Pyramid location schemes on the globe. Great secrets of the world

Pyramids are the most ambitious structures, erected by humanity in the entire history of the existence, lost in the darkness of times.

Across the land, as if, according to a single plan and accurate calculations, almost simultaneously, ambitious structures were constructed to ensure the existence of future civilizations.

The locations of the pyramids have long been born and existence of the most great divine rules of the Earth. In all centuries, people bowed in front of the pyramids, the special energy seats of their location attracted people, mystical cults held in the pyramids, made these places sacred.

According to scientists, the pyramids ensure the existence and regulation of life on the planet, they were alternately built representatives of the oldest primitives on Earth: Lemurians and Atlanta. Built according to a single plan, the pyramids stabilized the movement of the Earth in orbit around the Sun.

Pyramid location on Earth:

Eastern Hemisphere - Egypt, Tibet, China, Sudan, Japan, Bosnia, Korea, England, Crimea, Mozambique, Morocco, Namibia, Australia.

West Hemisphere - Mexico, Peru, Area Bermuda Islands, Central part of Brazil, the seabed at Easter Island.


There are about 100 pyramids on the territory of Egypt, but the unrivaled miracle of the world is considered to be the Pyramid complex in Giza, located on the left bank of the Nile near Cairo: 3 big pyramids -Heople, Hefren, Micheryina, 7 small pyramids - companion and large Sphinx.

The height of the Great Pyramid of Heops - 146.6 meters, Hefrena - 143.6 meters, Micherina - 66.4 meters. The Heopps pyramid consists of 2 million stone blocks, its weight is 6.5 million tons, the base area is 190 thousand square meters, an inclination angle is 52 degrees.

Egypt's pyramids are built from huge stone blocks weighing from 0.5 to 400 tons. A quarry, which produced stone blocks for the construction of the pyramids of the Giza complex, is located in the area of \u200b\u200bAswan, almost 1,000 km from Pyramid Giza.

The most famous Pyramids of Egypt: Heops, Heffren, Micheer - on the Plateau Giza, Joserav Sakkare, Huba in Curl-El Eriane, Pink and broken Pyramid Snofer in Dakhura, Usurkafa in Sakkare, Sakhura and Neferra in Abusir, Senuserti I, Unasa and Peopi II in Sakkare, Amenhehet III in Dakhshire, Maida Pyramid.


The pyramids of central Americaevar mayine modeling riddles are no less than the Pyramids of Egypt. The most mysterious is the pyramids in the city of Teotihuakan - "City of the Gods".

The two largest pyramids are the pyramid of the Sun Pyramid. Pyramids made of stone blocks weighing about 20 tons each. The stones were delivered to the construction site from the Kamenolomen, located for 100 km from the place of construction of the pyramids. The pyramid of the Sun weighs 2.5 million tons, its length is 253 meters, width - 240 meters, height - 72 meters.

On the Yucatan Peninsula there is a complex of temples and pyramids of Chichen Iza. The Pyramid of the Cukulkan-"Pernomate Snake", 25 meters high, has 9 levels, at the base of the pyramid there is a square with a side of 55.5 meters, four wide stairs rise from its parties, each of which has 91 steps.

If the number of stairs to multiply the number of stairs and view the platform on the top of the pyramid, on which the temple is standing like another step, the number of days per year is 91x4 + 1 \u003d 365. The pyramid is built and is focused in such a way that in the days of the spring and autumn equinox, the game of shadows and light creates the illusion of the pyramid of a giant snake along the northern staircase. Scientists concluded that the pyramid was based on the calendar principle, and the pyramid had astronomical importance.

In the suburbs, the round pyramid is mexicoomed, partially covered with a lava from the Hitle-Pyramid of Kuykulko, a height of no more than 18 meters, a diameter of 120 meters. According to geologists and archaeologists, the pyramid is possible about 5 thousand years.

For the first time, the Pyramid excavated by the Mexican archaeologist Manuel Gamiov197. Scientists believe that this is the oldest pyramid structure of the new light - the predecessor of Teotihuacan. Kuykulko - "Rainbow Scene" may have been the oldest city of Central Mesoamerics, a contemporary of the civilization of Olmekov.

The pyramid of Cheolul in Mexico - the pyramid of the Toltec times. The length of the base is 440 meters, the height is 77 meters, the volume is over 3 million cubic meters. Hope's pyramid in volume less than 900 cubic meters.

For the assumption of scientists mexican pyramid About 6 centuries.


In Tibet, there is a mountain mirror-pyramidal complex of Kailas, named "Matrix of Life on Earth". In 1999, the expedition of the Russian scientist feet in Tibet is the largest complex of the pyramids in the world: more than 100 pyramids and various monuments focused on the sides of the light and arranged around the main pyramid - sacred Mountain Kailas about 6700 meters high.

According to the estimated calculations, the height of the rest of the pyramids of the complex is between 100 to 1800 meters (the height of the pyramidyopes-146.6 meters). These pyramids, like mexican, are characterized by a layered (stepped) structure.

A distinctive feature of Tibetan pyramids is their pairing with huge concave and flat stone structures that scientists figuratively called "mirrors." The dimensions of these "stone mirrors" are truly huge.

For example, the height of a concave "mirror", which Lama is called the "House of a Happy Stone", is about 800 meters, which is almost three times more than 100 storey skyscrapers. The action of these "mirrors" is similar to the action of the mirrors of Kozyrev, which create an energy information space with the changed time characteristics.

According to scientists, such structures seem to play a role not only of "time vehicles" to transition to parallel space-time worlds, but also shielded energies, "collected" pyramid, combining them with energy flows from other pyramids and "mirrors" .

Scientists came to the conclusion that the complex of the Pyramid of Kailas, the so-called "city of the gods", was built by representatives of the highly developed civilization, which was subject to gravity, they knew the laws of time and subtle energies and were able to manage them. It is assumed that the "city of the gods" was built by representatives of the ancient Atlantis on the basis of knowledge obtained from the so-called "gold plates" of Lemurians. One of the monuments of the complex personifies the "reading person."


In Central China, approximately 100 kilometers from the Siance Mountain of Shanxi, a complex of giant pyramids is located, the height of the largest of which is about 300 meters (twice the great pyramid in Giza). For the first time about Chinese pyramids in the West, it became widely known in 1947, when they accidentally discovered American pilots flying over the terrain.

German researcher Hartwig Hausdorf in 1994 managed to penetrate the closed area of \u200b\u200bShaanxi Province and make a photo report about Chinese pyramids. From the diaries of Australian traders who visited Shaanxi in 1912, Hausdorf managed to learn about the Buddhist monk, who said that the pyramids are mentioned in the ancient records stored in the monastery.

For about 5 thousand years, but there are pyramids there are called "very old, built in the ancient emperors who said that they were taking place from the Sons of the sky, who came to the ground on their fiery metal dragons" . According to researchers, the total number of pyramids in the region exceeds hundreds, all of them are made of clay, but for the past centuries and the Millennium clay on hardness has become almost like a stone.


The oldest pyramids of Sudan, created in the VIII century BC, are nearby modern City Karima, near the fourth threshold of the Nile. They were built by the rulers of the king of Kush, which, won the southern limits of Egypt, adopted the ancient traditions of the land of pharaohs, among which - the construction of the pyramids.

Sudan's pyramids are less majestic and massive than Egyptian, they are half covered with sands. The pyramids are built from sandstone blocks, under the pyramids, cameras and galleries in the rocky array. The royal necropolis was located near the attacks, the capital of the Kushitsky kingdom.

Near the attacks, at the foot of the Holy Mountain Jebel Barcal, one of the greatest sanctuations of the Nile Valley - the Temple of Amon. The temple was laid in the XV century. BC. egyptian pharaohs. Kushita expanded the complex and made it the main shrine of their kingdom.


In the spring of 2006, at the foot and on the slopes of the hill hill, the geologists started the stone blocks with the traces of processing and polishing, which they believe is lined with the pyramid.

Historians believe that a hill is 646 meters high under the name of the vowers actually hides the man-made stepped pyramid.

The hill has a proper geometric shape, hill slopes - at an angle of 30 degrees. Seismic sounding of the soil showed an extensive network of underground corridors, which extend a few kilometers and have extensive cameras. The scientist failed to learn when the Giant Construction was erected, but it is known that people live in the valley high already more than 7 thousand years.


In the town of Peña-de Bernal, archaeologists found a huge mountain that resembles their outlines to the pyramid. Previously, under this mountain, the pyramid were mines where precious metals were mined. The English pyramid is considered to be Glastonbury Hill. In the medieval literature, stories were disseminated that it was in Glastonbury that Joseph Arimafi's life finished his life and he delivered the Holy Grail here.

Another pyramid in England is the Earthy Pyramid Sillier Hill, a 40-meter artificial (chalk) Kurgan near Avbury. This is the highest of prehistoric artificial mounds in Europe and one of the world's largest. The appointment of Kurgan is still subject to disputes.

Found not far from the famous ancient City - Stonehenge Observatory, English pyramids are digging and explored by British scientists. According to scientists, their famous observatory city, much younger than the age found near the pyramid. It is possible that Stonehenge was built in order to somehow adjust the work located near the pyramids.


A group of scientists led by Professor Vitaly Goch, practicing the method of geohydrodiagnostics in the study of the geological structure of the Crimean Peninsula, made a sensational discovery. Location on Southern Shore Crimea from Sevastopol to Forosbilo discovered7 pyramids, whose age is approximately such as the pyramid of Tibet.

They are located on the same line from the north-west to the south-east in the Sevastopol zone, from Cape Chersonesos to Cara Sarych along the coastal line. On the same line there is Stonehenge, Tibet's pyramids and sunken Pyramids of Easter Island. The height of Sevastopol pyramids, isolated from limestone blocks, is 45-52 meters, and their vertices are almost at the level of the ground surface.


In 1991, the famous oceanographer Vellag Meyer stated that during the examination of the bottom of the famous Bermuda triangle with the help of special equipment, two giant pyramids were discovered at a depth of 600 meters, in size exceeding the Egyptian pyramid of Heops.

According to the scientist, according to the characteristics of echo signals, the surface of the structure of the pyramidal shape, perfectly smooth, from the material similar to very thick glass or polished ceramics.

In 2001, the Expedition of Oceanologists was investigated by the bottom of the Cuban Gulf Guanaacabibes and at a depth of 670 meters found a city spread in the territory of 40 kilometers. It turned out to be a huge plateau with clear outlines, resembling huge architectural structures in the form of pyramids, rectangles, huge balls made from processed granite blocks.


The Mausoleum of Tanguanov is the placing of Kandon near Pyongyang, made in the form of a pyramid about 22 meters high and 50 meters at the base. The complex is located on the slopes of Mount Tabaxan. Historians and archaeologists South Korea They believe that Mausoleum is 4 thousand years old.


At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, pyramid and amazing were discovered with scuba temple complexresting on sea Dn. At the island of Yonaguni, in the western part of the Japanese archipelago.

According to scientists, this complex could rise above the water surface of at least 10 thousand years ago, when the water level in the world ocean was 40 meters below the current one.

Historians point to the similarity of the underwater terraces of Yonaguni with highland temple complexes in South America, in particular with the ancient buildings of Incas - Saksaihuan and Kenko, completely chopped in the rocks of the Peruvian Andes.

A group of researchers discovered the sculptural image of the human head at the bottom, in the characteristic headdress from feathers, clearly echoes with similar sculptures of Central America.

The Japanese stepped pyramid looks like a pyramid Joserav Egypt. Blinds are covered and neatly laid with five steps into the zigarate-stepped pyramid. Side The base of the pyramid is 180 meters, height is 30 meters.

Professors of geology that studied the underwater complex believe that the mysterious five-speed structure was created artificially more than 10 thousand years ago, when the bottom in the island area was still land, that is, at the end of the last ice age.

He is a special historical personality, a person who passed through the Ascension fifty-two thousand years ago. For sixteen thousand years, he was one of the rulers of Atlantis under the name of Chillytite Arlitch Vomalitetes. As a result of the experiments of the "gray" planet, the Earth became unpromising, with which it was according to all the space community, but not the one. Many ascended teachers, anticipating the death of civilization and the planet, left the Earth, turning into space wanders. He preferred to be on Earth as a teacher, try to save the earth and help humanity to achieve a certain level of consciousness. That almost two thousand years wandered through space; She visited many planets, watched their inhabitants, studied. Then he returned to the ground. Wandering in space, he got the drawing of the grille of Christ of Consciousness. With the former rulers of the Atlantis RA and Araragot, friends went to the territory, and later known as KhEM and the current Egypt. The energy bundle initializing the planetary level, in the form of a rod, begins in Egypt, permeates the ground and goes out on the other side near Tahiti through the island of Moorea. Both ends of the rod are surrounded by a logarithmic spiral, the projection of which is discarded to the ground. To begin with, with her friends, built three pyramids in the "four-dimensional" space and initialized them in our three-dimensional dimension, placing them on the line of projection of the Spiral of Christ Consciousness. This was balanced by the planet's energy flows, and during transition processes that began about thirteen thousand years ago (when the Earth had to die), with the help of a thousand six hundred ascended teachers, formed a planetary mercabu. Thanks to all these efforts, they were able to prevent a catastrophe, but at the end of three and a half days, in the continuation of which they controlled the orbit and the Earth's axis, the year was 365 days and not 360, as before, and the planet was lowered at a lower level.
Further, the third part of the Ascended Teachers sent to Lake Titicaca and to the island of the Sun, where they founded the Great Empire Inca. Another part of the teachers landed on the Himalayas, and the rest remained in Egypt. These three places were chosen from the consideration of planetary geometry to create a synthetic crystal lattice of Christ's Consciousness of the Earth. The Egyptian aspect became the male knot of the crystal lattice, the island of the Sun became a female node, and the Himalayan aspect was the neutral knot of the crystal lattice.
From this point on, the era of the revival of mankind came, but also nine thousand years after the death of the Atlantis, the remains of the saved mankind were in an unconscious state. They returned to the barbaric state and were forced to resort to major survival instincts. All this time, the ascended teachers kept knowledge preserved since the time of Atlantis, for which they created temples - knowledge storage facilities.


Crimean pyramids are already named the most loud Archaeological discovery of the XXI century. They were opened in april 2001.. Giant underground facilities whose age apparently surpasses Egyptian artifacts, reality. It is possible that these are remnants ancient civilization, significantly ahead of the existing in development.

The first pyramid was discovered on the north-western outskirts of Sevastopol. The dimensions of the underground facilities are really impressive. In the lower base, the length of each side 72 meters With a height 45 meters. This is the ratio 1:1,6 is, by the way, standard for all pyramidsfound on earth. The tip of the stepped pyramid is in five meters From the surface, and all the construction is placed in a kind of pocket or cave repeating its contours.

We start cautious descent. Immediately leave all the sounds and incredible peace and relief poured the body. First, due to the coolness - temperature at the level 18 degrees. And secondly, the air resembling a favorite freshness.

After fifteen meters, the legs are descending rest in the protrusion of the width of about a meter. This is the first step of the pyramid. The surface of the floor and the inclined wall is surprisingly smooth, especially if you consider the desired age - not less 7-10 thousand years old!

Ten meters below, at the mark 25 meters, Archaeologists have discovered an unusual structure in the wall - something like an oval subject protruding outwards. Two days tried to extract it and eventually broke. And almost died - the oval turned out to be hollow and included a huge amount of compressed carbon dioxide or similar to it. Then they already found out that such cavities are inserted into the walls at equal intervals in a strict order resembling crystal lattice. And then barely managed to get out.

But the case made paying attention to the structure of the material, and it turned out that the cyclopic structure was composed of ... Giant transistors. Or rather structures that are strongly reminiscent of semiconductor devices. But in general, it turns out that the entire pyramid is incredible sizes and complexity of the chip, or, it will be more correct to say, Megashem! For which she could need and whatever the forces manipulated, even terribly think.

I get a coin and throw down. The next step should be in a meter with a little, but no sound. Some time ago, one of the researchers at the mark of thirty-six meters dropped down the powerful lantern included. And also nothing - neither the lace of light, no sound. This, by the way, another mystery.

Scientists, computing the actual height of the pyramid, have not yet been able to detect the bottom of the cavity, where it is placed.

Once at the top, sit on Earth for some time. We are confident that for moments there, below, the clock or even days went upstairs - as if we got in touch with eternity. And to return to reality, it takes time - come to yourself.

This is what everyone feels inside. Some anomaly with time, as if at the bottom and outside it flows differently. Maybe on the share of moments, but it feels.

Opened the pyramid of geophysics quite by chance. Group Vitaly Anatolyevich Goha, working according to the method of geogolography (another know-how of geophysicists), was looking for in the vicinity of Sevastopol comfortable places For the drilling of artesian wells (the lack of pure water - the long-standing trouble Crimea and the group of Goha was created for this: exploration of underground water sources for everyday use). Completely by chance, scientists stumbled upon narrow super-frequency radiation (microwave), the source of which was mysteriously localized near the surface of the Earth.

Having laid several test wells, geophysics and stumbled upon the pyramid. Then, passing along the southern shore of the Crimea, they also found seven more pyramids on the segment from Sevastopol to Cape Sarych (the southernmost point of the Crimea) located on the strict direct and equally oriented in space northwest Vector.

The upper limit of the age of the facility was determined almost immediately. The fact is that just above the pyramid was an ancient simplest structure that archaeologists considered the granaries ancient peoplewho lived no less 5 thousand years ago. When the pyramids were actually built, it is difficult to imagine, it is interesting that Vitaly goa attitude towards them as alive. Although, if you know some facts, it is difficult to disagree with it.

Curious item, in the group there is an employee who suffers from severe heart disease and without chanting tablets per day can not live in general. But he was enough to descend once to feel better. And after two weeks of regular work inside, he generally refused medicines.

-It is a fact. Each of the guys had old sores. So, the improvement or complete cure was all- Approves GOH.

Why, the day after the descent, one of us was surprised to find that the wart, tormented by the heel from childhood, disappeared without a trace.

One tourist told that after visiting the pyramid, it was normalized monthly cycles. That is, there was hope for conceiving a child.

However, it was worth the scientist to begin to dwell the wall to break through directly inside, as incomprehensible things began to occur.

-The exactly the radiation intensified so much that the films in the cameras began to be launched, even the simplest devices like a compass, and inside the new lantern batteries discharged literally in minutes, "the scientist says. - But the most important thing is people. Strudes began, inexplicable, I apologize, diarrhea. The head was completely sick regularly. People walked like in a dream: stumbled in a flat place, everything was crawling out of the hands. We were forced to stop work. Two weeks later, everything was normalized - the pyramid began to treat again.

Scientists believe that some protection worked.

-Finely, it is not alive, but if it is a certain installation, it was supposed to be managed by the system like our computer. Simply put, she - or they have an artificial intellect, given the complexity of the entire object, and it does not allow us to penetrate inside, where even more complex equipment may be, radiating radiation. And, by the way, explains their underground location - elementary protection against radiation.

And here we approached the next sensation. Having left some spatial and other characteristics of the Crimean pyramids on the map of the geophysical radiation of the Earth, scientists suggested that such objects exist at other points of the planet. Three countries were calculated - England, Mauritania and Australia - Even the approximate coordinates.

Through the Internet there were sent messages. And a few days ago, the news was obtained that the corresponding source of radiation coinciding according to the characteristics with the Crimean, was found there.

And recently came a sensational message: Objects were found in England and Mauritania, and in Australia, a group of enthusiasts was already gathered, ready to start research in the alleged area. If the pyramids are found there, then we can assume that the theory of Goha on communication with the stars will receive its confirmation.

- Do you imagine what it means? In the world existed planetary civilizationwhich we did not know anything - Says Vitaly Goch. - This is a coup at all in the worldview. And moreover, these creatures could be able to control incredible forces. I assume that these pyramids could be used to get free energyFor example, from vacuum. There is a theory that clean vacuum - this is energy form. Maybe with the help of the pyramids fought with earthquakes and volcanoes, and maybe they managed the weather and controlled the ecology on a global scale. Maybe they were used to communicate with space objects? You know, I feel just a guide that they have some attitude to the stars. It is very mathematically definitely selected their location relative to each other.

But the most important thing is indisputable: humanity on the threshold of a new jerk in development - our hands got the key to knowledge of the incredible in its intellectual power of civilization, who, by the way, in full harmony with nature. This is said to the principles of construction of the pyramids. That is, these are people from the golden age, which there are legends from each people on Earth ...

One visitors tells the following:

- Do you know that it is impossible to sleep on the site? I tried to lie on at night on the boards above the entrance, ran away after 20 minutes, a strange feeling. Do not convey, but something is going on there ...

Pyramid researchers say:

-We have long been registering any signals. There are several records, the pyramid radiates mainly in the ultra-low-frequency band.

According to the materials of the newspaper "World of News"

On the Kola Peninsula of Russia Murmansk region, near the famous Lake Seydozero, the Mountain called Ningurt (NINCH "- Women's Breasts, and" URT "- mountain Ridge, array). The lake received his name from the Sami "Seid" - "The Holy Stone, in which the soul of Shaman". Native local residents Saama still master this area of \u200b\u200bLujaorrh, which is in the translation of the Mountains of the Lake Power.

At first glance it may seem that these are completely natural natural mining education and if so, it is beautiful, the article comes out under the hype familiarityNo longer pretending to anything. However, with a more detailed study of the geographical surroundings of Krasnoyarsk (Russia), quite interesting details begin to pull up.

El Brujo (EL Brujo) - the locality in Peru, on the very coast of the Pacific Ocean, where archaeological excavations were carried out and where the real stone ancient pyramids are located. Not far from the Chicama River in the La Libertad region, and thirty kilometers north Trujillo (Trujillo), Magdalena de Cao district. At 100 - 750 Our era lived a culture of urine here, but the buildings themselves are dating supposedly 2500 BC. Pretty well preserved painting on the walls, the pictures and patterns are clearly visible, unlike other objects in the local places. As for the proximity of the water - near Pacific Ocean And the Delta of the Chikama River, everything is obvious.

In the mid-1990s, fragments of 26 structures similar in their structure with ancient cult pyramids were found in Greece. Of the twenty six (although the exact amount of them could not be established, more often refer to such a definition of "no less than five to six") the pyramid at the Elleniko village (Helliniko), on the southeast outskirts of the Argolidal Plain, are preserved.

We quote Wikipedia:

Pyramid Cestia (ITAL. PIRAMIDE DI CAIO CESTIO or ITAL. Piramide Cestia.) - Ancient Roman Mausoleum in the form of an irregular pyramid on Auntine in Rome, next to the gate of San Paolo.

The pyramid is located on the fork of two ancient roads: the Otsee and the other leading to the West to the Tiber River approximately along the modern Via Della Marmorata. Built between 18 and 12. BC e. For Guy Tseasty Epulon, magistrate and a member of one of the four Great Roman priests, septemviri Epulonum. It is a beautifully preserved construction of concrete, lined with brick and marble. The height is 125 Roman feet (or 36.4 meters), the base length is 100 Roman feet (30 meters). Inside the pyramid is a crypt with a length of 5.95 m, a width of 4.10 m and a height of 4.80 m. Next - a noncatolic cemetery with Shelly's graves, Kits and Bryullov.

The Begazin Pyramid is a unique architectural pyramidal "mausoleum", it was discovered in steppe Kazakhstan near the city of Karaganda in 2016.One of one official versions, Saryarka PyramidAs it is also called, refers to the Began-Dandybaevsky culture, the epoch of late bronze, and was erected in Saryarka more than 3,000 years ago, allegedly for the kagan (leader) of the local powerful tribe.

In the very center of the capital, Peru, in the 9-Milion Megapolis Lima, one of major cities South AmericaLocated on the arid Pacific coast, there are two huge stone pyramids Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca. Historical information on them is very little, at least a copying found in RuNet does not really want, so who and when they built them, let's say so, unknown.

Pyramids Uak del Sol (Sun Temple) and Uaka de la Moon (Luna Temple) are located on the Pacific Coast Peru near the city of Trujillo, as well as relative to the pyramids in the valley Lambayeque, the previous article is dedicated to them.


  • Waka del Sol 8 ° 7 "54.67" Yu 78 ° 59 "41.52" s
  • Uaka de la Moon 8 ° 8 "5.00" Yu 78 ° 59 "25.58" s

When the Pyramids of Tukuma were built exactly built in the valley LambayequeQue will tell you how usually, with a large stretch. According to one version, their construction is attributed tribes that came to the change of culture of mechik, oriented in the X-XI centuries, that is, we are dealing (Again, I repeat, most likely) With a civilization Sican, the story of which has already met on our website in research materials about the 11th century. D.jealous city of 26 pyramidsTukuma (Túcume) Local residents are also called " Purgatory"(Span. Purgatorio. ), I.this amazing archaeological complex is located near the town of Chiclayo on the North Coast of the Pacific Ocean.

Akapan Pyramid (Tiaanako, Tiwanaku), Bolivia, South America.

In the language of Aimar, the word "Akapana" translates the place where people die. Well, quite a natural name, given the analogies with the ancient archaeological legacy "Egyptian Book of the Dead", "The Dead Road" in Teotihuakan, Mohenjo Daro - "The Hill of the Dead", Bald Mountain - Shabash Witch and so on. It can be seen, no wonder modern archeology and history created such unattractive labels, in order to scare the interest of curious and learning. But back in Tiaanako, which is pyramid Akapana - This is a 15-meter bulk mound, with the size of the base side of about 200 meters, with a projection of a three-step form with a wide party facing the east, and narrow to the West.

Cholula - The ancient city of Toltec in Mexico, which has become a world name due to a huge pyramid having the second name Tlachiuhaltetetl (Naiam in translation - "man-made mountain"). The name speaks for itself, the pyramid in Cholul is the most massive in all Mexico, its lengths of length at the base of 440 m, and the height of 77 meters. By the way, in volume it exceeds even Egyptian

Where are the pyramids in Egypt?The main places of their location are (from north to south) Abu Roaš, Giza, Abusir, Saccara, Dashur, Medum, Havar and Lahun. Pyramids of Egypt on the map You can see on the left.

The famous pyramid complexes are in Giza - suburb of modern Cairo. And it is here that tourists are going to see this miracle of light. But the colossal structures in Giza are only part of the "pyramid" heritage of the ancient Egyptians. Egypt's Pyramids on the map You can see in other places.

Today, scientists know about a hundred facilities of the pyramid form of the period of the ancient and middle kingdom. Some of them turned into ruins, since they were not entirely built of stone blocks, like pyramids III and IV dynasties, and using also in large quantity and bricks. Therefore, to say exactly how much such structures were built in ancient Egypt, while difficult. Archaeological excavations continue.

To date, Egyptologists have identified 97 pyramidal structures. Most of them are on a strip of about 40 km long, which stretches to the north-west and southeast from the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis, where the junction of Lower and Upper Egypt is located.

Here, on the edge of the Western desert, on the rocky plateau, inaccessible to the Nile spills, but suitable for its strength and the rich necessary material for the construction of super heavy structures, and unfolded for many centuries "pyramid" construction.

Abu-Roahas is the pyramid structure of Pharaoh IV Dynasty of Jedfra.

The most famous are in Giza

In Giza, there is the most famous pyramid ensemble in the world - the tomb of the pharaohs of the IV dynasty of Heops, Hefren and Micheryina. As a rule, only they remember when the question is heard "where the pyramids in Egypt are." And there is nothing surprising - Hoeop's pyramid complexes and Hefren are the highest stone structures in the world. All three giants have survived, despite the past millennia, much better than the overwhelming majority of later pyramidal structures of Egypt. The tomb of Heops's Pharaoh (Hufa) is only a few meters above the tomb of his son (Hafra), but much more grandson (Mencar), who climbed the royal throne after him. Now the burial structure of the huof is there is no top, which reduces its height of 7-8 meters, and it was originally equal to 146-147 meters. This is the height of the modern 50-60 storey house. Its foundation lies the right square with a side with a length of 232 meters. The south of the pyramid complex of Heops, opposite the pyramid structure of Hefren, is the famous large Sphinx - a colossal stone monster with a body of a lion and head of Pharaoh. Plateau Giza thanks to three giants acquired world fame.

Abusir and Saccara

South of Giza, in Abusir, there is a group of pyramidal structures of pharaohs V dynasty - Sakhura, Niiserra, Neferirirhar and Neferraf (Ranefern). They are inferior in their sizes in Giza.

Giant necropolis in Saccar is divided into two parts - North and South. In Saccar, there is the most ancient pyramid design of Egypt - the step tomb of Pharaoh Josrara. It was during its construction that the foundations of the entire pyramid construction were laid, which then found their continuation in other similar buildings. Here are the pyramidal complexes of pharaohs III (Cumshot), IV (Schissekafa), V (Usorkafe, Jedcara, Unice), VI (Aunt, Pepi I, Merenra, Pepi II) and VIII (Ibi) dynasties.

Necropolis in Dashure

In the necropolis Dashur, two pyramidal structures were well preserved, which in their sizes stand in one row with the pyramid complexes of Giza. Especially impressive construction with "broken" faces with a height of almost 100 meters. Almost not inferior to her "Red" Or otherwise "pink" pyramida Mahina. They both were built by the pharaoh of the IV Dynasty of Snofra, the father of Huf (Heops). Also in Dashure there are pyramid complexes of the pharaohs of the XII dynasty of Amenhette II and Amememethet III.

Snowframe is this great builder, erected another pyramid design in the medum (see the map of Ancient Egypt). Egyptologists believe that it was the first of the pyramidal structures by Snofra. She never was completed, but the fact that it remains above, above and more the pyramid buildings of many other pharaohs, which ruled significantly later.

Not far from Havars - an ancient city, from which almost nothing remains, there are remains of another Pyramid complex of Pharaoh XII Amememethet Dynasty III (another pyramid structure, which is associated with the name of this Pharaoh is located in Dashure).

In Lahun, there is a pyramid complex (his remnants) Pharaoh XII of SENUSERT II dynasty.

That is, Egypt's pyramids on the map are located in the northern part of the country, relatively close to modern Cairo. And only one royal tomb of the pyramidal form is in the southern part of the country - in Abidos, where the founder of the XVIII Pharaoh Dynasty Yahmm I (OK.1570-1546 BC) elevated his tomb. It is also the last royal structure of the pyramidal form, ever built in ancient Egypt.

The main pyramid complexes of Egypt



Years of board



(2668-2649 BC)

Sakkara (North)


(2649-2641 BC)

Sakkara (North)


(2641-2637 BC)




(2613-2589 BC)


Dashur (South)


Dashur (North)

Hufu (Heops)

(2585-2566 BC)


(2566-2558gg. BC)

Hafra (Hefren)

(2558-2532 BC)

Menkura (Micherin)

(2532-2514 BC)


(2514-2494 BC)

Sakkara (South)


(2494-2487 BC)

Sakkara (North)

Sun Temple Urikafa


(2487-2475 BC BC)


(2475-2455GG. BC)

Neferraphra (Ranefern)

(2448-2445 BC)


(2445-2421 BC)

Temple of the Sun Notzerra



(2421-2413 BC)


Abusir (?)

Jedcara Isaes

(2413-2381gg. BC)

Sakkara (South)


(2381-2345 BC)

Sakkara (North)


(2345-2313GG. BC)

Sakkara (North)

Pepi I.

(2313-2279. BC)

Sakkara (South)


(2279-2270GG. BC)

Sakkara (South)

Pep II.

(2279-2181 BC)

Sakkara (South)

(Dates are unknown)

Sakkara (South)


Amenheet I.

(1991-1962 BC)


(1962-1917. BC)

Amenheet II.

(1917-1882g. BC)


(1882-1878 BC)

el Lahun.


(1878-1841 BC)

Amenheet III

(1841-1796 BC)

Amenheet III


(1790-1786 BC)

Mazgun (4 km south of Dashura)



(Dates are unknown)

Sakkara (South)

It will also be interesting to see.

See also: