Giant hand in the Atacama desert. Hand of the Desert: “Symbol of Powerlessness Giant hand in the Atacama Desert

Hundreds of kilometers of lunar landscapes in the Chilean Atacama Desert stretch west of the majestic Andes mountain range. But besides rocks, sand and lifeless landscapes, here you can see a surreal sculpture, known throughout the world as the “Hand of the Desert” (Spanish version of Mano del desierto).

Hand in the Atacama Desert

A composition that is strikingly different from the local landscape will most likely initially cause confusion and suspicion that it is a mirage. But upon closer examination it turns out that this is not a figment of the imagination, but a completely ordinary (or quite UNusual) sculpture.

The hand in the desert represents, oddly enough, the hand... in the desert. There is no other description. Fives almost completely protrudes from the sand and reaches for the stars, as if some giant is trying to get out of the ground.

The total height of the statue is 11 meters. The Desert Arm is built at an altitude of 1100 m above sea level. The sculpture is made of concrete and has a metal frame. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and scorched desert, the hand creates an incredible view.

How to find the Desert Hand

The sculpture is located 36 kilometers from the Pacific coast, in northern Chile, in the middle of one of the driest places in the world. It can be seen from Route 5, part of the Pan-American Highway, between markers 1309 and 1310. It lies just 400 meters from the highway. The nearest settlement is La Negra, 50 kilometers to the north. The large city of Antofagasta (on the Pacific coast) is located approximately 70 kilometers to the north.

Who created the Desert Hand

The author of this unusual monument was the Chilean Mario Irrazabal Covarrubias. He attended the University of Notre Dame from 1960 to 1964, where he received a Bachelor of Arts and Philosophy and a Master of Fine Arts. He then moved to Italy to continue his studies in theology at the Gregorian University of Rome. From 1967 to 1968 he studied in West Germany with the sculptor Waldemar Otto, with whom he worked on the Desert Hands project. Mario first presented his work in his homeland in 1970.

His works are characterized by the use of images of human body parts. With this he expresses socially significant themes - human injustice, sadness and loneliness. It is believed that exaggerated proportions such as those seen in The Desert Hand are meant to create an emphasis on human vulnerability, weakness and helplessness.

If there is a “Hand of the Desert,” then other desert body parts can probably be found somewhere. For example, in the vast sandy expanses of the western Sahara there is a giant natural structure called Güel Er Richat, which is called the Eye of the Desert. This huge round formation from space appears to be the real Eye of the Sahara (it is sometimes called that).

The sculpture Hand of the Desert was unveiled on March 28, 1992. Its creation was funded by the local organization Corporacion Pro Antofagasta. It is now one of Chile's notable and surreal landmarks. Ruka in the Desert is almost always a must-stop stop for both locals and travelers traveling along the No. 5 highway.

As a rule, tourists behave culturally. But there are also irresponsible visitors who try to apply their worthless graffiti to the desert. Periodically, the sculpture is cleared of stupid art.

There are sculptures on the planet that are very difficult to spoil with graffiti, since they are located... under water. Be sure to read about the Underwater Museum in Cancun.

If you're going on a desert trip, make sure you have sunscreen, plenty of water, and a full tank of gas.

A trip through the Atacama Desert (Chile, South America) is remembered primarily by the extraordinary statue in the form of a huge hand in the center of the sand dunes. From seeing it for the first time, various fantastic conjectures arise in my head: that this is the hand of a giant who died of thirst in the desert, and the hand of some kind of cosmic object, or a mythical object that appeared on earth as a sign from above. You can fantasize for a long time, but in fact, the Hand of the Atacama Desert “Mano de Desierto” is a work of Chilean sculpture by Mario Irarrazabal, which was built back in 1992. The construction of the sculpture took several months: the work was complicated by the unbearable heat and dry air.

This sculpture is a representation of a person’s left palm, which appears to be sown 3/4 out of the ground. The height of the mesmerizing hand is 11 m, and its basis is a complex structure made of cement on a steel frame.

If we approach it from a philosophical point of view, then according to the author’s plan, the hand displays:

Human injustice;
grief, torment, pain and sadness;
vulnerability and helplessness of man in the desert, before the forces of nature.

The location of the sculpture in the Chilean desert is not a coincidence. The thing is that the Atacama Desert is considered the hottest desert on earth, a kind of valley of death, where apart from the burning sun and insanely hot sand there is nothing else for many kilometers. Not every daredevil manages to cross the desert on foot without loss. When tourists are taken on an excursion to this place, they are warned to take plenty of water, food and sun protection with them on the road.

The local attraction is very popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. Everyone considers it their duty not only to take a photo in front of this sculpture, but also to leave their own inscription in the form of wishes or funny graphite on its surface. The sculpture is carefully looked after, washing off various designs from time to time.

How to get to the Desert Hand

The monumental “Hand of the Desert” is located 75 km from the city of Antofagasta, which is not far from the Pan-American Highway. When leaving the city, you must follow road 26 or 28 until it intersects with highway 5. The hand can be seen a couple of hundred meters from the central road. However, it is not recommended to get to this place on your own. It is best to visit a local attraction as part of a tourist group.

If, while driving through the hot Chilean Atacama Desert (South America), you suddenly encounter a huge hand along the way, you may think that this is a hallucination due to lack of water and the mercilessly scorching sun. You can rub your eyes and pour water on yourself for a long time, but this giant hand will never disappear.

And it won’t disappear because it’s not a mirage at all... but what is it then? Maybe the giant, unable to withstand the scorching sun, fell and died in the middle of the desert, and the sand under the influence of the wind covered the giant, leaving only part of his hand on the surface? Not at all, this is a real object, or rather a sculpture created by the Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal.

This reinforced concrete sculpture “Mano de Desierto”, 11 meters high, was erected in 1992, 75 km from the city of Antofagasta, with the financial support of the Corporation Pro Antofagasta. Its author explained its meaning as follows: it expresses how vulnerable and helpless a person is when he finds himself alone against the forces of nature. And in the Chilean Atacama Desert, which is considered the hottest desert on the planet, the valley of death, where there is nothing but sand and sun for many kilometers, not every one of those who dare to overcome it on foot will be able to survive. Therefore, when going on an excursion to see the giant hand, take water, food and sunscreen for the trip.

The local landmark is so popular that tourists and local residents often decorate it with graffiti and various inscriptions, but fortunately it is well looked after and all inscriptions and drawings are periodically erased.

You can get to the sculpture as part of tourist groups, by passing cars, or by rented car. The monumental "Hand of the Desert" is located 75 km south of the city of Antofagasta, near the legendary Pan-American Highway. When leaving town, take Routes 26 or 28 to the intersection with Route 5, part of the Pan-American Highway. The “Hand of the Desert” is located a couple of hundred meters from the road, so it will be difficult not to notice this extraordinary eleven-meter sculpture.

Traveling through South America, in particular through the Atacama Desert, located in Chile, you can see a giant hand right among the sands and you should not pour water on yourself thinking that this is a hallucination, the hand will not disappear. After all, this is not a mirage at all, then maybe this is the hand of a giant who died from the heat in the desert and was covered with sand, and only his hand remained on the surface? But no! This sculpture was created by Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrazabal.

The reinforced concrete sculpture is called "Mano de Desierto", its height is 11 meters. The construction was financed by Corporacion Pro Antofagasta in 1992. According to the sculptor, his creation shows how helpless and vulnerable man is before the power of nature. The Chilean Atacama Desert is considered the hottest on Earth and not everyone who dared to cross it on foot survived, which is why the Atacama Desert is called the Valley of Death. Those who decide to go on an excursion here are advised to take plenty of water and sunscreen.

This attraction has become so popular that locals and tourists often decorate it with various inscriptions and graffiti. It’s good that the sculpture is well looked after, periodically erasing all the inscriptions.

The sculpture "Hand of the Desert" is located 75 kilometers south of the Chilean city of Antofagasta, you can get to it either by a rented car or with a tour group. Although you can get there by passing cars, especially since the giant hand is located just a few hundred meters from the Pan-American Highway and it is simply impossible not to notice it.

general information

A huge hand reaching towards the sky appears like a mirage before people passing by. It brings to mind thoughts of an unfortunate giant, buried in the sands of a merciless desert. It seems that the creature buried underground is begging for help. The author wanted to create a colorful symbol of human insecurity and powerlessness before omnipotent nature. A giant hand in the desert is the only thing that reminds us of life in the deserted expanses of the Atacama. Having covered several kilometers along desert landscapes, you can involuntarily think about how insignificant and short-lived our existence is.

The sculpture serves as a famous filming location. The desert hand appears in many commercials and music videos. Tourists often leave inscriptions on it, so it has to be constantly cleaned. The organization “Union for Antofagasta” took care of the monument. Its participants keep it in proper form and ask not to decorate your hand with various designs. This initiative is supported by the regional authorities - in 2013, together with representatives of the Chilean Ministry of Tourism, an action was organized to clean the sculpture.

The Hand in the Desert is located 75 km south of the city of Antofagasta next to the Pan-American Highway. It is quite difficult to get lost here, since the massive structure can be seen from afar - it is located to the right of the road.

The easiest way to get here is with a group of tourists, by passing car or by rented car. It is highly not recommended to travel huge distances on foot. The Atacama Desert has one of the driest and hottest climates in the world. Having decided to go here, do not forget to take care of provisions in advance. After leaving the locality, you will not have the opportunity to purchase the necessary goods. Be sure to take enough water and food. Sun protection is important - a hat, an umbrella, and cream with a UV filter.

Video: Music video with a desert hand in the background

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