Slovakia: interesting information about Slovakia - a country of magical castles. Slovakia map in Russian

Slovakia is the youngest country in Europe. The state received complete independence only in the early 90s of the 20th century. For a long time, being in the shadow of other powers (Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, etc.), Slovakia does not seem to want to play an important role in the economy or politics of the continent. Remaining a “thing in itself,” the country has retained the entire tourism infrastructure that it has nurtured for a century.

People come here for the amazing nature, miraculous mineral springs, clean mountain air, the cheerful character of the Slovaks and excellent cuisine, which has absorbed the best traditions of several nations, while maintaining its originality. Despite the fact that it is difficult to find masterpieces of architecture or painting that would be known throughout the world in Slovakia, every city and every village here is filled with a cozy and warm atmosphere and unique European charm.

The undoubted advantages of traveling to one of the most inconspicuous countries in Europe include very modest prices with a high level of service. Domestic travel companies most often sell winter and ski tours to Slovakia. And the country offers tourists the most vibrant and memorable beauty all year round.


The bus takes 3 hours and the ticket costs 9 euros. Sightseeing bus - 16 euros. Not everywhere there is an audio guide in Russian. It’s better to stock up on a printed guide – 9 euros.


If you don't mind long bus journeys, then from Bratislava you can easily get to Krakow. The trip costs from 34 euros one way, the journey, including all stops in Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava and Katowice, takes at least 9 hours. It is better to take a night bus and start exploring the ancient capital early in the morning.

Overnight in an inexpensive Krakow hotel - from 17 euros. Sightseeing bus with audio guide - 14 euros.

A visit to Slovakia is not only about impressions of a new country, natural beauty, castles, museums and ski slopes. The location of the country guarantees you impressions of other European cities that you may not have intended to visit. An inconspicuous and “modest” country conceals vast opportunities for those who have not yet “discovered” the Old World for themselves. Forward!


(The Slovak Republic)

General information

Geographical position. Slovakia is a Central European state. The state borders Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. Square. The territory of Slovakia covers 49,035 km. sq.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava. The largest cities: Bratislava (443 thousand people), Kosice (235 thousand people), Nitrat (90 thousand people), Presov (88 thousand people). Administratively, Slovakia is divided into 3 regions and a capital equivalent to them.

Political system

Slovakia-republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the unicameral National Council.

Relief. Most of Slovakia is located in the Western Carpathians, which are low and medium-high mountains with soft, rounded relief shapes. Only the highest massif of the country - the High Tatras - has rocky mountains with traces of glaciation. The lowlands occupy a small area in the southwest.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Slovakia there are deposits of iron ore, antimony, magnesite, and manganese.

Climate. Slovakia has hot summers and cold winters. The sunniest and warmest region of the country is located in the Danube Valley east of Bratislava. The average temperature in January is -2°C, in July +21°C. Summers in the mountains are cooler, and in winter there is a lot of snow. In autumn it rains all over the country.

Inland waters. The rivers mainly belong to the Danube basin. The border between Slovakia and the Czech Republic runs along the Morava River.

Soils and vegetation. Large tracts of deciduous (oak, beech) and coniferous forests cover the mountain slopes.

Animal world. In Slovakia, wolves, lynx, hare, fox, bear, deer, roe deer, and hedgehogs are common.

Population and language

The total number of inhabitants of Slovakia is about 5.5 million people. The average population density is 110 people per 1 sq. km. 77% of Slovaks live in cities. The most densely populated areas are located in the east of the country. There are also about 570 thousand Hungarians currently living in Slovakia, which is 10% of the total population. On the territory of the republic there is the largest Roma diaspora in Europe, amounting to 300 thousand people. Poles, Jews, Russians and Ukrainians also live in Slovakia.

The official language of Slovakia is Slovak.


About 60% of the population is Catholic. Of the Protestants, the majority are Calvinists and Lutherans, and a small percentage of the population professes the Orthodox religion. The Catholic Church plays a fairly prominent role in the political life of the country.

Brief historical sketch

BIV century n. e. Slavic tribes appeared on the territory of modern Slovakia.

In the VI century. the Slavs had to defend their territory from Arab invasions. During this period, the independent Nitra principality emerged.

19th century Czech princes annexed the lands of the Slovaks to the Great Moravian Empire. The first ruler of this ancient Slavic state was Moimir I. The closest neighbor of his power was the Frankish Empire, from where Christian missionaries came to the Czechs, trying not only to convert the pagan tribes to a new faith, but also to strengthen Frankish influence in the lands of the Slavs. Moymir did not want to submit to his formidable neighbor and, in order to strengthen his own independence, sought to enlist the support of another powerful state of that time - the Byzantine Empire.

Continuing his policy, the next ruler of Great Moravia, Rostislav (846-870), invited two missionaries from Constantinople - Cyril and Methodius. Thanks to the labors of the brothers, Byzantium soon granted the Moravians the privilege of worshiping in Old Church Slavonic and using the Glagolitic script developed by Cyril. Old Church Slavonic became the third world language in Europe, along with Latin and Greek.

During the reign of Rostislav's nephew Svatopluk (871-894), the Slavic state again fell under the influence of Catholicism, the Moravian independent church organization was established not from Constantinople, but from Rome.

In 896, the Magyars began to invade the Czech lands. The Great Moravian Empire practically ceased to exist.

At the beginning of the 11th century. part of the territory of Slovakia was captured by the Hungarian princes, and by 1018 almost its entire territory became part of the Kingdom of Hungary.

In the 13th century Hungary entered a period of feudal fragmentation. For this reason, its rulers were unable to repel the invasion of the Tatars in 1241, after which the southwestern and southeastern regions of the Slovak lands suffered especially; they were completely devastated.

In 1298, the major Hungarian feudal lord Matus Csaka, with the support of the minor nobility, took possession of the territory of western and central Slovakia and helped the Czech king Wenceslas II gain a foothold on the Hungarian throne for several years.

In the middle of the 15th century. The Ottoman Empire began invading Hungarian territory.

In 1526, the Turks inflicted a decisive defeat on the Hungarian-Slovak army at the Battle of Mohács. The capital of the Kingdom of Hungary was moved from Buda to Bratislava.

In the middle of the 16th century. The Habsburgs took possession of the Hungarian crown, and Slovakia became part of the vast Austrian Empire.

In the middle of the 19th century. Ludovit Štur (1815-1856), son of a pastor, created the Slovak literary language.

In 1918, the Slovaks recognized the provisional government of Tomas Masaryk, as a result of which Czechoslovakia was formed.

In 1918, the President of the Republic, Tomas Masaryk, while signing the law on Slovak immigrants to the United States, promised the imminent formation of an independent Slovak parliament.

In 1920, the constitution of a united Czechoslovakia was adopted, the official language of which was declared Czech.

In the 1935 parliamentary elections, the majority of Slovaks gave their votes to political organizations that advocated autonomy.

In 1938, under strong public pressure, the autonomy of Slovakia within Czechoslovakia was proclaimed.

In 1939, after the capture of Czechoslovakia by German troops, a protectorate regime was established in Slovakia, and it formally gained independence. The country was led by the pro-fascist leader J. Tiso.

In August 1944, Slovak partisans organized a national uprising, which was brutally suppressed in October of the same year.

In April 1945, Soviet troops began the liberation of Slovakia; by May 1945, Bratislava was liberated.

In 1947, due to the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, the Communists began to lose the support of broad sections of the population.

In 1948, the so-called February victory of the communists took place, when, after twelve non-communist ministers resigned, Gottwald achieved the approval of a new government, in which there were no longer representatives of other parties.

In the 90s, serious reforms were carried out in the post-communist republic to transfer the national economy to market principles, in particular, the privatization of state property.

In April 1990, the Federal Assembly announced the new name of the state: the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.

Market reforms in Slovakia were much more difficult than in the more economically developed Czech Republic.

In 1992, in a referendum, the majority of the population of Slovakia voted to secede from Czechoslovakia.

Brief Economic Sketch

Slovakia is an industrial-agrarian country. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering, oil refining, petrochemical, chemical, forestry, woodworking, textile, food industries. Agriculture is dominated by farming (cereals, sugar beets, etc.). Gardening, viticulture. Meat and dairy cattle breeding. Export: machinery and equipment, products of the oil refining, chemical and woodworking industries, agriculture, etc.

The monetary unit is the Slovak koruna.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Monuments of primitive art, as well as ancient Roman buildings from the first centuries of our era, have been preserved on the territory of Slovakia. Since the Middle Ages, the development of Slovak art took place in the context of a centuries-old struggle for the preservation of national culture.

The first architectural monuments date back to the early Middle Ages. Romanesque buildings of the 11th-12th centuries: a single-hall church in Drazovce, a basilica in Djakovce, as well as a number of castles. In the XIII-XV centuries. In Slovakia, Gothic architecture is developing, which in its architectural features is close to the Czech architectural tradition. Cathedrals in Bratislava, churches in Kremnica and Presov have survived to this day. In the 16th century Secular architecture took the leading place. During this period, town halls and residential buildings were built in the spirit of the Renaissance, and castles were rebuilt. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Baroque art spreads in Slovakia (Trinity Church in Bratislava). IN THE HEH century. Slovak architecture was characterized by classicism.

Bratislava. Stary Grad, St. Martin's Cathedral (XIV century), church of the XIII century, old town hall (XIV century). Kosice. Cathedral of St. Elizabeth (XV century). Nitra. Castle (XIII century), Basilica of St. Emeram (XIII century).

Numerous medieval castles throughout the country.

Literature. J. Kollar (1793-1852) was a figure of the Slovak and Czech national Renaissance, poet, scientist, in poems (“Daughter of Glory”) and articles he spoke with a program for the cultural rapprochement of the Slavs.

Music. By the second half of the 19th century. refers to the activities of a galaxy of talented composers who laid the foundations of modern Slovak music. The largest of them is YAL. Bella (1843-1936).

Slovakia has exactly two “chips” - but what kind! Healing thermal springs with the full periodic table and a crazy number of medieval castles (with ghosts, of course). Cozy Bratislava, treatment in Smrdaky and Dudince - all about Slovakia: tours, holidays, prices and photos.

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According to some, not very experienced tourists, Slovakia serves as a kind of “addition” to the Czech Republic in the market. Let's be honest: this opinion is not only offensive, but also fundamentally wrong. This country with its beautiful nature, spectacular mountain peaks, numerous castles and fortresses (each with its own ghost and every second with its own dramatic history) can easily compete with the “veterans” of excursion tourism.

Time difference from Moscow

− 2 hours in summer −1 hour

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Moderate continental, with pronounced altitudinal zonation. Average July temperatures are +19...+21 °C on the plains and +8...+12 °C in the mountains, January +1...+4 °C on the plains and up to −10 °C in the mountains. The coldest month is January, the warmest months are July and August. It often rains in autumn, and in winter it is often windy in the mountains. The ski season lasts from November to March. The most comfortable time to visit the country for the purpose of treatment and broadening your horizons is from May to September. Thermal resorts can get chilly in the evenings, so it is advisable to bring a sweater.

The import and export of currency is not limited. When entering from non-EU countries, amounts over 10,000 EUR are subject to mandatory declaration. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos or 50 regular cigars, or 250 grams of smoking tobacco is allowed; 1 liter of alcoholic drinks with a strength over 22 °, 2 liters of wine; 50 ml of perfume, 250 ml of eau de toilette, as well as personal items worth no more than 430 EUR. Prices on the page are indicated for October 2018.

Medicines and medicines can be imported duty-free in quantities necessary to meet minimum personal needs. Tobacco products can only be imported by persons over 16 years of age, alcoholic products - over 18 years of age.

The import and export of weapons, explosives, pornographic products, narcotic substances, as well as cultural and historical values ​​that do not have documentary evidence of the legality of their acquisition are prohibited.

It is prohibited to import products containing meat or milk into the territory of the European Union, including sausage, canned food, lard and even chocolates. If they are found, they will be confiscated and the passenger will be fined. The ban does not apply to baby food and special medications necessary for people with certain diseases (in this case, the products must be carefully packaged and their weight should not exceed 2 kg).

  • How to get a visa to Slovakia for traveling by car

Tax Free

In Slovakia, there is a Tax free system: by forking over 175.01 EUR in one check, you can get back up to 20% VAT. First, you will need to take a special form at the checkout with a list of purchased goods and enter your passport data there. At the airport, the completed form (along with the usual cash receipt, passport and freshly purchased items in undamaged packaging) must be presented to the customs officer to receive a stamp, and then exchanged for cash at the Global Blue pick-up point. If time is short, you can send a stamped Tax free check to the Bratislava office (but no later than 3 weeks from the date of registration) and wait for a refund to your bank card.

How to get to Slovakia

The second largest Slovak airport is in Košice. From Moscow, LOT (157 EUR one way, from 4 hours with a transfer in Warsaw), Czech Airlines (165 EUR, from 10 hours via Prague) and other carriers deliver here. Connecting flights from St. Petersburg are organized by Czech Airlines (223 EUR one way, 23 hours via Prague), Austrian Airlines (260 EUR, 21 hours 40 minutes via Vienna) and Turkish Airlines (399 EUR, 29 hours 20 minutes via Istanbul).

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The country is small in size and most transport is carried out by trains and buses. The main railway line Kosice - Bratislava goes through Spisska Nova Ves, Poprad, Zilina and Trencin. Tickets are sold at the office. on the carrier’s website (in English), you can get from the capital to Trencin for 6-8 EUR, to Ruzomberok for 11-23 EUR, to Kosice for 13-40 EUR (morning flights are cheaper). The Slovak Expres system operates on popular routes (office site in English): round-trip tickets for night trains cost 18-27 EUR.

The country also has water transport: the Danube connects Bratislava with neighboring cities and abroad (Vienna and Budapest). The cost of a sightseeing cruise around the capital's waters is 7 EUR for adults, 4.50 EUR for children (schedule - on the carrier's official website in English).

In Slovakia, there is a system of youth and student discounts; on weekends and holidays, travel on intercity buses becomes cheaper.

Public transport within cities

Trams, buses and trolleybuses serve as urban transport. Travel is paid with coupons, which are sold in orange machines at stops - they must be punched in the passenger compartment. Tickets have a limited validity period (15, 30 or 60 minutes), so you should buy them strictly before your trip. Single tickets cost 0.7-3.1 EUR, 3-day passes cost 8 EUR. They can be purchased at DPHMB offices, underground passages, kiosks and railway station ticket offices.

Taxis in Slovakia are inexpensive, equipped with meters, and due to the small size of the cities, they are not very popular. Ordering them by phone is more profitable than catching them on the street. The standard tariff is 1-2 EUR per landing plus 0.50-1 EUR for each km.

Rent a Car

By renting a car in compact Slovakia, you can explore its main attractions in a few days: medieval cities, castles, national parks. The roads are good (though some of them are toll), there are few traffic jams, the drivers are polite and careful. There may be problems with parking: the ancient streets are not adapted to the abundance of modern vehicles. Most parking lots are paid: special coupons and cards are sold in tobacco and newsstands; an hour in an indoor parking lot will cost 1-3 EUR per hour (depending on the location - the center is the most expensive).

Rent a compact car - from 30 EUR, a standard model - from 52 EUR, a station wagon - from 56 EUR per day. The cost of gasoline is 1.44 EUR per 1 liter.

Car rental is possible if you have a driver's license (both international and Russian), passport and credit card. Cash is often accepted for payment, but a credit card as collateral is required. The rental amount depends on the car and rental period, as well as on the day of the week - on weekends (from 15:00 Friday to 9:00 Monday) and holidays it is slightly higher (not taking into account distance). The driver must be at least 21 years old and have at least one year of driving experience. The cost of renting Czech car brands is significantly lower than all others.

The maximum permitted speed within populated areas is 50 km/h, outside them - 90 km/h, on highways - up to 130 km/h. Low beams must always be on and seat belts must be used. Drinking any alcohol (even beer) and talking on a cell phone while driving are prohibited. Radar detectors are illegal in Slovakia. For exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h, the driver will have to pay a fine of 100 EUR, and by 70 km/h - already 650 EUR. Driving while intoxicated can cost up to 2,500 EUR.

It is worth additionally taking out insurance against accidents (around 10 EUR per day) and against theft (for the same money). Insurance will cover any damage to the car only if the driver is sober.

Communication and Wi-Fi

There are several mobile operators in Slovakia: Orange, O2, Telekom and Swan. Orange is a leader in the number of subscribers and quality of communication. SIM cards costing from 3-15 EUR are sold in company offices and supermarkets (you need a passport for registration), the balance is topped up via the Internet or using scratch cards. For the Orange operator, calls to Russia cost 0.47 EUR per minute, for Telekom - 0.30 EUR.

There are payphones on Slovak streets that accept telephone cards with a value of 5-10 EUR. They can be purchased at post offices and newsagents and can be used to make calls both locally and internationally. Communication with your homeland from a call center will cost 10-15%, and from a hotel - 30% more than from a payphone.

Free Wi-Fi is available in hotels, catering establishments (you will have to order something to gain access) and on the central streets of Bratislava. In large cities, Internet cafes are common, offering connections for 2-4 EUR per hour. Here and there you can find free Internet kiosks that allow you to check your email, send a message, or surf the web (but the connection speed is annoyingly slow).

Hotels in Slovakia

There are few 5* hotels in the country, most of them are located in Bratislava. The basis of the number of rooms in Slovakia are “three rubles” and “fours”. The price/quality ratio is as follows: 5* mainly belong to global hotel chains, the level is appropriate, 4* - very expensive and very good, 3* - from expensive and good to inexpensive and simple. Most leisure opportunities are in a hotel rather than a resort. In 90% of hotels, check-in is at 14:00, check-out is at 10:00.

In addition, the country has a wide selection of private apartments, campsites and sanatoriums, many of which, built under socialism, are now being modernized with all their might. The hostels are for the most part clean, tidy, but possible disadvantages include old furniture, poor sound insulation, cramped rooms and problems with Wi-Fi.

Electrical voltage - 220 V, 50 Hz, two-pin sockets with a safety plug.

Police: 158, emergency and first aid on roads: 154, ambulance: 155, fire brigade: 150, emergency service: 112.

City codes: Bratislava - 2, High Tatras resorts - 52, Low Tatras resorts (Jasna) - 44.

Stunning views of Slovakia


Near Bratislava there are good conditions for diving - on the Senecke lakes and Lake Gulaska, and with good visibility (early spring and late autumn) - also on the Golden Sands and Štrkovecki lakes. You can also dive on the Danube Island, in the vicinity of the towns of Banska Stiavnica (lake Rihnavskoe, Vindshakhtskoe) and Kraljovani (Shutovo), at the Liptovska Mara reservoir, at the Dedinki and Ruzhin dams.

The best time for diving is late spring and early autumn. The water in Slovak lakes is surprisingly clear, but almost always cool, so you will have to prepare yourself for the thrill in advance. The bottom is mostly rocky, overgrown with all kinds of greenery; carp, eels, pike and small fish are found in the depths. Diving equipment can be rented from schools and clubs located in Bratislava and some other cities. The average cost of a two-hour rental is 10-15 EUR, a dive with an instructor will cost 55-70 EUR, two-week diving courses with theory and practice - from 350 EUR.



There are 63 water streams in Slovakia suitable for water tourism. People travel along the local rivers by boats, kayaks, kayaks and canoes. In Eastern Slovakia the most popular rivers are Poprad, Gornad, Torisa, Toplja, Ondava and Laborec, in Central - Hron, Orava and Slana, in Western - Vah, Nitra, Small Danube and Danube.

A two-hour rafting trip on Bela or Vagu will cost 23-30 EUR, taking into account equipment and an instructor.

The wildest river in Slovakia is the Bela, which is flown down from April 15 to September 30. Less difficult is rafting along the Vah River in the area from Červeny Klastor or along the bend of this river through the Great Fatra under the ruins of Strečna Castle. Beginners and even families with children have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature during an easy descent along the Orava River (from Parnice in Žaškovy Brod to Kraljován). Vivid sensations are promised by the descent along the Dunajec in the Pieniny National Park and the mountainous sections of the Hron River, which is characterized by alternating quiet and stormy currents.

Rafting in Slovakia

Treatment in Slovakia

Tourists often come to Slovakia to improve their health: there are more than 1,200 thermal and mineral springs. Most resorts are located in the mountains: enjoying clean air, idyllic landscapes, peace and quiet in itself provides a healing effect. Doctors are also not lagging behind, creating effective wellness programs based on local ingredients for patients with any diagnosis and offering a high level of service in a European manner.

Nature of Slovakia

Cuisine and restaurants of Slovakia

The cuisine of Slovakia combines the features of European schools and strong national components. Local sheep cheeses, “oshtepki” and “parenitsy” are especially popular, and the hallmark of the local cuisine are vegetable soups, broths and various complex soups of meat and vegetables, dumplings with cheese, potato dumplings, cheese dumplings, as well as poultry dishes . You should definitely try the national cabbage soup (made from sauerkraut) and Segedin goulash.

Slovakia produces excellent local wines that occupy a worthy place among the best European varieties, and at the same time are very inexpensive. The most popular strong alcoholic drinks are “slivovitz” (plum vodka) and “borovichka” (juniper vodka), as well as a variety of herbal liqueurs. The best desserts are walnut roll “Orekhovnik”, steamed buns with plum jam, poppy seed cake “Makovnik”, strudels and “trdelniki” (spiral tubes of yeast dough).

Most resorts have traditional restaurants “Salash” and “Koliba”, where you can taste national dishes accompanied by authentic Slovak music.

Pivnitsa beer bars also offer a wide selection of local treats: by the way, prices there are often lower than in other eateries. In major cities there are establishments with French, Italian, Chinese and Indian menus. Confectionery shops, pubs, wineries, coffee shops - there are places to satisfy both hunger and thirst. Lunch in an inexpensive cafe will cost 10-15 EUR per person (the farther from the center, the cheaper), a fast food snack - 5-8 EUR, dinner in a restaurant - from 35-40 EUR for two, excluding alcohol.

Guides in Slovakia

Entertainment and attractions

A tour of the sights of Slovakia is a fascinating journey through time: the elegant architecture of centuries past stands side by side with modern monuments. A striking example of this is Bratislava: the eclectic Old Town Hall, the elegant Capuchin Church, the Cathedral of St. Martin crowned with a gilded crown, the solemn Presidential Palace - witnesses of a glorious past. And nearby is the impressive SNP bridge, the Slavin memorial complex in honor of the soldiers of World War II, numerous museums and street sculptures - heroes of today.

Trencin not only has a majestic castle, churches and chapels, but also the Milos Bazovsky Gallery with an interesting collection of Czech and Slovak modern art.

The pride of Kosice is the luxurious St. Elizabeth Cathedral, built in the 14th century in the best Gothic traditions. The ceiling of the neo-baroque opera house is decorated with frescoes on the themes of Shakespeare's plays, and the jets of the singing fountain, illuminated by hundreds of light bulbs, soar to a height of 17 meters. In the town of Komárno, works of Hungarian culture have been preserved, and in the village of Vlkolínec - traditional Carpathian farmsteads.

Castles of Slovakia

Slovakia is a magnet for fans of scary ghost tales and heart-warming love stories: countless local castles carefully guard their legends. For example, an inconsolable young lady, separated from her lover, once jumped from one of the towers of the Devin castle - the Maiden Tower. But on the other hand, much later, one resourceful comrade flew on a hang glider from socialist Czechoslovakia straight to unenslaved Austria.

The Bojnice Castle annually hosts the International Festival of Spirits and Ghosts: over 10 centuries, a lot of them have probably accumulated here.

The mighty Bratislava Castle, towering over the Danube, stood in ruins for many years: they say that in the 19th century it was burned by drunken Austrian soldiers, and it only came to reconstruction towards the end of the next century. To build the Kezmar Castle, a small church had to be destroyed: there were not enough materials, and earthly values ​​turned out to be more important to the owner than spiritual ones.

In Orava Castle there is a bench, sitting on which you can get rid of infertility. And in the largest Slovak castle, Spissky Castle, the ghost of the nanny Hedwig still wanders, grieving for her stolen pupil.

National parks

The country has 16 protected natural areas and 9 national parks. The most picturesque is the “Low Tatras” with karst caves full of bizarre limestone cascades, stalactites and stalagmites. Most of the park is occupied by mountain ranges: low, but very impressive. Hiking trails of varying difficulty levels are laid through beech and coniferous forests, alternating with lawns and alpine fields.

In the Low Tatras you can meet bears, wolves and lynxes: they keep a respectful distance from people and do not pose a danger.

The highest point in the country, Mount Gerlachovský Štit, is located in the Tatra National Park. Here you can find endemic animals (for example, the Tatra chamois), many birds, several species of reptiles and amphibians; Both walking and cycling routes have been created for visitors. In the “Great Fatra” there is the largest yew grove in Europe, in the “Little” there is the Vratnaya Valley, beloved by skiers, the ancient village of Stefanova and the ruins of several castles. The main treasure of the Polonyny park is the virgin Carpathian forests, the Pieniny park is famous for the beauty of the Dunajec River gorge, and the Slovak Paradise is famous for its stormy waterfalls, the highest of which is the 70-meter Zavojovi.

The best photos of Slovakia Adrenaline Rush, Slovakia

Speleology in Slovakia

There are about 4,000 registered caves of all types in Slovakia: rock, ice and aragonite. 12 of them are open to visitors. Of particular interest are the Dobshinskaya Ice Cave, Gombasetskaya and Yasovskaya Caves, the Domitsa Cave and the Okhtina Cave - all of them are included in the UNESCO List.

The Freedom Cave in the Demanovska Valley is popular for its colorful limestone formations: “mushrooms”, “trees”, pillars and icicles, painted in soft pink, terracotta and other shades. The Prepost Cave in Bojnice has been turned into the Museum of Ancient Man: the artifacts found here - tools, bones, jewelry - are more than 30 thousand years old. There are as many as 250 cave systems in the Muranska Platina National Park, but all of them are dangerous and therefore closed to tourists. But the “Slovak Karst” is a haven for adventure seekers: endless labyrinths of grottoes, passages and faults keep many amazing secrets.


Fish from the carp and salmon families, including trout and grayling, are caught in the rivers and lakes of Slovakia. The most popular among fishermen are the rivers Danube, Váh, Hron, Turiec, Orava, Hornad, Ondava, Latorica, Laborec, Nitra, Ipel, Dunajec, Liptovska Mara reservoir, Zemplinska Sirava, Oravska dam, Velka Domasa, Slnjava, Duhonka, Ruzhin, Teply Wierch and Dedinki.

Holidays and Events

January 1 in Slovakia is not only New Year, but also Republic Day, so the fun is in full swing. The main holiday of spring is Easter with solemn services, warm family dinners and ancient customs such as general dousing with water. May 1 is Labor Day (greetings from the socialist past), May 8 is Liberation Day from Fascism. On July 5, Cyril and Methodius are honored, who once visited Moravia on a Christian mission. August 29 is the Day of the National Uprising against the dictator Tiso, September 1 is Constitution Day. On November 1, deceased relatives are remembered, and November 17 honors students who participated in the 1989 demonstrations.

December passes under the sign of Christmas: a special, fairy-tale atmosphere reigns in decorated cities throughout the month.

Slovakia loves festivals: the capital hosts Jazz Days in the fall, and Coronation Day with colorful theatrical processions in the summer. The local analogue of Maslenitsa is Fashanka with songs, dances and street fairs; on Ivan Kupala (St. John) there are round dances and fortune telling for the betrothed. In October, the International Peace Marathon starts in Kosice; in December, the cities pass the baton of the Febiofest film festival to each other. Trencianske Teplice hosts music shows all summer long, a large crafts fair is organized in Kezmarok in July, and in Pezinka in September they organize “Vinobranie” - a wine festival with competitions for the title of the best Slovak alcohol.

This may seem surprising, but in recent years the increase in the number of tourists in Slovakia is due to the sporting events held in this country. This means that Slovakia still remains an unknown country for most tourists. Meanwhile, Slovakia has everything that tourists need - a thousand-year history, a large number of medieval castles and fortresses, the amazing nature of the Tatras and the Carpathians, numerous thermal resorts and wonderful ski resorts.

Geography of Slovakia

Slovakia is located in Central Europe. In the west, Slovakia borders with the Czech Republic and Austria, in the north with Poland, in the east with Ukraine, and in the south with Hungary. The total area of ​​Slovakia is 49,000 square kilometers, and the total length of the state border is 1,524 km.

A significant part of the territory of Slovakia is occupied by mountains. East of Bratislava is the Danube Lowland. The entire north of the country is occupied by the Carpathian Mountains, and the Low and High Tatras are located near the border with Poland. The highest peak in Slovakia is Gerlachovsky Štit (2,655 meters).

The main rivers in Slovakia are the Danube, Váh, Hron and Ipel.


The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava, which is home to more than 470 thousand people. On the site of modern Bratislava, human settlements have existed since Neolithic times.

Official language

The official language in Slovakia is Slovak, which belongs to the West Slavic subgroup of the Slavic language family. Hungarian is a widely spoken language in southern Slovakia.


More than 60% of the population of Slovakia consider themselves Catholics belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. Another 6% of Slovaks profess Protestantism, and 4.1% are Orthodox Christians.

State structure

Slovakia is a parliamentary republic in which the head of state, according to the Constitution, is the President, elected for a 5-year term by direct universal suffrage.

Legislative power belongs to a unicameral parliament - the National Council of the Slovak Republic, consisting of 150 deputies.

Climate and weather in Slovakia

In general, the climate in Slovakia is continental. Although Slovakia is a small country, the weather there can differ markedly in the mountain-dominated north and in the flat south.

The warmest region of Slovakia is Bratislava and the south of the country, where in summer the temperature can rise above +30C. In winter in Bratislava, daytime temperatures range from -5C to +10C.

In the mountains of Slovakia, snow lies all the time in winter, until April. Summer in the north of Slovakia is mild, with an average temperature of +25C.

Rivers and lakes

Several large (by the standards of this country) rivers flow through the territory of Slovakia - Vág (403 km), Hron (298 km) and Ipel (232 km). Slovak rivers are of great interest to rafting enthusiasts.

Lakes in Slovakia are popular summer holiday destinations for Slovaks and foreign tourists. The largest of them are Velke Gincovo Pleso, Zemplinska Sirava, and Strbske Pleso. There are more than 180 mountain lakes in Slovakia.

History of Slovakia

Ancient people lived on the territory of modern Slovakia back in the early Paleolithic era. Roman legions came to Slovakia in the 6th century AD. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Germanic tribes and Goths invaded Slovakia. Around the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th centuries, Slavic tribes settled in Slovakia, and the Principality of Nitra was formed, which then became part of Great Moravia, and later - part of Hungary.

Under the blows of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, the Kingdom of Hungary fell into three parts, and in 1526 Slovakia became part of the Holy Roman Empire.

Only after the end of the First World War did Slovakia gain independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and unite with the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia was formed).

In 1939, Slovakia, as well as the entire territory of Czechoslovakia, was occupied by German troops.

After World War II, the Communist Party came to power in Czechoslovakia. In 1968, troops of the Warsaw Pact countries suppressed the attempts of the leadership of Czechoslovakia to build “socialism with a human face,” and Gustav Husak began to lead the country instead of Alexander Dubcek.

In Czechoslovakia, the Communist Party lost power in 1998, and the country eventually split into two independent states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in January 1993.

In 2004, Slovakia was admitted to the NATO military bloc, and in 2009 it became a member of the European Union.


Slovakia is a country with rich cultural traditions and folk customs. Slovaks are very proud of their culture and carefully preserve the traditions of their ancestors. Each Slovak region has its own typical folk costumes and customs. Slovak folk culture is known for its dances, music and songs.

Every summer, folk music festivals are held in many Slovak cities, some of which have already become international.

Cuisine of Slovakia

Slovak cuisine is unique. She is greatly influenced by Austrian and Hungarian cuisines. The main products of Slovak cuisine are pork, poultry, cabbage, potatoes, flour, cheese, onions, and garlic.

Traditional Slovak dishes include cheese dumplings, draniki (potato pancakes), pasta (pasta) with potatoes, breaded cheese, schnitzel, and cabbage soup.

The traditional alcoholic drink in Slovakia is slivovitz (plum vodka). Beer is also very popular in Slovakia.

Sights of Slovakia

In Slovakia, inquisitive tourists will find a large number of interesting attractions. In our opinion, the top ten best attractions in Slovakia include the following:

Cities and resorts of Slovakia

The largest cities in Slovakia are Bratislava, Kosice, Presov, Zilina, Banska Bystrica, Trnava, Nitra, and Trencin.

Every year, ski resorts in Slovakia become more and more popular in Europe, combining beautiful nature and excellent skiing infrastructure. The most famous of them are Strbske Pleso, Liptovsky Mikulas, Tatranska Lomnica, Smokovec, Jasna, and Podbanske.

There are 1,470 mineral and thermal water springs on the territory of Slovakia. Resorts have been built near many of them. The most popular of them are Piestany, Smrdaky, Sliac, Sklenne Teplice, Trencianske Teplice, and Lučky.


From Slovakia, tourists most often bring dolls in Slovak folk costumes, giant shepherds’ flutes (“fujara”), shepherd’s hatchets, ceramics, glass and porcelain, wine, chocolate, and sheep’s cheese.

Office hours

Hymn: "Nad Tatrou sa blyska"
Location Slovakia(dark green):
- in (light green and dark gray)
- in the European Union (light green)
Independence date January 1, 1993 (from Czechoslovakia) Official language Slovak Capital Largest cities , Form of government parliamentary republic The president Zuzana Caputova Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini Territory 127th in the world Total 49,034 km² % water surface 1,9 % Population Score (2019) ▲ 5,455,030 people (117th) Density 111 people/km² (88th) GDP (PPP) Total (2019) $203 billion (70th) Per capita $37,268 (39th) GDP (nominal) Total (2019) $112 billion (65th) Per capita $20,598 (40th) HDI (2018) ▲ 0.855 (very high; 38th place) Names of residents Slovak, Slovak, Slovaks Currency euro (EUR) Internet domain .sk, .eu (as EU member) ISO code S.K. IOC code SVK Telephone code +421 Time Zones CET (UTC+1, summer UTC+2) Car traffic on right

Physical map of Slovakia

Slovakia(Slovak. Slovensko), official name - The Slovak Republic(Slovakian: Slovenská republika) is a state in Central Europe. The population is 5,443,120 people (December 2017), the territory is 48,845 km². It ranks 112th in the world in terms of population and 127th in terms of territory.

The majority of believers (about 70% of the population) profess Catholicism.

Slovakia is a member of NATO and the EU. An industrial country with a dynamically developing economy. The GDP volume for 2011 amounted to 127.111 billion US dollars (about 23,384 dollars per capita). The monetary unit is the euro.

The country's independence was declared on January 1, 1993. Throughout history, the territory of the country was part of many powers and state entities, starting from the State of Samo in the 7th century until Czechoslovakia in the 20th century. During the Second World War, there was a Slovak state dependent on the Third Reich, which in 1945 again became part of Czechoslovakia.


The first written mention of Slovakia dates back to 1586. The name comes from the Czech word Slováky; previous German forms were Windischen landen And Windenland(XV century). Self-name Slovensko(1791) comes from an older ethno-horonym of the Slovaks - Sloven, which may indicate its origins before the 15th century. The original significance was geographical (rather than political), since Slovakia was part of the multinational Kingdom of Hungary and did not create a separate administrative unit during this period.


Nitra principality of the ancestors of the Slovaks, which existed in the 9th century

The Slavs settled the territory of Slovakia in the 6th century, during the Great Migration. Slovakia was part of the center of Samo in the 7th century, and later the Principality of Nitra was located on its territory. The Slavic state, known as Great Moravia, reached its greatest development in the 9th century with the arrival of Cyril and Methodius and expansion under the leadership of Prince Svyatopolk I. Slovakia eventually became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in the 11th-14th centuries, and then later was part of Austria-Hungary until its collapse in 1918. In the same year, Slovakia united with Subcarpathian Ruthenia and the state of Czechoslovakia was formed.

In 1919, during the campaign to the north of the Hungarian Red Army, the Slovak Soviet Republic was formed for some time on part of the territory of Slovakia.

Following the collapse of Czechoslovakia following the Munich Agreement of 1938, Slovakia became a separate republic controlled by Nazi Germany.

After World War II, Czechoslovakia was restored and came under the influence of the Soviet Union from 1945.

At the same time, in Slovakia, the bodies of national self-government of the Slovaks that emerged during the war were preserved - the Slovak National Council and local national committees - while the Czechs did not have such bodies (the so-called asymmetrical national-state structure). Then, in October 1968, the Constitutional Law on the Federation was adopted, which came into force on January 1, 1969, according to which the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic - as Czechoslovakia was officially called since 1960) was divided, like the USSR and the SFRY (Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) , into two constituent republics of the federation - the Czech and Slovak socialist republics.

The end of socialist Czechoslovakia in 1989 during the peaceful Velvet Revolution also meant the end of Czechoslovakia as an entire state and led to the creation of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in March 1990, and then, on January 1, 1993, two separate states - Slovakia and the "Velvet" divorce"). Slovakia became a member of NATO on March 29, 2004, the European Union on May 1, 2004, entered the Schengen zone on December 21, 2007, and entered the Euro zone on January 1, 2009.

Physiographic characteristics

Gerlachovsky Shtit

Slovakia is surrounded from the north and northeast by the mountain ranges of the Western Carpathians. They reach their greatest height in the High Tatras, where the highest point of the country is located - peak Gerlachovsky-Štit (2655 m), peaks Krivan, Dumbiere, whose height exceeds 1850 m. To the south of the Carpathians, hills predominate, separated by fertile valleys along which the Danube Numerous rivers flow into it. The largest of them are Vag, Nitra and Gron. Although almost 80% of Slovakia's territory lies at an altitude of 750 m above sea level, the country also has the fertile Central Danube Lowland, located closer to the Danube in the region of Bratislava and Komárno, which is the country's breadbasket.

Water resources

The Danube River forms the country's southwestern border. Many Carpathian rivers flowing in a southern direction flow into it. The largest tributaries of the Danube are the Vag, Nitra and Hron. In the east, the Carpathian rivers, such as Laborets, Torisa and Ondava, belong to the basin of the Tisza River, the largest tributary of the Danube.


The climate of Slovakia has a pronounced continental character. Winter is cold and dry; summers are warm and humid. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the mountains. Annual precipitation amounts exceed 1000 mm in the mountains, and on the plains they are less than 500 mm per year. In Bratislava the average temperature in January is −1°C, July is +21°C. In the mountains, winters are colder and summers are cooler.

Flora and fauna

They occupy almost 40% of the country's territory. The southern slopes of the mountains are covered with broad-leaved (beech and oak) or mixed forests, while the northern slopes are covered with coniferous forests, consisting mainly of spruce and fir. The country is dominated by broad-leaved species (53%), primarily beech (31%) and oak (10%), and the most common conifers are spruce (29%) and fir (9%). Higher in the mountains there are alpine meadows.

In the mountain forests of Slovakia there are deer, lynxes, wolves and bears, and small animals - foxes, squirrels, weasels.

National parks

Slovak Paradise National Park

National parks are only part of the system of environmental areas and sites, which is managed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. From 1949 to 2002, nine national parks were created:

  • Velka Fatra,
  • Mala Fatra,
  • Muranska Planina,
  • Low Tatras,
  • Pieniny,
  • Polonyny,
  • Slovak Karst,
  • Slovak Paradise,
  • Tatras.

Mineral resources

Relief of Slovakia

Oil, natural gas and brown coal are produced in Slovakia, which are used for the needs of the economy. Oil covers 1% of domestic energy needs, gas - 3%, and brown coal - about 80%. The rest is compensated by imports from the Czech Republic. The country has reserves of uranium, coal and shale gas, but currently they are not being developed due to high costs. The country has large reserves of non-metallic materials. In particular, magnesite is actively mined, which is exported and accounts for about 6% of world production. In the past, significant quantities of gold, silver, etc. were mined in Slovakia. Currently, precious metals are mined in small quantities in the Hodruša-Homre area.

State structure

The head of state in Slovakia is the president, elected by direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term. Most executive power is vested in the head of government, the prime minister, who is usually the leader of the party or coalition that received the majority in parliamentary elections and is appointed by the president. The executive body is the Government of the Slovak Republic. The remainder of the cabinet is appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister.

The highest legislative body of Slovakia is the 150-seat unicameral National Council of the Slovak Republic. Delegates are elected for a 4-year term on the basis of proportional representation.

Parliament can dismiss the president if three-fifths of the total number of deputies votes for it. The president can dissolve parliament if he does not approve the government's policy statement three times within a month after the elections.

Name Decoding % Mandates Mandates
in the previous
Smer-SD Course - social democracy 28,28 49 83
SAS Freedom and Solidarity 12,1 21 11
OĽaNO/NOVA Ordinary people and independent individuals/NOVA 11.02 19 16
SNS Slovak National Party 8,.64 15 -
ĽSNS People's Party - our Slovakia 8.04 14 -
Sme Rodina We are family - Boris Kollar 6,62 11 -
MOST-HÍD Bridge 6,5 11 13
Siet" Net 5.6 10 -
KDH Christian Democratic movement 4,94 - 16
SDKÚ-DS Slovak Democratic and Christian Union 0,28 - 11

The body of constitutional supervision is the Constitutional Court, which has jurisdiction over constitutional issues. The 10 members of this court are approved by the president from several candidates nominated by parliament. The highest judicial authority is the Supreme Court, the courts of first instance are the regional courts, the lowest level of the judicial system is the district courts.

Political parties


  • Slovak National Party - nationalist, right-wing populist,
  • People's Party - Movement for a Democratic Slovakia - right-wing populist,
  • The People's Party - our Slovakia - is far-right.


  • Ordinary people - conservative,
  • Slovak Democratic and Christian Union - Democratic Party - Conservative,
  • Christian Democratic movement - conservative,
  • The new majority is conservative,
  • The Liberal Party is Conservative.


  • Freedom and Solidarity (party) - liberal.


  • Course - social democracy - social democratic,
  • Party of the Democratic Left - Social Democratic,
  • Communist Party of Slovakia - communist,
  • Union of Workers of Slovakia - left-populist,
  • 99% - civil voice - left-wing populist.

Off the spectrum

  • "Bridge" - Hungarian national, for interethnic dialogue,
  • The Hungarian Coalition Party is the Hungarian National Party.


The largest trade union center is the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Republic.

Administrative division

Administrative divisions of Slovakia

Slovakia is divided into 8 regions (NUTS-3 units). In 2002, each region received some autonomy.

  1. Bratislava region,
  2. Trnava region,
  3. Trencin region,
  4. Nitra region,
  5. Zhilina region,
  6. Banská Bystrica Region,
  7. Presov region,
  8. Kosice region.

The region is divided into several districts. There are currently 79 districts in Slovakia.


National Bank of Slovakia in Bratislava.

Slovakia is a developed industrial-agrarian country. Relatively developed diversified agriculture is based on modern material and technical base and infrastructure.

In 2018, the minimum wage in Slovakia is 480 euros per month. The average salary in 2017 was 925 euros per month. In the Bratislava region, the average salary in 2017 was 1,527 euros per month. As of February 2018, the unemployment rate was 5.88%. From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is 520 euros (gross) and 430.35 euros (net). The Kaitz index (the ratio between the minimum and average wages in the country) in Slovakia as of 2019 (average 1106 euros and minimum 520 euros) is about 47%.

Advantages: increased production, especially in the Bratislava area.


Slovakia has significant tourism potential. Its nature, mountains, caves, ski resorts, castles and cities attract many tourists. In 2006, about 1.6 million tourists visited the country, and the most popular destinations were Bratislava and the High Tatras. The majority of tourists were from the Czech Republic (26%), followed by Poland (15%) and Germany (11%). Many citizens of the country travel abroad. For example, in 2012, the outbound tourist flow amounted to 3,017 thousand people.

Automotive industry

By the time of the collapse of Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s, there was no automobile production on the territory of Slovakia. In Bratislava there was only the Bratislava Automobile Plant, which produced components for Czech Skoda cars. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, thanks to the policy of attracting investment, large foreign TNCs began building automobile plants in the country. Plants were built for Volkswagen in Bratislava (on the territory of the Bratislava Automobile Plant), Peugeot in Trnava and Kia Motors in Žilina. According to OICA data, 182 thousand cars were produced in Slovakia in 2000. In 2005, 218 thousand cars were produced in Slovakia. By 2010, with the commissioning of factories at full capacity, car production increased to 557 thousand units. Slovakia has become the world leader in car production per capita; with a country population of 5.4 million people, almost 640 thousand cars were produced in 2011, the bulk of which were exported to other European countries (the share of cars in the country’s exports exceeded 25%).

International trade

The republic's foreign trade is focused on EU countries. The main trading partners for exports in 2017 were: Germany 20.7%, Czech Republic 11.6%, Poland 7.7%, France 6.3%, Italy 6.1%, Great Britain 6%, Hungary 6%, Austria 6 %; total exports amounted to $80.57 billion, and the main items were vehicles and spare parts 27%, equipment and electrical goods 20%, metallurgical machinery, furnaces and similar equipment 12%, iron and steel 4%. The main trading partners for imports in 2017 were: Germany 19.1%, Czech Republic 16.3%, Austria 10.3%, Poland 6.5%, Hungary 6.4%, South Korea 4.5%, Russia 4, 5 %; the total volume of imports amounted to $77.96 billion, and the main items were machinery and equipment 20%, vehicles and components 14%, power equipment 12%, fuel 9%.


Number, settlement

The population is 5.5 million people. Distributed fairly evenly throughout the area. There is a high population density in the southwest, due to the fact that the terrain in that area is more suitable for agriculture.

Peoples of Slovakia

Hungarian minority (2011)

The majority of the inhabitants of Slovakia are ethnic Slovaks (85.8% according to the 2001 census). Hungarians are the largest national minority (9.7%), living mainly in the southern and eastern regions of the country. Other ethnic groups include Roma, Czechs, Ruthenians, Ukrainians, Germans and Poles.


In general, Slovakia is a rather religious country, especially compared to its neighboring country. The Slovak constitution guarantees freedom of religion. The majority of Slovak citizens (69%) are Catholics; the second largest group are Protestants (11%, Lutherans (mainly Slovaks) and Reformed (mainly Hungarians)), Greek Catholics (4%) and Orthodox (1%).


The official state language is Slovak, which belongs to the group of Slavic languages. The Hungarian language has equal circulation in southern Slovakia; according to Slovak law, it can be used as an official language along with Slovak in those regions where Hungarians make up over 21.7 percent of the population.

The mother tongue of the majority of the inhabitants of Slovakia is Slovak: 78.6% of the inhabitants (4,240,453 people), according to the 2011 census. 9.4% of the population (508,714 people) called Hungarian their native language. Romani is the native language of 2.3% of the population (122,518 people). The Rusyn language is in fourth place in terms of the number of people who call it their native language - 1% of the population (55,469 people). The remaining languages ​​scored less than 1%.


  • Music of Slovakia
  • Literature of Slovakia
  • Slovak National Theater

Armed forces

Slovakian military police officer

The armed forces of Slovakia consist of ground forces and air forces, air defense forces, border troops and civil defense troops. The army consists of 14,000 soldiers and officers. In 2004, Slovakia became a member of NATO. On August 1, 2005, universal conscription was abolished, and a transition to a professional army took place. The military budget in 2009 was $1.35 billion. Slovakia takes part in UN peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo and Metohija.

Public holidays

  • January 1 - Foundation Day of the Slovak Republic,
  • May 8 - Victory Day over Nazism,
  • July 5 - Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius,
  • August 29 - Day of the Slovak National Uprising,
  • September 1 - Constitution Day of the Slovak Republic,
  • November 17 - Day of struggle against totalitarianism,
  • December 25 - Christmas,
  • In the spring, Easter is declared a public holiday, the date of which is determined every year in accordance with Catholic traditions.

see also

  • Moravian Slovakia


  1. World Atlas: Maximum detailed information / Project leaders: A. N. Bushnev, A. P. Pritvorov. - Moscow: AST, 2017. - P. 18. - 96 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-10261-4.
  2. (undefined) .
  3. Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (undefined) .
  4. Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (undefined) .
  5. Report for Selected Countries and Subjects (undefined) .
  6. Human Development Indicators(English) . United Nations Development Program (2018). - Human Development Report on the UN Development Program website. Retrieved September 14, 2018.
  7. Gorodetskaya I. L., Levashov E. A. Russian names of residents: Dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian dictionaries: Astrel: AST, 2003. - P. 266.
  8. Until 2009 - Slovak koruna
  10. Stav obyvateľstva v SR k 31. December 2017(words) . Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky.
  11. Uličny, Ferdinand. Toponymum Slovensko – pôvod a obsah názvu (undefined) // Historický časopis. - Historický ústav SAV, 2014. - No. 3. - P. 548. - ISSN 0018-2575.
  12. Slovaks distinguish between Uhorsko(historical state) and Maďarsko(modern state), while both of these place names refer to Hungary.
  13. Minimalna mzda 2018 (undefined) .
  14. Priemerná mzda (undefined) . Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  15. Nezamestnanosť ďalej klesá, bez práce je 5.88 percenta ľudí (undefined) . Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  16. Minimalna mzda 2019
  17. Votruba, Martin Regional Wealth (undefined) . Slovak Studies Program. University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved May 12, 2010. Archived August 22, 2011.
  18. Turistov na Slovensku je čoraz viac. Prichádzajú turisti aj z Číny -
  19. Archived copy (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved August 28, 2012. Archived October 9, 2007.
  20. Trukhachev A.V., Ivolga A.G. Analysis of the influence of factors on inbound and outbound tourist flows using the example of individual countries // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 5. - P. 369
  21. OICA 2000 statistics
  22. OICA 2005 statistics
  23. OICA 2010 statistics
  24. OICA 2011 statistics
  25. Slovakia according to the CIA directory
  26. Slovakia in the CIA World Factbook(English) . Retrieved October 30, 2010.
  27. Final results of the census in Slovakia in 2011(words) . Retrieved August 22, 2012. Archived October 14, 2012.


  • Slovakia in the Open Directory Project (dmoz) link directory
  • Official government website
  • Official website of the President
  • Národná Rada - Official website of the National Council (country's parliament)
  • Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Moscow
  • Maps of Slovakia
  • SK TODAY News from Slovakia. Independent online publication. (English)
  • Krejči, Oskar: Geopolitics of the Central European Region. The view from Prague and Bratislava Bratislava: Veda, 2005. 494 p. (Czech) (unavailable link)

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