Places in England in English. Sights of Great Britain

Traveling through the United Kingdom - the cherished dream of many tourists. And it is not surprising, because the sights of Great Britain are diverse and are not similar to anything. After reading this article, you can make it yourself to make sure and will surely find yourself in my soul.

Historical sights of Great Britain

When thinking about what to see in the UK, each famous Big Ben arrives at the mind. In fact, the official hour tower is called Elizabeth Tower, and Big Ben is one of the bells, but his name has spread so much among travelers, which has been fixed throughout the entire object. Unfortunately, until 2021, the battle of the London watches will not be able to hear, a global restoration began last August. But it is not worth a despair, there are many interesting places in the country.

In the Westminster Palace, part of which is the tower of Elizabeth, the English monarchs lived before the XVI century, and now the members of the Britain parliament are sitting there. Only a small part of the structure remained from the initial construction, the rest was rebuilt after the fire in the XIX century. The building of the palace can be visited and enjoy its beauties from the inside. And if you explore the schedule and come to necessary time, from a special gallery, it will even happen to observe the work of the House of Lords or communities.

Another name of the Westminster Abbey is the Church of St. Peter. The temple performs many important functions, for example, there are coronations and most of the royal weddings. In the same church, the burials of the family of the monarch of the family are being buried. In total, about 3 thousand people were buried in the abbey, among which poets, scientists and others outstanding people. In the Temple there are services daily, the entrance is open to all, besides for free.

Many of the Attractions of Great Britain keeps the memory of the country's history, but this can boast Tower - one of the most ancient buildings in the United Kingdom. It is difficult to imagine that it was founded back in 1066! In almost 10 centuries, the fortress changed a lot of roles, but was originally built as a defensive structure. At different times also contained lions, prisoners, coin coins. Nowadays, Tower is a popular tourist destination.

The appearance of the Tower Bridge is known to those who have never been to London, but despite such fame, it is often confused with the London Bridge, which is next. Earlier, the Tower Bridge was divorced until the fifty times during the day, and now - only a few times a week. Tourists love to use pedestrian gallery bridge, which has become a symbol of the English capital, as viewing platforms. From a height of more than 40 meters, a beautiful view of the center of London really opens.

The structure built in the form of a circle of stone blocks weighing a few tone, is the cause of disrupted scientists and researchers. It is assumed that Stonehenge was built 5 thousand years ago, but many facts from his history were not proven. Until now, there is a secret purpose of the construction, the process of transporting huge stones and the one who has built an amazing monument. And guests of the country and local residents They consider Stonehenge the most mysterious landmark of Great Britain.

The official residence of Britain's monarchs became such only in 1837, during the Board of Victoria. There are 775 rooms in the palace, as well as their own mail, police, cinema and hospital for the needs of kings and queens. In August and September, the Buckingham Palace is open to visit, since this time Elizabeth II goes to Scotland. Of course, visitors will be able to see only a small part of the halls, but this is enough for overall impression About the residence.

The Cathedral of St. Paul was built at the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries in the style of English Baroque. A particularly recognizable cathedral makes his majestic dome. Here, as in Westminster Abbey, many famous personalities are buried, for example, Admiral Nelson. It is very interesting that in Kripte Cathedral is equipped with a special room for ordering. There are banquets, buffets, dinners and other meetings.

Another oldest building, which can be viewed in the UK. The date of construction is considered to be 1070 year. Despite such a solid age, the castle-fortress remains the official residence, the queen comes here annually. On a certain territory and in some halls are leaving tourists. Beautiful photos are best done on the northern terrace, which offers a beautiful panorama of Windsor city, but it is forbidden to take pictures in the premises.

The York Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in Northern Europe. The temple, located in York, attracts tourists with magnificent stained glass windows. An architectural structure is built in the Gothic style. Catholic services are held daily in the York Cathedral, the special atmosphere of which anyone can enjoy.

Of course, the metropolitan London deserves close attention: you can live in the city for a very long time, but do not cease to be surprised at the sights, constantly discovering new places for yourself. However, in many other British cities there will be an countless number. historical monuments, museums, theaters, inspirational city landscapes.

For example, for acquaintance with English traditions, ancient University cities of Oxford and Cambridge will be suitable. One of the reasons to stay in York is the largest National Railway Museum in the UK, after visiting which you can enjoy enjoy walks in the medieval quarters of York.

Traveling around the cities of Scotland is unthinkable without a few days in Edinburgh. Tourists plan to go through the royal mile, to visit the Edinburgh Castle, take a picture of the Fort Bridge at sunset and, of course, try a real Scottish whiskey under the melody of the bagpipes.

Despite the fact that historical buildings in Glasgow are not so much, in the city it will be possible to spend one to two days, walking through the streets and parks, visiting museums and galleries, musicals and opera performances in theaters. Of particular interest are natural reserves And parks that are convenient to get from Glasgow. First of all, it is the Loch Lomond National Park and Trossahz, the place of stunning landscapes.

In search of colorful sights of Great Britain, it is worth going to Liverpool, Durham, Bat, Canterbury, Manchester, Birmingham, Belfast, Cardiff, as well as small towns and villages.

Video "Sights of Great Britain"

A huge ferris wheel in itself is very noteworthy. For example, it can be said that the number of egg-shaped cabins is not accidental. London has thirty-two suburbs, and it is them that they symbolize thirty-two cabins-capsules "London Eye". It is worth mentioning about the LED backlight mounted on the ferris wheel at the end of 2006 - thanks to her, the already monumental miracle of British engineering thought acquires its special and unique charm. But the main charm of this ferris wheel is that one of his turnover takes as many as thirty minutes, and during this time you can enjoy the remarkable species at the bottom. The height of the wheel in 135 meters is approximately equal to the height of the forty-masting house.

Madame Tussauds museum

-Momi Madame Tussao has many years of history and is the most famous museum of wax figures in the world. The first permanent exhibition of figures was established just in London and is the oldest way of all. It was also part of the horror room where the victims of the French revolution, killer, maniacs and other criminals were exhibited. Among the most famous figures of the London Museum Madame Tussao - Queen Elizabeth, Adolf Hitler, Marilyn Monroe, The Beatleth, Lady Gaga, Keira Knightley, Beyonce, Charlie Chaplin, Angelina Jolie, and this is not the entire list of celebrities.

Hyde Park

— Hyde Park is a traditional place to hold rallies, festivities and all sorts of holidays.

- Hyde Park is the Lake Serpentine and the gallery of the same name. Interestingly, in the lake bathing is allowed. Also in the park is the Museum of the Duke Wellington - Epsley House and Arch Wellington, which speaks of the historic parade, held here in 1815. The parade was devoted to Wellington's victory over the emperor Napoleon. The sculpture dedicated to the Count is considered the first monument in London, depicting a naked person.

Buckingham Palace

- The Buckingham Palace is the largest palace in the world, as well as one of the most recognizable British characters.

The palace is the official residence of the current monarchs, and therefore most of the time is closed to visit, however, from August to September, the Queen leaves Buckingham, and everyone can visit him.


This is an amazing architectural and archaeological monument.

Stonehenge is a complex design, which includes arches, each of which accurately pointed out one of the four sides of the light, two rings from huge stones and an altar stone. It is believed that the beginning of the creation of Stonehenge was made about 3000g. BC, and the last phase of his construction fell 2440-2100. The purpose of this archaeological monument is still unknown - like its authors themselves. Many people believe that these huge stones have magic healing properties.

Edinburgh castle

Edinburgh Castle is located on top of the castle cliff, extluous volcanowhich was settled from time immemorial. Throughout its history, the fortress was a kind of "key to Scotland". Originally erected in the period of the early Middle Ages, the castle is overharaled at the beginning of the XVII century and is adapted for defense using serf artillery.

The castle impress the impregnable fortress. The three sides of the fortress are protected by sheer cliffs, and access to the castle was limited to a steep road in the fourth (eastern) side. The road can be passed only through Esplanada - a long and empty, fully tilted inclined plot from the fortress, where the Royal Edinburgh Parade of Military Orchestras is held annually.

London Bridge

The London Bridge binds London Districs of City and Saymouth, separated by the River Thame. Until 1750, this was the only place in London, where there was a bridge over the Thames. The modern bridge is built on the place of its predecessor, open in 1831. Designed in 1967 by Engineer Harold N. King, opened with the participation of Queen Elizabeth II1 on March 6, 1973. Roads with the Tower Bridge in the West and the Kenon Street Railway in the East. The design of the London Bridge is similar to the design of the Waterloo Bridge, but it has only two supports, instead of 4.

Botanical Gardens Glasgow

- Botanical Gardens of Glasgow are known all over the world with their impressive greenhouses and an extensive collection of plants from around the world. They are based in 1817 and include an arboretum and public park with amazing landscape design.

One of the most mysterious countries in the world with an incredible story can be called England. This state has an extraordinary location - a peculiar insolation of a foggy albion Many powers can only envy. Below are the most popular attractions of England and the United Kingdom.

The most famous sights of England

Entering the United Kingdom of Great Britain, it is its true cultural center, politicians and economics. Roads England with Wales and Scotland, has access to the three seas. The country name received since ancient times, when representatives of one of the German tribes settled on the island. Long before the birth of Jesus Christ on these lands existed Celts, then the territory was inhabited by the Romans, Anglo-Saxons. In the era of the Middle Ages, the warlike English ever came across the battle with other peoples. War with the French, for example, lasted about a century. About the thirty-year-old "War of the White and Scarlet Rose", probably knows every schoolboy.

Among the many modern developed powers, England occupies not the last place. And if it is unlikely to be called for travelers and holidaymakers, it is unlikely to call it, because this area of \u200b\u200bsushi is significantly deprived. However, tourists from the most distant parts of the world seek to get to England. We can travel to this country will boast anyone, and proudly talk about a high level of service and the development of tourist business.

Therapeutic resorts, expensive and comfortable economies of hotels, dense and comfortable transport connection - Travel in the state of ancient Celts is pleasant and easy. The attractions of England will delight even the most experienced traveler. Places about which millions of people hear from childhood is to this day. To see your own eyes, at least some of them means to get a lot of positive emotions and adrenaline.

London - the main attractions of England

Begin, perhaps, it is from the main place - the capital of Great Britain and, of course, England is London. Infinitely you can talk about this city. Only arriving at the airport, any tourist should immediately understand that not to visit the Westminster Palace or Big Ben simply would be stupid. The same can be said about the National Gallery, and about the Cathedral of St. Paul, and the Buckingham Palace.

By the way, speaking of Big Ben, many think that these are the most famous hours for the whole world. In fact, the relationship to the giant dial or tower does not have this name. Benjamin Hall in the middle of the XIX century led the work on the creation of a legendary bell, which is recognized as the second largest in its parameters. It turns out that the name "Big Ben" is devoted to its creator.

The art of painting and the theater in London is assigned an equally important role. More than 30 museums and 80 theaters are located in the capital. They make their doors daily for thousands of tourists and aesthetics admirers. A lot of nightclubs, shops and other curious places will help to find a full-fledged rest to everyone.

What sights are in England, outside the capital?

About London, as a business card of England, known to everyone. Meanwhile, the provinces of England and their attractions heard only people interested in history and ethnic groups of this area. Not only in the capital there are memorable and significant objects. Ancient city Lincoln, located in the east of England, is famous for the ninth Legion of Romans, based at the very beginning of our era. TO modern times It also reached the small part of the structure - the arch, which is entry into the territory of a significant settlement.

How can I mention memorabilia in England, do not remember Stonehenge. This construction still forces scientists to shrug in response to the history of its origin and appointment. Versions There are a huge set, but whatever the Stonehenge - the Observatory of primitive civilization or the Temple of Celts, the interest of the world community to this attraction has not been fastened for several centuries. The first scientific research studies were held four more centuries ago.

Northumberland is one of the few places in England, where nature has been preserved as intact pristine. Of strategically political significance, this territory has practically no. The population is settled here quite weakly, its main and, in general, the only activity is the agricultural industry.

National Natural Obetis England

Beautiful I. unique place In England, it is customary to consider Kotswalds. The reserve, located on a hilly hill, the natural zone is the most extensive on the territory of the UK. Panoramic view opens simply amazing: tourists come here repeatedly, who once visited here to enjoy the unique view. Natural charm wildlife, involving hills and rocks, parks and gardens, perfectly combined with colorful English villages.

What other places in England are so many positive emotions as famous lakes of the edge of Lake District. For several hundred years, the place serves as a true source of inspiration for talented creators. To wander among the lakes, where there is no reservoir similar to each other, thousands of tourists come annually. From the middle of the last century, the edge is recognized by the protected.

Quite interesting and in its original place for an excursion can be the County of Shropshire. There are many hills - they occupy about a quarter of the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. As for the local population, in the county of people is relatively few, if we consider that it is located anywhere else, as in the center of Great Britain. The natural monument It is also considered to be a protected area, the territory surrounding the Ironbridge ambulance is adjacent to it. All these objects are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

By the way, the museum is located in Isronbridge open sky, which is a monument of revolution in the industrial society. In the XVIII century, mines, factory, factories were erected here. railway And the path is open through Severn. The bridge over the river, which owns the status of the longest in the UK, is the first design made of metal.

The United Kingdom is a country with unshakable centuries-old traditions and rich culture. From the lessons of history you probably remember that this is also a powerful state that played a crucial role in the global economy. However, during the journey at this amazing country, you will learn that the main attractions of the UK fill this country with a flavor, some mysteriousness and, undoubtedly, hospitality.

Below is a list of the sights of Great Britain, without a visit to which the journey into this country may seem defective.

Big Ben - The symbol of the grandeur of the British. If you ask a local resident, what landmark in the UK is considered the most popular, he will call this majestic structure without a delay.

Trafalgar Square - National Towns of Great Britain. Here are those who want to relax from the city bustle and admire the magnificent fountains.

Stonehenge - The biggest mystery of humanity. The name of this sights of Great Britain means a stone ring. Megalithic structure made of stones listed World HeritageIt was built for 300 years.

Ship dock Portsmouth It is famous for the abundance of important aircraft carriers, among which it is worth highlighting the aircraft carriers "the famous", "Prince Welsh" and "Queen Elizabeth". Here you can climb inside the ancient ships, to visit the cabins, eat fish from the board of the ship, climb on the mast as a jungle.

Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh - This is the attraction of the UK, which does not require a special description. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b25 hectares. In addition to Rokaria, visitor's great interest is caused by the Versere Garden, demonstration department, arbororetum, garden of coniferous trees, as well as palm greenhouse.

Museum of Viking It is necessary to visit the arrival in York. This place is popular with lovers of antiquity and the epoch of the Norman conquest.

Madame Tussauds museum B is one of the most popular in England. The figures of the lives of celebrities, cartoon characters and royal family members will affect you with their realism.

Oxford University. In this place, you can get a higher education that will be high in any country in the world. The motto of this institution: "The Lord is my light."

Canterbury Cathedral - The most ancient Catholic Cathedral on the territory of all of Europe.

St Paul's Cathedral - The main Protestant Cathedral. It is located on the most high mountain The British capital, as if towers over the whole city.

Cambridge university It is considered a symbol of prestigious and high-quality education in the world. By the date of foundations, he ranks second after Oxford.

Town Hall in Chester Love all locals. Compared to other attractions of the city, this building is a sample of style and beauty.

Bolomaris Castle - A recognized masterpiece of military architecture in the UK. This majestic building is not just one of the largest Wales castles, but also the most impregnable fortress ensemble in the whole country.

For many decades, tourists who came with a tourist visit to the UK attracts their close attention to the United Kingdom. To come to and not to visit Windsor is the same thing to be in Rome and not see the Colosseum.

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