Who didn't get on the plane. What to do if you did not have time for a plane or check-in for a flight

Another special flight will arrive at Pulkovo late tonight. The procedure for identifying the bodies of the dead began at 11 am. Needless to say, how difficult it is for relatives to cope with their upcoming actions. Next to people - a whole staff of psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Near the morgue, five ambulance teams are on duty. For two days we are talking on our air who were on that tragic board. Someone on this vacation celebrated a wedding anniversary, someone - a birthday. With details - special correspondent of radio in St. Petersburg Oleg Yakhontov .

"Vesti FM": Oleg, I know that you are close to the territory where the identification procedure is taking place. Already received a message that journalists are not allowed near. But did you manage to talk to people?

Yakhontov: Yes. In general, during these two days I heard a lot of touching and very sad stories about how relatives and friends received SMS from the plane, which was then preparing to take off from Sharm el-Sheikh: "Meet. See you soon." Statuses on social networks: "We're flying into autumn. Hello, Peter! We miss you a lot. We'll hug in a few hours."

And at the airport I managed to talk with a woman who met friends whom she met on vacation in Egypt. At first, she stood near the airport, waiting for a call from them, so that later she could drive to the arrivals area and pick them up. And at that time, friends called her and told her this terrible news. It turns out that she herself could get on this flight. She and her husband were offered tickets for it, but they decided not to arrange such a big vacation for themselves and returned to St. Petersburg, having rested only 10 days. And their girlfriends, whom they met on a plane to Egypt and with whom they spent almost the entire vacation, decided to rest for 18 days and flew later on the fateful flight 9268.

A similar story is that of a Petersburger, Yulia, who spent her honeymoon in Egypt with her husband. They were looking forward to the holidays. On October 16, they signed, three days later they flew to Sharm el-Sheikh and were supposed to return from Egypt on flight 9268. But almost at the last moment, Yulia’s husband, who had to work on Monday, insisted on returning a day earlier in order to adapt over the weekend after heat to the cold Petersburg autumn. They learned about the plane crash from the news. Of course, they were shocked. Just one day, which, it would seem, did not solve anything then, but in fact decided everything.

"Vesti FM": Oleg, is there any information about how? How long will it still last? And some details?

Yakhontov: It will last until the body of the last passenger who crashed on this airliner is identified. Yes, indeed, the inspection is now taking place. An autopsy is now underway to determine the cause of death.

Listen in full on the audio version.

Esters on the topic: The crash of the Russian liner in Egypt

Missile hit terrorist claiming responsibility for downing of Russian plane in Egypt

In the Sinai, during the anti-terrorist operation conducted by the Egyptian military, the leader of the terrorist organization Vilayat Sinai, who swore allegiance to ISIS, was killed. This group claimed responsibility for the downing of a Russian civilian aircraft.

Deadly cargo: how the bomb hit the Russian plane

New facts in the case of the blowing up of a Russian aircraft in Egypt narrow the circle of searches. Special services believe that the bomb was in the cabin of the liner and was planted under the seat. Analysis of particles on the wreckage indicated the presence of explosives. And the nature of the damage to the fuselage suggests that the explosion occurred inside, and not outside, as previously assumed.

Egypt poisoned by radicalism

The recognition of the plane crash in Egypt as a terrorist act will force many countries to reconsider their relations with this country. A region hitherto known for its inexpensive vacations could face even greater economic problems and even lockdown. The attack shows that an extremist underground may exist in the country, and ISIS does not leave attempts to take Egypt under its control.

An experienced American pilot Patrick Smith, without hiding anything, answered 17 questions that concern all those who often choose an airplane as a means of transportation. Or just going on his first flight, biting his lips with excitement. From turbulence to landing - now you can't hide anything from us!

1. Is turbulence dangerous?

Extremely rarely, turbulence causes structural damage to an aircraft. Passenger injuries are common, however, mostly due to people not wearing their seat belts when asked to. Normal turbulence can be uncomfortable, but it doesn't pose any threat.

It was surprising to learn how many people are afraid of turbulence. From the pilot's point of view, this state of the air makes the flight more comfortable. It's a little annoying, but still not capable of flipping the plane in the air or in any way contributing to the tragic scenario that people for some reason draw in their heads.

I call this phenomenon the "passenger exaggeration factor" or FPP. Many people think that during turbulence the aircraft can fall down by tens of meters, although in fact, even under the most difficult conditions, the displacement of the aircraft does not exceed 6 meters.

2. Why are they asked to turn off mobile phones during takeoff and landing? What happens if you leave it on?

It is unlikely that a mobile phone can cause problems in the cockpit, especially on modern aircraft where all data is displayed, but it is not impossible.

I believe that at least half of the passengers still have their phones on. And if they could cause disasters, then today we would have much more evidence.

However, phones may have played a role in two major incidents. But the key word here is "could". Some experts blame the turned on devices for the crash of a Swiss plane during a domestic flight in 2000, arguing that extra radio waves disabled the autopilot. There were similar suspicions after the plane crash in New Zealand in 2003.

But ultimately, phones are more of a social problem than a technological one. That is, do you really want to listen to 200 people talking to someone at the same time in an enclosed space? It is likely that airlines use this technical rationale simply to avoid the many phone conversations on board.

3. What happens if there is a problem with the landing gear during landing?

Aircraft support system failures are far from the hierarchy of things a pilot can worry about. If something happened to your aircraft, the landing gear is one of the least dangerous areas. The only exception would be a burst tire or a fire after a high-speed takeoff. Otherwise, problems with the chassis are quite simple to fix.

The worst case scenario would be a complete failure of the landing gear system. In this case, you will have to make a more or less solid landing on the belly of the aircraft. There is a possibility of a fuel tank rupture, but due to emergency devices located nearby, even this does not pose a particular danger.

4. Can a passenger break an airplane window? And is it true that in this case everyone will be sucked into it and thrown overboard?

These windows are much stronger than they look. But if, due to an accident or due to someone's malicious intent, the window is still broken, the plane will quickly decompress. It's theoretically possible, though very unlikely, to get someone sucked in the first few seconds, but it certainly won't be a Hollywood movie-style disaster.

5. Is it dangerous to fly during a storm? What happens if a plane is struck by lightning?

Using airborne radar, along with data provided by air traffic control, pilots avoid storm areas the way ships avoid icebergs. However, lightning does occasionally happen and aircraft are designed accordingly. The charge does not pass through the cabin, hitting the passengers - it is redirected overboard, partly through static discharge wicks along the trailing edges of the wings and tail. In nine cases out of ten, this system eliminates almost all the consequences of an impact.

From time to time, damage does occur, and most often the electronic systems of the aircraft are affected. In 1963, lightning caused an explosion aboard a Pan Am 707. After that, on behalf of the Civil Aviation Authority, several new protective measures were created, including the modification of the fuel tank and the installation of these same wicks. But that was over 50 years ago and I don't know of any other major lightning strike incidents.

6. Tell us about the most frightening thing that happened to you during the flight

The worst thing that ever happened to me was an almost mid-air collision. I was 21 at the time and I was flying a four-seater plane. We worked in accordance with the "Visual Flight Rules" in uncontrolled airspace. But the fact that it was a very long time ago, and I was in a small plane in very primitive conditions, should emphasize the safety of civil aviation. I have been in the service since 1990, and in all this period, no other frightening case comes to my mind.

7. What happens if the engine stops working during the flight?

All passenger aircraft are certified to fly with a failed engine. Every aircraft must be capable of accelerating and climbing even with a complete engine failure during takeoff. This ensures that the malfunctioning aircraft leaves the airport perimeter and does not crash into buildings, mountains, television antennas, and the like.

Aircraft performance is checked before each departure to ensure a safe takeoff and avoid any other problems. Airport height, runway length and weather conditions are all important factors. Shorter runways, high temperatures, or mountainous terrain can remove excess cargo from the aircraft, reducing its overall weight.

8. How likely is the plane to crash?

Let me answer this way: the last decade has been the safest in the history of civil aviation. And 2015 was correspondingly the safest year.

For comparison, the 60-80s were the era of terrible accidents, disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1985, there were 27 (!) serious aviation accidents, in which about two and a half thousand people died.

Small-scale incidents became much less frequent. It may seem that more and more planes crash over time, but this perception is largely the result of the work of the media and their relentless fixation of even the smallest incidents, which is exacerbated by the effect of social networks.

9. How did you become a pilot?

It just so happened historically that most airline pilots got into this industry and gained experience in the armed forces. However, at present, most pilots (I am one of them) get behind the wheel in civilian ways. This is a long and very expensive process that involves the slow accumulation of flying hours along with the required licenses and ratings.

After gaining the necessary experience, you usually start your career with an airline of one of the regional carriers. Very few pilots immediately begin to cross the oceans. But a growing number of airlines are moving towards a pilot training program called "Ab-Initio", in which individual pilots are trained from the ground up, so to speak, with no prior experience.

10. Is there such a period in training when you are still a beginner, but already sitting in the cockpit?

After completing the classroom training and training on the simulator of a particular type of aircraft, pilots begin to accumulate a certain number of flight hours under the guidance of an experienced pilot. And this happens during regular flights with passengers on board.

11. How big is the share of the autopilot in aircraft control? And how big is your share?

Cockpit automation, and how pilots interact with that automation, is the most misunderstood topic in all of civil aviation. People have a very distorted idea of ​​what an autopilot is and what it can do.

Indeed, pilots have come to rely on a different, more advanced set of automated aircraft skills than they did decades ago. However, even the most routine flight can contain countless unforeseen circumstances that it is up to the crew to deal with.

You can sometimes hear that pilots "spend only three minutes actually flying their aircraft during a routine flight." Such statements are very misleading. The truth sounds a little different - pilots currently spend a relatively short time physically keeping their hands on the helm. The difference is obvious.

And this does not mean at all that we do not control the flight. The automation of the cockpit does not control the aircraft - it is controlled by the crew through this very automation. The autopilot still needs to be told what to do, when and how.

The comparison between flying and medicine is perhaps the most apt: modern technology helps the pilot to fly an airplane in the same way that it helps the surgeon to successfully perform operations. A jet airliner cannot "fly by itself" just as an operating room cannot "by itself" remove a tumor or perform an organ transplant.

How do you like these numbers? More than 99% of landings and 100% of takeoffs are done manually, with a captain or chief mate at the helm.

12. Was there a time when a plane flying past you was too, even frighteningly close?

Returning to the previous question - only once when I was a private pilot and flew a four-seater plane. Passengers often misinterpret the distances between planes. This is another example of FPP.

“When we flew to Paris, another plane flew so close to us that we could see the people inside it!” - someone recalls excitedly.

When landing on parallel runways or crossing perpendicularly at high altitudes, aircraft can end up relatively close to each other. But “proximity” in air traffic control is measured in at least hundreds of meters. For a particularly excited passenger, this distance is noticeably distorted, becoming critical. But the thing is, planes are pretty big, so a Boeing 747 flying 300 meters above or below you feels extremely close. But trust me, you've never flown close enough to another plane to be able to see the passengers' faces in those tiny windows.

13. Why do all planes fly at an altitude of about ten and a half thousand meters?

Typical cruising altitudes range from 9,000 meters to 12,000. The assigned altitude depends on airspace control data and, of course, the capabilities of the aircraft. Each aircraft has a maximum allowable flight altitude. But there is an important factor - the higher you fly, the less fuel you consume.

But the fact that an aircraft is capable of flying at an altitude of 12,000 meters does not guarantee that it will be there. The controllers who control the airspace may have their own thoughts on this and / or the aircraft may be overloaded. Sometimes we climb to a more "efficient" altitude if the fuel is heavily used up.

14. What is it like to fly through the clouds in the dark when you can't see anything at all?

It's dark and you can't see anything at all.

15. Is bird strike dangerous?

Bird strikes happen quite often, but they rarely lead to sad consequences - unless, of course, you consider the issue from a bird's point of view. But in general, there have been cases in history when, for example, after a collision with a herd of geese, both engines failed on the plane.

Modern turbofans are resilient, but they don't get any better from the intrusion of foreign objects, especially those that crash into the rotating blades at high speeds. Birds don't clog up an engine, but they can bend or even destroy the internal blades, causing a loss of power. The heavier the bird, the more damage it can do.

So your next question is why aren't engines built with shields up front? Well, apart from the fact that its presence would partially block the flow of air, the screen would have to be large (presumably cone-shaped) and incredibly strong. If it is broken, not only a bird, but also pieces of metal will get into the engine. Despite the above incidents, the low chance of losing several engines due to bird strikes makes such an innovation impractical.

16. Do you eat the same food as the passengers?

It depends on the airline, but as a rule, pilots and flight attendants are provided with meals on any flight that lasts longer than five hours. In some, the crew gets a separate meal, but usually we get the same food served in first or business class (yes, all meals, including soup, salads and desserts).

At the same time, passengers remain a priority - we get what is left. Given the potential for food poisoning, pilots are encouraged to eat a variety of meals, but this is by no means mandatory. In practice, it comes down to your preferences and what's available. On short flights, we are completely on our own - we eat pretzels, peanuts, pizza from an airport cafe or just take something from home.

17. Are you allowed to listen to music during the flight? If yes, what is your playlist?

Not allowed, but I'll still tell you what's on my personal playlist: the greatest hits for pilots, including the bands Hüsker Dü, the Clash, The Wedding Present and the Mountain Goats, and Billy Bragg.

Even with careful planning of air travel, unforeseen situations can occur. They cause a flight delay. What to do in this case?

If you are late for check-in, but the plane has not yet taken off

There is a way out of this situation. The first option is to contact the airline employee. He will tell you how to proceed if you are late for check-in for the plane. What should a latecomer do? There is another option - you need to go to a special counter, where late passengers are registered for a flight. This service is paid, and can be quite expensive. But it's better than canceling the trip altogether.

If you are late for boarding

This can happen if the passenger checked in online. He no longer needed to arrive at the airport a few hours in advance. This time he could spend at his discretion.

It should be noted that the time frame for aircraft maintenance at the airport has been established. Boarding ends 20-25 minutes before departure. This time is allotted for all passengers to sit in their seats and prepare for the flight.

If you missed the plane, you need to contact the airline employee for help. Perhaps he will be able to take you on board, after informing you that the passenger is delayed.

Important! If the boarding for the flight is already over, being late may be fraught with penalties. They are used as a result of a delay due to the fault of the passenger.

To prevent this from happening, you need to check in in a timely manner and board the plane.

If you are late for check-in, and the plane has already taken off

And this situation is not considered hopeless. When it occurs, you need to seek help from an employee of the airline. He will tell you all the nuances of returning the boarding pass.

As a rule, passengers with business and first class tickets can exchange them for boarding passes for the next flight. In this case, you need to pay a small commission. If you have economy or tourist class air tickets on hand, you will have to hand them over and purchase new ones for a suitable flight.

The return of boarding passes to the aircraft is carried out in accordance with the established rules of the airline.

Before buying a ticket, you need to carefully read the fares and return conditions on the official website of the air carrier.

If the passenger missed the plane, and the ticket was purchased through an intermediary, he needs to contact him directly.

In doing so, the following should be taken into account:

  1. There are two types of air tickets - returnable and non-refundable. The latter will not accept returns and will not refund money for them. There are exceptions, which are described in the airline's boarding pass return policy.
  2. The commission will be written off not only in favor of the air carrier, but also in favor of the intermediary.
  3. When buying a single ticket for a flight with a transfer, subsequent tickets are canceled.

It will turn out to return a small percentage of the cost of the ticket.

If you miss your connecting flight

In this case, things are a little more complicated. If the passenger did not have time for the plane, and a transfer is provided in the flight, the ticket for the second flight will have to be canceled. It will not be possible to return the money for it. You need to buy a new ticket.

A similar situation can occur if the passenger did not get on the flight, and tickets were purchased on both sides of the route. The second boarding pass is also subject to cancellation. For it, airlines return the money minus commission and service fees.

Advice! To avoid conflict situations, you need to familiarize yourself with the fares and rules for returning tickets on the website of the air carrier. This can also be done by calling the operator.

If you missed your connecting flight due to the fault of the air carrier

In this case, you need to contact a representative of the company. If the flight is served by another carrier, you need to go to its check-in counter and put a note about the delay in departure.

According to the established rules, the carrier is obliged to provide customers with the following:

  • free phone for calls;
  • a hotel room if the flight delay is more than 8 hours;
  • free meals.

Coupons for it can be obtained from the representative of the airline.

All this is possible if the passenger has purchased one ticket with a transfer. If he bought two separate boarding passes, the air carrier is not responsible for missing the second flight.

Can I get a refund if I miss my plane?

Many passengers are interested in how to get money for a ticket back. It can be done. For information on how to return money for a boarding pass, it is better to ask an employee of the air carrier. This information is also posted on the websites of all companies.

The money will be refunded in full in the following cases:

  • delay or postponement of the flight due to the fault of the carrier;
  • canceled boarding at the destination due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • delayed departure for several hours due to the fault of the airline;
  • aircraft model change;
  • death of the passenger or his close relatives.

Whether the money for non-refundable tickets will be returned is a moot point. If the ticket was purchased at a low cost, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive money for it. Business and first class tickets can be exchanged.

Since mid-February 2018, the Russian airline Aeroflot has been tightening the rules for carrying hand luggage. From now on, you will not be able to take a laptop, book, camera, video camera or umbrella with you in addition to the free 10 kg of hand luggage - all these items will be taken into account when weighing. In addition, if earlier it was possible to add a backpack of any weight to hand luggage (the main thing is that you can drag it yourself), now you can only put no more than 5 kg in it. And you won’t be able to seriously buy in duty free either: you can bring on board only 1 sealed bag with dimensions in the amount of no more than 115 cm.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to slip through without attracting attention, at least at Sheremetyevo Airport, where Aeroflot has established a separate inspection area. Allowed weight and dimensions of hand luggage: 10 kg and 55x40x25 cm. Therefore, it is best to check these indicators at home so that you don’t rush to the check-in counter at the airport to check your hand luggage in luggage and not be late for the flight.

In addition, airline and airport officials may not let you on a flight - or at least make it difficult to get on board - for many more reasons, and moreover, clearly defined by law. Let's consider some of them. You won't go anywhere if:

1. You will refuse security checks

Pre-flight screening is carried out at the airport or on the aircraft by authorized persons of the aviation security services with the participation of employees of the internal affairs bodies. Inspection is carried out after the implementation of passport and customs control. The passenger is obliged to go through the security check and provide his luggage for inspection, otherwise the passenger may not be allowed on the plane.

2. Your passport has expired

And we are talking not only about passports, the validity of which has already expired. If your passport is valid for another 5 months and 29 days, and you are flying to a country that requires a passport to be valid for at least 6 months, then you will be wrapped even when passing through passport control (or even earlier - at the check-in counter) .

3. You refuse to pay for baggage allowance

Refusal to pay for the carriage of your baggage, the weight of which exceeds the established norms, is a sufficient reason to remove the passenger from the flight.

4. You refuse to pay for a child

Let me remind you that a child under the age of two can fly for free without providing him with a free seat; children under the age of 12 are transported at a reduced rate with the provision of separate seats.

5. You have items or substances prohibited for air transport

In this case, the passenger will have to get rid of the prohibited item (throw it away, hand it over to the mourners, etc.) in order to get on board the aircraft. It is clear that if we are talking about the discovery of, say, narcotic drugs, then we need to think not about how to get on the flight, but about how to avoid prison.

6. You are drunk

Most likely, a drunk passenger will not pass the screening and will not be allowed on board the aircraft. At the same time, he can safely pass security, and then buy liquor in the duty-free shop and, frankly, get drunk, and then get on the plane. If he violates the rules of conduct on the plane (behave, pester other passengers, interfere with stewardesses or stewards, bawl songs, etc.), which will endanger the safety of the aircraft flight or threaten the life or health of other persons, then such a passenger will be removed from side of the aircraft.

7. You do not follow the orders of the aircraft commander

The commander is the main figure on board the aircraft. He has the right to give orders to any passenger (regardless of his status and position in ordinary life) on board the aircraft, and demand their execution. Moreover, the aircraft commander has the right to apply coercive measures against persons who, by their actions, create a direct threat to the safety of the flight of the aircraft and refuse to obey his orders. As a rule, such passengers are drunk people (see paragraph 6), which are removed from the aircraft by the commander of the ship.

8. Your health condition requires special conditions for air transportation

A passenger may not be allowed to board the aircraft if his health condition requires special conditions for air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger himself (let's imagine he is under a dropper) or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents. At the same time, special conditions of transportation do not include, for example, the features of the transportation of disabled people.

However, a disabled person must in advance - at the time of buying an air ticket - warn the carrier about the peculiarities of his health, and the seller does not even have the right to demand relevant medical documents and must take his word for it. Moreover, it is impossible to refuse to fly a disabled person due to the lack of appropriate technical means (for example, wheelchairs or stretchers). A disabled person (another person with disabilities) must be met at the airport and moved (including in a wheelchair provided by the carrier, if necessary) to the building at no additional charge (!) and must be assisted with registration. If a disabled person cannot move independently, then boarding and disembarking from the aircraft is carried out using a special lifting device (ambulift). For those with hearing or visual impairments, all the necessary information should be duplicated accordingly. Exception: if a passenger is both hearing and visually impaired or disabled under the age of twelve, he is transported accompanied by a passenger who assists him in flight. Otherwise, such a passenger will not be allowed on board the aircraft.

Disputable situations often arise if the passenger is a pregnant woman (airline employees, for example, require relevant certificates). So, from the point of view of the law of the Russian Federation, there are no restrictions on the transportation of pregnant women.

Is it necessary to fight if you are removed from the flight under these conditions? Most likely, such attempts will be useless. Compliance with the rules is aimed at ensuring the safety of the flight, and it is better not to break the law if you want to fly safely. However, it should be added that the burden of proving the existence of these conditions lies with the carrier.

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