Evidence of paradise Eben Alexander. Eben Alexander - Proof of Paradise

Eben Alexander

Proof of paradise. Genuine history of the neurosurgeon travel in the afterlife

Proof of Heaven: A Neurrosurgeon's Journey Into The Afterlife

© 2012 by Eben Alexander, M.d.

A person should rely on what is there, and not on what to be alleged.

Albert Einstein

In childhood I often dreamed that I fly.

Usually it happened like this: I stood in the courtyard, looking at the stars, and suddenly the wind picked me up and drove up. To break away from the ground itself, but the higher I climbed, the more flight depended on me. If I was worn up, too fully surrendered to the feelings, then with a swing slammed to the ground. But if I managed to keep calm and composure, I flew faster and faster - right in the starry sky.

Perhaps, my love for parachutes, rockets and aircraft grew up from these dreams - to everything that could return me to the transcendant world.

When the family and I flew somewhere on the plane, I did not get off the porthole from the take-off and until the landing. In the summer of 1968, when I was fourteen years old, I spent all the money taken by haircut money for the lessons on planurism. He taught me a guy named Gus Street, and our classes took place in Zasuberry Hill, on a small herbal "airfield" to the west of Winston-Syutima - the town in which I grew up. I still remember how the heart was pounded when I pulled a big red pen, dropped a towing cable, for which my glider was tied to the aircraft, and laid the turn to the summer field. Then I first felt myself truly independent and free. Most of my friends gained this feeling behind the wheel of the car, but in three meters of meters above the ground it is felt a hundred times sharper.

In 1970, already in college, I joined the club of parachuting at the University of North Carolina. It was like a secret fraternity - a group of people who deal with something exceptional and magical. Jumping for the first time, I was afraid to tremble, and for the second time I was even worse. Only on the twelfth jump, when I stepped out of the door of the plane and flew more than three hundred meters to the disclosure of the parachute (my first leap with a ten-second delay), I felt myself in my native element. By the end of the college on my account there were three hundred sixty-five jumps and almost four hours of free fall. And although in 1976, I stopped jumping, I still - clearly, as Introducts, - dreamed of protracted jumps, and it was wonderful.

The best jumps were getting closer in the late afternoon, when the sun kneaded to the horizon. It is difficult to describe what I felt at the same time: the feeling of proximity to something that I could not really call, but what I was always missing. And the point is not in solitude - our jumps did not have anything in common with loneliness. We jumped in a feather, a guy, and sometimes ten or twelve people at the same time, building figures in a free fall. Than more Group And the harder figure, the more interesting.

Once a wonderful autumn day of 1975, we meet our friend in a parachute center to work out group jumps. Having worked well, finally, we jumped out of the "Bichkraft D-18" at an altitude of three kilometers and amounted to Snezhinka out of ten people. We managed to connect to the perfect figure and flew so more than two kilometers, fully enjoyed the eighteenisecond free fall in deep splashing between the two tall-in cumulative clouds. Then, at the height of one kilometer, we crumbled and diverged through our trajectories to reveal parachutes.

When we landed, it was already dark. However, we jumped into another aircraft, quickly took off and managed to catch the last rays of the sun in the sky to make the second right jump. This time, with us jumped two newbies - it was their first attempt to participate in building a figure. They had to join the figure outside, and not to be in her foundation, which is much simpler: in this case, your task is just falling down while others maneuver to you. It was an exciting moment for them, and for us, experienced parachutists, because we created the team, we were shared with the experience with those who could further make even larger figures.

I had to be the last to join the sixth liberal star, which we were going to build over the runway of a small airport near Roanoc Rapids, North Carolina. The guy who jumped in front of me was called Chuck, and he had considerable experience in building shapes in a free fall. At the height of two more than kilometers, we still bathed in the rays of the Sun, and on Earth there were already blissful street lights. Jump in dusk is always awesome, and this jump promised to become just beautiful.

- Three, two, one ... went!

I fell out of the plane literally a second after Chuck, however, I needed to rush to catch up with friends when they start to line up. Seconds seven I rush down my head as a rocket, which allowed me to decline at a speed of almost one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour and catch up with the rest.

In a dizzying flight upside down, almost reaching critical speed, I smiled, admiring the sunset for the second time. On the mouth to the rest, I planned to apply the "air brake" - the cloth "wings", which stretched from our wrists to the hip and dramatically slowed down, if they are deployed at high speed. I spread on the sides of the hand, the outbreak sleeves and braking in the air flow.

However, something went wrong.

Skidden to our "star", I saw that one of the beginners acted too much. Maybe the fall between the clouds scared him - made it remember that at a speed of sixty meters per second, he approaches a huge planet semi-widged thickening night millet. Instead of slowly clutching the edge of the "Stars", he crashed into it, so she crumbled, and now five of my friends tumbled in the air as it fell.

Usually in group protracted jumps at an altitude of one kilometer, the figure decays, and everyone is scattered as far as possible from each other. Then everyone gives a hatch with a hand as a card readiness to open the parachute, looks up to make sure that there is no one over him, and only after that he pulls the exhaust cable.

But they were too close to each other. A parachutist reserves an air trail with high turbulence and low pressure. If another person falls into this mark, his speed will immediately increase, and he can fall on the one who is below. This, in turn, will give acceleration to both of them, and they already together can crash in the one who will be under them. In other words, this is how the catastrophes occur.

I curved and flew away from the group so as not to get into this tumbleweed mass. I maneuvered until I was right above the "spot" - the magic point on the ground, over which we had to reveal our parachutes for a unhurried twinkle descent.

I looked around and experienced relief - disoriented paratroopers moved away from each other, so that the deadly bunch of Mala was gramnogu.

However, to his surprise, I saw that Chuck went to my side and stopped right under me. With all this group acrobatics, we slipped the mark at six hundred meters faster than he expected. Or maybe he considered himself a lucky way, which is not necessarily scrupulously follow the rules.

"He must not see me," this thought did not have time to fade in my head, as a bright exhaust parachute flew out of the backpack. He caught the airflow, rushing at the speed of almost two hundred kilometers per hour, and shot right in me, pulling the main dome.

From the moment I saw the exhaust parachute of Chuck, I had literally some second to respond. Because after a moment, I would fall into the revealed main dome, and then very likely - and on the chuck itself. If at such a speed I hurt his hand or leg, I would tear them completely. If I fell right on him, our bodies would scatulate pieces.

People say that in such situations time slows down, and they are right. My consciousness tracked about microseconds, as if I watched a movie in a very slow survey.

I face the face of consciousness to face, which exists absolutely independently of the restrictions of the physical brain

Sf face to face collided with the world of consciousness, which exists absolutely, regardless of the restrictions of the physical brain.

As soon as I saw an exhaust parachute, I pressed my hands to the sides and straightened the body in a vertical jump, slightly bent my legs. Such a position gave me acceleration, and the bend provided the body horizontal movement - first a small one, and then such a gust of the wind, grabbing me, as if my body became a wing. I was able to slip past the chuck, right in front of his bright amphibious parachute.

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A person must see things as they are, and not the way he wants to see them.

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Little I often flew in a dream. This usually happened so. I dreamed, as if I stand at night in our yard and I look at the stars, and then suddenly separate from the ground and slowly climb up. The first few inches of lifting into the air occurred spontaneously, without any participation on my part. But soon I noticed that the higher the higher the flight depends on me, more precisely, from my state. If I strained and excited, it suddenly fell down, hardly hitting the Earth. But if I perceived the flight calmly, as something natural, it was rapidly carried out higher and higher in the starry sky.

Perhaps partly because of these flights in a dream later I developed a passionate love for aircraft and missiles - and in general aircraftthat you could give me a feeling of immense air space. When I was able to fly with my parents, then no matter how far the flight would be, it was impossible to tear away from the porthole. In September 1968, at the age of fourteen, I gave all my money earned by a haircut of the lulls, on the planning of the glider, which was conducted by one guy named Gus Street on Strozerry Hill, a small "flight field", overgrown with grass, not far from My native town Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I still remember how excitedly my heart was excited when I pulled the dark-red round knob, which pulled the cable connecting me with the towing plane, and my glider rolled out on the take-off field. For the first time in life, I experienced an unforgettable feeling of complete independence and freedom. Most of my friends are for this and loved a mad ride on the car, but, in my opinion, nothing could compare with the delight from the flight at an altitude of a thousand feet.

In the 1970s, while attending the University of North Carolina College, I began to engage in parasitic sports. Our team seemed to me with something like a secret fraternity - because we had special knowledge that were not accessible to everyone else. The first jumps were given to me with great difficulty, I wrote me a real fear. But to the twelfth jump, when I stepped behind the aircraft door to fly in a free fall more than a thousand feet before I cut the parachute (it was my first protracted jump), I already felt confident. In college, I made 365 parachute jumps and flew more than three and a half hours in a free drop, performing acrobatic figures with twenty-five comrades in the air. And although in 1976 I stopped engaging, joyful and very living dreams about Skaydayving continued to dream.

Most of all I liked to jump closer in the late afternoon, when the sun began to go to the horizon. It is difficult to describe my feelings during such jumps: it seemed to me that I was getting closer and closer to what it is impossible to determine, but what I felt frantically. This mysterious "something" was not an enthusiastic feeling of complete loneliness, because we usually jumped with groups of five, six, ten or twelve people, constituting various figures in a free drop. And the harder and harder was the figure, the greater the delight of me covered me.

In 1975, the guys from the University of North Carolina and several friends from the center of parachute preparation were gathered to stay in group jumps with the construction of figures. During the penultimate jump from the light aircraft D-18 "Beachcraft" at an altitude of 10,500 feet we made a snowflake out of ten people. We managed to get together in this figure even before the mark of 7,000 feet, that is, we have been enjoyed flying in this figure in this figure, falling into the gap between the huge clouds, after which a 3,500 feet were cut off, devoted to each other and revealed parachutes.

By the time of our landing, the Sun stood very low, above the earth itself. But we quickly climbed into another plane and took off again, so we managed to capture the last rays of the sun and make another jump before his full sunset. This time, two newbies participated in the jump, which attempted for the first time to join the figure, that is, take care of her outside. Of course, the easiest way to be the main, base parachute, because he just needs to fly down, whereas the rest of the team members have to maneuver in the air to get to him and cling to it with their hands. Nevertheless, both novice rejoiced a difficult test, as we, already experienced parachutists: after all, tracing young guys, subsequently, together with them could perform jumps with even more complex figures.

From the group of six people who had to portray the star over the runway of a small airfield, located near the town of Roanok Rapids, North Carolina, I had to jump the last. In front of me was the guy named Chuck. He had extensive experience in air group acrobatics. At an altitude of 7,500 feet, we still covered the sun, but the street lights already glittered below. I always loved jumping at dusk, and this promised to be just wonderful.

I was to leave the plane about a second after Chuck, and to catch up with the rest, my fall should have passed very rapidly. I decided to dive into the air, as in the sea, down my head and in this position, the first seconds of seven are flying. This would allow me to fall almost a hundred miles per hour faster than my comrades, and to be on the same level with them immediately after they start to build a star.

Typically, during such jumps, descending to a height of 3,500 feet, all parachutists disclaim their arms and diverge as far as possible from each other. Then everyone swears with his hands, feeding the signal, which is ready to reveal his parachute, looks up to make sure that no one is not, and only then pulls over the exhaust cable.

- Three, two, one ... march!

One after another plane left four parachutes, behind them and we are with Chuck. Flying down your head and gaining speed in a free fall, I shook that I see the sunset for the second time a day. Approaching the team, I was already going to slow down to slow down in the air, throwing hands to the sides - we had costumes with wings of a fabric from wrists to the hips, which created powerful resistance, completely revealed at high speed.

But I did not have to do this.

Hall falling in the direction of the figure, I noticed that one of the guys approaches it too fast. I do not know, perhaps, he was scared by a rapid descent into a narrow gap between the clouds, reminding that he at the speed of two hundred feet per second rushes towards the giant planet, poorly distinguishable in a thickening darkness. One way or another, but instead of joining the group slowly, he swirl flew to her. And the five remaining parachutists randomly scarked in the air. In addition, they were too close to each other.

This guy left a powerful turbulent trail. This airflow is very dangerous. It is worth the other parachutist to get into it, as the speed of his fall will rapidly increase, and he will stay in the one who is under it. This in turn will give a strong acceleration by both parachutists and throw them on the one who is even lower. In short, a terrible tragedy will happen.

Curved, I devoted from randomly falling group and maneuvering until it turned out to be directly over the "point", a magical point on Earth, we had to reveal parachutes and start a slow two-minute descent.

I turned my head and saw with relief that the rest of the jumpers are already moving away from each other. Among them was Chuck. But, to my surprise, he moved in my direction and soon hung right under me. Apparently, during an erratic fall, the group has passed a height of 2000 feet faster than chak expected. Or maybe he considered himself a lucky way, which may not comply with the established rules.

"He should not see me!" I did not have time to shoot off in my head, as the back of the chuck pulled up a colored exhaust parachute. The parachute caught the flowing chak the wind, who blew at the speed of one hundred and twenty miles per hour, and carried it on me, at the same time pulling the main parachute.

From the moment when the exhaust parachute was revealed above Chuck, I remained some fractions of a second to react. In less than a second, I had to crash into his main parachute and, most likely, in him. If at such a speed I hurt on his hand or leg, then simply turning it out and at the same time I will get a fatal blow. If we encounter bodies, you will inevitably break down.

They say, in such situations it seems that everything is happening much slower, and this is true. My brain fixed what is happening that has taken only a few microseconds, but perceived it like a film with slow motion.

As soon as the exhaust parachute pulled out over Chuck, my hands pressed themselves to the sides, and I turned upside down my head, bent slightly. Bending the body allowed a little to add speeds. Next for a moment, I made a sharp jerk to the side horizontally, why my body turned into a powerful wing, which allowed the bullet to go past the chuck just before it discontinued the main parachute.

I was joined by him at speed more than a hundred fifty miles per hour, or two hundred twenty feet per second. It is unlikely that he managed to notice the expression of my face. Otherwise, he would see an incredible amazement on it. Some miraculously, I managed to react to the situation, which, if I had a thought of thinking, it would seem simply insoluble!

And yet ... And yet I coped with her, and as a result, we have launched safely with Chuck. I got the impression that, faced with an extreme situation, my brain worked as some kind of heavy duty computer.

How did it happen? During more than twenty years of work, the neurosurgeon - when I studied the brain, watched his work and produced operations on it - I was often asked by this question. And in the end, it came to the conclusion that the brain is so phenomenal body that we do not even guess about his incredible abilities.

Now, I already understand that the present answer to this question is much more complicated and fundamentally different. But to realize this, I had to endure the events that completely changed my life and the worldview. This book is dedicated to these events. They proved to me that, no matter how a wonderful body, a man's brain, he did not save me in that fatal day. What intervened at the moment when the main parachute of Chuck had already begun to open, there was another, deeply hidden side of my personality. It was she managed to work so instantly, because, unlike my brain and body, there is no time.

It was her forced me, a boys, so to rush into the sky. This is not only the most advanced and wise side of our personality, but also the in-depth, intimate. However, I didn't believe it most of my adult life.

However, now I believe, and from further stories you will understand why.

* * *

My profession is neurosurgeon.

In 1976, I graduated from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill in the specialty of the Chemist and in the 1980s received a doctoral degree in the medical school of the Djuk University. Eleven years, including training in a medical school, then the residency in the Duke, as well as work in the Massachusetts General Hospital and at Harvard's Medical School, I specialized in Neuroendocrinology, studied the interaction between the nervous system and endocrine, consisting of glands that produce various hormones and regulatory activities organism. Two years of these eleven years, I investigated the pathological reaction of blood vessels of certain areas of the brain at a break of aneurysm - syndrome known as cerebral vasospasm.

After graduating from the specialty cerebrovascular neurosurgery in the city of Newcastle-on-mystery in the UK, I was fifteen years old by teaching in Harvard Medical School as an Adjunct Professor on Neurology. Over the years, I operated on a huge number of patients, many of which came with extremely severe and dangerous to the life of brain diseases.

I paid great attention to the study of advanced treatment methods, in particular stereotactic radiosurgery, which allows the surgeon to localized on a certain point of the brain with radiation rays, without affecting the surrounding tissues. I participated in the development and use of magnetic resonance tomography, which is one of the modern methods of studying brain tumors and various violations of its vascular system. During these years, I wrote, one or collaboration with other scientists, more than one hundred and fifty articles for serious medical journals and more than two hundred and more times acted with reports about his work at scientific and medical conferences worldwide.

In a word, I devoted myself entirely to science. I consider a big life success that I managed to find my vocation - knowing the mechanism of functioning of the human body, especially his brain, to heal people using the achievements of modern medicine. But what is equally important, I married a wonderful woman who gave me two beautiful sons, and, although the work took me quite a lot of time, I never forgot about the family, which I always considered another blessed gift of destiny. In short, my life was very successful and happily.

However, on November 10, 2008, when I was fifty-four, luck seemed to change me. As a result of a very rare disease, I plunged into someone for the purpose of seven days. All this time, my neocortex is a new bark, that is, the top layer of the hemispheres of the brain, which, in essence, and makes us people, was disabled, did not actually existed.

When a person has a brain turns off, he also ceases to exist. With my specialty, I had to hear many stories of people who survived an unusual experience, as a rule, after stopping the heart: allegedly they turned out to be in some mysterious and beautiful place, they talked to the dead relatives and even the sort of gentlemen of God.

All these stories, of course, were very interesting, but, in my opinion, were fantasies, pure fiction. What causes these "otherworld" experiences that people who survived clinical death say? I did not claim anything, but in the depths of the soul was confident that they are connected with some violations in the work of the brain. All our experiences and presentations take the beginning of consciousness. If the brain is paralyzed, disabled, you can not be conscious.

Because the brain is a mechanism that first produces consciousness. The destruction of this mechanism means the death of consciousness. With all the incredibly complex and mysterious functioning of the brain, it's just as twice two. Share the cord from the outlet, and the TV will stop working. And the show ends, no matter how you like it. Approximately so I would say before my own brain turned off.

During the coma, my brain is not that worked wrong - he did not work at all. Now I think that it is completely not functioning brain and entailed the depth and intensity of the experience of clinical death (OX), which I suffered during the coma. Most of the stories about OKS are obtained from people who survived the temporary stop of the heart. In these cases, neocortex is also disconnected, but not exposed to irreversible damage - if no later than four minutes later, the flow of oxygen-saturated blood into the brain is restored by cardiopulmonary resuscitation or through spontaneous recovery of cardiac activity. But in my case, neocortex did not give signs of life! I encountered the reality of the world of consciousness that existed absolutely regardless of my inactive brain.

Personal experience of clinical death has become a real explosion for me, shock. As a neurosurgeon, having a large experience of scientific and practical work, I could not only correctly appreciate the reality of the trial conclusions, but also to make the relevant conclusions.

These findings are incredibly important. My experience has shown me that the death of the body and the brain does not mean the death of consciousness that human life continues and after the burial of his material body. But the most important thing is that it continues under the closer look of God who loves all of us and takes care of each of us and about the world, where the universe itself is ultimately and everything that is in it.

The world where I was, was real - so real that, compared to this world, the life we \u200b\u200blead here and now is completely ghostly. However, this does not mean that I do not rush to my present life. On the contrary, I appreciate it even more than before. Because now I understand its true meaning.

Life is not something meaningless. But from here we are not able to understand this, in any case, not always. The history of what happened to me during the stay in the coma is performed by the deepest meaning. But it's quite difficult to tell her about it, since she is too alien to our usual ideas. I can't shout about her on the whole world. At the same time, my conclusions are based on a medical analysis and knowledge of the most advanced concepts of science on the brain and consciousness. Realizing the truth underlying my journey, I realized that it was simply obliged to tell about her. Make it the most worthy way has become the main task for me.

This does not mean that I left the scientific and practical activity of the neurosurgeon. Just now, when I had the honor to understand that our life does not end with the death of the body and brain, I consider my duty, to tell people about what I saw outside my body and this world. It is especially important to me to do this for those who heard the stories about the like my cases and would like to believe them, but something prevents these people entirely to take them on faith.

My book and the spiritual message concluded in it is first of all named after them. My story is incredibly important and at the same time truthful.

In this book, Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience, a professor who taught at Harvard Medical School and other major universities, shares his experience with the reader about his journey to the next world.

Its case is unique. Struck by the sudden and inexplicable form of bacterial meningitis, he was miraculously healed after a seven-day coma. A highly educated medic with a huge practical experience, which before not only did not believe in the afterlife, but also did not allow her thoughts about her, tested his "I" to the Higher Worlds and collided there with such amazing phenomena and revelations, which, returning to earthly life , I found my duty of the scientist and the doctor to tell about them in the whole world.

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Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience, a professor who taught at Harvard Medical School and other major American universities, shared his experiences with readers about his journey to the Fourwood World.

This case is truly unique. Struck by a severe form of bacterial meningitis, it was inexplicably healed after the seven-day coma. Highly educated medic with a huge practical experience, which not only did not believe in the afterlife, but also did not allow the thoughts about her, he tested his "I" to the Higher Worlds and faced there with such amazing phenomena and revelations, which, returning to earthly life , I found my duty of the scientist and the doctor to tell about them in the whole world.

On November 10, 2008, as a result of a very rare disease, I plunged into someone for a few days. All this time, my neocortex is a new bark, that is, the top layer of the hemispheres of the brain, which, in essence, and makes us people, was disabled, did not actually existed.

When a person has a brain turns off, he also ceases to exist. With my specialty, I had to hear many stories of people who survived an unusual experience, as a rule, after stopping the heart: allegedly they turned out to be in some mysterious and beautiful place, they talked to the dead relatives and even the sort of gentlemen of God.

All these stories, of course, were very interesting, but, in my opinion, were fantasies, pure fiction. What causes these "otherworld" experiences that people who survived clinical death say? I did not claim anything, but in the depths of the soul was confident that they are connected with some violations in the work of the brain. All our experiences and presentations take the beginning of consciousness. If the brain is paralyzed, disabled, you can not be conscious.

Because the brain is a mechanism that first produces consciousness. The destruction of this mechanism means the death of consciousness. With all the incredibly complex and mysterious functioning of the brain, it's just as twice two. Share the cord from the outlet, and the TV will stop working. And the show ends, no matter how you like it. Approximately so I would say before my own brain turned off.

During the coma, my brain is not that worked wrong - he did not work at all. Now I think that it is completely not functioning brain and entailed the depth and intensity of the experience of clinical death (OX), which I suffered during the coma. Most of the stories about OKS are obtained from people who survived the temporary stop of the heart. In these cases, neocortex is also disconnected, but not exposed to irreversible damage - if no later than four minutes later, the flow of oxygen-saturated blood into the brain is restored by cardiopulmonary resuscitation or through spontaneous recovery of cardiac activity. But in my case, neocortex did not give signs of life! I encountered the reality of the world of consciousness, which existed absolutely independently of my inactive brain.

Personal experience of clinical death has become a real explosion for me, shock. As a neurosurgeon, having a large experience of scientific and practical work, I could not only correctly appreciate the reality of the trial conclusions, but also to make the relevant conclusions.

These findings are incredibly important. My experience has shown me that the death of the body and the brain does not mean the death of consciousness that human life continues and after the burial of his material body. But the most important thing is that it continues under the closer look of God who loves all of us and takes care of each of us and about the world, where the universe itself is ultimately and everything that is in it.

The world where I was, was real - so real that, compared to this world, the life we \u200b\u200blead here and now is completely ghostly. However, this does not mean that I do not rush to my present life. On the contrary, I appreciate it even more than before. Because now I understand its true meaning.

Life is not something meaningless. But from here we are not able to understand this, in any case, not always. The history of what happened to me during the stay in the coma is performed by the deepest meaning. But it's quite difficult to tell her about it, since she is too alien to our usual ideas.

Darkness, but the visible darkness - as if you were plunged into the dirt, but you see through it. Yes, perhaps, it is better to compare this darkness with a thick jelly mud. Transparent, but muddy, blurry, causing suffocation and claustrophobia.

Consciousness, but without memory and without feeling yourself - as a dream, when you understand what is happening around you, but you do not know who you are.

And the sound: a low rhythmic knock, remote, but strong enough when you feel every blow. Heartbeat? Yes, it seems, but the sound is deaf, more mechanical - resembles a knock sheet about metal, as if somewhere far from a giant, an underground blacksmith hits a hammer at anvil: blows are so powerful, which causes the vibration of the earth, dirt or some incomprehensible Substances in which I stayed.

I did not have a body - in any case, I did not feel it. I just ... was there, in this pulsating and pierced rhythmic blows. At that time, I could call it preliminary darkness. But then I did not know these words. Actually, I did not know the words at all. Words used here appeared much later when, returning to this world, I wrote down my memories. Language, emotions, the ability to reason - all this was lost, as if I was dropped far backward, to the initial point of the birth of life, when a primitive bacterium appeared, in an unknown way to capture my brain and paralyzing his work.

How much did I have in this world? I have no idea. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling that you experience, getting into place where there is no sense of time. When then I got there, I understood that I was (no matter how this "I") was always there.

I did not mind this. And why would I objely, if this existence was the only one, what I knew? I do not remember anything better, I was not very interested in exactly where he was. I remember, I thought, I will survive or not, but indifference to the outcome just increased the feeling of own invulnerability. I did not know about the principles of the world in which he was, but did not hurry to learn them. What's the difference?

I can not say when it started exactly, but at some point I began to confess some items around myself. They were like simultaneously on the roots of plants and blood vessels in an incredibly huge dirty womb. Glowing on a muddy red light, they stretched from somewhere far from above somewhere far away. Now I can compare it as if the mole or rainwill, being deep underground, somehow could see the intertwined roots of herbs and trees around him.

That is why, remembering this place later, I decided to call it a habitat, which worm sees it (or, short, country worm). For quite a long time, I assumed that the image of this place could be inspired by some kind of memoirs about the state of my brain, just undergoing an attack of a dangerous and aggressive bacterium.

But the more I thought about this explanation (I remind you that it was much later), the less I saw the point in it. Because - how hard it is difficult to describe it, if you yourself have never been to this place! - When I was there, my consciousness was not blurred or distorted. It was simple. limited. There I was not a man. But it was not animals. I was a creature earlier and primitive than an animal or a person. I was just a lonely spark consciousness in a missing red-brown space.

The longer I stayed there, the time I became more. At first, I was so deeply plunged into this visible darkness that I did not feel the difference between me and this simultaneously and a nasty and familiar matter surrounding me. But gradually the feeling of deep, untimely and infinite dive gave way to a new feeling: that in fact I am not at all part of this underground world, but simply somehow got into it.

From this abomination, as bubbles, the muzzles of terrible animals, published howl and screams, then disappeared. I heard an intermittent deaf growl. Sometimes this growl moved into vague rhythmic jerseys, at the same time frightening and strangely acquaintances - as if at some point I myself knew and fished them.

Since I did not remember my previous existence, my stay in this country seemed endless. How much time I spent there? Months? Years? Eternity? One way or another, finally, the moment came when my former indifferent carelessness was completely bold chilling horror. The more distinct me, I felt myself - as something separate from the cold, damp and darkness around me, "the animal muzzles seemed to me more and worse than me, popling from this gloom. The uniform knock breathed is all sharp and louder, reminding the work of a certain army of underground trolls, performing infinite, unbearably monotone work. Movement around me has become more noticeable and tangible as if snakes or other worm-like creatures made a dense group by, sometimes touching me with smooth skin or the likeness of the helic spiny.

Then I felt stench, in which smells of feces, blood and vomiting mixed. In other words, the smell of biological origin, but dead, not a living being. As my consciousness was increasingly sharpened, I was increasingly mastered the fear, panic horror. I did not know who or what I, but this place was Merzko and alien to me. It was necessary to get out from there.

I did not have time to ask this question, something new appeared on top of the darkness: it was neither cold or dead, nor dark, and was the complete opposite of all these qualities. Even if I spent the rest of my days on it, I could not pay tribute to the essence that I was now approaching me, and at least partly describe what it was beautiful.

But I continue my attempts.

Something appeared in the darkness.

Slowly rotating, it emitted the finest rays of golden white light, and gradually the darkness around me began to split and disintegrate.

Then I heard a new sound: the living sound of excellent music, saturated with the wealth of tones and shades. As this clear white light descended on me, the music became louder and drowned the monotonous knock, which seemed to be a whole eternity was the only thing that I heard here.

The light was approaching, as if rotating around the invisible center and spreading around the bundles and threads of pure white radiance, which, now I clearly saw, cleaned gold.

Then, in the very center of shine, there was something else. I strain consciousness, my best trying to understand what it is.

Hole! Now I watched not slowly rotating radiance, but through it. Already realizing it, I started raising up.

I heard a whistle, resembling a whistle of the wind, and after a moment I flew into this hole and found myself in a completely different world. I have never seen anything more strange and at the same time more beautiful.

Shining, trembling, full of life, stunning, causing selfless delight. I could endlessly to pray for definitions to describe how this world looked, but they just lack them in our language. I had a feeling that I just born. Not reborn and was not revived, and first appeared on the light.

For me, the terrain covered with dense luxurious vegetation, which belted to Earth. It was the earth, but at the same time not. The feeling can be compared with the way if parents brought you to some place where you lived for several years in early childhood. You do not know this place. In any case, it seems to you. But, looking around around, you feel like something attracts you, and you realize that in the very depths of your soul there is a memory of this place, you remember him and have fun, which turned out to be here again.

I flew over the forests and fields, rivers and waterfalls, from time to time noticing at thenime of people and fun playing children. People sang and circled in dance, sometimes I saw the dogs next to them, who too happily ran and jumped. There were simple, but beautiful clothes on people, and it seemed to me that the colors of this clothing were so warm and bright as grass and flowers that seclude the entire terrain.

Beautiful, incredible ghostly world.

But only this world was not ghostly. Although I did not know where I was and even who was, I felt absolute confidence in one: the world in which I suddenly found out, completely real, real.

I can not say how long I flew. (The time in this place is different from our simple linear on our land, and it is hopeless to pass it out hopelessly.) But at some point I realized that I was in the embroidery.

Near me there was a beautiful girl with high cheekbones and deep blue eyes. She was dressed in the same simple and loose dress, which people we worn below. Her cute face framed golden-brown hair. We rushed in the air on some plane, painted by an intimidate pattern, shining indescribably with bright colors, was the butterfly wing. In general, millions of butterflies fluffled around us - they formed wide waves, embrace on green meadows and twisted up again. Butterflies held together and seemed to be a living and trembling river flower flowing in the air. We slowly batted in height, blooming meadows and green forests floated under us, and when we went down to them, buds were revealed on the branches. The dress on the girl was simple, but his colors are light blue, indigo, light orange and gentle peach - gave birth to the same joyful and joyful mood as the whole terrain. The girl looked at me. She had a glance that, if you see him just a few seconds, gives the meaning of all of your life until the present moment, no matter what happened before. This look was not just romantic or friendly. Some kind of mysterious way in it was overgrown with something immeasurably superior all kinds of love, which familiar to us in our glossy world. He simultaneously radiated all the varieties of earthly love - maternal, nursing, marital, child, friendly - and at the same time love is infinitely deeper and chaste.

The girl spoke to me without words. Her thoughts penetrated me like a air jet, and I instantly understood their sincerity and truthfulness. I knew that exactly as I knew that the world surrounding me was real, but not at all imaginary, elusive and transient.

All "said" could be divided into three parts, and in translated into our, earthly language would express its meaning in the following suggestions:

"They always love and protect you."

"You have nothing to fear."

"There is nothing that you could do wrong."

From this message I experienced a sense of incredible relief. As if I was handed a list of the rules of the game, in which I played all my life, without understanding them.

We will show you a lot of interesting things here, "the girl said, without resorting to the help of words, and sending me directly their meaning. - But then you come back.

I had only one question for this:

Where ago?

Remember who talks to you now. Believe me, I do not suffer dementia and excessive sentimentality. I know how death looks like. I know human nature and, although not materialist, I am in my field a pretty decent specialist. I can distinguish a fantasy from reality and know that the experience that is now trying to convey to you, however, quite vaguely and messy, was not only special, but also the most real in my life experience.

Meanwhile, I was in the clouds. Huge, lush, pinkish-white clouds, which were vividly distinguished against the dark blue sky.

Above the clouds, in incredible celestially, slid creatures in the form of transparent flickering balls, leaving traces like a long loop.

Birds? Angels? These words come to me right now when I write down my memories. However, no word from our earthly language can convey the correct idea of \u200b\u200bthese creatures, so they differed from everything I know. They were more perfect, the highest creatures.

From the height, the rolled and all-spirited sounds, resembling choral singing, and I thought, not these winged creatures publish them. Reflecting on this phenomenon later, I suggested that the joy of these creatures soaring in heavenly need was so great that they had to publish these sounds - if they did not express their joy in this way, they would simply be able to accommodate it. The sounds were tangible and almost material as raindrops, which, as if casually touch your skin.

In this place, where I was now, hearing and vision did not exist separately. I heard the visible beauty of these sparkling silver creatures in the embroidery and saw the exciting excellent perfection of their joyful songs. It seemed that it was simply impossible to perceive anything and vision, not to get silent with him in some mysterious way.

And once again it is emphasized that now, looking back, I would say that in that world it was really impossible to look at anything, because myself the preposition "on" implies a view from the side, some remoteness from the observation facility, which was not there . Everything was completely distinct and at the same time was part of something else, like some curl in the motley interweaving of the drawing of the Persian carpet or tiny bar in the butterfly wing pattern.

He looked a warm breeze that a slightly pegs on the foliage of the trees was a wonderful summer day and delightly refreshes. Divine Breeze.

I began to mentally ask questions to this breeze - and the Divine Being, which, as I felt, stood after all this or was inside this.

"Where is this place?"

"Why did I get here?"

Every time I silently asked a question, an answer immediately came in the form of flashes of light, color, love and beauty that the waves passed through me. And this is important: these outbreaks did not muffle my questions absorbing them. They answered them, but without words. I perceived these thoughts answers directly, with all my being. But they were different than our thoughts, earthly. These thoughts were tangible - hot fire and wet water - and passed to me at an instant, and I also perceived them without effort. On earth for understanding, I would have left years.

I continued to move forward and found himself in a boundless emptiness, absolutely dark, but at the same time surprisingly cozy and pacifying.

With full darkness, it was full of light emitted, seemed to be a shining ball, whose presence I felt somewhere nearby. The ball was alive and in almost the same tangible, which was the singing of angelic creatures. My position strangely resembled the position of the embryo in the womb. The embryo in the womb is a silent part-selling partentiary, which feeds it and serves as an intermediary in relations with the ubiquitous and yet invisible mother. In this case, the mother was God, the creator, the Divine Beginning - name as you want, the highest creature, which created the universe and everything in it. This creature was so close that I could hardly felt like it. And at the same time, I felt him as something immense and comprehensive, I saw how nullify and small compared to him. In the future, I will often use the word "Ohm", and not the pronoun "he", "she" or "it" to designate God, Allah, Jehovah, Brahma, Vishnu, the Creator and the Divine Beginnas. Ohm - I called God in my initial records after coma; "Ohm" is a word that in my memory has been associated with God. The all-knowing, almighty and unconditionally loving Ohm does not have sex, and no epithet is able to convey its essence.

Theself incomprehensible the immensity, which distinguishes me from Ohm, as I understood, was the reason that I was given a ball in the satellites. Unable to comprehend this, I was still sure that the ball served as a "translator", "mediator" between me and this extraordinary essence surrounding me. As if I were born in the world immeasurably more than our, and the universe itself was a giant cosmic wobby, and the ball (which somehow remained connected with the girl on the wing of a butterfly and who actually was it) led me in this process.

I continued to ask and receive answers. Although the answers were perceived by me not clotheled in words, the "voice" of creatures was affectionate and - I understand that it may seem strange - reflecting his personality. It perfectly understood people and had the qualities inherent in them, but in an immeasurably larger scale. It thoroughly knew me and was filled with feelings, which in my presentation were always associated only with people: it had cordiality, sympathy, understanding, sadness and even irony and humor.

With the help of a bowl, I told me that there is not one, but an incomprehensible set of universes, but the basis of each of them is love. In all universes there is also evil, but only in minor quantities. Evil is necessary, because without it is impossible manifestation of the free will of a person, and without free will there can be no development - there can be no movement forward, without which we will not be able to become such as God wants to see us.

No matter how terrifying and omnipotent, it seemed evil in a world, similar to our, in the picture of the Space World Love has a crushing force and, in the end, triumph.

I saw an abundance of life forms in these innumerable universes, including those whose intelligence was much more developed than human intelligence. I saw that their scale incredibly surpass our universe, but the only possible way to know these quantities is to penetrate one of them and feel them on yourself. Of the smaller space, it is impossible to know or comprehend. In these higher Mirah There are also causes and investigations, but they are outside our earthly understanding. The time and space of our earthly world in the higher worlds are conjugaten with each other in the inseparable and incomprehensible link for us. In other words, these worlds are not quite alien to us, since they are part of the same comprehensive divine essence. From the highest worlds you can get at any time and place of our world.

It will take all my life, if not more to figure out what I learned. Data to me knowledge was not taught, as in the lesson of history or mathematics. Their perception took place directly, they were not necessary to memorize and memorize. Knowledge digested instantly and forever. They are not lost, as it happens with ordinary information, and I still fully own these knowledge - in contrast to the information received at school.

But this does not mean that I can use this knowledge with the same ease. After all, now, returning to our world, I have to skip them through my material brain with its limited features. But they remain with me, I feel their inherent. For a person who, like me, all his life was diligently accumulated knowledge in the traditional way, the discovery of such a high level of training gives food to reflections for whole centuries.

Something pulled me. Not as if someone grabbed hands, and more weak, less significantly. It could be compared with how the mood is immediately changing, it is worth the sun hiding behind the cloud. I went back, flown away from the focus. His shining black darkness was imperceptibly replaced by a green landscape of the gates. Looking down, I saw people, trees, sparkling rivers and waterfalls, and creatures like angels in the sky are still in the sky.

And my companion too turned out to be there. She, of course, was near during my journey in the middlewill, taking the shape of the ball of light. But now I have acquired the image of the girl. She had an old beautiful robe, and seeing her, I experienced the same joy, which child lost in a huge strange city when he suddenly sees a familiar face.

We will show a lot to you, but then you will come back.

This message, probably inspired by me at the entrance to the non-defined darkness of the core, remembered now. Now I already understood what it means "back".

This is a worm country, from where my Odyssey began.

But this time everything was different. Going to the gloomy darkness and already knowing that it is above her, I have not experienced anxiety.

As the magnificent music of the gate pokes, giving way to the pulsating blows of the lower world, I perceived with hearing and vision all his phenomena. So an adult sees a place where he once experienced an inexpressible horror, but now is no longer afraid. The gloomy darkness, pop-up and endangered animal muzzles, descending on top of the roots, intertwined like arteries, no longer inspired fear, since I understood - I understood without words, - that I did not belong to this world, but just visited it.

But why did I get here again?

The answer came as instantly and silent, as in the upper, shining world. This adventure was a kind of excursion, a great overview of the invisible, spiritual side of existence. And as every good luck tour, it included all the floors and levels.

When I returned to the lower kingdom, the peculiar flow of the local time continued. Weak, very remote idea of \u200b\u200bit can be made up, remembering the feeling of time in a dream. After all, in a dream it is very difficult to determine what is "before", and what is "after". You can see a dream and know what will happen next, although not yet experienced. "Time" of the lower kingdom is something, although it must emphasize that there was nothing to do with the confusion of earthly dreams.

How long have I been in the "Underworld" this time? I do not have an accurate view - there is no possibility to measure this time segment. But I know for sure that after returning to the lower world, I could not understand for quite a long time that it was now capable of leading the direction of my movement - that I was not captive at the lower world. Focusing efforts, I could return to the upper spheres. At some point in the duration in the dark depth I really wanted to return the flowing melody. After several attempts to remember the melody and a rotating ball of light, giving it, beautiful music sounded in my mind. The charming sounds pierced a pile of darkness, and I began to climb.

So I discovered that in order to move to the upper world, just something to know and think about it.

The thought of flowing melodies caused her sound and made a desire to be in the higher world. The more I knew about the higher world, the easier it was for me to be there again. During the time I spent out of the body, I developed the ability to dismandly move back-forward, from the muddy darkness of the country of the country in the emerald gates and in black, but the shining darkness of the core. How many times I made such movements, I can't say - again because of the incomprehension of the feeling of time there and we, on earth. But every time you reach the middleness, I moved deeper than before, and learned more and more - without words - the interconnection of everything in the highest worlds.

This does not mean that I have seen something like the whole universe, traveling from the country a worm in the firm. The main thing, every time returning to the focus, I learned a very important lesson - the incomprehensibleness of the entire existing one - neither his physical, that is, visible, side, nor the spiritual, that is, invisible (which is immeasurably more physical), not to mention the infinite multitude of other universes, that exist or ever existed.

But all this did not matter, because I already knew the only important truth. The first time I received this knowledge from the beautiful companion on the butterfly wing in my first appearance at the gate. Knowledge it was invested in me three silent phrases:

"They love you and shuffle."

"You have nothing to fear."

"You can't do anything wrong."

If you express them with one sentence, it turns out:

"You love."

And if you cut this sentence to one word, it turns out, naturally:


Undoubtedly, love is the basis of everything. Not any abstract, incredible, ghostly love, and the most ordinary, familiar love - the same love, with what we look at my wife and for children and even on our pets. In the most pure and powerful form, this love is not jealous, not selfish, but unconditional and absolute. This is the most primary, incomprehensibly blissful truth that lives and breathes in the heart of everything that exists and will exist. And a person who does not know this love and not investing it in all his actions, is not able to even remotely understand who he and why lives.

Say, not a very scientific approach? Sorry, but I do not agree with you. Nothing is unable to convince me that this is not only the only one most important truth in the entire universe, but also the only most important scientific fact.

For several years now, I meet and talking with those who study or survived the experience of clinical death. And I know that among them the concept of "unconditional, absolute love" is very common. How many are able to understand what it really means?

Why is this concept applied so often? Because many people saw and survived what I am. But, like me, they did not have enough words on our earthly world, it was words to convey the feeling that words to express simply unable. It's like trying to write a novel using only part of the alphabet.

The main difficulty, with which most of these people faces, is not to adapt to the limitations of earthly existence again - although it is quite difficult, - and in the fact that it is incredibly difficult to convey, what is really the love they have learned there, upstairs

In the depths of the soul, we already know it. As Dorothy from the "Wizard of Oz" can always return home, we have the opportunity to restore our connection with this idyllic world. We simply do not remember about it, since in the phase of our physical existence, the brain blocks, hides the unlimited space world to which we belong as in the morning the light of the rising sun overshadows the stars. Imagine what scarce, limited would be our idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe if we never saw the night sky in the stars.

We see only what allows us to see the filtering brain. The brain is especially his left hemisphere, which is responsible for the logical thinking and speech possession, which generates a sense of common sense and a clear feeling of his "me," is a barrier on the path of higher knowledge and experience.

I am sure that the critical moment of our existence is currently coming. It is necessary to restore most of this hidden knowledge from us, while we live on Earth, while our brain (including left, analytical hemisphere) fully function. The science, which I devoted so many years of life, does not contradict what I learned there at the top. But too many still do not think so, because members of the scientific community, who have become hostages of materialistic view, stubbornly stubbornly, that science and spirituality cannot coexist.

They are mistaken. That is why I am writing this book. It is necessary to notify people about the ancient, but extremely important truth. Compared to it, all other episodes of my story are secondary - I mean the mysteriousness of the disease, how I had a consciousness in a different measurement for a weekly coma and how I managed to recover and completely restore all the functions of the brain.

The first time being in the country of the worm, I did not realize myself, did not know who I am that I was and even if I was. I am there a tiny point of consciousness in viscous, black and muddy something, which seemed to have no end, nor began.

However, then I realized myself, I understood that I belong to God and that nothing - absolutely nothing - unable to take it away from me. Fear (false) that we can somehow separate from God, is the cause of all and all sorts of fears in the universe, and the medicine from them - I received initially in the gates and finally in the centers - it was clear, confident understanding that nothing and never Can not separate us with God. This knowledge is - it remains the only important fact that I've ever learned - deprived the country of horror worm and allowed us to see her as it was: not very pleasant, but the necessary part of the universe.

Many, like me, visited the highest world, but most of them, being out of the earth's body, remembered who they are. They knew their name and did not forget that they would live on Earth. They realized that their relatives are waiting for their return. Many many have met the deceased friends and relatives there, and they immediately recognized them.

The surviving clinical death was told that the paintings of their lives were held in front of them, they saw good and bad actions that committed themselves.

I have not experienced anything like it, and if you analyze all these stories, it becomes clear that my clinical death case is unusual. I was completely independent of my terrestrial body and personality, which contradicts typical phenomena of clinical death.

I understand what to say that I did not know who I came from where I came from, somewhat strange. In the end, as I could recognize all these incredibly complex and wonderful things, as I could see a girl, blooming trees, waterfalls and villages next to him, and at the same time not to realize that all this was tested by me, Eben Alexander? How could I understand all this, but do not remember that I was a doctor on earth, doctor, had a wife and children? A man who saw trees, rivers and clouds is not for the first time, being in the gates, and many times since childhood, when he grew up in a very concrete and earthly place, in the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

The best thing I can assume as an explanation is that I was in a state of partial, but gracious amnesia. That is, I forgot about myself some important facts, but only won from this short forgetfulness.

What did I won the fact that I forgot myself, earthly? This allowed me entirely to completely penetrate the worlds under the limits of our world, and do not worry about what remains behind. All the time of your stay in other worlds I was a soul, which is nothing to lose. I did not give up my homeland, did not grieve about lost people. I got out of nowhere and did not have the past, so with full tranquility perceived the circumstances in which it turned out to be, even an original dark and disgusting country worm.

And since I absolutely forgot my death personality, I was given full access to the real space soul, which I really am, like all of us. Once again, I will say that in a sense, my experience can be compared with a dream, in which you remember something about yourself, and something you will forget. And yet, this analogy is only partly in part, because - I do not get tired of reminding - both the gates, and the focus is not in the least imaginary, illusory, but, on the contrary, are extremely real, truly existing. It seems that the lack of memory of me about earthly life during your stay in the highest worlds was deliberate. Exactly. Risching too simplify the problem, I will say: I was allowed to die as it would be more finally and irretrievably and penetrated into a different reality deeper than the majority of patients who have undergone clinical death.

Acquaintance with extensive literature on the experience of clinical death was very important for understanding my travel during coma. I don't want to seem some kind of special and self-confident, but I will say that my experience was truly peculiar and specific and thanks to him now, three years later, reading the mountains of literature, I know for sure that the penetration of higher worlds is a phased process and requires that The man was freed from all the attacities that had before.

I was easy to do this, because I had any earthly memories, and the only time I experienced pain and longing when I had to return to the ground, where I began my journey.

Most of the modern scientists adhere to the opinions that human consciousness is digital information, that is, almost the same kind of information that the computer processes. Although some particles of this information are, for example, observation of the pictorial sunset, the hearing of an excellent symphony, even love - may seem very serious and specially compared to other countless particles stored in our brain, in fact this is an illusion. Qualitatively all particles are the same. Our brain forms an external reality, processing the information that receives from the senses from the organs, and transforming it into a rich digital carpet. But our sensations are just a model of reality, and not the reality itself. Illusion.

Of course, I also adhered to this point of view. I remember, even in a medical school I had to hear the arguments in favor of the opinion that consciousness was nothing more than a very complex computer program. The debaters argued that ten billion neurons of the brain, abiding in constant excitation, are able to provide consciousness and memory throughout the human life.

To understand how the brain can block us access to knowledge about the highest worlds, you need to admit - at least hypothetically, that the brain itself does not produce consciousness. That, rather, he is a kind of safety valve or lever, for the time of our earthly life, the switching high, "non-physical" consciousness, which we possess in the non-physical worlds, to lower, with limited abilities. From an earthly point of view there is a certain meaning. All the time of wakefulness, the brain works intensively, selecting the material that is necessary for a person coming into it in the flow of sensory information, and therefore the loss of memory that we are only temporarily located on Earth, allows us to live more effectively "here and now." Habitual life and so gives us too much information, which you need to absorb and use yourself for the benefit, and the constant memory of the worlds outside of earthly life would only slow down our development. If we had already had all the amount of information about the spiritual world, it would be even harder to live on Earth. This does not mean that we should not think about it, but if we are too sharply aware of its grandiosity and immensity, it may adversely affect our behavior in earthly life. From the point of view of the great plan (and now I know for sure that the universe is the great idea) a person who endowed with the will, would not be so important to take the right decision in the face of evil and injustice, if, living on earth, he would remember the whole charm and the magnificence of the awaiting His higher world.

Why am I sure so? For two reasons. First, it was shown me (creatures that learn me in the gates and in the middlewill). Secondly, I really experienced it. Being outside the body, I got knowledge about the nature and structure of the Universe, which is above my comprehension. And I received it mainly because, not remembering my earthly life, it was able to perceive this knowledge. Now that I am again on Earth and realize my physical essence, the seeds of this knowledge about the higher worlds are hidden from me again. And yet they are, I feel their presence. IN earthly world We will need years so that these seeds give shoots. More precisely, I will need years to understand my mortal physical brain all that I am so easily and quickly learned in the highest world, where the brain did not exist. And yet I am sure that if I will work hard, knowledge will open further.

I say a little that there is a huge abyss between our modern scientific idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe and the reality I have seen. I still love physics and cosmology, with former interest I study our immense and wonderful universe. But now I have a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat "immense" and "wonderful" means. The physical side of the Universe is a dust compared to its invisible spiritual component. Previously, during scientists, I did not use the word "spiritual", and now I think that we will not avoid this word in any way.

From the shining center, I received a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we call "Dark Energy" or "Dark Substance", as well as about other, fiest fiction components of the universe, to which people will destroy their toastful mind only through many centuries.

But this does not mean that I am able to explain my views. Paradoxically, but I myself still try to realize them. Perhaps the best way to convey some of my experience is to say that I have a premonition that a large number of people will receive access to even more important and extensive knowledge. Now attempts to any explanations can be compared with the way if chimpanzees, for one day turned into a person and gained access to all the wonders of human knowledge, and then returned to his relatives, wanted to tell them what it means to speak several foreign languages, What is the calculus and the immense scale of the universe.

There, at the top, it was worth the question, as the answer immediately appeared, as if a bloomed flower. As in the universe, no physical particle exists separately from the other, in the same way there is no question in it without a response. And these answers were not in the form of a brief "yes" or "no". These were widely detailed concepts, stunning structures of live thoughts, complex as cities. The ideas are so extensive that they can not be argued with earthly thought. But I was not limited to it. There I dropped her limits, like a butterfly drops my cocoon and choose the light of God.

I saw the earth with a pale blue dot in an endless black of physical space. I was given to know that good and evil was mixed on Earth and that this is one of its unique properties. Good on Earth is more than evil, but evil is given a lot of power, which is absolutely unacceptable at the highest level of existence. The fact that the evil sometimes will take the top, it was known to the Creator and admitted to them as the necessary investigation of the human freedom of will.

The tiny particles of evil are scattered throughout the universe, but the total amount of evil is similar to one sandstone of the huge sandy coast compared with good, abundance, hope and unconditional love, which literally misses the universe. The very essence of the alternative measurement is love and benevolence, and everything that does not contain these qualities, it immediately rushes into the eyes and seems inappropriate.

But freedom of will is given by the price of loss or falling out of this comprehensive love and benevolence. Yes, we are free people, but surrounded by the medium that makes you feel incomparable. The presence of free will is incredibly important for our role in the earth's reality - the role from which - once we all find out - to a great extent depends on whether we will be allowed to agree to an alternative timeless measurement.

Our life on Earth may seem insignificant because it is too short compared to eternal life and other worlds that are full of visible and invisible universes. However, it is also incredibly important, since the person is intended here to grow, rise to God, and behind this growth carefully observe the creatures from the upper world - the souls and glowing balls (those creatures that I saw highly above me in the gates and which, I think, are the source of our idea of \u200b\u200bangels).

In fact, we make a choice between good and evil as spiritual creatures, temporarily inhabited by our evolution developed mortal bodies, derivatives of land and earthly circumstances. This thinking is not born in the brain. But we are so accustomed - partly the brain itself - associate it with your thoughts and awareness of your "I", which has lost an understanding of the fact that it is more than just a physical body, including the brain, and should exercise our destination.

Present thinking began long before the emergence of the physical world. It is this ancient, the subconscious thinking responsibly for all the decisions we accept. This thinking is not subject to logical constructions, but rapidly and purposefully operates with an innumerable set of information at all levels and instantly issues the only correct decision. Compared to spiritual mind, our usual thinking is hopelessly timidly and nervous. It is precisely this ancient thinking that allows you to intercept the ball in the gate zone, manifests itself in scientific insights or an essay of an inspired hymn. The subconscious thinking is always manifested at the most necessary moment, but we often lose access to it, faith in it.

In order to know the thinking without the participation of the brain, it is necessary to be in the world of instant, spontaneous connections, compared with which ordinary thinking is hopelessly inhibited and bulky. Our deep and true "I" is completely free. It is not spoiled and not compromised by past actions is not concerned about its identity and status. It understands that it is not worth afraid of the earthly world, and therefore there is no need to rise like a glory, wealth or victory. This "I" is truly spiritually, and one day we all destined to resurrect him in themselves. But I am convinced that until this day has come, we must do everything from us to restore the connection with this miraculous entity to bring up and identify it. This entity is a soul that dwells in our physical body, and she is as what God wants to see us.

But how to develop your spirituality? Only through love and compassion. Why? Because love and compassion are not abstract concepts, which often consider them. They are real and tangible. They are exactly the essence itself, the basis of the spiritual world. To return to it, we must again rise to it - even now, while we are tied to earthly life and with difficulty doing our earthly path.

Thinking about God or Allah, Vishnu, Jehovah or how you like to call the source of absolute power, the creator who rules the universe, people make one of the greatest mistakes - represent Oma impassive. Yes, God stands behind the numbers, for the perfection of the Universe, which science measures and captures comprehend. But - another paradox - Om is humane, much more humane than we are with you. Om understands and deeply sympathizes to our situation, because I know what we forgot, and understand how terribly and hard live, even for a moment forgetting about God.

My consciousness became wider, as if he perceived the whole universe. Have you had to listen to music on the radio accompanied by atmospheric noises and cracklers? You are accustomed to this, considering that otherwise can not be. But someone set up a receiver to the desired wave, and the same play suddenly acquired an amazingly distinct and complete sound. You are striking how you did not notice the interference before.

Such is the adaptability of the human body. I have not yet been explained to the patients that the feeling of discomfort will weaken when their brain and the whole organism will be accustomed to a new situation. If something happens long enough, then the brain gets used to ignore it or just perceive as normal.

But our limited terrestrial consciousness is far from normal, and I received the first confirmation of this by penetrating the middle-eyed in the heart. The lack of my memory about the earthly past did not make me a minor insignificance. I realized and remembered who I was there. I was a citizen of the Universe, shocked her infinity and complexity and led by only love.

Ultimately, no man is an orphan. We all are in the same position in which I was. That is, each of us has a different family, the creation that we watch us and care about us, the creation of which we forgot about, but who, if we open it, are always ready to send us in our life on Earth. There is no man who would unloved. Each of us deeply knows and loves the creator, tirelessly baked about us. This knowledge should not continue to remain mystery.

Every time I again turned out to be in a dark worm country, I managed to recall the wonderful flowing melody, opening access to the gate and the focus. I spent a lot of time - which was strangely felt like his absence - in the society of my guardian angel on the butterfly wing and the whole eternity absorbed knowledge emanating from the creator and the ball of light in the depths of the core.

At some point, approaching the gates, I discovered that I could not enter into them. The flowing melody - formerly my pass to the higher worlds - no longer led me there. The gates of Paradise were closed.

How to describe what I felt? Recall cases when you experienced disappointment. So, all our earthly disappointments are in facts are variations in the only important loss - the loss of paradise. On that day, when the gates of Paradise closed in front of me, I experienced a non-comparable, inexpressive bitterness and sadness. Although there, in the highest world, there are all human emotions, they are incredibly deeper and stronger, more comprehensive - they, so to speak, not only inside you, but also outside. Imagine that every time you have here, on Earth, the mood changes, then the weather changes with it. What your tears cause powerful shower, and the clouds instantly disappear from your joy. This will give you a distant idea of \u200b\u200bhow large-scale and efficiently there is a change in mood. As for our concepts "inside" and "outside", then there they simply do not appear, because there is no such separation.

In short, I plunged into infinite grief, which was accompanied by a decline. I descended through huge layered clouds. A whisper was heard around, but I did not disassemble words. Then I realized that the cranked creatures surround me, which form the stretching distance alone at the other arches. Remembering this now, I understand that they did these barely visible and felt Suns of Angels, a chain stretched in the dark up and down.

They prayed for me.

Two of them had faces that I remembered later. These were Michael Sullivan and his wife Page. I saw them only in the profile, but when I could say again, I immediately called them. Michael was present in my ward, incessantly reading prayers, but Paige did not appear there (although also prayed for me).

These prayers gave me strength. Perhaps, therefore, no matter how bitter I was, I felt strange confidence that everything would be fine. These disembodied creatures knew that I worry moving, and sang and prayed to support me. I was carried in an unknown, but by this time I already knew that I would no longer be alone. This was promised me my beautiful companion on the butterfly wing and an infinitely loving God. I firmly knew that, wherever he had headed, Paradise will be with me in the form of the creator, Oma, and in the image of my angel - a girl on the butterfly wing.

I went back, but I was not alone - and knew that I would never feel alone anymore.

When I plunged into the country worm, then, as always, the muddy dirt appeared, not animal muzzles, and the faces of people. And these people obviously said something. True, I could not disassemble words.

When my descent was done, I could not call any of them by name. I just knew, rather, I felt that for some reason they were very important to me.

To one of these individuals I especially attracted me. It began to attract me. Suddenly, some kind of impulse, seemed reflected on the whole dance of the clouds and praying angels, by whom I came down, I realized that the angels of the gate and the core - whom I seem to love forever - were not the only creatures familiar to me. I knew and loved creatures under me - in the world to which I quickly approached. Creatures that did not remember at all until that moment.

This awareness focused on six faces, especially on one of them. It was very close and familiar. With surprise and almost fear, I realized that this face belonged to a person I really need. That this person never recovers if I leave. If I leave him, he will be unbearable to suffer from loss, as I suffered when the gates of Paradise closed in front of me. It would be a betrayal that I could not commit.

Up to this point I was free. I traveled through the worlds calmly and carelessly, completely without taking care of these people. But I was not intended. Even, being in the focus, I have not experienced any alarming and guilt for lefting them down. The first thing I learned when I flew with a girl on the wing of a butterfly, there was a thought: "You can't do anything wrong."

But now it was different. So otherwise, the first time for the whole trip I experienced a real horror - not for myself, and for these six, especially for this person. I could not say who he was, but knew that he was very important to me.

His face acquired increasingly distinctness, and finally I saw that it was - that is, he prays that I would return, I was not afraid to make a dangerous descent to the lower world to be with him again. I still did not disassemble his words, but somehow I realized that I had a deposit in this lower world.

This meant that I was back. I had connections here that I had to respect. The clearer, the face that attracted me, the more distinct I realized my duty. Approaching even more, I learned this face.

The face of a little boy.

All my relatives, doctors and nurses fled to me. They looked at me all her eyes, literally lost the gift of speech, and I calmly and happily smiled at him.

All right! - I said, all glowing joy. I was brought in their face, aware of the divine miracle of our existence. "Don't worry, everything is fine," I repeated, soothing them.

Two days I was cracked skydayving, airplanes and the Internet, referring to those who listened to me. While my brain was restored, I was immersed in a strange and painfully abnormal universe. I was worth it to close my eyes, as I was started to overcome the unknown from where the horrible "Internet messages" Sometimes, when my eyes were open, they arose on the ceiling. Closing my eyes, I heard a monotonous cross, strangely resembling chants, which usually disappeared immediately as soon as I revealed them again. I all poked my finger into the space, as if by pressing the keys, trying to work on the computer floating past me with the Russian and Chinese keyboard.

In short, I was like wasted.

Everything was a little reminded the country of the worm, only more terrible, because in everything I saw and heard, scraps of my earthly past burst. (I recognized the members of my family, even if I could not remember their names.)

But at the same time, my visions lacked the striking clarity and vibrating liveliness - reality in the highest sense - the gates and the focus.

I definitely returned to my brain.

Despite the first moment of visible complete consciousness, when I first discovered my eyes, soon I again lost my memory about my human life to coma. I remembered only about those places where I just visited: about a gloomy and disgusting country worm, idyllic gates and the paradise of the blissful centers. My mind is my present "I" - again jumped, returning to the too close physical form of existence with its spatial-temporal boundaries, straight thinking and scarce verbal communication. Just a week ago, I thought that it was the only possible type of existence, but now it seemed to me incredibly poor and non-free.

Gradually hallucinations left and my thinking became more reasonable, and the speech is more clear. Two days later I was transferred to the neurological department.

As the temporarily blocked brain became increasingly included in the work, I was surprised to watch what I am saying and do, and amazed: How does it work?

After a few more days, I already looked around with people who visited me. And it did not require great efforts on my part. Like a plane, driven autopilot, my brain led me at an ever more familiar route of my earthly life. So I was convinced of my own experience that I was known as neurosurgeon: the brain is truly a striking mechanism.

The day after the day I was returned to me more and more than my "I", as well as speech, memory, recognition, a tendency to mischief, which is peculiar to me.

Already then I understood one immutable fact, which soon had to realize the rest. Whatever experts or non-neurology thinking in neurology, I was no longer sick, my brain was not damaged. I was completely healthy. Moreover, although at that moment I knew only me, - for the first time in my whole life I was really healthy.

A professional memory came back little to me.

Once in the morning I woke up and found that I had again possess all the volume of scientific and medical knowledge, which I did not feel on the eve. It was one of the strangest aspects of my experience: opening his eyes, feel that all the results of my learning and practice returned to me.

While the knowledge of the neurosurgeon returned to me, the memory of what happened to me during the stay outside the body, also remained completely clear and alive. Events that took place out of earthly reality caused me a feeling of incredible happiness with which I woke up. And this blissful state did not leave me. Of course, I was very happy to be with your loved one. But it was added to this joy - I will try to explain this as clearly as possible - an understanding of who I am and in what world we live.

I defeated stubbornly - and naive - the desire to tell about it, especially my colleagues - doctors. After all, what I survived, completely changed my understanding of the brain, consciousness, even understanding the meaning of life. It would seem who will refuse to listen to such discoveries?

As it turned out, very many, especially people with medical education.

Do not get me wrong - the doctors were very happy for me.

It is wonderful, Eben, "they said, as I previously answered my patients who tried to tell me about otherworldly experience, would experience them, for example, during surgery. - You were very seriously sick. Your brain was full of pus. We still do not believe that you are with us and tell about it. You know yourself, in what condition the brain is when it comes to so far.

But how can I blame them? After all, I would not understand this - before.

The more my ability to scientifically think, the more clearly I saw how radically my former scientific and practical knowledge was diverged with what I learned, the more I understood that the mind and soul continue to exist after the death of the physical body. I had to tell my story to the world.

The following few weeks passed the same way. I woke up in two hours - two and a half and tested such joy from one consciousness, which is alive that he immediately got up. Mills in the Cabinet Fireplace, I sat in my favorite leather chair and wrote. I remembered all the details of the journey to the focus and from it and all the learned lessons capable of changing life. Although the word "recalled" is not entirely true. These paintings were present in me, living and distinct.

The day came when I finally wrote down everything that could, the slightest details about the country worm, gates and the centers.

Very quickly, I realized that in our time, and in the distant century, what I experienced, was experiencing countless people. The stories about the black tunnel or the gloomy valley, to change which was a bright and lively landscape - absolutely real - existed in times Ancient Greece and Egypt. Stories about angelic creatures - Sometimes with wings, sometimes without them - there were at least from the ancient Middle East, as well as the idea that these creatures were guardians who watched the lives of people on earth and met the souls of these people when those left her. The ability to simultaneously see in all directions; The feeling that you are outside the linear time is out of all that I used to consider it determining human life; the ability to hear music resembling the sacred hymns that were perceived there by the whole being, and not just ears; Direct transmission and instant learning of knowledge, for understanding which there would be a lot of time and effort on Earth; Feeling inclusive and unconditional love ...

Again and again, in modern confessions and in the spiritual writings of the early centuries, I felt like a narrator literally fighting the limited of the earthly language, wanting to fully transfer my experience as much as possible, and I saw that he could not succeed.

And, getting acquainted with these unsuccessful attempts to choose words and our earthly images to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe immense depth and inexpressible magnificence of the universe, I exclaimed in the shower: "Yes, yes! I understand what you wanted to say! "

All these books and materials that existed before my experience, I have never seen before. I emphasize, not only did not read, but I have not seen my eyes. After all, before, I did not think about the possibility of the existence of some part of our "I" after the physical death of the body. I was typical, attentive to my patient doctor, although skeptically referred to their "Rosskaznam." And I can say that most skeptics are in fact not at all. Because before denying a phenomenon or refute any point of view, it is necessary to seriously study them. I, like other doctors, did not consider it necessary to spend time on the study of the experience of clinical death. I just knew that he was impossible that he could not be.

From a medical point of view, my complete recovery seemed completely impossible and was a real miracle. But the main thing is where I visited ...

I vividly remembered about the stay outside the body and, being in the church, where I had no particularly enthusiastically, I saw the pictures and heard the music that caused the sensations experienced already. Low rhythmic chants shook a dark worm countryside. Mosaic windows with angels in the clouds resembled the heavenly beauty of the gate. The image of Jesus, refracting bread with his students, caused a bright feeling of communion to the focus. I shuddered, remembering the bliss of endless unconditional love, which he knew in the higher world.

Finally, I realized that such a true faith. Or, at least what it should be. I did not just believed in God; I knew Ohm. And I slowly headed towards the altar to compete, and could not keep tears.

It took about two months to finally returned all my scientific and practical knowledge. Of course, the very fact of their return is a real miracle. Until now, in medical practice there is no analogue to my case: so that the brain, the long period is under a powerful destructive action of the gram-negative bacterium E. coli, fully restored all its functions. So, relying on the newly acquired knowledge, I tried to comprehend a deep contradiction between all that I learned over the forty years of study and practices about the human brain, about the universe and about the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200breality, and what experienced in seven days of the comatose state. Before the sudden disease, I was an ordinary doctor who worked in the most prestigious scientific institutes of the world and trying to understand the relationship between the brain and consciousness. Not that I did not believe in consciousness. I just understood the unlikely that it exists regardless of the brain and in general!

In the 1920s, the physicist Werner Geisenberg and other founders of quantum mechanics, studying atom, committed such an unusual discovery that the world is still trying to comprehend him. Namely: during the scientific experiment, an alternate action arises between the observer and the observed object, that is, the connection, and it is impossible to separate the observer (that is, a scientist) from what he sees. In everyday life, we do not take into account this factor. For us, the universe is filled with a countless set of isolated, individual objects (for example, tables and chairs, people and planets), which somehow interact with each other, but it remains, in fact, separate. However, if you look from the point of view of quantum theory, this universe of separately existing items turns out to be a complete illusion. In the world of microscopic particles, each object of the physical universe ultimately is associated with all other objects. In fact, there are no objects in the world - only energy vibrations and interactions.

The point of this is obvious, although not for everyone. Without attracting consciousness it was impossible to study the very essence of the universe itself. Consciousness is not at all a secondary product of physical processes (as I thought to my experience) and not just really exists - it is even more realistic than all other physical objects, but it is likely - is their basis. However, these views have not yet been based on the ideas of scientists about reality. Many of them are trying to do this, but the combined physico-mathematical "theory of total" has not yet been built, which would combine the laws of quantum mechanics with the laws of the theory of relativity in such a way that it includes consciousness.

All objects of the physical universe consist of atoms. Atoms consist of protons, electrons and neutrons. Those, in turn (as established physics at the beginning of the 20th century), consist of microparticles. And microparticles consist of ... In truth, while physicists do not know exactly what they consist of.

But they know for sure that in the Universe, each particle is connected with the other. All of them are interconnected at the deepest level.

Until Ox, I had the most general idea of \u200b\u200bthese scientific ideas. My life flowed in the atmosphere of a modern city with a dense car movement and multiple living quarters, in hard work at the operating table and anxiety for patients. So, even if these facts of atomic physics were reliable, they did not affect my daily life.

But when I escaped from my physical body, I fully opened the deepest relationship between all existing in the universe. I even consider myself entitled to say that, being in the gates and in the focus, "worked out", although at that time I didn't think about it. Science, which is based on the most accurate and complex instrument of scientific knowledge, which we have, namely, the consciousness as such.

The more I thought about my experience, the more I was convinced that my discovery was not just interesting and exciting. It was scientific. The presentation of my interlocutors was about the consciousness was two types: some considered his greatest mystery to science, others did not see the problems here. Surprisingly, some scientists adhere to the last point of view. They believe that consciousness is just a product of biological processes occurring in the brain. Someone goes even further, arguing that it is not only secondary, but it simply does not exist. However, many advanced scientists engaged in philosophy of consciousness will not agree with them. Over the past decades, they had to recognize the presence of a "difficult problem of consciousness". The first of his idea about the "difficult problem of consciousness" outlined in the brilliant work of 1996 "Conscious mind" David Chalmers. The "difficult problem of consciousness" affects the very existence of mental experience and can be briefly expressed in the following issues:

How are the consciousness and functioning brain related?

How does consciousness relate to behavior?

How does sensual experience correlated with real reality?

These questions are so difficult that, according to some thinkers, modern science is unable to give an answer to them. However, this problem of consciousness does not become less important - to understand the nature of consciousness means to understand the meaning of his incredibly serious role in the universe.

Over the past four hundred years, the main role in the knowledge of the world was assigned to the science that studied exclusively the physical side of things and phenomena. And this led to the fact that we have lost interest and approaches to the deepest riddle of the basis of existence - to our consciousness. Many scientists argue that the ancient religions perfectly understood the nature of consciousness and thoroughly protected this knowledge from the uninitiated. But our secular culture in its worship before the strength of modern science and technologies neglected the precious experience of the past.

For the progress of Western civilization, humanity paid a huge price in the form of loss of the most base of existence - our spirit. The greatest scientific discoveries and high technologies led to catastrophic consequences, which are modern military strategies, meaningless killing of people and suicide, sick city, environmental damage, sharp climate change, improper use of economic resources. All this is terrible. But even worse, the fact that the exceptional value that we attach the rapid development of science and technology will take the meaning and the joy of life, deprives us of the opportunity to understand our role in the great plan of all the universe.

It is difficult to answer questions relating to the soul, other life, reincarnation, God and Paradise, using generally accepted scientific terms. After all, science believes that all this is simply no. Similarly, stubbornly cannot be solved with the help of "standard" scientific methods such phenomena of consciousness as a vision at a distance, extrasensory perception, telecision, clairvoyance, telepathy and foresight. I myself doubted the coma myself in the accuracy of these phenomena, because I never experienced them personally, and my simplified scientific worldview could not give them an explanation.

Like other skeptics scientists, I refused to even consider information about these phenomena - due to persistent prejudice against the information itself and those from whom it proceeded. My limited glances did not allow me to catch even a weak hint on how these things could happen. Despite the huge number of evidence of the phenomenon of expanded consciousness, skeptics deny their evidence in nature and intentionally ignore them. They are confident that they have true knowledge, so they do not need to take into account such facts.

We are seduced by the idea that the scientific knowledge of the world is rapidly approaching the creation of a joint physico-mathematical theory, explaining all the well-known fundamental interactions in which there is no place for our soul, spirit, paradise and God. My journey during the coma from the earthly physical world into the top habitats of the Almighty Creator exposed an incredibly deep abyss between human knowledge and inspiring the reverence of God's kingdom.

Consciousness is so habitual and inherently connected with our existence, which still remains incomprehensible to the human mind. In the physics of the material world (in quarks, electrons, photons, atoms, etc.) and especially in the complex structure of the brain there is nothing that would give us at least the slightest hint of the nature of consciousness.

The most important key to understanding the reality of the spiritual world is the rays of the deepest mystery of our consciousness. This mystery is still not amenable to efforts of physicists and neurobiologists, and therefore the unknown and deep relationship remains between consciousness and quantum mechanics, that is, all of the physical world.

To know the universe, it is necessary to recognize the fundamental role of consciousness in the presentation of reality. Experiments in quantum mechanics were struck by the brilliant founders of this field of physics, many of which (enough to name Werner Geisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bora, Erwin Schrödinger, Sir James Jeans) in search of the answer turned to a mystical look at the world.

As for me, outside the physical world, I opened the indescribable hugeness and complexity of the universe, as well as an indisputable fact, which is based on the entire existing consciousness. I was so merged with him that it often did not feel the differences between my "me" and the world in which I moved. If I had to briefly describe my discoveries, then, first, I would noted that the universe is immeasurably more than it seems when we look at directly visible objects. This, of course, is not news, since traditional science recognizes that 96 percent of the universe is "dark matter and energy".

What are these dark structures? While no one is definitely known. My experience is unique in that I instantly learned the knowledge of the leading role of consciousness, or spirit. And the knowledge was not theoretical, but actual, exciting and tangible, as the blow of the cold wind on the face. Secondly, we all are extremely complex and inseparable associated with a huge universe. She is our real house. And to give the main importance to the physical world - it is like closing in a close closet and imagine that there is nothing behind his doors. And thirdly, the key role in the understanding of the primaryness of the consciousness and the secondaryness of matter plays faith. I still have a medical student, I often amazed placebo strength. We were explained that about 30 percent of the benefits of medicines should be attributed to the faith of the patient in the fact that they would help him, even if it is completely inert drugs. Instead of seeing the hidden strength of faith and understand its influence on our health, the doctors saw the glass "half blank", that is, considered a placebo interference in determining the benefits of the under study.

In the center of the riddle of quantum mechanics lies a false idea of \u200b\u200bour place in space and time. The rest of the universe, that is, an outstanding part of it, not really removed from us in space. Yes, the physical space seems real, but at the same time has its limits. The dimensions of the physical universe are nothing compared to the spiritual world that gave it, the world of consciousness (which can be called the power of love).

This other universe is unbelongable exceeding physical, not at all separated from us distant spaces, as it seems to us. In fact, we all are in it - I am in my city, printing these lines, and you have at home reading them. It is not removed from us in a physical sense, but simply exists on another frequency. We are not aware of this, because most of us are not available frequency on which she detects themselves. We exist on the scale of the usual time and space, the limits of which are determined by the imperfection of our sensual perception of reality that other scales are not available.

The ancient Greeks understood it a long time ago, and I just discovered what they had already identified: "Explain this similar." The universe is arranged in such a way that for a true understanding of any of its measurements and levels, it is necessary to become part of this dimension. Or, expressing more precisely, you need to realize your identity of that part of the universe to which you already belong to what you do not suspect.

The universe has no beginning, no end, and God (OM) is present in each of its particle. Most reasoning about God and the highest spiritual world give them to our level, and does not attract our consciousness on their height.

Our imperfect interpretation distorts their true essence, worthy of reverence.

But although the existence of the Universe is forever and infinitely, it has punctuation moments, intended to cause people to life and give them the opportunity to participate in the glory of God. The big explosion, placed the beginning of our universe, was one of these "punctuation marks."

Ohm looked at it from the outside, covering everything with his gaze, they created, inaccessible even by my large-scale vision in the highest worlds. To see there meant to know. There was no difference between the sensual perception of objects and phenomena and the understanding of their essence.

"I was blind, but now I was clear," this phrase acquired a new meaning for me, when I understood how we, earthlings, blind to the creative nature of the spiritual universe. Especially those of us (they also belonged to them) who are confident that the main thing is matter, yet the rest - thoughts, consciousness, ideas, emotions, spirit - only its derivative.

This revelation literally wondered me, it gave me the opportunity to see the infinite heights of spiritual unity and what awaits us all when we go beyond our physical body.

Humor. Irony, Paphos. I always thought that people developed these qualities to survive in a frequently difficult and unfair earthly world. Partly this is true. But at the same time, they give us an understanding of the truth that, no matter how hard it was necessary for us in this world, suffering will not affect us as spiritual creatures. Laughter and irony remind us that we are not prisoners of this world, but only pass through it, like through the dense and full danger of the forest.

Another aspect of the good news is that in order to look at the mysterious veil, the person does not necessarily be on the verge between life and death. You just need to read books and attend lectures on spiritual life, and at the end of the day with the help of prayer or meditation to plunge into our subconsciousness to access the supreme truths.

As my consciousness was individual and at the same time, it was also narrowing from the universe, then it was frightened, it was expanding, covering everything in the universe. The boundaries between my consciousness and the surrounding reality sometimes became so as if asked and vague that I myself became the universe. Otherwise, this can be expressed as: at times I felt my complete identity with the universe, which was inherent from me, but which I did not understand until then.

To explain the state of consciousness at this deep level, I often resort to a chicken egg. During his stay in the fownt, when I was one with a luminous ball and the whole incredibly grand universe and eventually stayed alone with God, I clearly felt that he, like the creation of the original aspect, compare with the shell around the contents of the eggs that are intimately connected ( As our consciousness is a direct continuation of God), and still infinitely higher than absolute identification with the consciousness of its creation. Even when my "I" merged with everything with eternity, I felt that I could not become fully fused with the creative beginning of the creator of all things. For the deepest and penetrating unity, duality was still felt. Perhaps such a tangible duality is a consequence of the desire to return an extended consciousness in the boundaries of our earthly reality.

I did not hear the voice of Ohm, did not see his appearance. I seemed to talk with me through thoughts, which, like the waves, rolled through me, caused vibrations in the surrounding world and proved that there is a more subtle cloth of existence - a fabric, part of which we are all, but which we usually do not realize.

So did I communicate directly with God? Of course. It sounds pretentious, but then it did not seem like that. I felt that the soul of any human being was able to communicate with God, and that we were all able to live righteously if we pray or resort to meditation. It is impossible to imagine anything more sublime and sacred than communication with God, and at the same time this is the most natural act, for God is always with us. Overall, almighty and loving us without any conditions and reservations. We are all connected by the Holy Communications with God.

I understand that there will be people who try to devalue my experience in any way; Someone will simply dismiss him, refusing to see in it scientific value, considering it just a hot delirium and fantasy.

But I better know. For those who live on Earth, and for those with whom I met outside this world, I consider my duty - the duty of a scientist, aspiring to get to the truth, and the duty of a doctor, designed to help people, - to say that I experienced to be genuine And hereby, it is fulfilled with great importance. This is important not only for me, but also for all mankind.

I, as before, a scientist and doctor and therefore is obliged to honor the truth and to do people. And this means - to tell your story. As time goes, I am increasingly convinced that this story happened not just like that. My case demonstrates the futility of attempts to reduction science to prove that there is only this material world and that consciousness or soul - mine, Whether is not the greatest and most important mystery of the universe.

I am a lively denial.

See also: