At what speed does the plane take off? At what speed does a plane take off? How long does it take a passenger plane to take off?

The speed of an aircraft is one of its most important technical characteristics, on which the flight time depends. Therefore, many are interested in what the speed of a passenger aircraft is. Modern passenger airliners fly at speeds of more than 500-800 km/h. The speed of a supersonic aircraft is 2.5 times higher, 2100 km/h, but these airliners had to be abandoned for safety reasons, as well as for a number of other reasons:

  • Supersonic planes must be streamlined, otherwise they can fall apart at altitude. And this is difficult to achieve for a passenger airplane, since it is quite long.
  • Supersonic airliners do not use fuel economically, which makes flights on them expensive and unprofitable.
  • Not every airfield has the ability to accept such machines.
  • Frequent maintenance is required.

However, the main reason for refusing to fly at supersonic speeds is flight safety.

Previously, there were only 2 types of supersonic airliners: Tu-144 (USSR) and Concorde (English-French). Now aircraft manufacturers are also working on new models of supersonic airliners and, perhaps, we will learn about them in the near future.

Different models of passenger airplanes have different flight speeds. The technical characteristics of any model indicate the maximum speed of the aircraft and the cruising speed, which is close to the maximum, is approximately 80% of it. It is optimal for flying, because at maximum you usually don’t fly.

If we talk about passenger aircraft, they all have low cruising and maximum speeds. Indicators of some models:

The Boeing Corporation is currently working on creating a passenger airliner that can fly at speeds of up to 5 thousand km/h.

The plane picks up speed during takeoff

Conditions for takeoff

For the operation of aircraft, an important role is played by the speed of the aircraft during takeoff, i.e. at the moment when it lifts off the ground. These are also different indicators for different models. After all, to take off from the ground you need a large lifting force, and to create it you need a high speed developed during takeoff. Therefore, heavy passenger aircraft have these indicators more, and lighter models - less.

The table for each model shows the average speed of the aircraft at takeoff, because it is influenced by several factors:

  • wind speed, its direction;
  • runway length;
  • air pressure;
  • air humidity;
  • runway condition.


Planting stages

The most critical stage of the flight is landing the car. Before this, the airliner approaches the airfield and lands, which consists of several stages:

  • altitude reduction;
  • alignment;
  • aging;
  • mileage

You probably want to know specific numbers as soon as possible? Well, let's not bore you with long conversations.

Boeing 737 takeoff speed

Let's figure out how fast a plane takes off. It all depends on individual technical characteristics.

If we talk about the Boeing 737, then takeoff is divided into several stages:

  1. The plane begins to move only at the moment when the engine operates at a speed of 810 revolutions per minute. Once this point is reached, the pilot slowly releases the brakes and keeps the control lever at neutral.
  2. Speed ​​is gained when the aircraft moves on three wheels.
  3. Liner accelerates to 185 kilometers per hour and moves on two wheels.
  4. When the acceleration reaches 225 kilometers per hour, the ship takes off.

The above indicators may fluctuate slightly, since the speed is affected by the direction and strength of the wind, air currents, humidity, serviceability and quality of the runway, etc.

You can find out the take-off speed of other airliners from the table:

We invite you to watch this video with a visual measurement of the speed of a passenger plane taking off using GPS:

Airplane speed when landing

As for the speed of the aircraft during landing, this is a variable value that depends on the mass of the side and the strength of the headwind, but in the average landing speed is 240-250 km/h, that is, approximately 20 km/h below the take-off speed of the aircraft.

If there is a headwind, the speed may be even lower, because the headwind increases the lift, in which case values ​​from 130-200 km/h are quite acceptable.

Speed ​​of a passenger plane in flight

So, the average speed of modern airliners is 210-800 kilometers per hour. But this is not the maximum value.

Cruise and maximum values

The acceleration of passenger airliners is divided into cruising and maximum. This value is never compared to the sound barrier. Passengers are not transported at maximum speed.

Speed ​​characteristics vary depending on the airliner model. Average values:

  • Tu 134 - 880 kilometers per hour;
  • IL 86 - 950 kilometers per hour;
  • Passenger Boeing - accelerating from 915 to 950 kilometers per hour.

By the way, the maximum value for civil air transport is approximately 1035 kilometers per hour.

Passenger airliners have low cruising and maximum speeds, so you don’t have to worry again before your upcoming flight!

Passenger aircraft flight speed - quick reference:

  • Airbus A380: maximum speed - 1020 km/h, cruising speed - 900 km/h;
  • Boeing 747: maximum – 988 km/h, standard flight speed – 910 km/h;
  • IL 96: maximum – 900 km/h, cruising speed – 870 km/h;
  • Tu 154M: maximum speed – 950 km/h, average – 900 km/h;
  • Yak 40: maximum – 545 km/h, and normal speed is 510 km/h.

You may find it easier to understand the numbers thanks to the table:

Do you want to overcome your fear of flying? The best way is to learn more about how the plane flies, at what speed it moves, to what altitude it rises. People are afraid of the unknown, and when the issue is studied and considered, then everything becomes simple and understandable. So be sure to read about how a plane flies - This is the first step in the fight against aerophobia.

If you look at the wing, you will see that it is not flat. Its lower surface is smooth, and its upper surface is convex. Due to this, as the speed of the aircraft increases, the air pressure on the wing changes. At the bottom of the wing the flow velocity is less, so the pressure is greater. At the top, the flow rate is greater and the pressure is less. It is due to this pressure difference that the wing pulls the plane upward. This difference between the lower and upper pressure is called the lift of the wing. In fact, during acceleration, the aircraft is pushed upward when it reaches a certain speed(pressure differences).

The air flows around the wing at different speeds, pushing the plane upward

This principle was discovered and formulated by the founder of aerodynamics Nikolai Zhukovsky back in 1904, and 10 years later it was successfully applied during the first flights and tests. The area, shape of the wing and flight speed are designed in such a way as to easily lift multi-ton aircraft into the air. Most modern airliners fly at speeds from 180 to 260 kilometers per hour - this is quite enough to stay confidently in the air.

At what altitude do planes fly?

Do you understand why planes fly? Now we will tell you about the altitude at which they fly.Passenger aircraft “occupied” the corridor from 5 to 12 thousand meters. Large passenger airliners usually fly at an altitude of 9-12 thousand, smaller ones - 5-8 thousand meters. This altitude is optimal for aircraft movement: at this altitude, air resistance is reduced by 5-7 times, but there is still enough oxygen for normal engine operation. Above 12 thousand, the plane begins to fail - the rarefied air does not create normal lift, and there is also an acute lack of oxygen for combustion (engine power drops). The ceiling for many liners is 12,200 meters.

Note:a plane that flies at an altitude of 10 thousand meters saves approximately 80% of fuel compared to if it were flying at an altitude of 1000 meters.

What is the speed of the plane during takeoff?

Let's consider, how the plane takes off . Picking up a certain speed, it takes off from the ground. At this moment, the airliner is most uncontrollable, so the runways are made with a significant margin in length. Lift-off speed depends on the mass and shape of the aircraft, as well as the configuration of its wings. As an example, we provide table values ​​for the most popular types of aircraft:

  1. Boeing 747 -270 km/h.
  2. Airbus A 380 - 267 km/h.
  3. Il 96 - 255 km/h.
  4. Boeing 737 - 220 km/h.
  5. Yak-40 -180 km/h.
  6. Tu 154 - 215 km/h.

On average, the takeoff speed of most modern airliners is 230-250 km/h. But it is not constant - it all depends on wind acceleration, the mass of the aircraft, the runway, weather and other factors (values ​​may differ by 10-15 km/h in one direction or another). But to the question: At what speed does a plane take off? you can answer - 250 kilometers per hour, and you will not be mistaken.

Different types of planes take off at different speeds

At what speed does the plane land?

Landing speed, like takeoff speed, can vary greatly depending on aircraft models, wing area, weight, wind and other factors. On average, it varies from 220 to 250 kilometers per hour.

The speed during landing and takeoff of an aircraft are parameters calculated individually for each airliner. There is no standard value that all pilots must adhere to, because aircraft have different weights, dimensions, and aerodynamic characteristics. However, the value of speed at is important, and failure to comply with the speed limit can result in tragedy for the crew and passengers.

How is takeoff carried out?

The aerodynamics of any airliner are determined by the configuration of the wing or wings. This configuration is the same for almost all aircraft except for small details. The lower part of the wing is always flat, the upper part is convex. Moreover, it does not depend on this.

The air that passes under the wing when gaining speed does not change its properties. However, the air that passes through the top of the wing at the same time becomes narrower. Consequently, less air flows through the top. This results in a pressure difference under and above the aircraft's wings. As a result, the pressure above the wing decreases, and below the wing it increases. And it is precisely thanks to the pressure difference that a lifting force is generated, which pushes the wing upward, and along with the wing, the aircraft itself. At the moment when the lifting force exceeds the weight of the airliner, the plane lifts off the ground. This happens with an increase in the speed of the liner (as the speed increases, the lift force also increases). The pilot also has the ability to control the flaps on the wing. If you lower the flaps, the lift force under the wing changes vector, and the plane sharply gains altitude.

It is interesting that the smooth horizontal flight of the airliner will be ensured if the lifting force is equal to the weight of the aircraft.

So, lift determines at what speed the plane will leave the ground and begin flight. The weight of the airliner, its aerodynamic characteristics, and the thrust force of the engines also play a role.

during takeoff and landing

In order for a passenger plane to take off, the pilot needs to reach a speed that will provide the required lift. The higher the acceleration speed, the higher the lift will be. Consequently, with a high acceleration speed, the plane will take off faster than if it were moving at a low speed. However, the specific speed value is calculated for each aircraft individually, taking into account its actual weight, load level, weather conditions, runway length, etc.

To broadly generalize, the famous Boeing 737 passenger airliner takes off from the ground when its speed increases to 220 km/h. Another famous and huge Boeing 747 with a lot of weight takes off from the ground at a speed of 270 kilometers per hour. But the smaller Yak-40 airliner is capable of taking off at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour due to its low weight.

Types of takeoff

There are various factors that determine the speed at which an airliner takes off:

  1. Weather conditions (wind speed and direction, rain, snow).
  2. Runway length.
  3. Strip coating.

Depending on the conditions, takeoff can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Classic speed dial.
  2. Off the brakes.
  3. Takeoff using special means.
  4. Vertical climb.

The first method (classic) is used most often. When the airfoil is of sufficient length, the aircraft can confidently gain the required speed necessary to provide high lifting force. However, in the case where the length of the runway is limited, the aircraft may not have enough distance to reach the required speed. Therefore, he stands on the brakes for some time, and the engines gradually gain traction. When the thrust becomes high, the brakes are released, and the plane takes off sharply, quickly picking up speed. In this way, it is possible to shorten the take-off distance of the aircraft.

There is no need to talk about vertical takeoff. It is possible if special engines are available. And takeoff using special means is practiced on military aircraft carriers.

What is the speed of the plane when landing?

The airliner does not land on the runway immediately. First of all, the speed of the airliner decreases and the altitude decreases. First, the plane touches the runway with its landing gear wheels, then moves at high speed on the ground, and only then slows down. The moment of contact with the GDP is almost always accompanied by shaking in the cabin, which can cause anxiety among passengers. But there's nothing wrong with that.

The speed when landing an aircraft is practically only slightly lower than when taking off. A large Boeing 747 approaches the runway at an average speed of 260 kilometers per hour. This is the speed the airliner should have in the air. But, again, the specific speed value is calculated individually for all aircraft, taking into account their weight, load, and weather conditions. If the plane is very large and heavy, then the landing speed should be higher, because during landing it is also necessary to “maintain” the required lift force. Already after contact with the airfoil and when moving on the ground, the pilot can brake using the landing gear and flaps on the wings of the aircraft.

Flight speed

The speed at which an airplane lands and takes off is very different from the speed at which an airplane moves at an altitude of 10 km. Most often, airplanes fly at 80% of their maximum speed. Thus, the maximum speed of the popular Airbus A380 is 1020 km/h. In fact, flight at cruising speed is 850-900 km/h. The popular Boeing 747 can fly at a speed of 988 km/h, but in fact its speed is also 850-900 km/h. As you can see, the flight speed is radically different from the speed when the plane lands.

Note that today the Boeing company is developing an airliner that will be able to reach flight speeds at high altitudes of up to 5,000 kilometers per hour.


Of course, the speed when landing an aircraft is an extremely important parameter, which is calculated strictly for each airliner. But it is impossible to name a specific value at which all planes take off. Even identical models (for example, Boeing 747) will take off and land at different speeds due to various circumstances: workload, amount of fuel loaded, length of the runway, runway coverage, presence or absence of wind, etc.

Now you know what the speed of the plane is when landing and when it takes off. Everyone knows the averages.

The plane picks up speed gradually. The takeoff phase lasts a long period of time and begins with the process of moving on the runway. There are several types of takeoff and acceleration.

How does takeoff happen?

The aerodynamics of the airliner are ensured by a special wing configuration, which is almost the same for all aircraft. The lower part of the wing profile is always flat, and the upper part is convex, regardless of the type of aircraft.

The air passing under the wing does not change its properties. At the same time, the air flow passing through the convex upper part of the wing narrows. This way, less air flows through the top of the wing. Therefore, in order for the same air flow to pass through a unit of time, it is necessary to increase its speed.

As a result, there is a difference in air pressure in the lower and upper parts of the airliner wing. This is explained by Bernoulli's law: an increase in air flow speed leads to a decrease in air pressure.

The difference in pressure produces lift. Its action seems to push the wing upward, and with it the entire plane. The plane lifts off the ground at the moment in time when the lift force exceeds the weight of the airliner. This is achieved by gaining speed (increasing the speed of the aircraft leads to an increase in lift).

Interesting. Level flight is achieved when the lift force is equal to the weight of the airliner.

Thus, at what speed the plane will take off from the ground depends on the lift force, the magnitude of which is determined primarily by the mass of the airliner. The thrust of an aircraft engine provides the speed necessary to increase lift and take off the airliner.

A helicopter flies using the same principle of aerodynamics. Outwardly, it seems that a helicopter rotor and an airplane wing have little in common, but each rotor blade has the same configuration, providing a difference in air flow pressure.

Takeoff speed

In order for a passenger plane to take off from the ground, it is necessary to develop a takeoff speed that can provide an increase in lift. The greater the weight of the airliner, the greater the acceleration speed required to get the plane into the air. What is the speed of the aircraft during takeoff? This depends on the weight of the aircraft.

Thus, a Boeing 737 will take off from the ground only at the moment when the speed on the runway reaches 220 km/h.

Boeing's 747 model has a large mass, which means it needs to reach higher speeds to take off. The speed of this model aircraft during takeoff is 270 km/h.

Yak 40 model aircraft accelerate to 180 km/h to take off from the runway. This is due to the lighter weight of the aircraft compared to the Boeing 737 and 747.

Types of takeoff

Several factors influence the takeoff of an aircraft:

  • weather;
  • length of the runway (runway);
  • runway coverage.

Weather conditions that are taken into account when an aircraft takes off include wind speed and direction, air humidity and precipitation.

There are 4 types of takeoff:

  • from the brakes;
  • classic speed dial;
  • takeoff using additional means;
  • vertical climb.

The first acceleration option involves achieving the required traction mode. For this purpose, the airliner is on the brakes while the engines are running, and is released only when the required mode is achieved. This takeoff method is used when the runway is insufficient.

The classic takeoff method involves a gradual increase in thrust as the aircraft moves along the runway.

Classic take-off from the runway

By auxiliary means we mean special springboards. Ski-jump takeoff is practiced on military aircraft taking off from an aircraft carrier. The use of a springboard helps compensate for the lack of a runway of sufficient length.

Vertical take-off is carried out only with special engines. Thanks to vertical thrust, the takeoff is similar to the takeoff of a helicopter. Having taken off from the ground, such an aircraft smoothly transitions into horizontal flight. A striking example of aircraft with vertical take-off is the Yak-38.

Boeing 737 take off

To understand exactly how a plane takes off and picks up speed, we need to look at a specific example. For all passenger jet aircraft, the takeoff and climb pattern is the same. The only difference is in achieving the required speed of the aircraft taking off, which is determined by the weight of the airliner.

Before the plane starts moving, the engine must reach the required operating mode. For a Boeing 737, this value is 800 rpm. When this mark is reached, the pilot releases the brake. The plane takes off on three wheels, the control stick is in the neutral position.

To take off from the ground, an airplane of this model must first reach a speed of 180 km/h. At this speed, it is possible to raise the nose of the aircraft, then the aircraft accelerates on two wheels. To do this, the pilot smoothly lowers the control down, as a result the flaps are deflected, and the nose part rises up. In this position, the aircraft continues to accelerate, moving along the runway. The airliner will take off from the ground when the acceleration reaches 220 km/h.

It should be understood that this is an average speed value. In a headwind, the speed is lower, since the wind makes it easier for the airliner to lift off the ground, further increasing the lift.

Acceleration of an aircraft becomes more difficult when there is high air humidity and precipitation. In this case, the takeoff speed must be greater for the aircraft to take off.

Important! The decision about what speed can be considered sufficient to gain altitude is made by the pilot, having assessed the weather conditions and the features of the runway.

Flight speed

The flight speed of the aircraft depends on the model and design features. Usually the maximum possible speed is specified, but in practice such figures are rarely achieved and aircraft fly at cruising speed, which is usually about 80% of the maximum value.

For example, the speed of the Airbus A380 passenger aircraft is 1020 km/h; this value is indicated in the technical characteristics of the aircraft and is the maximum possible flight speed. The flight is carried out at cruising speed, which for this aircraft model is about 900 km/h.

The Boeing 747 is designed to fly at a speed of 988 km/h, but flights are made at cruising speeds, which vary between 890-910 km/h.

Interesting. Boeing is developing the fastest passenger airliner, with a top speed of 5,000 km/h.

How the plane lands

The most crucial moments during a flight are the takeoff and landing of the airliner. Movement in the sky is usually provided by an autopilot, while landing and takeoff are carried out by pilots.

Landing is what most passengers worry about, as it involves the thrill of dropping altitude and then the jolt of the airliner touching down on the runway.

Often, when asking how the flight was, you can get the answer that the landing was soft. It is a soft landing that is considered an indicator of the pilot’s skill.

Preparations for landing begin in the air, at an altitude of 25 m above the runway threshold for large aircraft, and 9 m for small aircraft. Until the moment when the plane comes in to land, the vertical speed of descent and the lifting speed of the wing decrease. Reducing speed causes a decrease in lift, allowing the plane to land.

Planes do not land on the runway right away. During landing, contact with the runway first occurs and the aircraft lands on its landing gear. Then the airliner continues to move along the runway on wheels, gradually reducing speed. It is the moment of contact with the runway that is accompanied by shaking in the cabin and causes anxiety among passengers.

As a rule, the landing speed is approximately equal to or slightly different from the take-off speed. Thus, a Boeing 747 will be able to land at a speed of about 260 km/h.


When a plane lands, all decisions about whether to reduce speed are made by the pilot. Thus, a soft landing characterizes the professional skills of the pilot. However, it should be remembered that the characteristics of an airliner landing also depend on a number of climatic factors and runway characteristics.

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