Two Crimean caves: Marble and Mammoth. History of Crimea Where is and how to visit

They belong to the ancient Stone Age, which was divided into early and late Paleolithic, and lasted from 2 million years to the XIV - X centuries BC. e. The Crimean peninsula is located in the south of Europe and was almost not affected by the glacier. In the Crimean mountains there were many caves, grottoes and rocky sheds, convenient for parking. The mild climate, many wild animals and rich diverse vegetation created favorable conditions for the habitation of primitive man. Mammoths, rhinos, reindeer, bears, arctic foxes, saiga antelope, wild horses, donkeys, white partridges lived in Crimea in prehistoric times, salmon and pike were found in the rivers, there were silicon deposits on the surface of the earth, which served primitive man as a raw material for the manufacture of tools necessary for life. The remains of primitive people who began to populate the Crimea about a hundred thousand years ago have been found in many places on the peninsula. Widely known are the ancient sites of Chokurcha, Kiik-Koba and Bakla near Simferopol, 14 Rocky sites near the village of Vishennoye in the Belogorsk region, Staroselie near Bakhchisaray, Kizil-Kobinsky caves. In the cave of the Wolf Grotto of the Middle Paleolithic, located twelve kilometers east of Simferopol in the rock above the valley of the Beshterek River, many flint tools and bones of a wild bull, red deer, mammoth, bison, mouflon, rhinoceros, wild boar, wild donkey, wild horse were found , wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, arctic fox, cave hyena, wolverine.

Primitive people on the Crimean peninsula left their traces near (Syuren), near the Kacha River, in the valley of the Alma River, near the Bodraka River (Shaitan-Koba). They already made fire, lived in caves, hunted mammoths, rhinos, wild bulls, horses, deer, cave lions and bears that existed in the Crimea during the Ice Age with the help of a wooden lance, the end of which was sharpened in fire, stones and clubs. People collected soft and non-poisonous roots, mushrooms, berries, wild fruits, mollusks, and were engaged in fishing. The skins of a bull, a deer, an antelope, a cave bear, a wolf, a beaver, a fox, a hare were clothes. Paleolithic flint tools were found at the sites: pointed, side-scrapers, knives, heaps. Subsequently, mammoths, bison and woolly rhinos disappeared, and reindeer left the Crimea with warming. Horses and saigas became the main object of hunting. Large communities of primitive hunters broke up into small ones, settled along the river valleys.

Many primitive sites in almost all parts of the Crimea belong to the period of the Middle Stone Age - the Mesolithic, which lasted from the 9th to the 6th millennium BC. e. People lived in the cave sites of Alimov canopy in the valley of the Kacha River, Syuren II near the Belbek River, Waterfall Grotto, Tash-Air I, Buran-Kaya near the Burulchi River, Fatma-Koba in the Baidar Valley, Zamil-Koba I and II, Murzak-Koba in the valley of the Chernaya River, Laspi VII. At the entrances to the sites of Shan-Koba and Fatma-Koba, the remains of protective structures were found. Primitive people tamed the dog, domesticated the pig, bows and arrows appeared from weapons, which became the main means of obtaining food, hand-made dishes were found in the parking lots. The main occupations of the primitive Crimean population were hunting, mainly for deer, roe deer and wild boars, gathering, fishing. Bones of wild animals, the remains of an edible grape snail, two-row harpoons with teeth, bones of pike perch, salmon and catfish were found at the sites of this period. The Shan-Koba cave site in the southwestern Crimea is widely known, in which incisors, scrapers, knife-like plates were found. During the excavations, bones of a deer, saiga antelope, wild donkey, wild horse, wild boar, brown bear, lynx, badger, beaver, edible snail shells, bone harpoons were also found.

Sites in the steppe part of Crimea (Dolinka, Ishun, Martynovka), in the mountainous part (Balin-Kosh, At-Bash, Beshtekne), near Bakhchisaray (Tash Air, Zemil Koba, Kaya Arasy), on the Kerch Peninsula (Lugovoe, Tosunovo), southern coast (Ulu-Uzen) belong to the new stone age, the Neolithic (5000 years - 4000 BC). There are more than one hundred and fifty of them on the Crimean peninsula. Primitive people in the Crimea mastered agriculture and cattle breeding, domesticated goats, sheep, cows, oxen, horses, fired earthenware, stone products, axes, hammers appeared. Hoes, reaping knives, flint knife-like plates, and bone beads were found at the sites.

The people of the Yamnaya, Catacomb and Srubna cultures who lived in the Crimea in the era of the Copper Age - the Eneolithic (4000 years - 2000 BC) also left their traces in the steppe and mountainous Crimea and on the Kerch Peninsula. Kurban-Bayram barrows near Krasnoperekopsk, Kemi-Oba near Belogorsk, Golden barrow near Simferopol, Laspi I, Gurzuf, Zhukovka are known. At this time, most of the tribes had not yet settled on the ground, and in search of convenient places of existence, many peoples moved across Europe and Asia. The people of the Copper Age in the Crimea were farmers and livestock breeders. They grew wheat, millet, barley, and hemp. They ate meat and bread. Sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cows and horses were tamed. They spun. Copper tools and weapons appeared: axes, daggers, knives, chisels, paper clips, spear and arrowheads. Wheeled transport appeared - wagons, which harnessed oxen or horses.

During the Bronze Age, which lasted from 2000 years to 1000 BC. e. representatives of the Yamnaya, Kemi-Oba, Catacomb, multi-roller, Srubnaya, Sabatinovskaya and Belozerskaya cultures lived in the area, who knew how to build stone dwellings and were engaged in cattle breeding and arable farming. Many copper and bronze items, pots, bowls, stone battle axes, and maces have been found at the Bronze Age sites. At Krasnaya Gorka in Simferopol, a large slab with libation holes was found, on which a duel is depicted. Near Evpatoria, Chokurchi, Bakhchisaray, Astanino, near Tiritaki, stone steles were found - elongated slabs on which the upper parts of the head, eyes, mouth, and hands are depicted. One of the stelae bears a harness belt, an axe, a bow and a quiver. This period includes the first traces of barter trade of the population of the Northern Black Sea region with the tribes of southwestern and western Asia Minor, as well as the Aegean basin. In the Bessarabian treasure in the village of Borodino near Akkerman - Belgorod Dnestrovsky, four large stone axes from a serpentine of Asia Minor origin were found. In the Shchetkovsky treasure in the Bug region near Ingul, Aegean bronze double axes and sickles of Mycenaean production were found. At the sites of this period in the Crimea, utensils similar to those found near Ingul and in the Kuban region were found, which indicates trade relations between the Crimean tribes and the steppe population of the Northern Black Sea region.

At the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. the Bronze Age in Crimea was replaced by the Iron Age. The oldest iron objects were found in one of the burial mounds near the village of Zolny. They date back to the 8th century BC. e. The main occupations of the population of the Crimean peninsula were agriculture and animal husbandry in a subsistence economy that satisfied many human needs with products of its own production.

Approximately this historical period includes the first archaeological monuments of the Taurians on the Crimean peninsula.

Hello friends!

If you are attracted by the mysterious world of speleotruism, but you are not so experienced and courageous as to tie yourself with a rope and step into the darkness, go to the Crimean caves that are open to the public for now.

And so that you don’t have to listen to stories about “put on equipment, but I don’t have a helmet for this five-year-old little one,” I’ll tell you where it’s best to dive into such dungeons so that your heart aches, your spirit is intercepted, and at the moment you lose your balance from happiness , at hand was a handrail and an experienced guide.

Speleology in the Crimea began its active work in the 50s. During this time, more than 900 cave objects were explored and discovered, many of which are still inaccessible to ordinary tourists - too difficult, dangerous and unpredictable segments are found on such routes.

Therefore, only specialists or well-trained people involved in sports tourism, for example, can descend into these dungeons. Descending into such caves requires professional equipment and teamwork.

Karst caves, which we are going to, have long been prepared for tourists, and the routes run through well-equipped, safe and incredibly beautiful galleries. And since the activity of nature in the dungeons continues, specialists will always have to study, discover, record and tell us about their discoveries.

Most of the karst caves of interest are located on the Chatyr-Dag, Ai-Petri, Dolgorukovskaya yayla and Karabi-yayla mountain ranges.

So, the top 5 Crimean caves for a safe, exciting and informative excursion in 2019!

Marble Kingdom and his retinue

According to statistics and visitor reviews, marble cave is the most visited and attractive.

On the route, which is more than 1 km long, there are spacious galleries decorated with fantastic sinter formations, patterns, crystals, miraculous sculptures. The labyrinths of the dungeon beckon tourists deep into, where more and more new paintings are opened.

The Marble Cave is recognized as the most beautiful geological object, which is one of the five such attractions in the world.

Mammoths in Crimea? See for yourself!

Not far from Marble is the second most beautiful cave - Emine-Bair-Khosar or mammoth.

It is known for its underground lakes, both "dry" and full-flowing, with the purest water.

The realm of ancient and very young stalactites and stalagmites once became the last refuge of wild animals (perhaps the Ice Age, yes, yes!), otherwise how to explain the skeleton of a small mammoth and other animals that we have not seen for a long time found here.

From sacrifice to scuba diving

Here is such an interesting chronicle of events can be traced in the bowels red caves or Kizil-Koba - the largest and longest cave system in the Crimea.

Over millions of years of its existence, thanks to river flows inside and precipitation outside, various rooms were formed in this dungeon - halls, wells, mines, tunnels, galleries, corridors, manholes and canyons.

You will not be offered to see so much, only 500 meters, but the interior design and content will leave vivid pictures in your memory for a long time.

And if you decide to extreme scuba diving in an underground river , with crossing the water tunnel to see hard-to-reach halls outside the usual tourist route, then you can consider yourself a caving guru!

Dive for details !

Man-made cave with a ghost and inscriptions from Karaite tourists

It is located on the territory of the cave city.

But keep in mind that excursions and descent into the well are carried out separately from visiting the cave city.

History and speculation

The problem with fresh water in the Crimea, as can be seen from history, has always existed. Residents of cave cities and monasteries prudently created various pools and containers for collecting rainfall.

But in ancient writings, some secret hydraulic structure was mentioned. Our archaeologists were sleeping and saw a mysterious well, and now, after thinking carefully and studying all kinds of manuscripts, the location of Tik-Kuyu was discovered in 1998 !

The fact is that the well was littered with earth, and it took three whole years to open and clean it from the soil, and then another time to put the object in order.

The well was a tunnel that had a descent deep into the ground, and branches already began there and other rooms were found.

And now it has become not entirely clear whether the well performed only a hydraulic function of collecting and settling fresh water, or whether there were other purposes.

For example, it could be an excellent shelter during the siege of the city, or there were sanctuaries here.

Why climb into a well?

At first you will have to go down stone and steep steps, then the tunnel turns into a narrow stepped gallery. Subdued light and limited space (2 by 2, 20 m) are impressive.

Along the way, you will find strange encrypted messages, tables or maps on the walls, and traditional, but uncharacteristic for that time, inscriptions in Karaim and Latin, such as "Vasya was here ...".

At the bottom there will be a gallery with hollowed-out containers - bathtubs for collecting and storing water.

Here the guide will tell you some interesting facts about the valuable treasure found not so long ago (a whole pot of gold!), and show you where your procession is being watched from. the ghost of the Tik-Kuyu well .

How to get there

You need to get to the cave city. From the Bakhchisarai bus station, you need to take a shuttle bus to stops Staroselye . From there, following the signs, walk for about 15 minutes and you are there.

Excursion cost

Tickets are purchased directly from the facility. You may have to wait until the group is typed.

Ticket price for an adult - 300 rubles, for a child - 150 rubles.

Photo and video shooting for free. A big plus is that after the lectures, free time is provided for inspection and pictures.

Habitat of a forest cat and seven-meter knights

In 1904, an ordinary village teacher from the town of Skelya (Rodnikovoe) discovered a unique cave, which was later named Skelskaya or, as it was also called - Teacher's.

Speleologists approached it only in 1960, and opened it for excursions even later, in 2003.

Skelskaya cave is unusual for its internal location. While other dungeons involve diving deeper, the route of this cave is directed upwards. How can this be? Come and see for yourself!

Once upon a time, the remains of ancient animals were found in this dungeon - a forest cat, a saiga antelope. And yet, deep-sea lakes were found somewhere in the lower tiers.

The walk, during which you will visit the five halls, will take about 50 minutes. The decoration here is really rich - stalactite and stalagmite sculptures, all kinds of "icicles", petrified fringe and cascades, arches, sinter formations frozen in incredible forms.

Where is it and how to visit

The Skelskaya cave is located between two settlements in the Baydarskaya valley - Razdolnoe And spring .

How to get there, how much it costs and when it is better to visit this object can be found on the official website:

The fact is that although the cave is open all year round for tourists, it cannot receive guests during floods.

Where else can you climb in the Crimea

You can explore other caves, not so majestic, equipped or artificially decorated, but attractive with their legends and secrets.

Chatyr-Dag and scary stories

Thousand-headed or Binbash-Koba - a large ancient burial place of human remains was discovered here. A very atmospheric place, around which there are many legends.

Ai-Petri and eternal ice

Trezglazka or Emine-Bair-Koba - you can get here by ordering an excursion to the caving center "Onyx Tour" only in the warm season. Because in this dungeon the ice does not melt even in summer, and in addition to ordinary stalactites, you will also see ice ones.

Echki-Dag and extreme

The Ear of the Earth is a completely inconspicuous cave, which is a crack in the rock, but upon closer inspection, the "crack" is the entrance to a narrow well.

Here it is better to have the experience of a climber or enlist the help of a reliable friend - the cave has vertical and deep manholes, into which it is better not to go down alone.

Good to know

If you went to "conquer" the mountainous or cave Crimea, try to leave your coordinates to close people – there are a lot of cases when tourists got lost, climbed the wrong place or got injured this year.

Better yet, don't give in to curiosity. don't visit alone unknown, and most importantly, not equipped cave objects. When planning to visit a particular area, find out in advance what is interesting nearby, where you can look without fear.

so or subscribe to my blog join in social networks - read the necessary information and do not hesitate to ask questions!

“Today we cannot boast that we have a good coherent presentation of the entire history of Crimea. Let's face it, we still don't have any yet, even bad ones."

N. L. Ernest, 1936

Crimean Peninsula, a peninsula in the south of the European part of the USSR. Area 25.5 thousand square meters. km. It is washed in the west and south by the Black Sea and in the east by the Sea of ​​Azov. In the north, it connects with the East European Plain by a narrow (up to 8 km) Perekop Isthmus. In the east of Crimea, between the Black and Azov Seas, is the Kerch Peninsula, in the west, the tapering part of Crimea forms the Tarkhankut Peninsula.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

“This whole country is characterized by unusually cold winters; here for eight months the frost is so unbearable that if you spill water at that time, you won’t get mud ... The sea and the whole Cimmerian Bosporus freeze ... Such a winter happens for eight months continuously; and in the other four months it is cold here.”

The Crimean peninsula - "the natural pearl of Europe" - due to its geographical location and unique natural conditions since ancient times was the crossroads of many maritime transit roads connecting various states, tribes and peoples. The most famous "Great Silk Road" passed through the Crimean peninsula and connected the Roman and Chinese empires. Later, it connected together all the uluses of the Mongol-Tatar empire and played a significant role in the political and economic life of the peoples who inhabited Europe, Asia and China.

Taurica - this was the first name of the peninsula, which has been attached to it since ancient times and, obviously, received on behalf of the most ancient tribes of the Tauris who inhabited the southern part of Crimea. The modern name "Crimea" began to be widely used only after the 13th century. "Kyrym" - this was the name of the city, after the capture of the Northern Black Sea region, built by the Tatar-Mongols on the peninsula and was the residence of the governor of the Khan of the Golden Horde. Probably, over time, the name of the city spread to the entire peninsula. It is possible that the name "Crimea" also came from the Perekop isthmus - the Russian word "perekop" is a translation of the Turkic word "qirim", which means "ditch". From the 15th century, the Crimean peninsula began to be called Tavria, and after its annexation to Russia in 1783 - Taurida. This name was also given to the entire Northern Black Sea region, which since ancient times was considered the northern coast of the Black and Azov Seas with adjacent steppe territories.

The Crimean peninsula consists of flat-steppe, mountain-forest, south-shore and Kerch natural-climatic zones. Short warm winters and long sunny summers, the rich flora and fauna of the Crimea allowed the tribes and peoples who settled on its lands from ancient times to engage in hunting, beekeeping and fishing, cattle breeding and agriculture. The presence on the peninsula of a large number of iron ore deposits helped to develop many crafts, metallurgy, and mining. Yayly - plateau-like treeless peaks of the Crimean Mountains, passing in three ridges along the south of the peninsula from Sevastopol to Feodosia, were convenient sites for the construction of fortified settlements, which were almost impossible to suddenly capture. The narrow, eight-kilometer Perekop Isthmus connected the Crimean peninsula with the European mainland and prevented warlike tribes from entering the Crimea unnoticed to capture slaves and booty. The first people appeared on the Crimean land about a hundred thousand years ago. Later, Taurians and Cimmerians, Scythians and Greeks, Sarmatians and Romans, Goths, Huns, Avars, Bulgarians, Khazars, Slavs, Pechenegs, Cumans, Mongol-Tatars and Crimean Tatars, Italians and Turks lived in Crimea at different times. Their descendants live on the Crimean peninsula even now. The history of Crimea - their life and accomplishments.

Chapter 1

100,000 years - II millennium BC. e.

The first traces of human presence on the territory of the Crimean peninsula date back to the ancient Stone Age, which was divided into the early and late Paleolithic, and lasted from 2 million years to the 14th-10th centuries BC. e. The Crimean peninsula is located in the south of Europe and was almost not affected by the glacier. In the Crimean mountains there were many caves, grottoes and rocky sheds, convenient for parking. The mild climate, many wild animals and rich diverse vegetation created favorable conditions for the habitation of primitive man. Mammoths, rhinos, reindeer, bears, arctic foxes, saiga antelope, wild horses, donkeys, white partridges lived in Crimea in prehistoric times, salmon and pike were found in the rivers, there were silicon deposits on the surface of the earth, which served primitive man as a raw material for the manufacture of tools necessary for life. The remains of primitive people who began to populate the Crimea about a hundred thousand years ago have been found in many places on the peninsula. Widely known are the ancient sites of Chokurcha, Kiik-Koba and Bakla near Simferopol, 14 Rocky sites near the village of Vishennoye in the Belogorsk region, Staroselie near Bakhchisaray, Kizil-Kobinsky caves. In the cave of the Wolf Grotto of the Middle Paleolithic, located twelve kilometers east of Simferopol in the rock above the valley of the Beshterek River, many flint tools and bones of a wild bull, red deer, mammoth, bison, mouflon, rhinoceros, wild boar, wild donkey, wild horse were found , wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, arctic fox, cave hyena, wolverine.

Primitive people on the Crimean peninsula left their traces near Bakhchisarai (Syuren), near the Kacha River, in the valley of the Alma River, near the Bodraka River (Shaitan-Koba). They already made fire, lived in caves, hunted mammoths, rhinos, wild bulls, horses, deer, cave lions and bears that existed in the Crimea during the Ice Age with the help of a wooden lance, the end of which was sharpened in fire, stones and clubs. People collected soft and non-poisonous roots, mushrooms, berries, wild fruits, mollusks, and were engaged in fishing. The skins of a bull, a deer, an antelope, a cave bear, a wolf, a beaver, a fox, a hare were clothes. Paleolithic flint tools were found at the sites: pointed, side-scrapers, knives, heaps. Subsequently, mammoths, bison and woolly rhinos disappeared, and reindeer left the Crimea with warming. Horses and saigas became the main object of hunting. Large communities of primitive hunters broke up into small ones, settled along the river valleys.

Many primitive sites in almost all parts of the Crimea belong to the period of the Middle Stone Age - the Mesolithic, which lasted from the 9th to the 6th millennium BC. e. People lived in the cave sites of Alimov canopy in the valley of the Kacha River, Syuren II near the Belbek River, Waterfall Grotto, Tash-Air I, Buran-Kaya near the Burulchi River, Fatma-Koba in the Baidar Valley, Zamil-Koba I and II, Murzak-Koba in the valley of the Chernaya River, Laspi VII. At the entrances to the sites of Shan-Koba and Fatma-Koba, the remains of protective structures were found. Primitive people tamed the dog, domesticated the pig, bows and arrows appeared from weapons, which became the main means of obtaining food, hand-made dishes were found in the parking lots. The main occupations of the primitive Crimean population were hunting, mainly for deer, roe deer and wild boars, gathering, fishing. Bones of wild animals, the remains of an edible grape snail, two-row harpoons with teeth, bones of pike perch, salmon and catfish were found at the sites of this period. The Shan-Koba cave site in the southwestern Crimea is widely known, in which incisors, scrapers, knife-like plates were found. During the excavations, bones of a deer, saiga antelope, wild donkey, wild horse, wild boar, brown bear, lynx, badger, beaver, edible snail shells, bone harpoons were also found.

History of Crimea Andreev Alexander Radievich


The first traces of human presence on the territory of the Crimean peninsula date back to the ancient Stone Age, which was divided into early and late Paleolithic, and lasted from 2 million years to the XIV-X centuries BC. e. The Crimean peninsula is located in the south of Europe and was almost not affected by the glacier. In the Crimean mountains there were many caves, grottoes and rocky sheds, convenient for parking. The mild climate, many wild animals and rich diverse vegetation created favorable conditions for the habitation of primitive man. Mammoths, rhinos, reindeer, bears, arctic foxes, saiga antelope, wild horses, donkeys, white partridges lived in Crimea in prehistoric times, salmon and pike were found in the rivers, there were silicon deposits on the surface of the earth, which served primitive man as a raw material for the manufacture of tools necessary for life. The remains of primitive people who began to populate the Crimea about a hundred thousand years ago have been found in many places on the peninsula. The ancient sites of Chokurcha, Kiik-Koba and Bakla near Simferopol, 14 Rocky sites near the village of Vishennoye in the Belogorsk region, Staroselie near Bakhchisaray, Kizil-Kobinsky caves are widely known. In the cave of the Wolf Grotto of the Middle Paleolithic, located twelve kilometers east of Simferopol, in the rock above the valley of the Beshterek River, many flint tools and bones of a wild bull, red deer, mammoth, bison, mouflon, rhinoceros, wild boar, wild donkey, wild horse, wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, arctic fox, cave hyena, wolverine.

Primitive people on the Crimean peninsula left their traces near Bakhchisaray (Syuyren), near the Kacha River, in the valley of the Alma River, near the Bodraka River (Shaitan-Koba). They already made a fire, lived in caves, hunted mammoths, rhinos, wild bulls, horses, deer, cave lions and bears that existed in the Crimea during the Ice Age with the help of a wooden lance, the end of which was sharpened in fire, stones and clubs. People collected non-rigid and non-poisonous roots, mushrooms, berries, wild fruits, mollusks, and were engaged in fishing. The skins of a bull, a deer, an antelope, a cave bear, a wolf, a beaver, a fox, a hare were clothes. Paleolithic flint tools were found at the sites: pointed, side-scrapers, knives, heaps. Subsequently, mammoths, bison and woolly rhinos disappeared, and reindeer left the Crimea with warming. Horses and saigas became the main object of hunting. Large communities of primitive hunters broke up into small ones, settled along the river valleys.

Many primitive sites in almost all parts of the Crimea belong to the period of the Middle Stone Age - the Mesolithic, which lasted from the 9th to the 6th millennium BC. e. People lived in the cave camps of Alimov a canopy in the valley of the Kacha River, Syuren II in the Belbek River, Waterfall Grotto, Tash-Air I, Buran-Kaya near the Burulchi River, Fatma-Koba in the Baidar Valley, Zamil-Koba I and II, Murzak- Koba in the valley of the Chernaya River, Laspi VII. At the entrances to the sites of Shan-Koba and Fatma-Koba, the remains of protective structures were found. Primitive people tamed the dog, domesticated the pig, bows and arrows appeared from weapons, which became the main means of obtaining food, hand-made dishes were found in the parking lots. The main occupations of the primitive Crimean population were hunting, mainly for deer, roe deer and wild boars, gathering, fishing. Bones of wild animals, the remains of an edible grape snail, two-row harpoons with teeth, bones of pike perch, salmon and catfish were found at the sites of this period. The Shan-Koba cave site in the southwestern Crimea is widely known, in which incisors, scrapers, knife-like plates were found. During the excavations, bones of a deer, saiga antelope, wild donkey, wild horse, wild boar, brown bear, lynx, badger, beaver, edible snail shells, and bone harpoons were also found.

Sites in the steppe part of Crimea (Dolinka, Ishun, Martynovka), in the mountainous part (Balin-Kosh, At-Bash, Beshtekne), near Bakhchisaray (Tash Air, Zemil Koba, Kaya Arasy), on the Kerch Peninsula (Lugovoe, Tosunovo), southern coast (Ulu-Uzen) belong to the new stone age, the Neolithic (5000 years-4000 BC). There are more than one hundred and fifty of them on the Crimean peninsula. Primitive people in the Crimea mastered agriculture and cattle breeding, domesticated goats, sheep, cows, oxen, horses, fired earthenware, stone products, axes, hammers appeared. Hoes, reaping knives, flint knife-like plates, and bone beads were found at the sites.

The people of the Yamnaya, Catacomb and Srubna cultures, who lived in the Crimea in the era of the Copper Age - the Eneolithic (4000 years-2000 BC) also left their traces in the steppe and mountainous Crimea and on the Kerch Peninsula. Kurban-Bayram barrows near Krasnoperekopsk, Kemi-Oba near Belogorsk, Golden barrow near Simferopol, Laspi I, Gurzuf, Zhukovka are known. At this time, most of the tribes had not yet settled on the ground, and in search of convenient places of existence, many peoples moved across Europe and Asia. The people of the Copper Age in the Crimea were farmers and livestock breeders. They grew wheat, millet, barley, and hemp. They ate meat and bread. Sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cows and horses were tamed. They spun. Copper tools and weapons appeared: axes, daggers, knives, chisels, paper clips, spear and arrowheads. Wheeled transport appeared - wagons, which harnessed oxen or horses.

During the Bronze Age, which lasted from 2000 years to 1000 BC. e. in the Crimea lived representatives of the Pit, Kemi-Oba, Catacomb, multi-roll, Srubnaya, Sabatinovskaya and Belozerskaya cultures, who knew how to build stone dwellings and were engaged in cattle breeding and arable farming. Many copper and bronze items, pots, bowls, stone battle axes, and maces have been found at the sites of the Bronze Age. At Krasnaya Gorka in Simferopol, a large slab with libation holes was found, on which a duel is depicted. Near Evpatoria, Chokurchi, Bakhchisaray, Astanino, near Tiritaki, stone steles were found - elongated slabs, on which the upper parts of the head, eyes, mouth, and hands are depicted. One of the stelae bears a harness belt, an axe, a bow and a quiver. This period includes the first traces of barter trade of the population of the Northern Black Sea region with the tribes of southwestern and western Asia Minor, as well as the Aegean basin. In the Bessarabian treasure in the village of Borodino near Akkerman - Belgorod Dnestrovsky, four large stone axes from the serpentine of Asia Minor origin were found. In the Shchetkovsky treasure in the Bug region near Ingul, Aegean bronze double axes and sickles of Mycenaean production were found. At the sites of this period in the Crimea, utensils similar to those found at Ingul and in the Kuban region were found, which indicates trade relations between the Crimean tribes and the steppe population of the Northern Black Sea region.

At the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. the Bronze Age in Crimea was replaced by the Iron Age. The oldest iron objects were found in one of the burial mounds near the village of Zolny. They date back to the 8th century BC. e. The main occupations of the population of the Crimean peninsula were agriculture and animal husbandry in a subsistence economy that satisfied many human needs with products of its own production.

Approximately to this historical period belong the first archeological monuments of the Taurians on the Crimean peninsula.

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From the book History of Crimea author Andreev Alexander Radievich

Chapter 1. TRACES OF THE STAY OF THE PRIMARY MAN IN THE CRIMEA 100,000 years - II millennium BC. e. The first traces of human presence on the territory of the Crimean peninsula date back to the ancient Stone Age, which was divided into the early and late Paleolithic, and lasted from 2 million

From the book History of Crimea author Andreev Alexander Radievich

From the book History of Crimea author Andreev Alexander Radievich

Chapter 6. PECHENEGS IN THE CRIMEA. PRINCIPALITIES OF TMUTARAKAN AND THEODORO. POLOVETS IN THE CRIMEA. X-XIII centuries. In the middle of the 10th century, the Khazars in the Crimea were replaced by the Pechenegs who came from the east. The Pechenegs were the eastern nomadic tribes of the Kengeres, who created south of the Ural mountains between Balkhash and

From the book New Theory of the Origin of Man and His Degeneration author Moshkov Valentin Alexandrovich

2. TRACES OF THE GENIUS OF PRIMARY MAN The modern theory of gradual development. Her delusions. The beginning of cattle breeding and agriculture. Megalithic buildings. Material inventions of ancient man: loom, making fire and metallurgy. Artworks

author Reznikov Kirill Yurievich

2.4.1. About sex in primitive man Democritus (460–370 BC) and Titus Lucretius Carus (99–55 BC) wrote about the absence of a family in primitive man. The last one is in verse: They did not guard the common good, and in mutual intercourse there were customs and laws completely unknown to them. Any,

From the book Requests of the Flesh. Food and sex in people's lives author Reznikov Kirill Yurievich

2.4.2. The expulsion of man from the primeval Paradise (about the beginning of agriculture) Christopher Ryan and Kasilda Zhit? ridicule Thomas Hobbes, who believed that the life of prehistoric man was "lonely, impoverished, hopeless, dull and short." For a 17th century philosopher who believes in progress,

author Andreev Alexander Radievich


From the book History of Crimea author Andreev Alexander Radievich

CHAPTER 6. PECHENEGS IN THE CRIMEA. PRINCIPALITIES OF TMUTARAKAN AND THEODORO. POLOVETS IN THE CRIMEA. X-XIII CENTURY In the middle of the X century, the Khazars in the Crimea were replaced by the Pechenegs who came from the east.

From the book Aristocracy in Europe, 1815-1914 author Liven Dominic

Table 2.8. Owners of 50-100,000 acres, 1900 Amount of land ownership (acres) 1. Anisim Mikh. Maltsev (N) 98345 2. Sergey Pavel, von Derviz (N) 88584 3. Vik. Ivan. Bazilevsky (N) 88070 4. Count Ivan Ippol. Chernyshev-Kruglikov 86115 5. Prince Fed. Iv. Paskevich-Erivansky 84476 6. Mikh.

From the book Art of the Ancient World author Lyubimov Lev Dmitrievich

The art of primitive man.

From the book Technique: from antiquity to the present day author Khannikov Alexander Alexandrovich

Tools of labor of primitive man 2.5 million - 1.5 million years BC. e. At the heart of the formation of man is labor. Free from locomotor functions, the hands could use objects found in natural conditions - in nature - as tools. Although the use of a number

The caves of Crimea are its natural heritage, which inspire professional speleologists to discover and delight tourists. The two most famous caves of the peninsula are Marble and Mammoth. It would not be so easy to get into them if it were not for the decision to create artificial tunnels ...

The discovery of the Marble Cave took place relatively recently: less than thirty years ago, in 1987. For several years, only scientists could admire its treasures. In order for the general public to get into the Marble Cave, an artificial passage had to be made. Otherwise, this cave would have remained, into which a natural vertical well leads, accessible only to professional speleologists and adventurers with sports training!

But now you can go to the Marble Cave through an artificial tunnel. Look into the depths of the earth - and be surprised how beautiful the cave halls are, decorated with stone waterfalls and helict flowers! Bizarre streaks, amazing stalagmites, beautiful crystals make up the wealth of this underground kingdom. Lakes glisten, graceful natural baths filled with water sparkle. Cave pearls created by nature are kept. The thinnest calcite tubes create a stalactite forest.

A walk through the Marble Cave will acquaint the curious with stone flowers on the ceiling of the Pink Hall, with natural sculptures of the King and Queen in the Palace Hall, with stunning chandeliers in the Lustrovoe, with a natural balcony - in the two-story Balcony ...

Another cave in the Crimea, which is definitely worth a visit, is called Mammoth. Here, too, a natural entrance is vertical, so it was necessary to create an artificial tunnel for tourists. After all, it is impossible to leave curious people without the opportunity to explore the magnificent halls with crystals, columns, stalactites, stalagmites ...

Mammoth Cave is proud of natural sculptures that have their own names: for example, the Stone Flower or the Monomakh's Cap. They are covered with amazing moon milk, the origin of which is still a mystery to scientists. And how beautiful is the two-level calcite lake! All this must be seen with your own eyes.

(And this is another namesake Mammoth Cave in the USA, Kentucky)

Just do not confuse the Crimean Mammoth Cave with the American one! It just so happened that in two parts of the world, natural phenomena were given the same name.

The Crimean cave got its name because many paleontological finds were found in it: the bones of a cave bear, a woolly rhinoceros, a mammoth. At one of the sites of this cave paleontological museum, tourists can see the complete skeleton of a mammoth. Imagine, mammoths lived in the Crimea!

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