and fold them so that you can get inside without pulling out the bag, it was inconvenient. To begin with, hang the bag with what you will pull out during the trip on a hook, then you can shift it behind the pillow when you make the bed. Hang outerwear on the same hook and do not leave anything of value in your pockets.


Usually in the upper place there are two mattresses rolled around the pillows and two bags of linen, and on the shelves for things under the very ceiling there are blankets.

If you intend to lie down immediately (but, by the way, wait until the conductor checks everyone's tickets), then take one of the mattresses down. If you are traveling in the upper seat, put him upright on one of the seats in the lower seat in a second-class carriage on the side, otherwise lay him flat. Sweep your mattress to the end of the bed so that it is convenient for you to roll it out, as if unrolling a pillow. The mattress roller in its original position lies on its edge, turned by this edge to the wall. Before rolling it out, if it is on the top shelf, find an iron brace on the edge of the bed and lift it upright. She will hold the mattress so that it does not crawl and roll down with you.

Open up your underwear. Immediately find and put a towel on a shelf in your head, take out a pillowcase and put it on a pillow. There will be a sheet and a duvet cover or two sheets. You carefully lay one out on the mattress, tucking it in first from the outside, then from the inside. If in the top place, it will be more convenient to refuel the far edge when you have already climbed up. You straighten the second one from above and put, if necessary, a blanket. If you don't feel comfortable fiddling around stuffing it into your duvet cover, then you don't have to.

If the laundry in the bag turned out to be wet (this is very rare), go to the conductor or, if there is no neighbor, open another bag.

If your neighbor upstairs or downstairs started making the bed before you, do not push with him, but wait until he finishes. According to the rules of courtesy, the one who rides on top creeps first, but not everyone knows this.

To get into bed in the upper place, the compartment has special small ladders for legs and a brace on top to grab it with your hand. In the reserved seat at the top there is also a bracket, by the window, and you have to climb up the tiny iron steps on both sides of the passage through the car.

Food and drink

It is most expensive to buy them at the station, a little cheaper - on the train itself. Experienced travelers take lunchboxes with ready-made meals, preferably those that are difficult to scatter throughout the car, such as sandwiches and whole vegetables. It would be nice if the food didn't get too dirty. It is better to take drinks in small bottles, it can be inconvenient to fiddle with a large one, especially at the top. If you are afraid to spill tea from an ordinary glass, but would like to drink hotter on the train, take a thermal mug.

Boiling water is free, it doesn't matter if you bought something from the conductor. These are the rules of the Russian Railways!

An expensive ticket may or may not include lunch or breakfast. In Sapsan, food is sold from carts that the conductors carry around the wagons, and this, of course, is not cheap. Most ordinary trains have a restaurant car, you can ask the conductor about its availability and location. In addition, you can buy coffee from a bag, tea from a bag, instant noodles and various snacks from the conductors themselves. On double-decker trains, coffee and snacks can be purchased from a vending machine on the ground floor.

If the conductor didn’t pour tea for you himself, but only gave out a glass and a bag, you can ask him to pour boiling water, they usually don’t refuse, or try to find a faucet by a large iron thing with boiling water inside - if you see one, you will immediately recognize it without additional descriptions.

By the way, if you are embarrassed to talk to the conductor, write questions to him on a piece of paper. Don't be afraid to look weird, he'll think you either have laryngitis or you're dumb. What difference does it make to him, in the end, in what form he will receive the question - he will answer anyway.

Sometimes the train makes long stops at intermediate stations. They are usually indicated on the individual train timetable on the website or on a sign near the conductor's door. You can go out there and buy hot food. The main thing is to keep track of time and return on time.


Toilets are usually located on both sides of the car, if only on one side, you can sort it out on the spot.

The best toilets are in the Sapsan and similar new express trains, in reserved seat and simple seated cars, a choice of two types: a dry closet or a toilet with a hole into the street. The toilet bowl here and there will be iron. The difference will be that you cannot throw used paper into the first one and flushing is done with a special button, and in the second one - with a pedal, which is easy to find with your foot to the right of the toilet near the floor. It is necessary to press the sole on its very edge, so it is washed off better.

Do not try to go to the toilet without shoes, you open the door and you will understand that you have to run back to put on your shoes. Be sure to take your handbag with you to the toilet, in which you have your passport, wallet and devices. Theft does not happen as often as it is scary, but you should not play this lottery.

The toilet is almost always cold, except for very warm summer days. The seat won't go down, don't try. You can try to stand on the old type of toilet with your feet, if you are confident in your sense of balance - there are even special extensions for the soles. But you better look around to see if there are disposable paper seats in the booth. It’s better to apply two or three at once, then it will be more or less comfortable.

If you don't have disposable seats, unroll the toilet paper strips, place them carefully on the rim of the toilet, and try not to brush them off when you sit down. But in general, you can buy seats in advance and take a dozen with you.

To wash your hands, you usually have to press on the washbasin faucet from below.

In the case of a dry closet, you may find that the trash can is so full that it's scary to add your own. Tear off more paper towels (hang on the wall), throw them on top of the garbage, and now it’s not scary to crush.

It is much more hygienic to wipe your hands with wet wipes than to use the washbasin in the train toilet.

Feel free to use an air freshener if you have one in the bathroom.

If the toilet is of the old type, then 40 minutes before the stop it is closed. They also open 40 minutes after parking. If you go at night, it’s better not to wait for the morning, but get up in the middle of the night and go to the restroom, otherwise you can stand in a long line in the morning and find that you did it in vain.


You can turn to the conductor not only for a cup of tea and a bag of chips. If someone needs an ambulance, this is also for him. If you find an ownerless bag and no one in the car recognizes it - also to the conductor, and, by the way, try not to touch the bag from the very beginning. You can buy disposable slippers from the conductors if you didn’t take them with you, and complain to them that the toilet paper is over. In double-decker trains there is a paid shower, in order to use it, you must also go to the conductor. But keep in mind, in the early morning the conductors sleep, it is difficult to reach them.

The conductor will wake you up half an hour before arrival.

The conductors' room is located not far from the door through which you boarded the train.

electrical appliances

If you can not take a laptop with you - do not take it. All sorts of gadgets on trains are stolen more often than wallets. But a charged power bank will never be superfluous.

It is better to keep your phone and everything small and valuable under your pillow when you sleep.

If you are thinking of using an alarm clock, set a signal in advance to which you will react accurately and which, moreover, will not wake up half the car.

For the most part, there is no connection and Internet between cities, it makes sense to put the phone in flight mode so that it does not discharge in vain.

Sockets in a reserved seat and a seated car are usually located in the toilet (it is impolite to use it so as not to detain people), near the toilet, near the door of the conductor. Sometimes they are still near the places. In compartment cars, sockets are in the corridor, and there are folding seats next to them. In more expensive seating cars, sockets can be found at each seat.

If you want to watch movies from your phone or tablet, don't forget to take your headphones so that you don't disturb anyone and don't attract attention - out of boredom on trains, many try to start a conversation, and anyone can consider the occasion suitable.


20 minutes before arrival, make sure all your belongings are packed. You should be fully dressed 5 minutes before the bus stop. If you were in a seated car, try to check if something fell under your seat.

If you are traveling in a second-class carriage, take your linen off the bed and take it to the conductor. Don't forget the towel.

If you don't like pushing, if you make yourself awkward or unsure in a crowd, wait for those who are farther from the door than you to come out.

Watch your feet when you go out. Sometimes there is a big chance to fall into the gap between the train and the platform and you have to walk wider.

Perhaps you need a cafe, a toilet, or a left-luggage office that is available at the station to move beyond refreshed, invigorated coffee and light. It is usually not difficult to use a left-luggage office, instructions are written on automatic ones, in a regular one, an employee will explain everything to you. Make sure that the handbag with the necessary remains with you, you do not need to hand it over to the camera either.

That's about it in general. Happy travels!

Text: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: Shutterstock

15.08.2017 In order not to be late for long-distance trains and electric trains, you need to know where to go

In connection with the repair of the Moscow railway station, the scheme of passage to the trains has again changed there .. To prevent this from happening to other Nizhny Novgorod residents, the correspondent of the portal site investigated the passageways.

After the site talked about, the head of the Gorky Railway, Anatoly Lesun, personally visited the station with a check. And, apparently, "made a rustle."

The next day, the correspondent of the portal site saw a huge number of employees of the State Railways and the transport police on the territory of the station. Almost everyone readily told how to get to the platforms, ticket offices, and waiting rooms. From the speakers every two minutes there were reports of trains and the possibility of passage to them.

We tell people all the time where to go, although this is not our duty, one of the employees complained. We have other responsibilities.

Tunnel - one!

The most important thing to know. Now the passage to the platforms is closed, both from the tunnel that connects the Moscow Highway with Revolution Square, and from the tunnel from the Kirov side. This is due to the fact that elevator shafts for passengers with limited mobility are being built on the second and third platforms.

Access to all electric trains and trains, except for the Swift, is possible ONLY through the tunnel that goes to the suburban cash desks.

This tunnel is also open from the side of the Moscow highway through the building of the suburban station.

Ticket offices and waiting areas

Two lounges are now open. One is located in the building of suburban cash desks from the side of the Moscow railway station, the second - in the building of the service center. In both, you can wait for both long-distance trains and suburban electric trains. For the summer period, a shed was also built near the Service Center. There are benches here, you can hide from the sun and rain.

Exit to Strizh, three options

Usually the Swift departs from platform 1A, which was specially built for the period of repair. You can get to it through the Service Center, through the checkpoint to the existing tunnel and through the additional terminal, which is attached to the station building from the side of the Tsar's Pavilion.

It should be borne in mind that from the side of the Moscow highway you will have to go through the tunnel, climb up, and go to the platform through the Service Center.

However, as station workers reported, sometimes the departure of the Swift is scheduled from the third platform. You can get on it, respectively, as on all other trains.

How to get to Lastochka

These trains, as usual, depart from the sixth, high platform. You can get to it by going through the tunnel and the checkpoint to the platform. According to a strange logic, passengers boarding the Lastochka have to go through metal detectors and check the contents of their luggage twice - at the entrance to the tunnel or the Suburban Station and in front of the platform itself.

This is what did not give those few minutes to Elena Erysheva to catch the train on that ill-fated day.

I would have been in time if it were not for the terribly slow conveyor belt in these devices, - Elena recalls. - After all the running around the station, there were still a few minutes left. But checking luggage was very delayed.

Help for the disabled. So they say

One of the leaders of the station told how to get help for people with limited mobility.

In the building of the Service Center there is a window in which the assistant to the head of the station is on duty, - an employee of the State Railways told the website correspondent. - In order for our employees to meet and see off a person in a wheelchair or with other difficulties, you need to contact him. We have people who will do it, and vehicles. And after the reconstruction, special elevators will operate on platforms 2 and 3. For them now they are building mines on platforms.

The head of the corporate communications service of the State Railways, Natalia Vorozhtsova, told the website correspondent that after the inspection of the station, the management agreed that informing passengers was not fully organized.

She said that in the near future additional information boards will be placed at the station and around it. And she even promised that arrows would be drawn on the pavement from all public transport stops indicating routes to different trains.

Text: Tatyana Kuznetsova
Photo: Tatyana Kuznetsova, Yandex map fragment
Infographics: Evgenia Bikunova

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Leningradsky Station, located in the capital of Russia, is one of the most popular. It is here that many Russians and even foreigners board the train to get to the glorious St. Petersburg, as well as to other northern cities.

In addition, there is a suburban service, the terminal station of which is the city of Tver. In order not to have to look for a ticket office for a long time, the necessary platform, a rest room and amenities, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the scheme of the Leningradsky railway station. Below is some useful information.

Scheme landmark

Before the trip, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the scheme of the station so that there are no difficulties. Sometimes everything seems to go smoothly. But there are various circumstances that force you to act immediately, for example:

  • traffic jams on the highway;
  • accidents on the street;
  • serious malfunction of the train in the subway;
  • extreme weather events and other unpleasant events.

Therefore, upon arrival, you have to immediately navigate the place. The scheme of the Leningradsky railway station prepared in advance in this article will help with this.

To make it clear from which side to start looking, it is advisable to return to the beginning of the article, where the image of the station is placed. The fact is that passengers meeting and seeing off most often use the main entrance. It is the one through which people enter and exit in the first photo. This input on the diagram is marked on the left with the inscription "Pod.1". To the left of this inscription is the exit from the Komsomolskaya metro station.

To get to the long-distance ticket offices, you need to go up the stairs to the building and go a little forward. To the left and to the right there will be glass doors to two cash halls. To get to the long-distance trains (in the diagram on the top right they are marked with long black and white stripes with odd numbering), you should go straight all the time, without turning anywhere. At the very end of the building there is an exit to the platform. If you need to use the left-luggage office, you should turn right at the exit to the trains. As you can see, the scheme of the Leningradsky railway station is not too complicated, you can quickly find your bearings on the spot.

Suburban service in the diagram above is marked on the right with even numbered tracks (black and white short lanes). You can go to them using the exit from the Komsomolskaya metro station, that is, from the street.

Where can you get to?

Leningradsky railway station in Moscow exists for trips to the following cities:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Murmansk;
  • Pskov;
  • Arkhangelsk;
  • Tallinn;
  • Helsinki.

When traveling to St. Petersburg, you can buy tickets for the famous branded train "Red Arrow" and "Sapsan".

How to get there?

Now it’s worth talking about how to get to the Leningradsky railway station. If you use the metro, then you need to focus on the Komsomolskaya-Koltsevaya station.

Let the scheme of the Leningradsky railway station and small recommendations help each reader make a successful trip!

The blockade of Moscow railway stations is gaining momentum May 23rd, 2017

Yesterday's to the metro from the platforms of the Kursk station caused a portal to hell with stormy comments that opened this problem in a broader format. It turns out that Russian Railways, together with the Directorate of Railway Stations, decided to arrange a mass fence and blockade of most of Moscow's railway stations. Most likely, the hands will reach all the stations, it's just that the workers have not yet reached some objects. Last night, an inspection tour of the Moscow railway stations was made and the results are shocking. But first things first.

Leningrad Station. Here, the suburban carrier represented by the Moscow-Tver suburban passenger company turned out to be more talkative and explained to its passengers that all the upcoming inconveniences and overlaps are related to the upcoming Confederation Cup. It is not very clear how the presence of a through passage from the suburban area to the long-distance train platforms affects the safety of the Cup guests, however, based on the announcement, this passage will soon be closed. Fortunately, temporarily. There is no such registration for other objects.

A mighty section of the fence that will soon block the passage from suburban trains to long-distance trains.

If earlier a resident of Khimki, who arrived on a Sapsan from St. Petersburg, could simply go to the next platform to go home by train, now this route across the street will be five times longer.

Yaroslavl station.
So far, it has not been possible to unambiguously unravel the intention of the pests. However, the station is surrounded by a fence. It looks like it will be possible to enter the city from long-distance platforms only by passing through the station building. Of course, with inspection.

Kyiv railway station. Here the struggle for security reached its maximum. Firstly, preparations are underway to close the passage from the turnstiles of suburban trains to the city, to the station square. Here we are met by the same fence as earlier at the Kursk railway station. Just think about this madness! Closing the exit from commuter trains to the city! What nonsense!

If this entrance is really blocked, then the entire crowd from the trains will rush straight into the metro lobby without an alternative. And only from there it will be possible to go to the city. The meaning of such a decision is completely incomprehensible. After all, one of the tasks of the “fighters” is to increase security. But what kind of security is there if a crowd of people is deliberately sent to another overloaded place, moreover, with absolutely no alternative options!

Here, too, they have already managed to close the exit from suburban platforms to long-distance trains. True, not a branded fence, but fences made from improvised means.

But the biggest shock is already experienced by long-distance train passengers. A direct and convenient passage from the trains to the car and taxi parking lot at the station square is also closed!

Now it remains either to walk through the station building, where again everyone is waiting in line for the entrance, or go down the pedestrian tunnel and end up again in the same lobby where the passengers of the trains have already been driven.

Considering that people on long-distance trains do not travel lightly with us, but with a lot of bags and luggage, then forcing them to wind circles through inspections and stairs, instead of a direct and convenient exit to meet people, is simply a crime!

Well, let's finish our inspection on Paveletsky railway station. Here, they did not forcibly separate the flow of passengers from long-distance and suburban traffic, however, screening zones have now been installed at absolutely all entrances to the station from the side of the platforms.

This means that in addition to the traditional flea market at the turnstiles, commuter train passengers will now also have a flea market with security screening. This is how it looked last night at the Kursk railway station. Video by Alexander Tugunov.

Again. It is completely incomprehensible why mass screening of passengers who have already arrived. And so persistently, namely the passengers of long-distance trains. In some places, passengers of electric trains also fell under the distribution, if they use common platform tracks. The author of this initiative is still unknown. As far as I know, no one warned Deptrans about such care for passengers. No wonder Russian Railways is like a separate country. But if we really assume that the Confederations Cup is just a rehearsal before the World Cup, then it remains to be assumed that in a year, for the sake of safety, the stations will simply be surrounded by concrete fences, and long-distance trains will be completely canceled. Why not an option? After all, to improve safety!

But jokes are jokes, and tens of thousands of passengers passing through Moscow railway stations are already experiencing massive inconvenience every day on their way to and from work. It is possible that other stations have not yet managed to implement something similar, but this is already in the plans. Now no one can say for sure. No official has yet commented on the situation. Waiting for an answer.

P.s. Just in case, I’ll write that we are all gathered here not just to grumble, we are for safety and all that. It just should not be formal with queues, which are even more attractive for terrorists, but with real measures.

Kursky Station serves trains going east to Nizhny Novgorod and south to Kursk and Belgorod, Kerch and Mariupol, Simferopol and Kharkov, Kislovodsk and Adler, Novy Urengoy and other cities. Transit trains running from North to South and the high-speed Sapsan train from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod also stop here, for which a special high platform has been set aside. Long-distance trains depart from the main platform, where there are 5 platforms and 9 tracks. All platforms are high, except for the first, from which trains leave for Nizhny Novgorod.

Electric trains from the Kursk railway station

In the south direction, from the main platform, electric trains go to Tsaritsyno and Podolsk, Lvovskaya and Chekhov, Serpukhov and Tula. Also from here, electric trains follow in the Riga and Smolensk directions. The first 2 stops Moscow - Kalanchevskaya and Rzhevskaya - are common, and then there is a branching.

To the east, in the Gorky direction, electric trains go to Balashikha and Reutovo, Fryazevo and Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuevo and Vladimir, Elektrogorsk and other stations. These trains depart from dead-end platforms, the passage to which is through turnstiles. In total, the station has 5 dead-end platforms, designed for 13 cars.

The nearest metro station to Kursky railway station

The nearest metro stations are Kurskaya, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line and Koltsevaya, as well as Chkalovskaya, Lyublinskaya line. The combined vestibule of the stations Kurskaya Koltsevaya and Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line can be accessed from the lower floor of the station complex, as well as from the platforms through tunnel No. 3 and through two ground vestibules on the square of the Kursky railway station. The lobby of Chkalovskaya and Kurskaya Koltsevaya stations is located 100 meters from the station complex on Zemlyanoy Val Street. Through it it is most convenient to go to the trains.

How to get to the Kursk railway station

Kursky railway station is located at Zemlyanoy Val street, 29. The fastest way to get there is by subway. High speed and lack of traffic jams make this route the most reliable. You can also get there by land transport - by buses No. 40 and 78, trolleybuses No. Bch and Bk, trams No. 20 and 24.

How to get from Kursky railway station to Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports

When planning a trip to the airport, take into account the time for screening at the entrance to the Terminal.

Sheremetyevo airport can be reached

  • on Aeroexpress, departing from the terminal at Belorussky railway station - Belorusskaya metro station, entrance through entrance No. 3 and No. 4. Travel time 35 minutes, arrival at Sheremetyevo Airport - 2, to terminals E and F. This is the fastest and most convenient way. If you need terminals B and C - Sheremetyevo-1 or D - Sheremetyevo-3, you can use the free bus, the stop of which is located at the entrance to terminal F. Be sure to note that the shuttle interval is 15 minutes or more, and the travel time is 20-25 minutes
  • take the metro to Planernaya station, then take bus No. 817 or fixed-route taxi No. 948. Buses and minibuses go to Sheremetyevo to terminals F, E → D → B
  • take the metro to the Rechnoy Vokzal station, then take bus No. 851 or minibus No. 949. The bus follows the route - terminals B → F, E → D, fixed-route taxi - along the route terminals F, E → D → B

When choosing a bus or fixed-route taxi, pay attention to the number of the terminal you need.

Domodedovo airport can be reached

  • by electric train or Aeroexpress going to Domodedovo Airport from Paveletsky railway station - Paveletskaya metro station. Travel time will be 1 hour 10 minutes by electric train and 40-50 minutes by Aeroexpress
  • take the metro to Domodedovo station, then take bus number 405 or a fixed-route taxi. Travel time will be approximately 30 minutes

Getting to Vnukovo Airport

  • by Aeroexpress, departing to Vnukovo airport from Kievsky railway station - Kyiv metro station. Travel time will be 35 minutes
  • go by metro to Yugo-Zapadnaya station, then by bus No. 611 or 611С - express, travel time will be 35-40 minutes or by fixed-route taxi No. 45, travel time - about 20 minutes
  • by metro go to the station Oktyabrskaya Koltsevaya, then by minibus №705m. Travel time will be approximately 40 minutes.

If you are traveling by land transport, take into account the time to overcome possible traffic jams.

How to get from Kursky railway station to other stations in Moscow

  • Kazan, Leningrad and Yaroslavl

From the metro station Kurskaya Koltsevaya go 1 stop to the station Komsomolskaya. Travel time will be 3 minutes. Also take into account the time required to get to the Kazansky railway station through a long underground passage.

  • Kyiv

From Kurskaya Koltsevaya metro station, drive 6 stops to Kyiv station. Travel time will be 14 minutes

  • Paveletsky

From Kurskaya Koltsevaya metro station, go 2 stops to Paveletskaya station. Travel time will be 5 minutes

  • Riga

From Kurskaya Koltsevaya metro station go 2 stops to Prospekt Mira metro station, change to Kuluzhsko-Rizhskaya line and go 1 stop to Rizhskaya station. Travel time will be 10 minutes

  • Savelovsky

From Kurskaya Koltsevaya metro station go 3 stops to Novoslobodskaya metro station, go to Mendeleevskaya station of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line and go 1 stop to Savelovskaya station. Travel time will be 13 minutes.

Information desk of the Kursk railway station

Help desk phone - 8 (495) 266 - 53 - 10 or multi-line phone number of the unified information center of JSC Russian Railways - 8 800 775 0000 - the call is free.

luggage compartment

Luggage compartment phone - 8 (495) 266 - 52 - 43

Luggage storage

Luggage storage for hand luggage and bulky items is open around the clock. When checking in your baggage, pay attention to the technical break so as not to waste time when receiving your things. The cost of storage is:

  • For one calendar day - 79 rubles 30 kopecks
  • Oversized items for the first day - 118 rubles, for the next - 148 rubles
    • For the storage of forgotten and found things - 79 rubles 30 kopecks per day

Services at the Kursk railway station

  • Sale of travel documents and their delivery to the house and to the organization. Checkouts are open 24/7
  • Lounges, including superior ones
  • Mother and baby room and baby changing area
  • Accommodation in rest rooms
  • Luggage storage
  • Porter services within and outside the station
  • Information and reference services and public address announcements
  • Transfer to other stations and airports, taxi order
  • Photocopying and laminating services, e-mail and computer works, fax reception and transmission
  • Currency exchange and dry cleaning, shoe repair and photo studios
  • WI-FI Internet throughout the territory for free
  • Ordering excursions and tourist trips in Russia and abroad
  • Organization of meetings, wires and delivery of goods
  • Pharmacy and medical center
  • Playroom for children
  • Postal and communication services, ATM
  • Showers and toilets, there is a Service Center
  • Round-the-clock work of bars, cafes and buffets
  • Souvenir and essentials stalls
  • Selling flowers
  • There is parking for cars
  • Services for persons with disabilities - elevator for wheelchair users, signs for the visually impaired are made much larger than usual

Kursk railway station in Moscow is called the gateway to the south. The use of new technologies makes the stay of passengers here convenient and comfortable.

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