The size of the Bannoye lake in Bashkiria. Lake Bannoe (Yaktykul)

(Mauyzzy, Bashkir Yaҡtykul (Yakti-kul) - “bright lake”) - located on the border of the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria, the Ural river basin. Monument of nature (1965).

The surface area of ​​the lake is 7.7 square kilometers, the length of the lake is 4170 meters, the average width is 1880 meters, the average depth is 10.6 meters, and the maximum reaches 28 meters (depth Lake Turgoyak or Uvildy lakes under 40 meters). According to hydrologists (more precisely, limanologists - people who study lakes), Bannoye is the deepest lake in Bashkiria. Great depths are explained by the tectonic origin of the lake.

The lake is located in the middle part of the Bashkir Trans-Urals between the peaks of Kutukai (664 m), Karanyalyk (620 m) and the spurs of the Yamankaya ridge, 28 km northeast of the village of Askarovo, the regional center of the Abzelilovsky district of Bashkortostan.

From the tops of the mountains, a beautiful panorama opens up and you can count up to 12 lakes located next to each other. These are all fragments of the Ancient Ocean and some of them are brackish (except for Bannoy). The water in the lake is fresh and clear. The shores are steep, sometimes steep, slightly gentle in the west. Several streams flow into the lake, and the Yangelka River flows out of the lake, the right tributary Ural river. Natural beaches are rocky.

In the vicinity of the lake there are small rocky remains. For example, near the camp "Mountain Gorge" there is an unusual rock Devil's Finger. In the 60-70s of the last century, the famous archaeologist Gerald Nikolaevich Matyushin worked here and opened Neolithic sites. These are parking lots-workshops, which, as it were, are confined to jasper ribbon deposits, stretching for many kilometers. Wide outcrops of jasper go around the lakes, and all the sites of ancient people are strung on these veins.

These picturesque South Ural places were appreciated by people at least 50 thousand years ago.

About 20 sites are known on Bannom. They are called workshops because jasper is a quality material popular with the ancients for the manufacture of various tools. The craftsmen first chipped off flakes or knife-like plates from the core (a piece of arch. stone), then they made their household consumer goods out of them. And where jasper was found, the ancients had a stir. By the end of the Mesolithic, raw materials became scarcer and the cutting blades accordingly became small, and bronze was still far away.

The first names given by the locals to the lake are Mauzzi - "bottomless, insatiable" or Adzhahali, which means "a lake in which a monster lives." This name was connected with a legend that originated among the people, and to this day chills the blood. Traditions that have come down to us from time immemorial tell that in ancient times the lake was surrounded by an impenetrable forest thicket, and a terrible monster was in charge of it, regularly disturbing the water in a huge reservoir. The animals were afraid to approach the shores of the lake for a drink - its owner was terrible in anger. Even the birds flying over the lake were drawn into the monster's womb.

Another well-known from the 16th century, the Bashkir, the name of the lake is Yakty-Kul, from the Bashkir "yakty" - "bright". Thus, translated from the Bashkir - this is "Light Lake". Locals associate this name with the melting of snow and ice. When the ice moves away from the coast, such a haze appears near the coast. Indeed, the lake is very transparent, visibility through the water is 10-12 meters. The water is fresh. And the sanatorium of the same name on the shore, built in Soviet times, specializes in mud therapy.

It is interesting that earlier the Bashkirs called it differently - Mauzdy-Kul, in translation, as it were, Lake-mouth. And if the fisherman swam to the middle and then did not return, then it means he was swallowed by some bull that no one saw.

The name "Bannoye" has been known in written sources since the beginning of the 18th century, it was under this name that the lake became known and popular with vacationers. However, the indigenous name has not disappeared either - on the southwestern coast there is a village called Yakty-Kul, and in all media and reference books in the Bashkir language the lake appears under its "true" name.

Back in Soviet times, Bannoye Lake became famous for the all-Union resort "Yakty-Kul", a sanatorium, a rest house, numerous smaller departmental rest houses, and pioneer camps were also built on its picturesque shores. But the banks of the Bannoye began to be built up with health resorts only in the late 1950s. Previously, the place was ... an industrial area.

It all started with the fact that when Soviet power was established, industrial logging began on the slopes of numerous surrounding mountain peaks. Loggers' plots were massively built in the immediate vicinity of the village of Kusimovo, and at a fairly decent distance, even behind the Kryktytau ridge, that is, behind the pass. In addition, there is still a village on Bannoye Lake with the unusual name Geological Exploration. The village owes its name to a survey party that carried out mining operations in the area of ​​Bannoye Lake in the thirties of the last century for the presence of minerals.

The result was not long in coming: manganese ore was found in the pits! But the joy of geologists was not long - the field turned out to be poor enough to conduct industrial development. And the extraction of manganese at Bannom was recognized as unprofitable.

In 1959, a railway station appeared in the settlement of Geologorazvedka. A branch from the railway line Magnitogorsk - Beloretsk was built to Bannoye Lake.

The first holiday home on Lake Bannoe consisted of several bedroom buildings and a dining room. It was possible to get from Magnitogorsk to this “Resort House” by a truck with benches along the sides, less often by a relatively comfortable bus. There was no telephone connection with Magnitogorsk. Now, in the days of minibuses and mobile phones, this seems like blatant savagery. For half a century, everything has changed on the banks of the Bannoy.

Now on the shores of the lake there are many recreation centers, sanatoriums, children's camps, mini-hotels and hotels. There are comfortable cottages, many of which are rented by the day. You can stay there for a few days and have a great rest. Fans of "wild recreation" can find a place to set up a tent.

On the banks of the Bannoy ski center "Metallurg-Magnitogorsk". Children will be interested in the nearby amusement park "Dinosaur". The active entertainment industry is developed here, perhaps better than anywhere else in the Southern Urals. A lot of tourists come here all year round and not only from the Urals. Especially crowded on weekends.

On the shore of Lake Bannoe, at the foot of the Ural Mountains, framed by a mixed forest with a predominance of birch groves, there is a modern resort complex of the Southern Urals - sanatorium "Jubilee" (t.792-95-03) .

You can relax and gain strength in the rest house "Berezki".

Not far from Bannoye is the famous ski center "Abzakovo". In addition to skiing, Abzakovo has a water park and even an excellent zoo.

Fishing on the lake is prohibited.

In accordance with paragraph 30.1.1 of the Fishing Rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. 453, fishing in the Nugush reservoir, lakes Bannoe and Yuzhnoe Ulyandy, located in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Belarus, is completely prohibited at any season, including from the shore

The creation of a huge recreational zone on Bannoy is associated with the name of one of Stalin's nominees - the People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR Sergo Ordzhonikidze. During the years of the first five-year plans, Comrade Sergo regularly visited the construction and workshops of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

One day, during his unexpected arrival in the middle of the dead of night, he found all the management of the plant in the shop. The Commissar was surprised:

Who warned you about my arrival?

No one, we just day and night at the plant ...

Ordzhonikidze, like no one else, understood the power of the slogan “Cadres decide everything!”, And therefore, looking at the haggard faces of his subordinates, he ordered the construction of a rest home for Magnitogorsk workers. Lake Bannoe, which is relatively close, was chosen as the site. Each senior worker of the plant had to rest there at least twice a month for at least two full days. The people's commissar personally monitored the observance of this schedule!

Near Lake Bannoe there is a picturesque, very rugged gorge KryktyTau ridge. Its top is Yamankaya - 943 meters, translated from the Bashkir - Bad Hill. Bad from the point of view of the shepherds - because there are few pastures. In winter, skiers and snowboarders run around the ridge, there is a track here.

The names of the lakes are almost all fish. Karabalykty - Tench, Sabykty - Chebak, Syuyuktykul - Pike.

And there is also a mothballed mine on Bannom, where manganese ores were mined during the war for the MMK (Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works). In memory of those times, the name of the village of Kusimovsky mine remained, which has now become a summer cottage settlement. In addition, there are outcrops of rhodonite - a beautiful ornamental stone of pinkish color. It is manganese that gives it this color.

Plast and Magnitogorsk. From Ufa - via Beloretsk. From Orsk and Orenburg - via Sibay. The roads, although not wide (usually one lane in each direction), are in excellent condition. But keep in mind that on some days (for example, at the beginning and end of the weekend during the "high season" and good weather), traffic jams may form on the roads.

The highway encircles the lake in a full circle, so there are two ways to get from Magnitogorsk to Bannoy - through Smelovsky or past the airport. By the way, the Magnitogorsk airport, located nearby, allows guests from the most distant regions to conveniently and quickly get to Lake Bannoye.

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Lake Bannoe is a medium-sized natural reservoir located in a picturesque mountainous area - on the territory of the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is the deepest lake in the region. Since 1965, it has been included in the list of hydrological natural monuments of regional significance.


  • Other names: Yaktykul (original name), Mauyzzy (local).
  • Origin of name: translated from Bashkir, the historical name "Yaҡtykul" means "bright lake". The hydronym "Bannoe" is rather everyday and has been used for the last 250 years - since the time of the Peasants' War led by Emelyan Pugachev. According to the legend, Pugachev ordered his troops to “banish” before the battle, that is, to wash in the waters of the lake, after which it received this name, which was then fixed, and is currently used on some maps. Mauyzzy - the third name of the lake - is associated with Turkic mythology and comes from the name of one of the mythical creatures, meaning "bottomless, insatiable." According to another version, this name could also come from "Mauyҙly kule" - "witch's lake".


  • Catchment area: 36.3 km².
  • Mirror area: 7.7 km².
  • Volume: 81,700,000 m³.
  • Average depth: 10.6 m
  • Max Depth: 28 m


  • The presence of a constant flow: is, waste.
  • Source: Yangelka river.
  • Bottom: predominantly pebble-stony, in some places sandy or silty.

Chemical composition

  • Water: fresh.
  • Class of water according to the composition of salts: hydrocarbonate-magnesium.


  • Coordinates: 53°35′10″ N sh., 58°37′40″ E d.
  • Height above sea level: 438 m
  • Coastal landscape: the lake is located among low mountains, in places - open, in places overgrown with deciduous forests. From the southwest, it borders on the northern tip of the Karanyalik ridge (620.1 m). From the north, Lake Sabakty adjoins the reservoir, from the northeast - Mount Kutukai (664.1 m). Near the lake there are three more peaks - Ologor (530.2 m), Igandel (628.8 m) to the east of it, and Bagyshtau (565.5 m) - to the south. On the southern shore is the village of Yakty-Kul, the northwestern and northern shores are also built up - there are the villages of Zelenaya Polyana, Kusimovsky mine and several resorts.
  • Settlements on the coast: Zelyonaya Polyana, Kusimovsky mine, Yakty-Kul

Territorial location

interactive map


  • Fish species:
  • Artificial settlement: not all species of fish living in the reservoir are native. In the past, the lake was stocked with carp, as well as peled and whitefish, which took root and formed broodstock. Here, a local breed of whitefish (a hybrid of Chud and Ladoga) was bred, which was called the “whitefish of Lake Bannoye”. It is worth mentioning the small southern stickleback. This small fish is not found in the latitude at which the lake is located. In the last century, it was launched into a reservoir, where it successfully acclimatized. It is not known what goals the fish breeders were guided by, because the size of the stickleback is extremely small - only 6 cm, and the taste is so-so. It is possible that it could have been hooked up by accident. The only thing this fish is good for is the production of feed flour. Also, according to some information, fat can be melted out of it, but it is a very valuable product with a lot of useful properties.
  • Features of the ichthyofauna: the most abundant species in the lake are roach and perch. Bream and pike are slightly less densely distributed, whitefish and sterlet are found at great depths, and tench in places with a muddy bottom and developed aquatic vegetation. Other fish are quite rare.

Fishing is not allowed here

According to paragraph 30.1.1 of the Fishing Rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin, fishing on Lake Bannoe is completely prohibited at any time of the year, including from the shore. This ban has been in effect since 2017.

Recreation centers

In the vicinity of Lake Bannoye there are several recreation centers and sanatoriums, as well as a ski resort:

  1. Village-resort "Rodina"- is located on the north-eastern coast, in the territory of the settlement Kusimovsky Rudnik.
  2. Sanatorium "Yakty-Kul"- located on the southwestern coast, on the outskirts of the village of Yakty-Kul.
  3. Children's recreational and educational center "Mountain Gorge"- located in the mountains - 4 km west of the lake.
  4. Rest house "Birches" on the western shore of the lake.
  5. Children's health center "Uralskie Zori" on the western shore of the lake.
  6. Ski center "Metallurg - Magnitogorsk"- located on a mountain slope - a kilometer from the western shore of the lake.
  7. Sanatorium "Jubilee"- located on the northwestern coast, on the outskirts of the village of Zelenaya Polyana.

How to get there (get there)

Eastern coast (from Ufa)

  • Coordinates:
  • Distance from Ufa: 311 km.
  • Drop option: any car.
  • How can I get to: in Ufa, you need to go to Salavat Yulaev Avenue and then move south - towards Orenburg, to the village of Bulgakovo (past the airport, the village of Urshak). After the village at the junction, you need to turn onto the right exit - towards Beloretsk, then continue moving to this city. Next to the restaurant complex "Stary Ochag" turn right - to Tashbulatovo, which should be passed, then - through the village of Geologorazvedka to the Kusimovsky mine, in which from the street. The embankment must turn onto the street. Victory and continue to move until the exit from the village. Soon the lake will appear to the right of the road.

East coast (from Chelyabinsk)

  • Coordinates: 53°35′39″ N sh., 58°38′42″ E d.
  • Distance from Chelyabinsk: 319 km.
  • Drop option: any car.
  • How can I get to: from Chelyabinsk you should go towards Ufa. Near Malkovo, turn left - onto Uyskoye. Next - continue to move to this settlement and go around it along the bypass on the left, turning to Magnitogorsk, then you should move to this city (past Verkhneuralsk). Before Magnitogorsk, at the interchange, you should turn to Beloretsk and then continue moving in this direction until the sign for Tashbulatovo / Yakty-Kul, where you should turn (to the left). Further - as in the previous version.

East Coast (from Yekaterinburg)

  • Coordinates: 53°35′39″ N sh., 58°38′42″ E d.
  • Distance from Orenburg: 443 km.
  • Drop option: any car.
  • How can I get to: from Orenburg you should go towards Orsk, after Kamennoozerny turn towards Chebenki/Saraktash. At Saraktash, turn left, then move to the border with Bashkiria. After a while there will be a small village with a cafe "Mayak" - after it you should turn right and continue moving in the direction of the city of Sibay. Before the village of Baymak, turn left - onto Temyasovo (the third exit at the roundabout), on the outskirts of the village - again to the left and move towards this village. Before Temyasovo turn right - to Sermenevo. Then in the village of Tirmen, turn right - to Askarovo, after which continue moving past Dautovo, Kuzhanovo and Abzelilovo to Tashtimerovo, where you turn left and follow the signs to Yakty-Kul, then you should pass this village, the lake will appear to the left of the road.


Photo 2. View of Lake Bannoe from one of the coastal peaks.

Photo 3. Shore of Lake Bannoye.

Photo 4. Water and the bottom of the lake in the coastal zone.

Photo 5. Sunset on the lake.

Bannoye is one of the most famous and beautiful lakes in the South Urals. On it you can perfectly relax both in summer and in winter. The active entertainment industry is developed here, perhaps better than anywhere else in the Southern Urals. A lot of tourists come here all year round and not only from the Urals. Especially crowded on weekends.

The second well-known, Bashkir, name of the lake is Yakty-Kul. Translated from the Bashkir - "Light Lake".

Popular rumor connects the origin of the name of the lake with Emelyan Pugachev. According to legend, in 1774, the Pugachev army stopped here to wash, arranged a bath day.

There are also much more exotic legends about a monster that supposedly lived in the lake in the old days.

Now some numbers. The surface area of ​​the lake is 7.7 square kilometers, the length of the lake is 4170 meters, the average width is 1880 meters, the average depth is 10.6 meters, and the maximum reaches 28 meters. This is the deepest lake in Bashkiria. Great depths are explained by the tectonic origin of the lake.

The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountains: Kutukai (664 meters), Karanyalik (620 meters), spurs of the Yamankaya ridge. From their peaks - a beautiful panorama.

The shores of the lake are steep, and in some places steep. Since 1965 the lake has been a natural monument.

Several streams flow into the lake, and the Yangelka River, a tributary of the Ural River, flows out of the lake.

There are a lot of fish in the lake, which makes it very attractive for fishermen. Since the 1930s, fish farming has been carried out here. Launched peled and whitefish. There are a lot of chebak, perch, and pike in Bannoy. Individual fish reach a weight of several kilograms. Fishing enthusiasts will surely be pleased with the catch.

In the vicinity of the lake there are small rocky remains. For example, near the camp "Mountain Gorge" there is an unusual rock Devil's Finger.

Not far from Bannoye is the famous ski center "Abzakovo". In addition to skiing, Abzakovo has a water park and even an excellent zoo.

How to get to Lake Bannoe?

Lake Bannoe is located in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, not far from the border with the Chelyabinsk region.

By car, you need to go through Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, then follow the signs to Beloretsk. You will need to turn off at the Yaktykul sign. In total, from Magnitogorsk to Bannoy - 45 kilometers.

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Probably this is one of the most famous lakes in our republic, along with Asly-Kul and Kandy-Kul. Lake Bannoe also has a peculiar toponym in the Bashkir language: it is sometimes called Yakty-Kul, which means “bright lake” in translation. Where did the name "Bannoye" come from? - A common story is connected with this about how Yemelyan Pugachev in 1774 ordered the army of his rebels to take a steam bath in this reservoir before the road to the village of Magnitnaya - we cannot vouch for the authenticity of this legend, but the name of the lake is really interesting and very peculiar.

There are also much more exotic legends about a monster that supposedly lived in the lake in the old days.

Coordinates: 53.587539.58.629162

Lake Bannoe is located in the Bashkir Trans-Urals, surrounded by three mountains - Kutukai, Karanyalyk and the spurs of Yamankaya. It gives life to the Yanegelka River, the right tributary of the Urals itself. Bannoye is located in the Abzelilovsky district of our republic, about 28 kilometers northeast of the village of Askarovo - the local regional center - and 45 kilometers north of Magnitogorsk.

The area of ​​the mirror surface of the Bath Lake is 7.7 square meters. km, the average depth is far from small - 10 meters, in some places it is rumored to reach up to 30 m. Thanks to such impressive data, Lake Bannoe is considered the deepest body of water not just in the Trans-Urals, but in the whole of Bashkortostan.

The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountains: Kutukai (664 meters), Karanyalik (620 meters), spurs of the Yamankaya ridge. From their peaks - a beautiful panorama.

Rest on Lake Bannoe has long and firmly become one of the most popular leisure options for residents of our republic and its neighboring regions. Thanks to such popularity of these places, nature and the lake itself, a huge number of recreation centers, small hotels and children's camps immediately grew around. Many of the vacationers in the Bannoy area should have heard about the Yakty-Kul sanatorium, and the Bannoye ski center (another name is Metallurg-Magnitogorsk) and the Abzakovo recreation and sports complex, which also nestled relatively close. Such well-known sanatoriums and rest houses as Yubileiny, Beryozki, Mayak and many others are located here. Various camps have been set up for children on Bannoy - Ural Dawns, Mountain Gorge, Skif - the list is endless.

All these establishments for a fun and comfortable stay on Banny are ready to provide tourists with educational excursions around the surroundings, and rafting on mountain rivers, and rock climbing lessons, as well as mountain biking, mountain biking, go-karting and much more - whoever is in it much.

Why is Lake Bannoe good? To begin with, the fact that the water here is fresh, clear and clean (in any case, they try to follow this). It is for the purity of the waters that Bannoye received the name "Light Lake". In addition, Lake Bannoe is a great place for fishing. There are plenty of underwater inhabitants here, and all thanks to the efforts of ecologists and fish farmers. Experienced fishermen promise you a solid catch in the early-early morning (from 4 am to 10 am - the biggest bite) and near steep banks. By the way, steep banks are almost everywhere here, except for the western side of the lake, where they are gentle. Rumor has it that local fish peck at almost everything, which is probably why there are usually up to 100,000 amateur fishermen on Lake Bannom a year - this is an occasion to show your skill and luck too.

Since the 1930s, fish farming has been carried out here. Launched peled and whitefish. There are a lot of chebak, perch, and pike in Bannoy. Individual fish reach a weight of several kilograms.

Even in winter, this lake does not become quieter and more deserted, as the nearest ski centers open their doors. So do not be surprised to hear a statement that someone is going to rest on Lake Bannoe in the dead of winter. The ski center is here with good service and a solid list of services, which means that Bannoye does not experience a shortage of vacationers.

Also keep in mind that since 1965 Lake Bannoe has been a natural monument and, accordingly, the status is protected by law. All vacationers should show respect for the beauty of these places and, if possible, not pollute the territory of the lake.

Not far from Bannoye is the famous ski center "Abzakovo". In addition to skiing, Abzakovo has a water park and even an excellent zoo.

How to get there?

Lake Bannoe is located in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, not far from the border with the Chelyabinsk region.

By car, you need to go through Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, then follow the signs to Beloretsk. You will need to turn off at the Yaktykul sign. In total, from Magnitogorsk to Bannoy - 45 kilometers.

Between the steep spurs of the mountains, there is a lake of amazing beauty - Yakty-Kul. The purest, clear fresh water, crystal mountain air, amazing nature, a wonderful variety of plants and animals - for the extraordinary characteristics of Yakty-Kul and its environs are recognized as a natural monument and protected by the state. The location of the lake is the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Scientists cannot name the exact age of the lake, but along the banks of the reservoir, archaeologists have discovered sites of ancient people. Formed as a result of the bowing of the earth's crust, the lake has an area of ​​7.7 km². Its length is just over 4 km, width is about 2 km. Like any mountain reservoir, Yakty-Kul is distinguished by great depths, in some places reaching 30 m. The lake is “feeded” by mountain streams, because of this, the water in it is always cool. One river flows out of the reservoir - the nimble and nimble Yangelka.

Legends of Lake Yakty-Kul

This colorful place is shrouded in mystery. There are legends about the name of the reservoir. The lake has several names that it was called at different times. Some of the oldest that have come down to the present are Mauzdy and Ajakhaly. Mauzdy among the Turkic peoples is a formidable mythical creature, meaning "bottomless, insatiable." And Adjakhaly is a terrible monster, which, according to legend, once lived in a reservoir, disturbed the surface of the lake and scared the animals and desperate fishermen who dared to fish there to death.

Since the 16th century, the lake has been called Yakty-Kul, which means “bright lake” in Bashkir. Russians have a different name in everyday life - Bannoe. An interesting legend is connected with him. During the campaign led by Emelyan Pugachev, the rebellious army stopped for a halt in this place. Before an important battle, Pugachev ordered the soldiers to wash themselves thoroughly with clean lake water. In those ancient times, the process of ablution was called "bathing." Hence the second name of the lake. That is how it is indicated on the maps.

One of the most beautiful lakes in the Southern Urals, Yakty-Kul invariably attracts thousands of people. You can have a wonderful holiday all year round. In summer, everyone rushes to the beach, and in winter - to conquer the snow-covered mountain slopes. In this luxurious place with amazing nature and crystal water, rest houses and resort complexes are located. The Yakty-Kul sanatorium is especially popular. The climatic and mud clinic not only energizes and restores strength, but also relieves many ailments.

Throughout the Urals, the glory of the lake thunders as a wonderful fishing place. Fishing in Yakty-Kul is great. In addition to the originally inhabited species of fish, whitefish and stickleback were launched into the reservoir at the beginning of the last century, which took root perfectly. All lovers of "quiet hunting" note a huge number of very different fish in the lake, including very large ones - more than 2 kg - specimens, and an excellent bite. And a powerful fish population is one of the indicators of the ecological cleanliness of the area.

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