Location of pyramids on earth map. World of Pyramids

Pyramids are the most grandiose structures erected by humanity in the entire history of existence, lost in the darkness of time.

All over the Earth, as if according to a single plan and precise calculations, almost simultaneously, grandiose structures were built, designed to ensure the existence of future civilizations.

The locations of the pyramids have long been the places of birth and existence of the greatest Divine cults of the Earth. In all centuries, people have worshiped the pyramids, the special energy of their locations attracted people, the mystical cults held in the pyramids made these places sacred.

According to scientists, the pyramids ensure the existence and regulation of life on the planet; they were built in turn by representatives of the most ancient civilizations on Earth: the Lemurians and the Atlanteans. Built according to a single plan, the pyramids stabilized the movement of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun.

Locations of the pyramids on Earth:

Eastern Hemisphere - Egypt, Tibet, China, Sudan, Japan, Bosnia, Korea, England, Crimea, Mozambique, Morocco, Namibia, Australia.

Western Hemisphere - Mexico, Peru, Bermuda region, central Brazil, the seabed near Easter Island.


There are about 100 pyramids in Egypt, but the complex of pyramids in Giza, located on the left bank of the Nile near Cairo, is considered an unsurpassed wonder of the world: 3 large pyramids - Cheops, Khafre, Mikerin, 7 small pyramids - companions and the Great Sphinx.

The height of the Great Pyramid of Cheops is 146.6 meters, Khafre is 143.6 meters, Mikerin is 66.4 meters. The Pyramid of Cheops consists of 2 million stone blocks, its weight is 6.5 million tons, its base area is 190 thousand square meters, and its inclination angle is 52 degrees.

The pyramids of Egypt are built from huge stone blocks weighing from 2.5 to 400 tons. The quarry where stone blocks were mined for the construction of the pyramids of the Giza complex is located near the city of Aswan, almost 1000 km from the Pyramids of Giza.

The most famous pyramids of Egypt: Cheops, Khafre, Mikerin - on the Giza plateau, Djoser in Saqqara, Hubs in Zawiyet el-Erian, the pink and broken pyramids of Sneferu in Dahshur, Userkaf in Saqqara, Sahura and Neferefre in Abusir, Senusret I, Unas and Piopi II at Saqqara, Amenemhet III at Dahshur, Meidum Pyramid.


The pyramids of Central America from the Mayan era contain no less mysteries than the pyramids of Egypt. The most mysterious are the pyramids in the city of Teotihuacan - the “city of the Gods”.

The two largest pyramids are the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramids are made of stone blocks weighing about 20 tons each. The stones were delivered to the construction site from quarries located 100 km from the site where the pyramids were built. The Pyramid of the Sun weighs 2.5 million tons, its length is 253 meters, width - 240 meters, height - 72 meters.

On the Yucatan Peninsula there is a complex of temples and pyramids of Chichen Itza. The pyramid of Kukulkan - the “feathered serpent”, 25 meters high, has 9 levels, at the base of the pyramid there is a square with a side of 55.5 meters, four wide staircases rise along its sides, each of which has 91 steps.

If the number of steps of the staircase is multiplied by the number of stairs and the platform at the top of the pyramid on which the temple stands is considered as another step, the number of days in the year is 91x4+1=365. The pyramid is built and oriented in such a way that on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, the play of shadow and light creates the illusion of a giant snake crawling along the northern stairs of the pyramid. Scientists concluded that the pyramid was based on the principle of the calendar, and the pyramid had astronomical significance.

In the suburbs of Mexico rises a round pyramid, partially covered with lava from the Hitle volcano - the Cuiculco pyramid, no more than 18 meters high, with a diameter of 120 meters. According to geologists and archaeologists, the pyramid is possibly about 5 thousand years old.

The pyramid was first excavated by Mexican archaeologist Manuel Gamiov in 1917. Scientists believe that this is the oldest pyramidal structure in the New World - the predecessor of Teotihuacan. Cuiculco, the “place of the rainbow,” may have been the oldest city in central Mesoamerica, contemporary with the Olmec civilization.

The Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico is a Toltec pyramid. The length of the base is 440 meters, the height is 77 meters, the volume is over 3 million cubic meters. The Cheops pyramid is 900 cubic meters smaller in volume.

According to scientists, the Mexican pyramid is about 6 centuries old.


In Tibet there is a mountain mirror-pyramid complex of Kailash, called the “matrix of life on Earth.” In 1999, an expedition of Russian scientists discovered in Tibet the largest complex of pyramids in the world: more than 100 pyramids and various monuments oriented to the cardinal directions and located around the main pyramid - the sacred Mount Kailash, about 6,700 meters high.

According to rough estimates, the heights of the remaining pyramids of the complex range from 100 to 1800 meters (the height of the Cheops pyramid is 146.6 meters). These pyramids, like the Mexican ones, are characterized by a layered (step) structure.

A distinctive feature of the Tibetan pyramids is their combination with huge concave and flat stone structures, which scientists figuratively called “mirrors.” The dimensions of these “stone mirrors” are truly enormous.

For example, the height of the concave “mirror”, which the lamas call the “House of the Lucky Stone,” is about 800 meters, which is almost three times more than a 100-story skyscraper. The action of these “mirrors” is similar to the action of Kozyrev’s mirrors, which create an energy-informational space with altered time characteristics.

According to scientists, such structures apparently play the role of not only “Time machines” for the transition to parallel space-time worlds, but also screen the energies “collected” by the pyramid, combining them with energy flows from other pyramids and “mirrors” .

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the Kailash pyramid complex, the so-called “City of the Gods,” was built by representatives of a highly developed civilization who were subject to gravity, they knew the laws of time and subtle energies and knew how to control them. It is believed that the “City of the Gods” was built by representatives of ancient Atlantis based on knowledge obtained from the so-called “golden plates” of the Lemurians. One of the monuments of the complex personifies the “reading person”.


In central China, about 100 kilometers from Mount Xian in Shaanxi province, there is a complex of giant pyramids, the largest of which is about 300 meters high (twice as high as the Great Pyramid of Giza). The Chinese pyramids first became widely known in the West back in 1947, when they were accidentally discovered by American pilots flying over the area.

In 1994, German researcher Hartwig Hausdorff managed to penetrate a closed area of ​​Shaanxi province and make a photo report about the Chinese pyramids. From the diaries of Australian traders who visited Shaanxi in 1912, Hausdorff learned of a Buddhist monk who said that the pyramids were mentioned in ancient records kept in the monastery.

The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they descended from the sons of heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons.” . Researchers estimate that the total number of pyramids in the region exceeds a hundred, all of them are made of clay, but over the past centuries and millennia the clay has become almost as hard as stone.


The oldest pyramids of Sudan, created in the 8th century BC, are located near the modern city of Karima, near the fourth cataract of the Nile. They were built by the rulers of the kingdom of Kush, who, having conquered the southern borders of Egypt, adopted the ancient traditions of the land of the pharaohs, including the construction of pyramids.

The pyramids of Sudan are less majestic and massive than the Egyptian ones; they are half covered with sand. The pyramids are built from sandstone blocks; under the pyramids, chambers and galleries are carved into the rock mass. The royal necropolis was located near Napata, the capital of the Kushite kingdom.

Near Napata, at the foot of the sacred mountain Jebel Barkal, one of the greatest sanctuaries of the Nile Valley was built - the Temple of Amon. The temple was founded in the 15th century. BC. Egyptian pharaohs. The Kushites expanded the complex and made it the main shrine of their kingdom.


In the spring of 2006, at the foot and on the slopes of the Vysocica hill in Bosnia, geologists unearthed stone blocks with traces of processing and polishing, which they believe lined the pyramid.

Historians believe that the 646-meter-high hill called Vysochitsa actually hides a man-made step pyramid.

The hill has a regular geometric shape, the slopes of the hill are at an angle of 30 degrees. Seismic sounding of the soil showed an extensive network of underground corridors that extend for several kilometers and have extensive chambers. Scientists have not yet been able to find out when the gigantic structure was erected, but it is known that people have been living in the Vysoko valley for more than 7 thousand years.


In the town of Pena de Bernal, archaeologists found a huge mountain that resembles a pyramid in its outline. Previously, under this pyramid mountain there were mines where precious metals were mined. Glastonbury Hill is considered an English pyramid. In medieval literature, stories were widespread that it was in Glastonbury that Joseph of Arimathea ended his life and here he delivered the Holy Grail.

Another pyramid in England is the Silbury Hill earthen pyramid, a 40-metre artificial (chalk) mound near Avebury. It is the tallest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The purpose of the mound is still a matter of debate.

Discovered not far from the famous, ancient city - the Stonehenge observatory, the English pyramids are being excavated and studied by British scientists. According to scientists, their famous observatory city is much younger in age than the pyramids found nearby. It is possible that Stonehenge was built in order to somehow correct the work of the nearby pyramids.


A group of scientists led by Professor Vitaly Gokh, working on a method of geohydrodiagnostics when studying the geological structure of the Crimean Peninsula, made a sensational discovery. On the section of the southern coast of Crimea from Sevastopol to Foros, 7 pyramids were discovered, the age of which is approximately the same as that of the pyramids of Tibet.

They are located on the same line from northwest to southeast in the Sevastopol zone, from Cape Khersones to Cape Sarych along the coastline. On the same line are Stonehenge, the pyramids of Tibet and the sunken pyramids of Easter Island. The height of the Sevastopol pyramids, made of lime blocks, is 45-52 meters, and their tops are almost at ground level.


In 1991, the famous oceanographer Verlag Meyer announced that during a survey of the bottom of the famous Bermuda Triangle using special equipment, two giant pyramids were discovered at a depth of 600 meters, larger in size than the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.

According to the scientist, according to the characteristics of the echo signals, the surface of the structure is pyramid-shaped, perfectly smooth, made of a material similar to very thick glass or polished ceramics.

In 2001, an expedition of oceanologists explored the bottom of the Cuban Gulf of Guanaacabibes and, at a depth of 670 meters, discovered a city spread over an area of ​​40 square kilometers. It turned out to be a huge plateau with clear outlines, reminiscent of huge architectural structures in the form of pyramids, rectangles, huge balls made of processed granite blocks.


The Tangun Mausoleum in the town of Kandong near Pyongyang is made in the form of a pyramid about 22 meters high and 50 meters at the base. The complex is located on the slopes of Mount Daebaksan. Historians and archaeologists in South Korea believe that the mausoleum is 4 thousand years old.


At the turn of the 1980-1990s, scuba divers discovered a pyramid and an amazing temple complex resting on the seabed off the island of Yonaguni, in the western part of the Japanese archipelago.

According to scientists, this complex could have risen above the surface of the water at least 10 thousand years ago, when the water level in the world's oceans was 40 meters lower than today.

Historians point to the similarity of the underwater terraces of Yonaguni with high-mountain temple complexes in South America, in particular with the ancient Incan structures of Sacsayhuaman and Quenco, entirely carved into the rocks of the Peruvian Andes.

A group of researchers discovered at the bottom a sculpture of a human head, wearing a characteristic feather headdress, clearly echoing similar sculptures in Central America.

The Japanese step pyramid is similar to the Djoser pyramid in Egypt. The blocks are hewn and carefully laid in five steps into a ziggurat - a step pyramid. The base side of the pyramid is 180 meters, height is 30 meters.

Geology professors who studied the underwater complex believe that the mysterious five-stage structure was created artificially more than 10 thousand years ago, when the bottom in the area of ​​​​the island was still dry, that is, at the end of the last ice age.

The first hint that the location of the ancient pyramidal complexes on Earth is subject to a certain plan is apparently contained in the “Secret Doctrine”, H.P. Blavatsky (in the epigraph). The “four corners of the world” put in quotation marks suggests a link to some source with a description of what these corners are and where they are located. The author was unable to find out where Elena Petrovna got these 4 angles from, but the use of such a phrase does not seem to be accidental. Otherwise, one would expect phrases like “scattered throughout the world” or “found everywhere” or something similar. However, the entire “Secret Doctrine” consists of hints and omissions, so the only thing that can be said here is that the location of the complexes is apparently not accidental.

In modern times, the idea of ​​a world pyramid system has received widespread (among those interested in this topic) advertising, thanks to the works of Professor Ernst Muldashev. “Sensational results of the Tibetan scientific expedition organized by the weekly magazine “AiF”.

Indian pyramid of Brihadeshwara.

This pyramid is located in the city of Thanjavur (India) and is part of a large temple dedicated to the god Shiva. This is a very beautiful and intricate pyramid: complex in its architecture, decorated with colored figures... Very unusual! According to some sources, the age of this pyramid is much greater than generally accepted. For example, scientists at the Alternative History Laboratory consider it one of the oldest pyramids in the world, miraculously preserved to this day...

And here is what they write about this pyramid-temple on the Internet:

“It is believed to be the largest temple in India, dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple previously performed two functions simultaneously: it was both a fortress and a temple. Brihadeshvara is the richest Shiva temple.

The temple is made in the shape of a pyramid, which was built during the era of the Chola dynasty. For that time, this temple was built very quickly - in just 25 years. The height of the pyramid is 58 meters, and the length of each of the four temple walls that form a rectangle is 152 and 76 meters.

It is also believed that this temple has a huge treasury that contains the most incredible treasures. For many centuries, rich people who worshiped Shiva, the dancing god, gave jewelry and lands to this temple. The temple servants carefully guard the secret of what exactly may be in the treasury.”

Pyramids of China.

The existence of the Chinese pyramids was only discovered in the mid-twentieth century. For many years, the Chinese government prohibited seekers from other countries from visiting the ancient structures. In satellite photographs, there are sixteen pyramids located near the city of Xi'an.

Australian trader Fred Mayer Schroder, in his diaries written in 1912, mentioned ancient pyramids in China. He led caravans and traded with many countries. The next caravan, passing by the Mongolian-Chinese border with a Mongolian guide, said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the city of Xi’an.” And after several tiring days, an amazing picture opened before the merchant: a very beautiful structure with four regularly shaped faces and a flat top. He was amazed by the grandeur and power of the pyramids, he thought about the people who built such a majestic structure, their knowledge and power to create such things. The caravan approached the pyramids from the east, in the main group of pyramids there were three large ones, and the rest gradually decreased to the smallest one located in the south. The chain of pyramids stretched about ten kilometers in length.

These pyramids were unknown to anyone for many years; the Chinese government carefully concealed their existence. The largest pyramid is approximately three hundred meters high and at the base about five hundred meters. This pyramid is much larger than the Cheops pyramid. This pyramid is strictly oriented to the cardinal points and is painted in different colors: red - south, north - black, white - west, and east - green-blue. The sides of the pyramid were steps going to the very top of the pyramid, but now these steps have crumbled over time. You can only climb to the middle of the pyramid, since the lower steps are large and represent a step with an area of ​​​​about one square meter.

In China, all buildings were made of clay and the pyramid was no exception. Trees and shrubs grow on the slopes of the pyramid, giving the pyramid a resemblance to a natural object. According to ancient books, the age of these pyramids is more than five thousand years, and in them the pyramids are indicated as having existed for many centuries before these books were written. And only not many have seen these pyramids; no one is allowed to see them. Chinese authorities keep the existence of these pyramids secret.

It is very interesting that these pyramids are located at 34 degrees north latitude, and their layout is very similar to the Egyptian one. The Egyptian pyramids are located at 30 degrees north latitude, and there is a geometric correspondence between the pyramids, which suggests that the pyramids were built by one civilization. The length in circumference, between the pyramids of Shansi and Cheops, is equal to 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc magnitude and corresponds to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, corresponds to the harmonic equivalent of mass. The same number is obtained from the distance between pyramids No. 4,5,6 in Shanxi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

These calculations are impressive and suggest that the correspondence to the harmonic equivalent of mass and the location of the pyramid complexes on the planet have a certain connection, and they were built as a single whole with a specific purpose. What is inherent in these groups of pyramids is that they allow one to resonate in unison with all harmonic fields. The construction of the pyramids may be associated with electronic processes associated with the transfer of information over vast distances. According to data from the Egyptian pyramids, there were special electronic devices inside them that made it possible to generate certain vibrations. These vibrations were amplified by the pyramids and transmitted over great distances. All data about this was lost, since many ancient books were destroyed. Perhaps the transmissions were not limited only to the earth, the pyramids were used as a huge transmitter-receiver for communication with other planets located at great distances. This mystery has never been solved, since exact information about their purpose has never reached us. But today it is already known for sure that the pyramids were not built by the rulers to whom they are attributed.

Pyramids of Tibet.

In 1999, an expedition of scientists from Ufa consisting of four people (E.R. Muldashev, R.Sh. Mirkhaidarova, S.A. Seliverstov and R.G. Yusupov) went to Tibet in search of the fabulous City of the Gods. Its result exceeded the wildest expectations of researchers: they discovered the largest group of pyramids in the world! All pyramids are very ancient. Their age is much higher than the age of the Egyptian pyramids, which, unlike the Tibetan ones, are much better preserved. For comparison, if the average age of the Great Pyramids of Egypt is about 4,600 years, then, according to some estimates, the age of the Tibetan pyramids is approximately 1,000,000 years! Since most of the pyramids, due to their amazing antiquity, have been significantly damaged by time, the question naturally arises: could scientists see pyramids where they simply do not exist? In other words, to confuse the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains with the shape of a pyramid? After all, Tibet is one of the mysterious places on the planet; for many people it is sacred. Every year hundreds of pilgrims from around the world, as well as tourists, come there. Why did none of them notice the pyramids before this expedition?

First of all, despite the great destruction, if you look closely, you can clearly see the fairly clear contours of the pyramids. However, in order not to make mistakes, scientists entered the received data into a computer (photos, sketches, videos), which processed them. As a result of this processing, it became clear where in the picture there was a pyramid and where there was an ordinary mountain. Why people didn't notice them before is also understandable. The fact is that the psychology of pilgrims is very specific. These people are deeply immersed in themselves. Having overcome many difficulties on their way and reaching holy places, which Tibet certainly is, they plunge into meditation and disconnect from reality. The scientific view is alien to them and unnecessary. At the same time, there is no information about the presence of scientific expeditions in this area. Nicholas Roerich was here, but he was unable to reach the sacred Mount Kailash, in the area of ​​which the pyramid complex was discovered. Even the Ufa expedition itself, with great difficulty, managed to obtain permission from the Chinese authorities for a scientific expedition in that area.

In total, scientists discovered about 100 pyramids, as well as various monuments, clearly oriented to the cardinal directions and located around the most sacred and revered Mount Kailash for the entire eastern world. It is the main pyramid and is 6,714 meters high. All other pyramids are very different from each other in shape and size. Their height ranges from 100 to 1,800 meters. For comparison, let us remember that the tallest Egyptian pyramid, the Pyramid of Cheops, originally reached 146 meters. Now, when the main part of the cladding has been lost over the years, its height is only 138 meters!
Among the pyramids there are rather strange stone formations with concave or flat surfaces, called “mirrors” by members of the expedition. As it turned out, they have a very interesting purpose. In addition, something very similar to huge stone statues of people was discovered

Material from the site http://razrusitelmifov.ucoz.ru

Where are the pyramids in Egypt? Their main locations are (from north to south) Abu Roash, Giza, Abusir, Saqqara, Dashur, Medum, Hawara and Lahun. Egyptian pyramids on the map can be seen on the left.

The most famous pyramid complexes are located in Giza, a suburb of modern Cairo. And this is where tourists come who want to see this wonder of the world. But the colossal structures at Giza are only part of the “pyramid” heritage of the ancient Egyptians. Pyramids of Egypt on the map can be seen in other places.

Today, scientists know about a hundred pyramid-shaped structures from the period of the Ancient and Middle Kingdoms. Some of them turned into ruins, since they were not built entirely from stone blocks, like the pyramids of the III and IV dynasties, but also using large quantities of rubble and brick. Therefore, it is still difficult to say exactly how many such structures were built in Ancient Egypt. Archaeological excavations continue.

To date, Egyptologists have identified 97 pyramid-shaped structures. Most of them are located on a strip of about 40 km, which stretches to the northwest and southeast of the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis, where the junction of Lower and Upper Egypt is located.

Here, on the edge of the western desert, on rocky plateaus inaccessible to the floods of the Nile, but suitable in their strength and rich in the necessary material for the construction of super-heavy structures, “pyramid” construction took place over many centuries.

In Abu Roash there is a pyramid structure of the fourth dynasty pharaoh Djedefre.

The most famous are in Giza

The most famous pyramid ensemble in the world is located in Giza - the tombs of the pharaohs of the IV dynasty Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. As a rule, only they are remembered when the question “where are the pyramids in Egypt” is heard. And there is nothing surprising here - the pyramid complexes of Cheops and Khafre are the tallest stone structures in the world. All three giants have survived, despite the passing of millennia, much better than the vast majority of later pyramid structures in Egypt. The tomb of Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) is only a few meters higher than the tomb of his son (Khafre), but much larger than the structure of his grandson (Menkaure), who ascended the royal throne after him. Now the top of Khufu’s burial structure is missing, which reduces its height by 7-8 meters, and originally it was 146-147 meters. This is the height of a modern 50-60 storey building. At its base lies a regular square with a side measuring 232 meters in length. South of the Cheops pyramid complex, opposite the Khafre pyramid structure, is the famous Great Sphinx - a colossal stone monster with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh. Thanks to the three giants, the Giza Plateau has gained worldwide fame.

Abusir and Saqqara

To the south of Giza, in Abusir, there is a group of pyramidal structures of the pharaohs of the 5th dynasty - Sahura, Niuserra, Neferirkar and Neferefra (Raneferef). They are inferior in size to the structures in Giza.

The giant necropolis at Saqqara is divided into two parts - northern and southern. Saqqara is home to Egypt's oldest pyramid structure, the stepped tomb of Pharaoh Djoser. It was during its construction that the foundations of all pyramidal construction were laid, which later found their continuation in other similar structures. Here are also the pyramid complexes of the pharaohs III (Sekhemkhet), IV (Shepseskaf), V (Userkaf, Djedkara, Unis), VI (Teti, Pepi I, Merenra, Pepi II) and VIII (Ibi) dynasties.

Necropolis in Dashur

In the Dashur necropolis, two pyramidal structures are well preserved, which in size are on par with the pyramid complexes of Giza. Particularly impressive is the structure with “broken” edges almost 100 meters high. Almost as good as her "red" or otherwise the “pink” pyramid colossus. They were both built by the IV dynasty pharaoh Snefru, the father of Khufu (Cheops). Also in Dashur are the pyramid complexes of the XII dynasty pharaohs Amenemhet II and Amenemhet III.

Sneferu, this great builder, erected another pyramid structure at Medum (see Map of Ancient Egypt). Egyptologists believe that it was the first of Snefru's pyramid structures. It was never completed, but what remains of it is taller and larger than the pyramidal structures of many other pharaohs who ruled much later.

Not far from Hawara, an ancient city from which almost nothing remains, there are the remains of another pyramid complex of the 12th dynasty pharaoh Amenemhet III (another pyramidal structure, which is associated with the name of this pharaoh, is located in Dashur).

In Lahun there is a pyramid complex (its remains) of the XII dynasty pharaoh Senusret II.

That is, the pyramids of Egypt on the map are located in the northern part of the country, relatively close to modern Cairo. And only one pyramid-shaped royal tomb is located in the southern part of the country - in Abydos, where the founder of the 18th dynasty, Pharaoh Ahmose I (c. 1570-1546 BC) built his tomb. It is also the last royal pyramidal structure ever built in Ancient Egypt.







(2668-2649 BC)

Saqqara (northern)


(2649-2641 BC)

Saqqara (northern)


(2641-2637 BC)

Zawyet El Ariam



(2613-2589 BC)


Dashur (southern)


Dashur (northern)

Khufu (Cheops)

(2585-2566 BC)


(2566-2558 BC)

Khafre (Khefren)

(2558-2532 BC)

Menkaura (Mykerin)

(2532-2514 BC)


(2514-2494 BC)

Saqqara (southern)


(2494-2487 BC)

Saqqara (northern)

Userkaf Sun Temple


(2487-2475 BC)


(2475-2455 BC)

Neferefre (Raneferef)

(2448-2445 BC)


(2445-2421 BC)

Niuserra Sun Temple

Abu Ghurab


(2421-2413 BC)


Abusir (?)

Djedkara Isesi

(2413-2381 BC)

Saqqara (southern)


(2381-2345 BC)

Saqqara (northern)


(2345-2313 BC)

Saqqara (northern)

Pepi I

(2313-2279 BC)

Saqqara (southern)


(2279-2270 BC)

Saqqara (southern)

Pepi II

(2279-2181 BC)

Saqqara (southern)

(dates unknown)

Saqqara (southern)


Amenemhet I

(1991-1962 BC)

Senusret I

(1962-1917 BC)

Amenemhet II

(1917-1882 BC)

Senusret II

(1882-1878 BC)


Senusret III

(1878-1841 BC)

Amenemhet III

(1841-1796 BC)

Amenemhet III


(1790-1786 BC)

Mazguna (4 km south of Dashur)



(dates unknown)

Saqqara (southern)

It will also be interesting to watch.

Ancient pyramids never cease to amaze us with new sensations. It turns out that the pyramids currently known to us are far from the only ones of their kind. In recent years, thanks to the latest technology, scientists continue to find new giant pyramids, not only in Egypt, but throughout the world! We will tell you about the most significant and interesting finds.


Of course, Egypt remains the leader in newly discovered pyramids. On this ancient land, new pyramidal structures are discovered with enviable regularity, and this happens thanks to the study of satellite images.

In May 2011, the community of Egyptian pyramids was expanded by as many as 17 objects! The previously unknown pyramids were discovered using infrared satellite imaging, which makes visible objects located under a layer of river silt or sand. Thanks to this study of the Nile floodplain, scientists discovered 17 pyramids, more than a thousand burials and about three thousand ancient settlements, which are located relatively shallow under a layer of silt and are not visible to the naked eye. Excavations are currently underway in the area, and the existence of two of the 17 pyramids has already been confirmed.

Another discovery was made quite recently - in August 2012. Thanks to satellite images, two pyramid complexes were spotted in the Abu Sidum area at a distance of 145 km from each other. The discovery was made by archaeologist Angela Micol, who spent several years studying photographs of the Earth's surface. In the first complex, several mounds and a gigantic triangular-shaped object, 200 m wide, are clearly visible.

If it is confirmed that this is indeed a pyramid, then it will become a new sensation, because its dimensions are larger than the famous pyramid of Cheops. The second proposed complex consists of a 42 m wide pyramid and three mounds standing diagonally, as in the Giza complex.

Until now, all the pyramids known to us were located near Cairo, and if studies of the area confirm the discoveries of Angela Micol, it will truly become a sensation. An expedition led by Angela and Egyptologist Nabil will soon set off to study these objects.


In 2005, independent researcher Semir Osmanagic stated that Mount Visocica, located near the town of Visoko, is actually a pyramid and is of artificial origin. Soil studies confirmed this theory, and since then the whole world has been talking about the Bosnian pyramids.

Further geodetic studies showed that the Pyramid of the Sun, as it was later called, has a clear orientation to the cardinal points, like the Egyptian pyramids. Its northern side faces the North Star. The angles formed by the faces of the pyramid are absolutely straight and equal. In addition, around the pyramid, on all its sides, during excavations, massive stone slabs were found, clearly not of natural origin. Analysis of these slabs showed that they were made of a substance similar to concrete, the composition of which is unknown to us.

Subsequently, not far from the first pyramid, four more were discovered, next to which the same concrete blocks and many other artifacts were invariably found. Excavations in the Visočica area are still ongoing. Many world experts who have visited there confirm that all these finds are of man-made origin. It is assumed that the age of these pyramids is 10-12 thousand years.


A similar story recently occurred in Indonesia, where German scientists discovered that Mount Sedehurip, long known to local residents, has a clearly visible pyramid shape. The pyramid is located in the west of the island of Java and is estimated to be about the same age as the Bosnian pyramids - about 10 thousand years. Mount Sedehurip clearly stands out in shape from all the surrounding hills.

During the excavations, stone slabs with unfamiliar inscriptions and images were discovered. The height of the pyramid is 200 meters, and according to scientists, the discovery of this pyramid is no less important than the discovery of the pyramids in Bosnia. Simir Osmanagic himself spoke quite positively about this: “Pyramids have been discovered in Bosnia, Egypt, Central America, China - they are on every continent, in all parts of the world - who said that they cannot be in Indonesia?!”

It is assumed that the pyramid was built by the ancient Sandanis civilization, which lived in these territories. So far, excavations have just begun, but scientists assume that many artifacts will be found that will confirm the relationship of the Bosnian pyramids and the Sedehuri pyramid. Currently, about 1,000 people are working on pyramid research, but no significant results have yet been published. In the near future, scientists plan to use satellite and geo-electrical technology to study the pyramid.


Now let's move closer to our realities, to the territory of the Crimean peninsula. In one of the districts of Sevastopol, while searching for underground reserves of thermal waters, at a depth of 10 meters, drillers stumbled upon a real pyramid. The drilling site was initially chosen on the basis that there was an epicenter of powerful microwave radiation with a radius of 100 m. Now the nature of this radiation has become clear.

Researchers V.A. Goh and V. Taran, having received a certificate of scientific discovery and carried out accessible excavations, discovered that the pyramid was filled to the top as a result of the flood. This is evidenced by the fact that pebbles, silt and loams were found during the excavations. After this discovery, researchers using geoholography and geohydrodiagnostics discovered 30 more supposed pyramids.

It was also found that the faces of the excavated pyramid contain gypsum, lead and liquid glass, as well as cuprous oxide. As you know, the Egyptian pyramids have the same composition in their outer layer.

Goh and Taran suggest that the Crimean pyramids were built at the same time as the Egyptian ones. However, archaeologists are in no hurry to acknowledge the discoveries of enthusiasts, and therefore do not plan professional excavations in this area. After all, according to their theory, during the times of ancient Egypt there was a sea on the territory of Crimea.


And finally, the most controversial peak, fighting for the right to be called a pyramid, is the famous Tibetan Mount Kailash. Its pyramidal shape is also clearly visible, and its edges are oriented to the cardinal points. The mountain is the highest peak in its area, and it has not yet been conquered. In the ancient religions of Nepal and China, Kailash is considered sacred, and numerous pilgrims protest against its conquest. In religious texts about the mountain, the following is written: “No mortal dares to climb the mountain where the gods live; whoever sees the faces of the gods must die.”

Traveler and explorer Ernst Muldashev, who made an expedition to Mount Kailash, noticed that if you draw an imaginary straight line through Kailash to the center of the Earth, it will cross Easter Island. And besides, Kailash is located on the same meridian as Easter Island and the Egyptian pyramids. In his opinion, all the smaller mountains surrounding Kailash are also ancient pyramids. According to the famous ophthalmologist-traveler, the entire Earth is covered with a network of pyramids, which were built by ancient civilization according to strictly defined rules and lines.

Of course, Muldashev’s research is not recognized by the scientific world and is considered pseudo-scientific, but who knows, perhaps further discoveries of pyramids previously unknown to us will confirm this theory?

But we invite you not to wait for scientific minds to argue about the mysterious pyramidal structures and for them to understand their true purpose, but to find the answers yourself. This is much easier to do than it seems - you can find unique ancient knowledge, published for the first time, in the amazing books of Anastasia Novykh “Sensei”. You will have access to not only explanations of many mysteries of human civilization, but also ancient prophecies regarding the future of Humanity! You can download all books completely free of charge from our website!

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And by the way, this spiritual practice was not limited only to Ancient Egypt. Many artificially created pyramids that modern people have discovered today, and those that have not yet been “unsealed” and have not yet been found, are far from chaotic structures. Although they were built at different times, their location was in strictly defined coordinates, with strict orientation during construction to certain stars. On a global scale, it is a kind of map. The initiators of the creation of such pyramids were people with this knowledge. Among them was Imhotep. He received this information about a global architectural project on a global scale (which was developed long before the time of Imhotep) from the Sokrovennik at the end of many years of study with him, along with other knowledge.

Anastasia NOVIKH Sensei IV

Some of the most mysterious buildings on Earth are the pyramids. We are no longer at all satisfied with the explanation that the pyramids in Egypt were built by the pharaohs as their tombs. Of course, they served as tombs for them, but they could hardly build them, because the construction technology in no way corresponds to the level of development of Egyptian society of those times, and the complexity of the objects is amazing.

There is only one conclusion: the Egyptians simply used the buildings of their predecessors. The situation is similar in Central America - majestic pyramids in the middle of the jungle could only be built by higher civilizations, information about which did not reach us directly and was lost somewhere.

One cannot but agree that the purpose of the pyramids is completely different from that of the Egyptians and Indians. What they served for can only be guessed at. Some Egyptologist historians are inclined to think that the pyramids helped bring down cosmic energies to the earth, which had a beneficial effect on the life of the Earth, and served as an energy shield against the invasion of the desert into the fertile lands of Egypt.

It is believed that the famous Egyptian pyramids served as beacons for the ships of proto-civilization, showing them the way to the airport in the Sinai desert.

Of course, there is some kind of connection between the pyramids: they were probably built by representatives of the same race or civilization. But which one? Most likely, no one knows the answer to this question. We can only guess.

Although, it turns out, there are still many similar architectural structures on Earth unknown to many of us that could help clarify the situation. Some of them are located in the Middle Kingdom. Yes, China continues to keep its secrets: over a hundred pyramids are located on its territory, which many do not even know anything about.

Chinese pyramids

In March 1994, Austrian Hartwig Hausdorff toured areas closed to foreigners surrounding the city of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, located in central China. During this trip he discovered six legendary pyramids. Then in October 1994, he came to China again, taking a video camera with him.

Another researcher, American Vance Tied, writes: “The main thing that interested me was the geographical coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xi'an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one.

p style=”text-align: justify;”> This suggests that the same ancient builders who belonged to the same civilization had a hand in their construction.

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